1. S + V1 2. S + V2 (lebih specific) 3. S + Has / have V3 a. Our spv has told us about that case b. The patient has c/o burning sensation since…/for 4. There is a mass in ….. 5. It is a vital part to get the patient’s family history 6. S to be + V3/Ving Ct scan has been performed to this patient Breast seminar will be held in September The patient has taken some prescription The internist has been visiting this ward since an hour ago I have been examining the patient with US 7. V ing >>> Interviewing him needs patience My patient is excited about having this new menu


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Page 1: English

1. S + V12. S + V2 (lebih specific)3. S + Has / have V3

a. Our spv has told us about that caseb. The patient has c/o burning sensation since…/for

4. There is a mass in …..5. It is a vital part to get the patient’s family history6. S to be + V3/Ving

Ct scan has been performed to this patientBreast seminar will be held in SeptemberThe patient has taken some prescriptionThe internist has been visiting this ward since an hour agoI have been examining the patient with US

7. V ing >>> Interviewing him needs patienceMy patient is excited about having this new menuWho is in charge of treating this patient

8. WhWhat you need is constant observationI know what u did last nightWhat the patient needs in this case is ……….What is obscure in this image is a grey white matterI know who you areWhat I don’t understand about this case is already clarified by our spv

Page 2: English

9. Hospitalized for two weeks, mr x felt so boredDiagnosed as having cancer, mr x felt so depressedCrossing the street in front of medical faculty, I saw mrs yuyun in rushHaving been in class for almost 1 year, I see things improving in my confidenceVing…………………………………., s (aktif) me, berV3……………………………………., s (pasif, ter)

10. S + modals + V1