Enhancing evidence-base of migration management and policy development: IOM approaches and actions UNECE/Russian Federation High-level Seminar on Population Censuses and Migration Statistics in CIS Countries Gelendzhik, Russian Federation, 16-18 October 2013. International Organization for Migration

Enhancing evidence-base of migration management and policy development: IOM approaches and actions UNECE/Russian Federation High-level Seminar on Population

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Enhancing evidence-base of migration management and policy development:

IOM approaches and actions

UNECE/Russian Federation High-level Seminar on Population Censuses and Migration Statistics in CIS Countries

Gelendzhik, Russian Federation, 16-18 October 2013.

International Organization for Migration


I. Need to collect better migration data

• Rise in scale and complexity vs. lack of evidence-base and migration myths

• Recent calls for better data:

- 2nd United Nations High-Level Dialogue (HLD) on International Migration 2013

- Migration and the Post-2015 Development Agenda


I. Need to collect better migration data

[…] “Emphasize the need for reliable statistical data on international migration, including when possible on the

contributions of the migrants to development in both origin and destination countries. This data could facilitate the design of evidence-based policy and decision-making in all relevant

aspects of sustainable development.”

[…] “Recognize that human mobility is a key factor for sustainable development which should be adequately

considered in the elaboration of the post-2015 agenda.”

“A Finnish President once said: The source of wisdom is knowing the facts.“

(Declaration HLD 2013)

(DSG, Closing remarks HLD 2013)


II. IOM’s approach to enhance evidence-base

1) Develop the research base/create new evidence on migration;

2) Building capacities to improve data collection systems, sharing mechanisms and comparability of data;

3) Raising awareness and studying the linkages between migration and development.


III. Key global initiatives and good practices from the region

Global actions


• Migration Profiles exercises

• WMR 2013: Gallup World Poll

• UNDP-IOM 2nd phase mainstreaming migration

• IOM Global human trafficking database


III. IOM Migration Profiles worldwide


III. Key global initiatives and good practices from the region

EECA region

• Building IT capacities and procedural frameworks for data gathering (e.g. Armenia BMS, IOM/OSCE data assessments)

• Improving data processing and analysis (e.g. EMP Moldova, improved/new data in Tajikistan and Armenia)

• At regional level, partnering for data gathering (e.g. 10 CIS core indicators) and promoting M&D data (e.g. Almaty event 30 Oct -1 Nov)


III. 10 core indicators for CIS countries


III. Overview IOM initiatives in SEEECA region


IV. Challenges ahead in the CIS region:

The way forward5 priority areas:

1) Promote comprehensive government approaches to migration data;

2) Improve existing data sources;

3) Build capacities to analyse existing data and apply it to policy making;

4) Promote regional common approaches;

5) Raising awareness on linkages between migration and development.

Annex I. Framework for MP


Migration management Data Needs Data Sources

Permanent immigration, esp. labour active

Stocks and flows of immigrants by labour activity Census, residence permits

Integration, naturalisation Employment status , education level, language skills of immigrants, citizenship acquisition

Census, residence permits, citizenship data, surveys

Remittances and brain circulation Financial inflows and outflows Educational level of migrants before and after migration Employment status after migration

National balance of payments, central banks, IMF, surveys, World Bank. Surveys

Temporary vs. permanent emigration Period of stay abroad, occupation while abroad Destination countries immigration statistics, surveys

Return of own nationals, including highly qualified

Stock of nationals in other countries Demographic and social characteristics of nationals abroad Diasporas

Destination countries immigration statistics, surveys

Attracting Highly-qualified foreigners, favourable regimes for foreign investors

Assessing own labour market needs (current and future) Profiling potential immigrants and their needs Comparison of migration regimes in different countries

Economic data, forecasting models, surveys, indexes (Economist Intelligence Unit Barometor)

Temporary migration schemes Matching cross-country demand and supply of labour Labour market statistics

Regional migration programmes Economic development indicators of separate regions Regional economic and social data

Making the most from remittances (micro credits, start up own business)

Social and economic characteristics of remaining households Surveys

Preparedness for rapid population fluxes and monitoring gradual effects

Stocks and flows of uprooted population (internal and international)Ecological development

Ecological data, surveys, administrative records of ecological migrants

Irregular migration counteraction Irregular migration stock estimations Number of administrative offences (lack of documentation, visa overstay,

apprehensions, forced returns)

Immigration, border statistics

Law enforcement and police, inter-state cooperation

Criminal offences on the territory and at borders Border statistics, police statistics, Interpol, Europol, Frontex

Annex II. Multiplicity of data need and sources