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ENHANCED NATIONAL CLIMATE SERVICES · International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), (2016). Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall seasonality) Training - Ethiopia. October

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Page 1: ENHANCED NATIONAL CLIMATE SERVICES · International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), (2016). Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall seasonality) Training - Ethiopia. October

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Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall seasonality) Training

International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), (2016). Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall seasonality) Training - Ethiopia. October 09, Version 1.0. Palisades: IRI.


Training ModuleEthiopia

October 09, 2016Version 1.0

Page 2: ENHANCED NATIONAL CLIMATE SERVICES · International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), (2016). Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall seasonality) Training - Ethiopia. October

Acknowledgements        The  ENACTS   team,  wishes   to   thank  all   the   individuals   and   institutions  that   contributed   in   the  many  ways   to   the   preparation   of   this  manual.    The   shared   technical   knowledge,   experiences,   and   perspectives   have  produced  a  training  module  that  will  have  a  significant  positive  impact  on   the   capability   of   strengthening   the   ENACTS   tools   in   various   East  African  countries.      Special  thanks  are  extended  to  the  IRI  staff  members  who  collaborated  in   the   preparation   of   the   different   manuals:   Dr.   Pietro   Ceccato,   Luz  Cervantes,   John   delCorral,   Dr.   Tufa   Dinku,   Igor   Khomyakov,   Aisha  Owusu,  Yohana  Tesfamariam  Tekeste  and  Dr.  Madeleine  Thomson.      The  preparation  of   this  manual  would  not  have  been  possible  without  the   support   provided   by   our   donors   WHO   -­‐   Global   Framework   for  Climate   Services   and   UK   DfID  WISER   ENACTS   and  we   extend   sincere  appreciation  to  our  donors.    

Page 3: ENHANCED NATIONAL CLIMATE SERVICES · International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), (2016). Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall seasonality) Training - Ethiopia. October


1 Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia 11.1 The Seasonal Climate of Eastern Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2 Why rainfall seasonality is important for health and well being? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.3 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.4 Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.5 Interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.6 Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21.7 Case Study 1 - Ethiopia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.8 Quiz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61.9 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.10 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


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1.1 The Seasonal Climate of Eastern Africa

The Climate of Eastern Africa:

Eastern Africa has one of the most complex climates in Africa. Large-scale tropical climate drivers, inclusive ofthe Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), are superimposed on region’s complex topography, large lakes, and theextensive coastline.

Across much of Eastern Africa (including northern Madagascar) , the annual cycle of rainfall tends to be bi-modal,with rainy seasons in Oct-Dec (the short rains) and Mar-May (the long rains). As a result, the climatic patterns aremarkedly complex and can change rapidly over short distances (as seen in the figure below).

Fig. 1.1: Seasonality of Rainfall in East Africa - Annual precipitation in Eastern Africa throughout a) the year, b) inMarch-May, c) June-August, and d) October-December. From Brad Lyon, 2014 (in Press)

• The average amount of rainfall often changes significantly within distances on the order of tens of kilometers

• Within the region there are areas with one, two and even three seasonal cycles of rainfall

• The transition from desert, with rainfall less than 200mm, to rainforest where the annual rainfall is >2000mm,happens within short horizontal distances or changes in elevation.


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Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia, Release 1.0.0

1.2 Why rainfall seasonality is important for health and well being?

Seasonality affects every aspect of life in both rural and urban areas - from food security, infectious disease, access tohealth facilities, disposable income, births, deaths, marriages etc.

According to Robert Chambers “seasonal hunger is the father of famine” and “any development professional seriousabout poverty has . . . to be serious about seasonality.”

Seasonal hunger may be the primary indicator of population vulnerability to climate change.

1.3 Overview

Why was it developed?:

• The Seasonal Climate tool was developed to enable rapid assessment of the average climatology of a region

What the Seasonal Climate tool can be used for:

• Visualizing the seasonal pattern of rainfall and temperature at point, district, and/or regional scale

• Visualizing the impact of spatial scale in analysis of seasonal climate

• Visualizing the timing of the onset and offset of the rainy season

• Visualizing the level of variability in the seasonal climate

• Providing information in support of seasonal agriculture, livelihoods and disease planning calendars

What can current Seasonal Climate Tool not be used for:

• Predicting epidemics

1.4 Definition

Seasonal climatologies were created from ENACTS rainfall time series (1983-2014) and temperature time series(1981-2014) were reconstructed from station observations, remote sensing and other proxies. This interface allowsusers to view rainfall, maximum and minimum temperature climatologies by month for a point, district, and/or regionwith associated confidence intervals.

1.5 Interpretation

The graphs provides information on the seasonality of rainfall and year-to-year variability.

1.6 Access

The Seasonal Climate tool can be accessed from the Climate Analysis Maproomhttp://map.meteomadagascar.mg/maproom/Climatology/Climate_Analysis/monthly.html

2 Chapter 1. Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia

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Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia, Release 1.0.0


34˚E 36˚E 38˚E 40˚E 42˚E 44˚E 46˚E 48˚ELongitude









Fig. 1.2: Historical Monthly Rainfall Climate Analysis of Ethiopia of the month of February

1.7 Case Study 1 - Ethiopia

The Ethiopian climate is extremely variable and complex. Here the annual rainfall characteristics are classified intothree distinct rainy seasons. These are: (1) the dry season (Oct–Jan: ONDJ), (2) the shorter, secondary rainy season(Feb–May FMAM), and (3) the longer, primary rainy season (Jun–Sep: JJAS). The first two seasons correspondwith the main East African seasons (OND and MAM), see section 1.1 whereas the third season corresponds with theSahelian rainy season (JAS). The seasons are locally defined as Bega, Belg and Kiremt, respectively.

Precise delineation of distinct regions and rainy seasons are difficult, as climate vary significantly within a shortdistance owing to the most complex topography on the African continent. Because of this complexity, climatologiesat the local (woreda) level may differ from those observed at larger spatial scales (e.g. zone or Province).

High resolution ENACTS data can be used to ascertain the climate at multiple spatial scales.


By choosing the rainfall variable and the a grid point (woreda, zone or region), a new graph can be generated.

The impact of spatial scale in determining the characteristics of the climatology can be readily observed by comparingresults from zones (as seen below). In Ethiopia climatologies aggregated at large spatial scales may include areas withdifferent climate characteristics.

1.7.1 Example: Seasonal Health Related Events

1.7.2 Conclusion

Choosing the right spatial scale for analysis is important in ensuring that the climatologies correctly represent the areaof interest.

1.7.3 Summary

In Ethiopia, the seasonality of rainfall is important to many livelihood decisions and varies across the country. In theseareas, analysis of the seasonality of climate and specific health outcomes, such as acute watery diarrhoea (AWD), must

1.7. Case Study 1 - Ethiopia 3

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Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia, Release 1.0.0

Fig. 1.3: Southern Nations Region Monthly Rainfall Climate Analysis in Ethiopia

Observations pour la région Oromia, Ethiopie

Observations pour la Zone Wellega Ouest, Oromia, Ethiopie

Observations pour la Zone Harerghe Est, Oromia, Ethiopie

Fig. 1.4: Monthly Rainfall Climate Analysis or the Oromia Region (left) in Ethiopia and two Zones within theOromia Region (right). The red line represets the 95 percentile , the blue is the 50th percentile and the green is the 5thpercentile of the monthly rainfall

4 Chapter 1. Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia

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Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia, Release 1.0.0

Jan$ Feb$ Mar$ Apr$ May$ Jun$ Jul$ Aug$ Sep$ Oct$ Nov$ Dec$

X$ X$

X$ X$ X$

X$ X$ X$

X$ X$

X$ X$ X$ X$ X$ X$ X$ X$ X$




Fig. 1.5: Seasonal Health Related Events in Alaba - Ethiopia

1.7. Case Study 1 - Ethiopia 5

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Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia, Release 1.0.0

be undertaken at appropriate scales to account for local complexity.

1.7.4 Exercise 1 – Ethiopia

1. Looking at the seasonal rainfall averaged for all of Oromia, we can see that there are two clear peaks. Are thesepeaks clearly seen in the Oromia zone of West Wellegra? Explain your answer.

2. Using the graphs generated for West Wellegra – how long is the dry season?

3. In Alaba the hungry season is during the rains – why is this?

1.7.5 Exercise 1 – Ethiopia Answers

1. No – this is due to spatial averaging

2. 4 months

3. This is before the main harvest season when food stocks are low

1.7.6 Exercise 2 – Ethiopia

The Ethiopian climate is extremely variable and complex. Annual rainfall characteristics of Ethiopia are classifiedinto three distinct rainy seasons (Korecha and Barnston 2007). These are: (1) the dry (October to January: ONDJ),(2) the short rainy (February to May FMAM), and (3) the main rainy (June to September: JJAS) seasons. The firsttwo seasons correspond with the main East African seasons (OND and MAM) whereas the third season correspondswith the Sahelian rainy season (JAS). The seasons are locally defined as Bega, Belg and Kiremt, respectively. Precisedelineation of distinct regions and rainy seasons are difficult, as the Ethiopia’s climate varies significantly within ashort distance, owing to the most complex topography on the African continent. For instance, the southern and south-eastern regions may receive moderate rainfall during September to November (SON) associated with the ONDJ dryseason that is part of the regional OND short rainy season of Eastern Africa. Thus, ENSO impacts the Ethiopianclimate in multiple ways. For example, El Niño has long been known to be associated with droughts in the JJAS rainyseason (Korecha and Barnston 2007) (Figure 1) in the northwest part of the country (through the Sahelian influence)and unusual and heavy rain during the OND season in the South (associated with the equatorial East African shortrainy season).

Follow the instructions:

1. Generate and download Seasonal rainfall climate analysis graph for Region of Oromia

2. Generate and download Seasonal rainfall climate analysis graph for Region of Afar

3. Complete table of seasonal health related events for Region of Somali .. _f8:

1.8 Quiz

Please answer the following questions:

Q1. Seasonal climatologies are created from data aggregated in space and time (T/F)

Q2. Seasonal health calendars can help with the timing of interventions (T/F)

Q3. Name a Woreda in Ethiopia with a bimodal season?

Q4. Why does East Africa have the most complex climate in Africa?

Q5. Who can access the ENACTS climate Maproom at the Madagascarn Meteorological Agency?

6 Chapter 1. Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia

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Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia, Release 1.0.0

Monthly Rainfall Climatology

Jan Apr Jul Oct JanTime







ll [m


5th %�ile50th %�ile95th %�ile

Fig. 1.6: Rainfall Climate analysis graph for the Oromia region

Monthly Rainfall Climatology

Jan Apr Jul Oct JanTime








5th %�ile50th %�ile95th %�ile

Fig. 1.7: Seasonal Rainfall Climate Analysis for the Afar region

1.8. Quiz 7

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Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia, Release 1.0.0

Monthly Rainfall Climatology

Jan Apr Jul Oct JanTime







5th %�ile50th %�ile95th %�ile

Fig. 1.8: Seasonal Health Related Events for the Somali region

8 Chapter 1. Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia

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Seasonal Climate Tool (rainfall and temperature seasonality) Training - Ethiopia, Release 1.0.0

1. MoH staff only

2. everyone

3. climate specialists

1.8.1 Quiz - Responses

A1. T A2. T A3. Open ended and using the Seasonality Tool A4. Large-scale tropical climate drivers, inclusive ofthe Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), are superimposed on region’s complex topography, large lakes, and theextensive coastline. A5. All the above

1.9 Summary

Many health outcomes are affected by seasonality. Seasonal calendars based on climate data can help characterizethe timing of health events and improve the timing of interventions. Using data at the appropriate spatial scale isimportant.

1.10 References

• AMP, Alaba-Mareko Lowland Pepper Livelihood. 2005. http://reliefweb.int/sites/reliefweb.int/files/resources/1125C4DAD612FD17C12571CE0037B44F-dppc-eth-30jun.pdf

• Dinku, T., A. Kanemba, B. Platzer and M. C. Thomson (2014). “Leveraging the Climate for Improved MalariaControl in Madagascar”. IEEE. http://www.earthzine.org/2014/02/15/leveraging-the-climate-for-improved-malaria-control-in-Madagascar/

• Thomson, M. C., F. Zadravecz, B. Lyon, G. Mantilla, D. Willis, P. Ceccato and T. Dinku (2012). “President’sMalaria Initiative-USAID Report: Development of Climate Analysis Section for the President’s Malaria Initia-tive Impact Evaluation: Reports for Ethiopia and Madagascar”. IRI. 62pp. Palisades, New York.

1.9. Summary 9