English Master’s Programs Academic Year 2020 / 2021

English Master’s Programs Academc i Year 2020 / 2021

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English Master’s ProgramsAcademic Year 2020 / 2021

Page 2: English Master’s Programs Academc i Year 2020 / 2021

TU9 Mission Statement

TU9 — German Universities of Technology Excellence in Engineering and Science Made in Germany

TU9 is the Alliance of leading Universities of Technology in Germany: RWTH Aachen University, Technische Universität Berlin, Technische Uni­versität Braunschweig, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Technische Univer sität Dresden, Leibniz University Hannover, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Technical University of Munich, and University of Stuttgart.

Tradition, excellence, and innovation are the hallmarks of TU9 Univer­sities. Founded during the Industrial Age, they contributed decisively to technological progress back then and continue to do so today. They enjoy an outstanding reputation around the world as renowned re­search and teaching institutions that promote the transfer of knowl­edge and technology between universities and practice. As such, they train exceptional young academics for careers in science, business, and administration and assume social responsibility. TU9 Universities foster top­class international networks and diverse cooperation with industry, making them a key element of the German science and inno­vation landscape.

The excellent research and teaching at TU9 Universities are based on independence, plurality, and freedom of expression. TU9 Universities have always been places of intellectual and cultural diversity where inter nationalization and integration are a matter of course.

TU9 Universities embody

▪ tradition & innovation, ▪ excellence & interdisciplinarity, ▪ cooperation & competencies, and

the world of tomorrow.

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Study at a TU9 University: Nine Good Reasons

DiversityChoose from over 170 English master’s programs out of more than 1,200 degree programs (BA & MA) in total

researchResearch­focused teaching as a core element of excellent education in an international and inspiring environment

interDisciplinary Work & professional QualificationsStudy and research across disciplines and beyond (with  language and soft skills courses)

theory & practiceGet early insights into various career paths with student internships in research and industry

technology transferSpecial focus on transfer projects and start­up initiatives

career opportunitiesBroad education across disciplines and practical experiences as basis for a wide range of professions in science and the private sector worldwide

internationalityInternational campus, global research collaborations, student exchanges, and joint degree programs

life outsiDe the classroom Study and live: sports, social and cultural events and activities are part of a vibrant lifestyle on campus and beyond

pricelessGermany is a politically stable, safe, and diverse country with excellent study programs and it is one of the world’s most affordable places to study and live (around € 1,000 per month)











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General Requirements

Most of the master’s programs in Germany are two­year programs and subject to admission restrictions. Applicants for the English master’s programs need proficiency in English. Requirements, application dead­lines, and application procedures may vary. For further information on the  specifics for each study program, please contact the respective TU9 University (see individual TU9 Universities’ links on page 5).

To enroll in a master’s program, a first university degree (usually a three- year bachelor’s degree) is required. If you have completed your studies abroad and would like to pursue a master’s degree in Germany, your first university degree must be recognized in Germany.

To know how your first university degree is assessed in Germany, the anabin database (» www.anabin.de) provides an overview (in German).

NoteAll master’s programs listed in this brochure offer a “Master of Science” degree unless stated otherwise.


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Special Information for International Students

All TU9 Universities have International Offices with counseling offers and services for international applicants and students.

On their websites they offer extensive information on study programs, application procedures and admission, student orientation, language and intercultural services, and student life, as well as welcome events.

Please use the QR codes or links below to visit the websites of the TU9 Universities’ International Offices.

RWTH Aachen Universityhttps://t1p.de/tu9­rwth

Technische Universität Berlinhttps://t1p.de/tu9­tub

Technische Universität Braunschweighttps://t1p.de/tu9­tubs

Technische Universität Darmstadthttps://t1p.de/tu9­tuda

Technische Universität Dresdenhttps://t1p.de/tu9­tud

Leibniz Universität Hannoverhttps://t1p.de/tu9­luh

Karlsruhe Institute of  Technologyhttps://t1p.de/tu9­kit

Technical University of Munichhttps://t1p.de/tu9­tum

University of Stuttgarthttps://t1p.de/tu9­ust


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English Master’s Programs

Agriculture & Forest ScienceHorticultural Science@ Technical University of MunichInternational program in cooperation with European partner universitiesInternational Horticulture@ Leibniz University HannoverSustainable Resource Management@ Technical University of MunichTropical Forestry@ Technische Universität DresdenPossible joint degree program in cooper-ation with European partner universities

Architecture, Urban Planning & Civil Engineering

Advanced Computational and Civil Engineering Structural Studies (ACCESS)@ Technische Universität DresdenArchitecture — Typology@ Technische Universität BerlinCartography@ Technische Universität Dresden and Technical University of MunichIn cooperation with TU Wien, Austria, and University of Twente, NetherlandsCivil Engineering@ Technical University of MunichCivil Engineering, with specialization in Advanced Computational Methods in Civil Engineering @ RWTH Aachen University Specialization in English language Computational Mechanics@ Technical University of MunichIn cooperation with Elite Network of Bavaria, GermanyComputational Mechanics of Materials and Structures (COMMAS)@ University of StuttgartGerman language course included in programComputational Methods in Engineering@ Leibniz University Hannover

European Master in Territorial Development (EuMiTD)@ Leibniz University HannoverGeodesy and Geoinformation@ Technical University of MunichInfrastructure Planning (MIP)@ University of StuttgartIntegrated Urbanism and Sustainable Design (IUSD)@ University of StuttgartDouble degree in cooperation with Ain Shams University, Cairo, EgyptIntegrative Technologies and Architec-tural Design Research (ITECH)@ University of StuttgartInternational Cooperation in Urban Development@ Technische Universität DarmstadtPossible double degree program in co­operation with European partner uni­versities in  Barcelona, Spain, Grenoble, France, and Rome, ItalyManagement and Engineering in Struc-tural Engineering and Risk  Management of Industrial Facilities@ RWTH Aachen University Executive program at RWTH Aachen University International Academy in co-operation with Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands (tuition fee)Rail, Transport and Logistics@ Technical University of MunichJoint degree program at GIST-TUM Asia in cooperation with NTU, Singapore (tuition fee)Sustainable Management — Water and Energy@ RWTH Aachen University Sustainable Urban Development@ Technische Universität DarmstadtJoint degree in cooperation with Vietnamese­German University


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Transport Engineering and Mobility, with specialization in Railway Systems Engineering@ RWTH Aachen University Specialization in English language Transportation Systems@ Technical University of MunichUrban Design@ Technische Universität BerlinUrban Development@ Technische Universität Berlin / Campus El GounaPartly takes place at Campus El Gouna, Egypt (tuition fee)Urban Management@ Technische Universität BerlinTuition fee

Biology, Chemistry & MedicineBiochemistry@ Technische Universität DresdenBiodiversity and Collection Management@ Technische Universität DresdenIn cooperation with Senckenberg Society; courses at International Institute Zittau, Germany, and at Senckenberg Institute Görlitz, Germany; internships at Sencken-berg Institutes all over GermanyBiomedical Engineering and Medical Physics@ Technical University of MunichBiomedical Neuroscience@ Technical University of MunichChemical Biotechnology@ Technical University of MunichEcosystem Services@ Technische Universität DresdenIn cooperation with Senckenberg Society; courses at International Institute Zittau, Germany, and at Senckenberg Institute Görlitz, GermanyHealth Science — Prevention and Health Promotion@ Technical University of Munich

Industrial Chemistry@ Technical University of MunichJoint degree program at GIST-TUM Asia in cooperation with NUS, Singapore (tuition fee)Laboratory Animal Science@ RWTH Aachen UniversityAt RWTH Aachen University International Academy (tuition fee)Lasers in Dentistry@ RWTH Aachen UniversityExecutive program at RWTH Aachen University International Academy (tuition fee)Nutrition and Biomedicine@ Technical University of MunichOrganic and Molecular Electronics@ Technische Universität DresdenInterdisciplinary study program com­prising physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, and materials scienceRadiation Biology@ Technical University of MunichRegenerative Biology and Medicine@ Technische Universität DresdenSport and Exercise Science@ Technical University of Munich

Biotechnology, Bioengineering & Medical Engineering

Biomedical Computing@ Technical University of MunichBiomedical Engineering@ RWTH Aachen UniversityChemical Biotechnology@ Technical University of MunichLasers in Dentistry@ RWTH Aachen UniversityExecutive program at RW TH Aachen Uni-versity International Academy (tuition fee)Molecular Bioengineering@ Technische Universität Dresden


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Nanobiophysics@ Technische Universität DresdenPossible joint master’s degree in cooper-ation with European partner universitiesNanoelectronic Systems@ Technische Universität DresdenPossible joint master’s degree in cooper-ation with European partner universitiesSoftware Engineering@ Technical University of MunichIn cooperation with University of Augsburg, Germany

Computer ScienceBig Data Management and Analytics (BDMA)@ Technische Universität BerlinJoint degree program coordinated by Free University of Brussels, BelgiumBiomedical Computing@ Technical University of MunichComputational Linguistics@ University of StuttgartComputational Logic@ Technische Universität DresdenPossible joint master’s degree in cooper-ation with European partner universities (tuition fee)Computational Mechanics@ Technical University of MunichIn cooperation with Elite Network of Bavaria, GermanyComputational Mechanics of Materials and Structures (COMMAS)@ University of StuttgartGerman language course included in programComputational Modeling and Simulation@ Technische Universität DresdenComputational Neuroscience@ Technische Universität BerlinJoint degree program in cooperation with Humboldt­Universität zu Berlin and Charité — Universitätsmedizin Berlin, GermanyComputational Science and Engineering@ Technical University of MunichIn cooperation with Elite Network of Bavaria, Germany

Computational Sciences in Engineering (CSE)@ Technische Universität BraunschweigBilingual program including courses taught in German (German language skills on level A 1 required)Computer Science@ University of StuttgartIncludes elective courses taught in GermanComputer Science@ Technische Universität BerlinComputer Simulations for Science and Engineering (COSSE)@ Technische Universität BerlinJoint degree program in cooperation with European partner universities, coordinated by KTH Stockholm, SwedenData Engineering and Analytics@ Technical University of MunichData Science@ RWTH Aachen University Distributed Software Systems@ Technische Universität DarmstadtDistributed Systems Engineering@ Technische Universität DresdenPossible joint master’s degree in cooper-ation with European partner universitiesGeophysics@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyICT Innovation@ Technische Universität BerlinJoint degree program in cooperation with European partner universities, coordinated by EIT ICT Labs at KTH Stockholm, SwedenInformatics@ Technical University of MunichInformatics: Games Engineering@ Technical University of MunichInformation Systems Engineering and Management (ISEM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School (tuition fee)Information Systems Management@ Technische Universität BerlinLanguage of instruction either English or German


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Media Informatics@ RWTH Aachen UniversityIn cooperation with Bonn Aachen Inter-national Center for Information Technology, Germany; compulsory German language course included in programNeuroengineering@ Technical University of MunichScientific Computing@ Technische Universität BerlinIncludes courses taught in GermanSimulation Sciences@ RWTH Aachen UniversityIn cooperation with German Research School for Simulation Sciences Aachen, GermanySoftware Engineering@ Technical University of MunichIn cooperation with University of Augsburg, GermanySoftware Systems Engineering@ RWTH Aachen University

Economics & ManagementBuilding Sustainability — Management Methods for Energy Efficiency (MBA)@ Technische Universität BerlinTuition feesBusiness and IT (MBA)@ Technical University of MunichExecutive Master of Business AdministrationBusiness Engineering: Energy@ Technische Universität Berlin / Campus El GounaPartly takes place at Campus El Gouna, Egypt (tuition fee)Consumer Science@ Technical University of MunichEconomics and Management@ Leibniz University HannoverDifferent majors, of which three are in English: Development and Environment, Finance, and International Management

Ecosystem Services@ Technische Universität DresdenIn cooperation with Senckenberg Society; courses at International Institute Zittau, Germany, and at Senckenberg Institute Görlitz, GermanyEnergy Engineering and Management (EEM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)Energy Management (MBA)@ Technische Universität BerlinTuition feeFinancial Engineering (FE)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)General Management (MBA)@ Technical University of MunichExecutive Master of Business Administra-tion (tuition fee)Information Systems Engineering and Management (ISEM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School (tuition fee)Innovation and Business Creation (MBA)@ Technical University of MunichExecutive Master of Business Administration (tuition fee)Innovation Management, Entrepreneur-ship, and Sustainability@ Technische Universität BerlinJoint degree program in cooperation with University of Twente, Netherlands, and  Warsaw School of Economics, PolandManagement@ Technical University of MunichManagement (Main Location: Heilbronn, Germany)@ Technical University of MunichManagement and Engineering in Data and Decision Science@ RWTH Aachen University At RWTH Aachen University International Academy (tuition fee)


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Management and Engineering in Electrical Power Systems@ RWTH Aachen UniversityExecutive program at RWTH Aachen University International Academy in co ­operation with Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands (tuition fee)Management and Engineering in Production Systems@ RWTH Aachen UniversityExecutive program at RWTH Aachen University International Academy in co­operation with Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands (tuition fee)Management and Engineering in Structural Engineering and Risk Management of Industrial Facilities@ RWTH Aachen University Executive program at RWTH Aachen University International Academy in co­operation with Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands (tuition fee)Management and Engineering in Water@ RWTH Aachen UniversityExecutive program at RWTH Aachen University International Academy in  cooperation with Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands (tuition fee)Management and Innovation@ Technical University of MunichTwo program tracks: TUM track (TUM Campus Heilbronn, Germany) and Double  Degree Track (HEC Paris, France)Management and Technology (TUM-BWL)@ Technical University of MunichManagement of Product Development (MPD)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)Mobility Systems Engineering and Management (MSEM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)Production and Operations Management (POM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)

Electrical & Communications Engineering

Communications Engineering@ Technical University of MunichComputational Sciences in Engineering (CSE)@ Technische Universität BraunschweigBilingual program including courses taught in German (German language skills on level A 1 required)Electrical Engineering@ University of StuttgartElectrical Engineering, Information Technology, and Computer Engineering@ RWTH Aachen UniversityTwo specializations completely in English; six further specializations in GermanEnergy Technology@ Leibniz University HannoverTriple Degree — First semester in Lappeenranta, Finland, second semester in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and third semester in Hannover, Germany. The teaching language for the entire course is English. Before and during the study program preparatory language courses in German, Russian, and Finnish are offered.Europhotonics (Erasmus Mundus Master)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyAt Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photo­nics (KSOP); Erasmus Mundus program in cooperation with European partner universitiesGreen Electronics@ Technical University of MunichJoint degree program at GIST-TUM Asia in cooperation with NTU, Singapore ( tuition fee)Information and Communication Engineering@ Technische Universität DarmstadtSome elective courses taught in German (free German language course included in program)Information Systems Engineering and Management (ISEM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School (tuition fee)


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Information Technology (INFOTECH)@ University of StuttgartCompulsory German language course included in programIntegrated Circuit Design@ Technical University of MunichJoint degree program at GIST-TUM Asia in cooperation with NTU, Singapore ( tuition fee)IT for Energy@ Technische Universität Berlin / Campus El GounaPartly takes place at Campus El Gouna, Egypt (tuition fee)Management and Engineering in Electrical Power Systems@ RWTH Aachen UniversityExecutive program at RWTH Aachen University International Academy in  cooperation with Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands (tuition fee)Nanoelectronic Systems@ Technische Universität DresdenPossible joint master’s degree in cooper-ation with European partner universitiesNeuroengineering@ Technical University of MunichOptics and Photonics@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyAt Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics (KSOP)Organic and Molecular Electronics@ Technische Universität DresdenInterdisciplinary study program com­prising physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, and materials sciencePower Engineering@ Technical University of MunichRobotic Systems Engineering@ RWTH Aachen University At RWTH Aachen University International Academy (tuition fee)

Environmental EngineeringAir Quality Control, Solid Waste, and Waste Water Process Engineering (WASTE)@ University of StuttgartCompulsory German language course included in program; some elective courses taught in German; possible double degree programBusiness Engineering: Energy@ Technische Universität Berlin / Campus El GounaPartly takes place at Campus El Gouna, Egypt (tuition fee)Energy Engineering@ Technische Universität Berlin / Campus El GounaPartly takes place at Campus El Gouna, Egypt (tuition fee)Energy Engineering and Management (EEM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)Environmental Engineering@ Technical University of MunichEnvironmental Planning@ Technische Universität BerlinSome elective courses taught in GermanHydro Science and Engineering@ Technische Universität Dresden Possible joint degree program in coopera-tion with international partner universitiesIT for Energy@ Technische Universität Berlin / Campus El GounaPartly takes place at Campus El Gouna, Egypt (tuition fee)Management and Engineering in Water@ RWTH Aachen UniversityExecutive program at RWTH Aachen University International Academy in  cooperation with Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands (tuition fee)Mobility Systems Engineering and  Management (MSEM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)


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Polymer Science@ Technische Universität BerlinJoint degree program in cooperation with Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt­ Universität zu Berlin, and Universität Potsdam, GermanyProcess, Energy, and Environmental Systems Engineering (PEESE)@ Technische Universität BerlinProWater — Sustainable Management and Protection of Water ( Distance Learning)@ Technische Universität BraunschweigTwo language profiles: language of instruction either German or English; distance  learning course (tuition fee)Sustainable Mobility Management (MBA)@ Technische Universität BerlinTuition feeTropical Hydrogeology and Environ-mental Engineering (TropHEE)@ Technische Universität DarmstadtWater Engineering@ Technische Universität Berlin / Campus El GounaPartly takes place at Campus El Gouna, Egypt (tuition fee)Water Resources and Environmental Management@ Leibniz University HannoverWater Resources Engineering and  Management (WAREM)@ University of StuttgartPossible double degree program with international partner universities; com-pulsory German language course in first semesterWater Science and Engineering@ Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Geodesy, Georesources & Materials Sciences

Applied Geosciences, with specialization in Geomaterials@ RWTH Aachen University Specialization in English language Cartography@ Technische Universität Dresden and Technical University of MunichIn cooperation with TU Wien, Austria, and University of Twente, Netherlands

Earth Oriented Space Science and Technology (ESPACE)@ Technical University of MunichPossible joint degree program in cooper-ation with Wuhan University, ChinaGeodesy and Geoinformatics@ Leibniz University HannoverGeodesy and Geoinformation Science@ Technische Universität BerlinGeomatics Engineering (GEOENGINE)@ University of StuttgartGeophysics@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyMaterials Science@ Technische Universität DarmstadtPossible double degree program with international partner universitiesMaterials Science@ University of StuttgartPossible double degree program with international partner universitiesMetallurgical Engineering@ RWTH Aachen UniversityRemote Sensing and Geoinformatics@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologySome elective courses taught in German (German language skills on intermediate level required)Tropical Hydrogeology and Environmental Engineering (TropHEE)@ Technische Universität Darmstadt

Humanities, Law & EducationAdvanced Anglophone Studies (MA)@ Leibniz University HannoverCognitive Science@ Technische Universität DarmstadtData and Discourse Studies (MA)@ Technische Universität DarmstadtEuropean and International Energy Law (MBL)@ Technische Universität BerlinTuition feeEuropean Studies (MA)@ Technische Universität BerlinIn cooperation with Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (tuition fee)


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Intellectual Property and Competition Law (LLM)@ Technical University of MunichIn cooperation with Max Planck Institute and international partner universitiesIT Law and Intellectual Property Law (LLM)@ Leibniz University HannoverBilingual program with European partner universities; can be completed in EnglishInternational Studies in Intellectual Property Law (LLM)@ Technische Universität DresdenBilingual program with European and Non­European partner universities; can be  completed in English (tuition fee)Philosphy of Science (MA)@ Leibniz University HannoverPolitics and Technology@ Technical University of MunichResearch on Teaching and Learning (MEd)@ Technical University of MunichResponsibility in Science, Engineering, and Technology (RESET) (MA)@ Technical University of Munich

MathematicsData Science@ RWTH Aachen UniversityMathematical Finance and Actuarial Science@ Technical University of MunichMathematics@ Leibniz University HannoverMathematics@ Technische Universität DarmstadtMathematics@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyMathematics@ Technical University of MunichMathematics in Data Science@ Technical University of MunichMathematics in Operations Research@ Technical University of MunichMathematics in Science and Engineering@ Technical University of Munich

Meteorology@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyMeteorology@ Leibniz University HannoverScience and Technology Studies (STS) (MA)@ Technical University of Munich

Mechanical EngineeringAerospace@ Technical University of MunichLanguage of instruction German and English; can be studied in German, English or both languages, depending on the focus area; evidence of language proficiency neededAerospace Engineering@ Technical University of MunichJoint degree program at GIST-TUM Asia in cooperation with NTU, Singapore ( tuition fee)Automotive Engineering@ RWTH Aachen UniversityCompulsory German language course included in programComputational Mechanics@ Technical University of MunichIn cooperation with Elite Network of Bavaria, GermanyComputational Mechanics of Materials and Structures (COMMAS)@ University of StuttgartGerman language course included in programComputer Aided Conception and Production in Mechanical Engineering@ RWTH Aachen UniversityAt RWTH Aachen University International Academy (tuition fee), compulsory German language course included in programEnergy Engineering and Management (EEM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)


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Energy Technology@ Leibniz University HannoverTriple Degree — First semester in Lappeenranta, Finland, second semester in Saint Petersburg, Russia, and third semester in Hannover, Germany. The teaching language for the entire course is English. Before and during the study program preparatory language courses in German, Russian, and Finnish are offered.Global Production Engineering in Manufacturing@ Technische Universität BerlinTuition feeGlobal Production Engineering in Solar Technology@ Technische Universität BerlinTuition feeInformation Systems Engineering and Management (ISEM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School (tuition fee)International Mechatronics@ Leibniz University HannoverDouble degree in cooperation with Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia: first year in Saint Petersburg, Russia, second year in Hannover, GermanyManagement and Engineering in  Production Systems@ RWTH Aachen UniversityExecutive program at RWTH Aachen University International Academy in  cooperation with Maastricht School of Management, Netherlands (tuition fee)Management of Product Development (MPD)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)Mechanical Engineering@ University of StuttgartJoint degree with Georgia Tech, Atlanta, USA; one year in Atlanta, one year in Stuttgart, Germany

Mobility Systems Engineering and  Management (MSEM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)Optical Technologies@ Leibniz University HannoverProduction and Operations Management (POM)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyExecutive program at HECTOR School, Technology Business School ( tuition fee)Production Systems Engineering@ RWTH Aachen UniversityAt RWTH Aachen University International Academy (tuition fee)Rail, Transport and Logistics@ Technical University of MunichJoint degree program at GIST-TUM Asia in cooperation with NTU, Singapore (tuition fee)Robotic Systems Engineering@ RWTH Aachen University At RWTH Aachen University International Academy (tuition fee)Space Engineering (MSE)@ Technische Universität BerlinTuition feeTextile Engineering@ RWTH Aachen UniversityExecutive program at RWTH Aachen University International Academy (tuition fee)

PhysicsBiomedical Engineering and Medical Physics@ Technical University of MunichComputational Mechanics@ Technical University of MunichIn cooperation with Elite Network of Bavaria, GermanyEurophotonics (Erasmus Mundus Master)@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyAt Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photo­nics (KSOP); Erasmus Mundus program in cooperation with European partner universities


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Matter to Life@ Technical University of MunichMeteorology@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyMeteorology@ Leibniz University HannoverNanobiophysics@ Technische Universität DresdenPossible joint master’s degree in cooper-ation with European partner universitiesOptical Technologies@ Leibniz University HannoverOptics and Photonics@ Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyAt Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics (KSOP)

Organic and Molecular Electronics@ Technische Universität DresdenInterdisciplinary study program com­prising physics, chemistry, electrical engineering, & materials sciencePhysics@ Leibniz University HannoverPhysics@ RWTH Aachen UniversityPhysics@ University of StuttgartPhysics (Applied and Engineering Physics)@ Technical University of Munich

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RWTH Aachen UniversityTechnische Universität Berlin

Technische Universität BraunschweigTechnische Universität DarmstadtTechnische Universität Dresden

Leibniz University HannoverKarlsruhe Institute of Technology

Technical University of MunichUniversity of Stuttgart


TU9 German Universities of  Technology e. V.

Dr. Nicole Saverschek Managing Director

ContactAnna­Louisa­Karsch­Straße 210178 BerlinGermany

+ 49­30­278 74 76­80» international @ tu9.de

PhotoUli Regen scheit / Universität Stuttgart

DesignSebastian Lehnert, Leipzig

PrintFIBO Druck, Neuried

» www.tu9.de/master» www.facebook.com/TU9.de/» twitter.com/tu9_germany

Published: February 2020