English Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

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    Project Gutenberg's English Synonyms and Antonyms, by James Champlin Fernald

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    Title: English Synonyms and AntonymsWith Notes on the Correct Use of Prepositions

    Author: James Champlin Fernald

    Release Date: May 21, 2009 [EBook #28900]

    Language: English


    Produced by Jan-Fabian Humann, Stephen Blundell and the

    Online Distributed Proofreading Team at http://www.pgdp.net

    English Synonymsand Antonyms

    _A Practical and Invaluable Guide to Clear andPrecise Diction for Writers, Speakers, Students,

    Business and Professional Men_

    Connectives ofEnglish Speech

    "The work is likely to prove of great value to all writers."--_WashingtonEvening Star._

    "The book will receive high appreciation from thoughtful students whoseek the most practical help."--_Grand Rapids Herald._

    "It is written in a clear and pleasing style and so arranged that but amoment's time is needed to find any line of the hundreds of importantthough small words which this book discusses."--_Chattanooga Times._

    "Its practical reference value is great, and it is a great satisfactionto note the care and attention to detail and fine shades of meaning theauthor has bestowed upon the words he discusses."--_Church Review_,

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    "A work of great practical helpfulness to a large class ofpeople."--_Louisville Courier-Journal._

    "This is one of the most useful books for writers, speakers, and all whocare for the use of language, which has appeared in a longtime."--_Cumberland Presbyterian_, Nashville.

    "It is a book of great value to all who take any interest in correct andelegant language."--_Methodist_, Baltimore.

    "This work is a welcome aid to good writing and good speech. It isworthy the close study of all who would cultivate finished style. Itsadmirable arrangement and a good index make it easy forreference."--_Christian Observer._

    "His book has some excellent qualities. In the first place, it isabsolutely free from dogmatic assertion; in the second place, itcontains copious examples from good authors, which should guide arightthe person investigating any word, if he is thoroughly conversant withEnglish."--_The Sun_, New York.







    JAMES C. FERNALD, L.H.D._Editor of Synonyms, Antonyms, and Prepositions

    in the Standard Dictionary_




    _Copyright, 1896, by FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY._

    _Registered at Stationers' Hall, London, Eng._

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    Transcriber's Note:

    Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note, whilsta list of significant amendments can be found at the end of thetext. Inconsistent hyphenation and conflicting variant spellingshave been standardised, except where used for emphasis. Non-standardcharacters have been represented as follows:

    [=a] _a_ with upper macron;[=o] _o_ with upper macron.






    INDEX 509


    The English language is peculiarly rich in synonyms, as, with such ahistory, it could not fail to be. From the time of Julius Csar,Britons, Romans, Northmen, Saxons, Danes, and Normans fighting,fortifying, and settling upon the soil of England, with Scotch and Irishcontending for mastery or existence across the mountain border and theChannel, and all fenced in together by the sea, could not but influenceeach other's speech. English merchants, sailors, soldiers, andtravelers, trading, warring, and exploring in every clime, of necessitybrought back new terms of sea and shore, of shop and camp andbattlefield. English scholars have studied Greek and Latin for a

    thousand years, and the languages of the Continent and of the Orient inmore recent times. English churchmen have introduced words from Hebrew,Greek, and Latin, through Bible and prayer-book, sermon and tract. Fromall this it results that there is scarcely a language ever spoken amongmen that has not some representative in English speech. The spirit ofthe Anglo-Saxon race, masterful in language as in war and commerce, hassubjugated all these various elements to one idiom, making not apatchwork, but a composite language. Anglo-Saxon thrift, finding oftenseveral words that originally expressed the same idea, has detailed themto different parts of the common territory or to different service, so

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    that we have an almost unexampled variety of words, kindred in meaningbut distinct in usage, for expressing almost every shade of humanthought.

    Scarcely any two of such words, commonly known as synonyms, areidentical at once in signification and in use. They have certain commonground within which they are interchangeable; but outside of that eachhas its own special province, within which any other word comes as anintruder. From these two qualities arises the great value of synonyms ascontributing to beauty and effectiveness of expression. Asinterchangeable, they make possible that freedom and variety by whichthe diction of an accomplished writer or speaker differs from the woodenuniformity of a legal document. As distinct and specific, they enable amaster of style to choose in every instance the one term that is themost perfect mirror of his thought. To write or speak to the bestpurpose, one should know in the first place all the words from which hemay choose, and then the exact reason why in any case any particularword should be chosen. To give such knowledge in these two directions isthe office of a book of synonyms.

    Of Milton's diction Macaulay writes:

    "His poetry acts like an incantation. Its merit lies less in itsobvious meaning than in its occult power. There would seem, at first

    sight, to be no more in his words than in other words. But they arewords of enchantment. No sooner are they pronounced, than the pastis present and the distant near. New forms of beauty start at onceinto existence, and all the burial places of the memory give uptheir dead. Change the structure of the sentence; _substitute onesynonym for another_, and the whole effect is destroyed. The spellloses its power; and he who should then hope to conjure with itwould find himself as much mistaken as Cassim in the Arabian tale,when he stood crying, 'Open Wheat,' 'Open Barley,' to the door whichobeyed no sound but 'Open Sesame.' The miserable failure of Drydenin his attempt to translate into his own diction some parts of the'Paradise Lost' is a remarkable instance of this."

    Macaulay's own writings abound in examples of that exquisite precisionin the choice of words, which never seems to be precise, but has all theaspect of absolute freedom. Through his language his thought bursts uponthe mind as a landscape is seen instantly, perfectly, and beautifullyfrom a mountain height. A little vagueness of thought, a slightinfelicity in the choice of words would be like a cloud upon themountain, obscuring the scene with a damp and chilling mist. Let anyonetry the experiment with a poem like Gray's "Elegy," or Goldsmith's"Traveller" or "Deserted Village," of substituting other words for thosethe poet has chosen, and he will readily perceive how much of the charmof the lines depends upon their fine exactitude of expression.

    In our own day, when so many are eager to write, and confident that they

    can write, and when the press is sending forth by the ton that which iscalled literature, but which somehow lacks the imprint of immortality,it is of the first importance to revive the study of synonyms as adistinct branch of rhetorical culture. Prevalent errors need at times tobe noted and corrected, but the teaching of pure English speech is thebest defense against all that is inferior, unsuitable, or repulsive. Themost effective condemnation of an objectionable word or phrase is thatit is not found in scholarly works, and a student who has once learnedthe rich stores of vigorous, beautiful, exact, and expressive words thatmake up our noble language, is by that very fact put beyond the reach of

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    all temptation to linguistic corruption.

    Special instruction in the use of synonyms is necessary, for the reasonthat few students possess the analytical power and habit of mindrequired to hold a succession of separate definitions in thought atonce, compare them with each other, and determine just where and howthey part company; and the persons least able to do this are the veryones most in need of the information. The distinctions between wordssimilar in meaning are often so fine and elusive as to tax the ingenuityof the accomplished scholar; yet when clearly apprehended they are asimportant for the purposes of language as the minute differences betweensimilar substances are for the purposes of chemistry. Often definitionitself is best secured by the comparison of kindred terms and thepointing out where each differs from the other. We perceive more clearlyand remember better what each word is, by perceiving where each dividesfrom another of kindred meaning; just as we see and remember better thesituation and contour of adjacent countries, by considering them asboundaries of each other, rather than by an exact statement of thelatitude and longitude of each as a separate portion of the earth'ssurface.

    The great mass of untrained speakers and writers need to be reminded, inthe first place, _that there are synonyms_--a suggestion which theywould not gain from any precision of separate definitions in a

    dictionary. The deplorable repetition with which many slightly educatedpersons use such words as "elegant," "splendid," "clever," "awful,""horrid," etc., to indicate (for they can not be said to express) almostany shade of certain approved or objectionable qualities, shows alimited vocabulary, a poverty of language, which it is of the firstimportance to correct. Many who are not given to such gross misuse wouldyet be surprised to learn how often they employ a very limited number ofwords in the attempt to give utterance to thoughts and feelings sounlike, that what is the right word on one occasion must of necessity bethe wrong word at many other times. Such persons are simply unconsciousof the fact that there are other words of kindred meaning from whichthey might choose; as the United States surveyors of Alaska found "theshuddering tenant of the frigid zone" wrapping himself in furs and

    cowering over a fire of sticks with untouched coal-mines beneath hisfeet.

    Such poverty of language is always accompanied with poverty of thought.One who is content to use the same word for widely different ideas haseither never observed or soon comes to forget that there is anydifference between the ideas; or perhaps he retains a vague notion of adifference which he never attempts to define to himself, and dimly hintsto others by adding to his inadequate word some such phrase as "you see"or "you know," in the helpless attempt to inject into another mind bysuggestion what adequate words would enable him simply and distinctly tosay. Such a mind resembles the old maps of Africa in which the interiorwas filled with cloudy spaces, where modern discovery has revealed great

    lakes, fertile plains, and mighty rivers. One main office of a book ofsynonyms is to reveal to such persons the unsuspected riches of theirown language; and when a series of words is given them, from which theymay choose, then, with intelligent choice of words there comes ofnecessity a clearer perception of the difference of the ideas that areto be expressed by those different words. Thus, copiousness andclearness of language tend directly to affluence and precision ofthought.

    Hence there is an important use for mere lists of classified synonyms,

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    like Roget's Thesaurus and the works of Soule and Fallows. Not one in athousand of average students would ever discover, by independent studyof the dictionary, that there are fifteen synonyms for _beautiful_,twenty-one for _beginning_, fifteen for _benevolence_, twenty for_friendly_, and thirty-seven for _pure_. The mere mention of suchnumbers opens vistas of possible fulness, freedom, and variety ofutterance, which will have for many persons the effect of a revelation.

    But it is equally important to teach _that synonyms are not identical_and to explain why and how they differ. A person of extensive readingand study, with a fine natural sense of language, will often find allthat he wants in the mere list, which recalls to his memory theappropriate word. But for the vast majority there is needed some workthat compares or contrasts synonymous words, explains their differencesof meaning or usage, and shows in what connections one or the other maybe most fitly used. This is the purpose of the present work, to be aguide to selection from the varied treasures of English speech.

    This work treats within 375 pages more than 7500 synonyms. It has beenthe study of the author to give every definition or distinction in thefewest possible words consistent with clearness of statement, and thisnot merely for economy of space, but because such condensed statementsare most easily apprehended and remembered.

    The method followed has been to select from every group of synonyms oneword, or two contrasted words, the meaning of which may be settled byclear definitive statement, thus securing some fixed point or points towhich all the other words of the group may be referred. The great sourceof vagueness, error, and perplexity in many discussions of synonyms is,that the writer merely associates stray ideas loosely connected with thedifferent words, sliding from synonym to synonym with no definite pointof departure or return, so that a smooth and at first sight pleasingstatement really gives the mind no definite resting-place and no sureconclusion. A true discussion of synonyms is definition by comparison,and for this there must be something definite with which to compare.When the standard is settled, approximation or differentiation can bedetermined with clearness and certainty. It is not enough to tell

    something about each word. The thing to tell is how each word is relatedto others of that particular group. When a word has more than oneprominent meaning, the synonyms for one signification are treated in onegroup and a reference is made to some other group in which the synonymsfor another signification are treated, as may be seen by noting thesynonyms given under APPARENT, and following the reference to EVIDENT.

    It has been impossible within the limits of this volume to treat in fullall the words of each group of synonyms. Sometimes it has been necessaryto restrict the statement to a mere suggestion of the correct use; insome cases only the chief words of a group could be considered, givingthe key to the discussion, and leaving the student to follow out theprinciple in the case of other words by reference to the definitive

    statements of the dictionary. It is to be hoped that at some time adictionary of synonyms may be prepared, giving as full a list as that ofRoget or of Soule, with discriminating remarks upon every word. Such awork would be of the greatest value, but obviously beyond the scope of atext-book for the class-room.

    The author has here incorporated, by permission of the publishers of theStandard Dictionary, much of the synonym matter prepared by him for thatwork. All has been thoroughly revised or reconstructed, and much whollynew matter has been added.

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    The book contains also more than 3700 antonyms. These are valuable assupplying definition by contrast or by negation, one of the mosteffective methods of defining being in many cases to tell what a thingis not. To speakers and writers antonyms are useful as furnishingoftentimes effective antitheses.

    Young writers will find much help from the indication of the correct useof prepositions, the misuse of which is one of the most common oferrors, and one of the most difficult to avoid, while their right usegives to style cohesion, firmness, and compactness, and is an importantaid to perspicuity. To the text of the synonyms is appended a set ofQuestions and Examples to adapt the work for use as a text-book. Asidefrom the purposes of the class-room, this portion will be found of valueto the individual student. Excepting those who have made a thoroughstudy of language most persons will discover with surprise how difficultit is to answer any set of the Questions or to fill the blanks in theExamples without referring to the synonym treatment in Part I., or to adictionary, and how rarely they can give any intelligent reason forpreference even among familiar words. There are few who can study such awork without finding occasion to correct some errors into which theyhave unconsciously fallen, and without coming to a new delight in theuse of language from a fuller knowledge of its resources and a clearersense of its various capabilities.

    _West New Brighton, N. Y._, Sept. 4, 1896.

    PART I.


    Crabb's "English Synonymes Explained." [H.]

    Soule's "Dictionary of English Synonyms." [L.]

    Smith's "Synonyms Discriminated." [BELL.]

    Graham's "English Synonyms." [A.]

    Whateley's "English Synonyms Discriminated." [L. & S.]

    Campbell's "Handbook of Synonyms." [L. & S.]

    Fallows' "Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms." [F. H. R.]

    Roget's "Thesaurus of English Words." [F. & W. CO.]

    Trench's "Study of English Words." [W. J. W.]

    Richard Grant White, "Words and their Uses," and "Every DayEnglish." [H. M. & CO.]

    Geo. P. Marsh, "Lectures on the English Language," and "Origin and

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    History of the English Language." [S.]

    Fitzedward Hall, "False Philology." [S.]

    Maetzner's "English Grammar," tr. by Grece. [J. M.]

    The Synonyms of the Century and International Dictionaries have alsobeen consulted and compared.

    The Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary has been used as the authoritythroughout.

    * * * * *


    A. D. Appleton & Co. | K.-F. Krauth-FlemingAS. Anglo-Saxon | "Vocabulary of Philosophy."BELL; B. & S. Bell & Sons | L. Latin; Lippincott & Co.F. French | L. & S. Lee & ShepardF. H. R. Fleming H. Revell | M. Murray's New English DictionaryF. & W. CO. Funk & Wagnalls Co. | MACM. Macmillan & Co.G. German | S. Chas. Scribner's SonsGr. Greek | Sp. Spanish

    H. Harper & Bros. | T. & F. Ticknor & FieldsH. M. & CO. Houghton, Mifflin & Co. | T. & H. Troutman & HayesIt. Italian | T. & M. Taylor, Walton & MaberleyJ. M. John Murray | W. J. W. W. J. Widdleton

    PART I.


    * * * * *



    abdicate, desert, leave, resign,abjure, discontinue, quit, retire from,cast off, forego, recant, retract,cease, forsake, relinquish, surrender,cede, forswear, renounce, vacate,depart from, give up, repudiate, withdraw from.

    _Abandon_ is a word of wide signification, applying to persons or thingsof any kind; _abdicate_ and _resign_ apply to office, authority, orpower; _cede_ to territorial possessions; _surrender_ especially tomilitary force, and more generally to any demand, claim, passion, etc._Quit_ carries an idea of suddenness or abruptness not necessarilyimplied in _abandon_, and may not have the same suggestion of finality.The king _abdicates_ his throne, _cedes_ his territory, _deserts_ hisfollowers, _renounces_ his religion, _relinquishes_ his titles,_abandons_ his designs. A cowardly officer _deserts_ his ship; the

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    helpless passengers _abandon_ it. We _quit_ business, _give up_property, _resign_ office, _abandon_ a habit or a trust. _Relinquish_commonly implies reluctance; the fainting hand _relinquishes_ its grasp;the creditor _relinquishes_ his claim. _Abandon_ implies previousassociation with responsibility for or control of; _forsake_ impliesprevious association with inclination or attachment, real or assumed; aman may _abandon_ or _forsake_ house or friends; he _abandons_ anenterprise; _forsakes_ God. _Abandon_ is applied to both good and evilaction; a thief _abandons_ his designs, a man his principles. _Forsake_,like _abandon_, may be used either in the favorable or unfavorablesense; _desert_ is always unfavorable, involving a breach of duty,except when used of mere localities; as, "the Deserted Village." While amonarch _abdicates_, a president or other elected or appointed officer_resigns_. It was held that James II. _abdicated_ his throne by_deserting_ it.


    adopt, defend, occupy, seek,advocate, favor, prosecute, support,assert, haunt, protect, undertake,cherish, hold, pursue, uphold,claim, keep, retain, vindicate.

    court, maintain,* * * * *



    bring low, depress, dishonor, lower,cast down, discredit, humble, reduce,debase, disgrace, humiliate, sink.degrade,

    _Abase_ refers only to outward conditions. "Exalt him that is low, and_abase_ him that is high." _Ezek._ xxi, 26. _Debase_ applies to qualityor character. The coinage is _debased_ by excess of alloy, the man byvice. _Humble_ in present use refers chiefly to feeling of heart;_humiliate_ to outward conditions; even when one is said to _humble_himself, he either has or affects to have humility of heart. To_disgrace_ may be to bring or inflict odium upon others, but the word ischiefly and increasingly applied to such moral odium as one by his ownacts brings upon himself; the noun _disgrace_ retains more of thepassive sense than the verb; he _disgraced_ himself by his conduct; hebrought _disgrace_ upon his family. To _dishonor_ a person is to deprivehim of honor that should or might be given. To _discredit_ one is to

    injure his reputation, as for veracity or solvency. A sense ofunworthiness _humbles_; a shameful insult _humiliates_; imprisonment forcrime _disgraces_. _Degrade_ may refer to either station or character.An officer is _degraded_ by being _reduced_ to the ranks, _disgraced_ bycowardice; vile practises _degrade_; drunkenness is a _degrading_ vice.Misfortune or injustice may _abase_ the good; nothing but their ownill-doing can _debase_ or _disgrace_ them.


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    advance, elevate, honor, raise,aggrandize, exalt, promote, uplift.dignify,

    * * * * *



    bewilder, daunt, embarrass, mortify,chagrin, discompose, humble, overawe,confound, disconcert, humiliate, shame.confuse, dishearten,

    Any sense of inferiority _abashes_, with or without the sense of wrong.The poor are _abashed_ at the splendor of wealth, the ignorant at thelearning of the wise. "I might have been _abashed_ by their authority."GLADSTONE _Homeric Synchron._, p. 72. [H. '76.] To _confuse_ is to bringinto a state of mental bewilderment; to _confound_ is to overwhelm themental faculties; to _daunt_ is to subject to a certain degree of fear._Embarrass_ is a strong word, signifying primarily hamper, hinder,

    impede. A solitary thinker may be _confused_ by some difficulty in asubject, or some mental defect; one is _embarrassed_ in the presence ofothers, and because of their presence. Confusion is of the intellect,embarrassment of the feelings. A witness may be _embarrassed_ byannoying personalities, so as to become _confused_ in statements. To_mortify_ a person is to bring upon him a painful sense of humiliation,whether because of his own or another's fault or failure. A pupil is_confused_ by a perplexing question, a general _confounded_ byoverwhelming defeat. A hostess is _discomposed_ by the tardiness ofguests, a speaker _disconcerted_ by a failure of memory. The criminalwho is not _abashed_ at detection may be _daunted_ by the officer'sweapon. Sudden joy may _bewilder_, but will not _abash_. The trueworshiper is _humbled_ rather than _abashed_ before God. The parent is

    _mortified_ by the child's rudeness, the child _abashed_ at the parent'sreproof. The _embarrassed_ speaker finds it difficult to proceed. Themob is _overawed_ by the military, the hypocrite _shamed_ by exposure."A man whom no denial, no scorn could _abash_." FIELDING _Amelia_ bk.iii, ch. 9, p. 300. [B. & S. '71.] Compare CHAGRIN; HINDER.


    animate, cheer, encourage, rally,buoy, embolden, inspirit, uphold.

    * * * * *



    decline, ebb, mitigate, reduce,decrease, lessen, moderate, subside.diminish, lower,

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    The storm, the fever, the pain _abates_. Interest _declines_.Misfortunes may be _mitigated_, desires _moderated_, intense anger_abated_, population _decreased_, taxes _reduced_. We _abate_ anuisance, _terminate_ a controversy, _suppress_ a rebellion. SeeALLEVIATE.


    aggravate, enhance, foment, rage,amplify, enlarge, increase, raise,continue, extend, magnify, revive.develop,


    Abate _in_ fury; abated _by_ law.

    * * * * *


    Synonyms:abridgment, contraction.

    An _abbreviation_ is a shortening by any method; a _contraction_ is areduction of size by the drawing together of the parts. A _contraction_of a word is made by omitting certain letters or syllables and bringingtogether the first and last letters or elements; an _abbreviation_ maybe made either by omitting certain portions from the interior or bycutting off a part; a _contraction_ is an _abbreviation_, but an_abbreviation_ is not necessarily a _contraction_; _rec't_ for receipt,_mdse._ for merchandise, and _Dr._ for debtor are _contractions_; theyare also _abbreviations_; _Am._ for American is an _abbreviation_, but

    not a _contraction_. _Abbreviation_ and _contraction_ are used of wordsand phrases, _abridgment_ of books, paragraphs, sentences, etc. CompareABRIDGMENT.

    * * * * *



    advocate, countenance, incite, sanction,aid, embolden, instigate, support,

    assist, encourage, promote, uphold.

    _Abet_ and _instigate_ are now used almost without exception in a badsense; one may _incite_ either to good or evil. One _incites_ or_instigates_ to the doing of something not yet done, or to increasedactivity or further advance in the doing of it; one _abets_ by givingsympathy, countenance, or substantial aid to the doing of that which isalready projected or in process of commission. _Abet_ and _instigate_apply either to persons or actions, _incite_ to persons only; one_incites_ a person _to_ an action. A clergyman will _advocate_ the

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    claims of justice, _aid_ the poor, _encourage_ the despondent,_support_ the weak, _uphold_ the constituted authorities; but he willnot _incite_ to a quarrel, _instigate_ a riot, or _abet_ a crime. Theoriginator of a crime often _instigates_ or _incites_ others to _abet_him in it, or one may _instigate_ or _incite_ others to a crime in thecommission of which he himself takes no active part. Compare HELP.


    baffle, deter, dissuade, hinder,confound, disapprove, expose, impede,counteract, disconcert, frustrate, obstruct.denounce, discourage,

    * * * * *



    abominate, dislike, loathe, scorn,despise, hate, nauseate, shun.

    detest,_Abhor_ is stronger than _despise_, implying a shuddering recoil,especially a moral recoil. "How many _shun_ evil as inconvenient who donot _abhor_ it as hateful." TRENCH _Serm. in Westm. Abbey_ xxvi, 297.[M.] _Detest_ expresses indignation, with something of contempt._Loathe_ implies disgust, physical or moral. We _abhor_ a traitor,_despise_ a coward, _detest_ a liar. We _dislike_ an uncivil person. We_abhor_ cruelty, _hate_ tyranny. We _loathe_ a reptile or a flatterer.We _abhor_ Milton's heroic Satan, but we can not _despise_ him.


    admire, crave, esteem, love,approve, desire, like, relish.covet, enjoy,

    * * * * *



    anticipate, dwell, remain, stop,

    await, endure, reside, tarry,bear, expect, rest, tolerate,bide, inhabit, sojourn, wait,confront, live, stay, watch.continue, lodge,

    To _abide_ is to remain continuously without limit of time unlessexpressed by the context: "to-day I must _abide_ at thy house," _Luke_xix, 5; "a settled place for thee to _abide_ in forever," _1 Kings_viii, 13; "_Abide_ with me! fast falls the eventide," LYTE _Hymn_.

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    _Lodge_, _sojourn_, _stay_, _tarry_, and _wait_ always imply a limitedtime; _lodge_, to pass the night; _sojourn_, to _remain_ temporarily;_live_, _dwell_, _reside_, to have a permanent home. _Stop_, in thesense of _stay_ or _sojourn_, is colloquial, and not in approved use.Compare ENDURE; REST.


    abandon, forfeit, migrate, reject,avoid, forfend, move, resist,depart, journey, proceed, shun.


    Abide _in_ a place, _for_ a time, _with_ a person, _by_ a statement.

    * * * * *



    abate, eradicate, prohibit, stamp out,abrogate, exterminate, remove, subvert,annihilate, extirpate, repeal, supplant,annul, nullify, reverse, suppress,destroy, obliterate, revoke, terminate.end, overthrow, set aside,

    _Abolish_, to do away with, bring absolutely to an end, especially assomething hostile, hindering, or harmful, was formerly used of personsand material objects, a usage now obsolete except in poetry or highlyfigurative speech. _Abolish_ is now used of institutions, customs, andconditions, especially those wide-spread and long existing; as, to

    _abolish_ slavery, ignorance, intemperance, poverty. A building that isburned to the ground is said to be _destroyed_ by fire. _Annihilate_, asa philosophical term, signifies to put absolutely out of existence. Asfar as our knowledge goes, matter is never _annihilated_, but onlychanges its form. Some believe that the wicked will be _annihilated_._Abolish_ is not said of laws. There we use _repeal_, _abrogate_,_nullify_, etc.: _repeal_ by the enacting body, _nullify_ byrevolutionary proceedings; a later statute _abrogates_, without formally_repealing_, any earlier law with which it conflicts. An appellate courtmay _reverse_ or _set aside_ the decision of an inferior court._Overthrow_ may be used in either a good or a bad sense; _suppress_ iscommonly in a good, _subvert_ always in a bad sense; as, to _subvert_our liberties; to _suppress_ a rebellion. The law _prohibits_ what may

    never have existed; it _abolishes_ an existing evil. We _abate_ anuisance, _terminate_ a controversy. Compare CANCEL; DEMOLISH;EXTERMINATE.


    authorize, establish, reinstate, revive,cherish, institute, renew, set up,confirm, introduce, repair, support,

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    continue, legalize, restore, sustain.enact, promote,

    * * * * *



    abhorrence, curse, hatred, plague,abuse, detestation, horror, shame,annoyance, disgust, iniquity, villainy,aversion, evil, nuisance, wickedness.crime, execration, offense,

    _Abomination_ (from the L. _ab omen_, a thing of ill omen) wasoriginally applied to anything held in religious or ceremonial_aversion_ or _abhorrence_; as, "The things which are highly esteemedamong men are _abomination_ in the sight of God." _Luke_ xvi, 15. Theword is oftener applied to the object of such _aversion_ or _abhorrence_than to the state of mind that so regards it; in common use_abomination_ signifies something very much disliked or loathed, or thatdeserves to be. Choice food may be an object of _aversion_ and _disgust_

    to a sick person; vile food would be an _abomination_. A toad is to manyan object of _disgust_; a foul sewer is an _abomination_. As applied tocrimes, _abomination_ is used of such as are especially brutal,shameful, or revolting; theft is an _offense_; infanticide is an_abomination_.


    affection, blessing, enjoyment, joy,appreciation, delight, esteem, satisfaction,approval, desire, gratification, treat.benefit,

    * * * * *



    abbreviation, compend, epitome, summary,abstract, compendium, outline, synopsis.analysis, digest,

    An _abridgment_ gives the most important portions of a work

    substantially as they stand. An _outline_ or _synopsis_ is a kind ofsketch closely following the plan. An _abstract_ or _digest_ is anindependent statement of what the book contains. An _analysis_ draws outthe chief thoughts or arguments, whether expressed or implied. A_summary_ is the most condensed statement of results or conclusions. An_epitome_, _compend_, or _compendium_ is a condensed view of a subject,whether derived from a previous publication or not. We may have an_abridgment_ of a dictionary, but not an _analysis_, _abstract_,_digest_, or _summary_. We may have an _epitome_ of religion, a_compendium_ of English literature, but not an _abridgment_. Compare

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    * * * * *



    arbitrary, compulsory, haughty, peremptory,arrogant, controlling, imperative, positive,authoritative, despotic, imperious, supreme,autocratic, dictatorial, irresponsible, tyrannical,coercive, dogmatic, lordly, unconditional,commanding, domineering, overbearing, unequivocal.compulsive, exacting,

    In the strict sense, _absolute_, free from all limitation or control,and _supreme_, superior to all, can not properly be said of any beingexcept the divine. Both words are used, however, in a modified sense, ofhuman authorities; _absolute_ then signifying free from limitation byother authority, and _supreme_ exalted over all other; as, an _absolute_monarch, the _supreme_ court. _Absolute_, in this use, does notnecessarily carry any unfavorable sense, but as _absolute_ power in

    human hands is always abused, the unfavorable meaning predominates._Autocratic_ power knows no limits outside the ruler's self; _arbitrary_power, none outside the ruler's will or judgment, _arbitrary_ carryingthe implication of wilfulness and capriciousness. _Despotic_ is commonlyapplied to a masterful or severe use of power, which is expressed moredecidedly by _tyrannical_. _Arbitrary_ may be used in a good sense; as,the pronunciation of proper names is _arbitrary_; but the bad sense isthe prevailing one; as, an _arbitrary_ proceeding. _Irresponsible_ poweris not necessarily bad, but eminently dangerous; an executor or trusteeshould not be _irresponsible_; an _irresponsible_ ruler is likely to be_tyrannical_. A perfect ruler might be _irresponsible_ and not_tyrannical_. _Authoritative_ is used always in a good sense, implyingthe right to claim authority; _imperative_, _peremptory_, and _positive_

    are used ordinarily in the good sense; as, an _authoritative_definition; an _imperative_ demand; a _peremptory_ command; _positive_instructions; _imperious_ signifies assuming and determined to command,rigorously requiring obedience. An _imperious_ demand or requirement mayhave in it nothing offensive; it is simply one that resolutely insistsupon compliance, and will not brook refusal; an _arrogant_ demand isoffensive by its tone of superiority, an _arbitrary_ demand by itsunreasonableness; an _imperious_ disposition is liable to become_arbitrary_ and _arrogant_. A person of an independent spirit isinclined to resent an _imperious_ manner in any one, especially in onewhose superiority is not clearly recognized. _Commanding_ is always usedin a good sense; as, a _commanding_ appearance; a _commanding_eminence. Compare DOGMATIC; INFINITE; PERFECT.


    accountable, constitutional, gentle, lowly, responsible,complaisant, contingent, humble, meek, submissive,compliant, docile, lenient, mild, yielding.conditional, ductile, limited,

    * * * * *

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    acquit, exculpate, forgive, pardon,clear, exempt, free, release,discharge, exonerate, liberate, set free.

    To _absolve_, in the strict sense, is to _set free_ from any bond. Onemay be _absolved_ from a promise by a breach of faith on the part of oneto whom the promise was made. To _absolve_ from sins is formally toremit their condemnation and penalty, regarded as a bond upon the soul."Almighty God ... _pardoneth_ and _absolveth_ all those who trulyrepent, and unfeignedly believe his holy Gospel." _Book of CommonPrayer, Declar. of Absol._ To _acquit_ of sin or crime is to _free_ fromthe accusation of it, pronouncing one guiltless; the innocent arerightfully _acquitted_; the guilty may be mercifully _absolved_. ComparePARDON.


    accuse, charge, condemn, impeach, obligate,bind, compel, convict, inculpate, oblige.


    One is absolved _from_ (rarely _of_) a promise, a sin, etc.

    * * * * *



    consume, engross, suck up, take in,drink in, exhaust, swallow, take up.drink up, imbibe, swallow up,

    A fluid that is _absorbed_ is _taken up_ into the mass of the_absorbing_ body, with which it may or may not permanently combine. Woodexpands when it _absorbs_ moisture, iron when it _absorbs_ heat, thesubstance remaining perhaps otherwise substantially unchanged;quicklime, when it _absorbs_ water, becomes a new substance withdifferent qualities, hydrated or slaked lime. A substance is _consumed_which is destructively appropriated by some other substance, being, or

    agency, so that it ceases to exist or to be recognized as existing inits original condition; fuel is _consumed_ in the fire, food in thebody; _consume_ is also applied to whatever is removed from the marketfor individual use; as, silk and woolen goods are _consumed_. A greattalker _engrosses_ the conversation. A credulous person _swallows_ themost preposterous statement. A busy student _imbibes_ or _drinks in_knowledge; he is _absorbed_ in a subject that takes his whole attention."I only postponed it because I happened to get _absorbed_ in a book."KANE _Grinnell Exped._ ch. 43, page 403. [H. '54.]

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    cast out, dissipate, emit, put forth, shoot forth,disgorge, distract, exude, radiate, throw off,disperse, eject, give up, send out, vomit.


    Plants absorb moisture _from_ the air; the student is absorbed _in_thought; nutriment may be absorbed _into_ the system _through_ the skin.

    * * * * *



    abstemiousness, frugality, self-denial, sobriety,continence, moderation, self-restraint, temperance.fasting, self-control,

    _Abstinence_ from food commonly signifies going without;_abstemiousness_, partaking moderately; _abstinence_ may be for a singleoccasion, _abstemiousness_ is habitual _moderation_. _Self-denial_ isgiving up what one wishes; _abstinence_ may be refraining from what onedoes not desire. _Fasting_ is _abstinence_ from food for a limited time,and generally for religious reasons. _Sobriety_ and _temperance_ signifymaintaining a quiet, even temper by moderate indulgence in some things,complete _abstinence_ from others. We speak of _temperance_ in eating,but of _abstinence_ from vice. _Total abstinence_ has come to signifythe entire abstaining from intoxicating liquors.


    drunkenness, greed, reveling, sensuality,excess, intemperance, revelry, wantonness.gluttony, intoxication, self-indulgence,


    The negative side of virtue is abstinence _from_ vice.

    * * * * *

    ABSTRACT, _v._


    appropriate, distract, purloin, steal,detach, divert, remove, take away,discriminate, eliminate, separate, withdraw.distinguish,

    The central idea of _withdrawing_ makes _abstract_ in common speech a

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    euphemism for _appropriate_ (unlawfully), _purloin_, _steal_. In mentalprocesses we _discriminate_ between objects by _distinguishing_ theirdifferences; we _separate_ some one element from all that does notnecessarily belong to it, _abstract_ it, and view it alone. We may_separate_ two ideas, and hold both in mind in comparison or contrast;but when we _abstract_ one of them, we drop the other out of thought.The mind is _abstracted_ when it is _withdrawn_ from all other subjectsand concentrated upon one, _diverted_ when it is drawn away from what itwould or should attend to by some other interest, _distracted_ when theattention is divided among different subjects, so that it can not begiven properly to any. The trouble with the _distracted_ person is thathe is not _abstracted_. Compare DISCERN.


    add, complete, fill up, restore, unite.combine, conjoin, increase, strengthen,


    The purse may be abstracted _from_ the pocket; the substance _from_ theaccidents; a book _into_ a compend.

    * * * * *



    absent, heedless, listless, preoccupied,absent-minded, inattentive, negligent, thoughtless.absorbed, indifferent, oblivious,

    As regards mental action, _absorbed_, _abstracted_, and _preoccupied_

    refer to the cause, _absent_ or _absent-minded_ to the effect. The man_absorbed_ in one thing will appear _absent_ in others. A _preoccupied_person may seem _listless_ and _thoughtless_, but the really _listless_and _thoughtless_ have not mental energy to be _preoccupied_. The_absent-minded_ man is _oblivious_ of ordinary matters, because histhoughts are elsewhere. One who is _preoccupied_ is intensely busy inthought; one may be _absent-minded_ either through intense concentrationor simply through inattention, with fitful and aimless wandering ofthought. Compare ABSTRACT.


    alert, on hand, ready, wide-awake.attentive, prompt, thoughtful,

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    anomalous, ill-considered, ludicrous, ridiculous,chimerical, ill-judged, mistaken, senseless,erroneous, inconclusive, monstrous, stupid,false, incorrect, nonsensical, unreasonable,foolish, infatuated, paradoxical, wild.ill-advised, irrational, preposterous,

    That is _absurd_ which is contrary to the first principles of reasoning;as, that a part should be greater than the whole is _absurd_. A_paradoxical_ statement appears at first thought contradictory or_absurd_, while it may be really true. Anything is _irrational_ whenclearly contrary to sound reason, _foolish_ when contrary to practicalgood sense, _silly_ when petty and contemptible in its folly,_erroneous_ when containing error that vitiates the result,_unreasonable_ when there seems a perverse bias or an intent to gowrong. _Monstrous_ and _preposterous_ refer to what is overwhelmingly_absurd_; as, "_O monstrous!_ eleven buckram men grown out of two,"SHAKESPEARE _1 King Henry IV_, act ii, sc. 4. The _ridiculous_ or the_nonsensical_ is worthy only to be laughed at. The lunatic's claim to bea king is _ridiculous_; the Mother Goose rimes are _nonsensical_.Compare INCONGRUOUS.


    certain, incontrovertible, rational, substantial,consistent, indisputable, reasonable, true,demonstrable, indubitable, sagacious, undeniable,demonstrated, infallible, sensible, unquestionable,established, logical, sound, wise.incontestable,

    * * * * *



    aggrieve, impose on _or_ oppress, ruin,damage, upon, persecute, slander,defame, injure, pervert, victimize,defile, malign, prostitute, vilify,disparage, maltreat, rail at, violate,harm, misemploy, ravish, vituperate,ill-treat, misuse, reproach, wrong.ill-use, molest, revile,

    _Abuse_ covers all unreasonable or improper use or treatment by word oract. A tenant does not _abuse_ rented property by "reasonable wear,"

    though that may _damage_ the property and _injure_ its sale; he may_abuse_ it by needless defacement or neglect. It is possible to _abuse_a man without _harming_ him, as when the criminal _vituperates_ thejudge; or to _harm_ a man without _abusing_ him, as when the witnesstells the truth about the criminal. _Defame_, _malign_, _rail at_,_revile_, _slander_, _vilify_, and _vituperate_ are used always in a badsense. One may be justly _reproached_. To _impose on_ or to _victimize_one is to _injure_ him by _abusing_ his confidence. To _persecute_ oneis to _ill-treat_ him for opinion's sake, commonly for religious belief;to _oppress_ is generally for political or pecuniary motives. "Thou

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    shalt not _oppress_ an hired servant that is poor and needy," _Deut._xxiv, 14. _Misemploy_, _misuse_, and _pervert_ are commonly applied toobjects rather than to persons. A dissolute youth _misemploys_ his time,_misuses_ his money and opportunities, _harms_ his associates,_perverts_ his talents, _wrongs_ his parents, _ruins_ himself, _abuses_every good gift of God.


    applaud, conserve, favor, protect, sustain,benefit, consider, laud, regard, tend,care for, eulogize, panegyrize, respect, uphold,cherish, extol, praise, shield, vindicate.

    * * * * *



    abetter _or_ abettor, associate, companion, henchman,accomplice, attendant, confederate, participator,

    ally, coadjutor, follower, partner,assistant, colleague, helper, retainer.

    _Colleague_ is used always in a good sense, _associate_ and _coadjutor_generally so; _ally_, _assistant_, _associate_, _attendant_,_companion_, _helper_, either in a good or a bad sense; _abetter_,_accessory_, _accomplice_, _confederate_, almost always in a bad sense._Ally_ is oftenest used of national and military matters, or of someother connection regarded as great and important; as, _allies_ ofdespotism. _Colleague_ is applied to civil and ecclesiasticalconnections; members of Congress from the same State are _colleagues_,even though they may be bitter opponents politically and personally. An_Associate_ Justice of the Supreme Court is near in _rank_ to the Chief

    Justice. A surgeon's _assistant_ is a physician or medical student whoshares in the treatment and care of patients; a surgeon's _attendant_ isone who rolls bandages and the like. _Follower_, _henchman_, _retainer_are persons especially devoted to a chief, and generally bound to him bynecessity, fee, or reward. _Partner_ has come to denote almostexclusively a business connection. In law, an _abettor_ (the generallegal spelling) is always present, either actively or constructively, atthe commission of the crime; an _accessory_ never. An _accomplice_ isusually a principal; an _accessory_ never. If present, though only tostand outside and keep watch against surprise, one is an _abettor_, andnot an _accessory_. At common law, an _accessory_ implies a principal,and can not be convicted until after the conviction of the principal;the _accomplice_ or _abettor_ can be convicted as a principal.

    _Accomplice_ and _abettor_ have nearly the same meaning, but the formeris the popular, the latter more distinctively the legal term. CompareAPPENDAGE; AUXILIARY.


    adversary, chief, foe, leader, principal,antagonist, commander, hinderer, opponent, rival.betrayer, enemy, instigator, opposer,

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    An accessory _to_ the crime; _before_ or _after_ the fact; theaccessories _of_ a figure _in_ a painting.

    * * * * *



    adventure, contingency, happening, misfortune,calamity, disaster, hazard, mishap,casualty, fortuity, incident, possibility.chance, hap, misadventure,

    An _accident_ is that which happens without any one's direct intention;a _chance_ that which happens without any known cause. If the directcause of a railroad _accident_ is known, we can not call it a _chance_.To the theist there is, in strictness, no _chance_, all things being bydivine causation and control; but _chance_ is spoken of where no special

    cause is manifest: "By _chance_ there came down a certain priest thatway," _Luke_ x, 31. We can speak of a game of _chance_, but not of agame of _accident_. An _incident_ is viewed as occurring in the regularcourse of things, but subordinate to the main purpose, or aside from themain design. _Fortune_ is the result of inscrutable controlling forces._Fortune_ and _chance_ are nearly equivalent, but _chance_ can be usedof human effort and endeavor as _fortune_ can not be; we say "he has a_chance_ of success," or "there is one _chance_ in a thousand," where wecould not substitute _fortune_; as personified, _Fortune_ is regarded ashaving a fitful purpose, _Chance_ as purposeless; we speak of fickle_Fortune_, blind _Chance_; "_Fortune_ favors the brave." The slaughterof men is an _incident_ of battle; unexpected defeat, the _fortune_ ofwar. Since the unintended is often the undesirable, _accident_ tends to

    signify some _calamity_ or _disaster_, unless the contrary is expressed,as when we say a fortunate or happy _accident_. An _adventure_ is thatwhich may turn out ill, a _misadventure_ that which does turn out ill. Aslight disturbing _accident_ is a _mishap_. Compare EVENT; HAZARD.


    appointment, decree, intention, ordainment, preparation,calculation, fate, law, ordinance, provision,certainty, foreordination, necessity, plan, purpose.


    The accident _of_ birth; an accident _to_ the machinery.

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    association, experience, fellowship, intimacy,companionship, familiarity, friendship, knowledge.

    _Acquaintance_ between persons supposes that each knows the other; wemay know a public man by his writings or speeches, and by sight, but cannot claim _acquaintance_ unless he personally knows us. There may bepleasant _acquaintance_ with little _companionship_; and conversely,much _companionship_ with little _acquaintance_, as between busy clerksat adjoining desks. So there may be _association_ in business without_intimacy_ or _friendship_. _Acquaintance_ admits of many degrees, froma slight or passing to a familiar or intimate _acquaintance_; but_acquaintance_ unmodified commonly signifies less than _familiarity_ or_intimacy_. As regards persons, _familiarity_ is becoming restricted tothe undesirable sense, as in the proverb, "_Familiarity_ breedscontempt;" hence, in personal relations, the word _intimacy_, whichrefers to mutual knowledge of thought and feeling, is now uniformlypreferred. _Friendship_ includes _acquaintance_ with some degree of_intimacy_, and ordinarily _companionship_, though in a wider sense_friendship_ may exist between those who have never met, but know eachother only by word and deed. _Acquaintance_ does not involve_friendship_, for one may be well acquainted with an enemy. _Fellowship_involves not merely _acquaintance_ and _companionship_, but sympathy aswell. There may be much _friendship_ without much _fellowship_, as

    between those whose homes or pursuits are far apart. There may bepleasant _fellowship_ which does not reach the fulness of _friendship_.Compare ATTACHMENT; FRIENDSHIP; LOVE. As regards studies, pursuits,etc., _acquaintance_ is less than _familiarity_, which supposes minute_knowledge_ of particulars, arising often from long _experience_ or_association_.


    ignorance, ignoring, inexperience, unfamiliarity.


    Acquaintance _with_ a subject; _of_ one person _with_ another; _between_persons.

    * * * * *



    acerbity, harshness, severity, tartness,

    asperity, malignity, sharpness, unkindness,bitterness, moroseness, sourness, virulence.causticity,

    _Acerbity_ is a _sharpness_, with a touch of _bitterness_, which mayarise from momentary annoyance or habitual impatience; _asperity_ iskeener and more pronounced, denoting distinct irritation or vexation; inspeech _asperity_ is often manifested by the tone of voice rather thanby the words that are spoken. _Acrimony_ in speech or temper is like acorrosive acid; it springs from settled character or deeply rooted

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    feeling of aversion or unkindness. One might speak with momentary_asperity_ to his child, but not with _acrimony_, unless estrangementhad begun. _Malignity_ is the extreme of settled ill intent; _virulence_is an envenomed hostility. _Virulence_ of speech is a quality inlanguage that makes the language seem as if exuding poison. _Virulence_is outspoken; _malignity_ may be covered with smooth and courteousphrase. We say intense _virulence_, deep _malignity_. _Severity_ isalways painful, and may be terrible, but carries ordinarily theimplication, true or false, of justice. Compare ANGER; BITTER; ENMITY.


    amiability, gentleness, kindness, smoothness,courtesy, good nature, mildness, sweetness.

    * * * * *

    ACT, _n._


    accomplishment, execution, movement,

    achievement, exercise, operation,action, exertion, performance,consummation, exploit, proceeding,deed, feat, transaction,doing, motion, work.effect,

    An _act_ is strictly and originally something accomplished by anexercise of power, in which sense it is synonymous with _deed_ or_effect_. _Action_ is a _doing_. _Act_ is therefore single, individual,momentary; _action_ a complex of _acts_, or a process, state, or habitof exerting power. We say a virtuous _act_, but rather a virtuous courseof _action_. We speak of the _action_ of an acid upon a metal, not of

    its _act_. _Act_ is used, also, for the simple _exertion_ of power; as,an _act_ of will. In this sense an _act_ does not necessarily imply anexternal _effect_, while an _action_ does. Morally, the _act_ of murderis in the determination to kill; legally, the _act_ is not completewithout the striking of the fatal blow. _Act_ and _deed_ are both usedfor the thing done, but _act_ refers to the power put forth, _deed_ tothe result accomplished; as, a voluntary _act_, a bad _deed_. Inconnection with other words _act_ is more usually qualified by the useof another noun, _action_ by an adjective preceding; we may say a kind_act_, though oftener an _act_ of kindness, but only a kind _action_,not an _action_ of kindness. As between _act_ and _deed_, _deed_ iscommonly used of great, notable, and impressive _acts_, as are_achievement_, _exploit_, and _feat_.

    _Festus_: We live in _deeds_, not years; in thoughts, not breaths.

    BAILEY _Festus, A Country Town_, sc. 7.

    A _feat_ exhibits strength, skill, personal power, whether mental orphysical, especially the latter; as, a _feat_ of arms, a _feat_ ofmemory. An _exploit_ is a conspicuous or glorious _deed_, involvingvalor or heroism, usually combined with strength, skill, loftiness ofthought, and readiness of resource; an _achievement_ is the doing of

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    something great and noteworthy; an _exploit_ is brilliant, but itseffect may be transient; an _achievement_ is solid, and its effectenduring. _Act_ and _action_ are both in contrast to all that is merelypassive and receptive. The intensest _action_ is easier than passiveendurance.


    cessation, immobility, inertia, quiet, suffering,deliberation, inaction, passion,[A] repose, suspension.endurance, inactivity, quiescence, rest,

    [A] In philosophic sense.

    * * * * *



    agile, energetic, officious, sprightly,alert, expeditious, prompt, spry,

    brisk, industrious, quick, supple,bustling, lively, ready, vigorous,busy, mobile, restless, wide awake.diligent, nimble,

    _Active_ refers to both quickness and constancy of action; in the formersense it is allied with _agile_, _alert_, _brisk_, etc.; in the latter,with _busy_, _diligent_, _industrious_. The _active_ love employment,the _busy_ are actually employed, the _diligent_ and the _industrious_are habitually _busy_. The _restless_ are _active_ from inability tokeep quiet; their activity may be without purpose, or out of allproportion to the purpose contemplated. The _officious_ are undesirably_active_ in the affairs of others. Compare ALERT; ALIVE; MEDDLESOME.


    dull, inactive, lazy, slow,heavy, indolent, quiescent, sluggish,idle, inert, quiet, stupid.


    Active _in_ work, _in_ a cause; _for_ an object, as _for_ justice;_with_ persons or instrumentalities; _about_ something, as _about_ other

    people's business.

    * * * * *



    acuteness, insight, perspicacity, sharpness,

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    cleverness, keenness, sagacity, shrewdness.discernment, penetration,

    _Sharpness_, _acuteness_, and _insight_, however keen, and_penetration_, however deep, fall short of the meaning of _acumen_,which implies also ability to use these qualities to advantage. Thereare persons of keen _insight_ and great _penetration_ to whom thesepowers are practically useless. _Acumen_ is _sharpness_ to some purpose,and belongs to a mind that is comprehensive as well as keen._Cleverness_ is a practical aptitude for study or learning. _Insight_and _discernment_ are applied oftenest to the judgment of character;_penetration_ and _perspicacity_ to other subjects of knowledge._Sagacity_ is an uncultured skill in using quick perceptions for adesired end, generally in practical affairs; _acumen_ may increase withstudy, and applies to the most erudite matters. _Shrewdness_ is_keenness_ or _sagacity_, often with a somewhat evil bias, as ready totake advantage of duller intellects. _Perspicacity_ is the power to seeclearly through that which is difficult or involved. We speak of the_acuteness_ of an observer or a reasoner, the _insight_ and_discernment_ of a student, a clergyman, or a merchant, the _sagacity_of a hound, the _keenness_ of a debater, the _shrewdness_ of a usurer,the _penetration_, _perspicacity_, and _acumen_ of a philosopher.

    Antonyms:bluntness, dulness, obtuseness, stupidity.

    * * * * *



    adjoin, annex, augment, extend, make up,affix, append, cast up, increase, subjoin,

    amplify, attach, enlarge, join on, sum up.

    To _add_ is to _increase_ by _adjoining_ or _uniting_: in distinctionfrom multiply, which is to _increase_ by repeating. To _augment_ a thingis to _increase_ it by any means, but this word is seldom used directlyof material objects; we do not _augment_ a house, a farm, a nation, etc.We may _enlarge_ a house, a farm, or an empire, _extend_ influence ordominion, _augment_ riches, power or influence, _attach_ or _annex_ abuilding to one that it _adjoins_ or papers to the document they referto, _annex_ a clause or a codicil, _affix_ a seal or a signature,_annex_ a territory, _attach_ a condition to a promise. A speaker may_amplify_ a discourse by a fuller treatment throughout than wasoriginally planned, or he may _append_ or _subjoin_ certain remarks

    without change of what has gone before. We _cast up_ or _sum up_ anaccount, though _add up_ and _make up_ are now more usual expressions.


    abstract, diminish, lessen, remove, withdraw.deduct, dissever, reduce, subtract,

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    Other items are to be added _to_ the account.

    * * * * *



    abandoned, devoted, given over, inclined,accustomed, disposed, given up, prone,attached, given, habituated, wedded.

    One is _addicted_ to that which he has allowed to gain a strong,habitual, and enduring hold upon action, inclination, or involuntarytendency, as to a habit or indulgence. A man may be _accustomed_ tolabor, _attached_ to his profession, _devoted_ to his religion, _given_to study or to gluttony (in the bad sense, _given over_, or _given up_,is a stronger and more hopeless expression, as is _abandoned_). One_inclined_ to luxury may become _habituated_ to poverty. One is _wedded_to that which has become a second nature; as, one is _wedded_ to scienceor to art. _Prone_ is used only in a bad sense, and generally of natural

    tendencies; as, our hearts are _prone_ to evil. _Abandoned_ tells of theacquired viciousness of one who has given himself up to wickedness._Addicted_ may be used in a good, but more frequently a bad sense; as,_addicted_ to study; _addicted_ to drink. _Devoted_ is used chiefly inthe good sense; as, a mother's _devoted_ affection.


    averse, disinclined, indisposed, unaccustomed.


    Addicted _to_ vice.

    * * * * *

    ADDRESS, _v._


    cost, approach, hail, speak to,apostrophize, court, salute, woo.appeal, greet,

    To _accost_ is to speak first, to friend or stranger, generally with aview to opening conversation; _greet_ is not so distinctly limited,since one may return another's _greeting_; _greet_ and _hail_ may implybut a passing word; _greeting_ may be altogether silent; to _hail_ is to_greet_ in a loud-voiced and commonly hearty and joyous way, as appearsin the expression "_hail_ fellow, well met." To _salute_ is to _greet_with special token of respect, as a soldier his commander. To_apostrophize_ is to solemnly _address_ some person or personifiedattribute apart from the audience to whom one is speaking; as, a

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    preacher may _apostrophize_ virtue, the saints of old, or even theDeity. To _appeal_ is strictly to call for some form of help or support._Address_ is slightly more formal than _accost_ or _greet_, though itmay often be interchanged with them. One may _address_ another atconsiderable length or in writing; he _accosts_ orally and briefly.


    avoid, elude, overlook, pass by,cut, ignore, pass, shun.


    Address the memorial _to_ the legislature; the president addressed thepeople _in_ an eloquent speech; he addressed an intruder _with_indignation.

    * * * * *

    ADDRESS, _n._

    Synonyms:adroitness, discretion, manners, readiness,courtesy, ingenuity, politeness, tact.dexterity,

    _Address_ is that indefinable something which enables a man to gain hisobject without seeming exertion or contest, and generally with the favorand approval of those with whom he deals. It is a general power todirect to the matter in hand whatever qualities are most needed for itat the moment. It includes _adroitness_ and _discretion_ to know what todo or say and what to avoid; _ingenuity_ to devise; _readiness_ to speakor act; the _dexterity_ that comes of practise; and _tact_, which is the

    power of fine touch as applied to human character and feeling._Courtesy_ and _politeness_ are indispensable elements of good_address_. Compare SPEECH.


    awkwardness, clumsiness, ill-breeding, stupidity,boorishness, fatuity, ill manners, unmannerliness,clownishness, folly, rudeness, unwisdom.


    Address _in_ dealing with opponents; the address _of_ an accomplishedintriguer; an address _to_ the audience.

    * * * * *



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    able, competent, fitted, satisfactory,adapted, equal, fitting, sufficient,capable, fit, qualified, suitable.commensurate,

    _Adequate_, _commensurate_, and _sufficient_ signify _equal_ to somegiven occasion or work; as, a sum _sufficient_ to meet expenses; an_adequate_ remedy for the disease. _Commensurate_ is the more preciseand learned word, signifying that which exactly measures the matter inquestion. _Adapted_, _fit_, _suitable_, and _qualified_ refer to thequalities which match or suit the occasion. A clergyman may havestrength _adequate_ to the work of a porter; but that would not be a_fit_ or _suitable_ occupation for him. Work is _satisfactory_ if itsatisfies those for whom it is done, though it may be very poor workjudged by some higher standard. _Qualified_ refers to acquiredabilities; _competent_ to both natural and acquired; a _qualified_teacher may be no longer _competent_, by reason of ill health. _Able_and _capable_ suggest general ability and reserved power, _able_ beingthe higher word of the two. An _able_ man will do something well in anyposition. A _capable_ man will come up to any ordinary demand. We say an_able_ orator, a _capable_ accountant.

    Antonyms:disqualified, inferior, unequal, unsatisfactory, useless,inadequate, insufficient, unfit, unsuitable, worthless.incompetent, poor, unqualified,


    Adequate _to_ the demand; _for_ the purpose.

    * * * * *



    aid, ally, disciple, partisan, supporter.aider, backer, follower,

    An _adherent_ is one who is devoted or attached to a person, party,principle, cause, creed, or the like. One may be an _aider_ and_supporter_ of a party or church, while not an _adherent_ to all itsdoctrines or claims. An _ally_ is more independent still, as he maydiffer on every point except the specific ground of union. The _Allies_

    who overthrew Napoleon were united only against him. _Allies_ areregarded as equals; _adherents_ and _disciples_ are followers. The_adherent_ depends more on his individual judgment, the _disciple_ ismore subject to command and instruction; thus we say the _disciples_rather than the _adherents_ of Christ. _Partisan_ has the narrow andodious sense of adhesion to a party, right or wrong. One may be an_adherent_ or _supporter_ of a party and not a _partisan_. _Backer_ is asporting and theatrical word, personal in its application, and not inthe best usage. Compare ACCESSORY.

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    adversary, betrayer, enemy, opponent, traitor.antagonist, deserter, hater, renegade,


    Adherents _to_ principle; adherents _of_ Luther.

    * * * * *



    cohesive, gummy, sticky, viscous.glutinous, sticking, viscid,

    _Adhesive_ is the scientific, _sticking_ or _sticky_ the popular word.That which is _adhesive_ tends to join itself to the surface of anyother body with which it is placed in contact; _cohesive_ expresses the

    tendency of particles of the same substance to hold together. Polishedplate glass is not _adhesive_, but such plates packed together areintensely _cohesive_. An _adhesive_ plaster is in popular language a_sticking_-plaster. _Sticky_ expresses a more limited, and generallyannoying, degree of the same quality. _Glutinous_, _gummy_, _viscid_,and _viscous_ are applied to fluid or semi-fluid substances, as pitch ortar.


    free, inadhesive, loose, separable.


    The stiff, wet clay, adhesive _to_ the foot, impeded progress.

    * * * * *



    abutting, bordering, contiguous, neighboring,

    adjoining, close, coterminous, next,attached, conterminous, near, nigh.beside,

    _Adjacent_ farms may not be connected; if _adjoining_, they meet at theboundary-line. _Conterminous_ would imply that their dimensions wereexactly equal on the side where they adjoin. _Contiguous_ may be usedfor either _adjacent_ or _adjoining_. _Abutting_ refers rather to theend of one building or estate than to the neighborhood of another.Buildings may be _adjacent_ or _adjoining_ that are not _attached_.

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    _Near_ is a relative word, places being called _near_ upon the railroadwhich would elsewhere be deemed remote. _Neighboring_ always impliessuch proximity that the inhabitants may be neighbors. _Next_ views someobject as the nearest of several or many; _next_ neighbor implies aneighborhood.


    detached, disconnected, disjoined, distant, remote, separate.


    The farm was adjacent _to_ the village.

    * * * * *



    adore, delight in, extol, respect, venerate,

    applaud, enjoy, honor, revere, wonder.approve, esteem, love,

    In the old sense of _wonder_, _admire_ is practically obsolete; the wordnow expresses a delight and approval, in which the element of wonderunconsciously mingles. We _admire_ beauty in nature and art, _delightin_ the innocent happiness of children, _enjoy_ books or society, a walkor a dinner. We _approve_ what is excellent, _applaud_ heroic deeds,_esteem_ the good, _love_ our friends. We _honor_ and _respect_ noblecharacter wherever found; we _revere_ and _venerate_ it in the aged. We_extol_ the goodness and _adore_ the majesty and power of God.


    abhor, contemn, detest, execrate, ridicule,abominate, despise, dislike, hate, scorn.


    _Admire at_ may still very rarely be found in the old sense of _wonderat_.

    * * * * *



    beautify, decorate, garnish, illustrate,bedeck, embellish, gild, ornament.deck,

    To _embellish_ is to brighten and enliven by adding something that is

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    not necessarily or very closely connected with that to which it isadded; to _illustrate_ is to add something so far like in kind as tocast a side-light upon the principal matter. An author _embellishes_ hisnarrative with fine descriptions, the artist _illustrates_ it withbeautiful engravings, the binder _gilds_ and _decorates_ the volume._Garnish_ is on a lower plane; as, the feast was _garnished_ withflowers. _Deck_ and _bedeck_ are commonly said of apparel; as, a mother_bedecks_ her daughter with silk and jewels. To _adorn_ and to_ornament_ alike signify to add that which makes anything beautiful andattractive, but _ornament_ is more exclusively on the material plane;as, the gateway was _ornamented_ with delicate carving. _Adorn_ is morelofty and spiritual, referring to a beauty which is not material, andcan not be put on by ornaments or decorations, but seems in perfectharmony and unity with that to which it adds a grace; if we say, thegateway was _adorned_ with beautiful carving, we imply a unity andloftiness of design such as _ornamented_ can not express. We say of someadmirable scholar or statesman, "he touched nothing that he did not_adorn_."

    At church, with meek and unaffected grace,His looks _adorned_ the venerable place.

    GOLDSMITH _Deserted Village_, l. 178.


    deface, deform, disfigure, mar, spoil.


    Adorn his temples _with_ a coronet.

    * * * * *



    aggravate, exasperate, offend, vex,annoy, insult, provoke, wound.displease, irritate, tease,

    One may be _annoyed_ by the well-meaning awkwardness of a servant,_irritated_ by a tight shoe or a thoughtless remark, _vexed_ at somecareless neglect or needless misfortune, _wounded_ by the ingratitude ofchild or friend. To _tease_ is to give some slight and perhaps playfulannoyance. _Aggravate_ in the sense of _offend_ is colloquial. To

    _provoke_, literally to call out or challenge, is to begin a contest;one _provokes_ another to violence. To _affront_ is to offer somedefiant offense or indignity, as it were, to one's face; it is somewhatless than to _insult_. Compare PIQUE.


    conciliate, content, gratify, honor, please.

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    * * * * *



    actor, factor, means, operator, promoter.doer, instrument, mover, performer,

    In strict philosophical usage, the prime _mover_ or _doer_ of an act isthe _agent_. Thus we speak of man as a voluntary _agent_, a free_agent_. But in common usage, especially in business, an _agent_ is notthe prime _actor_, but only an _instrument_ or _factor_, acting underorders or instructions. Compare CAUSE.


    chief, inventor, originator, principal.


    An agent _of_ the company _for_ selling, etc.* * * * *



    accede, admit, coincide, concur,accept, approve, combine, consent,accord, assent, comply, harmonize.acquiesce,

    _Agree_ is the most general term of this group, signifying to have likequalities, proportions, views, or inclinations, so as to be free fromjar, conflict, or contradiction in a given relation. To _concur_ is to_agree_ in general; to _coincide_ is to _agree_ in every particular.Whether in application to persons or things, _concur_ tends toexpression in action more than _coincide_; we may either _concur_ or_coincide_ in an opinion, but _concur_ in a decision; views _coincide_,causes _concur_. One _accepts_ another's terms, _complies_ with hiswishes, _admits_ his statement, _approves_ his plan, _conforms_ to hisviews of doctrine or duty, _accedes_ or _consents_ to his proposal._Accede_ expresses the more formal agreement, _consent_ the morecomplete. To _assent_ is an act of the understanding; to _consent_, of

    the will. We may _concur_ or _agree_ with others, either in opinion ordecision. One may silently _acquiesce_ in that which does not meet hisviews, but which he does not care to contest. He _admits_ the chargebrought, or the statement made, by another--_admit_ always carrying asuggestion of reluctance. _Assent_ is sometimes used for a mild form of_consent_, as if agreement in the opinion assured approval of thedecision.


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    contend, demur, disagree, oppose,contradict, deny, dispute, protest,decline, differ, dissent, refuse.


    I agree _in_ opinion _with_ the speaker; _to_ the terms proposed;persons agree _on_ or _upon_ a statement of principles, rules, etc.; wemust agree _among_ ourselves.

    * * * * *



    cultivation, gardening, kitchen-gardening,culture, horticulture, market-gardening,farming, husbandry, tillage.floriculture,

    _Agriculture_ is the generic term, including at once the science, theart, and the process of supplying human wants by raising the products ofthe soil, and by the associated industries; _farming_ is the practise of_agriculture_ as a business; there may be theoretical _agriculture_, butnot theoretical _farming_; we speak of the science of _agriculture_, thebusiness of _farming_; scientific _agriculture_ may be wholly in books;scientific _farming_ is practised upon the land; we say an_agricultural_ college rather than a college of _farming_. _Farming_refers to the _cultivation_ of considerable portions of land, and theraising of the coarser crops; _gardening_ is the close _cultivation_ ofa small area for small fruits, flowers, vegetables, etc., and while itmay be done upon a farm is yet a distinct industry. _Gardening_ ingeneral, _kitchen-gardening_, the _cultivation_ of vegetables, etc., for

    the household, _market-gardening_, the raising of the same for sale,_floriculture_, the _culture_ of flowers, and _horticulture_, the_culture_ of fruits, flowers, or vegetables, are all departments of_agriculture_, but not strictly nor ordinarily of _farming_; _farming_is itself one department of _agriculture_. _Husbandry_ is a general wordfor any form of practical _agriculture_, but is now chiefly poetical._Tillage_ refers directly to the work bestowed upon the land, asplowing, manuring, etc.; _cultivation_ refers especially to theprocesses that bring forward the crop; we speak of the _tillage_ of thesoil, the _cultivation_ of corn; we also speak of land as in a state of_cultivation_, under _cultivation_, etc. _Culture_ is now applied to thecareful development of any product to a state of perfection, especiallyby care through successive generations; the choice varieties of the

    strawberry have been produced by wise and patient _culture_; a good cropin any year is the result of good _cultivation_.

    * * * * *



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    aspiration, endeavor, intention, tendency.design, goal, mark,determination, inclination, object,end, intent, purpose,

    The _aim_ is the direction in which one shoots, or sometimes that whichis aimed at. The _mark_ is that at which one shoots; the _goal_, thattoward which one runs. All alike indicate the direction of _endeavor_.The _end_ is the point at which one expects or hopes to close hislabors; the _object_, that which he would grasp as the reward of hislabors. _Aspiration_, _design_, _endeavor_, _purpose_, referring to themental acts by which the _aim_ is attained, are often used asinterchangeable with _aim_. _Aspiration_ applies to what are viewed asnoble _aims_; _endeavor_, _design_, _intention_, _purpose_,indifferently to the best or worst. _Aspiration_ has less of decisionthan the other terms; one may aspire to an _object_, and yet lack thefixedness of _purpose_ by which alone it can be attained. _Purpose_ isstronger than _intention_. _Design_ especially denotes the adaptationof means to an end; _endeavor_ refers to the exertions by which it is tobe attained. One whose _aims_ are worthy, whose _aspirations_ are high,whose _designs_ are wise, and whose _purposes_ are steadfast, may hopeto reach the _goal_ of his ambition, and will surely win some _object_worthy of a life's _endeavor_. Compare AMBITION; DESIGN.


    aimlessness, heedlessness, negligence, purposelessness,avoidance, neglect, oversight, thoughtlessness.carelessness,

    * * * * *



    appearance, demeanor, manner, sort,bearing, expression, mien, style,behavior, fashion, port, way.carriage, look,

    _Air_ is that combination of qualities which makes the entire impressionwe receive in a person's presence; as, we say he has the _air_ of ascholar, or the _air_ of a villain. _Appearance_ refers more to thedress and other externals. We might say of a travel-soiled pedestrian,he has the _appearance_ of a tramp, but the _air_ of a gentleman._Expression_ and _look_ especially refer to the face. _Expression_ isoftenest applied to that which is habitual; as, he has a pleasant

    _expression_ of countenance; _look_ may be momentary; as, a _look_ ofdismay passed over his face. We may, however, speak of the _look_ or_looks_ as indicating all that we look at; as, he had the _look_ of anadventurer; I did not like his _looks_. _Bearing_ is rather a loftyword; as, he has a noble _bearing_; _port_ is practically identical inmeaning with _bearing_, but is more exclusively a literary word._Carriage_, too, is generally used in a good sense; as, that lady has agood _carriage_. _Mien_ is closely synonymous with _air_, but less oftenused in a bad sense. We say a rakish _air_ rather than a rakish _mien_._Mien_ may be used to express some prevailing feeling; as, "an indignant

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    _mien_." _Demeanor_ goes beyond _appearance_, including conduct,behavior; as, a modest _demeanor_. _Manner_ and _style_ are, in largepart at least, acquired. Compare BEHAVIOR.

    * * * * *



    aerial, ethereal, frolicsome, joyous, lively,animated, fairylike, gay, light, sprightly.

    _Aerial_ and _airy_ both signify of or belonging to the air, but _airy_also describes that which seems as if made of air; we speak of _airy_shapes, _airy_ nothings, where we could not well say _aerial_;_ethereal_ describes its object as belonging to the upper air, the pureether, and so, often, heavenly. _Sprightly_, spiritlike, refers tolight, free, cheerful activity of mind and body. That which is _lively_or _animated_ may be agreeable or the reverse; as, an _animated_discussion; a _lively_ company.

    Antonyms:clumsy, heavy, ponderous, sluggish, wooden.dull, inert, slow, stony,

    * * * * *



    affright, disquietude, fright, solicitude,

    apprehension, dread, misgiving, terror,consternation, fear, panic, timidity.dismay,

    _Alarm_, according to its derivation _all'arme_, "to arms," is anarousing to meet and repel danger, and may be quite consistent with truecourage. _Affright_ and _fright_ express sudden _fear_ which, for thetime at least, overwhelms courage. The sentinel discovers with _alarm_the sudden approach of the enemy; the unarmed villagers view it with_affright_. _Apprehension_, _disquietude_, _dread_, _misgiving_, and_solicitude_ are in anticipation of danger; _consternation_, _dismay_,and _terror_ are overwhelming _fear_, generally in the actual presenceof that which is terrible, though these words also may have an

    anticipative force. _Timidity_ is a quality, habit, or condition, areadiness to be affected with _fear_. A person of great _timidity_ isconstantly liable to needless _alarm_ and even _terror_. Compare FEAR.


    assurance, calmness, confidence, repose, security.

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    Alarm was felt _in_ the camp, _among_ the soldiers, _at_ the news.

    * * * * *



    active, lively, prepared, vigilant,brisk, nimble, prompt, watchful,hustling, on the watch, ready, wide-awake.

    _Alert_, _ready_, and _wide-awake_ refer to a watchful promptness foraction. _Ready_ suggests thoughtful preparation; the wandering Indian is_alert_, the trained soldier is _ready_. _Ready_ expresses more life andvigor than _prepared_. The gun is _prepared_; the man is _ready_._Prompt_ expresses readiness for appointment or demand at the requiredmoment. The good general is _ready_ for emergencies, _alert_ to perceiveopportunity or peril, _prompt_ to seize occasion. The sense of _brisk_,_nimble_ is the secondary and now less common signification of _alert_.Compare ACTIVE; ALIVE; NIMBLE; VIGILANT.


    drowsy, dull, heavy, inactive, slow, sluggish, stupid.

    * * * * *

    ALIEN, _a._


    conflicting, distant, inappropriate, strange,contradictory, foreign, irrelevant, unconnected,contrary, hostile, opposed, unlike.contrasted, impertinent, remote,

    _Foreign_ refers to difference of birth, _alien_ to difference ofallegiance. In their figurative use, that is _foreign_ which is_remote_, _unlike_, or _unconnected_; that is _alien_ which is_conflicting_, _hostile_, or _opposed_. _Impertinent_ and _irrelevant_matters can not claim consideration in a certain connection;_inappropriate_ matters could not properly be considered. Compare ALIEN,_n._; CONTRAST, _v._


    akin, apropos, germane, proper,appropriate, essential, pertinent, relevant.


    Such a purpose was alien _to_ (or _from_) my thought: _to_ preferable.

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    * * * * *

    ALIEN, _n._


    foreigner, stranger.

    A naturalized citizen is not an _alien_, though a _foreigner_ by birth,and perhaps a _stranger_ in the place where he resides. A person offoreign birth not naturalized is an _alien_, though he may have beenresident in the country a large part of a lifetime, and ceased to be a_stranger_ to its people or institutions. He is an _alien_ in onecountry if his allegiance is to another. The people of any country stillresiding in their own land are, strictly speaking, _foreigners_ to thepeople of all other countries, rather than _aliens_; but _alien_ and_foreigner_ are often used synonymously.


    citizen, fellow-countryman, native-born inhabitant,

    countryman, native, naturalized person.


    Aliens _to_ (more rarely _from_) our nation and laws; aliens _in_ ourland, _among_ our people.

    * * * * *



    akin, equivalent, kindred, same,analogous, homogeneous, like, similar,equal, identical, resembling, uniform.

    _Alike_ is a comprehensive word, signifying as applied to two or moreobjects that some or all qualities of one are the same as those of theother or others; by modifiers _alike_ may be made to express more orless resemblance; as, these houses are somewhat (_i. e._, partially)_alike_; or, these houses are exactly (_i. e._, in all respects)_alike_. Cotton and wool are _alike_ in this, that they can both bewoven into cloth. Substances are _homogeneous_ which are made up of

    elements of the _same_ kind, or which are the _same_ in structure. Twopieces of iron may be _homogeneous_ in material, while not _alike_ insize or shape. In geometry, two triangles are _equal_ when they can belaid over one another, and fit, line for line and angle for angle; theyare _equivalent_ when they simply contain the same amount of space. An_identical_ proposition is one that says the same thing precisely insubject and predicate. _Similar_ refers to close resemblance, which yetleaves room for question or denial of complete likeness or identity. Tosay "this is the _identical_ man," is to say not merely that he is_similar_ to the one I have in mind, but that he is the very _same_

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    person. Things are _analogous_ when they are _similar_ in idea, plan,use, or character, tho perhaps quite unlike in appearance; as, the gillsof fishes are said to be _analogous_ to the lungs in terrestrialanimals.


    different, dissimilar, distinct, heterogeneous, unlike.


    The specimens are alike _in_ kind; they are all alike _to_ me.

    * * * * *



    active, breathing, live, quick,alert, brisk, lively, subsisting,

    animate, existent, living, vivacious.animated, existing,

    _Alive_ applies to all degrees of life, from that which shows one to bebarely _existing_ or _existent_ as a living thing, as when we say he isjust _alive_, to that which implies the very utmost of vitality andpower, as in the words "he is all _alive_," "thoroughly _alive_." So theword _quick_, which began by signifying "having life," is now mostlyapplied to energy of life as shown in swiftness of action. _Breathing_is capable of like contrast. We say of a dying man, he is still_breathing_; or we speak of a _breathing_ statue, or "_breathing_ andsounding, beauteous battle," TENNYSON _Princess_ can. v, l. 155, whereit means having, or seeming to have, full and vigorous breath, abundant

    life. Compare ACTIVE; ALERT; NIMBLE.


    dead, defunct, dull, lifeless,deceased, dispirited, inanimate, spiritless.


    Alive _in_ every nerve; alive _to_ every noble impulse; alive _with_fervor, hope, resolve; alive _through_ all his being.

    * * * * *



    alleviate, compose, quiet, still,appease, mollify, soothe, tranquilize.

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