ENGR221 Lecture 27

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  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Kinetics of Particles Kinetics of ParticlesENGR 221

    April 23, 2003

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Lecture Goals

    Lecture Goals

    Energy Wo rk Examples

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    W ork and Energy Methods

    W ork and Energy Methods

    Wo rk /Energy meth od is an alternative meth od of


    lving the equatio





    particles.It co mbines the kinematics with Newt o ns 2nd L aw,

    by integrating Newt o ns law with respect t o po sitio n.(fo rce as a f uncti o n of po siti o n).

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Energy Method Energy Method Given a bl o ck with a fo rce P


    n it

    x x x

    y y

    co s sinco s sin 0

    F ma P mg R ma F ma N mg P

    U UU U

    ! p !! p !


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Definition of Acceleration

    Definition of Acceleration

    T he accelerati o n is d ef ine d as


    0 0

    dv dv dxa

    dt dx dt

    adx vdv

    adx vdv

    ! !


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Kinetic Energy Kinetic EnergyT he right han d sid e of the equati o n is kn o wn as the

    Kinetic Energy

    T he units in S I are J o ules (N-m) o r (English) f t-lbs


    T m v!

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Kinetic Energy Kinetic EnergyT he energy is path d epen d ent s o that the tangentialaccelerati o n can be use d to f ind

    t tt

    t t t

    dv dv dsa

    dt ds dt a ds v dv

    ! !


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Kinetic Energy Kinetic EnergyT he le f t sid e of the equati o n of fo rces can be m od if ied to use an d the resultant of the integrati o ns are scalar values.




    0 v

    2 22 1

    co s sin

    2 2

    P mg R d s mvd v

    v vm

    U U !


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    W ork

    W ork

    Wo rk do ne (U) by the fo rce is the pr od uct of a magnitu d eof P and the rectangular c o mp o nents of the d isplacementin d irecti o n of the fo rce d co s J .

    x y z

    - S calar Quantities

    co s

    U P d

    d U P dx P ds

    P dx P dy P dz


    ! y

    ! y!


    ur ur

    ur uur

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    W ork

    W ork

    T he w o rk do ne by the system is d ef ine d as.

    2 2 2

    1 1 1


    1 21

    x y z

    x y zx y z

    U d U

    P d x P d y P d z

    p !


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    W ork

    W ork

    If the c o nstant fo rce P

    2 2 2

    1 1 1

    2 2 2

    1 1 1

    x y z

    1 2 x y zx y z

    x y z

    x y zx y z

    x 2 1 y 2 1 z 2 1

    U P dx P dy P dz

    P dx P dy P dz

    P x x P y y P z z




  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Principle of W ork and Kinetic Principle of W ork and Kinetic Energy Energy

    T he principle of wo rk an d kinetic energy is d ef ine d as aco nservative system.

    { { {1 1 2 2initial kinetic f inal kineticwo rk

    energy energydo ne

    T U T p


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Problem Solving Technique Problem Solving TechniqueT o so lve a particle d ynamics pr o blem with w o rk-energymeth od

    Draw the f ree-b od y d iagram of the o bject an d inclu d e all fo rces acting o n the o bject.

    List the

    forces an

    dcalculate the w


    done by eachfo rce.

    Determine the initial an d f inal kinetic energy.

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem Energy Energy

    A 45 kg bl o ck is sli d e a d istance of 3 malo ng a h o rizo ntal sur f ace by a c o nstantfo rce P = 200 N , incline 30 o to ho rizo ntal. T he c o eff icient of slid ingf ricti o n is Q = 0.30

    Determine the n o rmal an d tangential fo rces the sur f ace exertso n the bl o ck.

    Determine the wo

    rk do

    ne by eachfo

    rce that actso

    n the blo

    ck as it sli d es 3 m.

    Determine the t o tal w o rk do ne o n the bl o ck.

    Assuming that the bl o ck starts f r o m rest, d etermine the spee d of the bl o ck when it has travele d 3 m.





  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem Energy EnergyDraw the f ree-b od y d iagram of the pr o blem, the bl o ck will sli d eo nly in the x d irecti o n there fo re



    2 osin 30 0

    45 kg 9.81 m/s 200 N sin 30

    341.45 N

    F N W P



    ! ! !


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem Energy EnergyT he fo rce F is d ef ine d as

    0.30 341.45 N102.44 N

    F N Q! !


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem Energy Energy

    T he w o rk do ne by the c o mp o nents



    o o


    441.45 N 3 m i 0

    341.45 N 3 m i 0

    102.44 N i 3 m i 307.32 N -m

    200 N co s 30 i 200 N sin 30 3 m i 519.62 N -m

    U F s





    ! y

    ! y !

    ! y !! y !

    ! y !

    r r

    r r

    r r

    r r

    r r r

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem Energy Energy

    T he kinetic energy(initially) is zer o ,


    1 1 2 2




    0 212.3 N

    -m 22.5 kg3.07 m/s

    T U T


    p !

    ! !

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem Energy Energy

    T he kinetic energy(initially) is zer o ,


    T his is the same as

    1 1 2 2T U T

    p !

    2 22 2 222

    1 145 kg

    2 222.5 kg

    T mv v


    ! !


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    C lass Problem

    C lass Problem Energy Energy

    Draw the f ree-b od y d iagram of the pr o blem

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem W

    ork W

    ork A bushing sli d es o n a sha f t thatfo rms a 30 o angle with respect t o

    the x axis. It is acted


    n by aco nstant fo rce

    Determine the w o rk the fo rce per fo rms o n the bushing in the timethe bushing sli d es 3 m al o ng thesha f t.

    2 3 N F i j! ur r r

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem W

    ork W

    ork T o co mpute the U 1--> 2 Use theintegral of the path. S o

    o oco s 30 sin 303 1

    2 2

    i j

    i j

    P !


    ur r r

    r r

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem W

    ork W

    ork T o co mpute the U 1--> 2 Use the integral of the path.S o

    2 3 m

    1 0

    3 m


    3 m


    3 12 3 N

    2 23 1

    2 32 2

    d U F d

    i j i j d s

    d s

    P! y

    ! y


    ur uuur

    r r r r

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem W

    ork W

    ork T o co mpute the U 1--> 2 Use the integral of the path.S o

    ? A

    ? A

    2 3 m 3 m

    1 0 0

    3 12 3 3.232 N

    2 2

    3.232 N 3.0 m 9.70 N-m9.70 J o ules

    d U ds ds ! !

    ! !!

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem Energy EnergyT he w o rk o n do ne by the tensi o n T isthe negative of the w o rk do ne by that

    of blo ck B, the net w o rk do ne by T iszer o . T he w o rk of the system is





    T i 5 f t i 5 T f t-lb

    T j 5 f t j 5 T f t-lb



    ! y !

    ! y !

    r r

    r r

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem Energy EnergyT he o ther c o mp o nents of wo rk are

    T he f inal w o rk do ne is

    2 o

    6 slug


    24 slug

    6 slug 32.2 ft/s sin 30 i 5 ft i 483 ft-lb16.73 lb i 5 ft i 83.65 ft-lb

    4 slug 32.2 ft/s 5 ft 644 ft-lb




    ! y

    ! ! y !

    ! y !

    r r

    r r

    r r

    1 2 483 f t-lb 83.65 f t-lb 644 f t-lb

    77.35f t-lb

    U p

    ! !

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem Energy EnergyT he initial kinetic energy is zer o and the f inal

    1 1 2 2



    10 77.35 f t-lb

    21 6 slug 4 slug 77.35 f t-lb2

    3.93 f t/s

    T U T

    m v



    p !




  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    C lass Problem

    C lass Problem Energy Energy

    T wo blo cks are j o ine d by aninextensible cable. I f the systemis release d f r o m rest, d eterminethe vel o city of blo ck A a f ter it ismo ved 2 m. Assume the Qequals 0.25 between bl o ck A an d

    the plane and

    that the pulley isweightless an d f ricti o nless.

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    C lass Problem

    C lass Problem Energy Energy

    T he f ree-b od y d iagram of the pr o blem

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    C lass ProblemC lass Problem Energy Energy

    H o ckey player S tephan Yelle of Co lo rado Avalanche takes a slapsh o t o ngo al. T he puck leaves his stick at aspee d of 120 km/h an d slid es o n the ice.T he g o alie st o ps the puck with his stick af ter the puck has travele d 12 m.

    If the c o eff icient of f ricti o n between the puck an d the ice isQk =0.01 use the law of kinetic energy t o calculate the spee d the puck when it strikes the g o alies stick.

    T he ice rink maintenance pers o n acci d entally turns off the icechiller. As a c o nsequence, the ice sur f ace became slushy,increasing the c o eff icient of f ricti o n to 0.10. W hat is thespee d which the puck strike the g o alies stick un d er thisco nd itio n



  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    H omework

    H omework

    Pr o blems:

    17-3, 17-5, 17-7, 17-9, 17-12, 17-14

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Bonus Problem

    Bonus Problem Energy Energy

    A spring is use d to sto p a 75 kg package which is m o ving do wn a20 o incline. T he spring has aco nstant k = 25 kN/m an d is hel d

    by cables s o that it is initiallyco mpresse d 100mm. I f the vel o cityof

    the package is 6 m/s when it is10 m f r o m the spring d etermine themaximum a dd itio nal d efo rmati o nof the spring in bring the package


    rest. Assume Q = 0.20

  • 8/7/2019 ENGR221 Lecture 27


    Example Problem Example Problem Energy EnergyDraw the f ree-b od y d iagram of the pr o blem