Mankind : all people thought of as one group Aim : to point (a weapon) at a target : to point (a device) at something : to direct (something, such as a missile, a ball, a punch, or a kick) at a target 1 wit·ness noun \ˈwit-nəs\ : a person who sees something (such as a crime) happen law : a person who makes a statement in a court about what he or she knows or has seen : a person who is present at an event (such as a wedding) and can say that it happened 1 dis·dain noun \dis-ˈdān\ : a feeling of strong dislike or disapproval of someone or something you think does not deserve respect par·a·digm noun \ˈper-ə-ˌdīm, ˈpa-rə- also -ˌdim\ : a model or pattern for something that may be copied : a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about pur·sue verb \pər-ˈsü, -ˈsyü\ : to follow and try to catch or capture (someone or something) for usually a long distance or time : to try to get or do (something) over a period of time : to be involved in (an activity) 1 scale noun \ˈskāl\

english words

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Page 1: english words

Mankind : all people thought of as one group

Aim : to point (a weapon) at a target

: to point (a device) at something

: to direct (something, such as a missile, a ball, a punch, or a kick) at a target

1wit·ness noun \ˈwit-nəs\: a person who sees something (such as a crime) happen

law : a person who makes a statement in a court about what he or she knows or has seen

: a person who is present at an event (such as a wedding) and can say that it happened

1dis·dain noun \dis-ˈdān\: a feeling of strong dislike or disapproval of someone or something you think does not deserve respect

par·a·digm noun \ˈper-ə-ˌdīm, ˈpa-rə- also -ˌdim\: a model or pattern for something that may be copied

: a theory or a group of ideas about how something should be done, made, or thought about

pur·sue verb \pər-ˈsü, -ˈsyü\: to follow and try to catch or capture (someone or something) for usually a long distance or time

: to try to get or do (something) over a period of time

: to be involved in (an activity)

1scale noun \ˈskāl\

Definition of SCALE

1a :  either pan or tray of a balance

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Definition of KINDLE

transitive verb

1:  to start (a fire) burning :  LIGHT

ap·pa·nage noun \ˈa-pə-nij\

Definition of APPANAGE

1a :  a grant (as of land or revenue) made by a sovereign or a legislative body to a dependent member of the royal family or a principal vassal

man·kind noun singular but singular or plural in construction: all people thought of as one group

en·light·en verb \in-ˈlī-tən, en-\: to give knowledge or understanding to (someone) : to explain something to (someone)

Distinterestedness -the quality or state of being objective or impartial

cliff noun \ˈklif\: a high, steep surface of rock, earth, or ice

Full Definition of GLIMMER

intransitive verb

1a :  to shine faintly or unsteadily


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1:  a small usually rounded stone especially when worn by the action of water

Ebb = a period when something gradually becomes smaller or lessGirdle = a piece of very tight underwear that women wore in the past to make them look thinnerCircumscribe = to limit something such as power, rights, or opportunitiesAgnostic = a person who holds the view that any ultimate reality (as God) is unknown and probably unknowableAestheticism = a doctrine that the principles of beauty are basic to other and especially moral principlesImpugn = if you impugn someone's motives, you say that they do not deserve to be trusted or respected Proletarian = a working-class person Wisdom = the ability to make good decisions based on knowledge and experience ; knowledge that you have gained over a long periodAppease = to give your opponents what they want ; to say or do something in order to make someone feel less angryStaunch = loyal, and showing strong belief in something or strong support for something

meed = archaic : an earned reward or wage ; a fitting return or recompensewretched = used for emphasizing how much someone or something annoys you ; very unpleasant, or in very bad condition ; very unhappy, or ill foresight = the good judgment to think and plan before an event, so that you are prepared for whatever may happen obedient = doing what a person, law, or rule says that you must do barren = a barren land is dry and plants cannot grow there; without any interesting or positive features ; a woman who is barren cannot have babies crag = a very steep rough part of a cliff or mountainrugged = not smooth or flat ; strong and able to deal with difficult conditions ; not regular in shape, but attractive ; needing a lot of physical strengthto subdue = to hold someone and make them stop behaving in an uncontrolled or violent way ; to defeat a place or a group of people, and to take control of them ; to control an emotion that you feel Slaty = of, containing, or characteristic of slate(=a type of dark grey stone that breaks easily into flat thin pieces; a list of people who are trying to win an electionAppanage = a grant (as of land or revenue) made by a sovereign or a legislative body to a dependent member of the royal family or a principal vassal ; a property or privilege appropriated to or by a person as something due ; a rightful endowment or adjunct

de·liv·er·ance noun \di-ˈli-v(ə-)rən(t)s, dē-\: the state of being saved from something dangerous or unpleasant

Definition of UTOPIAN

1:  of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a utopia;especially :  having impossibly ideal conditions especially of social organization

2:  proposing or advocating impractically ideal social and political schemes <utopian idealists>

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whol·ly adverb \ˈhō(l)-lē\: completely or fully

2staunch adjective \ˈstonch, ˈstänch\: very devoted or loyal to a person, belief, or cause

em·body verb \im-ˈbä-dē\: to represent (something) in a clear and obvious way : to be a symbol or example of (something)

: to include (something) as a part or feature

pro·long verb \prə-ˈloŋ\: to make (something) last or continue for a longer time

1cloak noun \ˈklōk\: a piece of clothing that is used as a coat, that has no sleeves, and that is worn over the shoulders and attached at the neck

: a thing that hides or covers someone or something

creed noun \ˈkrēd\: a statement of the basic beliefs of a religion

: an idea or set of beliefs that guides the actions of a person or group


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 verb \in-ˈde-vər\: to seriously or continually try to do (something)

Full Definition of FETCH

transitive verb

1a :  to go or come after and bring or take back

as·cer·tain verb \ˌa-sər-ˈtān\: to learn or find out (something, such as information or the truth)

per·ish verb \ˈper-ish, ˈpe-rish\: to die or be killed

: to disappear or be destroyed : to cease to exist

: to slowly break apart by a natural process

1so·ber adjective \ˈsō-bər\: not drunk

: having or showing a very serious attitude or quality

: plain in color

1cho·rus noun \ˈkor-əs\: a group of singers and dancers in an ancient Greek play who take part in or talk about the things that are happening on stage

: a group of singers and dancers in a modern play, musical show, etc.

: a large group of singers

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lusty adjective \ˈləs-tē\: full of strength and energy

as·sured·ly adverb \ə-ˈshur-əd-lē\: without doubt

: in a way that shows that you are confident