Enterprise Complexity Model VE

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  • Syncho Research 2008 ECM

    What is an Enterprise ComplexityWhat is an Enterprise Complexity Model

    Raul EspejoRaul Espejo

    March 2008

  • Syncho Research 2008 ECM

    Whats an enterprise complexity model?model?

    it is an ingenious form of deploying resources to bridge the complexity gap between enterprise and environment. It is an extension pof the VSM and provides a heuristic to develop dynamic capabilities It is based ondevelop dynamic capabilities. It is based on variety engineering (see paper Enterprise C l it M d l)Complexity Model).

  • K i

    Syncho Research 2008 ECM

    Key issues

    Explaining what is variety, Law of Requisite Variety and Residual Variety (Module 1)y y ( )

    Introduction to complexity management; revision of VSM as discussed in Module 2revision of VSM as discussed in Module 2

    Viplan Method; revision of 5 steps as discussed in Module 3

    Enterprise Complexity Model as discussed in Enterprise Complexity Model as discussed in this Module (Module 4).

  • Methodological Issues

    Syncho Research 2008 ECM

    Methodological Issues

    S t i f di ti i hi i ti t i i System in focus: distinguishing organisation, enterprise, primary enterprise, network, cluster, extended cluster and institution.

    Network is a group of aligned enterprises driven by a primary t i ( Nik ) hi h i it lf i tienterprise (e.g. Nike), which is itself an organisation.

    Cluster is group enabled by institution or enterprise, but members do not necessarily have alignment of their transformations (e.g. S i P k)Science Park)

    Structural models are focused both on the organisations transformation and the enterprises transformation.

    Variety engineering: variety operators and best practice (communications, transducers and performance)

    Dynamic capabilitiesy p

  • Variety engineering

    Syncho Research 2008 ECM

    Variety engineering

    h f ll i lid fi d l f i In the following slides we find examples of variety operators for enterprises in the network

    ( lifi tt t deconomy (amplifiers, attenuators and transducers)

    The definition of variety operators depends on the transformation (named system) and

    f i i (h i i hperformance criteria (how stringent is these criteria)

  • Enterprise Complexity ModelAmplifiers of Ent. variety Attenuators of Env variety Variety Balance

    Syncho Research 2008ECM

    Internal to enterprise In Operational Environment Enterprise

    Org structure; pushing down t

    Internet platform to support i ti b t

    Lead enterprise interacting ith l b l k t th hautonomy

    Resource centralisation, functional decentralisation

    communications between customers and suppliers to work out e.g. equipment specifications

    with global market through Regional Industrial Cluster (the Organisation)


    External to enterprise External to enterprise Transformation

    Subcontracting manufacturing globallyDistribution network

    Bar coding customers behaviours to support sales.Blogging, market research

    producing quality textiles for retail markets

    In Operational Environment Internal to enterprise Performance

    Internet systems to enable customers perform

    Operational standardsDecoding suppliers and

    KPI for supply chain management

    enterprises transactions customers performance

  • 1 A lifi f V i t th t

    Syncho Research 2008 ECM

    1. Amplifiers of Variety that are Internal to Primary EnterpriseInternal to Primary Enterprise

    Strengthening the Enterprises Variety

    Increasing the resolution of the

    Creating new variety for the

    Making the Enterprises variety

    Enterprises Variety Enterprise time independent

    Website linking Use of Web2 to R&D, future Use internalcustomers, suppliers and distributors.

    target customers individually with a focused message



    communicationsystems to respondqueries globally.

    Marketing and communications


    (e.g. Amazon)

    Regional and local ff f

    Dynamic Capabilities

    offices sorting offices for postage and parcels


  • 2. Amplifiers of Variety that are Syncho Research 2008 ECM

    External to Primary EnterpriseStrengthening the Increasing the Creating new Making the g gEnterprises Variety

    gresolution of the Enterprises Variety

    gvariety for the Enterprise

    gEnterprises variety time independent

    Marketing companies supporting

    Information technology companies dealing

    Distribution centres


    Call Centres ,Customer ServicesInternet operations,pp g



    p gwith enterprises transactions (e.g.banks, shares

    pcontributing to network /cluster

    p ,operating 24 hoursa day, 7 days a week. g

    Post Office Branches

    management )Global publicity

    Banks paying social services benefits (amplifying socialservices)

  • 3 A lifi f V i t ithi th

    Syncho Research 2008 ECM

    3. Amplifiers of Variety within the Operational Env. of Primary EnterpriseOperational Env. of Primary Enterprise

    Strengthening the Enterprises Variety

    Increasing the resolution of the

    Creating new variety for the

    Making the Enterprises variety

    Enterprises Variety Enterprise time independent

    Franchising: Regional Manufacturing Customers use of Regional enterprises selling locally the primary

    enterprises adjusting the enterprises

    outlets in cheap countries doing theenterprises

    blogs creating public opinion about enterprise

    enterprises offerings

    offerings to local requirements


  • 4. Attenuators of Variety within4. Attenuators of Variety within Operational Env. of Primary EnterpriseWeakening thestrength of theenvironmental

    Reducing theresolution of relevant

    Chopping off partsof theenvironmental

    Makingenvironmentalvariety time

    Atenuadored de environmentalvariety



    variety time dependant

    Self organisation of Media managing Media selecting Rythmun ofSelf-organisation of agents in theenvironment: more variety absorption at

    Media managinginformation in real time and byexception

    Media selecting stories and constructing them

    Rythmun of publications and reporting

    variety absorption at the local level, lessresidual variety


    Government regulations: reducing restrictions, lifting , gconstraints

  • 5. Attenuators of Variety that are5. Attenuators of Variety that are External to Primary Enterprise

    Weakening thestrength of theenvironmental

    Reducing theresolution of theenvironmental

    Chopping off partsof theenvironmental

    Makingenvironmentalvariety time

    Atenuadored de environmentalvariety



    variety time dependant

    Blogging Screening agenciesfor personnel hiring

    Blogging Media highlighting stakeholders and

    Automatic check-inof passengers in air terminal

    for personnel hiring

    Market researchagency doing

    stakeholders and customers views about enterprise for a short timeterminal agency doing

    research forenterprise

    a short time

  • 6. Attenuators of Variety that are l hInternal to the Primary Enterprise

    Weakening thestrength of theenvironmental

    Reducing theresolution of theenvironmental

    Chopping off partsof theenvironmental

    Makingenvironmentalvariety time

    Atenuadored de environmentalvariety



    variety time dependant

    Internal review of blogs and other


    Defining purpose for enterprise

    Reducing contact periods withblogs and other

    forms of stakeholders views

    environmentalagents in categories.

    market research

    for enterprise

    Model of Organisational

    periods with customers and suppliers to opening hoursmarket research

    done internallyOrganisational structure


    opening hours

    Enterprise complexity model

    Operational model pof customers, suppliers and competitors