Epic of Survival (RB Binasoy, 4Aug2012) Rev 1

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Case study of Ernest Shackleton: Epic of Survival as related to Organizational Behavior

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RB Binasoy / Epic of Survival / UB EMBA Intake 17

Case Study of “EPIC OF SURVIVAL – Ernest Shackleton’s Voyage to the South Pole”

By Reuben Q. Binasoy, SILVER Group, UB EMBA Intake 17

I. Most Compelling Facts / Main Learning Points

a. The Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition started out on August 8, 1914. The last of the

crew members were rescued on August 30, 1916. More than 2 years after they had set

out – in the face of the many dangers they faced during the failed expedition –

Shackleton mustered together the courage, willpower, wit, & leadership and brought

each and every member back home alive.

b. Shackleton assembled a group of men that were willing to go with him on a hazardous

journey. They were paid little, there were long months of complete darkness, and

constant danger. Safe return was doubtful. The only thing they would have gotten out

of it was honor and recognition. Other people would have thought them desperate or

crazy. Yet it’s most likely the allure of being in a Shackleton expedition that made them

go anyway. Such was the power that Shackleton wielded over them.

c. Ernest Shackleton provides a very good contrast vs. Rob Hall and Steve Fischer – group

leaders of the 1996 Mt. Everest tragedy. While all 3 can be said to have both formal and

personal power, Shackleton was able to harness his power effectively to rally the crew

to survival. His crew had well-defined roles and responsibilities. They were a team with

a common overriding goal – that of survival.

d. Shackleton put his people first. Yes, he was after fame & fortune but his sense of

responsibility for his men was stronger. Shackleton knew that the expedition will be

fraught with danger, but he also acknowledged that how the crew would behave could

prove to be the most unpredictable element in the situation. His people-centered

approach allowed him to know and acknowledged the abilities and personality of his

crew. He was able to capitalize on these strengths (and mitigate weaknesses) as the

crisis deepened.

e. Shackleton led by example. When he gave instructions to travel light, he tore 2 pages

of the Bible and leaving the rest in the snow. He also tossed away his gold coins. These

actions amplified his instruction. “Talk the talk, walk the walk” is an overused but rarely

practiced term. In the case of the Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition, this was on full


f. It is interesting to note that after months & months of despair, there was no mutiny

whatsoever (at least based on the article) that undermined Shackleton’s power. It can

be said that Shackleton’s crew had faith in him.

g. Shackleton also had trust in his men. Even though they had to break up into smaller

teams, he knew that he had other leaders that could lead the other teams. He left a big

group in Elephant Island, then a smaller one in South Georgia beach while he led 2 of his

men to over 22 miles of unchartered territory to the Stromness Bay whaling station.

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RB Binasoy / Epic of Survival / UB EMBA Intake 17

While he was indeed the overall leader, he also knew that he had to recruit and

cultivated other leaders that would take his place if needed.

h. As a leader, Shackleton demonstrated quick thinking and strategic agility. He was able

to adjust his targets and his tactics as the situation dictated. He kept his options open

and not despaired over trying to stick to one target destination. Once he knew that a

target island will not be realistically within reach, he quickly made up his mind on

secondary options. There was quick thinking in the face of much danger.

II. Consequences of Learning Points to Me and My Organization

a. A leader is only as good as his team. A great leader needs to be able to transform his

followers into leaders in their own right. In his book “5 Levels of Leadership”, John

Maxwell states that the highest leadership accomplishment is developing other leaders.

Being an effective leader means being able to inculcate a system or mentality that

allows the team to function even if it has to break up in sub-teams. The team should

have an overriding goal that dictates the members’ and/or the sub-teams’ actions.

b. Leadership can be situation-specific. Leadership could also mean taking a backseat

when the other members of the team have the better capabilities and competencies to

get the team through certain situations.

c. Strive to be both a transactional leader AND a transformational leader. A company in

crisis or undergoing major changes needs a full-range leader rather than just a

transactional one. A company aiming to grow in the regions where they have

traditionally been weak in needs leaders that can map out strategies and helm a

fledgling organization through the many bumps and bruises that it’s sure to encounter.

A leader must remain – or at least maintain the appearance of – calm and control in the

face of unrelenting pressure.

d. Strategic agility is a key competency for any leader. In the corporate world of key

competencies, it is touted to be one of the most important ones. Shackleton provides a

very good example of what to emulate. A great manager must be agile to be both

proactive and reactive. He must have his finger on the pulse of the situation – not be

stubborn to the point that he does not adjust even if the business environment requires

him to make an adjustment.

e. Effective management involves developing trust with peers, subordinates, and

superiors. In companies which operate and aim to grow globally, corporate HQ and the

regional units should operate in such a way that the regional units can trust that

corporate HQ will give them support for growth. Similarly, corporate HQ should trust

that their regional units know what they are doing. Trust is especially important in

times of crisis and major flux.

f. People matter. Any would-be leader should take this to heart. He can set the loftiest

goals, have the best strategies, and have vast resources at his disposal. But at the end

of the day, it’s his people that will determine his success. It will all be about how he

keeps them focused on the goal, how he keeps them motivated, how he harnesses the

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talent at his disposal, and how he holds the team together. Choose your “crew” for

character, not just competence.

III. Topic Mapping

a. Bases of Power

Shackleton had both formal power and personal power. He had legitimacy – being the

leader of the expedition. He had expert and referent power – given that he had

extensive experience for such journeys.

b. Transformational Leadership

It can be argued that Ernest Shackleton exhibited both transactional and

transformational leadership. He acknowledged that there was a crisis and had the

strategic agility to be able to change plans based on their conditions. He did not waver

on his resolve to get everybody home alive and remained positive about their chances.

Focusing on the aspects of transformational leadership –

Individualized Consideration

Shackleton treated everyone fairly. Everybody had his share of work to do, and

Shackleton himself was not above to doing the grunt work.

Intellectual Stimulation

The team remained rational despite all their ordeals. They were not desperately

grasping at straw but rather taking their cue from how Shackleton was weighing

options and deciding on a course of action.

Inspirational Motivation

Shackleton embodied what he wanted his men to feel. His actions served as

examples to inspire. He acknowledged that his men were looking to him for

morale and direction. He disguised his emotions and gave the appearance of

being confident and relaxed.

Idealized Influence

“The Boss” – as Shackleton was called by his men – had charisma. His actions

inspired his men’s actions. He had their utmost respect and trust.

c. The Fiedler Model

The success that “The Boss” had in leading his men can also be explained by this more

traditional contingency model. The situation they were in was perfect for task-oriented


d. Authentic Leadership: Ethics and Trust are the Foundation of Leadership

The most precious commodity that Shackleton had was trust. He had the complete

trust of his men, and he had trust in them. This allowed him to change strategies and

plans. This gave him the leeway to convince some to go with him on the James Caird for

another perilous sea crossing, and convinced the rest to stay in Elephant Island and that

he would come back for them. His decisions remained ethical, always using the

objective – that of getting everybody home alive – as his compass for making decisions.

Shackleton had authentic leadership.