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1. the acid test a situation or event which finally proves whether something is good or bad, true or false, etc.2. there's no accounting for tastes it's impossible to explain why different people like different things, especially those things which the speaker considers unappealing, proverb3. ahead of the game ahead of your competitors or peers in the same sphere of activity.4. up in the air (of a plan or issue) still to be settled; unresolved.5. up (or raise) the ante increase what is at stake or under discussion, especially in a conflict or dispute.6. apple of discord a subject of dissension.7. the apple of your eye a person or thing of whom you are extremely fond and proud8. apples and oranges (of two people or things) irreconcilably or fundamentally different.9. cost an arm and a leg be extremely expensive,10. with open arms with great affection or enthusiasm.11. back to the drawing board used to indicate that an idea or scheme has been unsuccessful and a new one must be devised.12. back to square one back to the starting point, with no progress made.13. by the back door using indirect or dishonest means to achieve an objective.14. take a back seat take or be given a less important position or role.15. bag and baggage with all your belongings.16. Get/start the ball rolling set an activity in motion,make a start.17. the ball is in someone's court it is that particular person's turn to act next.18. banana republic a small tropical state, especially one in central America, whose economy is regarded as wholly dependent on its fruit-exporting trade. Derogatory19. under the banner of Q claiming to support a particular cause or set of ideas. as part of a particular group or organization.20. jump on the bandwagon join others in doing something or supporting a cause that is fashionable or likely to be successful21. bell the cat take the danger of a shared enterprise upon yourself.22. a bird's-eye view a general view from above23. bite your tongue make a desperate effort to avoid saying something.24. bite the bullet face up to doing something difficult or unpleasant; stoically avoid showing fear or distress.25. bite the hand that feeds you deliberately hurt or offend a benefactor; act ungratefully26. my heart bleeds for you I sympathize very deeply with you.27. a blessing in disguise an apparent misfortune that eventually has good results.28. turn a blind eye pretend not to notice.29. a blind date a social meeting, usually with the object of starting a romance, between two people who have not met each other before.30. a blind spot Q an area into which you cannot see. an aspect of something that someone knows or cares little about31. make your blood boil infuriate you32. taste blood achieve an early success that stimulates further efforts33. have blood on your hands be responsible for the death of someone34. burn your bridges- commit yourself irrevocably35. look on the bright side be optimistic or cheerful in spite of difficulties.36. too many cooks spoil the broth37. pass the buck shift the responsibility for something to someone else,38. buy time adopt tactics which delay an event temporarily so as to have longer to improve your own position39. by and large on the whole; everything considered40. let bygones be bygones forgive and forget past offences or causes of conflict.41. a piece of cake something easily achieved42. hold all the cards be in the strongest or most advantageous position.43. on the cards possible or likely.44. play your cards right make the best use of your assets and opportunities45. fight like cat and dog (of two people) be continually arguing with one another46. build castles in the air have a visionary and unattainable scheme; daydream47. play cat and mouse with manoeuvre in a way designed alternately to provoke and thwart an opponent.48. charity begins at home a person's first responsibility is for the needs of their own family and friends49. a change of heart a move to a different opinion or attitude.50. the cherry on the cake a desirable feature perceived as the finishing touch to something that is already inviting or worth having51. keep your chin up remain cheerful in difficult circumstances52. turn back the clock return to the past or to a previous way of doing things.53. the other side of the coin the opposite or contrasting aspect of a matter