Enhancing Your Networking Skills

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Enhancing Your Networking Skills. Contents. The importance of networking Why we choose not to network Types of professionals encountered in a networking session Two most common networking scenarios Following-up. The Importance of Networking. Develop mentors - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Enhancing Your Networking Skills

Contents1 The importance of networking Why we choose not to network Types of professionals encountered in a networking session Two most common networking scenarios Following-up

The Importance of Networking2 Develop mentors Connections for the job you want Learn from people within the organization Privy to unadvertised events

Why We Dont Network!?3

They cant possibly be interested in me. Im not qualifiedI have nothing to sayI dont want to interrupt.My achievement speak for themselves.We psych ourselves out!

Most Common Networking ScenariosCareer Fair


Company-specific Events

Have The Basics in Order:What To WearDressBusiness formalConservative colorsShirts (blue or white)Suits (black or navy blue)Use what you have that conforms these standards


Have the Basics in OrderFirm handshake Have your story down (15-second stump speech)Make sure your breathe smells goodMints not gumSmileMakes you more approachable Makes the encounter less tense


Think about when you see a smile and how that makes you feel?Have the Basics in Order15 Second Stump SpeechName and majorWhere you are fromCareer aspirations or probable area of interestWhy you think you would be good in the roleExperience, if applicableInterest in the company and role, if known


Types of Professionals Encountered Quite/person of few wordsTalkativeThe Interogator


Job/Internship Fair9

How do you think recruiters are judged by their companies?Job Fair PreparationPreparationKnow which companies you want to meetDo the researchHow the company makes moneyRecent company newsDifferent departmentsFor which department you qualify and whyHave tons of questionsBring several copies of your resume10

Job Fair Preparation11Why Bring a resume?

Especially if you impressJob Fair NavigationGet recruiters opinion on your resumeHow is my format?What courses would be helpful to take?What extracurricular will help me gain skills applicable to company tasks?Give them a copy of your resume and ask to e-mail a revised resume copyGet business card12

Job Fair NavigationFor all companies:Obtain enough information to make application decisionAsk every question under the sun. 1. Tell me about your company 2. For what positions are you recruiting3. What types of qualities make for a successful employee4. What are the requirements for application5. What do employees like about their job6. What do employees like least about their jobs7. What is the culture like?8. What can I do to prepare for the application process?


They are trying to get you interested in your companyJob Fair NavigationCheck List: Had an in-depth conversation with a recruiterReceived an overview of the company Received tips for applicationResume review Created a reason to follow-up, thus strengthening your relationship with the recruiter, and ultimately the company14You Know Exactly What the Recruiter is Looking For!

Company-Specific EventsCompanys Primary GoalsScout Talent!15

Establish presence on college campusGive an in-depth presentation on companyAllow students to ask questions to many professionals

Company Networking Events: Ways to ImpressGet Smart on the Company16

Research SpeakersAs question in general Q&A session -> Advanced Networking

Company Networking Events: The Networking PortionGeneral Questions What division do you work in?Can you walk me through how business gets done?How did you get started in this businessIm very interested in starting my career at this firm. What do you think I can do to enhance my candidacy?


During the Handshake, Following-Up: The Key To Networking18

Following up: Keep the Ball SpinningWhy follow up?Every interaction is an interview: You do well, you increase your stockThe more interactions you have, the stronger your relationship becomes advocate for job19

Insert basketball icon

How Do You Follow-Up? E-mail ExampleThank them for their time. Ask for more advice:Mr. Smith,It was great meeting you yesterday at the Baruch Colleges J.P. Morgan event. I appreciated the advice you gave me regarding taking Money and Banking to solidify my understanding on financial markets. I will be sure to enroll in the class next semester. I would like to reiterate my interest in working for J.P. Morgan. If you have any other advice for me I would greatly appreciate it.

Regards,Joe Smith


Following Up: Keep the Ball SpeedingHow do you continue to follow up?Email once a monthAlways ask for ways to increase your knowledgeAsk if its possible to speak to other employees within the companyAsk to speak with people within the firm that can give you a different perspectiveUpdate them on your application process21

Never walk away from a person without a reason to come back

Networking: RecapNetworking can be the difference between getting the job and coming up shortMake sure the basics are in orderGet smart on companiesKnow you stump speech and your resumeFollow-up, follow-up, and follow-up!22