alumni.puiying.edu.hk · English Choral Speaking A Literary Festival for All 3. Our Teenage Life A Person I Admire the Most Letters of Advice ... speaking! You may be confused about

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Table of Contents

1. From the Principal

2. Our School Life

An Article for the School Newsletter about the Clubs

Let’s Join Our School Clubs

A Letter of Complaint to the Manager of the Tuck Shop at School

A Letter of Complaint about the New Tuck Shop

Winning a Medal on Sports Day

English Choral Speaking

A Literary Festival for All

3. Our Teenage Life

A Person I Admire the Most

Letters of Advice

4. Our Education

Relying on Exams: a Good One?

5. Our Environment

Speeches about Some Green Initiatives

6. Our Society

As a Member of Hong Kong’s ethnic Minorities, I..

A Day Trip

A Letter to the Manager Recommending a Spokesperson for a Sports Product

Teenage Crime

7. Our Future

My New Year’s Resolutions

A Trip to Mars

Classrooms of the Future Unveiled

Our Future Classrooms

8. Our Stories

An Unforgettable Experience at a Jewellery Shop

A Shocking Scene at a Jewellery Shop

A Detective Story

9. Photo Essays

The Use of Chocolate

My Life

10. Book Reviews and Film Reviews

Book report: Cave People

The Adventure of Tom Sawyer

A Delightful Enjoyment – The Hunger Games

Steel in the Sky (Iron Man)


From the Principal

What is language for? Some people seem to think it is for learning

and merely a fearsome book of rules and lists of words – the longer the words,

the better. That’s wrong. We use language for the exchange of ideas, for

communication. It is necessary that one is drilled as much as possible to master

the language, and the more we apply it in real situations, the more natural it will


PY Post offers a wonderland for our students to express their

feelings, reflect their thoughts, share their achievements, aspirations, special

moments and of course their sincere voices to the world. This anthology also

affords our students the opportunity to perceive English is an unrivalled

communication tool that they can learn to use with the familiar ease of a knife

and fork.

Finally, I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation to the

members of the Editorial Committee and the English Department for their

zealous effort. I also owe special thanks to our students, for enthusiastic

participation and contribution, without which this sparkling edition of PY Post

would not have been made possible.

Ms. Wong Wai Man







Fun School Clubs

Are you sick of studying all day long and being confined to a small room? Do

you want to have something cool to spice up your school life? Come and check out

the clubs available this year!

It is exhilarating to have the Gourmet Club organised by a few top-notch

culinary teachers. The club is for students who are passionate about cooking as well

as – speaking! You may be confused about the relationship between the two, but

that's what makes the club unique and fun! Students get to learn how to cook

various dishes in the course. Distinguished learners will be selected to hold a “cook

show”, through which your presentation skills and confidence are boosted.

For active students, “Let's have fun” will be your choice. The club will

organise a series of outdoor activities such as excursions, visits, camping and

treasure hunts. I am sure they will help you get rid of all the stress from your

studies. Also, it’s a golden opportunity for you to make friends with people who are

as adventurous and bold as you! Do invite your friends to join you and have fun!

If you are a book lover, the Bookworms Club is surely what you want. The

school will arrange a bunch of workshops and talks for students. Prestigious

authors will be invited to share the knacks of writing. You will learn how to

appreciate a wide range of texts and write creative stories of your own using your


Our school provides abundant clubs to cater for different needs. I am sure

there must be a few that sound appealing to you! Do note that a fixed quota is set

for each club. Grasp the chance at once and hand in your application form to the

general office by 27th


An Article for the School Newsletter about the Clubs

Lee Pui Yu (3A)


Let’s Join Our School Clubs!

Tong Hoi Yiu (3B)

How much do you know about our school? Do you want to meet some new friends? Why don’t you

join our school clubs? In fact, there are many school clubs in our school, for example, the Rope Skipping

Club, Drama Club and Photography Club. Through joining the school clubs, you will be able to learn

many different skills and enlarge your social circle.

Do you want to be a

famous actor or actress one

day? The first school club that I

want to introduce to all of you

is the Drama Club. Our Drama

Club offers a variety of classes

at different levels. Our

experienced teacher, Ms Sham,

is in charge of the club and is

responsible for teaching acting

skills. Students will also be

able to learn how to write

scripts, prepare props, make

costumes and so on.

Another school club that I

want to recommend you to join

is the Rope-Skipping Club. If

you want to keep your body

physically fit and learn a new

sport, why don’t you join our

Rope-Skipping Club? Through

joining the Club, you will be

able to improve your

coordination, movement and

balance. The practices are held

on Mondays and Fridays. If

you are interested in it, please

contact Mr Chan, who is the

teacher-in-charge of the club.

The last school club that I

would like to talk about is the

Photography Club. Our

Photography Club provides a

lot of opportunities for students

to get engaged in different

photo-taking experiences inside

and outside of school. Apart

from learning some basic

photo-taking skills, teachers

also take students on

excursions and tours to

experience the feeling of the

world. It is such a good chance

to turn your interest into a

profession! Contact Mr. Tang

as soon as possible if you

would like to sign up for the


Joining a school club has a lot of benefits, such as meeting new friends and learning new things.

Don’t hesitate! Contact the teachers-in-charge and sign up for the school clubs you would like to join



A Letter of Complaint to the Manager of the Tuck Shop at School

James Dyer (3A)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Complaints about the new tuck shop

I am writing to complain about the new tuck shop. I have found the choices of food, environment

and service unsatisfactory. I hope the following will help you change them as soon as possible.

One serious problem is the limited food choices. The only things sold in the tuck shop are common

examples of junk food like crisps, French fries, chocolate and chicken nuggets. Students may become

overweight and suffer from loads of lethal chronic diseases if they consume too much junk food. Since

the tuck shop is the only source of snacks in the school and is extremely popular, the only real way to

alleviate this problem is to change the menu. I suggest adding more fruits and vegetables to the menu,

such as apples, bananas, carrots and corn to encourage healthy eating and to make sure students get

enough dietary fibre and vitamin C every day, leading to fewer students getting constipated.

Another problem is the unpleasant environment. There are cockroaches everywhere! This

disease-spreading vermin could get students sick and shut the tuck shop down due to its failure to abide

by health and safety regulations. Moreover, the floor outside the tuck shop is always wet. Students may

slip and get injured, which is something that nobody wants. I think that getting staff to clean the floor

regularly and make sure the floor is dry afterwards will significantly reduce the number of injuries that

occur near the tuck shop.

Service is also a problem. Most of my classmates reflected that the staff always shouted expletives at

them. Plus, everyone thinks they are quite slow and clumsy, making the students wait in a queue ever

longer. In my opinion, the staff should be trained to be polite and swift, preventing the problems listed


To conclude, the choices of food, environment and service of the tuck shop leave much to be desired.

I hope you will take my complaints seriously and deal with these problems as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong


A Letter of Complaint about the New Tuck Shop

Yu Ka Yee (3B)

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Complaining about the new tuck shop

I am writing to complain about the new tuck shop. Yesterday, I went to the tuck shop to buy some

snacks. I was very disappointed about the choices of food, environment and service.

One serious problem is the limited food choices. Only very few options of food are available in the

new tuck shop such as potato chips, sausages, chocolates and pizzas. They are all unhealthy foods which

contain high levels of fat, oil and sugar. Eating too much junk food like these is harmful to our health and

we might get sick very easily. I think the tuck shop should provide more choices of food for students by

designing a new menu which should include more healthy food such as fruits and vegetables.

Another serious problem is the unpleasant environment. The environment of the new tuck shop is

unhygienic and dirty. All the trash bins are always full and rubbish is everywhere. When I was eating my

breakfast in front of the tuck shop yesterday morning, I saw a cockroach on the table. It was so disgusting

that made me lose my appetite completely. Also, I found that the tables and chairs are in poor condition as

some of them are even broken. I can hardly find a comfortable seat to enjoy my food.

Service is also a problem. During the recess or lunchtime, a lot of students wait in the long queue in

front of the tuck shop. The service is terribly slow. I had to wait for about 15 minutes to get the food at

yesterday’s recess. I could not even have a bite of my sandwich because the bell rang right after I picked

up my food. The staff’s attitude there was also very disappointing. They kept shouting and yelling at the

students all the time. I feel very angry about their service.

I hope you can take my complaints seriously and fix these problems quickly.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong


Winninga Medal on Sports Day

Leung Ka Chung (1A)

On the last day of our annual sports day, I got a

bronze medal in the high jump event. This medal is

important to me because this is the first time I have

won a medal in Pui Ying Secondary School. I firstly

chose to join the 100-metre running and 110-metre

hurdle races. But on the competition day, I suddenly

changed to join the high jump event. I didn't have a

lot of experience of doing high jumps because I just

learned that for a few days. Luckily the starting time

was late so I could relax a bit and watch other races.

Although I was late to the event, I could still finish it.

After that I went back to the stands and sat with my

class. Suddenly I heard the announcer call out my

name and ask me to take the medal! At that time I felt

a little excited. I was lucky to win others because

there were only four competitors. I was surprised to

get the third place. I think I will join more events

next year because I want to get more medals. The

medals are so beautiful and I want to keep them all!

English Choral Speaking

Au Tsz Ho (1A)

December 2nd

, 2013 was the first day of our annual

sports day and the English Choral Speaking Competition.

In the morning, we went to Aberdeen Sports Ground to

join the sports events. We left the sports ground earlier

and headed back to school. We ate our lunch at school

and did the final practice before we set off for the

competition in Ho Man Tin. When we arrived at the

competition venue, we all felt very nervous as we were

the first group to go up to the stage! After the

performance, we all felt relaxed because we didn't make

any mistakes. Although we did not win, we were really

close to the third place. We have learned that teamwork

is important. If someone makes a mistake, others have to

suffer too. We will practice more to get a better result

next year!


A Literary Festival for All

Yuen Hin To (6E)

Our school spares no efforts to promote reading

and nurture young writers. In view of this, the Student

Union is going to organise a literary festival that aims

at improving students’ reading and writing short

stories. Held from 5th to 9

th May, the festival includes

a variety of activities which cater for different

students’ needs.

First, we will hold a reading buddy programme

at lunch-time and after school. Each reading buddy

from the senior forms is paired up with a group of

five junior-form students. The buddies will share their

favourite stories with their younger counterparts.

Also, they will go through important vocabulary and

grammar points with them. It is hoped that the junior

students will enjoy the pleasure of reading.

Also, we will organise two competitions: a book

report competition and a short stories writing

competition. Both events aim at inspiring teenaged

writers to reflect on the stories they have read and to

create their own. Before the competitions, we will

host a series of writing workshops and talks. Inviting

some prominent local writers to be our guest

speakers, we hope that students can learn more about

the writing process: from gathering their thoughts,

planning the plot to writing the story. More

importantly, students will have an opportunity to hone

their writing skills and get inspired by the writers. All

participants will be offered attractive prizes.

Spark your imagination and let your talent shine!






A Person I Admire the Most

Fan Lee Ying (2A)

The person I admire most is G.E.M. Her name is

actually the short form of three English words – “Get

Everybody Moving”. Born in Hong Kong in 1991,

she is now 22 years old. She has one sister. She has

big, shiny eyes with a round face, long black wavy

hair and a crew cut on the side. She is short but slim.

She sometimes wears a pair of glasses.

She receives my admiration because she writes a

lot of songs by herself and makes her fans happy. She

is kind to her fans. She loves all the people supporting

her. My favourite song of hers is “Where did you go”.

She sings well and her voice is beautiful.

Another reason for admiring her is that she can

fulfill her dream. No matter what challenges she

faces, she never gives up. I wish I could be like her

too. Because of her, I believe dreams can come true.

She was involved in some Educational

Television programmes when she was young. But she

turned out to be a singer at 16 years old. She

absolutely has influence over me. I want to be more

confident like her. Through her songs and

performances, I know that we should not judge others

simply by their looks. I really admire G.E.M. very



A Letter of Advice

Wong Yuk Kei Julie (2C)

Hi Wendy,

I was really sorry to hear that you are very upset and frustrated. I will give you some suggestions.

The first problem is that your parents have high expectations of you. She is probably too worried about

your studies. Therefore, you must be under a lot of stress. Why don’t you try to show your mother you are a

mature person by talking things out calmly with her? Besides, you have to tell her there should be a balance

between studies and rest.

The second problem is that you join too many extra-curricular activities, such as gymnastics, piano and

painting lessons. You are too busy indeed. Actually, your mother is doing this out of love. She wants you to be

excellent and all-round. I suggest that you should cancel some of the activities and choose the one you like

best. Then, you will be able to explore your potentials to the full.

Keep trying and never give up. Let me know how you get on soon.


Julie Wong

Peer Counsellor

A Letter of Advice

Lam Yat Nga (2C)

Hi Wendy,

From your letter, I have heard about your situation. I know that you must be feeling very frustrated when

handling the exam and your mother at the same time. The extra-curricular activities must also have put you

through a lot of stress. .

The first problem is that your parents have high expectations of you. They want you to achieve good

results in exams. However, you should talk to your parents and tell them how you really feel. In the meantime,

the best ways to relax are rest, doing exercise and listening to music.

The second problem is that you take part in too many extra-curricular activities, like gymnastics, piano

and painting. You feel unhappy and frustrated. Therefore, I think that you can try to make a timetable or

cancel some extra-curricular activities. This makes you feel less tired.

I think you should stay upbeat. There’s always a way, so don’t give up.

Best wishes,

Lam Yat NgaPeer






Relying on Exams: a Good One?

Yorfy Ma (6A)

When it comes to the exam period in Hong Kong, many criticise the educational system for relying

too much on public examinations; Hong Kong is exam-oriented, which does not bring any benefits to

students. Others claim that the opposite is true – public examinations in Hong Kong should be counted on

as they completely reflect students’ ability. There is probably some truth in both arguments. Emphasising

the importance of both exam results and one’s ability would be a wiser act.

One of the primary reasons for supporting using public examinations perhaps is that the exam results

reflect the academic standards of Hong Kong students. In recent years, compared with students in

Singapore and America, Hong Kong students have performed the best in reading comprehension. This

phenomenon is mainly attributed to the strict educational system, which promotes public exams and urges

students to obtain good results so that the reputation and credibility of Hong Kong academic authorities

can be established around the globe.

No one can ignore the fact that public exams could enhance students’ competitiveness while good

exam results could earn them a better future. However, thanks to parents’ high expectations, many of

them force their children to study hard, pushing them to strive for the best results as there are lots of

competitions for university places and job vacancies. As a result, more and more secondary students work

hard and do their best in the public exams in order to get into university, choose their ideal professions,

hunt for high-paid jobs and enjoy a better life.


However, like anything else, over-emphasis on public exams undoubtedly has its faults.

Experience tells us that using public exams as an index for determining one’s ability does put

students under pressure. Unlike students who work hard for good results and future, and who focus on

marks and ranks, some students seem to neglect the negative consequences of not releasing study

pressure. When getting unsatisfactory results or experiencing failure, they would feel depressed. Recently

the number of students committing suicide has been on the rise. In January 2014, a 13-year-old girl

jumped to her death as she felt disappointed with her worsening academic results, and she failed to find

any way out to release her pressure. Obviously, relying on public exams causes depression and feelings of

failure in learning.

What is also worth noticing is that students’ talents and interests are buried by this educational

system. Substituting free time with tuition lessons becomes very common because most parents want

their kids to get good results. Meanwhile, students with music interest or sports talents are not able to

develop as time is limited. Some experts also mention that it is difficult for today’s students to learn life

skills such as cooking and cleaning their home. Without such skills, they seem to be highly achieved but

fail to take good care of themselves or become independent when they grow up.

From the personal perspective, I prefer not focusing too much on public exams. After all, no

teenagers should be denied the chance to live a joyful school life.





A Speech about Some Green Initiatives

Chan Kong Pan (6C)

Good morning everyone,

Our school will have a new measure. We will no longer receive

disposable cutlery next year. Thus we have to bring our own cutlery. You may

find it troublesome to bring your own tableware and wash it every day, right?

But have you ever thought about what will happen to the earth if we keep using

plastic cutlery? I am now here to share with you why the school is

implementing such a green measure and how we can be more environmentally


The significant amount of disposable cutlery contributes to the saturation

of landfills. Once the cutlery is dumped, it is immediately carted off to one of

our landfills. Since it cannot be decomposed by bacteria or other biological

means, clogging of landfills is resulted. Space is invaluable in Hong Kong and

space allocated to accommodate trash is inadequate. Currently, 500 students in

our school order lunch boxes every day. In other words, we are throwing away

2500 sets of plastic cutlery every week. Don’t you think we should stop

aggravating the problem?

Burning of disposable cutlery poses threats to our health. After the plastic

cutlery is transported to the landfill, some will be burnt. The process emits a

significant amount of chemical gas, which is carcinogenic and highly toxic.

Eventually, we inhale the gas and become prone to chronic diseases like cancer

and respiratory diseases.

Apart from bringing our own cutlery, there are countless alternatives to

reduce waste and protect the environment. First, we can donate things like old

clothes and toys to the charities. These associations may pass them to the

needy or sell them and collect money for the underprivileged. Second, it is

wise to use compact fluorescent light bulbs. Although it is true that these bulbs

are more expensive, they last much longer and they can save more energy.

Third, we should use reusable cotton bags instead of plastic bags when we go


To conclude, using reusable cutlery is a good measure. Doesn’t it sound

amazing that we can make a difference by taking such simple action? Do

something for the good of our environment and hence our coming generations.

You can do it, right? That's all I want to say. Thank you.


A Speech about Some Green Initiatives Chan Hoi Yan, Leung Chun Yu & Wong Tsz Wai (6E)

Good morning students,

I am the Chairman of the Student Union, Chris Wong. Today I would like to talk about the green

initiatives that will be launched next month. As we all know, the idea of being environmentally friendly is

increasingly important in our life. Sadly we produce too much unnecessary waste and use too many

non-recyclable materials every day. All these will lead to harmful consequences to our environment. In light

of this, the Student Union is going to launch green initiatives next month which aim at encouraging all of you

to pay more attention to the environment.

Do you know that our school canteen currently provides lunch in a polystyrene lunchbox? Also, each

student is given a plastic bag that contains a napkin, a pair of disposable chopsticks and a plastic spoon which

all are non-biodegradable. They are dumped and sent to landfills after use. What’s more, we waste loads of

food every day. The leftover food takes up a lot of space in the landfills and causes air pollution. If such a

condition continues, our city will become a wasteful city.

As a polluter, we all are responsible for our behaviours by not wasting our precious resources and

polluting our city. We should make concerted efforts by implementing the green initiatives next month. To

start with, the canteen will start using recycled, reusable food trays. Also, you all need to bring your own

cutlery to the school canteen for lunch. Although this may cause us inconvenience, we will not produce

unnecessary waste. What’s more, you have to take the leftover food to a collection bin. The leftover food can

be turned into a fertiliser, which in turn helps beautify our gardens. All these are very simple things. I’m sure

everyone can do them, right?

Let’s not forget a poor environment is detrimental to our health and work performance. Let’s not forget

what we do can definitely make a difference. Why not take action now and protect the environment before it’s

too late? Show your care today. Thank you.


Our Society


Hong Kong Composition Contest for Youth 2013

English Middle Secondary Group

1st Runner-up

James Dyer (3A)

As a member of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities, I...

My name is James Dyer. My father’s British and my

mother’s Chinese, and I was born and raised in an

English-speaking family in Hong Kong. Yes, I know. You

don’t believe me, do you? I’ve gone to public schools in Hong

Kong that teach in Chinese my entire life, yet I lack

opportunities to speak Chinese at home due to my dad being

unable to speak Chinese and my mum being able to speak


If I am asked to share with you the problems encountered

by ethnic minorities, I’ll start with Hong Kong’s education.

Most schools in Hong Kong don’t support students who take

Cantonese/Chinese as a second language, keeping standards for

members of ethnic minorities the same as students who are

extremely fluent in Cantonese/Chinese. This, of course,

provides a huge language barrier to students who are members

of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities, turning the learning curve

into a vertical cliff. These standards discourage students from

learning Chinese, which I highly doubt is the intended effect.

This could probably be solved purely by adding optional

classes to help support students who have difficulties learning

Chinese, though it would take quite a bit of effort.

Oh, and just in case you were wondering, EMI schools,

being extremely useful for students for ethnic minorities, are

either quite expensive to get in or are impossible to get in

unless you get pretty high marks overall, including – guess

what? Chinese! So one of the only ways of getting out of

having to study Chinese extensively is to study Chinese

extensively! And so begins the endless loop of studying.


Another important thing to note on Hong Kong’s

education is that students can’t get into a local university unless

they pass their Chinese exams, making it quite hard for ethnic

minorities to succeed there, either. This is quite unfortunate,

and would probably take a really long time and loads of effort

to change, so it probably won’t be changing anytime soon.

There have also been quite a few reports on Hong Kongers

not having adequate communication with ethnic minority

groups, which I can probably explain using pieces of personal

experience. I’m completely an unsociable person, but part of

the reason for that is that I rarely say anything unless it would

actually contribute something to the conversation and would be

understood by the person I’m talking to. Since what I’m used to

and the culture that I’ve absorbed from home while growing up

is dramatically different from typical Hong Kongers, I don’t

really have that much in common with the other person, leaving

me with absolutely nothing to say. There’s obviously also a

language barrier. Unfortunately, I don’t really see a way around

this unless you hang out with friends a lot, gaining experience

from them and eventually gaining a mutual understanding.

I’d also like to touch lightly upon how to protect ethnic

minority groups from being unequally treated. I think people

should be taught to treat others as they’d want to be treated

themselves, which would cause people to think a bit before

they act, and that they should always remember that, no matter

how much of a minority they are where you live, you shouldn’t

treat them poorly, as, if you ever go to their country or

anywhere in the world where you’re an ethnic minority, they

might do the same to you.

As a member of Hong Kong’s ethnic minorities, I hope

that people keep some of what I’ve written in mind before they

consider discriminating against ethnic minorities or treating

others unequally.


A Day Trip

So Pak Ho (1D)

Dear Tim,

I am writing to tell you about the plan about our day trip in Hong Kong. Let me tell you the details


First, in the morning, we’ll visit Ocean Park. We can watch the dolphin show and see the sharks at

the aquarium. Next, we’ll take a cable car to the Highland. Then we can enjoy the roller-coaster rides up

there. It’ll be fun!

In the afternoon, we’ll go shopping in Times Square. We can buy some trendy clothes and the

latest models of mobile phones. Afterwards, we can shop around in the shopping malls for some more


In the evening, we’ll go to Jumbo Seafood Restaurant in Aberdeen for dinner. We’ll take a boat to

the restaurant. We can try the traditional Chinese dishes and seafood such as lobsters and crabs which

are so delicious! We can enjoy the night view of Aberdeen, too.

The last programme is that we will go to the Peak. We can take the Peak Tram and take photos of

the night view of Victoria Harbour. It really takes our breath away!

I think it will be a nice day. See you soon!

Best wishes,



A Letter to the Manager

Recommending a Spokesperson for a Sports Product

Yuan QianYi (5E)

Dear Marketing Manager,

I read that you are going to run an advert campaign for your new sportswear line in Asia.

You need to invite a famous person to be the spokesperson and to be featured in the campaign. I

would like to recommend the basketball player, Jay Chou, as spokesperson for your new style

sneakers. He is a well-known singer. However, he is indeed an outstanding basketball player who

has great personality as well. He is known of great humour and dedication.

He was born on 26th September 1975 in Taiwan. In his teenage years, he described that he

had an ambition to be an NBA player when he was in secondary school. Therefore he trained his

basketball skills after school every day. Because of his hard work, he joined the school basketball

team and won many trophies in all types of competitions. In 2000 he started his singing career.

Although he did not choose to be a basketball player eventually, he never gave up basketball. He

still plays in some occasions, helping charities to raise funds.

Your company's new sportswear line has a slogan and it is called “Diverse development,

Nothing is impossible!”. I believe Jay Chou's personality is a perfect match with the slogan.

Having known that he did not choose to be a basketball player, he still performs well in different

roles such as singer, actor and director. He is so multi-talented that he has done well in every


More importantly, his positive image can definitely help your company boost its sales

figure. The brand new line of your sportswear company is targeting on teenagers. By making use

of his fame and popularity, I am sure he has the ability to attract the young to buy your products.

As for the advertising campaign, it is feasible and possible for Jay Chou to shoot the

commercials. Holding a mini concert in your launch event could be another option.

Being an actor and a director, he may be able to help your company shoot the promotion

videos by showing his outstanding versatility. Besides singing, it may also be a good idea if he

can wear your company's sports shoes to demonstrate his skills in the basketball court. It can

surely make your product appealing and desirable to teens.

Obviously he is an ideal candidate to present your new sportswear line and promote the

relevant products. Please kindly consider my recommendation.

Yours faithfully,

Mavis Yuen


Teenage Crime

Sinn Ka Yin (5A)

Dear editor,

I am writing to express my concerns about juvenile delinquency. A growing number of

teenagers are committing crimes, such as thefts, drug trafficking and drug dealing. This has

become a thorny problem and has already aroused serious concern among the public. To solve

this problem, we should first find out its deep root of cause and apply respective solutions.

Firstly, the increase in the number of juvenile delinquents could be due to jealousy. Some of

the teens love bringing their expensive branded wallets, mobile phones or a large amount of

money to school. They are eager to show off. Meanwhile, it contributes to growing jealousy of

schoolmates and results in becoming an obvious target of theft. Beyond doubt, theft would then

lead to a series of problems – losing faith in others, ruining friendships and being bullied in

various forms, one of which is being “labelled”. Most of the other schoolmates would stay away

from the labelled. He or she would eventually become overlooked and isolated, which probably

leads to depression or, in some cases, suicidal acts. To prevent the worst from happening, school

is vitally important for educating their students not to bring an excess of money or other luxuries

to school. Also teachers should be responsible for teaching students the consequences of theft,

most notably imprisonment.

Secondly, some teenagers may commit crimes with the aim of killing the boredom or

enjoying the excitement of risk-taking. They are interested in finding something new and

exciting to do, including committing crimes as mentioned above. They simply neglect the

potential consequences of their acts, which not only would lead to imprisonment, but also a total

collapse of dream pursuit. After making any crime records, they would be unable to actualise

their dreams, for instance, studying or working abroad. Their applications will be rejected by the

authority. Contrasting to seeking excitements from committing crimes, students are suggested

joining extra-curricular activities, for example, sports. Through playing sports, students can also

obtain excitements as long as they are fully engaged in the process.


Under the current examination system in Hong Kong, students’ fate is sealed by one single

examination, namely the HKDSE – an all-or-nothing event that determines one’s entry to

university. It is a matter of life and death for those students sitting in the examination, and thus

they are bearing massive pressure. This could lead to involvement in crimes. By committing

crimes, they would be relieved and relaxed. This may also be achieved by taking drugs, which

would destroy their immune system, damage their brains and cause serious illnesses. Most of the

teenagers have a misunderstanding that drug abuse could help them become happier and more

thrilled. However, this isn’t true that it would destroy their lives forever. Therefore, schools and

parents should take responsibilities of educating teenagers about the after-effects of using drugs,

encouraging them to join some healthy after-school activities as ways to relax without putting

excessive pressure on them.

To sum up, we should not hold exceedingly high expectations of teenagers and we should

guide them to live in a right, healthy way. If he or she puts a foot wrong, we should do our best

to bring him or her back on the right track before everything becomes irreversible. Teens, be


Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong





My New Year’s Resolutions

Tsang Tsz Yiu (4C)

My last year’s goal was to improve my studies and I made it. I was so happy when I received my report

card. I could not wait to tell my mom. This year I have a few goals that I want to accomplish.

This year’s targets:

1. Saving HK$50,000

I will try to save more money.

However, it is a little bit hard for

me. I can only spend $200 or $300

a month on food and transport.

Perhaps I will do a part-time job.

Listening to my mother’s opinion, I

think my family can help me with

my savings plan.

2. Having a healthy lifestyle

I want to look good and grow taller.

Recently, I have had more pimples.

I think by having a healthy lifestyle,

I could at least look better and

become a bit taller. I will set a daily

schedule, eating healthier, sparing

more time doing exercise and going

to bed before 11 every night. It

could be hard for me to spend time

on doing exercise during school

days because I have a lot of

homework to do and sometimes I

have to study for quizzes.

Nevertheless, I will do my best.

3. Improve my English

In the past two years, my English

has been better than before. I am

now good at listening and speaking,

but still it is not good enough. I

need to prepare for the DSE. I know

this examination is difficult, but I

don’t want to fail in English. So I

will spend more time on practising

my English and learning more new

words. I will also try to talk to

foreign people. I have faith that I

can do better. I will work harder to

get higher marks.

4. Master some skills

I have learnt many skills, but none

of them is good, for example,

playing the piano. I cannot play it

very well, because I am too lazy. I

didn’t practice all the time. I hope I

can do it well. I don’t like to study

so if I have some skills, maybe they

would help me get into university or

find a good job. Actually I enjoy

cooking because I like food and it

makes me happy. I want to be a

chef after I finish my studies.

5. Go travelling

Going travelling is my dream and I want

to know more about the world. Hong

Kong is a small city and my mother

wants me to explore more. I want to go to

America first. I love this place because

this is a big and beautiful place where I

can feel relaxed and free. I also want to

go to San Francisco for shopping. Last

time my mom bought me some clothes

from Banana Republic in San Francisco.

It was a lovely sweater. Other than San

Francisco, I would also like to go to

Boston to try authentic fish and chips and

Boston lobster. I think they are very tasty.

I love steak so much that I would like to

have it for dinner every day.

6. Scuba diving

I would love to try something new,

for example, scuba diving. My

mom told me that her experience of

scuba diving was very interesting.

She said the underwater world was

amazing and she even swam with

NEMO. I wish to see sharks. In

order to do that, I need to take some

courses and pass the scuba diving

exam. I could then enjoy such an

adventurous water activity.

I review my 2014 resolutions every day to ensure I am on the right track of getting there.


My New Year’s Resolutions

Wong Hoi Nam (4E)

In the past, I was very lazy. I need a change this year. I have three resolutions to achieve in 2014.


Although it is hard to achieve all these resolutions overnight, I have high hopes all the time.

My last resolution is to do more

about sports as I am not

satisfied with my body shape.

One reason is that I always eat

high-calorie food. If I kick all

these bad habits and pay more

attention to my eating habits,

my wish will come true.

My first resolution is that I can travel

around the world. My destination is

Korea because I want to learn about

K-pop culture. I admire this nation

because Koreans are making a blast by

spreading their unique culture to almost

every part of the world. Korean teen

idols are sought after everywhere. It is

really interesting to know about all


My second resolution is to learn exam

skills and improve my results in Liberal

Studies and Visual Arts. For Liberal

Studies, it requires my critical thinking

to discuss issues from different

perspectives. In order to attain good

progress, I will have to learn to

concentrate in the lessons. I hope I can

improve my skills and achieve my goals.

I must study harder and take action now.


A Trip to Mars

Ho Yin Man 6D (5)

Dear Nick,

Thank you for your email! I am so happy to hear that your family is going to have a trip to Mars this summer. I

know that you want to know more about Mars and so I am going to share some of my experience on Mars with you.

My trip to Mars was definitely unforgettable and memorable. Do you know how long it took me to travel to Mars

by taking a spaceship? 1 month? 10 days? No. It took me 2 hours only to arrive on this peculiar planet. So, don’t think

that we have to spend a lot of time on travelling. It’s terribly fast and convenient. As we all know, Mars is the fourth

planet from the Sun. The temperature there fluctuates from day to night, with a range from -20 degrees Celsius to 40

degrees Celsius. It was at noon when I reached the destination and so I couldn’t stop sweating and panting in the heat.

To avoid too much sun exposure, I went to check in at the hotel straight away. I couldn’t wait to fill the bath tub with

cold water and soak myself in the bath as quickly as possible.

I guess you will be curious about what food is like on Mars. Let me tell you more about this. There are many types

of food you could try, but they are very different from those in Hong Kong. Have you ever heard about broccoli

sandwiches, fruit burgers and mushroom puddings? Do they sound strange? However, I think the dishes would definitely

suit your appetite since you are fond of vegetarian food. Although the presentation of the food is a bit strange, the food

there is delicious and tasty. It is a must for you to try! I will send you the address of that restaurant later.

Could you imagine that Mars is like a metropolitan which is as prosperous as Hong Kong? But it is true. Mars is no

longer a deserted planet, yet it has been highly developed and has become densely populated in recent years.

Skyscrapers, highways and shopping centres are everywhere. One more interesting point that I would like to talk about is

the people living on Mars. I’d better say aliens though. They are very friendly and hospitable. In Hong Kong, when you

greet your friends, you normally say ‘hi’ or ‘hello’. However, the aliens there do not do so. They lie on the floor and give

a big smile to their friends instead. Aliens who supposedly appear in Hollywood movies only are now becoming my

friends. This is so unbelievable!

My trip to Mars is absolutely a worthwhile eye-opening experience. I highly recommend you and your family to go

to Mars this summer. You may meet some new friends like me over there. Please drop me a few lines when you return.




Classrooms of the Future Unveiled

Leung Suet Ha & Chan Chun Sing (6E)

E-learning is becoming

increasingly common in

schools. Just imagine all the

classrooms are equipped with

tablet computers for pupils and

connected to e-lessons. But is it

the way forward or backward?

Having a tablet computer

such as an iPad, students are

expected to do all their

homework on it. In fact there

are a number of drawbacks.

Granted, a tablet computer

is a useful tool that can assist

students’ learning. However it

will affect students’ academics.

Take the iPad as an example. It

has a wide range of functions

including a music player,

camera and games. With access

to the Internet, students can

even download different

applications and login to social

networking sites such as

Facebook and Twitter. Can

they still pay attention to their

studies? Will they be addicted

to using it? Worse still, they

may waste a considerable

amount of time on it and forget

its major function – it is a

learning tool.


over-dependence on a tablet

computer may harm students’

health, both physically and

mentally. Being glued to the

small screen for one whole day,

students may suffer from tired

eyes and short-sightedness

easily. Also, prolonged screen

time may pose a more serious

risk. Students are more prone to

depression, according to some


Despite advanced technology, students still

need teachers whose workload is not reduced but

increased. During the lessons, they not only need

to monitor students’ learning process, but also

have to prevent any misbehaviours from time to

time such as students using the devices to check

their Facebook messages and playing online

games. In other words, they have to make sure the

students are not distracted by other functions on

the devices, which have nothing to do with

students’ learning.

Inevitably, technology helps with learning.

But how much real learning can be done because

of technological improvement is another issue we

need to consider seriously.


Our Future Classrooms

Lee Wai Man (6F)

Dear editor,

I am writing to express my own views which are

against the report released today. My letter will be

divided into two parts. The first part is to explain

why I disagree with the report while in the next part I

will further explain how I believe the school of the

future will differ from the report’s description.

It was said in the report that the future students

are far more ‘digitalised’ than nowadays as each of

them will have a tablet computer like iPad to have

their lessons and finish their homework. The

suggestion seems harmless but I am afraid that tablet

computers would not be suitable to substitute

traditional textbooks. Let me analyse it in a technical

way – tablet computers are electronic devices, and

they need electricity to work. That means, these

“e-books” will be easily out of battery and need

recharging from time to time. As a result, I cannot

imagine seeing students bringing their chargers along

to school and the whole classroom would be full of

plugs and wires. It probably will not be a safe

learning environment, will it? But textbooks do not

have these kinds of problems.

Apart from the safety problems, I assume that it

is not affordable for each student to buy a tablet

computer since each one costs over HK$1000. It is

far more expensive than buying printed books.

Therefore, for those who are not rich, it may be a bit

unfair for them to bear these.


Concerning about doing homework on an iPad, it is obviously not a good idea. I want

to define “homework” first: Doing homework is a short-term reflection of what you have

learnt in lessons. Besides, doing homework by hand is an effective way to help you learn

words, including how to write, how to match the meanings and how to remember things.

Once allowing students to do homework online, they are keener to be a TYPER than a

WRITER, and, finally, the next generation would not be able to write anymore. There are

no more papers, pens and also, no more CULTURE – printing is a technique invented by

the Chinese that has affected the whole world. There are responsibilities for us to protect

our own culture.

What’s more, not having tutors but using so-called “interactive learning software” to

teach is a strange idea. Teachers are usually highly-educated professionals. What they teach

is not only on books, but also views of life and experiences to success. I am sure that all

these valuable live-teaching methods cannot be done by the gadgets and digital

applications. Also the digital learning method is dull and non-active since all kids are there

sitting and looking at the small screen with fingers tapping on the devices occasionally. The

view of putting up hands and asking questions will become extinct. It is poor, really poor.

According to the report, the future school will just be a “computer company”, a

“digital factory”. Teachers are no more professionals as their job is to stand there only and

prevent misbehaviour. They become GUARDS in the end.

Yet, for me, I do not like and do not want the schools to become like that as mentioned

in the report. I do think that examinations are still needed and, teachers and paperwork

should stay for some reasons. Digital teaching is a trend but not a must. Schools are

launched as this is the social need of education. Parents need to work and teachers are there

during daytime to teach and look after students. If iPad-learning works, schools will be

closed and children only need to stay at home to study. Is it reasonable and workable?

Nowadays, schools offer a wide variety of learning tools along with textbooks.

Students can gain extra opportunities to play music, sports and other extra-curricular

activities. For sure, one little iPad cannot help achieve this.

To sum up, I disagree with the report regarding the views of computing schools.

Digital gadgets have brought convenience to our lives but, at the same time, have weakened

our communication and interpersonal skills. I hope this world will not be ruined by

technology in the future.

Thank you for your time reading this letter. I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Chris Wong





An Unforgettable Experience at a Jewellery Shop

Luo Jiaqi (5B)

Last Saturday was my sister’s birthday. In the afternoon, I decided to buy a watch for

her. So, I went to a jewellery shop with her to choose a birthday present. When we came

to the shop, the shopkeeper eagerly greeted us and showed us watches from the display

cabinets. My sister carefully selected a watch and tried it on. By that time, three men

suddenly rushed into the shop. They were armed robbers.

When they entered the jewellery shop, everyone stopped talking. My sister was

trembling and gasping in fear. She held my arm tightly and stood behind me. Although I

was scared, I still managed to tell my sister not to shout. The shop assistants were

terrified. They were worried about their lives and the expensive jewellery in the shop.

The robbers were masked and they were wearing black jackets and jeans. Holding

guns, they shouted that we could not move. We did exactly what we were told. Then they

asked the shop manager to fetch all the jewellery in the shop. The manager refused his

order first, but he was beaten. Finally he unlocked the display cabinets.

Two robbers started to sweep the jewellery and watches into their bags. The third

one was carrying deadly looking firearms. They continued to put the valuables in the shop

safes into their bags. At the same time, the shop manager succeeded in pressing the silent

alarm button. In a minute, the three robbers took away large sums of cash and jewellery.

Then, they rushed out of the jewellery shop.

After receiving the robbery report, the policemen quickly arrived and surrounded the

jewellery shop. The police caught the three robbers red-handed. They admitted the crime

they committed and returned all the goods to the jewellery shop.

Fortunately, no one was hurt in the robbery. My sister was thankful to me. She said

that I protected her from harm and saved her life. We will not forget this special day for

the rest of our lives!


A Shocking Scene at a Jewellery Shop

Rose Wong (5B)

Last Saturday was my friend Nancy’s birthday. Her watch had broken.

Therefore, I decided to buy a watch as her birthday gift. In the jewellery shop, she

was attracted by a special watch. The shopkeeper greeted us eagerly. While Nancy

was choosing and trying on the watches, a terrifying story started.

“Everyone, lie on the floor! Do not attempt to press the alarm button; otherwise,

I will kill you all! Understand?” a masked man shouted. Another robber, who was

carrying deadly looking firearms, pointed his gun at the shop manager and said,

“Unlock the display cabinets. Be quick!” The shop manager with a trembling body

obeyed his order. When the display cabinets were unlocked, the robbers swept the

jewellery and watches into their bags. As Nancy was gasping in fear and the

shoppers surrounding us were crying, I plucked up my courage and whispered to

them, “Stay calm! Everything will be fine.”

Calmly Nancy signalled me to get close to the bottom of the display cabinets. I

managed to sneak to the location where she pointed at. Oh! I found a silent alarm

button. While the robbers were busy filling their bags, I tried my best to press the

button. Then I lied on the floor immediately to prevent the robbers from discovering


After a few minutes, the robbers got everything they wanted. They were ready

to leave. Suddenly, a voice shouted, “Don’t move! Put down your loots and put your

hands behind your head!” The robbers surrendered and obeyed the police officer’s

orders. Finally, the robbers were caught red-handed by the police. The stolen goods

were returned to the jewellery shop. Fortunately, nobody got any serious injury.

Nancy said, “It was definitely an unforgettable birthday in my life.” Although it was

a horrible experience, I have learnt to be brave. Thank you for your encouragement.”


A Detective Story

Wu Kwan Kit (6B)

Yesterday when I was on duty at the police station of my district, I received a report about

vandalism in The Museum of Art. Several valuable masterpieces were found damaged. Once I

reported to my supervisor, he formally gave me an order to start the investigation.

Then, I gathered all my teammates and started thinking on

how to solve the case. We aimed to look for any suspects with

similar criminal records in the past. After we analysed all the

information, we found five suspects.

All the five suspects had the records of damaging things in

the past, but three of them were still in jail, which meant that

they were not our targets. As the remaining two targets had the

greatest possibility of committing the crime, we issued orders to

catch them at once.

However, I did not know whether it was an

accident or not. Both of them were killed when we

arrived at their homes. I thought, “Now, we have two

more murder cases to deal with.” My intuition told me

that I missed something very important, but I just

couldn’t tell what it was.

It was quite late at 9:24p.m. When we went out for

dinner, an explosion took place in my office suddenly. All

the crucial information was gone in the big fire. Luckily, no

police officers got severe injuries while my teammates and I

were safe. I started to doubt whether there was a very

powerful man stopping us from solving the case.

Due to my intuition, we went back to the museum

and started to find clues again. When we arrived, we saw

a cleaner working near the restricted area. I thought he

might give us some ideas about the case. I asked my

teammates to search around and I approached the



“I am Sergeant Wong. Do you work on a night shift every day?” I asked.

He replied with a soft voice, “Yes, sir. But I was off at 11p.m. last night, and I know

nothing.” He was so calm that he made me day-dream for a while. Was he suspicious?

At the same time, Peter, one of my teammates, found

some white powder at the corner in the restricted area. He

smelt a little and fainted! Of course, only a little white powder

could not be life-threatening. However, it was a really

important clue for the case.

While I was glad to find a clue, another teammate

shouted, “Look! I found some hair.” It was obvious that it

should belong to the vandal. Taking the DNA test, we found

the man.

After using some inhuman ways on him,

he admitted that he was the vandal and also

the killer. He also explained why he set the

bomb in my office.

Perhaps I could sum up the story by now. The man we

arrested was only the doer, who was actually controlled by a very

powerful man in the city. This powerful man wanted to buy those

masterpieces in the museum, but all the owners rejected him and

told him money was nothing to them. It made this big boss very

angry, so he found an ex-criminal to destroy the masterpieces and

ordered him to kill those who got a similar criminal background

so that it would leave false clues.

Finally, we had enough evidence to arrest the

vandal’s commander. After the rich and powerful man was

under arrest, we found a lot of evidence associated with

his illegal business. For sure, he would be sentenced to life


My team solved such a big case and the president of

the city presented an award to us. The museum headman

just shook my hand tensely without saying a word. But I

could feel his gratefulness through his eyes.





The Use of Chocolate

Chan Tsz Kwan (4A)


Everything comes to my mind and your mind is CHOCOLATE, which is…… for eating? Besides eating,

chocolate can also be used to DO many things! If you have no ideas about that, let me use these photos to

tell you. Are you ready? Let’s get started!

My Life

Ke Ying 4A (7)


My Life

Ke Ying (4A)



Book Reviews & Film Reviews


Book report: Cave People

Chung Tsz Ho (2D)

Title: Cave People

Author: Linda Hayward

Genre: Adventure

Setting: In caves & in the past

If you can change the setting, where and when will you prefer?

If I can change the setting, I prefer to change the time to the present and the place to the U.S.A. It may be

fun because everything will be new to the people in the past.

Characters: Description (Appearance or Personality)

The Neanderthals They are tall and have dark complexion

Scientists They make tools for people

Reindeer Thin animals with two big horns

Which character(s) do you like / dislike most? Why?

I like the Neanderthals because they are nice. They help each other when they are faced with difficulties.

They have a good memory too. I wish I had a good memory like the Neanderthals. They are good at

sports and hunting. I wish I could be as strong as them.

If you can add a character into the story, who will you add?

If I can add a character into the story, I will add a person from the future. It is because this person can

teach the Neanderthals how to hunt better and what to do with dead animals. The person should be clever

and good at teaching.


The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

Cheung Chung Hei (4C)


In this book, my favourite character is Tom Sawyer. It is not because he is the main character, but

because I like the way he treats his friend. He has a sense of humour and justice, so when they were

chased by Injun Joe, the murderer, he did not betray Huck. Instead, he chose to face the situation with him!

From this, we can understand that Tom Sawyer is a near-perfect person and he could be our life-long


In this book, the part I like the most is the sweet moment when Tom and Becky were together. By the

time Tom said “I love you!” to Becky, she started to cry. Tom wanted to stop her from crying, so he gave

her his treasure – a metal door-handle – to let her know how important she was in his heart. We can see

how deeply Tom loves Becky. I think it is so sweet because if he were my companion, and he gave me

something that was his treasure, I would forgive him immediately.

I think this story is suitable for everyone to read because the vocabulary is not difficult. Also the story is

very meaningful. I will recommend this book to my friends.


This book is about a boy called Tom Sawyer

who is an eleven-year-old teenager. His parents

were dead when he was a baby, so he lives with

his father’s sister, Aunt Polly. Although he is

not clean and tidy, his aunt still loves him and

treats him like her own son. Huck Finn is

Tom’s friend and they loved having adventures

together. One day, they went to a graveyard to

have an adventure, and witnessed a murder!

And soon, they found a valuable thing at

Becky’s birthday picnic too! But it belonged to

the murderer, who chased after them and

wanted to kill them. Luckily the police arrested

him, so Tom and Huck were safe.


A Delightful Enjoyment – The Hunger Games

Xiao LiTing (4D)

The story is set in a future America where citizens are divided into

12 districts and are ruled by the Capitol. Every year, the Capitol selects

2 young people, a boy and a girl from each district to fight in the

Hunger Games, a nationally televised fight to death. The reason for

starting these games is to remind formerly rebellious districts that their

government is still firmly in control. This year, Katniss Everdeen

(Jennifer Lawrence) becomes the first volunteer.

One of the major characters in The Hunger Games is Katniss

Everdeen. In the movie, she is a brave girl and great person. She can

sacrifice everything for the sake of her family. When her younger sister

Primrose Everdeen is selected to take part in the Hunger Games,

Katniss volunteers to replace her unhesitatingly. She is my hero!

In addition, after the hunger games begins, she is brave enough to

face everything. When she suffers a serious injury, she is still very


Besides, she has acquired one perfect survival skill – archery. She

can hit the target without a miss. I like her powerful skill and her


Another thing worth mentioning is the costume in the movie. I’m

impressed the most with the dress that Katniss wears for the television

show. She shows to the rich people in the Capitol that her beautiful

dress is on fire! After that, Katniss is named ‘A girl on fire’. The

designer in the movie creates this dress for her in order to glorify the

courage of Katniss. So I think she deserves this name.

The Hunger Games has a fascinating plot with a lot of gorgeous

scenes and surprising events which make the audience think more

about the story. All in all, it is such a joyful movie worth watching.


Steel in the Sky (Iron Man)

Law Tik Sum (4E)

Directed by Shane Black and starring Robert

Downey, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Guy

Pearce, Rebecca Hall, Stephanie Szostak, James

Badge Dale, Jon Favreau and Ben Kingsley, Iron Man

is a superhero movie.

Tony Stark is a rich man. He spends so much of

his money on developing Robert and high-end

technological inventions. Having great talents, he is

eager to innovate. One day he invented an iron suit

and a helmet. He dresses up his iron suit to help

people in need. Everyone likes him and calls him Iron

Man. However, some villains think that he is a threat

and wants to kill him.

If you like fiction and special effects, this is the

film for you. You can enjoy the powerful and

stunning visual stimulations. Moreover, this film has

a little bit of romance and funny moments amidst its

exciting plot.

I suggest everyone watching this blockbuster


Rating: **** (4/5 stars)



Special thanks to all English teachers and

students for their contributions to this


Editors: Ms Twiggy Chung & Ms Li Wing Kwan

Cover design: Tam Kam Fa 5D (10)

Publisher: Pui Ying Secondary School

Address: 55 Wah Fu Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong

Tel: 25503632

Website: http://www.puiying.edu.hk