Engleza Pt Incepatori 21 Si 22

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  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 21 Si 22


    RECAPITULAREComparaia adjectivelor:good big large easy

    better bigger larger easier the best the biggest the largest the easiestPluralul substantivelor:books halves

    glasses tomatoesbabies childrenwomen


    3. Utilizarea verbului auxiliar to do" n propoziii interogative i negative:Do you often visit them? Did they know? We don't live there. They don't want to go.

    4. Diateza pasiv - the Passive Voice- structur: - verbul to be" la timpul corespunztor + forma a III-a a verbului de conjugat The thief was caught (by the

    police). - Houl a fost prins (de poliiti).5. Fraza condiional tipul I

    - structur:Propoziia principal if- Propoziia subordonat(verbul la Simple Future Tense) (verbul la Simple Present Tense)He will visit his friends ifhe has time. - i va vizita prietenii dac va avea timp.6. Scrierea i citirea dateloron the 21st of October > [on Dz tuenti frst ov oktubr] _pe data de 21 octombrie


    LECIA 21 - PARTEA NTICa de obicei, ncepem i aceasta lecie cu cteva cuvinte noi. Citii-le cu voce tare i reinei sensul lor n limba romn:situation > [sit/ueian] - situaie, stare

    scene > [si:n] - scen, decor

    film > [film] - film

    difference > [di frns] - diferen, deosebire

    disease > [dizi:z] boal, maladie

    gesture > [djestr] - gest

    person > [p:rsn] - individ, persoan

    invention > [invenn] - invenie, descoperire

    play > [pie/] - joc, pies

    task > [ta:sk] - sarcin, ndatorire

    struggle > [stragl] - lupt, ntrecere

    spy > [spa/] - spion

    Repetai din nou cuvintele, dar ntr-o alt ordine:

    invention > [invenn] - invenie, descoperire

    film > [film] - film

    spy > [spa/] - spion

    situation > [sit/uein] - situaie, stare

    disease > [dizi:z] - boal, maladie

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 21 Si 22


    struggle > [stragl] - lupt, ntrecere

    gesture > [djestr] - gest

    scene > [si:n] - scen, decor

    person > [p:rsn] - individ, persoan

    task > [ta:sk] - sarcin, ndatorire

    difference > [di frns] - diferen, deosebire

    play > [pie/] - joc, pies

    2Sa folosim cuvintele noi n propoziii:

    We are in a difficult situation. > [ui: a:r in difiklt sitmein]It was a beautiful scene. Have you seen that film?

    > [it uoz b/u:tifal si:n]> [hEv iu: si:n DzEt film]

    This is a dangerous disease. > [it iz a demdjaras dizi:z] Do you see the difference? > [du iu: si: Dza difrans]

    It is a nice gesture.Who are these persons?Is television a useful invention?

    Who has written this play?It is a hard task.Was it a long struggle?

    There are spies in this country.> [Dzis iz nais djestr]> [hu: a:r Dzi:z p:rsnz]

    > [iz telivijn ;'u:sfal invenn]> [hu: hEz ritn Dzis pie;]

    > [it iz a ha:rd ta:sk]> [uoz it lon(g) stragl]

    > [Dzer a:r spar'z in Dzis kantri]

    - Suntem ntr-o situaie dificil.- Era un decor minunat.- Ai vzut filmul acela?

    - Este o boal periculoas.- Vezi deosebirea?

    - Este un gest drgu.- Cine sunt aceste persoane?

    - Este televizorul o invenie util?- Cine a scris aceast pies?

    - Este o sarcin grea.- A fost o lupt lung?

    - Sunt spioni n aceast tar.Completai urmtoarele propoziii cu cuvintele noi:Diferenele nu sunt importante.Aceast pies este foarte scurt.

    El cunoate situaia lor?Sarcina voastr este s scriei un eseu.

    Aceasta este ultima scen a filmului.Nu cunosc boala aceea.

    Nu sunt veti despre ntrecere.Nu cunosc nici una din aceste persoane.

    A fost un gest ciudat.El a fost spion?

    Aceast invenie este foarte util.- The > differences are not important.

    - This > play is very short.- Does he know their > situation?

    - Your >task is to write an essay.- This is the last >scene of the > film -1 don't know that > disease

    - There is no news of the > struggle -1 don't know any of these > persona- It was a strange > gesture

    - Was he a > spy?

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 21 Si 22


    - This > invention is very useful.3Traducei cuvintele n limba engleza:

    lupt, ntrecere > struggle

    persoan > person

    scen > scene

    spion > spy

    invenie > invention

    gest > gesture

    film > film

    pies > play

    sarcin > task

    deosebire > difference

    situaie > situation

    boal > disease

    Dac la forma de infinitiv scurt (fr particula to a verbului) adugm terminaia -ing, obinem participiul prezent,pecare-l putem folosi n propoziii ca adverb.

    De exemplu:This job is exhausting. The difference is striking. The work is tiring. His gesture was inviting. This disease is catching. The

    news is surprising.> [Dzis djob iz igzo:stin [Dz difrns iz stra/kin(g)]

    > [Dz



    kiz ta/rin(

    s>]> [hiz djestruoz inva/tin(g'] >[Dzisdizi:zizkEtm(s)]> [Dz n/u:z iz sapra/zin'8']

    Aceast munc este epuizant. Deosebirea este frapant. Munca este obositoare. Gestul lui a fost ispititor. Aceast boaleste molipsitoare. Vetile sunt surprinztoare.Sa nvam verbele noi de la care am format participiul prezent:to invite > [tu inva/'t]

    tosurprise > [tu spra/'z]to tire to strike to exhaust> [tu ta/r]

    > [tu stra/k]> [tu igzo:st]- a invita

    - a surprinde, a uimi, a lua prin surprindere- a obosi

    - a lovi, a izbi, a frapa, a oca- a epuiza, a istovi

    Dintre aceste verbe, to strike este neregulat. nvai cele trei forme ale sale:strike > [stra/'k]

    struck >[strak] struck >[strak]lata cum se folosesc verbele noi n propoziii:

    Long work always tires me.I like to surprise you.

    We have already invited Peter.They will exhaust their savings soon.

    The clock is just striking seven.> [Ion's* u:rko:lue/z ta/arz mi:]

    > [ai \aiktu spra;z iu:]> [ui: hEv o:lredi inva/tid pi:tar]

    > [Dze/ uil igzo:st Dze;'rse;vin(g)z su:n]> [Dz klok iz djast stra/kin(g) sevn]- Munca ndelungata m obosete ntotdeauna.

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 21 Si 22


    - mi place s te iau prin surprindere.- L-am invitat deja pe Peter.- i vor epuiza n curnd economiile.

    - Ceasul tocmai bate ora apte.n exerciiul urmtor completai spaiile din propoziii cu forma corespunztoare a verbului sau cu participiul prezent:

    Pe cine vrei s invii?Aceast boal molipsitoare este periculoas.

    M-ai surprins foarte tare.A fost o zi foarte obositoare.

    Te obosete aceast carte?ntrebarea lui a fost surprinztoare.

    Ultimul su film m-a frapat.Propunerea ta e tentant.

    Ne-am cheltuit deja toi banii.Este frapant aceast diferen?

    Aceast lung plimbare a fost epuizant.- Who do you want to >invite?

    - This >catching disease is dangerous.- You have >surprised me very much.- It was a very >tiring day.

    - Does this book >tire you?

    - His question was Surprising.- His newest film >struck me.

    - Your proposition sounds >inviting.- We have already >exhausted all our money.

    - Is this difference >strikmg?- This long walk was >exhausting.

    V amintii desigur de propoziia condiional de tipul I despre care am discutat n lecia anterioar. Conjuncia ifpoate finlocuit cu alte conjuncii:

    when as soon as afterbefore

    >[uen]> [Ez su:n Ez] >[a:ftr]

    > [bifo:r]- cnd

    - ndat ce- dup, dup aceea, dup ce, ulterior

    - nainte, dinainteaPropoziia care ncepe cu oricare dintre conjunciile de mai sus, se numete propoziie circumstanial de timp.Nu estenici o diferen ntre structura propoziiei condiionale de tipul i propoziia circumstanial de timp. Verbul din propoziiasubordonat introdus de aceste conjuncii este la timpul prezent simplu (Simple Present).De exemplu:He will buy the car as soon as as he gets the money.

    I will have dinner before I go to him.When you are in the same situation you will understand me.

    After I finish this book I will go for a walk.> [hi: uil bai Dz ka:r Ez su:n Ez hi: gets Dz mani]

    > [a; uil hEv dinar bifo:ra1 gu tu him]> [uen iu: a:r in Dzseim sit/uein m: "il andrstEnd mi:]

    > [a:ftr a; fini Dzis buk a1uil gu for uo:k]

    - El va cumpra maina de ndat ce primete banii.- Voi cina nainte s merg la el.- Cnd te vei afla n aceeai situaie m vei nelege.

    - Dup ce termin cartea aceasta o s fac o plimbare.Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba engle:

    Cnd ncepe s plou vom duce cinele acas.De ndat ce citeti aceast carte mi vei spune ceva despre asta.

    nainte de-a pleca vom nchide radioul.Voi face curenie n cas dup ce lucrez n grdin.

    > When it starts to rain we will take the dog home.> As soon as you read this book you will tell me something about it.> Before we leave we will turn off the radio.> I will clean the house after 1 work in the garden.

    S nvm cteva adjective noi. Unele dintre ele se formeaz din verbe. Citii-le cu voce tare i fii ateni la pronunie:

    alarming > [la:r


    >] - alarmant, ngrijortor

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    exciting > [iksa/tin(g)] - interesant, captivant

    moving > [mu:vin [form] - strin

    useless > [ui:s!i>] - inutil, nefolositor

    remarkable > [nma:~kbl] - remarcabil, deosebit

    Iat cuvintele noi n propoziii. Citii propoziiile cu voce tare i fii ateni la traducerea nlimba romn:I have heard some alarming news.We saw an exciting match.His speech was moving.

    > [ai hEv ha:rd sam la:rmin(g) nm:z]> [ui: so: n iksa;tin(g) mEt]

    > [hiz spi:t uoz mu:vin(g)]- Am auzit cteva veti alarmante.

    - Noi am vzut un meci captivant.- Discursul lui a fost emoionant.

    5She is a foreign spy. This is a useless tool. This is a remarkable story.

    >[i: iz form spa/'] >[Dzis iz ;'u:slis tu:l] >[Dzis iz rima:rkbl sto:ri]Ea este o spioan strin.

    Acesta este un instrument inutil.Aceasta este o poveste remarcabil.

    Completai propoziiile cu cuvintele noi:Filmul a fost foarte captivant.

    Am avut un vis deosebit.El nu are bani strini.

    Aceast scen este foarte emoionant.Aceast carte mi este nefolositoare.Prognoza meteo este alarmant.- The film was very >exciting.

    - I had a >remarkable dream.- He has no >foreign money.- This scene is very >moving.- This book is > useless to me.

    - The weather forecast is > alarming.Traducei urmtoarele cuvinte n limba engleza:

    strin, din alt ar > foreigninutil, nefolositor > useless

    emoionant > movingalarmant, ngrijortor > alarming

    remarcabil, deosebit > remarkablecaptivant > exciting

    In textele anterioare am nlocuit uneori substantivele cu pronumele nehotrtone. Utilizarea pronumelui nehotrt esteobligatorie alturi de adjective, iar lng adjectivele sunt deseori un articol hotrt:

    I have two red chairs and a white one. They have two cars. He wants the big one.- Am doua scaune roii i unul alb.- Au dou maini. El o vrea pe cea mare.Pronumele nehotrtone are i form de plural:Have you ever seen cheaperones? - Ai vzut vreodat unele mai ieftine?I like these blackones. - mi plac acestea negre.5Completai propoziiile cu forma corespunztoare

    Am multe ceasuri dar nici unul modern.El i-a pierdut ceasul i a pltit o grmad de bani pentru unul nou.

    Avei de vnzare i unele strine?mi plac cinii, dar acesta nu este unul frumos.

    Nu am multe reviste, le voi trimite pe acestea vechi.tiu c ochelarii sunt scumpi. Ct ai pltit pentru acetia noi?

    Ultima ei scrisoare a fost scurt.

    Aceast main este ieftin.Dintre toate crile acestea vreau s le citesc doar pe cele captivante.

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    a pronumelui one":- I have many clocks, but no modern > ones.- He lost his watch and paid a lot of money for a new > one.

    - Do you also sell foreign > ones?- I like dogs, but this isn't a nice >one.

    - I haven't many magazines, I will send these old >ones.- I know that glasses are expensive. How much have you paid for these new > ones?

    - Her last letter was a short >one.- This car is a cheap > one.

    - Of all these books I want to read only the exciting >ones.Acum sa nvam cteva verbe noi:

    to disappoint to excite to moveto alarm to choose to hide

    > [tu dispomt]> [tu iksa/t]

    > [tu mu:v]> [tu la:rm]

    > [tu tu:z]> [tu ha/d]- a dezamgi, a decepiona

    - a provoca, a emoiona

    - a se mica, a se muta, a (se) emoiona- a alarma, a speria

    - a alege, a selecta- a ascunde, a acoperi

    Doua dintre aceste verbe sunt neregulate. Iat formele lor:choose >[tu:z] cnose >[tuz] chosen >[tuzn]

    hide >[ha/d] hid >[hid] hidden >[hidn]Urmrii folosirea verbelor n propoziii i exersai pronunia:

    You have disappointed me. > [ [ Dza film iksaz'tid Dzem] _ Filmul i-a emoionat.

    We have moved to Bucharest. > [ui: hEv mu:vd tu bukrest] - Ne-am mutat la Bucureti.6

    The cars alarmed the animals.>[Dz ka:rz ala:rmd Dzi Enimlzl

    They chose the largest carpet.>[Dze; tauz Dz la:rdjst ka:rpit]

    Where have you hidden that? > [uer hEv /u: hidn DzEt]- Mainile le-au speriat pe animale.What book have you chosen? > [uot buk hEv m: tsauzn] - Ce carte ai ales?

    Au ales covorul cel mai mare.Unde ai ascuns aceea?Completai propoziiile cu forma corespunztoare a verbelor nou nvate:

    Oamenii nu s-au micat. - The men didn't >move.Ce te-a provocat? - What has >excited you?

    Ea i-a decepionat prinii. - She >disappointed her parents.Au ascuns totul? - Have they >hidden everything?

    Am ales cea mai scump carte. - I >chose the most expensive book.Asta ne-a alarmat ntotdeauna. - It has always >alarmed us.disappointed parents tiring work

    Sa recapitulm prima parte a leciei. TraduceiSituaia noastr este foarte dificil. i-a plcut piesa?Tocmai am primit cteva veti surprinztoare, nainte s vedem acest film, ne vom face dator propoziiile n limba englez:> Our situation is very difficult.

    > Did you like the play?> I have just got some surprising news.

    ia. > Before we see this film, we'll do our task.6

    A fost cel mai interesant meci pe care l-am vzut vreodat.Cnd vrei s te mui?

    Chiar crezi c este inutil?S-a ntmplat ceva deosebit?

    Cartea lui cea mai nou m-a ocat.Este vreo diferen ntre aceste dou boli?surprising news

    > It was the most exciting match I have ever seen.> When do you want to move?

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    > Do you really think it is useless?> Has anything remarkable happened?> His newest book struck me.

    > Is there any difference between these two diseases?exciting match


    LECIA 21 - PARTEA A DOUA9S nvm cteva cuvinte referitoare la maini:engine > [endjin] - motor

    petrol > [petrl] - benzin, carburant

    litre > [li:tar] - litru

    oii > [o/l] - ulei

    battery > [bEtri] - baterie, acumulator

    trouble > [trabl] - necaz, neplcere, griji, deranj

    lorry > [lori] - camion

    tyre > [ta/r] - anvelop, cauciuc

    brake > [bre/k] - frn

    mechanic > [mikEnik] - mecanic

    indicator > [indike/tr] - indicator (de direcie etc),

    aparat de msur/ de control

    breakdown van > [bre/kdaun vEn] - main de depanare-auto

    Repetai cuvintele ntr -o alt ordine:

    trouble > [trabl] - necaz, neplcere, griji, deranj

    petrol > [petrl] - benzin, carburant

    engine > [endjin] - motor

    breakdown van > [bre/kdaun vEn] - main de depanare-auto

    litre > [li:tr] - litru

    lorry > [lori] - camion

    battery > [bEtri] - baterie, acumulator

    brake > [bre/k] - frn

    mechanic > [mikEnik] - mecanic

    indicator > [indike/tr] - indicator (de direcie etc),aparat de msur/ de control

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 21 Si 22


    tyre > [ta/r] - anvelop, cauciuc

    oil > [o/l] - ulei

    8lata cuvintele noi ntr-un scurt dialog. Citii-1 cu atenie:A: Yesterday I had some trouble with my lorry. It suddenly stopped and a breakdown van took it

    to mechanic.B: Did you have engine trouble or too little petrol?A: No, I didn't. The battery and the indicators didn't work.B: Did the mechanic help you?A: Yes, he did everything very fast.B: Did he also look at the brakes and the tyres?

    A: Yes, they were all right. I bought two litres of oil and he changed it for me. Iar acum s traducemfiecare propoziie:

    Yesterday I had some > [ /estarde/ ai hEd sam - Ieri am avut probleme

    trouble with my lorry. trabl uiDz ma/ lori] cu camionul meu.

    It suddenly stopped and a > [it sadnli stopt End - S-a oprit brusc i o main

    breakdown van took it bre/kdaun vEn tuk it de depanare auto

    to a mechanic. tu Dz mikEnik] 1-a dus la un mecanic.

    Did you have engine trouble > [did /u: hEv endjin trabl o:r - Ai avut probleme cu motorul

    or too little petrol? tu: litl petrl] sau prea puin benzin?

    No, I didn't. The battery and > [nu ai didnt Dz bEtri End - Nu. Acumulatorul i

    the indicators didn't work. Dzi indike/trz didnt u:rk] indicatoarele n-au funcionat.

    Did the mechanic help you? > [did Dz mikEnik help /u:] - Te-a ajutat mecanicul?

    Yes, he did everything > [ies hi: did evriTsin(g) - Da, a fcut totul foarte repede.

    very fast. veri fa: st]

    Did he also look at > [did hi: o:lsu luk Et - S-a uitat i la frne i

    the brakes and the tyres? Dz bre/ks End Dz ta/rz] Ia cauciucuri?

    Yes, they were all right. > [ies Dzez u:r o:l ra/t] - Da, erau n regul.

    I bought two litres of oil > [aibo:t tu: li:trz v o/l - Am cumprat doi litri de ulei i

    and he changed it for me. End hi: te/ndjd it fo:r mi:] el mi 1-a schimbat.


    Completai propoziiile urmtoare cu cuvintele noi: Zece litri, v rog.Mecanicul mi-a reparat frnele (de la main). Ai dou cauciucuri uzate. Nu tiu care este problema. Ct cost acest motor?

    Ea conduce o main de depanare auto. Ai nevoie de un alt fel de ulei. Unde putem parca aceste camioane? Benzina estescump n aceast ar. Acest acumulator nu funcioneaz. Este aici un mecanic care s m ajute? Folosete indicatoarele!

    - Ten >litres, please.-The mechanic fixed my (car) >brakes.

    - You have two worn out >tyres.- I don't know what the >trouble is.

    - How much is this >engine?- She drives a >breakdown van.

    - You need another kind of >oil.- Where can we park these >lorries?

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    - >Petrol is expensive in this country.- This >battery is out of order.- Is there a >mechanic to help me?

    - Use the indicators!

    Traducei cuvintele urmtoare n limba engleza:

    motor indicator necaz, neplcere acumulator litrudepanare auto cauciuc, pneu frn ulei


    mecanic> engine

    > indicator> trouble

    > battery> litre

    > breakdown van> tyre

    > brake> oil> petrol

    > lorry> mechanicS ne ntoarcem la comparaia adjectivelor i adverbelor.

    Cnd comparm substantive, superioritatea se exprim prin forma de comparativ precedat de articolul hotrt the:This is the cheaper ofthe two cars.Is this the taller ofthe two buildings?> [Dzis iz Dza ti:par av Dz tu: ka:rz]

    > [iz Dzis Dz to.ir v Dz tu: bildin [Dza ka:r mu:vd fa:starEnd fa:str]

    > [petrl iz bikamin(g) mo:' End mo:r ikspensiv]> [Dze;to:ktlesEnd Ies kua/atli]- Maina mergea din ce n ce mai repede.- Benzina e din ce n ce mai scump.

    - Ei au vorbit din ce n ce mai tare.Traducei propoziiile urmtoare n limba engleza:

    Ei devin din ce n ce mai bogai.Dintre cei doi biei el este mai mare.

    Ei au vorbit din ce n ce mai tare.Dintre cele dou ntrebri aceasta este mai dificil.

    > They are becoming richer and richer.> He is the older of the two boys.

    > They were talking loudlier and loudlier.> This is the more difficult question of the two.

    Acum iata cteva adjective noi. Citii cuvintele cu voce tare i reinei semnificaia lor n limba romn:spare


    economical reliable front broken> [spear]

    > [left]

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    > [rir]> [i:knomikl]> [rilaz'bl]

    > [frnt]> [brukn]

    - de rezerv, suplimentar, liber- stng, din stnga

    - spate, dos, din spate- economic(os); econom

    - demn de ncredere, sigur- partea din fa/(de) dinainte, fa

    - sfrmat, spart, stricatSa folosim cuvintele noi ntr-un dialog. Citii-1 cu atenie:Can you see my new car?No, which one is yours?This one. It is the most reliable car in Europe.Is it also economical?Oh, yes. It doesn't use much petrol.Did they give you a spare tyre?Yes, they did. And they also gave me the front and rear lights. But look, the left indicator isbroken. Oh, yes! I didn't see that.


    Acum vom traduce fiecare propoziie n parte. Citii-le cu atenie i exersai pronunia:Can you see my new car? > [kEn in: si: mai mu: ka:r] - Vezi maina mea cea nou?

    No, which one is yours? > [nu uit uan iz z'o:rz] - Nu, care este a ta?

    This one. > [Dzis uan] - Aceasta.

    It is the most reliable car > [it iz Dz must rila/bl ka:r - Este cea mai sigur main

    in Europe. in z'urp] din Europa.

    Is it also economical? > [iz it o:lsu i:knomikl] - Este i economicoas?

    Oh, yes. It doesn't > [ u zes it daznt - Oh, da. i nu consum

    use much petrol. z'u:z mat petrl] mult benzin.

    Did they give you > [did Dzez giv z'u: - i-au dat cauciuc

    a spare tyre? sper tazr] de rezerv?

    Yes, they did. And they also > [zes Dzez did End Dzez o:lsu - Da. i mi-au dat

    gave me the front and gez'v mi: Dz frnt End i farurile din fa

    rear lights. rir laz'ts] i din spate.

    But look, the left indicator > [bat luk Dz left indikeztr - Dar privete, indicatorul din

    is broken. iz brukn] stnga este spart.

    Oh, yes! I didn't see that. > [u zes ai didnt si: DzEt] - A, da. Nu am observat asta.

    Completai propoziiile n limba englez cu ci

    Poi s-mi dai cauciucul tu de rezerv?

    Mainile devin din ce n ce mai sigure.Toate farfuriile erau sparte.

    E ceva n ochiul lui stng.Care este cea mai economicoas main'1

    Cauciucul din spate din dreapta e din ce n ce mai prost.Farurile din fa nu funcioneaz.e corespunztoare:

    - Can you give me your > spare tyre?- Cars are becoming more and more >reliable.

    - All the plates were > broken.- There is something in his > left eye.

    - Which is the most > economical car?

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    - The right >rear tyre is getting worse and worse.- The >front lights are out of order.Traducei n limba englez:

    stng > left(de) rezerv > spare

    economicos > economicalsfrmat > broken

    11din spate > rear

    demn de ncredere > reliablepartea din fa > front

    Ai vzut deja cum se folosete verbul to do" ea verb auxiliar la formarea propoziiilor interogative i negative.n unele situaii verbul auxiliarto dose folosete i n propoziii afirmative pentru a accentua o afirmaie sau verbulprincipal. n aceste situaii verbul auxiliar va fi accentuat:Do come and visit me! - Vino i viziteaz-m (insist)!Do sit down! - Stai jos (dac i spun)!I can tell you that he does work. - Pot s-i spun c el lucreaz (ntr-adevr).Do listen to me! - Ascult-m!n limba romna aceast accentuare a verbului principal se red prin cuvintele: ntr-adevr, trebuie, neapratetc. Deexemplu:

    Neaprat vino i viziteaz-m! Trebuie s stai jos!

    Pot s-i spun c el ntr-adevr lucreaz!Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:

    Ia masa cu noi! > Do have dinner with us!El a citit aceast carte. > He did read this book.

    Ea a nvat mult. > She did learn a lot.Ajut-m! > Do help me!

    lata cteva verbe noi:to fill up

    to check to repair to brake to accelerate to overtake[tu fil ap]

    [tu tek] [tu riper] [tu brez'k] [tu kselrei't] [tu uvrte/k]- a umple, a ocupa (un post liber), a completa (un formular)

    - a controla, a verifica- a repara, a ndrepta

    - a frna- a accelera

    - a ajunge din urm, a depiFormele verbului to overtake":overtake overtook overtaken

    > [uvrte/k] > [uvrtuk] > [uvrte/kn]11Iat verbele noi n propoziii. Citii cu voce tare:

    Will you fill it up, please?Have you checked the oil?

    They repaired the bus in a hurry.Did you brake in time?

    The car accelerated easily.They overtook us near Bucharest.

    >[uil/u:fil itappli:z] >[hEvru: tektDzi or'l]

    > [Dzez riperd Dz bas in hari]>[did iu:bre/k in ta/m]> [Dz ka:r kselre/tid i:zili]

    >[Dze/ uvrtuk as nirbukrest]- mi facei plinul, v rog?

    - Ai controlat uleiul?- Au reparat autobuzul n grab.

    - Ai frnat la timp?- Maina a accelerat cu uurin.

    - Ne-au depit aproape de Bucureti.Completai propoziiile n limba englez cu formaMaina lui este reparat ntotdeauna de acelai mecanic.Cine a fcut plinul?

    El ncearc s o depeasc.

    Indicatoarele au fost verificate de ctre mine.Accelereaz frumos.Ai frnat vreodat pe un drum alunecos?

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    Traducei n limba englez urmtoarele verbe:a depi a verifica a accelera a repara a umple a frnacorespunztoare a verbelor recent nvate:

    - His car is always >repaired by the same mechanic.- Who has >filled it up?

    - He is trying to >overtake her.- The indicators have been >checked by me.

    - It decelerates beautifully.- Have you ever >braked on a slippery road?

    > to overtake> to check

    > to accelerate> to repair

    > to fill up> to brake

    S ne ntoarcem din nou la folosirea verbului to do": Verbulto dose folosete i in urmtoarele cazuri:1. Pentru a evita repetarea verbului principal al propoziiei, cu excepia verbelorto be, to havei a verbelor auxiliaremodale.She works as hard as > [i: u:rks Ez ha:rd Ez - Muncete la fel de multyou do. iu: du:] ca i tine.12

    He writes as beautifully as his fatherdid.Who knows this man? I do.> [hi: ra/ts Ez bm:tifali Ez hiz fa:Dzr did]> [hu: nuz Dzis mEn ai du:]

    - Scrie la fel de frumos ca i tatl lui.- Cine-1 cunoate pe acest om? Eu (l cunosc).

    2. Cu ajutorul lui, ne putem referi la verbul menionat anterior:I asked him to repair the car and he did so.

    We told them to leave quietly and they did so.She told him to wait but he didn't.

    > [a/ a:skt him tu riperDz ka:r End hi: did su]- L-am rugat sa repare maina i el a fcut-o (a reparat-o).

    > [ui: tauld Dzem tu li:v - Le-am spus sa plece n linite kua/tli End Dze; did su] i aa au fcut.> [i: tauld him tu uert bat hi: didnt]

    Ea i-a spus sa atepte dar el nu a ateptat.Traducei propoziiile n limba engleza:

    Am cumprat la fel de puin ca i el.El vorbete la fel de repede ca i tine.El ne-a rugat s spunem totul i aa am fcut.

    L-am rugat s vin devreme i aa a fcut.> I bought as little as he did.> He talks as fast as you do.

    > He asked us to say everything and we did so.> I asked him to come early and he did so.

    Ultimul exerciiu al leciei sintetizeaz ntregul material nvat. Traducei propoziiile n limba engleza:Aceast invenie este interesant.

    Aceast sarcin este (una) dificil.Filmul a fost foarte dezamgitor pentru mine.

    Am vizitat multe ri strine, dar Danemarca a fost cea mai frumoas.

    > This invention is exciting.> This task is a difficult one.> The film was very disappointing for me.

    > I visited many foreign countries, but Denmark was the most beautiful one.Slujba mea devine din ce in ce mai obositoare. > My job is getting more and more tiring.

    El a vzut multe filme, dar i-au plcut numai cele englezeti.L-am rugat s vin cu mine la teatru i a venit.

    El se mic mai ncet dect tine. Aceast situaie este (una) ngrijortoare. Lupta lui a fost (una) inutil.> He saw many films but he only liked the English ones.

    > I asked him to go to the theatre with me and he did so.> He moves more quietly than you do.> This situation is an alarming one.> His struggle was a useless one.


    Motoarele devin din ce n ce mai economicoase.Ea depete tot att de multe maini ca i tine.Acest mecanic este (unul) de ncredere.

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    Care dintre cauciucurile din fa este mai vechi?L-am rugat s atepte maina de depanare auto i aa a fcut.Ai schimbat cauciucurile din fa, dar care e situaia cu cele din spate?

    > The engines are getting more and more economical.> She overtakes as many cars as you do.

    > This mechanic is a reliable one.> Which is the older of the front tyres?

    > I asked him to wait for the breakdown van and he did so.> You have changed the front tyres, but what about the rear ones?

    Urmeaz exerciiul de pronunie. Literele ngroate din cuvintele de pe o coloan desemneaz sunete identice:[a/] [e] [e] [a:]

    hide where play alarm

    spy repair brake remarkable

    tyre there day task

    try pair say ask


    RECAPITULAREA LECIEI 2121.1. ParticipiulDac la forma de infinitiv scurt (fr to") a verbului adugm terminaia ,,-ing", obinem participiul, care poate funciona ca

    adjectiv:This job is exhausting. - Aceast munc este epuizant.

    The difference is striking. - Diferena este frapant.21.2. Propoziia circumstanial de timp are o structur identic cu cea a propoziiei condiionale de tipul I.

    Ea poate fi introdus de urmtoarele conjuncii:when - cnd

    as soon as - de ndat ceafter - dup, dup aceea, dup ce, ulterior

    before - nainte, dinaintea, altdatVerbul din propoziia introdus de conjunciile menionate se afl la timpul prezent simplu (Simple Present):

    He will buy the car as soon as - El va cumpra maina de ndathe gets the money. ce obine banii.

    I will have dinner before I go to him. - Voi cina nainte s merg la el.21.3. Onen cazul unor comparaii sau repetiii, substantivele pot fi nlocuite n propoziie de pronumele nehotrt one". Utilizarea lui

    este obligatorie alturi de adjective i n multe cazuri adjectivul este precedat de articolul hotrt:I have two red chairs and a white one. - Am dou scaune roii i unul alb.They have two cars. He wants the - Ei au dou maini. El o vrea pe cea

    blue one. albastr.Pronumele nehotrt onepoate s apar i la plural:Have you ever seen cheaper ones? - Ai vzut vreodat unele mai ieftine?I like these black ones. - mi plac acestea negre.

    21.4. Comparaia adjectivelor i adverbelor:21.4.1. n cazul comparaiei referitoare la aceeai trstur a dou substantive, superioritatea se exprim prin gradul

    comparativ precedat de articolul hotrt the":This is the cheaper of the - Dintre cele dou maini aceasta

    two cars. este mai ieftin.13

    21.4.2. Creterea sau descreterea progresiv se exprim prin repetarea formei de comparativ a adjectivului sau adverbului,cele dou forme fiind legate prin conjuncia and":

    The car moved faster and - Maina mergea din ce n cefaster. mai repede.

    Petrol is becoming more and - Benzina e din ce n cemore expensive. mai scump.

    They talked less and less quietly. - Eu au vorbit din ce n ce mai aprins. Verbul auxiliarto do21.5.1. Verbul auxiliar to do" se folosete n propoziii afirmative pentru a accentua, a sublinia o afirmaie sau pentruaccentuarea verbului principal al propoziiei. Verbul auxiliar va fi accentuat n pronunie:Do come and visit me! - Vino i viziteaz-m neaprat!

    21.5.2. Verbul to do" se folosete pentru nlocuirea verbului principal deja cunoscut, cu excepia verbelor to be, to have" ia verbelor auxiliare modale:

    She works as hard as you do. - Muncete la fel de mult ca i tine.21.5.3. Cu ajutorul verbului to do" ne putem referi la verbul folosit anterior n propoziie:

    I asked him to repair the car - L-am rugat s repare maina

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    and he did so. i el a fcut-o.Urmrind exemplul de mai sus putem observa c folosirea verbului to do" poate aduce i informaii suplimentare./


    TEMA PENTRU ACAS 21A. Traducei propoziiile urmtoare n limba romna:

    1. Which is the more exciting of these two films?2. The fast ones are very expensive.3. You will move as soon as your room is ready.4. Do invite her for dinner!

    5. We smoke as little as they do.6. It is getting more and more cloudy.

    B. Traducei propoziiile urmtoare n limba englez:1. L-am rugat s aleag i el a fcut-o.

    2. Dai-mi, v rog, pe cea economicoas.3. El ctig mai puin dect ea.

    4. Este sigur aceast roat de rezerv?5. Dup ce termini de citit, vei repara biblioteca.

    6. M viziteaz din ce n ce mai des.C. Corectai greelile din fiecare propoziie:

    1. This is a useles task.

    2. I drink less than he do.3. The red one are sweeter.4. After she will finish school she will be a teacher.

    5. Is the engine accelerating good?14


    S nvam cteva cuvinte din domeniul bancar:account > [kaunt] - cont, factur, nota de plat

    cheque > [tek] - cec

    instalment > [ insto :lmnt] - rat, plat n rate

    loan > [lun] - mprumut

    rate of interest > f rert v intrist] - rata dobnzii, dobnd

    coin > [kom] moned

    form > [fo:rm] - formular

    information > [infme/n] - informaii

    balance > [bElns] - balan, bilan, echilibru, sold

    withdrawal > [uiDzdro:l] - retragere, ridicare de bani

    deposit > [dipozit] depozit, depunere (la banc)

    Repetai cuvintele noi i ntr-o alt ordine:

    withdrawal > [uiDzdro:l] - retragere, ridicare de bani

    coin > [kom] - moned

    loan > [lun] - mprumut

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    account > [kaunt] - cont, factur, not de plat

    deposit > [dipozit] - depozit, depunere (la banc)

    instalment > [insto.lmnt] - rat, plat n rate

    rate of interest > [rert v intrist] - rata dobnzii, dobnd

    information > [infme/n] - informaii

    cheque > [tek] - cec

    form > [fo:rm] - formular

    balance > [bElns] - balan, bilan, echilibru,


    Iat cuvintele noi n propoziii. Fii ateni la pronunie:I have an account in a reliable


    >[a/ hEv n akaunt in riIambi


    - Am un cont la o banca de ncredere.

    Do you want money or a


    >[du z'u: uont mani o:r tek] - Vrei bani sau un cec?

    You can pay in instalments. >[iu: kEn pe; in insto:lmants] - Poi plti n rate.

    Can I get a loan here? >[kEn a; get loun hir] - Pot obine aici un mprumut?

    The rate of interest is high. > [Dz rert ov intrist iz hai] - Rata dobnzii este ridicat.

    Do you take coins? >[du /u: te/'k komz] - Acceptai bani mruni (monede)

    You need these forms. >[m: ni:d Dzi:z fo:rmz] - Ai nevoie de aceste formulare.

    This is useful information. >[Dzis iz ;'u:sfl infmezn] - Sunt informaii utile.

    Is my balance high enough? > [ iz ma; bElns ha; inafj - Este suficient de mare soldul meu?

    He made a withdrawal. > [hi: mez'd uiDzdro:l] - El a ridicat bani.

    She makes weekly deposits. >[i: me/ks ui:kli dipozits] - Ea face depuneri sptmnal.

    Completai propoziiile cu cuvintele care lipsesc. Citii textul cu voce tare:

    Rata dobnzii crete. -The >rate of interest is rising.

    Pentru ce este acest formular? - What is this >form for?

    Azi voi ridica bani. - I will make a >withdrawal today.15De ct timp ai un cont? I-am dat un cec.

    Aceasta este prima mea depunere.Unde este bilanul?

    Avem nevoie de mai multe informaii.Avem nevoie de acest mprumut.

    Aceasta este ultima rat.El vrea s schimbe aceste monede.

    - How long have you had an > account?- I gave him a > cheque.

    - This is my first > deposit- Where is the > balance?

    - We need more > information- We need this >loan

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    - This is the last > instalment- He wants to change these > coinaTraducei cuvintele n limba englez:

    ratmoned sold


    depunererata dobnzii


    informaie mprumut> instalment

    > coin> balance

    > withdrawal> form

    > deposit> rate of interest> account

    > cheque

    > information> loan

    In limba englez exist mai multe substantive care nu au plural; ele sunt urmate de un verb persoana a IlI-a singular. Inlimba romn unele se traduc la singular, altele la plural.

    Urmrii substantivele de mai jos i reinei nelesul lor:business




    > [biznis]> [f:rnitr]

    > [prugres]> [stren,g,Ts]

    > [revn/u:]> [m:rtndaiz]> [propfi]

    - afacere, treab- mobilier, mobil- progres

    - putere, for, trie- venit, n special din impozit -marf

    proprietate, avereIat i alte substantive:



    > [infme/n]> [mani]> [n;'u:z]

    - informaii -bani- tire, noutate, veste/tiri, nouti, veti

    16lata aceste substantive n propoziii:

    Business is good this year. The furniture was cheap. Little progress was made.> [biznis iz gud Dzis /ir]

    > [Dz f:rnitruoz ti:p]> [liti prugres uoz meid]Her strength was exhausted. > [h:r stren^T8uoz igzo:stid]The revenue is high enough. This merchandise is ready.

    > [Dz revnm: iz haz inai]

    > [Dz

    is m:r

    tnda/z iz redi]They lost all their property. > [Dze; lost o:l Dzeir proprti]- Afacerile merg bine anul acesta.

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    - Mobila a fost ieftin.- S-a progresat puin.- (Ea) era la captul puterilor.

    - Impozitul este destul de ridicat.- Aceast marf este gata.

    - i-au pierdut toat averea.Completai urmtoarele propoziii cu cuvintele care lipsesc. Citii propoziiile cu voce tare i fii ateni la pronunie:

    Aceast mobil este nou? Impozitul a crescut. El are avere mare?Este destul de puternic pentru aceast munc?

    Facem o mulime de afaceri cu ei.S-au fcut multe progrese?

    Au cumprat marfa la pre redus.- Is this >furniture new?

    - The >revenue has risen.- Has he much >property?

    - Has he enough >strength for this work?- We do a lot of business with them.

    - Has there been much >progress?- They bought the >merchandise at discount.lata acum cteva verbe noi. Urmrii semnificaia lor n limba romn:

    to cash to lend to borrow to fill in

    to withdrawto deposit to learn to call (to)

    > [tu kE]> [tu lend]

    > [tu boru]> [tu fil in]

    > [tu uiDzdro:;> [tu dipozit]

    > [tu l:rn]> [tu ko:l]

    - a ridica o sum, a plti n numerar- a mprumuta, a da cu mprumut

    - a mprumuta, a lua cu mprumut- a completa (un formular, chestionar...)

    - a retrage, a lua napoi, a scoate, a ridica bani- a depune

    - a nva, a afla- a chema, a striga, a denumi, a boteza17

    Unele dintre aceste verbe sunt neregulate. lata formele lor:forma Ilend > [lend]

    withdraw > [uiDzdro:]learn > [l:rn] forma a Il-a

    lent > [lent]withdrew > [uiDzdru:]

    learnt > [l:rnt] forma a IlI-alent > [lent]

    withdrawn > [uiDzdro:n]

    learnt > [l:rnt]Sa folosim verbele nvate n propoziii:She cashed the cheque. > [i: kEt Dz tek]

    He has lent us the money. > [hi: hEz lent as Dz mani]We borrowed less last year. > [ui: borud Ies la:st rir]

    Have you filled in the form?What did you learn yesterday?

    They withdrew all their money.How much have you deposited?

    We called the cat Blinky.> [hEv iu: fild in Dz fo:rm]> [uot did iu: l:rn /estrde/]

    > [Dzei uiDzdru: o:lDzefmani]

    > [ hau mats hEv zu: dipozitid]

    > [u

    i:ko:ld Dz

    a kEt blin^ki]- Ea a ncasat cecul.- El ne-a mprumutat banii.

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    - Noi am mprumutat mai puin anul trecut.- Ai completat formularul?- Ce-ai nvat ieri?

    - i-au retras toi banii.- Ct ai depus?

    - Am botezat-o Blinky pe pisic.Completai propoziiile n limba englez:

    Vrei s depui muli bani?nc nu l-ai completat.

    Noi am mprumutat muli bani de la el.Ai nvat cum se repar asta?

    Ce i-a strigat?Completai, v rog, acest formular pentru ridicarea banilor.

    Ai ncasat deja acest cec?Cu ct te-a mprumutat?

    - Do you want to > depositmuch?- You haven't > filledit in yet.

    - We have > borroweda lot of money from him.- Have you > learnthow to repair it?- What did she > callto you?

    - Fill in this form to > withdraw money, please.

    - Have you > cashed this cheque already?- How much did he > lend you?

    18Traducei urmtoarele cuvinte n limba englez:

    a retrage, a ridica bani a chemaa ncasa, a schimba n bani (un cec) a completa (un formular) a nva a depune

    a da mprumut (cuiva) a lua mprumut (de la)> to withdraw >to call

    >to cash >to fill in> to learn >to deposit

    > to lend> to borrow

    Acum s ne ntoarcem la problema verbelor terminate n ,,-ing".Aceast o form a verbului desemneaz substantivul format din verb. In propoziii ea are roluri specifice substantivului dar

    i pstreaz i caracterul verbal, datoritfaptului c cere prepoziiile i cazurile specifice formei de baz a verbului. nlimba englez aceast form a verbului cu terminaia ,,-ing" se numete gerund[djernd].nainte de a analiza caracteristicile acestei forme verbale, iat cteva exemple. Cu ajutorul lor putem observa c aceastform a verbului se traduce n limba romn printr-un substantiv sau un verb la infinitiv.Smoking is bad for you.Is flying dangerous?Before leaving he wrote a short letter.You can learn something by doing it.- Fumatul este duntor (pentru dumneavoastr).- Zborul este periculos?- naintea de a pleca el a scris o scrisoare scurt.- Poi s nvei ceva fcnd (asta).Ca orice substantiv gerunziulpoate sa apar n propoziie ca1. Subiect:

    Walking in the woods is nice. Eating too much is not good for you.

    2. Dup prepoziii:They talked about going to the cinema. What do you think about buying a dog?Plimbarea n pdure este plcuta. A mncaprea mult nu-i face bine.Au vorbit despre faptul c merg la cinema. Ce prere ai despre cumprarea unui cine?Traducei n limba englez urmtoarele propoziii:

    A te uita la TV poate fi obositor.Nu-mi place s terg pe jos.

    Solicitarea unui loc de munc este epuizant.Ne gndim s concediem zece angajai.

    >Watching TV can be tiring.>I don't like dusting the floors.>Applying for a job is exhausting.>We are thinking about firing ten employees.


    S nvm cteva cuvinte noi. Cititi-le cu voce tare si reinei sensul lor n limba romn:prepared safepresent sure

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    previous risky> [pripeard]> [se/f]

    > [preznt]> [ur]

    > [pri:vis]> [riski]

    - pregtit, gata (de, sa)- sigur, lipsit de pericol, n siguran

    - prezent, actual- sigur, convins

    - anterior, prealabil, precedent- riscant, periculos

    Sa introducem cuvintele noi n propoziii:We are prepared to pay in cash.

    Is it safe to deposit money with that bank?What is the present rate of interest?

    Are you sure that your balance is high enough?When was your previous withdrawal?Lending them money is risky.

    > [ui: a:r priperd tu pe/ in kE]

    > [iz it se/f tu dipozit maniu


    DzEt bEnk]> [uot iz Dz preznt re/t ov intrist]

    > [a:riu: ur DzEt /o:rbElns iz ha/ inaf]> [uen uoz /o:r pri:vis uiD2dro:l]

    > [lendin(s) Dzem mani iz riski]- Suntem gata s pltim n numerar.

    - Este sigur s depui bani la banca aceea?- Care este rata actual a dobnzii?

    - Eti sigur c soldul tu este ndeajuns de ridicat?- Cnd ai ridicat bani ultima oar?

    - Este riscant s le dai bani cu mprumut.Completai propoziiile n limba englez:

    Eti sigur c ai un cont aici? Ultima mea depunere a fost mic. Eti pregtit s plteti n numerar? Acest mprumut estefoarte riscant. Cecurile sunt mai sigure dect bancnotele. Soldul actual este foarte sczut.

    - Are you > sure you have an account here?- My > previous deposit was small.

    - Are you > prepared to pay cash?- This loan is very > risky- Cheques are > safer than bills.

    - The > present balance is very low.19Traducei cuvintele n limba engleza: sigur

    pregtit, gata (de)riscant

    prezentsigur, n siguran precedent

    > sure> prepared

    > risky

    > present> safe> previous

    Sa ne ntoarcem la pluralul substantivelor.Dac substantivul este precedat de un numeral, altul dect unu, atunci substantivul este la plural:

    We waited for one and a half hours. They have lived here for three years. He is ten years old.- Am ateptat o or i jumtate.

    - Locuiesc aici de trei ani.- El are zece ani.

    Dac substantivul are semnificaie de plural atunci trebuie s fie la plural:In that accident they lost their lives. We all drove our own cars. We all bought our own tickets.- n acel accident i-au pierdut viaa.- Fiecare i-a condus maina.

    - Noi toi ne-am cumprat biletele proprii.

    Forma de gerunziuse folosete n urmtoarele cazuri:1. Dup anumite verbe:They stopped working after a few hours. Do you like swimming?

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    2. Cu urmtoarele expresii: it is no useit is worthIt is no use talking to him. The bookis worth reading.Ei au ncetat lucrul dupa cteva ore. i place s noi? (i place notul?)nefolositor, fr rost, nu are rost (care) merit

    Nu are rost s vorbim cu el. Cartea merit s fie citit.Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba engleza:

    Lor le place s bea cafea?Aceast main merit s fie cumprat.

    Nu are rost s iei asta acum.El tocmai s-a oprit din scris.

    Do they like drinking coffee? This car is worth buying. It's no use taking it now. He has just stopped writing.20

    n ncheire s recapitulam toate problemele gramaticale discutate. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:Dup completarea formularelor am primit banii.

    Aceste informaii sunt demne de ncredere.l vei suna pe fratele meu?

    Poi plti maina n rate.mi place s fac afaceri cu el.Noi toi am folosit bicicletele proprii.

    Eti sigur c este riscant s le mprumutm bani?

    Este uor s faci o depunere.tii care este rata actual a dobnzii?

    Poi face asta vnznd proprietatea ta.Nu-mi place s iau cu mprumut.

    Ci oameni i-au pierdut viaa?Am avut un cont aici timp de zece ani.

    El a ncasat cecul n urm cu o lun i jumtate.> After filling in the forms we got the money.

    > This information is reliable.> Will you call my brother?

    > You can pay the car in instalments.> I like to do business with him.

    > We all used our own bicycles.> Are you sure that lending them money is risky?

    > Making a deposit is easy.> Do you know the present rate of interest?

    > You can do it by selling your property.> I don't like borrowing.> How many people lost their lives?

    > I have had an account here for ten years.> He cashed the cheque one and a half months aao.Iar acum urmeaz exerciiul de pronunie. Cuvintele de pe aceeai coloana au un sunet identic, desemnat de literele scrise

    ngroat. Citii-le cu voce tare:[E] [e] [a] [i:]

    cash lend trouble disease

    bank cheque struggle previous

    balance left cut scene

    stamp twelve but seen

    lamp engine sun been


    LECIA 22 - PARTEA A DOUACitii cu atenie urmtorul dialog. Silabele i cuvintele accentuate sunt evideniate prin caractere speciale:Barbara: John, do you often have to go to the bank?

    John: I think so. Why do you ask that?Barbara: Because sometimes there are many people there.

    John: Yes, many people want to make a withdrawal or a deposit.Barbara: And you must fill in forms before you can do something.John: People try to write very fast because they have little time.

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    Barbara: The bank always want information, but that takes time, too.John: But when you do the necessary things you leave the bank in a hurry.Mary: Peter, don't you think that we still have time for shopping?

    Peter: I don't know. The streets are still full of traffic and you cannot drive very fast.Mary: And something is wrong with the car. It didn't accelerate well when I was driving home.Peter: And you don't know what the trouble is, so you have to ask a mechanic to check everything.Mary: If the trouble is serious I have to call a breakdown van.

    Mary: Peter, the mechanic just called and said that he had to put a new engine in our car, but is that true?Peter: I don't know. You know that some people are not reliable. They only want your money.

    Mary: But we don't have enough money right now to pay for a new engine.Peter: Then we have to borrow money, at a high rate of interest.

    Mary: This shows how one bad thing can cause another.Peter: Well, it is better not to worry too much.

    Urmeaz un exerciiu de traducere n care vom re propoziiile n limba englez:Seara trecut noi am vzut o pies emoionant.

    Ultima scen a fost una remarcabil. Cteva invenii sunt nefolositoare. Nu toate filmele sunt interesante. Dar mie mi placcele bune. Tu te uii la mai multe filme dect mine.

    :apitula materialul leciilor 21 i 22. Traducei> We saw a moving play last night.> The last scene was a very remarkable one.

    > Some inventions are useless.

    > Not all films are exciting.> But I like the good ones.

    > You watch more films than I do.21

    L-am rugat pe mecanic s verifice motorul i el a facut-o.A putea s-1 depesc uor.

    Mainile strine devin din ce n ce mai ieftine.Dintre cei doi biei, el l ntreab pe cel mai mare unde este banca.

    El nu ne-a putut da informaiile necesare.Ei au fcut plinul n grab.

    Este un motor foarte economic.Eti sigur c acumulatorul nu funcioneaz?

    Este mai sigur s nu accelerezi prea mult.Am vzut un poliist prin geamul din spate.

    nainte s repare frna, el a verificat indicatoarele.Nu este greu s schimbi un cauciuc.

    El a ales o main strin.Noi le-am mprumutat nite ulei.Eti gata s ajui un spion?

    Situaia este nc alarmant?Poi face asta nainte de a ncasa cecul?Camioanele trebuie s aib frne foarte bune.

    Ei pot face asta fr toate gesturile acestea.Vezi diferena?

    Nu are rost s te ascunzi.Merit s cumprm un acumulator nou?

    A devenit din ce n ce mai riscant.Am rugat-o s ridice bani i ea a fcut-o.

    Am vrut s cumprm o main i am ales-o pe cea economic.

    Dintre cele dou, cea ieftin este cea mai sigur.> I asked the mechanic to check the engine and he did so.> I could overtake him easily.

    > Foreign cars are getting cheaper and cheaper.> He is asking the older of the two boys where the bank is.

    > He could not give usthe necessary information.

    > They filled up the car in a hurry.> It is a very economical engine.

    > Are you sure the battery is out of order?> It is safer not to accelerate too fast.> I saw a policeman through the rear window.> Before repairing the brake, he checked the indicators.

    > Changing a tyre is not difficult.

    > He has chosen a foreign car.> We have lent them some oil.> Are you prepared to help a spy?

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    > Is the situation still alarming?> Can you do this before cashing the cheque?> Lorries must have very good brakes.

    > They can do it without making all these gestures.> Can you see what the difference is?

    > It's no use hiding.> It is worth buying a new battery?

    > It was getting riskier and riskier.> I asked her to withdraw money and she did so.

    > We wanted to buy a car and we chose the economical one.> The cheaper of the two is the more reliable one.

    22Controleaz neaprat i uleiul!

    Aceasta este ultima rat, dar cnd au fost cele anterioare?Este important s avem o roat de rezerv.

    Trebuie s alegem ntre a scoate bani i a-i mprumuta.i poi vinde proprietatea.

    Ea s-a lsat de fumat sptmna trecut.Patru oameni i-au pierdut viaa.>Do check the oil!

    > This is the last instalment, but when were the previous ones?

    > It is important to have a spare tyre.> We must choose between withdrawing money and borrowing it.

    > You can sell your property.> She gave up smoking last week.

    > Four people lost their lives.

    ..Changing a tyre is not difficult."22


    22.1. n limba englez exist mai multe substantive care nu au form de plural i alturi de care verbul se folosete lapersoana a IlI-a singular. n limba romn unele sunt traduse prin forme de singular, altele prin forme de plural:

    business - afacere, treab, treburifurniture - mobilier, mobil

    22.2. Gerunziul (substantive formate din verbe cu terminaia ,,-ing")

    22.2.1. Ca orice substantiv la fel i gerunziul apare n propoziie ca : 1. Subiect al propoziiei:Walking in the woods is nice.2. Dup prepoziii:They talked about going to Bucharest.

    22.2.2. Forma de gerunziu o folosim:1. Dup anumite verbe:They stopped working after a few hours.

    2. Cu urmtoarele expresii: it is no useit is worth

    It is no use talking to him. The book is worth reading.- Plimbarea n pdure este plcut.

    Au vorbit despre plecarea la Bucureti.Au ncetat sa lucreze dupa cteva ore.

    nu are rost merit s (...)

    Nu are rost s vorbim cu el. Cartea merit citit.22.3. Daca substantivul este precedat de un numeral mai mare dect unu", atunci substantivul apare la plural:We waited for one and a half hours. - Am ateptat o or i jumtate.

    They have lived here for three years. - Locuiesc aici de trei ani.He is ten years old. - El are zece ani.

    Dac substantivul are semnificaie de plural atunci trebuie s primeasc i forma de plural: In that accident they lost theirlives. - i-au pierdut viaa n acel accident.


    TEMA PENTRU ACAS 22A. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba romna:1. My previous job was filling in forms.

    2. It's no use withdrawing all that money.3. When did you make your last withdrawal?

    4. I think borrowing money is risky.

    5. Are you sure there is enough revenue?6. It is better to ask for information before depositing money.B. Traducei urmtoarele propoziii n limba englez:

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    1. Noi toi ne-am completat formularele.2. Rata dobnzii crete rapid.3. Eti gata s-mi schimbi acest cec n bani?

    4. n aceast situaie poi s dai bani cu mprumut.5. Ei au retras muli bani din acest cont.

    6. mi place s-mi verific des bilanul.C. Corectai greelile din urmtoarele propoziii:

    1. I want more informations.2. Why have you lended them those books?

    3. Is there many progress?4. It is safer without to borrow.

    5. Who withdrawed it?23

    Lista verbelor neregulate din leciile 21 i 22forma I forma a Il-a forma a Ill-a

    choose > [tu-.z] chose > [tauz] chosen > [tauzn]

    hide > [ha/d] hid > [hid] hidden > [hidn]

    learn > [kv.'n] learnt > [l:r

    nt] learnt > [l:r


    lend > [lend] lent > [lent] lent > [lent]

    strike > [stra/k] struck > [strak] struck > [strak]

    withdraw > [JiD?dro:] withdrew > [uiDzdru:] withdrawn > [uiDzdro:n



    to accelerate > [tu kselrez't]

    account > [ kaunt]

    to alarm > [tu la:rm]

    as soon as > [Ez su:n Ez]

    balance > [bElns]

    battery > [bEtri]

    to borrow > [tu boru]

    brake > [bre/k]

    to brake > [tu bre/k]

    breakdown van > [bre/kdaun vEn]

    broken > [brukn]

    business > [biznis]

    to call (to) > [tu ko:l]

    to cash > [tu kE]

    catching > [kEtin^]

    to check > [tu tek]

    cheque > [tek]

    to choose > [tu tu:z]

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 21 Si 22


    coin > [kom]

    deposit > [dipozit]

    to deposit > [tu dipozit]

    difference > [difrns]

    to disappoint > tu dispo/nt]

    disease > [dizi:z]

    economical > [i:knomikl]

    engine > [endjin]

    to excite > [tu iksa/t]

    exciting > [iksa/tin(g}]

    to exhaust > [tu igzo:st]

    exhausting > igzo:stin(s>


    to fill in > [tu fii in]

    to fill up > [tu fii ap]

    film > [film]


    SI 22- a accelera

    - cont- a alarma

    - de ndat ce- balan, bilan, echilibru, sold

    - baterie, acumulator- a mprumuta, a lua mprumut

    - frn- a frna

    - main de depanare auto- sfrmat, spart, stricat

    - afacere, treab- a chema, a striga, a denumi, a boteza

    - a ncasa, a schimba un cec n bani, a plti n numerar- molipsitor, contagios- a controla, a verifica

    - cec (bancar)

    - a alege, a selecta- moned, bani

    - depozit, depunere, bani pui la banc- a depune, a depozita

    - diferen, deosebire- a dezamgi, a decepiona

    - boal, maladie- econom, economicos

    - motor- a provoca, a emoiona

    - interesant, captivant- a epuiza, a istovi

    - epuizant, istovitor- a completa (un formular, chestionar etc.)

    - a umple, a ocupa (un post liber), a pune (benzin n rezervor)- film


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    gerundgesture to hide indicator

    information instalment invention to invite invitingit's no use to learn left

    to lendlitre (USA liter)



    to movemoving oil

    to overtake person petrol playprepared



    rate of interest> > > > >> > >> > > > >> > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > > > > > > forin]fo:rm]frant]


    djest1"] tu ha/d] indike/tr]infme/n] insto:lmnt] invenn] tu inva/t] inva/tin (s']

    its nu /u:z]tu l:rn]

    left]tu lend]


    mikEnik] m:rtnda/z] tu mu:v]

    mu:vin(g)] o/l]tu ouvrte/k] p:rsn] petrl]piei]



    propli]re/t ov intrist]

    - strin, din alt ar

    - formular- partea din fa, front, fa- mobilier, mobil

    - gerunziu (substantiv format din verb)- gest- a ascunde, a acoperi

    - indicator (de direcie, etc), aparat de msur/control- informaii- rat, plat n rate

    - invenie, descoperire- a invita

    - mbietor, ispititor, ademenitor, tentant- n-are rost

    - a nva, a afla

    - stng, din stnga- a mprumuta, a da cu mprumut- litru

  • 7/30/2019 Engleza Pt Incepatori 21 Si 22


    - mprumut- camion- mecanic

    - marf- a se mica, a se muta, a se deplasa, a emoiona

    - emoionant- ulei

    - a ajunge din urm, a depi- individ, persoan

    - benzin, carburant- joc, pies

    - pregtit, gata (de, s)- prezent, actual

    - anterior, prealabil, precedent- progres, evoluie

    - proprietate, avere- rata dobnzii, dobnd



    to repairrevenue




    strength to strike striking struggle sureto surprise


    to tiretiring


    uselessto withdrawwithdrawal worth

    > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >> > > > > > > >> > rir]rila/bl]

    rima:rkbl]tu riper]revn/u:]




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    - a repara, a ndrepta- venit (anual), ctig(uri), beneficii- riscant, primejdios, periculos

    - sigur, lipsit de pericol, n siguran- scen, decor, peisaj

    - situaie, stare- de rezerv, suplimentar, liber

    - spion- putere, for, trie

    - a lovi, a izbi, a frapa, a oca- izbitor, frapant

    - lupt, ciocnire, ntrecere- sigur

    - a surprinde, a uimi,a lua prin surprindere

    - surprinztor, neateptat- sarcin, ndatorire

    - a obosi- obositor, plictisitor- necaz, suprare, griji

    - pneu, anvelop, cauciuc

    - inutil, nefolositor, zadarnic- a retrage, a lua napoi, a scoate, . a ridica bani

    - retragere, ridicare de bani- care merit
