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  • 7/28/2019 English_III_B1_.pdf


    UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AB IERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNADInstituto Virtual de Lenguas INVILPrograma: Programa Nacional de inglsCurso: Ingls III ( B1+)Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn.Tipo de curso: Metodolgico.Crditos: Dos (2).Diseador del recurso: Constanza Gonzlez


    GENERAL OBJECTIVE:To build in a collective way the book Pack your bags we are travelling in Colombia.


    To show the use of writing skills learned through an essay in which it defends a point ofview.

    To write a short text in which the student shows the use of the grammar and vocabularylearned through the units and levels.

    Topics to check:

    Reconocimiento de las unidades 1 a la 13.

    Grammar Past simple time markers, giving and asking for directions,prepositions and phrasal verbs, past progressive vs. simplepast, modal verbs of obligation and advice : ought to -have to,need to, must, had better, present perfect tense, presentperfect continuous.

    Vocabulary Describing the place where we live Time markers, lack, lacking/ enough / prepositions and phrasal verbs, Use ING forms asadjectives, subjects and objects.

    General aspect:

    Study and check the units 1 to 13. During the development of the writing the student acquires theskills according to writing. . The final product must be performed during the following dates and itwill be evaluated according to the Rubrics. This process can be guided by the tutor through thegeneral forum.

    Learning Strategy:

    The learning process in the e-learning model requires and depends on the student's discipline for

    self-learning, where the student is the engine of the process and the one who explores the

    environment and reality, responding to problematic situations in life, reaffirming the training and

    learning in this process through reflection and feedback in an interaction with the tutor.

  • 7/28/2019 English_III_B1_.pdf


  • 7/28/2019 English_III_B1_.pdf


    UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AB IERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNADInstituto Virtual de Lenguas INVILPrograma: Programa Nacional de inglsCurso: Ingls III ( B1+)Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn.Tipo de curso: Metodolgico.Crditos: Dos (2).Diseador del recurso: Constanza Gonzlez

    STAGE 3 (Essay)

    Paragraph 1: Geographical description of the place, weather, and population (Add a map) Presenttenses: Present simple, present progressive.

    Paragraph 2: Historical events and places. (Add original pictures)Past tenses: past simple and pastprogressive

    Paragraph 3: Places to visit and fauna and flora (Add original pictures)

    Paragraph 4: Advisory paragraph.

    Review the units 1 to 6.

    Read the guide carefully

    Read the rubrics carefully

    Use the dictionary frequently during the writing process.

    Check ideas; they must be clear and organized.

    On-line Translators are useful tools, be responsible at using them.

    Be creative! Imagination and good sense of humor are important items at writing

    Your text must be coherent. Use connectors to join sentences and paragraphs.

    If you need help contact your tutor through the forum.

    Upload the document and make sure the process is done right

  • 7/28/2019 English_III_B1_.pdf


    UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AB IERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNADInstituto Virtual de Lenguas INVILPrograma: Programa Nacional de inglsCurso: Ingls III ( B1+)Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn.Tipo de curso: Metodolgico.Crditos: Dos (2).Diseador del recurso: Constanza Gonzlez

    Colons, semicolons comas etc difficult to use. That is why you should read in the following





    If you need some help in how to write your sentences, ideas or paragraphs, these web sites

    can help you.



    FINAL PRODUCT:1. Personal information and picture

    2. Drafting

    3. Text and pictures

    Check the following text as an example.

  • 7/28/2019 English_III_B1_.pdf


    UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AB IERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNADInstituto Virtual de Lenguas INVILPrograma: Programa Nacional de inglsCurso: Ingls III ( B1+)Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn.Tipo de curso: Metodolgico.Crditos: Dos (2).Diseador del recurso: Constanza Gonzlez

    Barranquilla is a city located in the Atlantic Colombian coast. It is the capital of the Atlantic

    department. It has a population over a million people. Its weather is

    hot with a temperature that raises the 35 C.

    Foundation of Barranquilla dates back to 1629

    even if it was only legally established in 1813.

    It grew into an important port, serving as a

    harbour for immigrants from Europe, Asia and

    the Middle East.

    That is why its architecture is very rich and beautiful. There you can visit

    The Prado Neighborhood. It was designed and built by Mr. Karl C. Parrish

    around the 1920s, He along with Mr. Higgings

    structured and designed the whole neighborhood in a

    sort of American southern style. The houses were

    very big and comfortable, and many important

    families lived there, such as Mr. William Knox Martin,

    an American Pioneer of aviation in Colombia, and

    some other important people for the development of

    the country

    Roble morado is one of the representative trees.It was brought to this city by people from

    Europe. It blooms during spring time. Its representative animal is a little bird called


    If you come to my city you should bring summer clothes and comfortable shoes because the

    weather is very hot sometimes. All touristic sites are within walking distance. You may also want to

    visit some shopping malls which are located uptown on the north side of the city.

  • 7/28/2019 English_III_B1_.pdf


    UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AB IERTA Y A DISTANCIA UNADInstituto Virtual de Lenguas INVILPrograma: Programa Nacional de inglsCurso: Ingls III ( B1+)Campo de formacin: Componente Bsico Comn.Tipo de curso: Metodolgico.Crditos: Dos (2).Diseador del recurso: Constanza Gonzlez








    1. Grammar Las estructurasgramaticales utilizadasson simples, carecen delgrado de dificultadpropio del nivel.1 punto

    La produccin escritapresenta inconsistenciasgramaticales, sin embargose describe y expresa susgustos y los de otrosutilizando oraciones muysimples y evidenciandoalgunas dificultades deestructuras.3 puntos

    La gramtica usada enla produccin escritamuestra buen dominiode las estructuras.Expresa insatisfaccin yhabla de situacionespasadas y (simple pastand past progressive).6 puntos


    2. Cohesion Las ideas y laconstruccin de frasesplasmadas en el escrito

    no tienen relacin, sondesordenadas y elobjetivo del texto no esclaro.1 punto

    El documento presentaalgunas inconsistenciasen la organizacin y

    construccin de ideas; sinembargo la idea delescrito es comprensible.3 puntos

    La produccin escritapresenta una buenaconstruccin de frases,

    prrafos, haciendo usode conectores lgicos.6 puntos


    Coherence Las ideas no son clarasy la organizacin de lasoraciones confunde elmensaje. 1 punto

    Las ideas no son claras, eltexto no parece unaunidad; sin embargo elobjetivo del mensaje escomprensible. 2 puntos

    El texto se ve como unaunidad, las ideas daninformacin relevante,siendo el mensaje deltexto concreto ycomprensible. 4 puntos


    3. Vocabularyand spelling

    El vocabulario esbastante limitado, nosigue los parmetros dela gua.1 punto

    Aunque el vocabularioutilizado corresponde a lasunidades trabajadas en elcurso, es limitado y tienedificultad en la escritura de

    las palabras4 puntos

    En el texto se evidenciabuen uso delvocabulario trabajado enlas unidades ycorresponde a lo

    requerido en la gua.8 puntos


    4. Creativity andpresentation

    Las ideas plasmadas enel documento solosiguen los parmetrosindicados. No seevidencian propuestasnuevas. Adems, elproducto final no cumplecon requerimientos degua1 punto

    El texto sigue las pautasde la gua y las adapta demanera verstil a suinformacin personal.Cumpli con algunos delos requerimientos de lagua.

    3 puntos

    El texto es arriesgado.Expresa ideas sobre smismo o personajesimaginarios; tienecaractersticas nicas,se evidencia un sellopersonal. En el trabajofinal se evidencia elcumplimento de todaslas fases del trabajo.Las fotos son originalesy estn acordes al texto.

    5 puntos


    TOTAL 29