English Lit Poems

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  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    To autumn

    Seasons of mist and mellow fruitfulness

    Close bossom friend of the maturing sun

    Conspiring with hime how to load and bless

    With fruit vines round the thatch eaves run

    To bend with apples the mossd cottage treesAnd fill all fruit with ripeness to the core

    To swell the gourd an plump the hazel shells

    With a sweet kernel to set budding more

    And still more later flowers for the bees

    Till they think warm days will never cease

    For summer over brimmed there clammy cells

    Who hath not seen the oft amid thy store

    Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find

    Thee sitting careless on a granary floor

    Thy hair soft lifted by the winnowing windOr on a half reaped furrow sound asleep

    Drowsd by the fumes of poppies while thy hook

    Spares the next swath and all its twind flowers

    And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep

    Steady thy laden head across a brook

    Or by cider press with patient look

    Thou watchest the last oozing hours by hours

    Where are the songs of spring aye where are they

    Think not of them thou hast thy music too

    While bared clouds bloom the soft dying dayAnd toush the stubble plains with rosy hue

    Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn

    Among the river sallows bourn aloft

    Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies

    And full-grown lambs bleat from hilly bourn

    Hedge crickets sing and now with a treble soft

    The redbreast whistles from a garden croft

    And gathering swallows twitter in the skies

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    First love john clare

    I neer was struck before that hour

    With love so sudden and so sweet

    Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower

    And stole my heart away complete

    My face turned pale as deadly pale

    My legs refused to walk away

    And when she looked what could I ail

    My life and all seems turned to clay

    An then my blood rushed to my face

    And took my sight away

    The trees and bushes round the place

    Seemed midnight at noonday

    I could not see a single thingWord from my hgeart did start

    They spoke as chords do from the string

    And blood burnt round my heart

    Are flowers the winters choice

    Is loves bed always snow

    She seems to hear my silent voice

    And loves appeal to know

    I never saw so sweet a face

    As that I stood before

    My heart has left it dwelling place

    And can come no more

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    My last duchess- Robert burns

    That my last duchess painted on the wall

    Looking as if she were alive I call

    That piece of wonder now fra pandolfs hands

    Worked busily a day and there she stands

    Willt please you sit and look at her I said

    Fra pandolfs desin by design for never read

    Strangers like you that pictured countance

    The depth of passion of that earnest glance

    But to myself they turned (since none puts by

    The curtain I have drawn for you but I)

    And seemed as they would ask me durst

    How such a glance came there so not the first

    are you to turn and ask thus sir twas not

    her husbands presence only called that spotof joy into the duchesses cheek perhaps

    Fra pandolf chanced to say her mantle lips

    Over my ladys wrist too much or paint

    Must never hope to reproduce the faint

    Half flush that dies along her throat such stuff

    Was courtesy she thought and cause enough

    For calling up that spot of joy she had

    A heart how shall I say too soon made glad

    Too easily impressed she liked whateer

    She looked on and her looks went everywhere

    Sir twas all one my favour at her breast

    The dropping of daylight in the west

    The bough of cherries some officious fool

    Broke into the orchard for her the white mule

    She rode round the terrace all and each

    Would draw from her alike the approving speech

    Or blush at least she thanked men good but thanked

    Somehow I know not how as if she ranked

    My gift of a thousuand yer old name

    With anybodys gift whod stoop to blame

    This sort of trifling even had you skill

    In speech-which I have not- to make your will

    Quite clear to such an one and say just this

    Or that in you disgust me here you miss

    Or there you exceed the mark and if she

    Herself be lessoned so nor plainily set

    Her wits to yours forsooth and made excuse

    Een then would be some stooping

    and I choose

    never to stoop oh sir she smiled no


    wheneer I passed her but who

    passed without

    much the same smile this grew I

    gave commands

    then all smiles stopped together

    there she stands

    as alive willt you please rise well


    the company below then i repeat

    the count your mastes known


    is ample warrant that no just


    of mine for dowry will be disallowedthough his fair daughters self as I


    at starting is my object nay well go

    together down sir notice Neptune


    taming a seahorse thought a rairity

    which claus innesbruck cast in

    bronze for me

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    To his coy mistress

    Had we but worl enough and time

    This coyness lady were no crime

    We would sit down and think which way

    To walk and pass our long loves day

    Thou by the Indian ganges side

    Shouldst rubies find I by tide

    O humber would complain I would

    Love you ten years before the flood

    And you please refuse

    Till the conversion of the jews

    My vegetable love should grow

    Vaster than empires and more slow

    An hundred years should go to praise

    Thine eyes on thy forehead gazeTwo hundred to adore each breast

    But thirty thousaund to the rest

    An age atleast to every part

    And the last age should show your heart

    For lady you deserve this state

    Nor would I love at lower rate

    But at my back I always hear

    Times wwinged chariot hurrying near

    And yonder all before us lie

    Deserts of vast eternity

    Thy beauty shall no more be found

    Nor thy marble vault shall sound

    My echoing song thn worms shall try

    That long preserved virginity

    And your quaint honour turn to dust

    And into ashes all my lust

    The graves a fine and private place

    But none I thinke do there embrace

    Now therefore while the youthful hue

    Sits on thy skin like morning dew

    And while thy willing soul transpires

    At every pore with instant fires

    Now let us sport while we may

    And now like amorous birds of prey

    Rather at once our time devaour

    Than languish in his slow chapt power

    Let us roll all our strength and all

    Our sweetness up into one ball

    And tear our pleasures with rough


    Through the iron gates of life

    Thus though we cannot make our sun

    Stand still yet we will make him run

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    Shall I compare thee to a sommers day

    Thou art more tempert than the darling buds of mai

    Rough windes do shake the darling buds of mai

    And sommers lease hath all too short a date

    Sometimes too hot the eye of heavan shines

    And often is his complexion dimid

    And every faire from faire some time declines

    By chance or natures changing course untrimd

    But thy eternal sommer shall not fade

    Nor loose possession of that faire thou owst

    Nor shall death brag thou wandrst in his shade

    When in eternall lines to times thou growst

    So long as man can breath or eyes can see

    So long loves this and this gives life to thee

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    Ballad anon

    A faithless shepherd courted me

    He stole my liberty

    When my poor heart was strange to men

    He came and smiled and stole it then

    When my apron would hang low

    Me he sought through frost and snow

    When it puckered up with shame

    And I sought him he never came

    When summer brought no fears to fright

    He came to guard me every night

    When winter night did darkly prove

    None came to guard me or to love

    I wish I wish- but it in vain

    That I was a maid again

    A maid again I cannot be

    O when will green grass cover me

    I wish my babe neer been born

    Ive made its bed on a thorn

    I wish my sorrows all away

    My soul with god my body clay

    He promised me beds as fine as silk

    And sheets of love as whit as milk

    But he when won my heart astray

    Left me to want a bed of caly

    He kept his sheep on yonder hill

    His heart seemed soft but it was steel

    I ran with love and was undone

    O had I walked ere I did run

    He has two hearts and I have none

    Hell be rogue when I am gone

    To thee my baby unto thee as he has been too long to me

    I weep the past, I dread the gloom

    Of sorrows in the time to come

    When thou without a friend shalt be

    Weeping on a strangers knee

    My heart would break but it is brassTo see thee smile upon my face

    To see thee smile at words that be

    The messengers of grief to thee

    I wish ny child thoudst neer been


    Ive thy pillow on a thorn

    I wish our sorrows both away

    Our soul with god our bodies clay

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    To a mouse

    Wee sleekit cowrin timrous beastie

    O what a panics in thy breastie

    Thoud need na start awa sae hasty

    Wi bickering brattle

    I wad be laith to rin an chase thee

    Wi murdering prattle

    Im truly sorry mans dominion

    Has broken nature social union

    An justifies that ill opinion

    Which makes thee startle

    At me thy poor earth companion

    An fellow mortal

    I doubt na whyles but thou may thieve

    What then? Poor beastie thou maun live

    A daimen icker in a thrave

    S a sma request

    Ill get blessin wi the lave

    And never misst

    Thy wee bit housie too in ruin

    Its silly was teh wins are strewin

    An naething,now,to big a new ane

    O foggage green

    An bleak Decembers winds ensuin

    Baith snell keen

    Thou saw the fields laid bare an waste

    An weary winters coming fast

    An cosie here beneath the blast

    Thou thought to dwell

    Till crash the cruel coulter past

    Out thro thy cell

    That wee bit heap o leaves an stibble

    Has cost thee mony a weary nibble

    Now thoust turnd out for a thy nibble

    Now thous turnd out for a thy trouble

    But house or hald

    To thole the winters sleety dribble

    An cranreuch cauld

    But mousie thou art no thy lane

    In proving foresight may be vain

    The best laid schemes o mice an


    Gang aft agley

    An leae us nought but grief and painFor promisd joy

    Still thou art blest compard wi me

    The present only toucheth thee

    But och I backward cast my ee

    Oh prospects drear

    An forward tho I canna see

    I guess an fear

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    The flea

    Mark but thus flea and mark in this

    How little that which thou denyst me is

    It suckd me first, and now sucks thee

    And in this flea our two bloods mingled be

    Thou knowst that this cannot be said

    A sin nor shame nor loss of maiden head

    Yet this enjoys before it woo

    And pampers swells with one blood made of two

    And this alas is more than we would

    Oh stay three lives in one flea spare

    Where we almost yea more than married are

    This flea is you and I this

    Our marriage bed, and marriage temple isThous parents grudge and you were met

    And cloistered in these living walls of jet

    Though use make you apt to kill me

    Let not to that self murder added be

    And sacriledge three sins in killing three

    Cruel and sudden hast thou since

    Purpled thy nail in blood of innocence

    Wherein could this flea guilty be

    Except in that drop which it suckd from thee

    Yet thou triumphst and sayst that thou

    Findst not thyself nor me the weaker now

    Tis true then learn how false fears be

    Just so much honour when thous yieldst me

    Will waste as this fleas death took life from thee

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    Let me not sonnent cxvi

    Let me not to the marriage of true minds

    Admit impediments love is not love

    Which alters when it alteration finds

    Or bends with the remover to remove

    O no it is an ever fixed marke

    That looks on tempest and is never shaken

    It is the star to every wandring barke

    Whose worths unknown although his highth be taken

    Lovs not time fool though rosie lips and cheek

    Within his bending sickles compasse come

    Love alters not with his breefe hours and weekes

    But beares it out even to the edge of doomeIf this be error and upon me proved

    I never writ no man ever loved

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    Prophyrias lover

    The rain set in early to-night

    The sullen wind was soon awake

    It tore the elem tops down for spite

    And did its worst to vex the lake

    I listened with a heart fit to break

    When glided in prophyria; straight

    She shut the cold out and the storm

    And kneeled and made the cheerless grate

    Blaze up and all the cottage warm

    Which done she rpse and from her form

    Withdrew the dripping cloak and shawl

    And laid her soiled gloves by untied

    Her hat and let the damp hair fallAnd last she sat by my side

    And called me when no voice replied

    She put my arm about her waist

    And made her smooth white shoulder bare

    And all her yellow hair displaced

    And stooping made my sheek lie there

    And spread oer all her yellow hair

    Murmuring how she loved me- she

    Too weak for all her hearts endeavour

    To set its struggling passion free

    From pride and vainer ties dissever

    And give herself to me forever

    But passion sometimes would prevail

    Nor could tonights gay feast restrain

    A sudden thought of one so pale

    For love of her and all in vain

    So, she was come through wind and rain

    Be sure I looked up at her eyes

    Happy and proud att last I knew

    Prophyria worshipped me surprise

    Made my heart swell and still it grew

    While I debated what to do

    That moment she was mine mine fair

    Perfectly pure and good

    A thing to do and all her hair

    In one yellow string I wound round

    Three times her little throat around

    And strangled her. No pain felt she

    I am quite sure she felt no painAs a shut bud holds a bee

    I warily oped her lids again

    Laughed the blue eyes without a


    And I untightened next the tress

    About her neck her cheek once moreBlushed bright beneath my burning


    I propped her head up as before

    Only this time my shoulders bore

    Her head which droops upon it still

    The smiling rosy little head

    So glad it has it utmost will

    Thats all its scorned at once is fled

    And I its love am gained instead

    Prophyrias love she guessed not how

    Her darling one wish would be heardAnd thus we sit together now

    And all night we have not stirred

    And yet god has not said a word

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems


    La belle dame sans merci

    O what can ail thee knight at arms

    Alone and palely loitering

    The sedge has witherd from the lake

    And no birds sing

    O what can ail thee knight at arms

    So haggard and woebegone

    The squirrels granary is full

    And the harvests done

    I see a lily on thy browWith anguish moist and fever dew

    And on thy cheeks a fading rose

    Fast withereth too

    I met a lady in the meads

    Full beautiful- a faerys child

    Her hair was long her foot was light

    And her eyes wild

    I made a garland for her head

    And braclets too and fragrant zone

    She lookd me as she did love

    And made sweet moan

    I set her on my pacing steed

    And nothing else saw all day long

    For sidelong would she bend and sing

    A faerys song

    She found me roots of relish sweey

    And honey wild and manna dew

    And sure in language strange she said

    I love thee true

    She took me to her elfin grot

    And there she wept and sighd full sore

    And then I shut her wild wild eyes

    With kisses four

    And there she lulled me asleeoAnd there I dreamd ah woe betide

    The latest dream I ever dreamd

    On the cold hills side

    I saw pale kings and princes tooPale warriors, death pale were they


    They cried- la belle dame sans merci

    Hath thee in thrall

    I saw their starved kips in the gloam

    With horrid warning gaped wide

    And I awoke and found me here

    On the cold hills side

    And this is why I sijourn here

    Alone and palely loitering

    Though the sedge has withered from

    the lake

    And no birds sing

  • 7/31/2019 English Lit Poems
