English Sayings

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  • 8/19/2019 English Sayings


    A bad tree does notyield good apples.

    A bad parent does not raise good children.

    A bad workman blameshis tools.

    Blaming the tools for bad workmanship is an excuse for lack ofskill.

    A bird in hand is worthtwo ina bush.

    It is better to keep what you have rather than to risk losing it bysearching for something better.

    A broken friendshipmay be soldered butwill never be sound.

    Friendships can be rebuilt after a dispute but will never be asstrong as before.

    A burden of one's ownchoice is not felt.

    Something difficult seems easier when it is done voluntarily.

    A burnt child dreads thefire.

    A bad experience will make people stay away from certainthings.

    A cat has nine lives. 1 !ats can survive many accidents because they land on their

    feet without in"ury.# $ine lives % & years to play' & years to stray' & years to stay.

    A chain is no strongerthan its weakest link.

    (he strength of a group depends on each individual member.

    A change is as good asa rest.

    A change in routine is often as refreshing as a break or aholiday.

    A dry March, a wet Apriland a cool May fill barnand cellar and bringmuch hay.

    )arvest predictions are made according to the weather.

    A fault confessed is half redressed. !onfession is the beginning of forgiveness.

    A flower blooms morethan once.

    If you miss an occasion' you can avail yourself of it anothertime.

    A fool and his moneyare (soon) easily parted.

    A foolish person usually spends money carelessly.

    A fool at forty is a foolforever.

    If a person hasn*t matured by the age of +,' they never will.

    A friend in need is afriend indeed.

    Someone who helps you when you are in trouble is a realfriend.

    A friend to all is a friendto none. Someone who is a friend to everyone makes none of them feelspecial.A friend's eye is a goodmirror.

    A real friend will tell you the truth.

    A good example is thebest sermon.

    -iving a good example is better than giving advice.

    A good beginning If a task is carefully planned' there*s a better chance that it will

  • 8/19/2019 English Sayings


    makes a good end. be well done.A good conscience is asoft pillow.

    ou sleep well when you have nothing to be guilty about.

    A guilty conscienceneeds no accuser.

    If you know that you have done something wrong' you don*tneed anyone to tell you that you*re guilty.

    A leopard cannotchange its spots.

    It is impossible for a bad or unpleasant person to become goodor pleasant.

    A loaded wagon makesno noise.

    /eally wealthy people do not talk about money.

    A loveless life is livingdeath.

    0ithout affection' life is difficult.

    A man can die but once. If death comes now' you will not have to e xperience it later.A man is as old as hefeels himself to be.

    our age doesn*t matter as long as you are fit and healthy.

    A man is known by thecompany he keeps.

    A person*s character is "udged by the type of people with whomthey spend their time.

    A monkey in silk is amonkey no less.

    $o matter how someone dresses' it*s the same personunderneath.

    A new broom sweepsclean.

    A newly appointed person makes changes energetically.

    A problem shared is aproblem halved.

    It is easier to deal with a problem when you discuss it withsomeone.

    A problem shared is aproblem halved.

    It is easier to deal with a problem when you discuss it withsomeone.

    A rising tide lifts allboats.

    /efers to something that will be helpful to all.

    (A) rolling stonegathers no moss

    If a person keeps moving from place to place' they gain neitherfriends nor possessions.

    Another interpretation is that' by moving often' one avoids beingtied down2

    A rotten apple spoilsthe barrel.

    A dishonest or immoral person can have a bad influence on agroup.

    A smooth sea nevermade a skilled mariner.

    3vercoming adversity leads to competence.

    A stitch in time savesnine.

    It*s better to deal with a problem at an early stage so as toprevent it from getting worse.

    A stumble may preventa fall.

    !orrecting a small mistake may help you to avoid making abigger one.

    A swallow does notmake the summer.

    3ne good event does not mean that everything is alright.

    A watched pot neverboils.

    If you wait anxiously for something to happen' it seems to take along time.

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    A young idler, an oldbeggar.

    If you don*t work' you won*t have any money when you*re old.

    Absence makes theheart grow fonder

    0hen you are away from someone you love' you love themeven more.

    Accidents will happen Some unfortunate events must be accepted as inevitable.Actions speak louderthan words

    0hat a person actually does is more important than what theysay they will do.

    Advice is cheap It doesn*t cost anything to offer advice.Advice is least heededwhen most needed.

    0hen a problem is serious' people often do not follow theadvice given.

    Advisors run no risks. It*s easier to give advice than to act.All cats are grey in thedark.

    4eople are undistinguished until they have made a name forthemselves.

    After dinner rest awhile, after supper walka while.

    .5inner is called *lunch* nowadays' and supper has become*dinner*.

    All days are short toindustry and long toidleness.

    (ime goes by slowly when you have nothing to do.

    All good things come tothose who wait.

    If you are patient you will be rewarded.

    All that glitters is notgold.

    Appearances can be deceptive.

    All is fair in love andwar.

    (hings that are done in love or war can often be excused.

    All's well that ends well. (here is a solution to everthing even if there are doubts.All things grow withtime except grief.

    As time goes by' grief subsides little by little.

    All things are difficultbefore they are easy.

    0ith practice everything becomes easier.

    All work and no playmakes !ack a dull boy.

    6verybody needs a certain amount of relaxation. It is not goodto work all the time.

    An apple a day keepsthe doctor away.

    6ating an apple every day can help to keep you healthy.3ther interpretation7 A small preventive treatment wards offserious problems.

    An empty pursefrightens away friends.

    0hen one*s financial situation deteriorates' friends tend todisappear.

    An "nglishman's homeis his castle

    An 6nglishman*s home is a place where he feels safe' en"oysprivacy and can do as he wishes.

    An idle brain is thedevil's workshop

    .0hen you are busy working' you avoid temptation.

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    An onion a day keepseveryone away.

    A humoristic version of 8an apple a day...8

    An ounce of preventionis worth a pound ofcure.

    It is easier to prevent something from happening than to repairthe damage or cure the disease later.

    Anger is the one thingmade better by delay.

    0hen you are angry' it is best not to speak or act immediately.

    Any time means notime.

    If the date of an event remains vague' it will never happen.

    April showers bringMay flowers.

    Something bad or unpleasant today may bring good things inthe future.

    As you sow, so shallyou reap.

    ou have to accept the conse9uences of your actions.

    Ask me no #uestion, $'lltell you no lies.

    (here are sub"ects one would rather not discusss.

    %ad news travels fast. 4eople tend to circulate bad news :accidents' illness' etc.very 9uickly.

    (A) bad tree does not yieldgood apples.

    A bad parent does not raise good children.

    (A) bad workman blameshis tools.

    Blaming tools for bad workmanship is an excuse for lack ofskill.

    %eauty is only skin deep. A person*s character is more important than theirappearance.

    %eauty is in the eye of thebeholder. 5ifferent people have different tastes.

    %eauty is the wisdom ofwomen.&isdom is the beauty ofmen.

    $o comment2

    %e swift to hear, slow tospeak. ;isten carefully before speaking.

    %etter be alone than in bad

    company.Be carerful in the choice of the people you associate with.

    %etter be the head of a dogthan the tail of a lion.

    It*s better to be the leader of a small group than asubordinate in a bigger one.

    %etter flatter a fool thanfight him. It*s better to avoid disputes with stupid people.

    %etter to drink the milkthan to eat the cow.

    Be careful not to destroy the source of your income orwelfare.

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    %etter the devil you knowthan the devil you don'tknow.

    It*s better to deal with someone difficult but familiar thanchange and risk dealing with somebody worse.

    %etter late than never. It*s better to do something' even if it*s late' than not do it atall.

    %etter lose the saddle thanthe horse.

    It*s better to stop and accept a small loss than continue andrisk losing everything.

    %etter safe than sorry. It*s better to be too careful than to be careless and regret itlater.

    %etter be untaught than illtaught. It*s better not to be taught at all than to be taught badly.

    %eware of reeks bearinggifts. 5on*t trust your enemies.

    (A) bird in hand is worthtwo in a bush.

    It*s better to keep what you have than to risk losing it bysearching for something else.

    %irds of a feather flocktogether. 4eople of the same sort are usually found together.

    %lood is thicker than water. Family relationships are stronger than relationships withother people.

    %lood will out. A person*s background or education will eventually show.(A) broken friendship maybe soldered but it will never be sound.

    Friendships can be rebuilt after a dispute but will never beas strong as before.

    (A) burden of one's ownchoice is not felt. Something difficult seems easier when it is done voluntarily.

    (A) burnt child dreads thefire.

    A bad experience will make people stay away from certainthings.

    (A) cat has nine lives. 1 !ats can survive many accidents because they land on their feet without in"ury.# $ine lives % & years to play' & years to stray'

    & years to stay.

    (A) chain is no stronger than itsweakest link.

    (he strength of a group depends on eachindividual member.

    (A) change is as good as a rest. A change in routine is often as refreshing as abreak or a holiday.

    harity begins at home. A person*s first duty is to help and care for hisown family.

    hildren and fools tell the truth. $either children nor fools know that it issometimes advantageous to lie.

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    leanliness is next to godliness. A clean body is "ust as important as a pure soul.

    lear moon, frost soon. If the atmosphere is clear' frost may form.

    lothes don't make the man. Appearances can be deceiving.

    onstant occupation preventstemptation.

    0hen you are busy working' you avoidtemptation.

    ead men tell no lies. A dead person cannot cause difficulties by revealingsomething that it would be preferable to conceal.

    iamonds cut diamonds. /efers to two people e9ually matched in wit or cunning.

    iligence is the mother ofgood fortune. )ard work brings rewards.

    iscretion is the better partof valour. It is useless to take unnecessary risks.

    iseases of the soul aremore dangerous than thoseof the body.

    (hought to refer to mental and emotional disorder orspiritual torment as opposed to bodily pain.

    istance makes the heartgrow fonder.

    0hen you are separated from the person you love' yourfeelings are even stronger.

    ogs of the same streetbark alike.

    4eople of the same background have the samebehaviour.

    on't bark if you can't bite. 5on*t complain if you can*t enforce your point of view.

    on't count your chickensbefore they're hatched.

    ou must not be too confident that something will besuccessful.

    on't dig your grave withour own knife and fork.

    5on*t do something yourself that causes hyour owndownfall.

    on't *udge a book by itscover. 5on*t "udge by appearances.

    (A) dry March, a wet Apriland a cool May may fill barnand cellar and bring muchhay.

    )arvest predictions according to the weather.

    "arly to bed, and early to rise,makes a man healthy, wealthyand wise.

    It is much better for you to go to bed early and to get upearly in the morning<

    "asier said than done. 0hat is suggested sounds easy' but it is more difficult to

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    actually do it."lbow grease is the bestpolish. )ard work gives the best results.

    "mpty vessels make the mostnoise.

    (he least intelligent people are often the most talkativeor noisy.

    (An) emply purse frightensaway friends.

    0hen one*s financial situation deteriorates' friends tendto disappear.

    (An) "nglishman's home ishis castle.

    An 6nglishman*s home is a place where he feels safe'en"oys privacy and can do as he wishes.

    "very ass likes to hearhimself bray. 4eople like to listen to themselves talking.

    "very cloud has a silverlining. (here is a positive or hopeful side to every situation.

    "very man for himself. ou must think of your own interests before the interestsof others.

    "very man has his price. 6veryone*s loyalty can be bought for a price."very man is the architect ofhis own fortune. ;ife is what you make it.

    "very path has its puddle. 4rogress is rarely without difficulty."very rose has its thorn. 6very good thing has an unpleasant side."very why has a wherefore. (here is an explanation for everything."verything in the garden isrosy. 6verything is satisfactory.

    "xperience is the father ofwisdom. 6xperience and knowledge result in better "udgement.

    +acts speak louder thanwords

    4eople show what they are really like by what they do' ratherthan by what they say.

    +ailure teaches success. 4eople can learn from their failures and be successful lateron.

    +alse friends are worsethan open enemies.

    It*s better to know who your real enemies are rather than trustsomeone who pretends to be a friend but is capable ofstabbing you in the back.

    +amiliarity breedscomtempt

    =nowing someone very well can lead to a lack of respect forthem.

    (A) fault confessed ishalf redressed. !onfession is the beginning of forgiveness.

    +ine words butter no $o amount of talking can replace action.

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    parsnips+irst come, first served. (he first person in the line will be attended to first.A flower blooms morethan once.

    If you miss an occasion' you can avail yourself of it anothertime.

    A fool and his money are(soon) easily parted.

    A foolish person usually spends money carelessly.

    A fool at forty is a foolforever.

    If a person hasn*t matured by the age of +,' they never will.

    +ool me once, shame onyou fool me twice,shame on me.

    3ne should learn from one*s mistakes.

    +ools rush in whereangels fear to tread.

    Inexperienced people become involved in situations that moreintelligent people would avoid.

    A friend in need is afriend indeed.

    Someone who helps you when you are in trouble is a realfriend.

    A friend to all is a friendto none.

    Someone who is a friend to everyone makes none of themfeel special.

    A friend's eye is a goodmirror.

    A real friend will tell you the truth.

    +riendship is love withunderstanding. A friend is more tolerant than a lover>partner>spouse?

    ardens are not made bysittiing in the shade. $othing is achieved without effort.

    ive someone an inch andthey will take a mile (or yard)

    -ive someone a little and they will want more somepeople are never satisfied.

    ive someone enough ropeand they will hangthemselves.

    -ive someone enough time and freedom and they willget into trouble.

    od helps those who helpthemselves.

    Success comes to those who make a real effort toachieve it.

    ood accounting makesgood friends.

    ou will keep your friends if you avoid disputes overmoney.

    ood and #uickly seldommeet. A well done "ob takes time.

    (A) good conscience is asoft pillow.

    ou sleep well when you have nothing to feel guiltyabout.

    ood management is betterthan good income. Income can be lost if it is used carelessly.

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    reat minds think alike. Intelligent people very often have the same idea at thesame time.

    reat oaks grow from smallacorns. ;arge successful operations can begin in a small way.

    rief divided is made lighter. If you share your grief' it will be easier to bear.(A) guilty conscience needsno accuser.

    If you know that you have done something wrong' youdon*t need anyone to tell you that you*re guilty.

    -alf a loaf is better than none

    ou should be grateful for something' even if it is not as much asyou wanted.

    -ard wordsbreaks no bones.

    !riticism or verbal attacks may be unpleasant but will not killanyone.

    -aste makeswaste

    If something is done too 9uickly' it may be done carelessly andneed to be redone.

    -atred is as blindas love.

    A person who feels hatred does not see any 9ualities in the personhe>she hates.

    -e can whobelieves he can. If you believe you can do something' you will be able to do it.

    -e has enoughwho is content. A happy person needs nothing more.

    -e who hesitatesis lost.

    If you delay your decision too long' you may miss a goodopportunity.

    -e who iseverywhere isnowhere.

    It*s not good to do too many things at the same time.

    -e who knownothing doubtsnothing.

    =nowledge leads us to make choices.

    -e who pays thepiper calls thetune.

    (he person who provides the money for something should controlhow it is spent.

    -e who plays withfire gets burnt. If you behave in a risky way' you are likely to have problems.

    -e who wills theend wills themeans.

    If you are determined to do something you will find a way.

    -e laughs best 5on*t express your "oy' or triumph' too soon.

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    who laughs last.

    -ealth is betterthan wealth. It*s better to be in good health than to be rich.

    -ome is where the

    heart is. ou call home the place where the people you love are.-onesty is thebest policy. It*s always better to be honest.

    -oney catchesmore flies thanvinegar.

    ou can obtain more cooperation from others by being nice.

    -owever long thenight, the dawnwill break.

    Bad things don*t last forever.

    -unger is a goodsauce. All food tastes good when you are hungry.

    (An) idle brain isthe devil'sworkshop.

    0hen you are busy working you avoid temptation.

    $n times ofprosperity friendsare plentiful.

    ou have many friends when you have no difficulties.

    $f a camel gets his

    nose in a tent, hisbody will follow.

    If you let something intrusive enter your life' your life will becomedifficult.

    $f in +ebruarythere be no rain,'tis neither goodfor hay nor grain.

    4lants and grains will grow badly if there is no rain in early spring.

    $f you are patientin one moment ofanger, you willavoid // days of


    Avoid regrets by taking the time to think before speaking or actingangrily.

    $f you chase tworabbits, you willnot catch eitherone.

    If you try to do two things at the same time' you will not succeed indoing either of them.

    $f two ride a horse,one must ride

    0hen two prople do something together' one will be the leader andthe other will be the subordinate.

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    $f you want afriend, be a friend. Friendship must be reciprocal.

    $f wishes were

    horses, thenbeggars wouldride.

    0ishing alone is of no use< you must act as well.

    $gnorance is bliss. 4ossible interpretation7 what you do not know causes no worry orsadness.

    $n for a penny, infor a pound.

    If you start something' it is better to spend the time or moneynecessary to complete it.

    $n the land of theblind the one eyed

    man is king.

    A man of even limited ability has an advantage over a person whois less able.

    $t never rains but itpours. @isfortune usually comes in large numbers.

    $t is alwaysdarkest before thedawn.

    (he most difficult time is "ust before the problem is solved.

    $t's no use cryingover spilt milk.

    5on*t express regret for something that has happened and cannotbe remedied.

    $t takes all sorts to

    make a world.4eople vary in character and abilities' and this is a good thing.

    !ustice delayed is *ustice denied. If the law is applied too late' there is no "ustice.

    0ill one to warn ahundred. 0arn many by punishing a few.

    0ill the goose thatlays the goldenegg.

    5estroy something that would be a source of wealth or success.

    0indness begets

    kindness.If you are kind to someone' they will return your kindness.

    0nowledge inyouth is wisdomin age.

    0hat you learn when you are young will be invaluable when yourgrow old.

    0nowledge ispower.

    It is easier to make progeess or be successful if you are educatedor possess a lot of information.

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    1earn to walk before you


    5on*t rush into doing something before youw know how

    to do it.1earning is a treasure thatwill follow its ownereverywhere.

    6ducation is something that you keep forever.

    1east said soonest mended. (he more discreet you are' the less damage you cause.

    (A) leopard cannot changeits spots.

    It is impossible for a bad or unpleasant person tobecome good or pleasant.

    1et bygones be bygones. ;et*s forgive and forget past 9uarrels.

    1et the chips fall where theymay. 0e should not try to control our destiny.

    1iars need good memories. 4eople who do not tell the truth must be careful toremember what they say.

    1ightning never strikes inthe same place twice.

    An unusual event is not likely to occur again in exactlythe same circumstances.

    1ike father, like son. A son*s character can be expected to resemble hisfather*s.

    1ittle strokes fell good oaks. If you divide a task into small parts' it become easier to

    do.(A) loaded wagon makes nonoise. /eally wealthy people do not talk about money.

    1ook before you leap. !onsider possible conse9uences before taking action.

    1oose lips sink ships. 5isclosing important information :to the enemy or acompetitor could result in large losses.

    1osers weepers, finderskeepers.

    If you lose something you lament' if you find somethingyou keep it.

    1ove is blind. A person in love does not see the faults of the personhe>she loves.

    (A) loveless life is a livingdeath. 0ithout affection' life is difficult.

    Make a silk purseout of a sow's

    @anage to product something good using poor material.

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    Man is the headof the family andwoman is theneck that turnsthe head.

    $o comment2

    Man proposes,od disposes.

    3ur destiny depends on -od*s will.

    (A) man can diebut once.

    If death comes now' you will not have to experience it later.

    (A) man is as oldas he feelshimself to be.

    our age doesn*t matter as long as you are fit and healthy.

    (A) man is knownby the companyhe keeps.

    A person*s character is "udged by the type of people with whom theyspend their time.

    Manners makethe man.

    4ossibly7 a person*s manners show their origins.

    Many handsmake light work. Sharing work makes the task easier.

    Marry in haste,repent as leisure.

    If you get married too 9uickly' you may spend your whole liferegretting it.

    Memory is thetreasure of themind.

    A good memory is very precious.

    Men makehouses, womenmake homes.

    0omen give a house its comfort and character.

    Might as well behanged for asheep as (for) alamb.

    If the penalty is going to be same' you might as well commit thegreater offence.

    Money begetsmoney. If you have money you can make more money.

    Money doesn'tgrow on trees.

    ou should not waste money because it is not plentiful or obtainedeasily.

    A monkey in silkis a monkey no

    $o matter how someone dresses' it*s the same person underneath.

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    2ecessity is themother ofinvention.

    (he need for something forces people to find a way of obtaining it.

    2eed teaches aplan.

    $ecessity will make you find a solution.

    2ever put off tilltomorrow whatcan be donetoday.

    5on*t postpone until later something you can do now.

    2ever say die. $ever give up.

    A new broomsweeps clean.

    A newly appointed person makes changes energetically.

    2obody isperfect.

    It is understandable not to be perfect or to make occasionalmistakes.

    2o man canserve twomasters.

    It*s impossible to follow instructions from two different sources.

    2o man is anisland.

    0e all need other people.

    2o news is goodnews.

    If the news was bad' we would hear of it. Since we have heardnothing' we can assume that all is well.

    2o smokewithout fire.

    (here could be some truth in the rumour ...

    2o wind, nowaves.

    Similar to *no smoke without fire*.

    2othing venturednothing gained.

    ou cannot expect to achieve anything if you take no risks.

    3nce bitten,twice shy.

    After an unpleasant experience' people are careful to avoidsomething simimar.

    3ne father is(worth) morethan a hundredschoolmasters.

    A teacher cannot replace a father. A child is raised by a father and taught by a teacher.

    3ne good turndeservesanother.

    ou should be helpful to someone who helps you.

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    3ne of thesedays is none ofthese days.

    ntil a date is set' *one of these days* remains a vague promise.

    3ne today isworth twotomorrows.

    0hat you have today is better than what is promised or hoped for.

    3ne man's meatis another man'spoison.

    4eople don*t always like the same things.

    3ne man's trashis another man'streasure.

    0hat is useless to one person could be valuable to another.

    3ne swallowdoesn't make asummer.

    A single satisfactory event does not mean that all the others will beas good.

    An onion a daykeeps everyoneaway.

    A humoristic version of 8an apple a day...8

    3nly real friendswill tell youwhen your faceis dirty.

    3nly a real friend will tell you the truth.

    3pportunityseldom knockstwice.

    5on*t miss opportunities that come along.

    An ounce ofprevention isworth a pound of cure.

    It is easier to prevent something from happening than to repair thedamage or cure the disease later.

    3ut of the mouthof babes andsucklings.

    !hildren often speak wisely.

    3ut of sight, outof mind.

    0e tend to forget people or things that we do not see.

    4enny wise,pound foolish.

    /efers to a person who is careful about spending small amounts ofmoney' but not careful about spending large amounts.

    4eople who livein glass houses

    3ne should not critici e others for faults similar to one*s own and riskretaliaton.

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    should not throwstones.

    4ity is akin tolove.

    If you begin to feel sorry for someone' you may start to love them.

    4overty waits atthe gates ofidleness.

    If you do not work' you will not earn any money.

    4ractice makesperfect.

    5oing something repeatedly is the only way to become good at it.

    4ractice whatyou preach.

    5o yourself what you advise others to do.

    4revention isbetter than cure.

    It is easier to prevent something from happening than to repair thedamage or cure the disease later.

    4ride comesbefore a fall.

    5on*t be too self confident or proud< something may happen to makeyou look foolish.

    A problemshared is aproblem halved.

    It is easier to deal with a problem when you discuss it with someone.

    4rocrastinationis the thief oftime.

    5elaying an ction for too long is a waste of time.

    4unctuality is the

    soul of business.

    ou should always be on time for your business appointments.

    4ut all your eggsin one basket.

    /isk everything by relying on one plan :e.g. by putting all one*smoney into one business .

    5evenge issweet.

    (here is satisfaction in returning an in"ury.

    (A) rising tidelifts all boats.

    /efers to something that will be helpful to all.

    (A) rolling stonegathers no moss

    If a person keeps moving from place to place' they gain neitherfriends nor possessions.

    Another interpretation is that' by moving often' one avoids being tieddown2

    5ome was notbuilt in a day.

    It takes time to a "ob properly. ou should not expect to do it 9uickly.

    (A) rotten applespoils the barrel.

    A dishonest or immoral person can have a bad influence on a group.

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    6ave me from myfriends.

    Friends can be more dangerous than enemies.

    6aying is onething, doing isanother.

    4eople don*t always do what they announce.

    6hort reckoningsmake longfriends.

    5ebts paid 9uickly encourage friendhsip.

    6ickness in thebody bringssadness to themind.

    4hysical suffering can lead to sadness or depression.

    6ilence givesconsent.

    If you don*t ob"ect something' it is assumed that you agree with it.

    A smooth seanever made askilled mariner.

    3vercoming adversity leads to competence.

    6nug as a bug ina rug.

    Feeling very comfortable.

    6pare the rodand spoil thechild.

    If you don*t punish a child when he does wrong' you will spoil hischaracter.

    6ticks andstones wil breakmy bones butnames will neverhurt me.

    4hysical attacks may harm me' but cruel words will not.

    6till waters rundeep.

    A 9uiet person with a calm outward appearance can have muchknowledge or wisdom.

    (A) stitch in timesaves nine.

    It*s better to deal with a problem at an early stage so as to prevent itfrom getting worse.

    (A) stumble may

    prevent a fall.

    !orrecting a small mistake may help you to avoid making a bigger

    one.(A) swallow doesnot make thesummer.

    3ne good event does not mean that everything is alright.

    6tolen fruit is thesweetest.

    0hat is forbidden is the most tempting.

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    7all oaks growfrom littleacorns.

    -reat things may come from small beginnings.

    7he appledoesn't fall farfrom the tree.

    !hildren resemble their parents.

    7he best adviceis found on thepillow.

    A good night*s sleep may help us find an answer to our problem.

    7he best thingsin life are free.

    ou don*t have to pay for what is important7 happiness' friendship'good health.

    7he darkest hour is *ust beforedawn.

    (he most difficult moment is "ust before a problem is solved.

    7he devil looksafter his own.

    Success comes to those who deserve it least.

    7he devil makeswork for idlehands.

    4eople who have no work' or are idle' often get into trouble.

    7he die is cast. A decision has been made and it is impossible to change it.

    7he early birdcatches theworm.

    If you want to do something successfully' you should do it as soon asyou can.

    7he end *ustifiesthe means.

    0rong or unfair methods may be used if the result of the action isgood.

    7he first step isthe hardest.

    (he most difficult part of an action is the beginning.

    7he more haste,the less speed.

    A person makes more progress if they take time to do thingscarefully.

    7he more youhave, the moreyou want.

    4eople have a constant desire to possess more.

    7he mouse thathas but one holeis #uickly taken.

    If you depend on "ust one thing' and it fails' you have no alternatives.

    7he pen ismightier than thesword.

    0ords and comunication have a greater effect than war and fighting.

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    7he proof of thepudding is in theeating.

    (he real value of something can be "udged only after it has beentried or tested.

    7he road to hellis paved withgood intentions.

    It is not enough to intend to do something' you must actually do it.

    7he tonguewounds morethan a lance.

    Insults can be more hurtful than physical in"uries.

    7he truth is inthe wine.

    4eople speak more freely under the influence of alcohol.

    7he way to aman's heart isthough hisstomach.

    Feed a man well and he will love you.

    7he wish isfather to thethought.

    ou think that something is true because you want it to be so.

    7here is a blacksheep in everyflock.

    (here is always someone who doesn*t behave or perform like theothers.

    7here is a trick inevery trade.

    (here is an established way of doing things.

    7here is no foollike an old fool.

    An older person is expected to behave more sensibly.

    7here is safety innumbers.

    Being in a crowd makes you feel more confident.

    7ime and tidewait for no man.

    5elaying a decision will not prevent events from taking place.

    7ime has wings. (ime goes by 9uickly.

    7ime is money. (ime is valuable and should not be wasted.

    7o err is human,to forgive divine. It is human nature to make mistakes' therefore one should forgivethem.

    7oo many cooksspoil the broth.

    If too many people are involved in something' it will not be doneproperly.

    7oo much bedmakes a dullhead.

    0hen you sleep too much' you are not able to think clearly.

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    A tree is knownby its fruit.

    A person is "udged by their actions.

    7rust not ahorse's heel nora dog's tooth.

    A horse kicks from behind' a dog attacks with its teeth.

    7ruth has noanswer.

    ou cannot argue against facts or refute what is true.

    7ruth is strangerthan fiction.

    6vents in real life are often stranger than in fiction.

    7wo wrongsdon't make aright.

    It is wrong to harm someone because they have harmed you.

    8nion is strength A group has more force than an individual.

    8nwillingnesseasily finds anexcuse.

    A person who doesn*t want to do something always finds a reason toavoid it.

    9ariety is thespice of life.

    5oing a lot of different things makes life more interesting.

    9irtue is its ownreward.

    ou should not expect praise for acting in a correct or moral way.

    &alls have ears. Be careful. 4eople could be listening.

    &aste not, wantnot.

    If you never waste anything' you will have is when you need it.

    A watched potnever boils.

    If you wait anxiously for something to happen' it seems to take along time.

    &hat the eyedoesn't see, theheart doesn'tgrieve over.

    If a person doesn*t know about something' it cannot hurt them.

    &hat a man saysdrunk, he thinks


    4eople speak more freely under the influence of alcohol.

    &hat sobernessconceals,drunkennessreveals.

    4eople are less discreet under the influence of alcohol.

    &hen the cat'saway, the mice

    4eople sometimes misbehave when the person in authority' isabsent.

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    &hen in 5ome,do as the5omans do.

    ou should adopt the customs of the people or country you arevisiting and behave in the same way.

    &hen povertycomes in thedoor, love goesout the window.

    0hen a couple loses everything' their relationship becomes difficult.

    &here there's lifethere's hope.

    As long as a person is breathing' there is hope for recovery.

    &here there's awill there's a way.

    If you are determined to do something' you will find a way to do it.

    &ho makes

    himself a sheepwill be eaten bythe wolves.

    4ossible interpretation7 an easily influenced person can be mislead.

    &isdom is betterthan strength.

    It is preferable to use one*s intelligence than one*s physical strength.

    &onders willnever cease:

    6xpresses surprise at an unexpected pleasure or event.

    &orry oftengives a smallthing a bigshadow.

    0orrying over small details can make them seem worse.

    ;ou are what youeat.

    0hat you eat has an effect on your well being.

    ;ou are nevertoo old to learn.

    ou can always learn something new' no matter how old you are.

    ;ou can lead ahorse to waterbut you can'tmake it drink.

    ou can offer somebody an opportunity to do something but youcan*t force them to do it.

    ;ou can't teachan old dog newtricks.

    A person who is used to doing things a certain way cannot change.

    ;ou never knowwhat you can dountil you try.

    (ry first before deciding not to do something.

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    ;ou scratch myback and $'llscratch yours.

    ou help me and I*ll help you.

    (A) young idler,an old beggar.

    If you don*t work' you won*t have any money when you*re old.