EPL 3 – Week 3 Professional Knowledge Domain Knowing learners & learning

EPL 3 – Week 3 Professional Knowledge Domain Knowing learners & learning

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EPL 3 – Week 3

Professional Knowledge DomainKnowing learners & learning

Professional knowledge domain… what are the two standards??

Standard 1Know students and how they learnStandard 2Know the content and how to teach it

How are you going with the standardsProfessional Knowledge

Professional Practice

Professional Engagement

Standard 1Know students and how they learn

Standard 3Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

Standard 6Engage in professional learning

Standard 2Know the content and how to teach it

Standard 4Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments

Standard 7Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers and the community

Standard 5Assess, provide feedback and report on student learning

Standard 1 – Know students and how they learn

Standard 2 – Know the content and how to teach it

1.1 Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students

2.1 Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area

1.2 Understand how students learn 2.2 Content selection and organisation

1.3 Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds

2.3 Curriculum, assessment and reporting

1.4 Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students

2.4 Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians

1.5 Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities

2.5 Literacy and numeracy strategies

1.6 Strategies to support full participation of students with disability

2.6 Information and Communications Technology

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students & perspectives No single Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander

way of learning – be careful of generalisations Possible findings to consider

Learnt by observation, modelling & imitation not talking and listening

Learning through trial & errors rather than words and instruction

Learning that is directly relevant to their own lives (& through doing)

Learning in context-specific activities – having to do it

Students with disabilities and different abilities Knowledge about the child Knowledge about their special disability

or learning needs Knowledge about appropriate

adjustments & strategies

Qld – disabilities recognised Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Hearing Impairment Intellectual Impairment Physical Impairment Speech Language Impairment Vision Impairment

Differentiation? What does it look like? I cater to different


Examining student work and profiling information talking to parents, past teacher, guidance officers,

SEU, support staff, about any information they have on the child and how they best learn

Talking to the child about their strengths and interests, working out a way to use these as a hook into learning.

Thinking about appropriate adaptations, strategies, resources, assessment tasks in advance

Locating/making specific resources appropriate for/catering to the interests of specific students.

Working with support staff on curriculum related plans, creation of resources & strategies and adjustments

Following up and communicating with child, support staff and parents about what is happening and what will happen.

What does it mean if you view the curriculum from the bottom up perspective?

What are the features of great lessons that demonstrates professional knowledge about students and content?

KAZAKSTAN – best lesson challenge

Best lesson plan ever?

Why would this example win a prize as a great lesson plan?

What are the features of a great lesson/ great lesson plan?? Is this ‘international’?

How are aspects such as relevance, context-specific learning that recognises different learners and their learning styles catered for?

In pairs create your list of top 10 principles.

Components of lesson plans – Excellence in teaching model 1. Anticipatory Set (focus) - A short activity or prompt that focuses the students'

attention before the actual lesson begin and hooks them in. 2. Purpose (objective) & expectations - The purpose of today's lesson, why the

students need to learn it, what they will be able to "do", and how they will show learning as a result.

3. Input and co-construction - The vocabulary, skills, and concepts shared with or built with students - the "stuff" the kids need to know in order to show their learning.

4. Modelling (show) - The teacher shows in graphic form or demonstrates what the finished product looks like - a picture worth a thousand words.

5. Guided Practice (follow me) - The teacher leads the students through the steps necessary to perform the skill using the a multi-modal approach - hear/see/do.

6. Checking For Understanding - The teacher uses a variety of questioning strategies to determine "Got it yet?" and to pace the lesson - move forward?/back up?

7. Independent Practice - The teacher releases students to practice on their own based on steps 3-6.

8. Closure – Sharing, checking, questioning, collecting work. A review or wrap-up of the lesson - "Tell me/show me what you have learned today".

Ineffective lesson plans Learning focus is not clear or specific Little effort to hook students in Activities do not relate to the learning focus Activities, language etc are not appropriate for the student group Focus is on teacher talk and ‘delivery’, not on student

engagement, interactions, contribution, practice, demonstration No consideration of different students, groups or contingencies Resources not specified or created Learning and understanding are not checked No summary, conclusion or sharing student work and


What would be in the world’s best lesson plan?

What are the basic components or sections?

What if we begin by thinking about:

Best Lesson in the World Challenge

Your task: Over the next three weeks your group will create the best lesson that you possibly can to begin the assigned unit and year level. You will use this as an opportunity to demonstrate the professional standards in a meaningful and cumulative way.

To prepare Identify key beliefs about learners and learning

that you will demonstrate through the lesson Identify the specific needs of your cohort Identify a specific context and location and

consider Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives

Decide on a template and form for presenting the lesson

Find and create all the necessary resources and tools to teach and assess this lesson

You will have 10 minutes to share your lesson with the group on April 2 and materials will also be uploaded to our shared wiki space.

This week’s focus 1 Students and how they learn

Next week’s focus2 Know the content and how to teach it3 Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning

The e-portfolio How do you deal with a new tool or

challenge? What are the key features of how you

learn? Let’s look at some examples to date

Standard 1 & the e-portfolio•Identify an artefact, lesson plan or reflection that show how you have taken into account students and how they learn•Annotate how it demonstrates your learning about the standard•Upload it to your e-portfolio

Next week Standards 2 & 3 Bring an example in a different learning

area (not English/Math) for structured sharing process

Time to work on challenge