Envi Laws - Compilation-libre

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  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre



    RA 7942 (Philippine Mining Act of 199 !"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""# $ #%

    &ENR A' ini)t*+ti,e O*'e* No" 99$#4""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#1 $ ##

    RA 7%7- (People). S +ll Sc+le Mining Act of! /"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""#4 $ #9

    P& 1099 (E)t+ li)hing S +ll Sc+le Mining +) + ne&i en)ion in Mine*+l &e,elop ent! /"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""4% $ 41

    RA 7 0- (N+tion+l 3nteg*+te' P*otecte' A*e+) S )te ! /"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 42 $ %

    RA 0#71 (3n'igeno5) People). Right) Act! /"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1 $ 71

    RA 04# (Ag*ic5lt5*e +n' Fi)he*ie) Mo'e*ni6+tion Act! /"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 72 $ 1%%

    EO 2-# (Co 5nit $B+)e' Fo*e)t M+n+ge ent!""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1%1 $ 1%4

    EO 401 (P*o otion +n' &e,elop ent of O*g+nic Ag*ic5lt5*e in the Philippine)! /""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1% $ 1%9

    P& 7% (Fo*e)t* Refo* Co'e of the Philippine)! /""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 11% $ 1#1

    P& 7%1 (A en'e' Section #- of P& 7% ! /"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1#2

    P& 11 1 (Philippine En,i*on ent+l Polic ! /""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1## $ 1#4

    P& 11 2 (Philippine En,i*on ent Co'e! /"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1# $ 149

    RA #044 (An Act to O*'+in the Ag*ic5lt5*+l Refo* Co'e +n' to 3n)tit5te L+n' Refo* ) in the Philippine)! /""""""""""""""""""""""""" 1 % $ 100

    RA 79%7 (A en'e' RA #044 o* Co'e of Ag*+*i+nRefo* of the Philippine)! /"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 109 $ 192

    P& 1%-7 ( The +te* Co'e of the Philippine)! /""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 19# $ 2%-

    P&1 0- (En,i*on ent+l 3 p+ct A))e)) ent! /""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2%7 $ 2%9

    P*ocl+ +tion No" 214- (P*ocl+i ing ce*t+in+*e+) +n' t pe) of p*o8ect) +) en,i*on ent+ll

    c*itic+l +n' ithin the )cope of en,i*on ent+li p+ct )t+te ent ) )te e)t+ li)he' 5n'e* P& 1 0-! /"""""""""""""""""21% $ 211

    RA 71-% (Loc+l o,e*n ent Co'e of the Philippine)! /"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 212 : 4%2

    S+ ple O*'in+nce) /""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 4%# : 414

    Refe*ence) /""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""41


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre




    Be it en+cte' the Sen+te +n' ;o5)e of Rep*e)ent+ti,e) of the Philippine) in Cong*e)) +))e le' occ5pie'> o* 5tili6e'

    in'igeno5) c5lt5*+l co 5nitie) the )el,e) o* th*o5gh thei* +nce)to*) in +cco*'+nceith thei* c5)to ) +n' t*+'ition) )ince ti e i e o*i+l> +n' +) + e 'efine' +n''eline+te' l+ "

    " Bloc? o* e*i'ion+l loc? e+n) +n +*e+ o5n'e' one$h+lf (1@2! in5te of l+tit5'e+n' one$h+lf (1@2! in5te of longit5'e> cont+ining +pp*o=i +tel eight $one hect+*e) (01h+)"!"

    c" B5*e+5 e+n) the Mine) +n' eo)cience) B5*e+5 5n'e* the &ep+*t ent ofEn,i*on ent +n' N+t5*+l Re)o5*ce)"

    '" C+** ing c+p+cit *efe*) to the c+p+cit of n+t5*+l +n' h5 +n en,i*on ent) to+cco o'+te +n' + )o* ch+nge itho5t e=pe*iencing con'ition) of in)t+ ilit +n'+tten'+nt 'eg*+'+tion"

    e" Contig5o5) 6one *efe*) to +te*> )e+ otto +n' )5 )t*+t5 e+)5*e' t ent $fo5*n+5tic+l ile) (24 n" "! )e+ +*' f*o the +)e line of the Philippine +*chipel+go"

    f" Cont*+ct +*e+ e+n) l+n' o* o' of +te* 'eline+te' fo* p5*po)e) of e=plo*+tion>'e,elop ent> o* 5tili6+tion of the ine*+l) fo5n' the*ein"

    g" Cont*+cto* e+n) + 5+lifie' pe*)on +cting +lone o* in con)o*ti5 ho i) + p+*t to +ine*+l +g*ee ent o* to + fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent"h" Co$p*o'5ction +g*ee ent (CA! e+n) +n +g*ee ent ente*e' into et een the


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    o,e*n ent +n' one o* o*e cont*+cto*) in +cco*'+nce ith Section 2-( ! he*eof"

    i" &ep+*t ent e+n) the &ep+*t ent of En,i*on ent +n' N+t5*+l Re)o5*ce)"

    8" &e,elop ent e+n) the o*? 5n'e*t+?en to e=plo*e +n' p*ep+*e +n o*e o' o* +ine*+l 'epo)it fo* ining> incl5'ing the con)t*5ction of nece))+* inf*+)t*5ct5*e +n'*el+te' f+cilitie)"

    ?" &i*ecto* e+n) the &i*ecto* of the Mine) +n' eo)cience) B5*e+5"

    l" Ecologic+l p*ofile o* eco$p*ofile *efe*) to geog*+phic$ +)e' in)t*5 ent) fo* pl+nne*) +n''eci)ion$ +?e*) hich p*e)ent) +n e,+l5+tion of the en,i*on ent+l 5+lit +n' c+** ingc+p+cit of +n +*e+"

    " En,i*on ent+l co pli+nce ce*tific+te (ECC! *efe*) to the 'oc5 ent i))5e' thego,e*n ent +genc conce*ne' ce*tif ing th+t the p*o8ect 5n'e* con)i'e*+tion ill not *ing+ o5t +n 5n+ccept+ le en,i*on ent+l i p+ct +n' th+t the p*oponent h+) co plie' ith the*e 5i*e ent) of the en,i*on ent+l i p+ct )t+te ent ) )te "

    n" En,i*on ent+l i p+ct )t+te ent (E3S! i) the 'oc5 ent hich +i ) to i'entif > p*e'ict>inte*p*et> +n' co 5nic+te info* +tion *eg+*'ing ch+nge) in en,i*on ent+l 5+lit+))oci+te' ith + p*opo)e' p*o8ect +n' hich e=+ ine) the *+nge of +lte*n+ti,e) fo* theo 8ecti,e) of the p*opo)+l +n' thei* i p+ct on the en,i*on ent"

    o" E=cl5)i,e econo ic 6one e+n) the +te*> )e+ otto +n' )5 )5*f+ce e+)5*e' f*othe +)eline of the Philippine +*chipel+go 5p to t o h5n'*e' n+5tic+l ile) (2%% n" "!off)ho*e"

    p" E=i)ting ining@ 5+** ing *ight e+n) + ,+li' +n' )5 )i)ting ining cl+i o* pe* it o*5+** pe* it o* +n ining le+)e cont*+ct o* +g*ee ent co,e*ing + ine*+li6e' +*e+g*+nte'@i))5e' 5n'e* pe*tinent ining l+ )"

    " E=plo*+tion e+n) the )e+*ching o* p*o)pecting fo* ine*+l *e)o5*ce) geologic+l>

    geoche ic+l o* geoph )ic+l )5*,e )> *e ote )en)ing> te)t pitting> t*enching> '*illing> )h+ft)in?ing> t5nneling o* +n othe* e+n) fo* the p5*po)e of 'ete* ining the e=i)tence> e=tent>5+ntit +n' 5+lit the*eof +n' the fe+)i ilit of ining the fo* p*ofit"

    *" Fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent e+n) + cont*+ct in,ol,ing fin+nci+l o*technic+l +))i)t+nce fo* l+*ge$)c+le e=plo*+tion> 'e,elop ent> +n' 5tili6+tion of ine*+l*e)o5*ce)"

    )" Fo*ce +8e5*e e+n) +ct) o* ci*c5 )t+nce) e on' the *e+)on+ le cont*ol ofcont*+cto* incl5'ing> 5t not li ite' to> +*> *e ellion> in)5**ection> *iot)> ci,il 'i)t5* +nce>loc?+'e> )+ ot+ge> e +*go> )t*i?e> loc?o5t> +n 'i)p5te ith )5*f+ce o ne*) +n' othe*l+ o* 'i)p5te)> epi'e ic> e+*th 5+?e> )to* > floo' o* othe* +',e*)e e+the* con'ition)>e=plo)ion> fi*e> +',e*)e +ction go,e*n ent o* +n in)t*5 ent+lit o* )5 'i,i)ion

    the*eof> +ct of o' o* +n p5 lic ene +n' +n c+5)e th+t he*ein 'e)c*i e o,e* hich the+ffecte' p+*t h+) no *e+)on+ le cont*ol"

    t" Fo*eign$o ne' co*po*+tion e+n) +n co*po*+tion> p+*tne*)hip> +))oci+tion> o*coope*+ti,e '5l *egi)te*e' in +cco*'+nce ith l+ in hich le)) th+n fift pe* cent5( % ! of the c+pit+l i) o ne' Filipino citi6en)"

    5" o,e*n ent e+n) the go,e*n ent of the Rep5 lic of the Philippine)"


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    ," *o)) o5tp5t e+n) the +ct5+l +*?et ,+l5e of ine*+l) o* ine*+l p*o'5ct) f*o it)ining +*e+ +) 'efine' in the N+tion+l 3nte*n+l Re,en5e Co'e"

    " 3n'igeno5) c5lt5*+l co 5nit e+n) + g*o5p o* t*i e of in'igeno5) Filipino) ho h+,econtin5o5)l li,e' +) co 5nitie) on co 5n+ll $ o5n'e' +n' 'efine' l+n' )ince ti ei e o*i+l +n' h+,e )5ccee'e' in p*e)e*,ing> +int+ining> +n' )h+*ing co on on') ofl+ng5+ge)> c5)to )> t*+'ition)> +n' othe* 'i)tincti,e c5lt5*+l t*+it)> +n' +) + e 'efine'+n' 'eline+te' l+ "

    =" oint ,ent5*e +g*ee ent ( DA! e+n) +n +g*ee ent ente*e' into et een theo,e*n ent +n' one o* o*e cont*+cto*) in +cco*'+nce ith Section 2-(c! he*eof"

    " Mine*+l p*oce))ing e+n) the illing> enefici+tion o* 5pg*+'ing of o*e) o* ine*+l) +n'*oc?) o* )i il+* e+n) to con,e*t the )+ e into +*?et+ le p*o'5ct)"

    6" Mine +)te) +n' t+iling) )h+ll e+n )oil +n' *oc? +te*i+l) f*o )5*f+ce o*5n'e*g*o5n' ining +n' illing ope*+tion) ith no econo ic ,+l5e to the gene*+to* of the)+ e"

    ++" Mine*+l) *efe*) to +ll n+t5*+ll occ5**ing ino*g+nic )5 )t+nce in )oli'> g+)> li 5i'> o* +ninte* e'i+te )t+te e=cl5'ing ene*g +te*i+l) )5ch +) co+l> pet*ole5 > n+t5*+l g+)>*+'io+cti,e +te*i+l)> +n' geothe* +l ene*g "

    + " Mine*+l +g*ee ent e+n) + cont*+ct et een the go,e*n ent +n' + cont*+cto*>in,ol,ing ine*+l p*o'5ction$)h+*ing +g*ee ent> co$p*o'5ction +g*ee ent> o* 8oint$,ent5*e+g*ee ent"

    +c" Mine*+l l+n' e+n) +n +*e+ he*e ine*+l *e)o5*ce) +*e fo5n'"

    +'" Mine*+l *e)o5*ce e+n) +n concent*+tion of ine*+l)@*oc?) ith potenti+l econo ic,+l5e"

    +e" Mining +*e+ e+n) + po*tion of the cont*+ct +*e+ i'entifie' the cont*+cto* fo*

    p5*po)e) of 'e,elop ent> ining> 5tili6+tion> +n' )ite) fo* )5ppo*t f+cilitie) o* in thei e'i+te ,icinit of the ining ope*+tion)"

    +f" Mining ope*+tion e+n) ining +cti,itie) in,ol,ing e=plo*+tion> fe+)i ilit > 'e,elop ent>5tili6+tion> +n' p*oce))ing"

    +g" Non$go,e*n ent+l o*g+ni6+tion (N O! incl5'e) non)toc?> nonp*ofit o*g+ni6+tion)in,ol,e' in +cti,itie) 'e+ling ith *e)o5*ce +n' en,i*on ent+l con)e*,+tion> +n+ge ent+n' p*otection"

    +h" Net +))et) *efe*) to the p*ope*t > pl+nt +n' e 5ip ent +) *eflecte' in the +5'ite'fin+nci+l )t+te ent of the cont*+cto* net of 'ep*eci+tion> +) co p5te' fo* t+= p5*po)e)>e=cl5'ing +pp*+i)+l inc*e+)e +n' con)t*5ction in p*og*e))"

    +i" Off)ho*e e+n) the +te*> )e+ otto +n' )5 )5*f+ce f*o the )ho*e o* co+)tline*ec?one' f*o the e+n lo ti'e le,el 5p to the t o h5n'*e' n+5tic+l ile) (2%% n" "!e=cl5)i,e econo ic 6one incl5'ing the +*chipel+gic )e+ +n' contig5o5) 6one"

    +8" On)ho*e e+n) the l+n' +*' )i'e f*o the e+n ti'e ele,+tion> incl5'ing )5 e*ge'l+n') in l+?e)> *i,e*) +n' c*ee?)"

    +?" O*e e+n) + n+t5*+ll occ5**ing )5 )t+nce o* +te*i+l f*o hich + ine*+l o* ele ent

  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    c+n e ine' +n'@o* p*oce))e' fo* p*ofit"

    +l" Pe* ittee e+n) the hol'e* of +n e=plo*+tion pe* it"

    + " Poll5tion cont*ol +n' inf*+)t*5ct5*e 'e,ice) *efe*) to inf*+)t*5ct5*e> +chine* >e 5ip ent +n'@o* i p*o,e ent) 5)e' fo* i po5n'ing> t*e+ting o* ne5t*+li6ing> p*ecipit+ting>filte*ing> con,e ing +n' cle+n)ing ine in'5)t*i+l +)te +n' t+iling) +) ell +) eli in+tingo* *e'5cing h+6+*'o5) effect) of )oli' p+*ticle)> che ic+l)> li 5i') o* othe* h+* f5lp*o'5ct) +n' g+)e) e itte' f*o +n f+cilit 5tili6e' in ining ope*+tion) fo* thei*


    +n" P*e)i'ent e+n) the P*e)i'ent of the Rep5 lic of the Philippine)"

    +o" P*i,+te l+n' *efe*) to +n l+n' elonging to +n p*i,+te pe*)on hich incl5'e)+lien+ le +n' 'i)po)+ le l+n' eing cl+i e' + hol'e*> cl+i +nt> o* occ5p+nt ho h+)+l*e+' +c 5i*e' + ,e)te' *ight the*eto 5n'e* the l+ > +ltho5gh the co**e)pon'ingce*tific+te o* e,i'ence of title o* p+tent h+) not een +ct5+ll i))5e'"

    +p" P5 lic l+n' *efe*) to l+n') of the p5 lic 'o +in hich h+,e een cl+))ifie' +)+g*ic5lt5*+l l+n') +n' )5 8ect to +n+ge ent +n' 'i)po)ition o* conce))ion 5n'e* e=i)tingl+ )"

    + " 5+lifie' pe*)on e+n) +n citi6en of the Philippine) ith c+p+cit to cont*+ct> o* +co*po*+tion> p+*tne*)hip> +))oci+tion> o* coope*+ti,e o*g+ni6e' o* +5tho*i6e' fo* thep5*po)e of eng+ging in i*ing> ith technic+l +n' fin+nci+l c+p+ ilit to 5n'e*t+?e ine*+l*e)o5*ce) 'e,elop ent +n' '5l *egi)te*e' in +cco*'+nce ith l+ +t le+)t )i=t pe*cent5 (-% ! of the c+pit+l of hich i) o ne' citi6en) of the Philippine)< P*o,i'e'> Th+t+ leg+ll o*g+ni6e' fo*eign$o ne' co*po*+tion )h+ll e 'ee e' + 5+lifie' pe*)on fo*p5*po)e) of g*+nting +n e=plo*+tion pe* it> fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent o*ine*+l p*oce))ing pe* it"

    +*" 5+** ing e+n) the p*oce)) of e=t*+cting> *e o,ing +n' 'i)po)ing 5+** *e)o5*ce)fo5n' on o* 5n'e*ne+th the )5*f+ce of p*i,+te o* p5 lic l+n'"

    +)" 5+** pe* it e+n) + 'oc5 ent g*+nte' to + 5+lifie' pe*)on fo* the e=t*+ction +n'5tili6+tion of 5+** *e)o5*ce) on p5 lic o* p*i,+te l+n')"

    +t" 5+** *e)o5*ce) *efe*) to +n co on *oc? o* othe* ine*+l )5 )t+nce) +) the&i*ecto* of Mine) +n' eo)cience) B5*e+5 + 'ecl+*e to e 5+** *e)o5*ce) )5ch +)>5t not li ite' to> +n'e)ite> +)+lt> conglo e*+te> co*+l )+n'> 'i+to +ceo5) e+*th> 'io*ite>'eco*+ti,e )tone)> g+ *o> g*+nite> li e)tone> +* le> +*l> *e' 5*ning cl+ ) fo* potte*ie)+n' *ic?)> *h olite> *oc? pho)ph+te> )+n')tone> )e*pentine> )h+le> t5ff> ,olc+nic cin'e*)>+n' ,olc+nic gl+))< P*o,i'e'> Th+t )5ch 5+** *e)o5*ce) 'o not cont+in et+l) o* et+lliccon)tit5ent) +n'@o* othe* ,+l5+ le ine*+l) in econo ic+ll o*?+ le 5+ntitie)< P*o,i'e'>f5*the*> Th+t non$ et+llic ine*+l) )5ch +) ?+olin> fel')p+*> 5ll 5+*t6> 5+*t6 o* )ilic+>)+n' +n' pe le)> entonite> t+lc> +) e)to)> +*ite> g p)5 > +5=ite> +gne)ite> 'olo ite>

    ic+> p*ecio5) +n' )e i$p*ecio5) )tone)> +n' othe* non$ et+llic ine*+l) th+t + l+te* e'i)co,e*e' +n' hich the< &i*ecto* 'ecl+*e) the )+ e to e of econo ic+ll o*?+ le5+ntitie)> )h+ll not e cl+))ifie' 5n'e* the c+tego* of 5+** *e)o5*ce)"

    +5" Region+l 'i*ecto* e+n) the *egion+l 'i*ecto* of +n ine) *egion+l office 5n'e* the&ep+*t ent of En,i*on ent +n' N+t5*+l Re)o5*ce)"

    +," Region+l office e+n) +n of the ine) *egion+l office) of the &ep+*t ent ofEn,i*on ent +n' N+t5*+l Re)o5*ce)"


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    P! $%;$" R! $! % E p*ocl+ +tion> +lte* o* o'if the o5n'+*ie) the*eof o* *e,e*tthe )+ e to the p5 lic 'o +in itho5t p*e85'ice to p*io* e=i)ting *ight)"

    S!"#$%& =A8#)% $#5 % #)! D!0+ # ! The &ep+*t ent )h+ll e the p*i +* go,e*n ent +genc *e)pon)i le fo* the con)e*,+tion>+n+ge ent> 'e,elop ent> +n' p*ope* 5)e of the St+te.) ine*+l *e)o5*ce) incl5'ing tho)e in*e)e*,+tion)> +te*)he' +*e+)> +n' l+n') of the p5 lic 'o +in" The Sec*et+* )h+ll h+,e the +5tho*itto ente* into ine*+l +g*ee ent) on eh+lf of the o,e*n ent 5pon the *eco en'+tion of the&i*ecto*> p*o 5lg+te )5ch *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) +) + e nece))+* to i ple ent the intent +n'p*o,i)ion) of thi) Act"

    S!"#$%& 9A8#)% $#5 % #)! B8 !+8 The B5*e+5 )h+ll h+,e 'i*ect ch+*ge in the +' ini)t*+tion +n' 'i)po)ition of ine*+l l+n') +n' ine*+l*e)o5*ce) +n' )h+ll 5n'e*t+?e geologic+l> ining> et+ll5*gic+l> che ic+l> +n' othe* *e)e+*che) +) ell+) geologic+l +n' ine*+l e=plo*+tion )5*,e )" The &i*ecto* )h+ll *eco en' to the Sec*et+* theg*+nting of ine*+l +g*ee ent) to '5l 5+lifie' pe*)on) +n' )h+ll onito* the co pli+nce thecont*+cto* of the te* ) +n' con'ition) of the ine*+l +g*ee ent)" The B5*e+5 + confi)c+te )5*et >pe*fo* +nce +n' g5+*+nt on') po)te' th*o5gh +n o*'e* to e p*o 5lg+te' the &i*ecto*" The&i*ecto* + 'ep5ti6e> hen nece))+* > +n e e* o* 5nit of the Philippine N+tion+l Police>+*+ng+ > '5l *egi)te*e' non$go,e*n ent+l o*g+ni6+tion (N O! o* +n 5+lifie' pe*)on to police +llining +cti,itie)"

    S!"#$%& '>R!1$%&+( O $"!* The*e )h+ll e +) +n *egion+l office) in the co5nt* +) + e e)t+ li)he' the Sec*et+* > 5pon the

    *eco en'+tion of the &i*ecto*"

    S!"#$%& ''P %"!**$&1 % A00($"+#$%&* The ) )te of p*oce))ing +pplic+tion) fo* ining *ight) )h+ll e p*e)c*i e' in the *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)of thi) Act"

    S!"#$%& '2S8 !5, C)+ #$&1 +&; D!($&!+#$%& % M$&$&1 A !+*

    A )?etch pl+n o* +p of the cont*+ct o* ining +*e+ p*ep+*e' + 'ep5ti6e' geo'etic enginee* )5it+ lefo* p5 lic+tion p5*po)e) )h+ll e *e 5i*e' '5*ing the filing of + ine*+l +g*ee ent o* fin+nci+l o*

    technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent +pplic+tion" The*e+fte*> the cont*+ct o* ining +*e+ )h+ll e )5*,e e'+n' on5 ente' + 'ep5ti6e' geo'etic enginee* o* 5*e+5 geo'etic enginee* +n' the )5*,e pl+n)h+ll e +pp*o,e' the &i*ecto* efo*e the +pp*o,+l of the ining fe+)i ilit "

    S!"#$%& '6M! $;$%&+( B(%"-* Fo* p5*po)e) of the 'eline+tion of the cont*+ct o* ining +*e+) 5n'e* thi) Act> the Philippine te**ito*+n' it) e=cl5)i,e econo ic 6one )h+ll e 'i,i'e' into e*i'ion+l loc?) of one$h+lf (1@2! in5te of


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    l+tit5'e +n' one$h+lf (1@2! in5te of longit5'e"

    S!"#$%& '4R!"% ;$&1 S5*#! The*e )h+ll e e)t+ li)he' + n+tion+l +n' *egion+l filing +n' *eco*'ing ) )te " A ine*+l *e)o5*ce'+t+ +)e ) )te )h+ll e )et 5p in the B5*e+5 hich )h+ll incl5'e> + ong othe*)> + ine*+l *ight)+n+ge ent ) )te " The B5*e+5 )h+ll p5 li)h +t le+)t +nn5+ll > + ine*+l g+6ette of n+tion i'eci*c5l+tion cont+ining + ong othe*)> + c5**ent li)t of ine*+l *ight)> thei* loc+tion in the +p> ining*5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)> othe* offici+l +ct) +ffecting ining> +n' othe* info* +tion *ele,+nt to ine*+l*e)o5*ce) 'e,elop ent" A ) )te +n' p5 lic+tion f5n' )h+ll e incl5'e' in the *eg5l+* 5'get of theB5*e+5"

    C APTER IIISCOPE OF APPLICATIONS!"#$%& '3S"%0! % A00($"+#$%& Thi) Act )h+ll go,e*n the e=plo*+tion> 'e,elop ent> 5tili6+tion +n' p*oce))ing of +ll ine*+l *e)o5*ce)"

    S!"#$%& ':Opening of Ance)t*+l L+n') fo* Mining Ope*+tion) No +nce)t*+l l+n' )h+ll e opene' fo* ining$ope*+tion) itho5t p*io* con)ent of the in'igeno5) c5lt5*+lco 5nit conce*ne' "

    S!"#$%& '7R%5+(#5 P+5 !* % I&;$1!&%8* C8(#8 +( C% 8&$#$!* 3n the e,ent of +n +g*ee ent ith +n in'igeno5) c5lt5*+l co 5nit p5*)5+nt to the p*ece'ing )ection>the *o +lt p+ ent> 5pon 5tili6+tion of the ine*+l) )h+ll e +g*ee' 5pon the p+*tie) " The )+i'*o +lt )h+ll fo* p+*t of + t*5)t f5n' fo* the )ocioecono ic ell$ eing of the in'igeno5) c5lt5*+lco 5nit "

    S!"#$%& '=A !+* O0!& #% M$&$&1 O0! +#$%&* S5 8ect to +n e=i)ting *ight) o* *e)e*,+tion) +n' p*io* +g*ee ent) of +ll p+*tie)> +ll ine*+l *e)o5*ce) inp5 lic o* p*i,+te l+n')> incl5'ing ti e* o* fo*e)tl+n') +) 'efine' in e=i)ting l+ )> )h+ll e open toine*+l +g*ee ent) o* fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent +pplic+tion)" An conflict th+t ++*i)e 5n'e* thi) p*o,i)ion )h+ll e he+*' +n' *e)ol,e' the p+nel of +* it*+to*)"

    S!"#$%& '9A !+* C(%*!; #% M$&$&1 A00($"+#$%&* Mine*+l +g*ee ent o* fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent +pplic+tion) )h+ll not e +llo e' )+i' *o +lt fo* ing + t*5)t f5n' fo* the )ocioecono ic'e,elop ent of the co 5nit conce*ne'G +n'

    f" Ol' g*o th o* ,i*gin fo*e)t)> p*ocl+i e' +te*)he' fo*e)t *e)e*,e)> il'e*ne)) +*e+)>+ng*o,e fo*e)t)> o)) fo*e)t)> n+tion+l p+*?) p*o,inci+l@ 5nicip+l fo*e)t)> p+*?)> g*een elt)>g+ e *ef5ge +n' i*' )+nct5+*ie) +) 'efine' l+ +n' in +*e+) e=p*e))l p*ohi ite' 5n'e*the N+tion+l 3nteg*+te' P*otecte' A*e+) S )te (N3PAS! 5n'e* Rep5 lic Act No" 7 0->&ep+*t ent A' ini)t*+ti,e O*'e* No" 2 > )e*ie) of 1992 +n' othe* l+ )"

    C APTER IVEXPLORATION PERMITS!"#$%& 2>E in +n one p*o,ince

    1" fo* in'i,i'5+l)> t ent (2%! loc?)< +n'

    " fo* p+*tne*)hip)> co*po*+tion)> coope*+ti,e)> o* +))oci+tion)> t o h5n'*e' (2%%! loc?)"

    " On)ho*e> in the enti*e Philippine)

    1" fo* in'i,i'5+l)> fo*t (4%! loc?)G +n'

    2" fo* p+*tne*)hip)> co*po*+tion)> coope*+ti,e)> o* +))oci+tion)> fo5* h5n'*e' (4%%! loc?)"

    c" Off)ho*e> e on' fi,e h5n'*e' ete*) ( %% ! f*o the e+n lo ti'e le,el co*po*+tion)> coope*+ti,e)> o* +))oci+tion)> one tho5)+n' (1>%%%! loc?)"S!"#$%& 26R$1)#* +&; O ($1+#$%&* % #)! P! $##!!

    An e=plo*+tion pe* it )h+ll g*+nt to the pe* ittee> hi) hei*) o* )5cce))o*)$in$inte*e)t> the *ight to ente*>occ5p +n' e=plo*e the +*e+< P*o,i'e'> Th+t if p*i,+te o* othe* p+*tie) +*e +ffecte'> the pe* ittee )h+llfi*)t 'i)c5)) ith the )+i' p+*tie) the e=tent> nece))it > +n' +nne* of hi) ent* > occ5p+tion +n'e=plo*+tion +n' in c+)e of 'i)+g*ee ent> + p+nel of +* it*+to*) )h+ll *e)ol,e the conflict o*'i)+g*ee ent"


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    The pe* ittee )h+ll 5n'e*t+?e +n e=plo*+tion o*? on the +*e+ +) )pecifie' it) pe* it +)e' on +n+pp*o,e' o*? p*og*+ "

    An e=pen'it5*e in e=ce)) of the e+*l 5'get of the +pp*o,e' o*? p*og*+ + e c+**ie' fo* +*'+n' c*e'ite' to the )5ccee'ing e+*) co,e*ing the '5*+tion of the pe* it" The Sec*et+* > th*o5gh the

    &i*ecto*> )h+ll p*o 5lg+te *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) go,e*ning the te* ) +n' con'ition) of the pe* it"The pe* ittee + +ppl fo* + ine*+l p*o'5ction )h+*ing +g*ee ent> 8oint ,ent5*e +g*ee ent> co$p*o'5ction +g*ee ent o* fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent o,e* the pe* it +*e+> hich+pplic+tion )h+ll e g*+nte' if the pe* ittee eet) the nece))+* 5+lific+tion) +n' the te* ) +n'con'ition) of +n )5ch +g*ee ent< P*o,i'e'> Th+t the e=plo*+tion pe*io' co,e*e' the e=plo*+tionpe* it )h+ll e incl5'e' +) p+*t of the e=plo*+tion pe*io' of the ine*+l +g*ee ent o* fin+nci+l o*technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent"

    S!"#$%& 24D!"(+ +#$%& % M$&$&1 P %?!"# F!+*$ $($#5

    A hol'e* of +n e=plo*+tion pe* it ho 'ete* ine) the co e*ci+l ,i+ ilit of + p*o8ect co,e*ing + ining+*e+ + > ithin the te* of the pe* it> file ith the B5*e+5 + 'ecl+*+tion of ining p*o8ect fe+)i ilit+cco p+nie' + o*? p*og*+ fo* 'e,elop ent" The +pp*o,+l of the ining p*o8ect fe+)i ilit +n'co pli+nce ith othe* *e 5i*e ent) p*o,i'e' in thi) Act )h+ll entitle the hol'e* to +n e=cl5)i,e *ight to +ine*+l p*o'5ction )h+*ing +g*ee ent o* othe* ine*+l +g*ee ent) o* fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce+g*ee ent"

    S!"#$%& 23T +&* ! % A**$1& ! A& ! technolog > +n+ge ent +n' pe*)onnelnece))+* fo* the i ple ent+tion of thi) +g*ee ent"

    " Co$p*o'5ction +g*ee ent i) +n +g*ee ent et een the o,e*n ent +n' the cont*+cto* he*ein theo,e*n ent )h+ll p*o,i'e inp5t) to the ining ope*+tion) othe* th+n the ine*+l *e)o5*ce"

    c" oint ,ent5*e +g*ee ent i) +n +g*ee ent he*e + 8oint$,ent5*e co p+n i) o*g+ni6e' the

    o,e*n ent +n' the cont*+cto* ith oth p+*tie) h+,ing e 5it )h+*e)" A)i'e f*o e+*ning) in e 5it >the o,e*n ent )h+ll e entitle' to + )h+*e in the g*o)) o5tp5t" A ine*+l +g*ee ent )h+ll g*+nt to the cont*+cto* the e=cl5)i,e *ight to con'5ct ining ope*+tion) +n'to e=t*+ct +ll ine*+l *e)o5*ce) fo5n' in the cont*+ct +*e+" 3n +''ition> the cont*+cto* + e +llo e' tocon,e*t hi) +g*ee ent into +n of the o'e) of ine*+l +g*ee ent) o* fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce+g*ee ent co,e*ing the *e +ining pe*io' of the o*igin+l +g*ee ent )5 8ect to the +pp*o,+l of theSec*et+* "S!"#$%& 27


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    E($1$ $($#5

    A 5+lifie' pe*)on + ente* into +n of the th*ee (#! o'e) of ine*+l +g*ee ent ith the go,e*n entfo* the e=plo*+tion> 'e,elop ent +n' 5tili6+tion of ine*+l *e)o5*ce)< P*o,i'e'> Th+t in c+)e the+pplic+nt h+) een in the ining in'5)t* fo* +n length of ti e> he )ho5l' po))e)) + )+ti)f+cto*en,i*on ent+l t*+c? *eco*' +) 'ete* ine' the Mine) +n' eo)cience) B5*e+5 +n' in con)5lt+tionith the En,i*on ent+l M+n+ge ent B5*e+5 of the &ep+*t ent"

    S!"#$%& 2=M+ t ent (2%! loc?)G +n'

    2" fo* p+*tne*)hip)> coope*+ti,e)> +))oci+tion)> o* co*po*+tion)> t o h5n'*e' (2%%! loc?)"

    c" Off)ho*e> in the enti*e Philippine)

    1" fo* in'i,i'5+l) fift ( %! loc?)G

    2" fo* p+*tne*)hip)> coope*+ti,e)> +))oci+tion)> o* co*po*+tion)> fi,e h5n'*e' ( %%! loc?)G +n'

    #" fo* the e=cl5)i,e econo ic 6one> + l+*ge* +*e+ to e 'ete* ine' the Sec*et+* "

    The +=i 5 +*e+) entione' + o,e th+t + cont*+cto* + hol' 5n'e* + ine*+l +g*ee ent )h+ll notincl5'e ining@ 5+** +*e+) 5n'e* ope*+ting +g*ee ent) et een the cont*+cto* +n' +

    cl+i o ne*@le))ee@pe* ittee@licen)ee ente*e' into 5n'e* P*e)i'enti+l &ec*ee No" 4-#"

    S!"#$%& 29F$($&1 +&; A00 % +( % M$&! +( A1 !! !*

    All p*opo)e' ine*+l +g*ee ent) )h+ll e file' in the *egion he*e the +*e+) of inte*e)t +*e loc+te'>e=cept in ine*+l *e)e*,+tion) hich )h+ll e file' ith the B5*e+5"The filing of + p*opo)+l fo* + ine*+l +g*ee ent )h+ll gi,e the p*oponent the p*io* *ight to +*e+) co,e*e' the )+ e" The p*opo)e' ine*+l +g*ee ent ill e +pp*o,e' the Sec*et+* +n' copie) the*eof

    )h+ll e )5 itte' to the P*e)i'ent" The*e+fte*> the P*e)i'ent )h+ll p*o,i'e + li)t to Cong*e)) of e,e*+pp*o,e' ine*+l +g*ee ent ithin thi*t (#%! '+ ) f*o it) +pp*o,+l the Sec*et+* "

    S!"#$%& 6>

    A**$1& ! T +&* ! An +))ign ent o* t*+n)fe* of *ight) +n' o lig+tion) 5n'e* +n ine*+l +g*ee ent e=cept + fin+nci+l o*technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent )h+ll e )5 8ect to the p*io* +pp*o,+l of the Sec*et+* " S5ch +))ign ento* t*+n)fe* )h+ll e 'ee e' +5to +tic+ll +pp*o,e' if not +cte' 5pon the Sec*et+* ithin thi*t (#%!o*?ing '+ ) f*o offici+l *eceipt the*eof> 5nle)) p+tentl 5ncon)tit5tion+l o* illeg+l"

    S!"#$%& 6'W$#); + +( % M$&! +( A1 !! !*


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    The cont*+cto* + > gi,ing '5e notice +t +n ti e '5*ing the te* of the +g*ee ent> +ppl fo* thec+ncell+tion of the ine*+l +g*ee ent '5e to c+5)e) hich> in the opinion of the cont*+cto*> +?econtin5e' ining ope*+tion) no longe* fe+)i le o* ,i+ le" The Sec*et+* )h+ll con)i'e* the notice +n'i))5e it) 'eci)ion ithin + pe*io' of thi*t (#%! '+ )< P*o,i'e'> Th+t the cont*+cto* h+) et +ll it)fin+nci+l> fi)c+l +n' leg+l o lig+tion)"

    S!"#$%& 62T! * Mine*+l +g*ee ent) )h+ll h+,e + te* not e=cee'ing t ent $fi,e (2 ! e+*) to )t+*t f*o the '+te ofe=ec5tion the*eof> +n' *ene + le fo* +nothe* te* not e=cee'ing t ent $fi,e (2 ! e+*) 5n'e* the )+ ete* ) +n' con'ition) the*eof> itho5t p*e85'ice to ch+nge) 5t5+ll +g*ee' 5pon the p+*tie)" Afte*the *ene +l pe*io'> the ope*+tion of the ine + e 5n'e*t+?en the o,e*n ent o* th*o5gh +cont*+cto*" The cont*+ct fo* the ope*+tion of + ine )h+ll e + +*'e' to the highe)t i''e* in + p5 lici''ing +fte* '5e p5 lic+tion of the notice the*eof< P*o,i'e'> Th+t the cont*+cto* )h+ll h+,e the *ight toe 5+l the highe)t i' 5pon *ei 5*)e ent of +ll *e+)on+ le e=pen)e) of the highe)t i''e*"


    S!"#$%& 66E($1$ $($#5

    An 5+lifie' pe*)on ith technic+l +n' fin+nci+l c+p+ ilit to 5n'e*t+?e l+*ge$)c+le e=plo*+tion>'e,elop ent> +n' 5tili6+tion of ine*+l *e)o5*ce) in the Philippine) + ente* into + fin+nci+l o*technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent 'i*ectl ith the o,e*n ent th*o5gh the &ep+*t ent"

    S!"#$%& 64M+%%% e*i'ion+l loc?) on)ho*eG

    " 4>%%% e*i'ion+l loc?) off)ho*eG o*

    c" Co in+tion) of + +n' p*o,i'e' th+t it )h+ll not e=cee' the +=i 5 li it) fo* on)ho*e+n' off)ho*e +*e+)"

    S!"#$%& 63T! * +&; C%&;$#$%&* The follo ing te* )> con'ition)> +n' +**+ntie) )h+ll e inco*po*+te' in the fin+nci+l o* technic+l+))i)t+nce +g*ee ent> to it it) t*+c? *eco*' inine*+l *e)o5*ce e=plo*+tion> 'e,elop ent> +n' 5tili6+tionG 'et+il) of technolog to ee plo e' in the p*opo)e' ope*+tionG +n' 'et+il) of technic+l pe*)onnel to 5n'e*t+?e the


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre



    '" Rep*e)ent+tion) +n' +**+ntie) th+t the +pplic+nt h+) +ll the 5+lific+tion) +n' none of the'i) 5+lific+tion) fo* ente*ing into the +g*ee entGe" Rep*e)ent+tion) +n' +**+ntie) th+t the cont*+cto* h+) o* h+) +cce)) to +ll the fin+ncing>+n+ge*i+l +n' technic+l e=pe*ti)e +n'> if ci*c5 )t+nce) 'e +n'> the technolog *e 5i*e' top*o ptl +n' effecti,el c+** o5t the o 8ecti,e) of the +g*ee ent ith the 5n'e*)t+n'ing toti el 'eplo the)e *e)o5*ce) 5n'e* it) )5pe*,i)ion p5*)5+nt to the pe*io'ic o*? p*og*+ ) +n'*el+te' 5'get)> hen p*ope*> p*o,i'ing +n e=plo*+tion pe*io' 5p to t o (2! e+*)> e=ten'i lefo* +nothe* t o (2! e+*) 5t )5 8ect to +nn5+l *e,ie the Sec*et+* in +cco*'+nce ith thei ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) of thi) Act> +n' f5*the*> )5 8ect to the *elin 5i)h ento lig+tion)G

    f" Rep*e)ent+tion) +n' +**+ntie) th+t> e=cept fo* p+ ent) fo* 'i)po)ition) fo* it) e 5it >fo*eign in,e)t ent) in loc+l ente*p*i)e) hich +*e 5+lifie' fo* *ep+t*i+tion> +n' loc+l )5pplie*.)c*e'it) +n' )5ch othe* gene*+ll +ccepte' +n' pe* i))i le fin+nci+l )che e) fo* *+i)ing f5n')fo* ,+li' 5)ine)) p5*po)e)> the cont*+cto* )h+ll not *+i)e +n fo* of fin+ncing f*o 'o e)tic)o5*ce) of f5n')> hethe* in Philippine o* fo*eign c5**enc > fo* con'5cting it) ining ope*+tion)fo* +n' in the cont*+ct +*e+G

    g" The ining ope*+tion) )h+ll e con'5cte' in +cco*'+nce ith the p*o,i)ion) of thi) Act +n'it) i ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)G

    h" o*? p*og*+ ) +n' ini 5 e=pen'it5*e) co it ent)G

    i" P*efe*enti+l 5)e of loc+l goo') +n' )e*,ice) to the +=i 5 e=tent p*+ctic+ leG

    8" A )tip5l+tion th+t the cont*+cto*) +*e o lig+te' to gi,e p*efe*ence to Filipino) in +ll t pe) ofining e plo ent fo* hich the +*e 5+lifie' +n' th+t technolog )h+ll e t*+n)fe**e' to the)+ eG

    ?" Re 5i*ing the p*oponent to effecti,el 5)e +pp*op*i+te +nti$poll5tion technolog +n' f+cilitie)to p*otect the en,i*on ent +n' to *e)to*e o* *eh+ ilit+te ine' o5t +*e+) +n' othe* +*e+)

    +ffecte' ine t+iling) +n' othe* fo* ) of poll5tion o* 'e)t*5ctionG

    l" The cont*+cto*) )h+ll f5*ni)h the o,e*n ent *eco*') of geologic> +cco5nting> +n' othe**ele,+nt '+t+ fo* it) ining ope*+tion)> +n' th+t oo? of +cco5nt) +n' *eco*') )h+ll e open fo*in)pection the go,e*n entG

    " Re 5i*ing the p*oponent to 'i)po)e of the ine*+l) +n' p*o'5ct) p*o'5ce' 5n'e* +fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent +t the highe)t p*ice +n' o*e +',+nt+geo5) te* )+n' con'ition) +) p*o,i'e' fo* 5n'e* the *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) of thi) ActG

    n" P*o,i'e fo* con)5lt+tion +n' +* it*+tion ith *e)pect to the inte*p*et+tion +n' i ple ent+tionof the te* ) +n' con'ition) of the +g*ee ent)G +n'

    o" S5ch othe* te* ) +n' con'ition) con)i)tent ith the Con)tit5tion +n' ith thi) Act +) theSec*et+* + 'ee to e fo* the e)t inte*e)t of the St+te +n' the elf+*e of the Filipinopeople"

    S!"#$%& 6:N!1%#$+#$%&*

    A fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent )h+ll e negoti+te' the &ep+*t ent +n' e=ec5te' +n'+pp*o,e' the P*e)i'ent" The P*e)i'ent )h+ll notif Cong*e)) of +ll fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    +g*ee ent) ithin thi*t (#%! '+ ) f*o e=ec5tion +n' +pp*o,+l the*eof"

    S!"#$%& 67F$($&1 +&; E +(8+#$%& % F$&+&"$+( % T!")&$"+( A**$*#+&"! A1 !! ! P %0%*+(*

    All fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent p*opo)+l) )h+ll e file' ith the B5*e+5 +fte* p+ ent ofthe *e 5i*e' p*oce))ing fee)" 3f the p*opo)+l i) fo5n' to e )5fficient +n' e*ito*io5) in fo* +n')5 )t+nce +fte* e,+l5+tion> it )h+ll e *eco*'e' ith the +pp*op*i+te go,e*n ent +genc to gi,e thep*oponent the p*io* *ight to the +*e+ co,e*e' )5ch p*opo)+l< P*o,i'e'> Th+t e=i)ting ine*+l+g*ee ent)> fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent) +n' othe* ining *ight) +*e not i p+i*e' o*p*e85'ice' the*e " The Sec*et+* )h+ll *eco en' it) +pp*o,+l to the P*e)i'ent"

    S!"#$%& 6=T! % F$&+&"$+(% T!")&$"+( A**$*#+&"! A1 !! !

    A fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent )h+ll h+,e + te* not e=cee'ing t ent $fi,e (2 ! e+*) to)t+*t f*o the e=ec5tion the*eof> *ene + le fo* not o*e th+n t ent $fi,e (2 ! e+*) 5n'e* )5ch te* )+n' con'ition) +) + e p*o,i'e' l+ "

    S!"#$%& 69O0#$%& #% C%& ! # $% + M$&! +( A1 !! ! The cont*+cto* h+) the option to con,e*t the fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent to + ine*+l+g*ee ent +t +n ti e '5*ing the te* of the +g*ee ent> if the econo ic ,i+ ilit of the cont*+ct +*e+ i)fo5n' to e in+'e 5+te to 85)tif l+*ge$)c+le ining ope*+tion)> +fte* p*ope* notice to the Sec*et+* +)p*o,i'e' fo* 5n'e* the i ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)< P*o,i'e'> Th+t the ine*+l +g*ee ent )h+llonl e fo* the *e +ining pe*io' of the o*igin+l +g*ee ent"3n the c+)e of + fo*eign cont*+cto*> it )h+ll *e'5ce it) e 5it to fo*t pe*cent (4% ! in the co*po*+tion>p+*tne*)hip> +))oci+tion> o* coope*+ti,e" pon co pli+nce ith thi) *e 5i*e ent the cont*+cto*> theSec*et+* )h+ll +pp*o,e the con,e*)ion +n' e=ec5te the ine*+l p*o'5ction$)h+*ing +g*ee ent"

    S!"#$%& 4>A**$1& ! T +&* !

    A fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent + e +))igne' o* t*+n)fe**e'> in hole o* in p+*t> to +5+lifie' pe*)on )5 8ect to the p*io* +pp*o,+l of the P*e)i'ent< P*o,i'e'> Th+t the P*e)i'ent )h+ll notifCong*e)) of e,e* fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent +))igne' o* con,e*te' in +cco*'+nceith thi) p*o,i)ion ithin thi*t (#%! '+ ) f*o the '+te of the +pp*o,+l the*eof"

    S!"#$%& 4'W$#); + +( % F$&+&"$+(% T!")&$"+( A**$*#+&"! A1 !! ! The cont*+cto* )h+ll +nife)t in *iting to the Sec*et+* hi) intention to ith'*+ f*o the +g*ee ent> ifin hi) 85'g ent the ining p*o8ect i) no longe* econo ic+ll fe+)i le> e,en +fte* he h+) e=e*te'*e+)on+ le 'iligence to *e e' the c+5)e o* the )it5+tion" The Sec*et+* + +ccept the ith'*+ +l Th+t the cont*+cto* h+) co plie' o* )+ti)fie' +ll hi) fin+nci+l> fi)c+l o* leg+l o lig+tion)"C APTER VIISMALL SCALE MINING

    S!"#$%& 42S +(( *"+(! M$&$&1 S +ll$)c+le ining )h+ll contin5e to e go,e*ne' Rep5 lic Act No" 7%7- +n' othe* pe*tinent l+ )"


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    An 5+lifie' pe*)on + +ppl to the p*o,inci+l@cit ining *eg5l+to* o+*' fo* + 5+** pe* it onp*i,+tel $o ne' l+n') +n'@o* p5 lic l+n') fo* 5il'ing +n' con)t*5ction +te*i+l) )5ch +) +* le>+)+lt> +n'e)ite> conglo e*+te> t5ff> +'o e> g*+nite> g+ *o> )e*pentine> in)et filling +te*i+l)> cl+ fo*ce*+ ic tile) +n' 5il'ing *ic?)> p5 ice> pe*lite +n' othe* )i il+* +te*i+l) th+t +*e e=t*+cte' 5+** ing f*o the g*o5n'" The p*o,inci+l go,e*no* )h+ll g*+nt the pe* it +fte* the +pplic+nt h+)co plie' ith +ll the *e 5i*e ent) +) p*e)c*i e' the *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)"The +=i 5 +*e+ hich + 5+lifie' pe*)on + hol' +t +n one ti e )h+ll e fi,e hect+*e) ( h+)"! Th+t in l+*ge$)c+le 5+** ope*+tion) in,ol,ing ce ent *+ +te*i+l)> +* le> g*+nite> )+n'+n' g*+,el +n' con)t*5ction +gg*eg+te)> + 5+lifie' pe*)on +n' the go,e*n ent + ente* into +ine*+l +g*ee ent +) 'efine' he*ein"

    A 5+** pe* it )h+ll h+,e + te* of fi,e ( ! e+*)> *ene + le fo* li?e pe*io') 5t not to e=cee' + tot+lte* of t ent $fi,e (2 ! e+*)" No 5+** pe* it )h+ll e i))5e' o* g*+nte' on +n +*e+ co,e*e' +ine*+l +g*ee ent o* fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent"

    S!"#$%& 448+ 5 F!! +&; T+

    A pe* ittee )h+ll> '5*ing the te* of hi) pe* it> p+ + 5+** fee +) p*o,i'e' fo* 5n'e* the i ple enting*5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)" The pe* ittee )h+ll +l)o p+ the e=ci)e t+= +) p*o,i'e' pe*tinent l+ )"

    S!"#$%& 43C+&"!((+#$%& % 8+ 5 P! $#

    A 5+** pe* it + e c+ncelle' the p*o,inci+l go,e*no* fo* ,iol+tion) of the p*o,i)ion) of thi) Act o*it) i ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) o* the te* ) +n' con'ition) of )+i' pe* it< P*o,i'e'> Th+t efo*ethe c+ncell+tion of )5ch pe* it> the hol'e* the*eof )h+ll e gi,en the oppo*t5nit to e he+*' in +nin,e)tig+tion con'5cte' fo* the p5*po)e"

    S!"#$%& 4:C% ! "$+( S+&; +&; G + !( P! $#

    An 5+lifie' pe*)on + e g*+nte' + pe* it the p*o,inci+l go,e*no* to e=t*+ct +n' *e o,e )+n'+n' g*+,el o* othe* loo)e o* 5ncon)oli'+te' +te*i+l) hich +*e 5)e' in thei* n+t5*+l )t+te> itho5t5n'e*going p*oce))ing f*o +n +*e+ of not o*e th+n fi,e hect+*e) ( h+)"! +n' in )5ch 5+ntitie) +)+ e )pecifie' in the pe* it"

    S!"#$%& 47I&;8*# $+( S+&; +&; G + !( P! $#

    An 5+lifie' pe*)on + e g*+nte' +n in'5)t*i+l )+n' +n' g*+,el pe* it the B5*e+5 fo* thee=t*+ction of )+n' +n' g*+,el +n' othe* loo)e o* 5ncon)oli'+te' +te*i+l) th+t nece))it+te the 5)e of

    ech+nic+l p*oce))ing co,e*ing +n +*e+ of o*e th+n fi,e hect+*e) ( h+)"! +t +n one ti e" The pe* it)h+ll h+,e + te* of fi,e ( ! e+*)> *ene + le fo* + li?e pe*io' 5t not to e=cee' + tot+l te* of t ent $fi,e (2 ! e+*)"

    S!"#$%& 4=E

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    5+** +n' 5tili6e )+n' +n' g*+,el o* othe* loo)e o* 5ncon)oli'+te' +te*i+l) f*o p5 lic l+n') fo* hi)o n 5)e> p*o,i'e' th+t the*e ill e no co e*ci+l 'i)po)ition the*eof"

    A ine*+l +g*ee ent o* + fin+nci+l technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent cont*+cto* )h+ll> ho e,e*> h+,e the*ight to e=t*+ct +n' *e o,e )+n' +n' g*+,el +n' othe* loo)e 5ncon)oli'+te' +te*i+l) itho5t nee' of +pe* it ithin the +*e+ co,e*e' the ining +g*ee ent fo* the e=cl5)i,e 5)e in the ining ope*+tion) Th+t onthl *epo*t) of the 5+ntit of +te*i+l) e=t*+cte' the*ef*o )h+ll e )5 itte' to theine) *egion+l office conce*ne'< P*o,i'e'> f5*the*> Th+t )+i' *ight )h+ll e cote* ino5) ith thee=pi*+tion of the +g*ee ent" ;ol'e*) of e=i)ting ining le+)e) )h+ll li?e i)e h+,e the )+ e *ight) +)th+t of + cont*+cto*< P*o,i'e'> Th+t )+i' *ight )h+ll e cote* ino5) ith the e=pi* '+te) of the le+)e"

    S!"#$%& 49G% ! & ! G +#8$#%8* P! $#

    An go,e*n ent entit o* in)t*5 ent+lit + e g*+nte' + g*+t5ito5) pe* it the p*o,inci+l go,e*no*to e=t*+ct )+n' +n' g*+,el> 5+** o* loo)e 5ncon)oli'+te' +te*i+l) nee'e' in the con)t*5ction of5il'ing +n'@o* inf*+)t*5ct5*e fo* p5 lic 5)e o* othe* p5*po)e) o,e* +n +*e+ of not o*e th+n t ohect+*e) (2 h+)"! fo* + pe*io' cote* ino5) ith )+i' con)t*5ction"

    S!"#$%& 3>P $ +#! G +#8$#%8* P! $#

    An o ne* of l+n' + e g*+nte' + p*i,+te g*+t5ito5) pe* it the p*o,inci+l go,e*no*"

    S!"#$%& 3'G8+&% P! $#

    An 5+lifie' pe*)on + e g*+nte' + g5+no pe* it the p*o,inci+l go,e*no* to e=t*+ct +n' 5tili6eloo)e 5ncon)oli'+te' g5+no +n' othe* o*g+nic fe*tili6e* +te*i+l) in +n po*tion of + 5nicip+lit he*ehe h+) e)t+ li)he' 'o icile" The pe* it )h+ll e fo* )pecific c+,e) +n'@o* fo* confine' )ite) ithloc+tion) ,e*ifie' the &ep+*t ent.) fiel' office* in +cco*'+nce ith e=i)ting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)"

    S!"#$%& 32G! *#%&! G+#)! $&1 P! $#

    An 5+lifie' pe*)on + e g*+nte' + non$e=cl5)i,e ge )tone g+the*ing pe* it the p*o,inci+lgo,e*no* to g+the* loo)e )tone) 5)ef5l +) ge )tone) in *i,e*) +n' othe* loc+tion)"


    A pe* it )pecif ing the o*igin +n' 5+ntit of non$p*oce))e' ine*+l o*e) o* ine*+l) )h+ll e *e 5i*e'fo* thei* t*+n)po*t" T*+n)po*t pe* it) )h+ll e i))5e' the ine) *egion+l 'i*ecto* ho h+) 85*i)'ictiono,e* the +*e+ he*e the o*e) e*e e=t*+cte'" 3n the c+)e of ine*+l o*e) o* ine*+l) eing t*+n)po*te'f*o the ) +ll$)c+le ining +*e+) to the c5)to ill) o* p*oce))ing pl+nt)> the P*o,inci+l Mining

    Reg5l+to* Bo+*' (PMRB! conce*ne' )h+ll fo* 5l+te thei* o n policie) to go,e*n )5ch t*+n)po*t of o*e)p*o'5ce' ) +ll$)c+le ine*)" The + )ence of + pe* it )h+ll e con)i'e*e' +) p*i + f+cie e,i'enceof illeg+l ining +n' )h+ll e )5fficient c+5)e fo* the o,e*n ent to confi)c+te the o*e) o* ine*+l)eing t*+n)po*te'> the tool) +n' e 5ip ent 5tili6e'> +n' the ,ehicle cont+ining the )+ e" O*e )+ ple)not e=cee'ing t o et*ic ton) (2 "t"! to e 5)e' e=cl5)i,el fo* +))+ o* pilot te)t p5*po)e) )h+ll ee=e pte' f*o )5ch *e 5i*e ent"

    S!"#$%& 34M$&! +( T +;$&1 R!1$*# +#$%&


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    No pe*)on )h+ll eng+ge in the t*+'ing of ine*+l p*o'5ct)> eithe* loc+ll o* inte*n+tion+ll > 5nle))*egi)te*e' ith the &ep+*t ent of T*+'e +n' 3n'5)t* +n' +cc*e'ite' the &ep+*t ent> ith + cop of)+i' *egi)t*+tion )5 itte' to the B5*e+5"

    S!"#$%& 33M$&! +(* P %"!**$&1 P! $# No pe*)on )h+ll eng+ge in the p*oce))ing of ine*+l) itho5t fi*)t )ec5*ing + ine*+l) p*oce))ingpe* it f*o the Sec*et+* " Mine*+l) p*oce))ing pe* it )h+ll e fo* + pe*io' of fi,e ( ! e+*) *ene + lefo* li?e pe*io') 5t not to e=cee' + tot+l te* of t ent $fi,e (2 ! e+*)" 3n the c+)e of ine*+l o*e) o*ine*+l) p*o'5ce' the ) +ll$)c+le ine*)> the p*oce))ing the*eof +) ell +) the licen)ing of thei*c5)to ill)> o* p*oce))ing pl+nt) )h+ll contin5e to e go,e*ne' the p*o,i)ion) of Rep5 lic Act No"7%7-"

    S!"#$%& 3:E($1$ $($#5 % F% !$1& % &!; "% %((!; C% 0% +#$%&

    A fo*eign$o ne'@$cont*olle' co*po*+tion + e g*+nte' + ine*+l p*oce))ing pe* it"


    +n' ining technolog +*e the follo ing 5t not li ite' to> in)tit5tion+l +n' +npo e* 'e,elop ent> +n' +)ic +n'+pplie' *e)e+*che)" App*op*i+te )5pe*,i)ion +n' cont*ol ech+ni) ) )h+ll e p*e)c*i e' in thei ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) of thi) Act"

    S!"#$%& 39T +$&$&1 +&; D! !(%0 !

    A cont*+cto* )h+ll +int+in +n effecti,e p*og*+ of +npo e* t*+ining +n' 'e,elop ent th*o5gho5t thete* of the ine*+l +g*ee ent +n' )h+ll enco5*+ge +n' t*+in Filipino) to p+*ticip+te in +ll +)pect) of theining ope*+tion)> incl5'ing the +n+ge ent the*eof" Fo* highl $technic+l +n' )peci+li6e' iningope*+tion)> the cont*+cto* + > )5 8ect to the nece))+* go,e*n ent cle+*+nce)> e plo 5+lifie'fo*eigne*)"

    S!"#$%& :>U*! % I&;$1!&%8* G%%;*, S! $"!* +&; T!")&%(%1$!*


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    A cont*+cto* )h+ll gi,e p*efe*ence to the 5)e of loc+l goo')> )e*,ice) +n' )cientific +n' technic+l*e)o5*ce) in the ining ope*+tion)> he*e the )+ e +*e of e 5i,+lent 5+lit > +n' +*e +,+il+ le one 5i,+lent te* ) +) thei* i po*te' co5nte*p+*t)"

    S!"#$%& :'D%&+#$%&* T8 & O ! % F+"$($#$!* P*io* to ce))+tion of ining ope*+tion) occ+)ione' + +n'on ent o* ith'*+ +l of ope*+tion)> onp5 lic l+n') the cont*+cto*> the l+tte* )h+ll h+,e + pe*io' of one (1! e+* the*ef*o ithin hich to*e o,e hi) i p*o,e ent)G othe* i)e> +ll the )oci+l inf*+)t*5ct5*e +n' f+cilitie) )h+ll e t5*ne' o,e* o*'on+te' t+=$f*ee to the p*ope* go,e*n ent +5tho*itie)> n+tion+l o* loc+l> to en)5*e th+t )+i'inf*+)t*5ct5*e +n' f+cilitie) +*e contin5o5)l +int+ine' +n' 5tili6e' the ho)t +n' neigh o*ingco 5nitie)"

    S!"#$%& :2E 0(%5 ! % F$($0$&%*

    A cont*+cto* )h+ll gi,e p*efe*ence to Filipino citi6en) in +ll t pe) of ining e plo ent ithin theco5nt* in)of+* +) )5ch citi6en) +*e 5+lifie' to pe*fo* the co**e)pon'ing o*? ith *e+)on+ leefficienc +n' itho5t h+6+*' to the )+fet of the ope*+tion)" The cont*+cto*> ho e,e*> )h+ll not ehin'e*e' f*o hi*ing e plo ee) of hi) o n )election> )5 8ect to the p*o,i)ion) of Co on e+lth ActNo" -1#> +) + en'e'> fo* technic+l +n' )peci+li6e' o*? hich> in hi) 85'g ent +n' ith the +pp*o,+lof the &i*ecto*> *e 5i*e) highl $)peci+li6e' t*+ining o* long e=pe*ience in e=plo*+tion> 'e,elop ent o*5tili6+tion of ine*+l *e)o5*ce)< P*o,i'e'> Th+t in no c+)e )h+ll e+ch e plo ent e=cee' fi,e ( ! e+*)o* the p+ +c? pe*io' +) *ep*e)ente' in o*igin+l p*o8ect )t5' > hiche,e* i) longe*< P*o,i'e'> f5*the*>Th+t e+ch fo*eigne* e plo e' +) ine +n+ge*> ,ice$p*e)i'ent fo* ope*+tion) o* in +n e 5i,+lent+n+ge*i+l po)ition in ch+*ge of ining> illing> 5+** ing o* '*illing ope*+tion )h+ll he+lth +n' en,i*on ent+l *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) )h+ll e co,e*e' 5n'e*Rep5 lic Act No" 7#% "

    S!"#$%& :4M$&! L+ % No pe*)on 5n'e* )i=teen (1-! e+*) of +ge )h+ll e e plo e' in +n ph+)e of ining ope*+tion) +n' nope*)on 5n'e* eighteen (10! e+*) of +ge )h+ll e e plo e' 5n'e*g*o5n' in + ine"

    S!"#$%& :3M$&! S80! $*$%&


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    All ining +n' 5+** ing ope*+tion) th+t e plo o*e th+n fift ( %! o*?e*) )h+ll h+,e +t le+)t one (1!licen)e' ining enginee* ith +t le+)t fi,e ( ! e+*) of e=pe*ience in ining ope*+tion)> +n' one (1!*egi)te*e' fo*e +n"

    S!"#$%& ::M$&! I&*0!"#$%&The *egion+l 'i*ecto* )h+ll h+,e e=cl5)i,e 85*i)'iction o,e* the )+fet in)pection of +ll in)t+ll+tion)>)5*f+ce o* 5n'e*g*o5n'> in ining ope*+tion) +t *e+)on+ le ho5*) of the '+ o* night +n' +) 5ch +)po))i le in + +nne* th+t ill not i pe'e o* o )t*5ct o*? in p*og*e)) of + cont*+cto* o* pe* ittee"

    S!"#$%& :7P% ! #% I**8! O ;! * The ine) *egion+l 'i*ecto* )h+ll> in con)5lt+tion ith the En,i*on ent+l M+n+ge ent B5*e+5> fo*th itho* ithin )5ch ti e +) )pecifie' in hi) o*'e*> *e 5i*e the cont*+cto* to *e e' +n p*+ctice connecte'ith ining o* 5+** ing ope*+tion)> hich i) not in +cco*'+nce ith )+fet +n' +nti$poll5tion l+ ) +n'*eg5l+tion)" 3n c+)e of i inent '+nge* to life o* p*ope*t > the ine) *egion+l 'i*ecto* + )5 +*il)5)pen' the ining o* 5+** ing ope*+tion) 5ntil the '+nge* i) *e o,e'> o* +pp*op*i+te e+)5*e) +*et+?en the cont*+cto* o* pe* ittee"

    S!"#$%& :=R!0% # % A""$;!* 3n c+)e of +n inci'ent o* +cci'ent> c+5)ing o* c*e+ting the '+nge* of lo)) of life o* )e*io5) ph )ic+lin85*ie)> the pe*)on in ch+*ge of ope*+tion) )h+ll i e'i+tel *epo*t the )+ e to the *egion+l officehe*e the ope*+tion) +*e )it5+te'" F+il5*e to *epo*t the )+ e itho5t 85)tifi+ le *e+)on )h+ll e + c+5)efo* the i po)ition of +' ini)t*+ti,e )+nction) p*e)c*i e' in the *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) i ple enting thi)


    S!"#$%& :9E& $ %& !+( P %#!"#$%& E,e* cont*+cto* )h+ll 5n'e*t+?e +n en,i*on ent+l p*otection +n' enh+nce ent p*og*+ co,e*ing thepe*io' of the ine*+l +g*ee ent o* pe* it " S5ch en,i*on ent+l p*og*+ )h+ll e inco*po*+te' in theo*? p*og*+ hich the cont*+cto* o* pe* ittee )h+ll )5 it +) +n +cco p+n ing 'oc5 ent to the+pplic+tion fo* + ine*+l +g*ee ent o* pe* it" The o*? p*og*+ )h+ll incl5'e not onl pl+n) *el+ti,e toining ope*+tion) 5t +l)o to *eh+ ilit+tion> *egene*+tion> *e,eget+tion +n' *efo*e)t+tion of ine*+li6e'+*e+)> )lope )t+ ili6+tion of ine'$o5t +n' t+iling) co,e*e' +*e+)> + 5+c5lt5*e> +te*)he' 'e,elop ent+n' +te* con)e*,+tionG +n' )ocioecono ic 'e,elop ent"

    S!"#$%& 7>E& $ %& !+( I 0+"# A**!** ! EIA E=cept '5*ing the e=plo*+tion pe*io' of + ine*+l +g*ee ent o* fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce+g*ee ent o* +n e=plo*+tion pe* it> +n en,i*on ent+l cle+*+nce ce*tific+te )h+ll e *e 5i*e' +)e' on

    +n en,i*on ent+l i p+ct +))e)) ent +n' p*oce'5*e) 5n'e* the Philippine En,i*on ent+l 3 p+ct A))e)) ent S )te incl5'ing Section) 2- +n' 27 of the Loc+l o,e*n ent Co'e of 1991 hich *e 5i*en+tion+l go,e*n ent +gencie) to +int+in ecologic+l +l+nce> +n' p*io* con)5lt+tion ith the loc+lgo,e*n ent 5nit)> non$go,e*n ent+l +n' people.) o*g+ni6+tion) +n' othe* conce*ne' )ecto*) of theco 5nit < P*o,i'e'> Th+t + co plete' ecologic+l p*ofile of the p*opo)e' ining +*e+ )h+ll +l)ocon)tit5te p+*t of the en,i*on ent+l i p+ct +))e)) ent" People.) o*g+ni6+tion) +n' non$go,e*n ent+lo*g+ni6+tion) )h+ll e +llo e' +n' enco5*+ge' to p+*ticip+te in en)5*ing th+t cont*+cto*)@pe* ittee)


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    )h+ll o )e*,e +ll the *e 5i*e ent) of en,i*on ent+l p*otection"

    S!"#$%& 7'R!)+ $($#+#$%& Cont*+cto*) +n' pe* ittee) )h+ll technic+ll +n' iologic+ll *eh+ ilit+te the e=c+,+te'> ine'$o5t>t+iling) co,e*e' +n' 'i)t5* e' +*e+) to the con'ition of en,i*on ent+l )+fet > +) + e p*o,i'e' in thei ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) of thi) Act " A ine *eh+ ilit+tion f5n' )h+ll e c*e+te'> +)e' on thecont*+cto*.) +pp*o,e' o*? p*og*+ > +n' )h+ll e 'epo)ite' +) + t*5)t f5n' in + go,e*n ent 'epo)ito*+n? +n' 5)e' fo* ph )ic+l +n' )oci+l *eh+ ilit+tion of +*e+) +n' co 5nitie) +ffecte' ining+cti,itie) +n' fo* *e)e+*ch on the )oci+l> technic+l +n' p*e,enti,e +)pect) of *eh+ ilit+tion" F+il5*e tof5lfill the + o,e o lig+tion )h+ll e+n i e'i+te )5)pen)ion o* clo)5*e of the ining +cti,itie) of thecont*+cto*@pe* ittee conce*ne'"


    An p*o,i)ion of l+ to the cont*+* not ith)t+n'ing> + cont*+cto* + e g*+nte' + *ight to c5t t*ee) o*ti e* ithin hi) ining +*e+ +) + e nece))+* fo* hi) ining ope*+tion) )5 8ect to fo*e)t* l+ )>*5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)< P*o,i'e'> Th+t if the l+n' co,e*e' the ining +*e+ i) +l*e+' co,e*e' e=i)ting ti e* conce))ion)> the ,ol5 e of ti e* nee'e' +n' the +nne* of c5tting +n' *e o,+lthe*eof )h+ll e 'ete* ine' the ine) *egion+l 'i*ecto*> 5pon con)5lt+tion ith the cont*+cto*> theti e* conce))ion+i*e@pe* ittee +n' the Fo*e)t M+n+ge ent B5*e+5 of the &ep+*t ent< P*o,i'e'>f5*the*> Th+t in c+)e of 'i)+g*ee ent et een the cont*+cto* +n' the ti e* conce))ion+i*e> the +tte*)h+ll e )5 itte' to the Sec*et+* ho)e 'eci)ion )h+ll e fin+l" The cont*+cto* )h+ll pe*fo**efo*e)t+tion o*? ithin hi) ining +*e+ in +cco*'+nce ith fo*e)t* l+ )> *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)"

    S!"#$%& 76W+#! R$1)#* A cont*+cto* )h+ll h+,e +te* *ight) fo* ining ope*+tion) 5pon +pp*o,+l of +pplic+tion ith the+pp*op*i+te go,e*n ent +genc in +cco*'+nce ith e=i)ting +te* l+ )> *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)p*o 5lg+te' the*e5n'e*< P*o,i'e'> Th+t +te* *ight) +l*e+' g*+nte' o* ,e)te' th*o5gh long 5)e>

    *ecogni6e' +n' +c?no le'ge' loc+l c5)to )> l+ )> +n' 'eci)ion) of co5*t) )h+ll not the*e ei p+i*e'< P*o,i'e'> f5*the*> Th+t the o,e*n ent *e)e*,e) the *ight to *eg5l+te +te* *ight) +n' the*e+)on+ le +n' e 5it+ le 'i)t*i 5tion of +te* )5ppl )o +) to p*e,ent the onopol of the 5)e the*eof"

    S!"#$%& 74R$1)# #% P%**!** E *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)p*o 5lg+te' the*e5n'e*< P*o,i'e'> Th+t the o,e*n ent *e)e*,e) the *ight to *eg5l+te +n' cont*ol thee=plo)i,e +cce))o*ie) to en)5*e )+fe ining ope*+tion)"

    S!"#$%& 73

    E+*! ! R$1)#*hen ining +*e+) +*e )o )it5+te' th+t fo* p5*po)e) of o*e con,enient ining ope*+tion) it i)nece))+* to 5il'> con)t*5ct o* in)t+ll on the ining +*e+) o* l+n') o ne'> occ5pie' o* le+)e' othe*pe*)on)> )5ch inf*+)t*5ct5*e +) *o+')> *+il*o+')> ill)> +)te '5 p )ite)> t+iling) pon')> +*eho5)e)>)t+ging o* )to*+ge +*e+) +n' po*t f+cilitie)> t*+ + )> *5n + )> +i*po*t)> elect*ic t*+n) i))ion>telephone o* teleg*+ph line)> '+ ) +n' thei* no* +l floo' +n' c+tch ent +*e+)> )ite) fo* +te* ell)>'itche)> c+n+l)> ne *i,e* e')> pipeline)> fl5 e)> c5t)> )h+ft)> t5nnel)> o* ill)> the cont*+cto*> 5ponp+ ent of 85)t co pen)+tion> )h+ll e entitle' to ente* +n' occ5p )+i' ining +*e+) o* l+n')"


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    S!"#$%& 7:E 5 $% P $ +#! L+&;* +&; C%&"!**$%& A !+* S5 8ect to p*io* notific+tion> hol'e*) of ining *ight) )h+ll not e p*e,ente' f*o ent* into p*i,+te l+n')+n' conce))ion +*e+) )5*f+ce o ne*)> occ5p+nt)> o* conce))ion+i*e) hen con'5cting iningope*+tion) the*ein< P*o,i'e'> Th+t +n '+ +ge 'one to the p*ope*t of the )5*f+ce o ne*> occ5p+nt> o*conce))ion+i*e +) + con)e 5ence of )5ch ope*+tion) )h+ll e p*ope*l co pen)+te' +) + ep*o,i'e' fo* in the i ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)< P*o,i'e'> f5*the*> Th+t to g5+*+ntee )5chco pen)+tion> the pe*)on +5tho*i6e' to con'5ct ining ope*+tion )h+ll> p*io* the*eto> po)t + on' iththe *egion+l 'i*ecto* +)e' on the t pe of p*ope*tie)> the p*e,+iling p*ice) in +n' +*o5n' the +*e+ he*ethe ining ope*+tion) +*e to e con'5cte'> ith )5*et o* )5*etie) )+ti)f+cto* to the *egion+l 'i*ecto*"

    C APTER XIIISETTLEMENT OF CONFLICTSS!"#$%& 77P+&!( % A $# +#% * The*e )h+ll e + p+nel of +* it*+to*) in the *egion+l office of the &ep+*t ent co po)e' of th*ee (#!e e*)> t o (2! of ho 5)t e e e*) of the Philippine B+* in goo' )t+n'ing +n' one + licen)e'ining enginee* o* + p*ofe))ion+l in + *el+te' fiel'> +n' '5l 'e)ign+te' the Sec*et+* +)

    *eco en'e' the Mine) +n' eo)cience) B5*e+5 &i*ecto*" Tho)e 'e)ign+te' +) e e*) of thep+nel )h+ll )e*,e +) )5ch in +''ition to thei* o*? in the &ep+*t ent itho5t *ecei,ing +n +''ition+lco pen)+tion A) 5ch +) p*+ctic+ le> )+i' e e*) )h+ll co e f*o the 'iffe*ent 5*e+5) of the&ep+*t ent in the *egion" The p*e)i'ing office* the*eof )h+ll e )electe' the '*+ ing of lot)" ;i)ten5*e +) p*e)i'ing office* )h+ll e on + e+*l +)i)" The e e*) of the p+nel )h+ll pe*fo* thei*'5tie) +n' o lig+tion) in he+*ing +n' 'eci'ing c+)e) 5ntil thei* 'e)ign+tion i) ith'*+ n o* *e,o?e' the Sec*et+* " ithin thi*t (#%! o*?ing '+ )> +fte* the )5 i))ion of the c+)e the p+*tie) fo*'eci)ion> the p+nel )h+ll h+,e e=cl5)i,e +n' o*igin+l 85*i)'iction to he+* +n' 'eci'e on the follo ing )5 on the p+*tie) to + cont*o,e*) > i))5e )5 poen+) *e 5i*ing the+tten'+nce +n' te)ti on of itne))e) o* the p*o'5ction of )5ch oo?)> p+pe*)> cont*+ct)>*eco*')> )t+te ent of +cco5nt)> +g*ee ent)> +n' othe* 'oc5 ent) +) + e +te*i+l to + 85)t


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    The o,e*n ent )h+ll +l)o e entitle' to co pen)+tion) fo* it) othe* cont*i 5tion) hich )h+ll e+g*ee' 5pon the p+*tie)> +n' )h+ll con)i)t> + ong othe* thing)> the cont*+cto*.) inco e t+=> e=ci)et+=> )peci+l +llo +nce> ithhol'ing t+= '5e f*o the cont*+cto*.) fo*eign )toc?hol'e*) +*i)ing f*o'i,i'en' o* inte*e)t p+ ent) to the )+i' fo*eign )toc?hol'e*)> in c+)e of + fo*eign n+tion+l> +n' +ll )5chothe* t+=e)> '5tie) +n' fee) +) p*o,i'e' fo* 5n'e* e=i)ting l+ )"The o,e*n ent )h+*e in fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent )h+ll con)i)t of> + ong othe*thing)> the cont*+cto*.) co*po*+te inco e t+=> e=ci)e t+=> )peci+l +llo +nce> ithhol'ing t+= '5e f*othe cont*+cto*.) fo*eign )toc?hol'e*) +*i)ing f*o 'i,i'en' o* inte*e)t p+ ent) to the )+i' fo*eign)toc?hol'e* in c+)e of + fo*eign n+tion+l +n' +ll )5ch othe* t+=e)> '5tie) +n' fee) +) p*o,i'e' fo* 5n'e*e=i)ting l+ )"T)! "%((!"#$%& % G% ! & ! *)+ ! $& $&+&"$+( % #!")&$"+( +**$*#+&"! +1 !! ! *)+(("% !&"! + #! #)! $&+&"$+( % #!")&$"+( +**$*#+&"! +1 !! ! "% +"#% )+* 8((5 !"% ! !;$#* 0 ! %0! +#$&1 ! the )h+*ing +n' +lloc+tion )h+ll e in +cco*'+nce

    ith Section) 291 +n' 292 of the )+i' Co'e"

    C APTER XVTAXES AND FEESS!"#$%& =6I&"% ! T+

    Afte* the l+p)e of the inco e t+= holi'+ +) p*o,i'e' fo* in the O ni 5) 3n,e)t ent) Co'e> thecont*+cto* )h+ll e li+ le to p+ inco e t+= +) p*o,i'e' in the N+tion+l 3nte*n+l Re,en5e Co'e> +)+ en'e'"

    S!"#$%& =4E the e=ci)e t+= on ine*+l p*o'5ct) )h+ll e the go,e*n ent )h+*e 5n'e*)+i' +g*ee ent"

    S!"#$%& =3M$&! W+*#!* +&; T+$($&1* F!!*

    A )e i$+nn5+l fee to e ?no n +) ine +)te) +n' t+iling) fee i) he*e i po)e' on +ll ope*+tingining co p+nie) in +cco*'+nce ith the i ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)" The ine +)te) +n't+iling) fee )h+ll +cc*5e to + *e)e*,e f5n' to e 5)e' e=cl5)i,el fo* p+ ent fo* '+ +ge) to c5lt5*+l*e)o5*ce)G +n'

    c" 3nf*+)t*5ct5*e +n' the *e,eget+tion +n' *eh+ ilit+tion of )ilte' f+* l+n') +n' othe* +*e+)'e,ote' to +g*ic5lt5*e +n' fi)hing c+5)e' ining poll5tion"

    Thi) i) in +''ition to the )5)pen)ion o* clo)5*e of the +cti,itie) of the cont*+cto* +t +n ti e +n' thepen+l )+nction) i po)e' 5pon the )+ e"


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    +cti,itie) )h+ll +l + ) e incl5'e' in the in,e)t ent p*io*itie) pl+n"

    S!"#$%& 9'I&"!$ !* % P%((8#$%& C% %( D! $"!* Poll5tion cont*ol 'e,ice) +c 5i*e'> con)t*5cte' o* in)t+lle' cont*+cto*) )h+ll not e con)i'e*e' +)i p*o,e ent) on the l+n' o* 5il'ing he*e the +*e pl+ce'> +n' )h+ll not e )5 8ect to *e+l p*ope*t+n' othe* t+=e) o* +))e)) ent)< P*o,i'e'> ho e,e*> Th+t p+ ent of ine +)te) +n' t+iling) fee) i)not e=e pte'"

    S!"#$%& 92I&"% ! T+< C+ 5 F% + ; % L%**!*

    A net ope*+ting lo)) itho5t the enefit of incenti,e) inc5**e' in +n of the fi*)t ten (1%! e+*) ofope*+tion) + e c+**ie' o,e* +) + 'e'5ction f*o t+=+ le inco e fo* the ne=t fi,e ( ! e+*)i e'i+tel follo ing the e+* of )5ch lo))" The enti*e + o5nt of the lo)) )h+ll e c+**ie' o,e* to thefi*)t of the fi,e ( ! t+=+ le e+*) follo ing the lo))> +n' +n po*tion of )5ch lo)) hich e=cee') thet+=+ le inco e of )5ch fi*)t e+* )h+ll e 'e'5cte' in li?e +nne* f*o the t+=+ le inco e of the ne=t*e +ining fo5* (4! e+*)"

    S!"#$%& 96I&"% ! T+< A""!(! +#!; D!0 !"$+#$%& Fi=e' +))et) + e 'ep*eci+te' +) follo ) Th+t the cont*+cto* notifie) the B5*e+5 of 3nte*n+l Re,en5e +t theeginning of the 'ep*eci+tion pe*io' hich 'ep*eci+tion *+te +llo e' thi) )ection ill e5)e'"

    3n co p5ting fo* t+=+ le inco e> 5nle)) othe* i)e p*o,i'e' in thi) Act> the cont*+cto* + > +t hi)

    option> 'e'5ct e=plo*+tion +n' 'e,elop ent e=pen'it5*e) +cc5 5l+te' +t co)t +) of the '+te of thep*o)pecting o* e=plo*+tion +n' 'e,elop ent e=pen'it5*e) p+i' o* inc5**e' '5*ing the t+=+ le e+* Th+t the tot+l + o5nt 'e'5cti le fo* e=plo*+tion +n' 'e,elop ent e=pen'it5*e) )h+ll note=cee' t ent $fi,e pe* cent5 (2 ! of the net inco e f*o ining ope*+tion)" The +ct5+l e=plo*+tion+n' 'e,elop ent e=pen'it5*e) in5) the t ent $fi,e pe* cent5 (2 ! net inco e f*o ining )h+lle c+**ie' fo* +*' to the )5ccee'ing e+*) 5ntil f5ll 'e'5cte'"Net inco e f*o ining ope*+tion i) 'efine' +) g*o)) inco e f*o ope*+tion) le)) +llo + le'e'5ction) hich +*e nece))+* o* *el+te' to ining ope*+tion)" Allo + le 'e'5ction) )h+ll incl5'eining> illing +n' +*?eting e=pen)e)> 'ep*eci+tion of p*ope*tie) 'i*ectl 5)e' in the ining

    ope*+tion)" Thi) p+*+g*+ph )h+ll not +ppl to e=pen'it5*e) fo* the +c 5i)ition o* i p*o,e ent ofp*ope*t of + ch+*+cte* hich i) )5 8ect to the +llo +nce) fo* 'ep*eci+tion"

    S!"#$%& 94

    I& !*# ! G8+ +!!* The cont*+cto* )h+ll e entitle' to the +)ic *ight) +n' g5+*+ntee) p*o,i'e' in the Con)tit5tion +n' )5chothe* *ight) *ecogni6e' the go,e*n ent +) en5 e*+te' he*e5n'e* o* of the p*ope*t of theente*p*i)e e=cept fo* p5 lic 5)e o* in the inte*e)t of n+tion+l elf+*e o* 'efen)e +n' 5ponp+ ent of 85)t co pen)+tion" 3n )5ch c+)e)> fo*eign in,e)to*) o* ente*p*i)e) )h+ll h+,e the*ight to *e it )5 ) *ecei,e' +) co pen)+tion fo* the e=p*op*i+te' p*ope*t in the c5**enc inhich the in,e)t ent +) o*igin+ll +'e +n' +t the e=ch+nge *+te p*e,+iling +t the ti e of*e itt+nce"

    e" Re 5i)ition of in,e)t ent" The *ight to e f*ee f*o *e 5i)ition of the p*ope*t*ep*e)ente' the in,e)t ent o* of the p*ope*t of the ente*p*i)e) e=cept in c+)e of +* o*n+tion+l e e*genc +n' onl fo* the '5*+tion the*eof" 5)t co pen)+tion )h+ll e 'ete* ine'+n' p+i' eithe* +t the ti e o* i e'i+tel +fte* ce))+tion of the )t+te of +* o* n+tion+le e*genc " P+ ent) *ecei,e' +) co pen)+tion fo* the *e 5i)itione' p*ope*t + e *e itte'in the c5**enc in hich the in,e)t ent) e*e o*igin+ll +'e +n' +t the e=ch+nge *+tep*e,+iling +t the ti e of *e itt+nce"

    f . C%& $;!$+($#5 " An confi'enti+l info* +tion )5pplie' the cont*+cto* p5*)5+nt to thi) Act +n' it) i ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) )h+ll e t*e+te' +) )5ch the &ep+*t ent +n' theo,e*n ent> +n' '5*ing the te* of the p*o8ect to hich it *el+te)"


    S!"#$%& 93L+#! % N%& $($&1 % R!@8$ ! !* F+il5*e of the pe* ittee o* cont*+cto* to co pl ith +n of the *e 5i*e ent) p*o,i'e' in thi) Act o* in it)i ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion)> itho5t + ,+li' *e+)on> )h+ll e )5fficient g*o5n' fo* the )5)pen)ionof +n pe* it o* +g*ee ent p*o,i'e' 5n'e* thi) Act"

    S!"#$%& 9:V$%(+#$%& % #)! T! * +&; C%&;$#$%&*% P! $#* % A1 !! !* Diol+tion of the te* ) +n' con'ition) of the pe* it) o* +g*ee ent) )h+ll e + )5fficient g*o5n' fo*c+ncell+tion of the )+ e"

    S!"#$%& 97

    N%& P+5 ! % T+ ine*+l +g*ee ent> fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent+n' othe* +g*ee ent) +n' the *e$opening of the +*e+ )5 8ect the*eof to ne +pplic+nt)"

    S!"#$%& 9=S8*0!&*$%& % C+&"!((+#$%&% T+< I&"!$ !* +&; C !;$#*


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    F+il5*e to + i'e the te* ) +n' con'ition) of t+= incenti,e +n' c*e'it) )h+ll c+5)e the )5)pen)ion o*c+ncell+tion of )+i' incenti,e) +n' c*e'it)"

    S!"#$%& 99F+(*!)%%; % O $**$%& % F+"#* $& #)! S#+#! !

    All )t+te ent) +'e in the e=plo*+tion pe* it> ining +g*ee ent +n' fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce+g*ee ent )h+ll e con)i'e*e' +) con'ition) +n' e))enti+l p+*t) the*eof +n' +n f+l)ehoo' in )+i')t+te ent) o* o i))ion of f+ct) the*ein hich + +lte*> ch+nge o* +ffect )5 )t+nti+ll the f+ct) )et fo*thin )+i' )t+te ent) + c+5)e the *e,oc+tion +n' te* in+tion of the e=plo*+tion pe* it> ining+g*ee ent +n' fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce +g*ee ent"


    S!"#$%& '>>F % S#+ B8 !+8 #% L$&! B8 !+8 The Mine) +n' eo)cience) B5*e+5 i) he*e t*+n)fo* e' into + line 5*e+5 con)i)tent ith Section 9of thi) Act< P*o,i'e'> Th+t 5n'e* the Mine) +n' eo)cience) B5*e+5 )h+ll e the nece))+* ine)*egion+l> 'i)t*ict +n' othe* pe*tinent office) I the n5 e* +n' )pecific f5nction) of hich )h+ll ep*o,i'e' in the i ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) of thi) Act"

    C APTER XIXPENAL PROVISIONSS!"#$%& '>'F+(*! S#+#! !*

    An pe*)on ho ?no ingl p*e)ent) +n f+l)e +pplic+tion> 'ecl+*+tion> o* e,i'ence to the o,e*n ento* p5 li)he) o* c+5)e) to e p5 li)he' +n p*o)pect5) o* othe* info* +tion cont+ining +n f+l)e)t+te ent *el+ting to ine)> ining ope*+tion) o* ine*+l +g*ee ent)> fin+nci+l o* technic+l +))i)t+nce+g*ee ent) +n' pe* it) )h+ll> 5pon con,iction> e pen+li6e' + fine of not e=cee'ing Ten tho5)+n'pe)o) (P1%>%%%"%%!"

    S!"#$%& '>2I((!1+( E%%%"%%!"

    S!"#$%& '>6T)! # % M$&! +(*

    An pe*)on e=t*+cting ine*+l) +n' 'i)po)ing the )+ e itho5t + ining +g*ee ent> le+)e> pe* it>licen)e> o* )te+l) ine*+l) o* o*e) o* the p*o'5ct) the*eof f*o ine) o* ill) o* p*oce))ing pl+nt) )h+ll>5pon con,iction> e i p*i)one' f*o )i= (-! onth) to )i= (-! e+*) o* p+ + fine f*o Ten tho5)+n'

    pe)o) (P1%>%%%"%%! to T ent tho5)+n' pe)o) (P2%>%%%"%%! o* oth> +t the 'i)c*etion of the +pp*op*i+teco5*t" 3n +''ition> he )h+ll e li+ le to p+ '+ +ge) +n' co pen)+tion fo* the ine*+l) *e o,e'>e=t*+cte'> +n' 'i)po)e' of" 3n the c+)e of +))oci+tion)> p+*tne*)hip)> o* co*po*+tion)> the p*e)i'ent +n'e+ch of the 'i*ecto*) the*eof )h+ll e *e)pon)i le fo* the +ct) co itte' )5ch +))oci+tion>co*po*+tion> o* p+*tne*)hip"

    S!"#$%& '>4D!*# 8"#$%& % M$&$&1 S# 8"#8 !*


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    An pe*)on ho illf5ll 'e)t*o ) o* '+ +ge) )t*5ct5*e) in o* on the ining +*e+ o* on the ill )ite))h+ll> 5pon con,iction> e i p*i)one' fo* + pe*io' not to e=cee' fi,e ( ! e+*) +n' )h+ll> in +''ition> p+co pen)+tion fo* the '+ +ge) hich + h+,e een c+5)e' the*e "

    S!"#$%& '>3M$&!* A *%&

    An pe*)on ho illf5ll )et) fi*e to +n ine*+l )toc?pile> ine o* o*?ing)> fitting) o* + ine> )h+ll eg5ilt of +*)on +n' )h+ll e p5ni)he'> 5pon con,iction> the +pp*op*i+te co5*t in +cco*'+nce ith thep*o,i)ion) of the Re,i)e' Pen+l Co'e +n' )h+ll> in +''ition> p+ co pen)+tion fo* the '+ +ge) c+5)e'he*e "

    S!"#$%& '>:W$(( 8( D+ +1! #% + M$&!

    An pe*)on ho illf5ll '+ +ge) + ine> 5nl+ f5ll c+5)e) +te* to *5n into + ine> o* o )t*5ct) +n)h+ft o* p+))+ge to + ine> o* *en'e*) 5)ele))> '+ +ge) o* 'e)t*o ) +n +chine> +ppli+nce>+pp+*+t5)> *ope> ch+in> t+c?le> o* +n othe* thing) 5)e' in + ine> )h+ll e p5ni)he'> 5pon con,iction> the +pp*op*i+te co5*t> i p*i)on ent not e=cee'ing + pe*io' of fi,e ( ! e+*) +n' )h+ll> in +''ition>

    p+ co pen)+tion fo* the '+ +ge) c+5)e' the*e "

    S!"#$%& '>7I((!1+( O *# 8"#$%& #% P! $##!!* % C% +"#% *

    An pe*)on ho> itho5t 85)tifi+ le c+5)e> p*e,ent) o* o )t*5ct) the hol'e* of +n pe* it> +g*ee ent o*le+)e f*o 5n'e*t+?ing hi) ining ope*+tion) )h+ll e p5ni)he'> 5pon con,iction the +pp*op*i+teco5*t> + fine not e=cee'ing Fi,e tho5)+n' pe)o) (P >%%%"%%! o* i p*i)on ent not e=cee'ing one (1!e+*> o* oth> +t the 'i)c*etion of the co5*t"

    S!"#$%& '>=V$%(+#$%& % #)! T! * +&; C%&;$#$%&* % #)! E& $ %& !+( C% 0($+&"! C! #$ $"+#!

    An pe*)on ho illf5ll ,iol+te) o* g*o))l neglect) to + i'e the te* ) +n' con'ition) of theen,i*on ent+l co pli+nce ce*tific+te i))5e' to )+i' pe*)on +n' hich c+5)e) en,i*on ent+l '+ +geth*o5gh poll5tion )h+ll )5ffe* the pen+lt of i p*i)on ent of )i= (-! onth) to )i= (-! e+*) o* + fine ofFift tho5)+n' pe)o) (P %>%%%"%%! to T o h5n'*e' tho5)+n' pe)o) (P2%%>%%%"%%!> o* oth> +t the'i)c*etion of the co5*t"

    S!"#$%& '>9I((!1+( O *# 8"#$%& #% G% ! & ! O $"$+(*

    An pe*)on ho illeg+ll p*e,ent) o* o )t*5ct) the Sec*et+* > the &i*ecto* o* +n of thei* *ep*e)ent+ti,e)in the pe*fo* +nce of thei* '5tie) 5n'e* the p*o,i)ion) of thi) Act +n' of the *eg5l+tion) p*o 5lg+te'he*e5n'e* )h+ll e p5ni)he' 5pon con,iction> the +pp*op*i+te co5*t> + fine not e=cee'ing Fi,etho5)+n' pe)o) (P >%%%"%%! o* i p*i)on ent not e=cee'ing one (1! e+*> o* oth> +t the 'i)c*etion ofthe co5*t"

    S!"#$%& ''>O#)! V$%(+#$%&*

    An othe* ,iol+tion of thi) Act +n' it) i ple enting *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) )h+ll con)tit5te +n offen)ep5ni)h+ le ith + fine not e=cee'ing Fi,e tho5)+n' pe)o) (P >%%%"%%!"

    S!"#$%& '''F$&!*


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    DENR A; $&$*# +#$ ! O ;! N%. 99 64



    3n o*'e* to +chie,e + con)i)tent i ple ent+tion of &ENR A' ini)t*+ti,e O*'e* No" 9-$4% o* theRe,i)e' 3 ple enting R5le) +n' Reg5l+tion) of Rep5 lic Act No" 7942> the follo ing cl+*ific+to*g5i'eline) +*e he*e p*o 5lg+te' Fe+)i ilit St5' ! p*o,i'e' inSection 2 of the &ENR A' ini)t*+ti,e O*'e* No" 9-$4% + e )i 5lt+neo5)l 5n'e*t+?en in one+pp*o,e' cont*+ct +*e+> +) the nee' of the Cont*+cto* + +*i)e> )5 8ect to the pe*tinent p*o,i)ion) ofSection -% of the )+ e A' ini)t*+ti,e O*'e*< P*o,i'e'> Th+t the Cont*+cto* )h+ll file + Notice to theconce*ne' Region+l Office> cop f5*ni)he' the B5*e+5> of it) intention to +,+il of the *ene +l of theE=plo*+tion Pe*io' o* to +',+nce to@+,+il of the P*e$Fe+)i ilit St5' @Fe+)i ilit St5' @&e,elop ent +n'Con)t*5ction@ Ope*+ting Pe*io'> +) 'ee e' +pplic+ le> eithe* in the hole o* + po*tion of the Cont*+ct

    A*e+> )5 8ect to the +pp*o,+l of the &i*ecto*"F+il5*e of the Cont*+cto* to file the Notice to +,+il of the *ene +l of the E=plo*+tion Pe*io' o* to +',+nceto@+,+il of the P*e$Fe+)i ilit St5' @ Fe+)i ilit St5' Pe*io' )h+ll e+n th+t the )+i' pe*io') )h+ll note +,+ile' of the Cont*+cto*"

    S!"#$%& =. T) !! 6 L!##! * N%#$"! P%($"5

    The Mine) +n' eo)cience) B5*e+5 )h+ll +'opt the Th*ee (#! Lette*)$Notice polic in e=+ctingco pli+nce of ining +pplic+nt) ith +ll *e 5i*e ent) to )5ppo*t ining +pplic+tion)" Th5)> e+ch Lette*$Notice )h+ll gi,e the ining +pplic+nt fifteen (1 ! to thi*t (#%! '+ ) 5pon *eceipt of the Lette*$Notice toco pl ith the pe*tinent *e 5i*e ent)< P*o,i'e'> Th+t +n inte*,+l of no o*e th+n thi*t (#%! '+ )et een 'e+'line) )h+ll e o )e*,e' in )en'ing the Lette*)$Notice"The f+il5*e of the ining +pplic+nt to f5ll co pl ith the *e 5i*e ent +) e o'ie' in the Lette*)$Notice )h+ll e + g*o5n' fo* 'eni+l of the ining +pplic+tion"

    S!"#$%& 9. A8#)% $J!; C+0$#+($J+#$%&

    The ini 5 +5tho*i6e' c+pit+l of Ten Million Pe)o) (P 1%>%%%>%%%"%%! +n' p+i'$5p c+pit+l of T oMillion Fi,e ;5n'*e' Tho5)+n' Pe)o) (P 2> %%>%%%"%%! *e 5i*e' fo* +co*po*+tion@+))oci+tion@coope*+ti,e@ p+*tne*)hip 5n'e* &ENR Me o*+n'5 O*'e* No" 99$1% )h+ll+ppl to the p*incip+l +pplic+nt hethe* o* not thi) +pplic+nt i) )5ppo*te' +n ope*+to* o* )e*,ice

    cont*+cto* th*5 +n ope*+ting +g*ee ent o* othe* )i il+* fo* ) of +g*ee ent< P*o,i'e'> Th+t in the c+)eof + ining +pplic+tion ith t o (2! o* o*e +pplic+nt) +) co$+pplic+nt)> the ini 5 +5tho*i6e' c+pit+lof P 1% Million +n' p+i'$5p c+pit+l of P 2" Million + e *e 5i*e' f*o 85)t one (1! of the co$+pplic+nt)"3n the c+)e of + ining +pplic+tion +n in'i,i'5+l> the ini 5 + o5nt of T o Million Fi,e ;5n'*e'Tho5)+n' Pe)o) (P 2> %%>%%%"%%! )h+ll e *e 5i*e' +) p*oof of fin+nci+l c+p+ ilit > hich )h+ll e in thefo* of + +n? 'epo)it o* c*e'it line"Con)i)tent ith the p*o,i)ion) of &ENR Me o*+n'5 O*'e* No" 99$1%> the fo*egoing *e 5i*e ent))h+ll e +n'+to* in the +ccept+nce of + ining +pplic+tion"

    S!"#$%& '>. P $% A00 % +( 5 #)! S+&118&$+&

    P*io* +pp*o,+l o* in'o*)e ent +n t o (2! of the conce*ne' S+ngg5ni+n (P+nl+l+ ig+n> B+ +n +n'

    B+*+ng+ ! )h+ll e *e 5i*e' in )5ppo*t of ining +pplic+tion) inten'e' fo* 'e,elop ent +n'@o*5tili6+tion p5*po)e)" 3n the c+)e of ining +pplic+tion) inten'e' fo* e=plo*+tion> + p*oof of con)5lt+tionith@p*o8ect p*e)ent+tion to +n t o (2! of the conce*ne' S+ngg5ni+n )h+ll e *e 5i*e'"3n eithe* c+)e> the p*oof of p*io* +pp*o,+l> in'o*)e ent> con)5lt+tion +n'@o* p*o8ect p*e)ent+tion )h+ll ein the fo* of + fo* +l Re)ol5tion o* Ce*tific+tion the conce*ne' S+ngg5ni+n"

    S!"#$%& ''. A00 % +( % M! % +&;8 % A1 !! ! O0#$%& A1 !! ! O0! +#$&1 A1 !! !+&; %#)! *$ $(+ % * % A1 !! ! 8&;! M$&$&1 R$1)#* A00($"+#$%&*


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    Me o*+n'5 of Ag*ee ent()!@Option Ag*ee ent()!@Ope*+ting Ag*ee ent()! +n' othe* )i il+* fo* ) of Ag*ee ent) 5n'e* + ining +pplic+tion )h+ll e *egi)te*e' ith the B5*e+5@conce*ne' Region+l Office+n' )h+ll fo* p+*t of the )5ppo*ting 'oc5 ent of + ining +pplic+tion> )5 8ect to the e,+l5+tion of theB5*e+5@Region+l Office" S5ch +g*ee ent )h+ll e 'ee e' +pp*o,e' 5pon +pp*o,+l of the ining+pplic+tion"Me o*+n'5 of Ag*ee ent()!@Option Ag*ee ent()!@Ope*+tion Ag*ee ent o* othe* )i il+* fo* ) of

    Ag*ee ent ente*e' into 5n'e* + ining pe* it@cont*+ct )h+ll e *egi)te*e' ith the B5*e+5@conce*ne'Region+l Office +n' )h+ll e )5 8ect to the +pp*o,+l of the Sec*et+* 5pon e,+l5+tion +n'*eco en'+tion the &i*ecto*" An of )5ch Ag*ee ent th+t i) not '5l *egi)te*e' +n'@o* +pp*o,e' the &ENR Sec*et+* )h+ll e 'ee e' ,oi' in )o f+* +) the &ep+*t ent i) conce*ne'"

    S!"#$%& '2. E !"#$ $#5

    Thi) O*'e* )h+ll t+?e effect fifteen (1 ! '+ ) +fte* it) co plete p5 lic+tion in + ne )p+pe* of gene*+lci*c5l+tion +n' fifteen (1 ! '+ ) +fte* *egi)t*+tion ith the Office of the N+tion+l A' ini)t*+ti,e Regi)te*"



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    S!"#$%& '. T$#(!. K T)$* A"# *)+(( ! -&% & +* #)! /P!%0(! * S +(( *"+(! M$&$&1 A"# % '99'./

    S!". 2. D!"(+ +#$%& % P%($"5. I 3t i) he*e 'ecl+*e' of the St+te to p*o ote> 'e,elop> p*otect +n'*+tion+li6e ,i+ le ) +ll$)c+le ining +cti,itie) in o*'e* to gene*+te o*e e plo entoppo*t5nitie) +n' p*o,i'e +n e 5it+ le )h+*ing of the n+tionK) e+lth +n' n+t5*+l *e)o5*ce)>gi,ing '5e *eg+*' to e=i)ting *ight) +) he*ein p*o,i'e'"

    S!". 6. D! $&$#$%&*. I Fo* p5*po)e) of thi) Act> the follo ing te* ) )h+ll e 'efine' +) follo ) in'i,i'5+ll o* in the co p+n of othe*Filipino citi6en)> ,ol5nt+*il fo* + coope*+ti,e '5l licen)e' the &ep+*t ent of En,i*on ent+n' N+t5*+l Re)o5*ce) to eng+ge> 5n'e* the te* ) +n' con'ition) of + cont*+ct> in thee=t*+ction o* *e o,+l of ine*+l) o* o*e$ e+*ing +te*i+l) f*o the g*o5n'G

    ('! S +ll$)c+le ining cont*+ct *efe*) to co$p*o'5ction> 8oint ,ent5*e o* ine*+l p*o'5ction

    )h+*ing +g*ee ent et een the St+te +n' + ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+cto* fo* the ) +ll$)c+le5tili6+tion of + plot of ine*+l l+n'G

    (e! S +ll$)c+le ining cont*+cto* *efe*) to +n in'i,i'5+l o* + coope*+ti,e of ) +ll$)c+leine*)> *egi)te*e' ith the Sec5*itie) +n' E=ch+nge Co i))ion o* othe* +pp*op*i+te

    go,e*n ent +genc > hich h+) ente*e' into +n +g*ee ent ith the St+te fo* the ) +ll$)c+le5tili6+tion of + plot of ine*+l l+n' ithin + peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le ining +*e+G

    (f! Acti,e ining +*e+ *efe*) to +*e+) 5n'e* +ct5+l e=plo*+tion> 'e,elop ent> e=ploit+tion o*co e*ci+l p*o'5ction +) 'ete* ine' the Sec*et+* +fte* the nece))+* fiel' in,e)tig+tion o*,e*ific+tion incl5'ing contig5o5) +n' geologic+ll *el+te' +*e+) elonging to the )+ ecl+i o ne* +n'@o* 5n'e* cont*+ct ith +n ope*+to*> 5t in no c+)e to e=cee' the +=i 5 +*e++llo e' l+ G

    (g! E=i)ting ining *ight *efe*) to pe*fecte' +n' )5 )i)ting cl+i > le+)e> licen)e o* pe* itco,e*ing + ine*+li6e' +*e+ p*io* to it) 'ecl+*+tion +) + peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le ining +*e+G

    (h! Cl+i o ne* *efe*) to + hol'e* of +n e=i)ting ining *ightG

    (i! P*oce))o* *efe*) to + pe*)on i))5e' + licen)e to eng+ge in the t*e+t ent of ine*+l) o* o*e$e+*ing +te*i+l) )5ch +) g*+,it concent*+tion> le+ching enefic+tion> c +ni'+tion> c5tting>)i6ing> poli)hing +n' othe* )i il+* +cti,itie)G


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    (8! Licen)e *efe*) to the p*i,ilege g*+nte' to + pe*)on to legiti +tel p5*)5e hi) occ5p+tion +)+ ) +ll$)c+le ine* o* p*oce))o* 5n'e* thi) ActG

    (?! Mining pl+n *efe*) to + t o$ e+* p*og*+ of +cti,itie) +n' etho'ologie) e plo e' in thee=t*+ction +n' p*o'5ction of ine*+l) o* o*e$ e+*ing +te*i+l)> incl5'ing the fin+nci+l pl+n +n'othe* *e)o5*ce) in )5ppo*t the*eofG(l! &i*ecto* *efe*) to the *egion+l e=ec5ti,e 'i*ecto* of the &ep+*t ent of En,i*on ent +n'N+t5*+l Re)o5*ce)G +n'

    ( ! Sec*et+* *efe*) to the Sec*et+* of the &ep+*t ent of En,i*on ent +n' N+t5*+lRe)o5*ce)"

    S!". 4. P!%0(! * S +(( *"+(! M$&$&1 P %1 + " I Fo* the p5*po)e of c+** ing o5t the 'ecl+*e' policp*o,i'e' in Section 2 he*eof> the*e i) he*e e)t+ li)he' + PeopleK) S +ll$)c+le MiningP*og*+ to e i ple ente' the Sec*et+* of the &ep+*t ent of En,i*on ent +n' N+t5*+lRe)o5*ce)> he*ein+fte* c+lle' the &ep+*t ent> in coo*'in+tion ith othe* conce*ne'go,e*n ent +gencie)> 'e)igne' to +chie,e +n o*'e*l > ) )te +tic +n' *+tion+l )che e fo* the) +ll$)c+le 'e,elop ent +n' 5tili6+tion of ine*+l *e)o5*ce) in ce*t+in ine*+l +*e+) in o*'e* to+''*e)) the )oci+l> econo ic> technic+l> +n' en,i*on ent+l connecte' ith ) +ll$)c+le ining+cti,itie)"

    The PeopleK) S +ll$)c+le Mining P*og*+ )h+ll incl5'e the follo ing fe+t5*e) +te* *e)e*,oi* o* + )ep+*+te p+*cel of l+n' ith +n +*e+ of tentho5)+n' ) 5+*e ete*) (1%>%%% ) " "! o* le))"


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    S!". 7. A&"!*# +( L+&;* " I No +nce)t*+l l+n' + e 'ecl+*e' +) + peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le ining +*e+itho5t the p*io* con)ent of the c5lt5*+l co 5nitie) conce*ne'< P*o,i'e'> Th+t> if +nce)t*+ll+n') +*e 'ecl+*e' +) peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le ining +*e+)> the e e*) of the c5lt5*+lco 5nitie) the*ein )h+ll e gi,en p*io*it in the + +*'ing of ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+ct)"

    S!". =. R!1$*# +#$%& % S +(( *"+(! M$&! *" I All pe*)on) 5n'e*t+?ing ) +ll$)c+le ining +cti,itie))h+ll *egi)te* +) ine*) ith the Bo+*' +n' + o*g+ni6e the )el,e) into coope*+ti,e) in o*'e*to 5+lif fo* the + +*'ing of + peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+ct"

    S!". 9. A + ; % P!%0(! * S +(( *"+(! M$&$&1 C% +"#*" I A peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+ct+ e + +*'e' the Bo+*' to ) +ll$)c+le ine*) ho h+,e ,ol5nt+*il o*g+ni6e' +n' h+,e'5l *egi)te*e' ith the +pp*op*i+te go,e*n ent +genc +) +n in'i,i'5+l ine* o* coope*+ti,eG

    P*o,i'e'> Th+t onl one (1! peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+ct + e + +*'e' +t +n oneti e to + ) +ll$)c+le ining ope*+tion) ithin one (1! e+* f*o the '+te of + +*'< P*o,i'e'>f5*the*> Th+t p*io*it )h+ll e gi,en o* cit he*e the ) +ll$)c+le ining +*e+ i) loc+te'"

    Applic+tion) fo* + cont*+ct )h+ll e )5 8ect to + *e+)on+ le fee to e p+i' to the &ep+*t ent ofEn,i*on ent +n' N+t5*+l Re)o5*ce) *egion+l office h+,ing 85*i)'iction o,e* the +*e+"

    S!". '>. E in con)5lt+tion ith the ope*+to*> cl+i o ne*> l+n'o ne* o* le))o* of +n +ffecte' +*e+>)h+ll 'ete* ine the *ight of the ) +ll )c+le ine*) to e=i)ting f+cilitie) )5ch +) ining +n'logging *o+')> p*i,+te *o+')> po*t +n' co 5nic+tion f+cilitie)> p*oce))ing pl+nt) hich +*enece))+* fo* the effecti,e i ple ent+tion of the PeopleK) S +ll$)c+le Mining P*og*+ > )5 8ectto p+ ent of *e+)on+ le fee) to the ope*+to*> cl+i o ne*> l+n'o ne* o* le))o*"

    S!". '2. R$1)#* U&;! + P!%0(! * S +(( *"+(! M$&$&1 C% +"#" I A peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le iningcont*+ct entitle) the ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+cto* to the *ight to ine> e=t*+ct +n' 'i)po)e ofine*+l o*e) fo* co e*ci+l p5*po)e)" 3n no c+)e )h+ll + ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+ct e)5 cont*+cte'> +))igne' o* othe* i)e t*+n)fe**e'"

    S!". '6. T! * +&; C%&;$#$%&* % #)! C% +"#" I A cont*+ct )h+ll h+,e + te* of t o (2! e+*)>*ene + le )5 8ect to ,e*ific+tion the Bo+*' fo* li?e pe*io') +) long +) the cont*+cto*co plie) ith the p*o,i)ion) )et fo*th in thi) Act> +n' confe*) 5pon the cont*+cto* the *ight toine ithin the cont*+ct +*e+< P*o,i'e'> Th+t the hol'e* of + ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+ct )h+llh+,e the follo ing '5tie) +n' o lig+tion)p+*tic5l+*l tho)e on t*ee$c5tting ine*+l$p*oce))ing +n' poll5tion cont*olG(f! File 5n'e* o+th +t the en' of e+ch onth + 'et+ile' p*o'5ction +n' fin+nci+l *epo*t to theBo+*'G +n'(g! A))5 e *e)pon)i ilit fo* the )+fet of pe*)on) o*?ing in the ine)"

    S!". '4. R$1)#* % C(+$ % &! * " I 3n c+)e + )ite 'ecl+*e' +n' )et +)i'e +) + peopleK)$)c+le ining+*e+ i) co,e*e' +n e=i)ting ining *ight> the cl+i o ne* +n' the ) +ll$)c+le ine*) the*ein+*e enco5*+ge' to ente* into + ,ol5nt+* +n' +ccept+ le cont*+ct5+l +g*ee ent ith *e)pect tothe ) +ll$)c+le 5tili6+tion of the ine*+l ,+l5e) f*o the +*e+ 5n'e* cl+i " 3n c+)e of'i)+g*ee ent> the cl+i o ne* )h+ll e entitle' to the follo ing *ight) +n' p*i,ilege) e=plo*+tion) +n' othe* +cti,itie)> p*o,i'e' )5ch +cti,itie) 'o not 5n'5linte*fe*e ith the ope*+tion) of the ) +ll$)c+le ine*)G +n'(c! R%5+(#5 !@8$ +(! #% %&! +&; %&! )+( 0! "! ' ' 2 % #)! 1 %** +(8! % #)!!#+(($" $&! +( %8#08# % %&! 0! "! ' % #)! 1 %** +(8! % #)! &%& !#+(($" $&! +(%8#08# #% ! 0+$; #% #)! "(+$ % &! < P*o,i'e'> Th+t )5ch *ight) +n' p*i,ilege) )h+ll e+,+il+ le onl if he i) not 'elin 5ent +n' othe* pe*fo* +nce of hi) +nn5+l o*? o lig+tion)+n' othe* *e 5i*e ent) fo* the l+)t t o (2! e+*) p*io* to the effecti,it of thi) Act"

    S!". '3. R$1)#* % P $ +#! L+&;% &! * " I The p*i,+te l+n'o ne* o* l+ f5l po))e))o* )h+ll enotifie' of +n pl+n o* petition to 'ecl+*e hi) l+n' +) + peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le ining +*e+" S+i'l+n'o ne* + oppo)e )5ch pl+n o* petition in +n +pp*op*i+te p*ocee'ing +n' he+*ing

    con'5cte' efo*e the Bo+*'"3f + p*i,+te l+n' i) 'ecl+*e' +) + peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le ining +*e+> the o ne* +n' the ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+cto*) +*e enco5*+ge' to ente* into + ,ol5nt+* +n' +ccept+ le cont*+ct5+l+g*ee ent fo* the ) +ll$)c+le 5tili6+tion of the ine*+l ,+l5e) f*o the p*i,+te l+n'< P*o,i'e'>Th+t the o ne* )h+ll in +ll c+)e) e entitle' to the p+ ent of +ct5+l '+ +ge) hich he +)5ffe* +) + *e)5lt of )5ch 'ecl+*+tion< P*o,i'e'> f5*the*> T)+# %5+(#$!* 0+$; #% #)! % &! *)+(($& &% "+*! !

  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    S!". '=. C8*#% M$((* " I The e)t+ li)h ent +n' ope*+tion of )+fe +n' efficient c5)to ) ill) top*oce)) ine*+l) o* o*e$ e+*ing +te*i+l) )h+ll e li ite' to ine*+l p*oce))ing 6one) '5l'e)ign+te' the loc+l go,e*n ent 5nit conce*ne' 5pon *eco en'+tion of the Bo+*'"3n ining +*e+) he*e the p*i,+te )ecto* i) 5n+ le to e)t+ li)h c5)to ill)> the o,e*n ent)h+ll con)t*5ct )5ch c5)to ill) 5pon the *eco en'+tion of the Bo+*' +)e' on the ,i+ ilitof the p*o8ect"The Bo+*' )h+ll i))5e licen)e) fo* the ope*+tion of c5)to ill) +n' othe* p*oce))ing pl+nt))5 8ect to poll5tion cont*ol +n' )+fet )t+n'+*')" The &ep+*t ent )h+ll e)t+ li)h +))+l+ o*+to*ie) to c*o))$chec? the integ*it of c5)to ill) +n' to *en'e* et+ll5*gic+l +n'l+ o*+to* )e*,ice) to ine)" C5)to ill) )h+ll e con)tit5te' +) ithhol'ing +gent) fo* the*o +ltie)> p*o'5ction )h+*e o* othe* t+=e) '5e the o,e*n ent"

    S!". '9. G% ! & ! S)+ ! +&; A((%# ! " I The *e,en5e to e 'e*i,e' the o,e*n ent f*o

    the ope*+tion of the ining p*og*+ he*ein e)t+ li)he' )h+ll e )5 8ect to the )h+*ing p*o,i'e'in the Loc+l o,e*n ent Co'e"

    S!". 2>. P!%0(! * S +(( *"+(! M$&$&1 P %#!"#$%& F8&;" I The*e i) he*e c*e+te' + PeopleK)S +ll$)c+le Mining P*otection F5n' hich )h+ll e fifteen pe*cent (1 ! of the n+tion+lgo,e*n entK) )h+*e '5e the o,e*n ent hich )h+ll e 5)e' p*i +*il fo* info* +tion'i))e in+tion +n' t*+ining of ) +ll$)c+le ine*) on )+fet > he+lth +n' en,i*on ent+lp*otection> +n' the e)t+ li)h ent of ine *e)c5e +n' *eco,e* te+ ) incl5'ing thep*oc5*e ent of *e)c5e e 5ip ent nece))+* in c+)e) of e e*gencie) )5ch +) l+n')li'e)>t5nnel coll+p)e> o* the li?e"The f5n' )h+ll +l)o e +'e +,+il+ le to +''*e)) the nee') of the ) +ll$)c+le ine*) *o5ght+ o5t +cci'ent) +n'@o* fo*t5ito5) e,ent)"

    S!". 2'. R!*"$**$%& % C% +"#* +&; A; $&$*# +#$ ! F$&!*. I The nonco pli+nce ith the te* )+n' con'ition) of the cont*+ct o* ,iol+tion of the *5le) +n' *eg5l+tion) i))5e' the Sec*et+*p5*)5+nt to thi) Act> +) ell +) the + +n'on ent of the ining )ite the cont*+cto*> )h+llcon)tit5te + g*o5n' fo* the c+ncell+tion of the cont*+ct) +n' the e8ect ent f*o the peopleK)) +ll$)c+le ining +*e+ of the cont*+cto*" 3n +''ition> the Sec*et+* + i po)e fine) +g+in)tthe ,iol+to* in +n + o5nt of not le)) th+n T ent tho5)+n' pe)o) (P2%>%%%"%%! +n' not o*eth+n One h5n'*e' tho5)+n' pe)o) (P1%%>%%%"%%!" Nonp+ ent of the fine i po)e' )h+ll

    *en'e* the ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+cto* ineligi le fo* othe* ) +ll$)c+le ining cont*+ct)"

    S!". 22. R! ! *$%& % P!%0(! * S +(( *"+(! M$&$&1 A !+*. I The Sec*et+* > 5pon *eco en'+tionof the 'i*ecto*> )h+ll ith'*+ the )t+t5) of the peopleK) ) +ll$)c+le ining +*e+ hen it c+n nolonge* fe+)i l ope*+te' on + ) +ll$)c+le ining +)i) o* hen the )+fet > he+lth +n'en,i*on ent+l con'ition) +**+nt th+t the )+ e )h+ll *e,e*t to the St+te fo* p*ope* 'i)po)ition"

    S!". 26. A"#8+( O""80+#$%& 5 S +(( *"+(! M$&! *. I S +ll$)c+le ine*) ho h+,e een in +ct5+lope*+tion of ine*+l l+n') on o* efo*e A5g5)t 1> 1907 +) 'ete* ine' the Bo+*' )h+ll not e'i)po))e))e'> e8ecte' o* *e o,e' f*o )+i' +*e+)< P*o,i'e'> Th+t the co pl ith thep*o,i)ion) of thi) Act"

    S!". 24. P % $&"$+( C$#5 M$&$&1 R!18(+#% 5 B%+ ;" I The*e i) he*e c*e+te' 5n'e* the 'i*ect

    )5pe*,i)ion +n' cont*ol of the Sec*et+* + p*o,inci+l@cit ining *eg5l+to* o+*'> he*ein c+lle'the Bo+*'> hich )h+ll e the i ple enting +genc of the &ep+*t ent> +n' )h+ll e=e*ci)e thefollo ing po e*) +n' f5nction)> )5 8ect to *e,ie the Sec*et+* policie)> incenti,e) +n' fin+ncing +*e gene*+ll +''*e))e' to the l+*ge$)c+le )ecto* of the in'5)t* G +n' c+pit+l inten)it ith high 'e t$e 5it *+tio> ech+ni6+tion +n' he+,ene*g *e 5i*e ent) ch+*+cte*i6e )5ch t pe of ope*+tion)> ho)e +in +tt*+ction i) the +tt+in ent ofecono ie) of )c+le th*o5gh lo co)t 5t l+*ge tonn+ge ope*+tion)G

    ;EREAS> the +',ent of infl+tion> ,ol+tile co o'it p*ice)> 5ltiple inc*e+)e) of oil +n' f5el p*ice)>)t*ingent en,i*on ent+l cont*ol e+)5*e) +n' high co)t of c+pit+l p*o,e' to e o)t 'i)+)t*o5) fo*Philippine l+*ge$)c+le ine)"

    ;EREAS> + 5n'+nce of che+p l+ o* in the Philippine)> *el+ti,e fle=i ilit +n' )i plicit of ope*+tion)>ini 5 c+pit+l *e 5i*e ent)> le)) f5el 'epen'ent ope*+tion) +n' ini +l effect) on the en,i*on ent+*e + ong the +*g5 ent) th+t len' )5ppo*t to the 'e,elop ent of ) +ll$)c+le iningG

    ;EREAS> the*e e=i)t ) +ll ine*+l 'epo)it) th+t +*e eing o* co5l' e o*?e' p*ofit+ l +t ) +lltonn+ge) *e 5i*ing ini +l c+pit+l in,e)t ent) 5tili6ing +n5+l l+ o*G +n'

    ;EREAS> the 'e,elop ent of the)e ) +ll ine*+l 'epo)it) ill gene*+te o*e e plo entoppo*t5nitie)> the*e +lle,i+ting the li,ing con'ition) the *5*+l +*e+) +n' ill cont*i 5te +''ition+l

    fo*eign e=ch+nge e+*ning)G

    NO > T;EREFORE> 3> FER&3NAN& E" MARCOS> P*e)i'ent of the Rep5 lic of the Philippine)> ,i*t5e of the po e*) ,e)te' in e the Con)tit5tion> 'o he*e 'ec*ee +n' o*'e* +) follo )%%% et*ic ton) of o*e +n' )+ti)f ing the follo ing *e 5i)ite) the t ent $)econ' '+ of 5l >

    nineteen h5n'*e' +n' ninet one



    Be it en+cte' the Sen+te +n' ;o5)e of Rep*e)ent+ti,e) of the Philippine) in Cong*e)) +))e le' +) ell +) pl+nt

    +n' +ni +l life> it i) he*e 'ecl+*e' the polic of the St+te to )ec5*e fo* the Filipino people ofp*e)ent +n' f5t5*e gene*+tion) the pe*pet5+l e=i)tence of +ll n+ti,e pl+nt) +n' +ni +l) th*o5ghthe e)t+ li)h ent of + co p*ehen)i,e ) )te of integ*+te' p*otecte' +*e+) ithin thecl+))ific+tion of n+tion+l p+*? +) p*o,i'e' fo* in the Con)tit5tion"3t i) he*e *ecogni6e' th+t the)e +*e+)> +ltho5gh 'i)tinct in fe+t5*e)> po))e) co onecologic+l ,+l5e) th+t + e inco*po*+te' into + holi)tic pl+n *ep*e)ent+ti,e of o5* n+t5*+lhe*it+geG th+t effecti,e +' ini)t*+tion of thi) +*e+ i) po))i le onl th*o5gh coope*+tion + ongn+tion+l go,e*n ent> loc+l go,e*n ent +n' conce*ne' p*i,+te o*g+ni6+tion)G th+t the 5)e +n'en8o ent of the)e p*otecte' +*e+) 5)t e con)i)tent ith the p*inciple) of iologic+l 'i,e*)it+n' )5)t+in+ le 'e,elop ent"

    To thi) en'> the*e i) he*e e)t+ li)he' + N+tion+l 3nteg*+te' P*otecte' A*e+) S )te (N3PAS!>hich )h+ll enco p+)) o5t)t+n'ingl *e +*?+ le +*e+) +n' iologic+ll i po*t+nt p5 lic l+n')th+t +*e h+ it+t) of *+*e +n' en'+nge*e' )pecie) of pl+nt) +n' +ni +l)> iogeog*+phic 6one)+n' *el+te' eco) )te )> hethe* te**e)t*i+l> etl+n' o* +*ine> +ll of hich )h+ll e 'e)ign+te'+) p*otecte' +*e+) "

    SECTION 6. C+#!1% $!* T)! %((% $&1 "+#!1% $!* % 0 %#!"#!; + !+* + ! )! ! 5 !*#+ ($*)!;

    +" St*ict n+t5*e *e)e*,eG " N+t5*+l p+*?G c" N+t5*+l on5 entG


  • 8/11/2019 Envi Laws - Compilation-libre


    '" il'life )+nct5+* G e" P*otecte' l+n')c+pe) +n' )e+)c+pe)G f" Re)o5*ce *e)e*,eG g" N+t5*+l iotic +*e+)G +n'

    h" Othe* c+tego*ie) e)t+ li)he' l+ > con,ention) o* inte*n+tion+l +g*ee ent) hich thePhilippine o,e*n ent i) + )ign+to* "

    SECTION 4. D! $&$#$%& % T! * $ Fo* p5*po)e) of thi) Act> the follo ing te* ) )h+ll e 'efine' +)follo ) +n+ge' to enh+nce iologic+l 'i,e*)it +n' p*otecte'+g+in)t 'e)t*5cti,e h5 +n e=ploit+tionG

    /B8 ! J%&!*/ +*e i'entifie' +*e+) o5t)i'e the o5n'+*ie) of +n' i e'i+t