Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the proposed construction of the new 88kV Kashan Substation with associated power line and access road to the existing Hekpoort Substation. Report Prepared for Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd Report Number 465044 Report Prepared by January 2015

Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the … · Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the proposed construction of the new 88kV Kashan Substation with associated

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Page 1: Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the … · Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the proposed construction of the new 88kV Kashan Substation with associated

Environmental Management Programme

(EMPr) for the proposed construction of the new 88kV Kashan Substation with associated power line and access road to the existing Hekpoort Substation.

Report Prepared for

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd

Report Number 465044

Report Prepared by

January 2015

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Environmental Management Programme

(EMPr) for the proposed construction of the new Eskom 88kV Kashan Substation with associated power line and access road to the existing Hekpoort Substation.

Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd

SRK Consulting (South Africa) Pty Ltd. Block A, Menlyn Woods Office Park

291 Sprite Avenue

Faerie Glen

Pretoria 0081

South Africa e-mail: [email protected] website: www.srk.co.za

Tel: +27 (0) 12 361 9821 Fax: +27 (0) 12 361 9912

SRK Project Number 465044

February 2015

Compiled by: Peer Reviewed by:

Fiona Evans Environmental Scientist

Andy Smithen Partner

Email: [email protected]


Fiona Evans; Linda Poll-Jonker; Manda Hinsch

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Executive Summary The purpose of the Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) is to provide the mitigation and

management measures required to ensure that social and environmental impacts, risks and liabilities

identified during the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process are effectively managed

during the construction and operations of the proposed Kashan substation and associated power line

connection to the existing Hekpoort substation. The construction of the substations will minimise the

voltage and performance constraints and allow for future connections and development in the area.

Summary of principal objectives

The key objectives of this EMPr are to:

Determine environmental and social impact mitigation and management measures to minimise

the impact of the proposed substations and associated power lines;

Formalise and disclose the programme for the environmental and social management of impacts

of the proposed substations and associated power lines;

Ensure compliance to environmental legislation and guidelines which may be local, provincial

and / or national;

Ensure sufficient resources are allocated on the project budget so that the scale of the EMPr

related activities are consistent with the significance of the identified environmental and social

impacts of the substations and associated power lines;

Provide feedback for continual improvement in environmental performance; and

Provide a framework for the implementation of environmental and social management initiatives.

Key Definitions and Abbreviations Used in this EMPr

Key definitions used in this EMPr are listed in Table 1-1.

Table 1-1: Key Definitions and Abbreviations Used in this EMPr

Term Definition

C Construction phase (in mitigation table).

Contractor Any provider of services, goods or people to Eskom for the purpose of the proposed development. These may directly or indirectly include contractors, sub-contractors, hired labour agencies and consultants. All contracted are required to draft and abide by a contractor specific EMP in line with the EMPr.

DEA Department of Environmental Affairs.

DWS Department of Water and Sanitation

Environmental Consultant An independent environmental consultant with experience in the assessment of environmental impacts associated with the proposed project, identification of appropriate and reasonable mitigation and management measures, and able to draft the EMPr applicable to the management of construction, operation and decommissioning and closure activities.

ECO Environmental Control Officer: The ECO is appointed by Eskom to ensure compliance to the EMPr and conditions of the EA during construction and provides proof of compliance documentation to the Project Management Team, and authorities, where required.

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment: The assessment of changes in the environment, whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or partly, resulting from the proposed activities associated with a project.

EA Environmental Authorisation: allows for the organisation to commence/continue with activities applied for in the EIA process as authorised in terms of Section 24 of NEMA.

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Term Definition

Environmental management Eskom employees that deal with environmental considerations in the management cycle of the Project, i.e. policy, planning and design, implementation (preconstruction, construction and operation), monitoring and corrective action and review.

EMPr Environmental Management Programme.

ERP Emergency response plan

Eskom Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd

GDARD Gauteng Department of Agricultural and Rural Development.

IFC International finance corporation.

Incident An undesired event that may result in an environmental, although can be managed through internal response and procedures.

I&APs Interested and affected parties: Any person who is directly or indirectly affected by the proposed project.

NWREAD North West Department of Rural, Environment and Agriculture Development.

NWPHRA North West Provincial Heritage Resources Authority

O Operational phase (in mitigation table).

PC Pre-Construction phase (in mitigation table)

Project Management Team The responsibility of the EMPr implementation resides on this team. This team may include a Project Manager and Section Leader and appointed contractors and consultants, including the ECO.

Programme Identifies a series of interrelated measures (often contained in detailed plans) for managing the environmental effects of the proposed project. A programme provides broad direction and covers more than one project phase.

PPP Public Participation Programme.

SAHRA South African Heritage Resources Agency.

SHE Safety, Health and Environment.

SHE officer A representative from each contractor, appointed as a Safety Health and Environmental Officer, assisting the construction manager on Safety, Health and Environmental aspects of the project on the construction site.

SRK SRK Consulting SA (Pty) Ltd.

TOPS Threatened or Protected Species specified by the NEM: Biodiversity act (2004).

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Table of Contents Executive Summary ..................................................................................................................................... ii

1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objectives of the Management Programme for the Substations and Power lines ............................. 2

1.3 Expertise of Authors of the EMPr ........................................................................................................ 3

1.4 Approach to Environmental Impact Management ............................................................................... 3

2 Organizational Structure and Responsibilities .......................................................... 4

2.1 The Project Management Team ......................................................................................................... 4

2.1.1 Project Manager ...................................................................................................................... 4

2.1.2 The Contractor (Including Sub-Contractors) ........................................................................... 4

2.1.3 The Environmental Control Officer .......................................................................................... 5

2.1.4 The Safety, Health and Environmental Officer of Eskom ........................................................ 5

3 The Proposed Substations and Associated Power Lines ......................................... 6

3.1 Planning and Design ........................................................................................................................... 6

3.2 Pre-construction and Construction ...................................................................................................... 6

3.3 Operation ............................................................................................................................................ 7

3.4 Closure ................................................................................................................................................ 7

4 Auditing and Corrective Action ................................................................................... 7

5 Site Documentation and Reporting ............................................................................. 8

6 Monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 8

7 Environmental Awareness Plan .................................................................................. 9

8 General Requirements ................................................................................................. 9

9 Management Review .................................................................................................... 9

Appendix A: Team CVs ................................................................................................... 21

Appendix B: Eskom Management Standards ................................................................ 22

List of Tables and Figures Table 1-1: Key Definitions and Abbreviations Used in this EMPr ................................................................. ii

Table 1-2: Approach to Impact Management ................................................................................................ 3

Table 9-1: Environmental Management Programme for the proposed Substations and associated Power line route. ................................................................................................................................... 10

Figure 1-1: The locality of the proposed Kashan substation and associated Powerline alternatives ................ 1

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1 Introduction

1.1 Background

Eskom is in the process of expanding their power supply grid by supplying additional substations to

areas in need of additional capacity and supplying electricity to areas with increasing electricity

demand in the North West and Gauteng Province.

The proposed project includes the construction of a new substation in Kashan and a power line of

approximately 13 km to the existing Hekpoort Substation. The proposed Kashan Substation falls

within the Gauteng Province, north-west of Krugersdorp and it is intended to alleviate the power

supply demands experienced by Eskom in the area and to provide electrical infrastructure for future


The proposed Kashan Substation will occupy a footprint of approximately 1.2 ha and will be

connected to the existing Hekpoort Substation via an 88 kV power line which runs approximately 13

km in a north easterly direction from Kashan (Gauteng Province) into the North West Province.

There are two proposed alternative routes for the power line which are indicated in Figure 1 below.

It is for this reason that Eskom propose to construct the following infrastructure the detail can be

seen in Figure 1-1:

Figure 1-1: The locality of the proposed Kashan substation and associated Powerline alternatives

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The purpose of the EMPr is to provide the mitigation and management measures to ensure that

social and environmental impacts, risks and liabilities identified during the Environmental Impact

Assessment (EIA) process are effectively managed during the construction, operations and closure

of the proposed Kashan substation and associated power line. The construction of the substations

will minimise the voltage and performance constraints and allow for future connections and

development in the area.

The EMPr specifies the mitigation and management measures to which Eskom is committed, should

the Environmental Authorisation (EA) be granted, and shows how Eskom will mobilise organisational

capacity and resources to implement these measures. The EMPr also shows how management

measures aimed at mitigation and enhancement will be scheduled.

1.2 Objectives of the Management Programme for the Substations and Power lines

The key objectives of the EMPr are to:

Formalise and disclose the programme for environmental and social management;

Ensure compliance to national and provincial environmental legislation and guidelines.

Ensure sufficient resources are allocated on the project budget so that the scale of the EMPr related activities are consistent with the significance of project impacts;

Provide feedback for continual improvement in environmental performance; and

Provide a framework for the implementation of environmental and social management initiatives.

Good practice , guided by the principals set out in the NEMA (Act 107 of 1998) section 2, require that

every reasonable effort be made to reduce and preferably to prevent negative impacts, while

enhancing positive benefits, especially within the communities most directly affected by the proposed

development. These principles have been guided the EIA process.

The EMPr has been compiled on the basis of the outcome of work undertaken during the EIA

process and represents legally binding management commitments of Eskom, should the

Environmental Authorisation (EA) be issued by the competent Authorities. The EIA process has

involved concurrent and on-going data collection and public consultation activities to date.

Work underpinning the EMPr, which has been compiled in adherence to the EIA regulatory

requirements, as prescribed by GN R. 543 dated June 2010, includes the following:

Public participation programme (PPP) as stipulated in Regulation 54 – 57 of GN R. 543; and

Preparation of a draft BAR in accordance with Regulation 22 and this EMPr in accordance with Regulation 33 of GN R. 543, for review and comment by Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs).

The EMPr covers information on the management and/or mitigation measures that will be taken into

consideration to address identified biophysical, social, and cultural impacts in respect of:

Pre-construction and Construction activities; and

Operation; and

Closure and rehabilitation, where relevant.

It should be noted that the EMPr is a dynamic document that will be periodically reviewed and

updated. It will also be necessary to update the version presented in the final BAR during the

detailed design phase, prior to the commencement of construction. As part of on-going

implementation, this EMPr will also be publicly disclosed during the PPP. An opportunity will be

offered to participating stakeholders to comment on it.

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1.3 Expertise of Authors of the EMPr

This EMPr was prepared by Fiona Evans and Linda Poll-Jonker under technical guidance of Manda

Hinsch, and reviewed by Andy Smithen.

Fiona Evans is an Environmental Consultant with SRK Consulting (Pty) Ltd (SRK). She has an

Honours degree in Ecology, Environment and Conservation obtained from the University of the

Witwatersrand, and has one years of project experience in environmental management. Fiona has

both personally prepared and given input to various EMPrs.

Linda Poll-Jonker is a Senior Environmental Consultant at SRK with over 7 years’ experience. Linda

has been involved with management and compilation of documentation required for the application

processes for Environmental Authorisation under NEMA. She has compiled EIAs and EMPrs in

terms of the MPRDA and compiled a number of integrated water use licences applications and

integrated water and waste management plans in terms of the NWA.

Manda Hinsch is an Associate Partner and Principal Environmental Scientist with SRK and has 31

years of experience in water quality management, waste management, project management and

water and environmental legislation. Manda is a member of the Professional Natural Scientists South

Africa and FWISA.

Andy Smithen is a Partner Andy Smithen has been involved in the field of environmental engineering

for the past 26 years. His expertise includes: compilation of EIAs and Environmental Management

Plans for numerous mines, closure planning and costing, assessment of environmental risk for

operating mines and redundant operations, environmental due diligence and liability assessments

and environmental auditing. Andy has also been involved in the development of risk based decision-

making methodologies and has assisted in the development of water management plans.

The project team collectively possesses the core competence required to prepare the EMPr for the

proposed project. For more information pertaining to the qualifications and expertise of the project

team, refer to Appendix A.

1.4 Approach to Environmental Impact Management

The responsibility for the implementation of the EMPr will ultimately reside in the Eskom project

management team for the proposed substations and associated power lines as representatives of

the holder of the Environmental Authorisation (EA). There will be links with other fundamental units

such as Safety, Health and Environmental (SHE) officers of Eskom, operational and maintenance


The sections that follow outline the management cycle and responsibilities of the Project

Management Team. Table 1-1: illustrates the range of approaches to be undertaken to

appropriately mitigate and manage potential environmental impacts that have been identified during

the EIA Phase of the project, for the construction, operation and decommissioning and closure

phases of the proposed substations and associated power lines.

Table 1-1: Approach to Impact Management

Avoidance Avoiding activities that could result in adverse impacts and/or resources or areas considered sensitive.

Prevention Preventing the occurrence of negative environmental impacts and/or preventing such an occurrence having negative impacts.

Preservation The process of working to protect something valuable so that it is not damaged or destroyed i.e. environmental resources)

Minimization Limiting or reducing the degree, extent, magnitude or duration of adverse impacts through scaling down, relocating, redesigning and/or realigning elements of the project.

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Mitigation Measures taken to minimise adverse impacts on the environmental and social aspects.

Enhancement Magnifying and/or improving the positive effects or benefits of a project.

Rehabilitation Repairing affected resources to their original state.

Restoration Restoring affected resources to an earlier (possibly more stable and productive) state, typically ‘background’ condition, where identified to be appropriate and reasonable. These resources may include soils and biodiversity.

2 Organizational Structure and Responsibilities

2.1 The Project Management Team

The project management team consists of the project manager, the contractor, the environmental

control officer (ECO) and the SHE officer of Eskom. The roles of these team members are discussed

under separate sub headings below.

2.1.1 Project Manager

The project manager, assisted by the ECO, will be responsible for the co-ordination of the project

management team. With the assistance of the ECO he/she will be required to:

Familiarise themselves with the EMPr for the substations and associated power lines, and the

conditions set out in the EA, and relevant environmental legislation as identified in the Final

Basic Assessment Report (BAR). Information packs will be distributed to the Project

Management Team by the ECO and transmittal notes will be kept on file.

Ensure that the contractors are aware of the specifications, legal constraints and Eskom

standards and procedures pertaining to activities taking place regarding the proposed

substations and associated power lines, by reference to the conditions of the EMPr and EA that

have been inserted into their service contract by Eskom;

Ensure that all commitments/conditions in the EMPr are communicated and adhered to by

relevant Eskom employees and contractors involved with the proposed development, by making

the documents available to relevant employees and contractors and including the requirements

into the induction programme for the proposed substations and associated power lines.

2.1.2 The Contractor (Including Sub-Contractors)

The contractor and sub –consultants will be responsible for the implementation of the contractor

specific EMP the Safety Health and Environment (SHE) Plan and Eskom’s Emergency Response

Plan (ERP) attached in Appendix B. The contractor specific EMP should be guided by a Risk

Register informed by Risk Assessments of hazards identified by the contractor to be associated with

the day to day tasks during the construction programme.. The contractor specific EMP must be

guided by a Risk Register informed by Risk Assessments of hazards identified by the contractor to

be associated with the day to day tasks during the construction programme. The SHE Plan and the

ERP must be associated with the day to day tasks by the project team and the ECO. The ERP must

be appropriate for any potential emergency.

The contractor and all sub-contractors will be responsible for:

Complying with the EMPr commitments and any other legislative requirements as applicable to

the contractors appointment for the proposed substations and associated power lines;

Drafting a method statement (contractor specific EMP) appropriate to the day to day activities

under his direct control. The method statement must abide by the EMPr. The Contractor specific

EMP must be agreed upon, by the Project Team representatives and the ECO, for the activities

to be undertaken by the contractor;

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the Risk Assessments are agreed to be appropriate for the tasks by the Project Team

representatives and the ECO, as appropriate;

Adhering to any instructions issued by the Project Manager, and/or other designated lead agent

administering the contract, on advice of the Eskom environmental specialist and ECO;

Submitting an environmental report at identified site meetings on the environmental incidents

that have occurred within the period between site meetings, and reporting on action to address

any incidents previously identified by the contractor or the Project Team, the ECO or Eskom


Ensuring that all employees of the contractors, and Eskom employees as may be involved in the

construction programme, receive appropriate training prior to the commencement of

construction, taking cognisance of this EMPr and the conditions of the EA.

2.1.3 The Environmental Control Officer

An ECO will be appointed to provide ECO inputs during the construction phase of the proposed

substations and associated power lines. During the operational phase these functions will be taken

over by the SHE Department of Eskom. The ECO will be appointed by Eskom and not the

contractor and will report directly to Eskom.

The ECO will:

Fully understand the commitments in the EMPr and EA for the proposed substations and

associated power lines.

Familiarise him / herself and ensure compliance with the relevant legislation applicable to the

project ESKOM SHE Policy and procedures;

Communicate the contents of the EMPr to the contractor and sub-contractor staff members;

Monitor the implementation of the EMPr throughout the project, by means of site inspections,

reporting to Eskom and the Project Team at progress meetings;

Undertake site inspections, on a weekly basis, to assess compliance with the EMPr and

conditions in the EA and to advise on appropriate action to rectify non – compliances;

Recommend to Eskom the removal of personnel and / or equipment should they contravene the

specifications of the EMPr;

Liaise with environmental statutory bodies, including Gauteng Department of Agricultural and

Rural Development (GDARD), North West Department of Rural, Environment and Agricultural

Development (NWREAD), Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA), and Department of Water

and Sanitation (DWS), where this is deemed necessary in association with the Project Team

and/or Eskom personnel;

Compile monthly progress reports for submission to the Project Manager; and

Advise the Project Management Team on environmental issues and recommendations for the

proposed substations and power lines construction activities.

2.1.4 The Safety, Health and Environmental Officer of Eskom

The SHE Officer will:

Monitor to ensure that all aspects of the construction and operation of the proposed substations

and power lines comply with the requirements of the SHE plan of Eskom;

Be responsible for ECO duties during the operation;

Ensure corrective actions required to address identified impacts are followed up and closed out.

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3 The Proposed Substations and Associated Power Lines

3.1 Planning and Design

No impacts have been identified during this phase therefore no management and mitigation

measures have been considered for this phase of the proposed development.

3.2 Pre-construction and Construction

The EMPr provides for mitigation and management measures to avoid or minimise negative impacts

and optimise the benefits arising from the positive impacts during construction activities. The

primary focus on project management for the construction phase will include:

Communicating the construction programme and activities to Stakeholders prior to activities

commencing, particularly community members as they may be affected by the construction


Delineation of servitudes for the power line route.

Establishment of contractor camps for site offices, change-rooms, local workshops, vehicle

parking, ablutions, materials storage, waste storage, and communications etc.

Establishment of security measures for the construction activities and the substations and power

line routes, including, but not limited to, the construction of palisade fencing for the substations,

and fencing and lighting of contractor’s operational areas (camp/s and materials storage areas


Transportation of equipment and machinery to the construction site locations.

Stripping and removal of surface vegetation from the substation sites and the designated route

of the power line.

Stripping and stockpiling of topsoil and sub soil from the substation sites and the designated

route of the power line to a stockpile/s for later use for rehabilitation and landscaping.

Grading and earthworks that will be conducted at the substation sites and along the power line

construction footprint.

Sourcing of construction material.

Construction and commissioning of the substations and power lines according to the agreed


Development of construction environmental management procedures.

Transportation of equipment, material, and people.

Construction of watercourse crossings.

Erosion control and pollution control.

Site rehabilitation following the construction phase, of areas that have been disturbed and are

not part of the on-going operational phase of the proposed substations and associated power


Stripping and stockpiling of topsoil and sub soil from the substation sites and the designated

route of the power line to a stockpile/s for later use for rehabilitation and landscaping.

Monitoring and maintenance of rehabilitated areas.

Some potential impacts are difficult to monitor quantitatively, such as soil erosion and waste

management. However this on–going, but pragmatic, inspection regime must be developed, and will

be updated once the detailed project programme is confirmed. The finalised version must allow for

potential environmental transgressions to be identified proactively so that mitigation can be quickly

and effectively implemented to an appropriate level.

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3.3 Operation

The primary operation of the proposed substations and associated power lines will be to supply and

distribute electricity to the Hekpoort area. The primary focus on project management for the

operational phase will include:

Development of operational phase environmental management procedures.

Operation of the substations and power lines for 24 hours a day under normal circumstances,

adjusted according to the operation and maintenance programme for Eskom, and maintenance

programme for the substations and power lines.

Fortnightly inspections of the substations and power lines for anomalies, spillage, vandalisms,

copper wire theft etc. as these may affect the operation of the substations and power lines.

Maintenance and repair of the substations, power lines and associated infrastructure will be

undertaken throughout the operational phase according to a designated maintenance

programme, as informed by the specifications of the electrical technology supplier, as well as

Eskom’s existing maintenance and servicing regimes.

3.4 Closure

Due to the permanent nature of the proposed development, a closure and rehabilitation phase is not

envisaged. In the event where closure and decommissioning is necessary, rehabilitation must be

done in accordance with the relevant guidelines and legislation.

4 Auditing and Corrective Action Auditing and implementing corrective action, should it be required, forms an important component of

the EMPr management cycle. These ensure that:

The required EMPr management conditions are being implemented, and reported appropriately;

The desired outcomes are being achieved;

On–going inspections of operational controls and general state of operation are undertaken and

reported appropriately;

Two internal audits must be undertaken during construction to assess the compliance to the

EMPr or to focus on particular performance issues in relation to the conditions of the EA.

One external audit by an independent practitioner must be undertaken four months after the

commencement the construction phase to assess the compliance to the EMPr or to focus on

particular performance issues in relation to the conditions of the EA.

Annual internal audits during the operational phase must be conducted internally in order to

assess the compliance to the conditions in the EMPr and the EA.

As noted above, some potential impacts are difficult to monitor quantitatively, such as soil erosion

and waste management. However an on–going, but pragmatic, inspection regime has been

developed, and will be updated once the detailed project programme is confirmed, that must allow

for potential environmental transgressions to be identified proactively so that mitigation can be

quickly and effectively implemented to an appropriate level.

There are several mechanisms for implementing corrective action both during construction and

operational phases. The main instruments used to address non-compliances are the following:

Verbal instructions – Minor transgressions to the EA and EMPr by the ECO and Project

Management Team;

Written instructions – To support and formalise verbal instructions by the ECO and Project

Management Team;

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Contract Notice – Following a material breach in contract issued by the Project Management


Directive from Regulating Authority – Following a material non-compliance with the conditions of

the EA and the EMPr

5 Site Documentation and Reporting All non-conformances will be recorded by the ECO and reported to the Project Manager on a

monthly basis during the construction phase. Monthly inspections will be undertaken under taken by

the Environmental Advisor from SHEQS and the Technical Operator of the infrastructure.

The following documentation will be required to be kept at Eskom:

Project EA;

Project EMPr;

Project Programme;

Project Risk Register;

Project SHE Plan;

Complaints register;

Environmental Incident Register;

Audit reports of compliance and non – compliance to EMPr and EA conditions;

Written corrective action instructions;

Proof that incidents and non – compliances have been closed out appropriately.

The findings of all inspections and internal audits will be structured into instructive reporting provided

to the Project Manager. Corrective actions must be clearly defined as appropriate and reasonable,

where required.

Emergency procedures for the management of the proposed development during all phases of

operation must be in line with Eskom’s relevant ERP.

Within the reporting function a structured review component will be required from the Project

Management Team. This review function will assist in prescribing appropriate and reasonable

corrective actions, and ensuring their timeous implementation.

6 Monitoring During the construction phase, the ECO will be responsible for monitoring and inspecting

contractors’ written records to illustrate compliance with the EMPr. This falls under the inspection

role of the ECO.

The aim of the compliance monitoring is to verify that the responsible parties are adhering to the

procedures, management conditions, and specifications contained in this EMPr and the conditions

set out in the EA. A monthly inspection report will be submitted to the project manager during the

construction phase.

The ECO will regularly monitor their programme implementation for the proposed development. This

will include the regular monitoring of:

Control of alien vegetation associated with the cleared power line routes by the contractor;

The contractors waste management programmes used to manage the generation of waste

requiring disposal; and

Rehabilitation of the construction sites, post construction.

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7 Environmental Awareness Plan On-site training must be provided for all contractors and personnel working on site during

Construction and operation. No personnel may be allowed onto site without having been instructed

on the requirements of the approved EMPr.

The training must deal specifically with triggers that would require the implementation of mitigation

measures contained in the EMPr. These include, but are not limited to:

Identification of TOPS listed species, both fauna and flora

Identification of potential heritage resources

Identification and avoidance of demarcated no-go areas

Substation site access and security.

8 General Requirements Monthly meetings to be held to ensure proper and continuous liaison between Eskom and the

contractors to make certain everyone is informed at all times;

Eskom will compile and implement a physical access plan and the contractor shall adhere to this

plan at all times, unless agreed with the Project Manager;

The contractor must adhere to all conditions of the EMPr that are applicable to the construction

phase activities that are the express responsibility of the contractor;

Eskom must adhere to all conditions of the EMPr that are applicable to the construction phase

activities that are the express responsibility of Eskom;

The contractor will implement Eskom’s existing ERP focusing on environmental emergencies

including: major hydrocarbon spills, watercourse pollution, extensive erosion, flooding and

rehabilitation of no – go areas disturbed as a result of construction phase activities of the

proposed substations and associated power lines;

Implementation of good housekeeping principles;

Documentation and record keeping of all complaints / incidents and actions taken in line with

EMPr requirements;

Fortnightly site inspections throughout the construction period; and

The contractor shall not be released from site until the Project Manager in consultation with the

ECO has signed off the release documentation and is satisfied with the contractor’s adherence

to the EMPr.

The general environmental management requirements, with responsibilities and time frames, are

provided in Table 9-1.

9 Management Review The purpose of the management review is for the Project Manager and the Project Management

Team to review the EMPr, and to propose measures for improving the performance in the spirit of

continuous improvement, and as issues and aspects are identified during the operational phase.

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Table 9-1: Environmental Management Programme for the proposed Substations and associated Power line route.

Ref no Measure, criteria or principles Monitoring


Time frame Phase


1. An ECO will be appointed who will have responsibility for ensuring compliance with the EMPr

throughout the life of the operations.

Eskom Project


Prior to the start

of the project


2. Annual audits will be conducted to ascertain compliance with the EMPr and Environmental

Authorisation should it be granted.

ECO Annually All

3. Existing management practices for Eskom’s operations must be applied to each proposed substation

and associated power line.

ECO On-going All

4. Informal fires by construction or Eskom personnel during any phase of the project will be prohibited. ECO On-going All

5. Emergency firefighting equipment must be made available at the proposed substations. ECO On-going C/O

Soil and Land Use

6. Soil must only be stripped from areas to be disturbed during construction or maintenance. Eskom/contractors When



7. It will be ensured that erosion controls are included in the designs of linear infrastructure. Eskom During design PC

8. Vehicles must be restricted to travelling only on designated roadways, as far away from the wetland

areas as possible to limit the ecological footprint of the proposed development activities.

ECO On-going C/O

9. All disturbed areas must be rehabilitated, using stockpiled soil as required. A final rehabilitation plan

must be compiled towards the end of the construction period.

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Ref no Measure, criteria or principles Monitoring


Time frame Phase


10. Compliance in accordance with Eskom's existing Land and Biodiversity Standard (Appendix C) as well

as Eskoms Vegetation Management Standard (Appendix C) shall be maintained and monitored on an

annual basis.

ECO Monthly





11. The extent of the construction site must be demarcated and no vegetation is to be removed outside of

this zone.

ECO Before and




12. Should any of the threatened or protected species (TOPS), identified in the Biodiversity impact

assessment, be found during construction; protection must be carried out in accordance to NEMBA

(Act 10 of 2004) Chapter 4, Part 2. This will include any amendments or changes to regulations and

guidelines pertaining to the protection of TOPS.

ECO On-going PC

13. An alien eradication and management program must be developed. Eradication and monitoring must

be undertaken monthly during the construction phase and yearly during the operational phase.

ECO Fortnightly

Or Monthly


14. If herbicides need to be used to control the spread of invasive plants, only herbicides approved by the

National Department of Agriculture should be used.

Eskom When



15. No trapping or hunting of fauna must be allowed by construction- or Eskom personnel during any

phase of the project.

ECO On-going All

16. Install bird flaps and diverters on the erected power lines to help mitigate the bird collisions with the

power lines.

Eskom During power

line alignment


17. River banks and other ecologically sensitive areas must be rehabilitated, in consultation with a

specialist, where they have been damaged once construction in that particular area is complete.

ECO Upon

completion of

construction or

maintenance in

an area.



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Ref no Measure, criteria or principles Monitoring


Time frame Phase

18. All topsoil removed from the site, prior to construction activities, must be stored for rehabilitation

purposes at the site.

ECO When



19. The natural vegetation (trees and shrubs) around the site must be retained to provide screening for the

construction equipment/vehicles, except where their removal is unavoidable for construction to


ECO On-going C/O

20. If vegetation is to be cleared on site, erosion control measures must be kept in place to ensure that

excessive scarring of the landscape is reduced.

ECO When



21. Construction activities must be restricted between the hours of 7:30 – 18:00. Eskom – Project





22. Investigation into the establishment of vegetation and/or the construction of man-made barriers

between the sensitive viewers and the proposed development (i.e. the proposed substation sites) must

be undertaken during the construction and operational phases.

ECO On-going C/O

23. During construction, litter control measures must be kept in place to ensure that the site is maintained

in a neat and tidy condition.

ECO On-going C/O

24. During construction, dust control measures must be implemented to ensure that undue interest is not

drawn to the site.

ECO On-going C

25. External signage must be kept to a minimum, and where possible must be attached to existing

structures, to avoid free-standing signage.

ECO When



26. Low foot level lighting must be used where it is deemed safe. Contractor On-going C

27. Where possible, lighting must be faced / shielded inward away from the viewers. ECO/Contractor On-going O


28. If any new artefacts of archaeological or cultural interest are found, including graves, then the area will

be marked and all activities in that vicinity will cease with immediate effect. SAHRA and the North

West Provincial Heritage Resources Authority (NWPHRA) will be notified of the finding and operations

at that specific site will only continue after the relevant permissions have been granted to do so.

ECO On-going All

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Ref no Measure, criteria or principles Monitoring


Time frame Phase

29. The identified graveyard sites (as documented in the Basic Assessment report) must be noted along the proposed power line route must be fenced off with access gates installed.

ECO Before



30. The location of the identified historical sites (as documented in the Basic Assessment report) must be noted prior to the start of the construction phase and pylons must be positioned so that any impact on the identified historical sites is avoided.

ECO Before



Surface and ground water

31. Construction may not commence without a Water Use License being issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation. Any conditions attached to such

32. Adequate storm water management must be incorporated into the design of the power line route and the sub-station site in order to prevent erosion. In this regard special mention is made of the installation of drift fences to capture silt

Eskom On-going PC

33. Provision of appropriate sewage facilities during the construction phase (one toilet for 15 staff members). These must be located within the footprint construction area.

ECO When



34. Toilets provided for staff members must be cleaned twice a week. ECO Biweekly C/O

35. Reinforce banks and drainage features where necessary with gabions, reno mattresses and geotextiles

Contractor At the start of

construction in

an active water



36. Stripping and clearing of vegetation must ideally be planned to be done during the dry season (March -


ECO During



37. Ensure that erosion control measures are included in the method statement for construction of the

substations and associated power lines, particularly if stripping and clearing of vegetation is likely to

occur during the wet season (September - April)

ECO Stripping and

clearing during

the Wet season


38. Spillage or leakage of materials and wastes should be reported to the project manager and cleaned up

within 24 hours.

ECO Within 24 hours

of the spillage


39. Incidents relating to the contamination of surface water will be communicated to Eskom Management,

and then reported to DWA, depending on significance and risk rating.

ECO Within 2 weeks

of the incident



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Ref no Measure, criteria or principles Monitoring


Time frame Phase

40. Should any construction activities occur within a 1 in 100 year flood line or within 500 m of a wetland,

relevant authorisation should be obtained according to the National Environmental Management Act

(NEMA) 107 of 1998 and Section 21 c and i of the National Water Act 36 of 1998.

ECO When



41. No support structures should be constructed within the riparian areas or within the active stream

channel. If at all possible all support structures should be developed above the 1:100 year, or, if that is

not possible, above the 1:50 year flood line.

ECO/Eskom Planning and



42. Wetland areas in the vicinity of construction works must be fenced for the duration of the construction

phase and designated a ‘no-go’ area.

ECO When



43. During the construction and operational phases of the proposed development, erosion berms should

be installed to prevent gully formation and siltation of the riparian resources. The following points

should serve to guide the placement of erosion berms:

Where the track has slope of less than 2%, berms every 50m should be installed.

Where the track slopes between 2% and 10%, berms every 25m should be installed.

Where the track slopes between 10%-15%, berms every 20m should be installed.

Where the track has slope greater than 15%, berms every 10m should be installed.

If appropriate, these specifications can be replaced by Eskom guidelines.

Eskom If applicable C

44. No maintenance or servicing of vehicles will take place on site. ECO On-going C/O

45. Rehabilitation of disturbed areas must be carried out concurrently with construction as far as possible

and disturbed footprint areas must be kept to the minimum necessary


46. All construction and maintenance vehicles must be inspected regularly for oil leaks and such leaks

repaired before further use of the vehicle. Drip trays must be used to collect spilt oil from vehicles prior

to repairs being completed.

Waste Management

47. Existing waste management practices for Eskom’s operations must be applied to each proposed

substation and associated power line.

ECO On-going All

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Ref no Measure, criteria or principles Monitoring


Time frame Phase

48. Domestic waste generated on the proposed site must be collected by the municipality and disposed at

the nearest licensed municipal landfill site.

ECO Monthly C/O

49. No dumping of waste material must be allowed. Litter bins must be provided and must be emptied

when full, and then transported to at the nearest licensed Municipal landfill site.

ECO On-going C/O

50. All waste building material must be removed from the site on completion of construction ECO/Contractor Upon

completion of



51. Contaminated construction and maintenance waste and clean construction waste must be dealt with

separately, and then removed to an appropriately registered waste disposal site.

ECO Monthly C/O

52. Oils, greases etc. must be collected and segregated in temporary storage facilities prior to disposal at

a licenced Hazardous Waste Landfill site or collected by oil recyclers. Hazardous storage containers

and storage areas must comply with relevant SABS standards.

ECO Monthly C/O

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Ref no Measure, criteria or principles Monitoring


Time frame Phase


53. Warning signs must be erected indicating the presence of construction vehicles along the envisaged


ECO/Contractor On-going during

construction on

public roads


54. Vehicles must be restricted to travelling only on designated roadways, as far away from the wetland

areas as possible to limit the ecological footprint of the proposed development activities.

ECO/Contractor On-going C

55. Speed limits must be enforced at 30 km/h on the access roads to substations and temporary access

routes along the power line servitude.

ECO/Contractor On-going C/O

56. Parking on public roads used for access will be restricted to the extent that this is possible ECO/Contactor When




57. Construction and maintenance equipment to comply with the standards for construction vehicles as

stipulated in the IFC's Environmental, Health and Safety Regulations.

ECO On-going C/O

Air quality

58. Dust suppression during construction for Eskom’s operations must be applied to each proposed

substation and associated power line.

Eskom Project


On-going PC/C


59. Ensure effective communication with the land owners during construction and during site maintenance. ECO On-going All

60. Ensure transparency over the labour process to ensure that there is no conflict in the community

ECO When



61. Track all complaints made during the construction period and address them in accordance with the

relevant specialist studies. Respond to all complaints.

ECO On-going C/O

62. Speak to all landowners regarding the anticipated use of the land and plan the power line route to ECO When PC

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Ref no Measure, criteria or principles Monitoring


Time frame Phase

minimise the impact of the project on current and future land use and production applicable

63. Where the area cannot be rehabilitated to its original condition within two months of the completion of

construction, Eskom or its appointed contractor(s) should provide alternative income/food to the farmer

for the time period required for production.

Eskom When


64. Available formal and informal employment opportunities must be made available to local residents

and/or service providers.

Eskom When



65. Compensation should be paid by the utility for the right of use over the servitude. This value should be

set via negotiation with affected landowners and take into account current norms and practice with

regards compensation.

Eskom When



66. Compensation for loss of stock or any other damages where negligence by Eskom can be proved

must be paid.

Eskom When



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Prepared by

Fiona Evans

Environmental Scientist

Reviewed by

Andy Smithen


All data used as source material plus the text, tables, figures, and attachments of this document

have been reviewed and prepared in accordance with generally accepted professional engineering

and environmental practices.

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SRK Report Distribution Record

Report No. 465044

Copy No.

Name/Title Company Copy Date Authorised by

The Director IEA Department of Environmental Affairs

1-2 04 March 2015

Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) - NW

3 04 March 2015

Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) - Gauteng

4 04 March 2015

Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD)

5 04 March 2015

Rural, Environmental and Agricultural Development (READ)

6 04 March 2015

Regional Land Claims Commission: North West Province

7 04 March 2015

Regional Land Claims Commission: Gauteng

8 04 March 2015

Department of Public Works and Roads - North West Regional Office

9 04 March 2015

Department of Public Works and Roads – Gauteng

10 04 March 2015

Mogale City Local Municipality

11 04 March 2015

Madibeng Local Municipality

12 04 March 2015

West Rand District Municipality

13 04 March 2015

Bojanala District Municipality

14 04 March 2015

Hekpoort Library 15 04 March 2015

Hekpoort Mokoya Lodge 16 04 March 2015

Neo Masemola Eskom Holdings SOC Ltd 17 04 March 2015

- SRK Consulting – Library 18 04 March 2015

- SRK Consulting – File 19 04 March 2015

This report is protected by copyright vested in SRK (SA) Pty Ltd. It may not be reproduced or transmitted in

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Appendix A: Team CVs

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Specialisation Environmental management, mine closure planning, environmental auditing, rehabilitation planning, due diligence, environmental risk assessment, environmental impact assessment

Expertise Andy Smithen has been involved in the field of environmental engineering for the past 26 years. His expertise includes: • compilation of Environmental Impact Assessments and Environmental

Management Plans for numerous mines; • closure planning and costing; • assessment of environmental risk for operating mines and redundant operations; • environmental due diligence and liability assessments and environmental

auditing. Andy has also been involved in the development of risk based decision-making methodologies and has assisted in the development of water management plans.

Employment 2003 – present 2001 – 2003 1998 – 2001 1995 – 1998 1992 – 1995 1986 – 1992 1977 – 1986

SRK Consulting (Pty) Ltd, Environmental Department, Partner, Durban SRK Consulting (Pty) Ltd, Environmental Department, Director, Johannesburg SRK Consulting (Pty) Ltd, Water and Environmental Technology Department, Director, Johannesburg SRK Consulting (Pty) Ltd, Environmental Department, Principal Engineer, Johannesburg Gengold, Manager, Environmental Management Trans Natal Coal Corporation, Manager, Environmental Management Department of Agriculture, Engineer

Publications Numerous papers published relating to environmental management.

Languages English – read, write, speak Afrikaans – read, write, speak

Profession Environmental Engineer

Education MBL, UNISA, Johannesburg, 1994

MSc, Eng, Agric, University of Natal, 1981

BSc, Eng, Civil, University of Natal, 1976

Registrations/ Affiliations

Pr Eng (South Africa), 120/83


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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Publications 1. Various papers on soil erosion research, agricultural engineering principles applied to rehabilitation,

environmental management in the mining environment, and environmental impact assessment in southern Africa.

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Due diligence Location: Zimbabwe Project duration & year: 2013 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental and social due diligence an underground mine. Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: n/a Location: Mpumalanga Province. South Africa Project duration & year: 2013 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental gap analysis for a mining feasibility study Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: n/a Location: Namibia Project duration & year: 2012 – 2013 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Due diligence for a mining operation Job Title and Duties: Environmental reviewer Value of Project: n/a Location: Zambia and the DRC Project duration & year: 2012 – 2013 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental and social due diligence for open pit and underground copper

mines. Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: n/a Location: Gauteng Project duration & year: 2012 – 2013 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental and social due diligence for underground gold mines Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: n/a Location: Kwa Zulu Natal Project duration & year: 2012 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental risk assessment and closure cost review for a smelter Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: n/a

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Due diligence Location: South Africa, Limpopo Province Project duration & year: 2012 Client: Vergenoeg Flourspar Mine Name of Project: Vergenoeg Risk Assessment Project Description: Compilation of a risk matrix and report for all aspects of the mining operation Job Title and Duties: Project manager Value of Project: ZAR 300 000 Location: South Africa, Gauteng Province Project duration & year: 2012 Client: n/a Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: High level environmental due diligence for two building material manufacturing

sites Job Title and Duties: Project manager Value of Project: ZAR 100 000 Location: South Africa, Free State Province Project duration & year: 2011 – 2012 Client: n/a Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental and Social component of a due diligence for the transfer of a

coal mine to a BEE Company Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 2011 Client: n/a Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Directors Liability assessment for a number of Iron Ore and Manganese mines Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: ZAR500 000 Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 2011 Client: n/a Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Directors Liability assessment for a manganese mine in the Northern Cape Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: ZAR200 000 Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 2011 Client: n/a Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental and social due diligence for a number of coal mines Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experienc e: Due diligence Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 2011 Client: n/a Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Due diligence for a Greenfields platinum project Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Zimbabwe Project duration & year: 2010 Client: n/a Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental Due Diligence for a gold mine Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Democratic Republic of the Congo Project duration & year: 2008 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental Due Diligence Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2007-2008 Client: Uranium One Name of Project: Due Diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for operational uranium mine. Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Copperbelt and Southern Province, Zambia Project duration & year: 2007-2008 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental and social due diligence for three gemstone mines. Job Title and Duties: Environmental and social specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Democratic Republic of the Congo Project duration & year: 2005 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental input for feasibility studies for proposed copper mines Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Due diligence Location: Republic of Macedonia Project duration & year: 2005 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental input for a mining and smelting operation Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Free State Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2005 Client: Buffelsfontein Name of Project: Due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for Buffelsfontein Chrome Mine Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Lesotho Project duration & year: 2005 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental due diligence for a diamond mine Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Lesotho Project duration & year: 2003-Present Client: Kao Name of Project: Due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for Kao Diamond Mine and subsequent follow up

work Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: India Project duration & year: 2003 Client: Sterlight in Rajasthan. Name of Project: Due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for the Lead Zinc mining operations of Sterlight in

Rajasthan. Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Mpumalanga, South Africa Project duration & year: 2003 Client: Middleburg Consolidated Coal Mines Name of Project: Middleburg due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for Middleburg Consolidated Coal Mines Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Due diligence Location: Zambia Project duration & year: 2002 Client: Konkola Mines Zambia Name of Project: Due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for Konkola Mines Zambia Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Western Cape Project duration & year: 2002 Client: n/a Name of Project: Marine diamonds Project Description: Environmental due diligence for off shore diamond mining. Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 2002 Client: Spoornet Name of Project: Environmental due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence audit of the operations of Spoornet for the

proposed privatisation of Spoornet Job Title and Duties: Environmental team leader Value of Project: ZAR 500 000 Location: Free State Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2001 Client: Freegold Name of Project: Environmental due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for Freegold Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2001 Client: Afrikaner Leases Name of Project: Environmental due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for Afrikaner Leases Job Title and Duties: Environmental Specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Swaziland Project duration & year: 2001 Client: Maloma Colliery Name of Project: Exit environmental due diligence Project Description: Exit environmental due diligence for dis-investment at Maloma Colliery Job Title and Duties: Team leader Value of Project: ZAR 100 000

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Due diligence Location: North West Province and Free State. Project duration & year: 2001 Client: African Rainbow Minerals Name of Project: ARM due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for African Rainbow Minerals Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 2001 Client: Spoornet Name of Project: Spoornet due diligence: coal mines Project Description: Environmental due diligence of coal mining operations using the Coallink

railway of Spoornet Job Title and Duties: Environmental team leader Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Gauteng and Free State, South Africa Project duration & year: 2001 Client: Harmony Gold Mining Operations Name of Project: Harmony due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for Harmony Gold Mining Operations Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist. Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Mpumalanga, South Africa Project duration & year: 2000-2002 Client: Eastern Transvaal Consolidated Gold Mines and Target Gold Mine Name of Project: Eastern Transvaal Consolidated Project Description: Environmental due diligence for Avgold, including Eastern Transvaal

Consolidated Gold Mines and Target Gold Mine This work extended from 2000 to 2002 and included due diligence audits for the raising of capital by Avgold to the acquisition of ETC by Metorex

Job Title and Duties: Environmental Specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Namibia Project duration & year: 2000 Client: Gobabis Sepeolite Name of Project: Environmental due diligence Project Description: Environmental due diligence for a sepeolite mine in Gobabis Job Title and Duties: Environmental team leader Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Zimbabwe Project duration & year: 2000 Client: Ngezi Platinum Mine Name of Project: Ngezi platinum Project Description: Environmental due diligence for Ngezi Platinum Mine Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project

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Key Experience: Due diligence Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 1998 Client: Goldfields gold assets and Gengold Name of Project: Due Diligence Project Description: Due Diligence for the merger between Goldfields gold assets and Gengold Job Title and Duties: Team leader Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 1997 Client: Anglogold Name of Project: Due Diligence Project Description: Due Diligence for formation of Anglogold Job Title and Duties: Team leader Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Key Experience: Environmental impact assessment and environmental

management planning Location: Limpopo Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2012 – On Going Client: Sasol Mining Name of Project: Environmental Impact Assessments / Environmental Management Plan Project Description: EIA / EMP for a proposed coal mine. Waterberg Coal Field Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: n/a Location: KwaZulu Natal, South Africa Project duration & year: 2012 – On Going Client: Richards Bay Minerals Name of Project: Environmental Impact Assessments / Environmental Management Plan Project Description: EIA / EMP for a proposed new mining area Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: n/a Location: KwaZulu Natal, South Africa Project duration & year: 2012 – On Going Client: Richards Bay Minerals Name of Project: Environmental Impact Assessments / Environmental Management Plan Project Description: EIA / EMP for a services corridor for proposed new mining area. Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: n/a Location: Limpopo Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2011-2012 Client: Anglo Platinum Mogalakwena Mine Name of Project: Environmental Impact Assessments for Environmental Management Plan

Amendments Project Description: Several EIAs and Basic Assessments for proposed developments at the mine Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: n/a

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Key Experience: Environmental impact assessment and environmental management planning

Location: Limpopo Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2011-2012 Client: China Minmetals Name of Project: Naboom Social and Labour Plan Project Description: Social and Labour plan for a proposed chrome mine Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: Value of project ZAR 3 million Location: Mpumalanga Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2010-2011 Client: Samancor Name of Project: Samancor Energy Recovery Plant EIAs Project Description: EIA for energy co-generation projects for several smelters Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: Value of project ZAR 3 million Location: Limpopo Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2010 – 2011 Client: China Minmetals Name of Project: Naboom Chrome mining project EIA Project Description: EIA for the Naboom greenfields chrome mining project Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: Value of project ZAR 3 million Location: Limpopo Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2009 – 2011 Client: Central Energy Fund Name of Project: Vlakfontein Coal mine EIA Project Description: EIA for a greenfields coal mining project Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: Value of project ZAR 5 million Location: Maun area, Botswana Project duration & year: 2009 – 2010 Client: Discovery Metals Limited Name of Project: Boseto Copper Mine Project Description: EIA for a greenfields copper mining project Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: Value of project ZAR 3 million Location: From Komatipoort to Kendal in Mpumalanga, South Africa Project duration & year: 2007 – 2009 Client: Petroline Pipeline Name of Project: Petroline Pipeline Project Description: Route Selection and Environmental Impact Assessment Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: Capital value of project – estimated at ZAR 4 billion

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Environmental impact assessment and environmental management planning

Location: North West Province South Africa Project duration & year: 2008 – ongoing Client: Aquarius Platinum Marikana Mine Name of Project: Aquarius Platinum Marikana Mine Project Description: Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for

new shaft and associated infrastructure Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 1 200 000 Location: Botswana and Namibia Project duration & year: 2008 – ongoing Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: High level environment screening project for proposed project Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 1 500 000 Location: Botswana and Namibia Project duration & year: 2008 Client: Trans Kalahari Railway line Name of Project: Trans Kalahari Railway line Project Description: Route Selection and Environmental Aspects of Pre-feasibility study for a

railway line from Mmamabula in Botswana to the Namibian Coast. The project involved port and route selection and pre-feasibility environmental studies

Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: Not yet available Location: Ngamiland – Botswana Project duration & year: 2007 – ongoing Client: Discovery Metals North West Botswana Copper Mine ESIA Name of Project: Discovery Metals North West Botswana Copper Mine ESIA Project Description: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Management

Plan for new mining infrastructure to IFC standards Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer and co-ordinator for related studies Value of Project: ZAR 3 500 000 Location: Katanga Province. Democratic Republic of the Congo. Project duration & year: 2007 – ongoing Client: Barytex International Name of Project: Barytex International. Shituru Mine ESIA Project Description: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment and Environmental Management

Plan for new mining infrastructure to IFC standards Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 3 000 000

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Environmental impact assessment and environmental management planning

Location: Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of the Congo Project duration & year: 2007 – ongoing Client: Gem Diamonds. Mbelenge Mine ESIA Name of Project: Gem Diamonds. Mbelenge Mine ESIA Project Description: Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for

proposed alluvial diamond mine to IFC standards Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 1 200 000 Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2007 – ongoing Client: Rustenburg Platinum and Aquarius Platinum Name of Project: Rustenburg Platinum and Aquarius Platinum Pooling and Sharing Agreement.

K6 EMP Project Description: Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for

new shaft and associated infrastructure Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 1 200 000 Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2007 – 2008 Client: Rustenburg Platinum Mines Name of Project: Rustenburg Platinum Mines – Rustenburg Section Merensky Deeps EIA Project Description: Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for

new shaft and associated infrastructure Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 2 000 000 Location: Gauteng Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2007 Client: Harmony Gold Mine Name of Project: Harmony Gold Mine Project Description: Environmental Impact Assessment for proposed disposal of tailings in open

cast pits. Initial assessment. Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 500 000 Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2007 Client: Rustenburg Platinum and Aquarius Platinum Pooling and Sharing Agreement.

K2 EMP Name of Project: Rustenburg Platinum and Aquarius Platinum Pooling and Sharing Agreement.

K2 EMP Project Description: Environmental Impact Assessment and Environmental Management Plan for

new ore bunker and load out facility Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 700 000

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Environmental impact assessment and environmental management planning

Location: Mpumalanga, South Africa Project duration & year: 2005 Client: Doornbosch Name of Project: Doornbosch Project Description: Environmental Management Programme report for expansions at Eastern

Chrome Mine Job Title and Duties: Team leader Value of Project: ZAR 300 000 Location: Democratic Republic of the Congo Project duration & year: 2005 Client: Confidential Name of Project: Confidential Project Description: Environmental Impact Assessment for a copper project Job Title and Duties: Team leader Value of Project: n/a Location: Gauteng and Free State, South Africa Project duration & year: 2004 Client: Petronet Name of Project: Petronet Project Description: Environmental impact assessment and Environmental Management Plan for a

petrol Pipeline for Petronet Job Title and Duties: Team Leader Value of Project: ZAR 200 000 Location: Mpumalanga, South Africa Project duration & year: 2004 Client: Der Brochen Name of Project: Der Brochen Project Description: Environmental Management Plan for Addendams to Der Brochen Platinum

Mine Job Title and Duties: Project reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 1000 000 Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2003 Client: Kroondal Name of Project: Kroondal EMPR Project Description: Environmental Management Plan, as an addendum to the EMPR for Kroondal

Platinum Mine Job Title and Duties: Project reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 300 000 Location: Northern Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2003 Client: Lebowa Name of Project: Lebowa EMPR Project Description: Environmental Management Plan for expansions to Lebowa Platinum Mine Job Title and Duties: Project reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 300 000

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Environmental impact assessment and environmental management planning

Location: Mpumalanga, South Africa Project duration & year: 2003 Client: Der Brochen Name of Project: Der Brochen EMPR Project Description: Environmental management plan for proposed Der Brochen Platinum Mine for

Anglo Platinum Job Title and Duties: Project reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 400 000 Location: Burkina Faso Project duration & year: 2002 Client: Taparko Name of Project: Taparko scoping Project Description: Environmental scoping for a proposed gold mining operation Job Title and Duties: Project reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 200 000 Location: Swaziland Project duration & year: 2000 to present Client: Maguga Name of Project: Maguga EIA Project Description: Komati Basin Authority: Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental

Management Plans and Environmental Management Audits for Maguga dam Job Title and Duties: Environmental auditor Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Rustenburg Project duration & year: 2000 to present Client: Kroondal Name of Project: Kroondal EMP Project Description: Environmental management for Kroondal Platinum Mine Job Title and Duties: Review of work of outsourced (SRK) environmental control officer Value of Project: ZAR 400 000 Location: Limpopo Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2000 Client: Potgietersrust EMPR Name of Project: Potgietersrust EMPR Project Description: Environmental Management Plan for Potgietersrust Platinum Mine Job Title and Duties: Project reviewer Value of Project: n/a

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Closure planning, closure costing and environmental liability assessment

Location: Mpumalanga Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2013 – on going Client: Anglo Coal Name of Project: Kriel Colliery – expansion project Project Description: Preliminary Closure Plan Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: n/a Location: Zambia Project duration & year: 2013 Client: Lubambe Copper Mine Name of Project: Closure Cost Estimate. Lubambe Copper Mine Project Description: Mine closure cost estimate Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: n/a Location: Mpumalanga Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2012 Client: Anglo Coal Name of Project: Elders Colliery Project Description: Preliminary Closure Plan Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: n/a Location: Zambia Project duration & year: 2010-2011 Client: Equinox Mining Name of Project: Closure Cost Estimate. Lumwana Copper Mine Project Description: Mine closure cost estimate Job Title and Duties: Project Manager Value of Project: ZAR 200 000 Location: Mpumalanga Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2007 – 2012 Client: Nkomati Mine Name of Project: Closure Cost Estimate. Nkomati Mine Project Description: Update of mine closure cost estimate Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 80 000 per annum Location: Tanzania Project duration & year: 2007-2008 Client: Bulyanhulu Gold Mine Name of Project: Closure Cost Estimate Project Description: Mine closure cost estimate Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 200 000

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Closure planning, closure costing and environmental liability assessment

Location: Mpumalanga Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2007 Client: Nkomati Mine Name of Project: ZAR 80 000 Project Description: Update of mine closure cost estimate Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 80 000 Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2007 Client: Rustenburg Platinum Mines – Union Section Name of Project: Closure Cost Estimate Project Description: Update of mine closure cost estimate Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 80 000 Location: Limpopo Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2007 Client: Lebowa Platinum Mines Name of Project: Closure Cost Estimate Project Description: Update of mine closure cost estimate Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 80 000 Location: Mpumalanga Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2006 Client: Nkomati Mine Name of Project: Closure Cost Estimate Project Description: Update of mine closure cost estimate Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 70 000 Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2006 Client: Rustenburg Platinum Mines – Union Section Name of Project: Closure Cost Estimate Project Description: Update of mine closure cost estimate Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 70 000 Location: Limpopo Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2006 Client: Lebowa Platinum Mines Name of Project: Closure Cost Estimate Project Description: Update of mine closure cost estimate Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 70 000

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Closure planning, closure costing and environmental liability assessment

Location: Richards Bay, South Africa Project duration & year: 2005 Client: Richards Bay Minerals Name of Project: Closure planning for Richards Bay Minerals Project Description: Compilation of a closure plan for the sand mining operations and processing

works. Job Title and Duties: Project Reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 800 000 Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2004 Client: Pandora Joint Venture Name of Project: Liability assessment Project Description: Liability assessment for Lonmin and Rustenburg Platinum Mines prior to the

commencement of their joint venture agreement for the Pandora project Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: ZAR 50 000 Location: Zambia Project duration & year: 2003 Client: Konkola Copper Mines Name of Project: Closure planning Project Description: Provision of input for closure planning for Konkola Copper Mines Job Title and Duties: Closure planning specialist Value of Project: Part of the overall project Location: Mozambique Project duration & year: 2003 Client: Monarch Gold Mine Name of Project: Decommissioning and Closure Plan Project Description: Decontamination and closure plan for and abandoned gold mine Job Title and Duties: Project leader Value of Project: ZAR 400 000 Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2003 Client: Between Kroondal Platinum Mine and Rustenburg Platinum Mines Name of Project: Liability assessment for the pooling and sharing agreement Project Description: Assessment of the individual and joint liabilities for the two mines prior to

commencement of the pooling and sharing agreement for the joint project Job Title and Duties: Environmental specialist Value of Project: ZAR 50 000 Location: North West Province Project duration & year: 2003 Client: Kroondal Platinum Mine Name of Project: Rehabilitation plan Project Description: Planning for the rehabilitation of open cast mine workings Job Title and Duties: Project reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 100 000

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Closure planning, closure costing and environmental liability assessment

Location: North West Province Project duration & year: 2002 Client: Platinum mine Name of Project: Paste Backfill project Project Description: Evaluation of the environmental aspects of tailings backfilling using paste

technology for a large Platinum mine Job Title and Duties: Closure specialist Value of Project: Part of a bigger project Location: Kwa-Zulu Natal. South Africa Project duration & year: 2002 Client: Welgedacht Colliery Name of Project: Welgedacht liability assessment Project Description: Mine closure liability assessment Welgedacht Colliery, for the Department of

Minerals and Energy Job Title and Duties: Team leader Value of Project: ZAR 100 000 Location: Kwa-Zulu Natal, South Africa Project duration & year: 2002 Client: Capital Coal Name of Project: Capital coal liability assessment Project Description: Mine closure liability assessment for Capital Coal. Job Title and Duties: Team Leader Value of Project: ZAR 50 000 Location: Northern Cape, South Africa Project duration & year: 2001 Client: Bishop Manganese Name of Project: Bishop closure plan Project Description: Closure plan for the defunct Bishop Manganese for Assmang Job Title and Duties: Team Leader Value of Project: ZAR 300 000 Location: Potgietersrust Project duration & year: 2001 Client: Potgietersrust Platinum Name of Project: Potgietersrust closure cost assessment Project Description: Closure cost estimate for Potgietersrust Platinum 2001 Job Title and Duties: Team Leader Value of Project: ZAR 200 000 Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 2000 Client: ISCOR Name of Project: Environmental Risk Assessment Project Description: Environmental closure liability assessment for the coal and iron ore mining

operations of Iscor Job Title and Duties: Team member Value of Project: Part of a bigger project

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Andy Smithen Principal Engineer

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Key Experience: Closure planning, closure costing and environmental liability assessment

Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 2000 Client: Anglogold Name of Project: Closure Cost Audit Project Description: Desk top audit of the closure cost estimate for the operations of Anglogold Job Title and Duties: Team Leader Value of Project: ZAR 50 000 Location: South Africa Project duration & year: 2000 Client: Avgold and Avmin Name of Project: Avmin audit Project Description: Environmental audits and environmental liability assessments for Avgold and

Avmin Job Title and Duties: Team Leader Value of Project: ZAR 500 000 Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 2000 Client: Impala Name of Project: Closure Cost Project Description: Closure costing for Impala Platinum Job Title and Duties: Team Leader Value of Project: ZAR 200 000 Location: North West Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 1997-2011 Client: Kroondal Platinum Mine Name of Project: Kroondal Closure Costs Project Description: Annual closure cost estimates for Kroondal Platinum Mine Job Title and Duties: Project reviewer Value of Project: ZAR 400 000 Location: Free State Province, South Africa Project duration & year: 1996 Client: Coalbrook Name of Project: Closure Plan Project Description: Closure plan for Coalbrook Job Title and Duties: Team leader responsible for closure planning Value of Project: ZAR100 000

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SRK Consulting: 465044 Kashan

EVAF/POLL/HINM 465044_20150108_Kashan BAR_EMPr(draft)_FINAL.docx February 2015

Appendix B: Eskom Management Standards 1. Emergency response plan

2. Biodiversity standard

3. Vegetation standard

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In terms of EPC 32-95, it is the responsibility of the Senior Supervisor or next in charge to report an environmental incident to the Environmental Manager (EM) of the Operating Unit. This must be done by sending an SMS to the EM on 083 9666 104 within 24 hours of the incident and then after submit a flash report detailing the nature of the incident.

Environmental Resources to be contacted:

Name Work area Contact Details 1. Lusanda Ngesi

Environmental Manager North West Operating Unit

083 966 6104/ 043 703 5358 [email protected]

2. Blondie Moukangwe Senior Environmental


Matlosana Zone 0060 491 7310/ 018 464 6691 [email protected]

3. Katlego Motlhabane Senior Supervisor EM

Platinum Zone 073 138 5668/014 565 1137 [email protected]

4. Sonwabiso Ndaki Environmental Advisor

Platinum Zone 074 940 2753/014 597 4530 [email protected]

5. Bonginkosi Sifunda Environmental Advisor

Matlosana Zone 018 464 6834/ 079017 6658 [email protected]

6. Amy Harington Environmental Officer

Matlosana Zone 018 464 6834 /074 190 7902 [email protected]

Oil spills - the following oil spill clean-up companies can be contacted for a quotation. This quotation must be approved by the Senior Supervisor before approval can be given to the contractor. Major oil spills under emergency conditions may be authorised directly by the relevant Sector Manager.





CHRIS BADENHORST (011) 740 7820 011 740 7148 082 458 4838

ENZA JACO VAN DEVENTER (011) 477 3892 086 642 8349 0834988798

DRIZIT ENVIRONMENTAL MARTINUS STANDER (011) 312 0218 0862180015 0795272534

Bee Removals – In the event that Bees are posing a safety issue on site, these bees must be removed by contacting Grant Arrand (Southerns Beekeepers Association) 083 652 0760.

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Page 53: Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the … · Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the proposed construction of the new 88kV Kashan Substation with associated
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Page 59: Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the … · Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the proposed construction of the new 88kV Kashan Substation with associated
Page 60: Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the … · Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the proposed construction of the new 88kV Kashan Substation with associated

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Page 61: Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the … · Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the proposed construction of the new 88kV Kashan Substation with associated

Document Classification: Controlled Disclosure


Unique Identifier: 240-70172585

Revision: 1

Page: 2 of 17


When downloaded from the WEB, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user

to ensure it is in line with the authorized version on the WEB.



1.  Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 3 

2.  Supporting clauses ................................................................................................................................... 3 2.1  Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 3 

2.1.1  Purpose ............................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2  Applicability .......................................................................................................................... 3 

2.2  Normative/informative references .................................................................................................... 3 2.2.1  Normative ............................................................................................................................ 3 2.2.2  Informative ........................................................................................................................... 4 

2.3  Definitions ........................................................................................................................................ 4 2.3.1  General ................................................................................................................................ 4 2.3.2  Disclosure classification ....................................................................................................... 6 

2.4  Abbreviations ................................................................................................................................... 6 2.5  Roles and responsibilities ................................................................................................................ 6 2.6  Process for monitoring ..................................................................................................................... 7 2.7  Related/supporting documents ........................................................................................................ 7 

3.  Standard ................................................................................................................................................... 7 

4.  Authorisation ........................................................................................................................................... 10 

5.  Revisions ................................................................................................................................................ 10 

6.  Development team .................................................................................................................................. 10 

7.  Acknowledgements ................................................................................................................................. 10 

8.  Annexures .............................................................................................................................................. 11 

Annex A – Impact assessment....................................................................................................................... 12 

Annex B - Implementation timeframe ............................................................................................................. 13 

Annex C - Training or communication ............................................................................................................ 15 

Annex D - Special tools, equipment, software ................................................................................................ 16 

Annex E : Biomes and Vegetation types ........................................................................................................ 17 

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Unique Identifier: 240-70172585

Revision: 1

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When downloaded from the WEB, this document is uncontrolled and the responsibility rests with the user

to ensure it is in line with the authorized version on the WEB.

1. Introduction

This standard specifically deals with vegetation management in Eskom land including servitudes and rights of way, specifying general requirements and servitude widths to assist in the development of Scope of Work for servitude maintenance. It sets out the manner in which all initial servitude route clearing, and any subsequent vegetation maintenance is to be performed on Eskom servitudes. It sets the minimum standards for vegetation clearing and maintenance of Eskom land.

It is notable that all vegetation management within commercial forestry areas shall be done in terms of the Timber Growers Agreement (the maintenance and management agreement in forest plantation areas and servitude areas (where applicable)). This particular document has however not been accepted by all foresters, but can be used as a guideline for future agreements.

2. Supporting clauses

2.1 Scope

2.1.1 Purpose

The purpose of this standard is to set requirements for initial servitude route clearing and any subsequent vegetation management performed within Eskom land.

The objective of vegetation management within Eskom land is to ensure the safe mechanical and/or electrical operation of infrastructure to meet Eskom’s legal, business, social and environmental obligations.

2.1.2 Applicability

This standard shall apply throughout Eskom Holdings SOC Limited and its Divisions, subsidiaries, and entities in which Eskom has a controlling interest, including identified contractors, suppliers and service providers of Eskom where significant vegetation management impacts and risks may occur.

Where Eskom has influence in entities and/or operations, including instances where Eskom may have contractors, this standard will be applied in those areas directly under the control of Eskom, and due process will be followed to influence the entity or operation to comply with the requirements of this standard.

2.2 Normative/informative references

Parties using this document shall apply the most recent edition of the documents listed in the following paragraphs.

2.2.1 Normative

[1] Conservation of Agricultural Resource Act, 1989 (Act No. 43 of 1989)

[2] Eskom Land and Biodiversity Policy (32-736)

[3] Eskom Land and Biodiversity Standard (32-815)

[4] Eskom Contract Specification For Vegetation Management Services On Eskom Networks (240-52456757)

[5] National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998)

[6] National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA), 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)

[7] National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act (NEMPA), 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003)

[8] National Environmental Management: Waste Act (NEMWA), 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008)

[9] National Forests Act, 1998 (Act No. 84 of 1998) (List of protected Tree species)

[10] National Parks Act, 1976 (Act No. 57 of 1976)

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[11] National Veld & Forest Fire, 1998 (Act 1998 (Act 101 of 1998)

[12] Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)

2.2.2 Informative

[1] Business and Biodiversity Offset Programme (BBOP) – Biodiversity Offset Design Handbook

[2] Commercial Timber Growers Guideline for: Maintenance and management agreement in forest plantation areas and servitude areas

[3] ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management System Standard

[4] ISO 9001 Quality Management System Standard

[5] National Biodiversity Framework (NBF), January 2008

[6] National Protected Area Expansion Strategy (NPAES)

[7] National Spatial Biodiversity Assessment (NSBA) 2011

[8] Provincial Guideline on Biodiversity Offsets, Western Cape, Revised Draft – March 2007

[9] South Africa’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (2005)

[10] The Electrical Machinery Regulations, 2011 under Section 43 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993).

2.3 Definitions

2.3.1 General

Definition Description

Alien species (a) a species that is not an indigenous species; or

(b) an indigenous species translocated or intended to be translocated to a place outside its natural distribution range in nature, but not an indigenous species that has extended its natural distribution range by natural means of migration or dispersal without human intervention (National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004).

Commercial timber growers

Timber growers, both individually or as represented by the Forest Owners Association, South African Wattle Growers Union or the South African Timber Growers Association and their staff (Commercial Timber Growers' Guideline).

Critically endangered Ecosystems that have undergone severe degradation of their ecological structure, function or composition as a result of human intervention and are subject to an extremely high risk of irreversible transformation (National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (Act No. 10 of 2004)

Ecosystem A dynamic system of plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living environment interacting as a functional unit (National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998).

Eskom land Any land and/or servitude and/or any real right registered in the Deeds Office in Eskom’s name or favour. It also includes rights of way granted to Eskom.

Habitat A place where a species or ecological community naturally occurs (National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)

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Definition Description

Indigenous species In relation to a specific protected area, means a species that occurred, naturally in a free state in nature within that specific protected area, but excludes a species introduced in that protected area as a result of human activity.1

Land user Refers to the Eskom Business Unit (BU) or function accountable for the Eskom land, at the time, and its associated infrastructure (for example a power station and a field service centre).

National Park (a) an area which was a park in terms of the National Parks Act, 1976 (Act No. 57 of 1976), immediately before the repeal of that Act by section 90(1) of this Act, and includes a park established in terms of an agreement between a local community and the Minister which has been ratified by Parliament; or

(b) an area declared or regarded as having been declared in terms of section 20 as a national park, and includes an area declared in terms of section 20 as part of an area referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act 57 Of 2003.

Plantation Any trees planted and managed by commercial timber growers for commercial purposes (see Commercial Timber Growers' Guideline).

Servitude A servitude is a real right (i.e. registered in the Deeds Office against the title deed of an erf), the content of which is to allow limited access to an erf for a specific purpose. It does not entail ownership and must be exercised in a reasonable way, within the boundaries of the specific purpose. In this standard, the reference is specifically to servitudes which allow Eskom only to build, operate and maintain infrastructure for the generation and conveyance of electricity, and ancillary purposes.

Special nature reserve (a) an area which was a special nature reserve in terms of the Environment Conservation Act, 1989 (Act No. 73 of 1989), immediately before the repeal of section 18 of that Act by section 90 of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003); or

(b) an area declared, or regarded as having been declared, in terms of section 18 of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003) as a special nature reserve;

(c) and includes an area declared in terms of section 18 of the National Environmental Management: Protected Areas Act, 2003 (Act No. 57 of 2003) as part of an area referred to in paragraph (a) or (b) above.

Species A kind of animal, plant or other organism that does not normally interbreed with individuals of another kind, and includes any subspecies, cultivar, variety, geographic race, strain, hybrid or geographically separate population (National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004).

Way leave Permission to cross or a right of way across land.

1 NEMPA, 2003 (Act No 57 of 2003)

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Definition Description

Weed Any kind of plant which has under section 2 (3) been declared a weed, and includes the seed of such plant and any vegetative part of such plant which reproduces itself asexually (Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act, 1983 (Act No. 43 of 1983).

2.3.2 Disclosure classification

Controlled disclosure: controlled disclosure to external parties (either enforced by law, or discretionary).

2.4 Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description

A & F Assurance and Forensics

BSC Board Sustainability Committee

CARA Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

ELC Environmental Liaison Committee

EMPr Environmental Management Programme

Exco Executive Management Committee

kV kilovolt

MVCD Minimum Vegetation Clearance Distance

NEMA National Environmental Management Act

ORHVS Operating regulations for high-voltage systems

PCO Pest Control Officer

2.5 Roles and responsibilities

a) The Chief Executive has the responsibility for ensuring that this standard is implemented.

b) Divisional Executives shall be responsible and accountable for the development, implementation and performance of the appropriate biodiversity management systems in their respective divisions.

c) The Environmental Manager: Sustainability Division shall establish mechanisms to ensure an Eskom co-ordinated and aligned approach to biodiversity management and shall ensure that issues relating to biodiversity performance are monitored and recorded. All areas of the organisation shall report on biodiversity issues, and the Environmental Manager of Sustainability Division shall complement the assurance function provided by A&F to the Exco, and the BSC.

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2.6 Process for monitoring

A monitoring process to determine the effectiveness of this standard will be developed through existing internal audits (ISO 14001) and in collaboration with the A&F department.

2.7 Related/supporting documents

Eskom Contract Specification For Vegetation Management Services On Eskom Networks (240-52456757)

Land and Biodiversity Policy 32-736

Land and Biodiversity Standard 32-815

3. Standard

This section sets the minimum standards for vegetation clearing and maintenance of all Eskom land in accordance with four key aspects. Should one or more of the four aspects be applicable, problematic vegetation must be managed in terms of Section 3.5 and in accordance to the Eskom Contract Specification for Vegetation Management Services on Eskom Networks (240-52456757):

Where the vegetation poses a safety clearance risk,

When access to the Eskom land is hindered,

When the vegetation poses a fire risk,

To comply with legal imperatives.

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The following process must be followed when assessing vegetation should one of the above aspects hold true:

1. Does the vegetation impact on safe clearances?2. Does the vegetation prevent access to the servitude? 3. Will the vegetation pose a fire risk? 4. Is there a legal imperative?

Leave it alone Protected species?

Yes No

Yes No

Obtain permit to cut protected vegetation

Choose vegetation group (refer to Specification 240-


Use specification as per the Eskom Contract Specification for Vegetation Management

Services on Eskom Networks (240-52456757)

ISO Process

(Continuous monitoring and reviewing of specifications)

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3.1 Where the Vegetation Poses a Safety Clearance Risk

Vegetation should be controlled where it intrudes on the minimum vegetation clearance distance, (MVCD) or will intrude on this distance before the next scheduled clearance as per Item 3.5 and The Eskom Contract Specification for Vegetation Management Services on Eskom Networks (240-52456757).

Trees and any other vegetation, that could, if they fall over or negatively impact the safe operation of the line or damage the infrastructure, must be identified and managed.

3.2 When Access to the Eskom Land is Hindered

Vegetation should be cleared to allow vehicles access below power lines and related infrastructure as per Item 3.5 and The Eskom Contract Specification for Vegetation Management Services on Eskom Networks (240-52456757).

3.3 When the Vegetation Poses a Fire Risk

Where vegetation poses a potential fire risk to Eskom’s infrastructure or to the operation of power lines, there must be a specific fire management programme to reduce this risk and vegetation must be controlled as per Item 3.5 and The Eskom Contract Specification for Vegetation Management Services on Eskom Networks (240-52456757).

3.4 Legal Compliance

Eskom must clear vegetation if required by any national or provincial legislation as per Item 3.5 and The Eskom Contract Specification for Vegetation Management Services on Eskom Networks (240-52456757) to.

3.5 Standard for Maximum Vegetation Clearances

The following table (from 240-52456757) shall be used as a standard for Vegetation Clearance for new and existing powerlines for access purposes (inspection, repair and maintenance), safety clearance, and prevention of fires in Servitudes and Wayleaves.

NOTE: Where there is a specific risk to operations as a result of equipment design or environmental condition - the Operating Unit will manage vegetation on merit. The justification for this shall only be in exceptional circumstances and shall be open to scrutiny and review.

Nominal voltage

Servitude building restriction widths

(measured from the centre line of the

power line) *

Maximum Vegetation Clearance

11 kV 9 m 4m on either side of the centre line will be cleared. Grass and scrubs will be managed in accordance with Annex B (refer to 240-52456757) which is biome and land use dependant

22 kV 11 m 4m on either side of the centre line will be cleared. Grass and scrubs will be managed in accordance with Annex B (refer to 240-52456757) which is biome and land use dependant

88 kV 11 m 5 m on either side of the centre line will be cleared. Grass and scrubs will be managed in accordance with Annex B (refer to 240-52456757) which is biome and land use dependant

132 kV 15,5 m 8 m on either side of the centre line will be cleared. Grass and scrubs will be managed in accordance with Annex B (refer to 240-52456757)

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which is biome and land use dependant

220 to 765 kV

22 m to 40 m Clear from the centre of the power line up to the outer conductor, plus an additional 10 meters on either side. Grass and scrubs will be managed in accordance with Annex B (refer to 240-52456757) which is biome and land use dependant.

533 kV DC 15 m 8 m either side of the centre line will be cleared. Grass and scrubs will be managed to a width of 15 meter either side of the centre of the line

4. Authorisation

This document has been seen and accepted by the Vegetation Care Group.

Name and surname Designation

Richard Chinzvende Senior Manager Transmission Division

Hein Vosloo Senior Manager Transmission Division

Louis Maleka Senior General Manager Distribution Division

Deidre Herbst Eskom Environmental Manager Sustainability Division

5. Revisions

Date Rev. Compiler Remarks

Jan 2014 1 I Pillay Scheduled review of document and number changed to 240-70172585

Sept 2007 0 D Lucas Document changed to standard

6. Development team

The following people were involved in the development of this document:

Vegetation Care Group

R Kruger

I Pillay

H Vosloo

K Kraft

M Michael

C Pelser

R Chinzvende

N Ockhuis

7. Acknowledgements

Vegetation Care Group

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8. Annexures

A. Impact Assessment

B. Implementation Timeframe

C. Training or Communication

D. Special tools, equipment or software

E. Biomes and Vegetation Types

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Annex A – Impact assessment (Normative – for Eskom internal use only)

Impact assessment form to be completed for all documents.

A.1 Guidelines

All comments must be completed.

Motivate why items are not applicable (n/a).

Indicate actions to be taken, persons or organizations responsible for actions and deadline for action.

Change control committees to discuss the impact assessment and, if necessary, give feedback to the compiler regarding any omissions or errors.

A.2 Critical points

A.2.1 This standard prescribes the minimum requirements for vegetation management in Eskom.

A.3 Impact on stock holding and depletion of existing stock prior to switch over.

Comment: None

A.4 When will new stock be available?

Comment: Not applicable

A.5 Has the interchangeability of the product or item been verified - i.e. when it fails is a straight swop possible with a competitor's product?

Comment: Not applicable

A.6 Identify and provide details of other critical (items required for the successful implementation of this document) points to be considered in the implementation of this document.

Comment: Not applicable

A.7 Provide details of any comments made by the Regions regarding the implementation of this document.

Comment: (N/A during commenting phase)

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Annex B - Implementation timeframe

B.1 Time period for implementation of requirements.

Comment: Vegetation contracting in the 2013 financial year

B.2 Deadline for changeover to new item and personnel to be informed of DX wide change-over.

Comment: 2015

B.3 Buyers Guide and Power Office

B.3.1 Does the Buyers Guide or Buyers List need updating?

Comment: No

B.3.2 What Buyer’s Guides or items have been created?

Comment: None

B.3.3 List all assembly drawing changes that have been revised in conjunction with this document.

Comment: None

B.3.4 If the implementation of this document requires assessment by CAP, provide details under 5

B.3.5 Which Power Office packages have been created, modified or removed?

Comment: Not applicableCAP / LAP Pre-Qualification Process related impacts

B.4 Is an ad-hoc re-evaluation of all currently accepted suppliers required as a result of implementation of this document?

Comment: Not applicable

B.5 If NO, provide motivation for issuing this specification before Acceptance Cycle Expiry date.

Comment: This process is a Strategic Sourcing by Commercial and Procurement.

B.6 Are ALL suppliers (currently accepted per LAP), aware of the nature of changes contained in this document?

Comment: Not applicable

B.7 Is implementation of the provisions of this document required during the current supplier qualification period?

Comment: No

B.8 If Yes to B.7, what date has been set for all currently accepted suppliers to comply fully?

Comment: Not applicable

B.9 If Yes to B.7, have all currently accepted suppliers been sent a prior formal notification informing them of Eskom’s expectations, including the implementation date deadline?

Comment: Not applicable

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B.10 Can the changes made, potentially impact upon the purchase price of the material/equipment?

Comment: Not applicable

B.11 Material group(s) affected by specification: (Refer to Pre-Qualification invitation schedule for list of material groups)

Comment: Not applicable

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Annex C - Training or communication

C.1 Is training required?

Comment: No

C.2 State the level of training required to implement this document. (E.g. awareness training, practical / on job, module, etc.)

Comment: Not applicable

C.3 State designations of personnel that will require training.

Comment: Not applicable

C.4 Is the training material available? Identify person responsible for the development of training material.

Comment: Not applicable

C.5 If applicable, provide details of training that will take place. (E.G. sponsor, costs, trainer, schedule of training, course material availability, training in erection / use of new equipment, maintenance training, etc).

Comment: Not applicable

C.6 Was Technical Training Section consulted w.r.t module development process?

Comment: Not applicable

C.7 State communications channels to be used to inform target audience.

Comment: Not applicable

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Annex D - Special tools, equipment, software

D.1 What special tools, equipment, software, etc will need to be purchased by the Region to effectively implement?

Comment: None

D.2 Are there stock numbers available for the new equipment?

Comment: Not applicable

D.3 What will be the costs of these special tools, equipment, software? N/A

D.4 What total costs would the Regions be required to incur in implementing this document? Identify all cost activities associated with implementation, e.g. labour, training, tooling, stock, obsolescence


Budgets provided for in the Strategic Sourcing for vegetation management at national level Allocation to Operating Units will arise from the National Contract establishment

Impact assessment completed by:

Name: Rudi Kruger

Designation: Corporate Specialist

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