PDC INGLES 9° GAF -181-V1 20-01-2012 Página 1 de 15 STUDENT´S NAME GRADE 9th GROUP TEACHER Olga Lucia Osorio Saldarriaga TERM I LENGTH 10 weeks SUBJECT English AREA Foreign Language AREA´S OBJECTIVE To provide the environment and tools for students to acquire English as a second language through the four skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) necessary to engage other cultures as a world citizen. YEAR COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT To engage daily situations, discuss their opinion and plans, and write short and coherent texts about familiar topics. TERM COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENT To discuss about personal topics like identity, preferences, and anecdotes using present, past, and future structures correctly. GENERATIVE TOPIC Flashback!!! CONTENT 1. Review Present Tenses 2. Narrative Tenses 3. Future Predictions and Intentions: Future with “WILL” and “GOING TO”. 4. Error analysis: Compositions, Stories, and Autobiography. TERM COMPREHENSION ACHIEVEMENTS 1. To listen and discuss what influences identity using present constructions using a polite tone to ask personal questions. 2. To use narrative tenses and discuss states and habits in the past. 3. To listen and discuss about predictions, intentions, and arrangements in the future. 4. To talk about movies and write a summary of a movie.

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English 9th grade Lesson Plan 1 of 4

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GAF -181-V1 20-01-2012

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TEACHER Olga Lucia Osorio Saldarriaga

TERM I LENGTH 10 weeks SUBJECT English AREA Foreign Language


To provide the environment and tools for students to

acquire English as a second language through the four

skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing) necessary

to engage other cultures as a world citizen.


To engage daily situations, discuss their opinion and

plans, and write short and coherent texts about familiar



To discuss about personal topics like identity,

preferences, and anecdotes using present, past, and

future structures correctly.




1. Review Present Tenses

2. Narrative Tenses

3. Future Predictions and Intentions:

Future with “WILL” and “GOING TO”.

4. Error analysis: Compositions, Stories, and



1. To listen and discuss what influences identity using

present constructions using a polite tone to ask

personal questions.

2. To use narrative tenses and discuss states and habits

in the past.

3. To listen and discuss about predictions, intentions,

and arrangements in the future.

4. To talk about movies and write a summary of a


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Participa en

conversaciones en

las que expresa


Hace presentaciones

breves para

describir, narrar,

justificar y explicar

brevemente hechos

y procesos.

Escribe textos

expositivos cortos

que describen a

personas o cosas,

reales e imaginarios

Escucha una

presentación oral y

entiende la

información más


To listen and discuss what

influences identity, and use a

polite tone to ask personal


To review Present Tenses.

To use narrative tenses and

discuss states and habits in the

past; and read complex texts and

react to the content.

To talk about movies and write a

summary of a movie.

To understand problems different

people have when traveling.

To listen and discuss about

predictions, intentions, and

arrangements in the future.

To review given topics and start

writing biography draft.

1st week 2nd week 3rd – 4th week 5th week 6th week 7th – 8th week 9th -10th week

Class discussions


Written grammar and

vocabulary exercises

Spelling quizzes

Written and oral quizzes

Final exam

Biography draft

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Excellent (A) Outstanding (B) Average (C) Low (F)

To discuss about personal topics like identity, preferences, and anecdotes using Present, Past, and Future structures.

To understand and participate in conversations about personal topics like identity, preferences, and anecdotes using Present, Past, and Future structures.

To recognize the vocabulary relating personal topics like identity, preferences, and anecdotes and identify some grammar structures.

To struggle with conversations about personal topics like identity, preferences, and anecdotes using Present, Past, and Future structures.


Students will use general knowledge to develop discussions in class and

will read about different cultural aspects.


Spanish – English Dictionary

English Assignment

CD player

Web 2.0

Flat screen

Video Beam

Folder (To keep the assignment)

Pencil Case

REFERENCES ONLINE DICTIONARY: www.wordreference.com, www.cambridgeonlinedictionary.com

ENGLISH GRAMMAR ONLINE 4U: http://www.ego4u.com/en/cram-up/grammar/present-perfect-


MY ENGLISH TEACHER.NET: http://www.myenglishteacher.net/irregular_verbs.html


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Spelling Vocabulary # 1 Quiz date: __________

No. Word Part of speech Meaning 1 Appeal Noun Power to provoke a good response.

2 Blame Verb To hold someone guilty for something.

3 Despair Verb To lose or give up hope.

4 Dub Verb To nickname; to re-arrange a sound already recorded.

5 Elicit Verb To bring or draw out; to evoke.

6 Embarrassment Noun Feeling ashamed.

7 Knit Verb To weave with thread or yarn.

8 Prospect Noun Something that has the possibility of future success, a possible costumer.

9 Transcript Noun A written copy.

10 Workaholic Adjective Having an addiction for work.

Spelling Vocabulary # 2 Quiz Date: _________________

No. Word Part of speech Meaning 1 Blot out Verb To forget.

2 Booth Noun A small surrounded compartment or area.

3 Concern Verb To be interested in; to be involved with.

4 Desperation Noun The state of being worried.

5 Hidden Adjective To be out of sight or unseen.

6 Illness Noun Sickness; a state of being in poor health.

7 Spokesman Noun One who speaks on behalf of another.

8 Star Verb To play a main role in a film or movie.

9 Vulnerable Adjective Open to physical injury or attack.

10 Wander Verb To travel around without a clear destiny; to stray.

Spelling Vocabulary # 3 Quiz Date: ___________

No. Word Part of speech Meaning 1 Affair Noun An event or happening.

2 Appetizer Noun Food or drink served before a meal to stimulate the appetite.

3 Bartender Noun A person who serves alcoholic drinks and other refreshments at a bar.

4 Despite preposition Apart of; in spite of; nevertheless.

5 Lavatory Noun A room with permanently installed washing and toilet facilities; bathroom.

6 Luxurious adjective Something very expensive and sophisticated.

7 Strike Noun To stop working as a protest against something or in favor of a demand.

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8 Stuck adjective To be blocked by something; not being able to move.

9 Stunning Verb To produce a senseless feeling.

10 Truffle Noun

Spelling Vocabulary # 4 Quiz Date: __________

No. Word Part of speech Meaning 1 Axe Noun Tool used to split wood.

2 Barely Adverb Sparely; by a very little amount.

3 Betrayal Noun A disloyal or unfaithful act.

4 Christening Noun Baptism.

5 Hose Noun A flexible tube for carrying fluids.

6 Naughty Adjective Unruly; not proper.

7 Reminisce Verb To recall the past things which have happened.

8 Spread Verb To unfold or open fully; to apply or distribute over an area; to expand.

9 Stagger Verb To walk trembling; to stumble.

10 Wrinkled Adjective Having small creases on the skin or on fabric.

Spelling Vocabulary # 5 Quiz Date: _____________

No. Word Part of speech Meaning 1 Amuse Verb To entertain in an pleasing way.

2 Depth noun The state of being deep.

3 Encounter Noun An unplanned or unexpected meeting.

4 Glider Noun An aircraft without an engine, built to soar on an air current.

5 Outcome Noun A consequence or result.

6 Raided Noun A sudden invasion or seizure.

7 Rickshaw Noun A type of carriage pulled by bike or a running man.

8 Seabed Noun The sea floor.

9 Sled Noun A vehicle with runners, used to travel on snow or ice.

10 Tram Noun A vehicle used to cross between mountains hanged on a cable.

Spelling Vocabulary # 6 Quiz Date: __________________________

No. Word Part of speech Meaning 1 Catering Verb To provide a food service.

2 Claustrophobic Adjective A person that fears of small or enclosed places.

3 Frightened Adjective Filled with fear; being afraid.

4 Gamble Verb To make a chance on an uncertain

5 Highlighted Adjective Giving emphasis.

6 Insurance Noun Protection again risk, loss, or ruin; any safeguard against risk or harm.

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7 Laid-back Adjective Someone who doesn’t worry much about anything.

8 Outdoor Adjective Away from inside; outside; out of a building.

9 Tiebreaker Noun An activity to untie competitors at a contest.

10 Ultimate Adjective Final; ending; most extreme.