Environmental Education for Environmental Education for Sustainable Development: History Sustainable Development: History and challenges in Taiwan and challenges in Taiwan Shin-Cheng Yeh, Ph.D. Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Administration Professor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University Taiwan

Environmental Education for Sustainable Development: History and challenges in Taiwan Shin-Cheng Yeh, Ph.D. Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection Administration

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Environmental Education for Environmental Education for Sustainable Development: History Sustainable Development: History

and challenges in Taiwanand challenges in Taiwan

Shin-Cheng Yeh, Ph.D.Deputy Minister, Environmental Protection

AdministrationProfessor, Graduate Institute of Environmental Education, National Taiwan Normal University


What is Environmental What is Environmental Education?Education?

Recycling? Campus landscape? What else?

History of Environmental Education History of Environmental Education Legislation in TaiwanLegislation in TaiwanYear Facts


The first research project on EE legislation commissioned by EPA Taiwan


Several times of EE Act proposals to the Legislative Yuan (Parliament) prepared by several legislators and the Chinese Society for Environmental Education (CSEE, Taiwan)


The EPA proposed an EEA proposal to the Executive Yuan


The EEA proposal was rejected by the Executive Yuan because of “lack of need of legislation”


An EEA was proposed and promoted in the Presidential Campaign


• A legislator proposed an EEA draft to the Legislative Yuan with the help of CSEE

• The Executive Yuan accepted the EEA as a prioritized legislation plan


The EEA was promulgated on May 18th, 2010


The EEA came into force on June 5th, 2011

Definition of Environmental Definition of Environmental Education in the EEAEducation in the EEA

A civil educational process through which the citizens can understand the ethical relationships between the human beings and the environment, and establish the knowledge, attitude, skills, and value toward environmental protection so that they can take action to support sustainable development.


Stage 1: Initiation Stage 1: Initiation 1987~20011987~2001

1987, the EPA Taiwan was established1990, the Environmental Protection

Division of the Ministry of Education was established

1993~1997, EE Centers were established in several educational universities

1993, the Graduate Institutes of Environmental Education at National Taiwan Normal University was established

1994~2001, other GIEE’s were established other 5 universities.

Stage 2: Growth Stage 2: Growth 2001~20072001~2007

The GIEE’s kept growingThe Sustainable Campus Project of

MOE was lunched. Elementary and high schools promoted EEd.

Environmental safety and Health was promoted in colleges and universities.

NGO’s became EEd promoters and practioners.

EEd concepts and practices were incorporated into CSR.

Stage 3: Transition Stage 3: Transition 2007~20102007~2010The GIEE’s in several universities

were merged into other institutes.

Legislation of EEd caught more and more attentions.

Campus sustainability was emphasized

Incorporation of EEd into CSR became the main stream.

Stage 4: Re-construction Stage 4: Re-construction Now!Now!The EEA was promulgated and

enforced.The public sectors and schools tried to

abide by the regulations of the EEA.The private sectors tried to find the

potential opportunities.The EE certification system started

workingProblems aroused in many aspectsDiagnosis and reconstruction is


EEA in the worldEEA in the worldUSA: 1970~1981, became active

again since1990Japan: The Environmental

Protection and Education Promotion Act, 2003

Brazil: 1999The Philippines: The Environmental

Awareness and Education Act, 2008Korea: Environmental Education

Promotion Act, 2008

Special features of the EEA Special features of the EEA of Taiwanof TaiwanAll government officials and school

students, staff, and teachers are required to practice EEd for at least 4 hour annually.

Violators of environmental laws and regulations are obligated to attend EEd classes.

EEd funds were legislated in the central and local government for supporting EEd activities.

EEd Certification System EEd Certification System Persons (EEP)

◦An EEP can be certificated through one of the six approaches: education, experience, expertise, recommendation, examination, training

Facilities and places (EEFP):◦Each EEFP is required to hire at least one

certified EEd person.Institutes (EEI)

◦A certificated EE Institute can offer classed for EEP certification and other courses required by the EEA.

Specialized areas of an Specialized areas of an EEPEEP

1. School and social environmental education

2. Climate change3. Disaster prevention and mitigation4. Natural conservation5. Pollution control6. Environmental and resource

management7. Cultural conservation8. Community participation


EEPF’s in EEPF’s in TaiwanTaiwan15 EEPF’s were

certificated in the first year.

These EEPF’s are public and belong to different authorities in the central and local levels.

Features of the EEPF’sFeatures of the EEPF’sForests and natural resources

play a very important role.They are managed by the Forest

Bureau, Agricultural Council and several local governments.

Site-oriented educational materials were developed

More visitors are expected.

Taipei Water Park (North)Taipei Water Park (North)

Special species Conservation Special species Conservation Center, Agricultural Council Center, Agricultural Council (Central)(Central)

Chouzai Wetland Park Chouzai Wetland Park (South)(South)

Tzinan Nature Center Tzinan Nature Center (East)(East)

EEd in 2011, by activity EEd in 2011, by activity patternpattern

EEd in 2011, by the specialized EEd in 2011, by the specialized areaarea

The “EEd formula” for The “EEd formula” for linking people in different linking people in different areas areas

KEECS(K1): knowledge of environment,

ecology, culture, and sustainabilityKCEIA(K2): knowledge of communication,

education, interpretation, and audienceAS: appropriate strategiesEEdO: environmental education



What does this formula What does this formula tell us?tell us?

We need knowledge in multiple areas

Science is the base for environmental education

Without appropriate strategies, the educational opportunities would be zero!


Issues of EEA in TaiwanIssues of EEA in TaiwanA common point of view is needed for real

communication… What is environmental education?

The certification mechanisms are too complex and tend to discourage people interested in EEd.

Many governmental officials treated EEd activities as an extra job… sustainability is still not a crucial part in their professions.

Business models need to be built to create “green jobs” related to EEd.

VisionVisionAll education is environmental education…

More people in more fields get involved.Government officials accept EEd as a must

in their training and educational activities.More EEd materials are developed with

local characteristics.Certification systems operate smoothly.Successful business models and “green

jobs” become real. EEd is a part of daily life.