Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States

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Page 1: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States


Page 2: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States

Engiven Token White PaperOctober 8, 2019

Ticker ENGVInitial Price $0.50 USDSelling 24,000,000 ENGV Tokens Hard Cap $12,000,000 USDJames Lawrence CEO + Co-Founder [email protected] Hayes COO + Co-Founder [email protected] and Token Website https://engiven.com

Page 3: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States






HOW THE ENGIVEN PLATFORM WORKS 7Platform Architecture 7Cloud Hosting 7Firewall 7Load Balancer 8Application Servers 8 Scaling 8 Backups 8Session Storage (Persistence) 9Database Storage 9 Backups 9Engiven Platform Technology Stack 9Operating System - Ubuntu 9HTTP Server - NGINX 10Application Framework - Node.js 10Libraries 10 Sails.js 10 Moment.js 10 Crypto.js & bcrypt 10 node-schedule.js 10 nodemailer.js 10 aws-sdk.js 10Front End Technology 10Diagram Engiven Platform System Architecture 11BSA and AML Compliance 12Nonprofit Membership Eligibility 12U.S. Eligibility Criteria 12U.K. Eligibility Criteria 12International Eligibility Criteria 13Nonprofit Sign Up 13

Nonprofit Member Education 15Wallet Generation 15Third Party Hardware Wallet Solutions 15Engiven Paper Wallet Generation Tool 16 Ethereum Paper Wallet

Generation Process 16 Bitcoin Paper Wallet

Generation Process 17Wallet Association 17Diagram Engiven Platform Data Flow for Adding and Generating Wallets 18Crypto-Giving Widget 19Crypto-Giving Widget Generation 19Donation Process, Donation Recording, and Receipt Generation 20

Providing Liquidity to Nonprofit Members 22ENGIVEN’S REVENUE MODEL 24


ENGV TOKEN 26Why We Chose Ethereum 26ENGV Token Allocation 27ENGV Smart Contracts 28ENGV Lock-Up Schedules 28Utilization Based Nonprofit Contribution Schedule 29ENGV 5 year Lock-Up Schedule 30ENGV Token ‘Owner Wallet’ Generation 31ENGV Initial Coin Offering Summary 33


OUR LEADERSHIP 35Core Leadership 35Strategic Advisors 38Corporate Partners 38Legal 39Disclaimer 39

Page 4: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States

Engiven seeks to be a global, membership-based online platform that enables nonprofits to receive cryptocurrencies as donations from individuals. Through the Engiven platform, a nonprofit will be provided with all of the online tools needed to accept, store, and convert any cryptocurrencies from any individual donor.

As cryptocurrencies join the mainstream consumer marketplace and government regulations begin to normalize trading and transfer processes, we foresee significant opportunities to participate in the facilitation of cryptocurrency giving to nonprofits. The Engiven Platform was made available to the general public in January 2019 and we began onboarding nonprofit members in the summer of 2019 utilizing the beta version of the Engiven Platform..

MissionEngiven believes that we are in the midst of the next generation of the Internet, which includes programmable money, cryptocurrencies, and other emerging digital assets. Engiven’s mission is to develop, support, and promote the standard in technology and best practices that will enable nonprofits to safely and beneficially participate in and leverage cryptocurrency giving.

Engiven’s goals are to:

One Facilitate a new segment of charitable giving through the deployment of the Engiven platform that enables nonprofits across the globe to easily accept and monetize cryptocurrency donations.

Two Create a widely used, stable, and respected cryptocurrency through the ENGV token, that becomes the alternative standard for charitable giving.

Three Give $1 billion (USD) worth of ENGV coins to our nonprofit members in 5 years.

3Executive Summary

Page 5: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States


There are currently more than 1,500 unique cryptocurrencies. In aggregate, those cryptocurrencies currently represent billions of dollars in market capitalization worldwide1. That value is distributed among the holders of those cryptocurrencies, many of whom are individuals. Yet, few nonprofit organizations understand or have taken the basic steps required to receive donations of cryptocurrency.

Where We FitEngiven believes that the addressable market size for US-based nonprofit organizations wanting to receive donations of cryptocurrency is well over 1 million nonprofits2. Globally, the addressable market is well beyond 2.5 million nonprofits. As individual investors participate in new token offerings and trade cryptocurrencies through online exchanges, they will have capital gains with which to donate to nonprofits. Furthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies.

In the United States alone, individuals, estates, foundations and corporations contributed an estimated $410 billion to U.S. charities in 2017. Remarkably, 70% of that giving ($286.6B) came from individuals.

Engiven’s goal is to become the trusted standard and thought leader in cryptocurrency giving for the global nonprofit community including:

One Faith Based Nonprofits

Two Secular Nonprofits

Three Nonprofit Foundations

Four International NGOs

1 https://coinmarketcap.com/

2 The Urban Institute3 Giving USA 2018:

The Annual Report on Philanthropy for the Year 2017

The Market

Page 6: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States

The Problem 5

At present, few nonprofits understand how to accept cryptocurrencies as donations. As a result, the majority of cryptocurrency holders who desire to make charitable contributions must do so in sovereign fiat currencies.

This means that for US cryptocurrency holders who desire to make a charitable gift based on gains they may have made in a particular cryptocurrency, the cryptocurrency must first be exchanged into USD. Once the cryptocurrency has been liquidated, the donor incurs whatever tax liability is applicable for that particular capital gain. After the tax liability has been satisfied, the donor has less to give and the nonprofit has less to receive.

In contrast, had the nonprofit accepted the cryptocurrency directly, the donor could have contributed the entire amount, received the full deduction benefit, and more importantly the nonprofit would have received the larger donation.

Area for GrowthWhile 2017 and 2018 proved to be important years of growth for the cryptocurrency space, few nonprofits were well positioned in terms of knowledge and technology to benefit from the excess gains and subsequent donations that should have followed thereafter. Why?


There are currently no platforms or outlets that provide reliable information and secure tools required for nonprofits to accept gifts of cryptocurrency.


No stakeholders with a vested interest in helping nonprofits navigate these new waters have yet emerged. No one individual or organization has been willing and positioned to educate nonprofits as to the sea change the world is now experiencing.


Many nonprofits have taken the “wait and see” policy as the SEC and IRS continue to clarify their respective positions. However, it’s clear that any gift of cryptocurrency is currently to be classified as an asset class, such as a stock or real estate gift.


Nonprofits are often the last segment of the business population to leverage opportunities brought about by new technologies.

Page 7: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States

The Engiven platform intends to provide secure, accessible, intelligent, and simple resources to demystify the currently cloudy cryptocurrency ecosystem for our nonprofit members. With low cost monthly and annual membership, we seek to provide Engiven nonprofit members with access to easy-to-use tools to quickly and securely ‘crypto-enable’ their current donation process.

How It WorksOnce a member has used the platform to generate non-custodial wallets (paper or hardware) and are able to accept cryptocurrencies, our service provides an online dashboard to track and monitor crypto-donations that mirrors what nonprofits typically see with their current online giving platforms. We aim to make setting up an account and accepting crypto-currencies a quick and simple process by providing the following:


Membership in the Engiven network will provide access to resources and tools that demystify how cryptocurrencies work and allows nonprofits to leverage cryptocurrencies as donations. We plan to charge $10 a month or $100 a year to be a member.


Once the nonprofit becomes a member, they are not charged any fees to receive cryptocurrencies as donations. They may receive unlimited donations and use the platform to generate an unlimited number of wallets, used to receive and hold their currencies.


Engiven will provide the online tools and widgets necessary for a nonprofit

to easily announce that they accept crypto-currencies and an interface where donations can be made directly on their own website.


For nonprofit members that have been verified through Engiven’s KYC/AML Program and are organized in a jurisdiction where the activity is allowed, Engiven will act as a direct-counter party, providing an option for creating needed liquidity of donated cryptocurrency to nonprofit members by purchasing it directly from them.


Engiven will provide best practices, how-to videos, and up to date news content related to crypto-currencies and regulations4.


To the extent consistent with securities laws and other requirements, each quarter, every nonprofit member will receive a donation from Engiven of ENGV Tokens (see Utilization Based Nonprofit Contribution Schedule) directly correlated to the global use and circulation of ENGV Tokens (transfer, donation, purchase, etc).

4 Initially Engiven’s nonprofit liquidity service will be available to members organized and operating in the US only, and for the purchase by Engiven of BTC and ETH only. Engiven registered with the Department of the Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) as a money services business (“MSB”) on March 19, 2019 and was assigned MSB Registration Number 31000143467926.

5 see Nonprofit Member Education

The Solution 6

Page 8: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States

The Engiven platform is the first of its kind...an online application dedicated to facilitating peer-to-peer cryptocurrency giving between giver and nonprofit. It is important to note that throughout this document the ‘Engiven Platform’ is meant to describe the nonprofit membership platform, which provides resources and tools to nonprofit members related to the receiving of cryptocurrencies of any type as charitable donations. As such, the Engiven Platform is distinct from the ‘ENGV Token’, which is also described in this document. This section of the Engiven Whitepaper is intended to discuss the Engiven Platform, including how it is built, how it is intended to work, and the value it is intended to deliver to nonprofit members.

We contemplate that the platform will operate substantially as described below:

Platform ArchitectureCLOUD HOSTING

The Engiven platform is designed as a cloud based application and will be deployed utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS). AWS is a subsidiary of Amazon.com, Inc. and provides best of class on-demand cloud computing services on a subscription basis. AWS is selected because of it’s proven uptime reliability 5, redundancy, and security.

AWS, and all of the AWS products and services Engiven intends to utilize, are ISO 27001 certified.6, 7 ISO 27001 is a standard published in October 2005 that provides the specification for an Information Security Management System.8 Engiven architecture follows and we intend to implement all applicable best practices defined by the 2016 white paper “AWS Security Best Practices” published and maintained by Amazon.9

AWS’s market dominance further ensures Engiven’s ongoing access to the largest pool of developers qualified and experienced to deploy applications and operate in the environment. As

of 2017, AWS held three times the market share of its nearest competitor (Microsoft’s Azure)10, 11 Engiven intends to use AWS’s US West (N. California) - [us-west-1] as our default and primary location for hosting all of our platform resources. A replication instance of the Engiven application and database will be maintained and located at AWS’s US East (N. Virginia) - [us-east-1] to provide redundant backup of the entire current Engiven platform in the event of a catastrophic failure of the entire AWS us-west-1 region.12 Engiven may deploy additional redundant backups to other non-US based AWS regions to mitigate the risk associated with AWS’s entire US based infrastructure failing. However, to date, AWS has not experienced an outage that simultaneously affected both the us-west-1 and us-east1.


Engiven will utilize AWS Security Groups, which provide a robust and highly configurable virtual firewall to control the traffic for one or more computing instances (EC2). All traffic to and from all Engiven platform resources will pass through the AWS Security Groups that

How the Engiven Platform Works

5 McLaughlin, Sullivan; 03/07/2017. “How AWS Stacks Up Against Rivals on Downtime”. The Information

6 “ISO 27001 Compliance - Amazon Web Services”. aws.amazon.com

7 “Services in Scope”. aws.amazon.com

8 “An Introduction To ISO 27001 (ISO27001)”. The ISO 27000 Directory

9 Amazon.com, Inc. “AWS Security Best Practices”. aws.amazon.com

10 Rama, By Gladys; 08/01/2017. “Report: AWS Market Share Is Triple Azure’s”. AWSInsider.

11 Weinberger; 10/27/2017.

“Amazon’s $18 billion cloud business continues to crush Microsoft and Google

— here’s the latest scorecard for the cloud war”. Business Insider UK

12 “Regions and Availability Zones”. aws.amazon.com


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13 “Amazon EC2 Security Groups for Linux Instances”. docs.aws.amazon.com

14 “Load Balancing”. wikipedia.org

15 “Amazon EC2 Instance Types”. aws.amazon.com

16 Forrest; 01/17/2018. “Amazon launches unified AWS Auto Scaling across cloud apps”. TechRepublic.com

17 “Amazon S3”. aws.amazon.com

18 Updated 04/04/2018. “AWS S3 Service Level Agreement”. aws.amazon.com

How The Engiven Platform Works

we utilize. Regardless of the number of instances (discrete computing resources) that we have deployed at any particular moment, each of those instances are required to be associated with one or more security groups. Security Groups allow us to add access rules and permission criteria which govern allowable traffic to and from the instances that it is associated with. The Security Group rules can be dynamically modified at any point, with the new security rules being automatically deployed and applied to every instance associated with the modified security group. When traffic attempts to reach a particular instance, AWS uses all of the rules from all of the security groups associated to that particular instance to determine if the traffic request is allowable. 13


We will utilize the AWS Elastic Load Balancer to ensure application availability, security, efficiency, speed, and flexibility. A load balancer is used to distribute the workload, defined by the demand on the application, across more than one computing resources, in our case, AWS EC2 instances. The goal of Load balancing is to optimize computing resource use, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and ensure that no one particular instance or other resource becomes overwhelmed.14 Load balancing provides us with inherent AWS region-based redundancy because it allows us to deploy and simultaneously operate a multitude of instances (EC2s) of the application utilizing EC2 Auto Scaling.


Engiven will utilize AWS’s Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) as our application servers. EC2 will allow Engiven to dynamically create, launch, and terminate instances as platform demand and system updates require. Engiven initially intends to utilize EC2’s Reserved T2 instances for the application.15


We intend to leverage the EC2 Auto Scaling service to ensure that the right number of healthy, performing EC2 instances are running and available at any given time. EC2 Auto Scaling simply allows the number of computing resources operating at any given time (EC2 instances) to be increased or decreased dynamically and automatically based upon pre-defined parameters. EC2 auto-scaling ensures that the Engiven platform will be able to quickly respond to sudden increases in traffic and right size the capacity to also ensure that we are not consuming unnecessary resources.16


The Engiven application servers will be backed up daily via disk images utilizing AWS’s Simple Storage Services (S3)17. S3 provides object-based storage and AWS’s SLA guarantees uptime of at least 99.9%18. Engiven will preserve each daily backup for 30 days, providing a 30 day time capsule of all activity on the Engiven application server.

Additionally, a redundant, cloned EC2 instance will be maintained outside of our default AWS region [us-west-1] at [us-east-1] to mitigate downtime in the event of a catastrophic failure of the AWS West 1 region.


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Load balancing and the use of auto scaling means that requests made by Engiven users to the Engiven platform may be handled at different times throughout a user’s session by different EC2 instances. Particularly in the case of credentialed users (nonprofit system administrators), it is critical that session information associated with any one user during their session ‘persists’ throughout the entire session. If it did not, a user would be forced to re-login each time a platform request was handled by a different EC2 instance.

To ensure that user sessions persist, our Session Storage will be accomplished by a single EC2 (minimum t2.micro) running version 4.0.11 (or the most current stable version) of Redis. Redis “is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker.”19 Redis is persistent, highly available, replicable, scalable, and relies on an in-memory data store which makes it extremely fast.


Our core database storage needs will be met utilizing Amazon’s Relational Database Service (RDS). RDS is a distributed, relational database service that, like the rest of the AWS services, runs in the cloud. RDS supports a number of commonly used databases, including PostgreSQL20, which Engiven will utilize. RDS provides a number of advantages and benefits, including automatic software patching, scalability, backup automation, and security.


The Engiven database will be backed up daily via disk images utilizing AWS’s Simple Storage Services (S3)21. S3 provides object-based storage and AWS’s SLA guarantees uptime of at least 99.9%22. Like the application server backups, Engiven will preserve each daily database backup for 30 days, providing a 30 day time capsule of all activity on the Engiven database.

Additionally, the master Engiven database utilized for the live application (located at us-west-1) will continuously write to a slave database located outside of our AWS region [us-west-1], at [us-east-1] to ensure database integrity can be maintained in the event of a catastrophic failure of the AWS West 1 region.

Engiven Platform Technology StackWe are utilizing the below server stack to deliver the Engiven platform:


Ubuntu is a pervasively used23,24, highly secure, well-maintained, open-source Linux distribution. Ubuntu is supported and produced by Canonical, LTD and the Ubuntu open-source community utilizing a meritocratic governance model25. Security updates are provided

How The Engiven Platform Works 9

19 Redis Homepage”. Redis Labs

20 “PostgreSQL”. PostgreSQL Global Development Group

21 “Amazon S3”. aws.amazon.com

22 Updated 04/04/2018. “AWS S3 Service Level Agreement”. aws.amazon.com

23 Emmanoulopoulou; 04/07/2016. “Ubuntu is everywhere”. Canonical, LTD.

24 04/2016. “OpenStack User Survey”. OpenStack

25 “Governance | Ubuntu”. Canonical, LTD.






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by Canonical for free throughout the duration of a particular release’s life. Ubuntu operates under the GNU General Public License26.


NGINX is an open-source HTTP web server which can, and will in the case of the Engiven platform, also be used for reverse proxy. NGINX is a secure, pervasive, extremely fast, high performance, well-documented web server. NGINX is supported and produced by NGINX, Inc..


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that is well know for handling large loads of traffic and requests simultaneously. The Linux Foundation’s Collaborative Projects27 program facilitates the Node.js distributed development project, which is governed by the Node.js Foundation28.


Engiven will utilize a number of Node.js libraries in the development and operation of the platform. Some of those libraries include:

Sails.js Model-View-Controller (MVC) web application framework

Moment.js Tool for parsing, validating and displaying dates and times (contextualized to users location) that supports internationalization and time-zone.

Crypto.js & bcrypt29 Utilized for 1-way and 2-way encryption

node-schedule.js Used for time based scheduling of pre-determined jobs and operations.

nodemailer.js Used for development and administration of email functions

aws-sdk.js Single package providing access to the AWS JavaScript Library and documentation

Front End TechnologyThe Engiven platform front end will utilize the following standardized languages and library to deliver the platform experience to our end-users:

HTML 5 Hypertext Markup Language used to describe the structure of web pages.

CSS 3 Describes the presentation of content written in a markup language.

JavaScript Enables web-page interactivity

jQuery library used for HTML client-side scripting.

How The Engiven Platform Works 10

26 “GNU General Public License”. wikipedia.org

27 “Linux Foundation Projects”. Linux Foundation

28 “Node.js Foundation”. Node.js Foundation

29 “bcrypt”. wikipedia.org

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How The Engiven Platform Works 11

Engiven Platform System Architecture

Fig 1 Engiven Platform System Architecture© Engiven 2019

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How The Engiven Platform Works 12

BSA and AML Compliance In 1970, Congress passed the Bank Security Act (“BSA”) that require certain individuals and entities (‘covered entities’) to implement a compliance program that is reasonably designed to ensure that their business is not used to facilitate a money laundering or terrorist financing offence.

The BSA established the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”), a bureau of the Treasury Department, as the country’s financial investigation unit, responsible for the detection, prevention and deterrence of money laundering and terrorist financing and for enforcing compliance with the BSA.

In 2001, the Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (“USA PATRIOT”) Act was enacted, imposing further obligations on covered entities.

The Office of Foreign Asset Control (“OFAC”) is another agency within the Treasury Department. OFAC is tasked with creating sanctions against foreign countries, individuals, sectors or financial institutions.

As a covered entity, Engiven is committed to complying with our obligations under the BSA, USA PATRIOT ACT and regulations which are published by OFAC. Engiven has registered with the Department of the Treasury Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (“FinCEN”) as a money services business (MSB Registration Number 31000143467926).

Nonprofit Membership EligibilityEligibility for membership on the Engiven platform will be restricted to registered charities, foundations and nonprofit organizations which we will refer to generally in this document as NPO or nonprofits. NPOs are broadly defined as organizations that do not distribute profits to shareholders, leaders, or members but instead invest any income after expenses on programs and initiatives that provide a public benefit. Engiven plans to work with NPOs both in the United States and internationally.

For purposes of NPO membership eligibility evaluation, Engiven’s NPO eligibility criteria is divided into three categories: U.S. organizations, U.K. organizations, and International organizations. All NPO’s will be required to be legally and currently ‘registered’ as a nonprofit (or the national equivalent) with the appropriate governmental agency within their country of organization.

Further, in order to qualify for membership, NPOs will be subject to the due diligence measures required by Engiven’s BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance Program. The due diligence measures required by the program are stratified based on donation amounts, jurisdiction of NPO registration, and services used on the platform. The due diligence measures are performed at time of sign-up as well via on-going monitoring.

Engiven has engaged and will utilize a direct web-based integration with IdentityMind Global, Inc. to operationalize

30 06/11/2014. “Exempted Charities”. Charity Commission for England and Wales

31 06/11/2014. “Exempted Charities”. Charity Commission for England and Wales

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the Engiven BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance Program. IdentityMind provides an on-demand platform offering next generation risk management and anti-fraud services during the on-boarding and underwriting process, monitors transactions, and applies heuristics and analytics for detecting suspicious activities associated with money laundering.


In addition to passing the due diligence measures required by Engiven’s BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance Program, eligibility for U.S. organizations will be limited to registered 501(c)(3) organizations in good standing and exempt religious organizations. U.S. based NPO members must provide their Federal EIN, and attest to their good standing with all applicable state and federal agencies (including the IRS) during sign up.


In addition to passing the due diligence measures required by Engiven’s BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance Program, eligibility for U.K. organizations will be limited to charity organizations registered with the Charity Commission of England & Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland, exempted,30 and exempt charities. 31 U.K. based NPO members must provide their Charity Commision registration number, and attest to their good standing with all applicable governmental agencies during sign up.


In addition to passing the due diligence measures required by Engiven’s BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance Program, eligibility for International organizations will be limited to organizations registered with the appropriate governmental agency within their country of organization. Each country has its own definitions and requirements for NPOs to become registered and maintain good standing. However, Engiven will reserve the right to evaluate and decline membership to applying organizations if any component of its operations are deemed to be in conflict with the broad NPO definition above. International NPO members must provide their government registration number and attest to their good standing with all applicable governmental agencies during sign up.

Nonprofit Sign UpThe nonprofit will sign up as a platform member via our simple online form. The member will provide basic organizational contact and billing information, create credentials, and accept the Engiven Terms of Service. The member will choose from 2 billing cycle options: $10/month or $100/year. Our goal is for the average customer sign-up time to take less than 3 minutes.

The NPO sign-up process will require the applying NPO to provide the below data via a webform (see next page):

How The Engiven Platform Works 13

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[Organization Name]

[Country of Organization]

[EIN] / [Registration ID] / [Registration #]32

[Street Address]




[Postal Code]

[Phone Number]

[Statement of Purpose or Mission Statement]

[Year Founded]

[Organization URL]

How The Engiven Platform Works 14

The nonprofit signup process data flow is detailed in fig. 2 below.

32 ‘EIN’ for U.S., ‘Registration ID’ for U.K., ‘Registration #’ for International

Fig 2 Engiven NPO Resistration© Engiven 2018

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How The Engiven Platform Works 15

Nonprofit Member EducationOne of the core value propositions of the Engiven platform to its nonprofit members is enfranchising them as participants in the developing cryptocurrency ecosystem by providing reliable, accessible, and relevant educational resources that demystify the often opaque and fragmented cryptocurrency landscape.

Engiven will not provide information, education, or advice on cryptocurrency valuations, cryptocurrency investment, cryptocurrency trading, cryptocurrency trading strategies, or any other aspect of cryptocurrency speculation or investment.

Engiven’s education of our nonprofit members will be strictly limited to providing the technical know-how required to securely and effectively receive cryptocurrency donations directly from their donors utilizing best-of-breed, publicly available technology solutions. Our educational resources will fall into 2 broad categories:

One General education on the key conceptual ideas that underpin cryptocurrencies (eg. public and private key pairs, transaction validation, and distributed ledgers)

Two Specific education on how to utilize and manage available resources, both high and low tech, to create and manage their own wallets and receive cryptocurrency donations.

Educational resources will be provided as videos and written articles created by and hosted on the Engiven platform, and links to outside public resources on the internet.

Once their account has been created, the nonprofit user will be presented with a welcome dashboard and an initial Engiven Cryptocurrency Primer video. The Engiven Cryptocurrency Primer video will serve to establish the core concepts and basic tenets and functionality of blockchain-based currencies. It will aim to clearly explain the cryptocurrency ecosystem, how public and private keys function, how coins and tokens are transferred, and the imperative of securing private keys. The user will also be introduced to Engiven’s knowledge base of best practices, faqs, and help topics which they can begin to utilize immediately or return to at any point.

Wallet GenerationThe first action that new Engiven members will be prompted to take is the generation of initial wallets.

Because the fiduciary responsibility of nonprofit leaders to safeguard their resources is paramount, Engiven will always promote and advocate for utilization of the most secure cryptocurrency wallets by our membership. Currently Engiven will recommend the use of cold storage solutions only (hardware and paper).


Members will be presented with a list of “Engiven Approved Wallet Solutions”, hardware wallet solutions which are recommended by Engiven. Hardware wallets are specially designed appliances that store the user’s private key in an encrypted hardware device providing the highest level of security against electronic-based theft threats.

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How The Engiven Platform Works 16

According to Bitcoin Wiki, “To date there have been no verifiable incidents of Bitcoins stolen from hardware wallets. Hardware wallets are relatively new, but at least for the time being they have maintained a good track record, unlike the numerous incidents of Bitcoin theft from Internet-connected computers.”33

Hardware wallets never expose the private key to the user’s computer, include secondary (and sometime tertiary) layers of security, and many can host wallets from multiple currencies. Examples of preliminary wallet solutions to be recommended by Engiven include hardware wallets from Trezor34, KeepKey35, and Ledger36. Engiven members who choose to utilize a hardware wallet can ‘associate’ public wallet addresses from their hardware wallet into their Engiven account at any time (see ‘Wallet Association’)


Additionally, members will be able to use the platform’s Engiven Paper Wallet generation tool to rapidly generate an offline paper wallet. Initially Engiven’s Paper Wallet generation tool will allow members to create Bitcoin and Ethereum wallets. A Bitcoin wallet will allow members to accept and store Bitcoin. An Ethereum wallet will allow members to accept and store ETH as well as any tokens deployed on the Ethereum platform, including ENGV. Prior to the actual wallet generation and throughout the process, the member will be educated on the critical importance of safekeeping the private key and the risks of losing it.

Engiven will adhere to advanced cryptography including BIP 3937, which provides for use of Mnemonic code for generating deterministic keys. BIP 39 provides a corresponding, standardized wordlist which contains 2048 words38 and Engiven’s wallet generation tool will provide members a ‘seed phrase’ of 12 words from that list. The ‘seed phrase’ can be used by the member as a recovery device for their wallet (Bitcoin and Ethereum).

Ethereum Paper Wallet Generation Process

The Engiven Ethereum wallet generation tool will implement ethereumjs-wallet, which utilizes the wallet address generation algorithm maintained by the Ethereum Foundation39. Our tool will push the wallet generation operation to the user’s browser, and before the process begins, the user will be encouraged to take their computing device offline for the duration of the process.

One User is prompted to enter a word or phrase to initiate the wallet generation process. This word or phrase will act as an initialization vector (essentially used to generate a random number) and does not need to be remembered or kept secret by the user.

Two Seed words generated

Three Wallet key pair derived from seed words generation (using BIP 39).

Four Seed word sequence, wallet address, and private key displayed to user.

Five User provided option to download seed word sequence, wallet address, and private key.

33 ‘Updated 05/25/2018. “Hardware Wallet”. Bitcoin Wiki

34 Trezor. https://trezor.io/35 KeepKey. https://www.

keepkey.com/36 Ledger. https://www.

ledger.com/37 Palatinus, Rusnak,

Voisine, Bowe; 09/10/2013. “BIP: 39”. github.com

38 “bip-0039-wordlists.md”. github.com

39 Beregszaszi; 2016. “ethereumjs/ethereumjs-wallet” ethereumjs github.com

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How The Engiven Platform Works 17

Bitcoin Paper Wallet Generation Process

The Engiven Bitcoin wallet generation tool will use bitcoinjs-lib to derive the wallet key pair from the seed words generated using bip39.js. Identical to the Ethereum process, we will push the wallet generation operation to the users browser, and before the process begins, the user will be encouraged to take their computing device offline for the duration of the process.

One User is prompted to enter a word or phrase to initiate the wallet generation process. This word or phrase will act as an initialization vector (used to generate a random number) and does not need to be remembered or kept secret by the user.

Two Seed words generated

Three Wallet key pair derived from seed words generation (using BIP 39).

Four Seed word sequence, wallet address, and private key displayed to user.

Five User provided option to download seed word sequence, wallet address, and private key.

Each wallet generated via the Engiven Paper Wallet tool will be added to the member’s account and the wallet (balance, transactions, etc) will be immediately viewable in their dashboard.

Wallet AssociationMembers who choose to utilize a hardware wallet or any other wallet (Engiven approved or otherwise), that is not an Engiven Paper Wallet, will be able to quickly ‘associate’ any wallet with their Engiven account. To do so, the member will simply enter the wallet’s public address and click ‘associate’.

This will allow the Member to utilize the Engiven widget building tools for the wallet, view transactions for the wallet in the Dashboard, set alerts, run reports, and take advantage of all the Engiven functionality for any wallet.

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How The Engiven Platform Works 18

Engiven Platform Data Flow for Adding and Generating Wallets

Fig 3 Engiven Adding and Generating Wallets© Engiven 2018

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How The Engiven Platform Works 19

Crypto-Giving WidgetTo make it easy for donors to find and give to a nonprofits wallet, the Engiven platform will provide member nonprofits with a Giving Widget Builder. The tool will allow members to instantly create and deploy powerful and elegant giving widgets to their websites and apps. A widget is “a small application with limited functionality that can be installed and executed within a web page by the user”40 usually able to fetch or send information from other websites or data sources.

Donors who have cryptocurrency to give will encounter a clean user interface and experience that allows them to give in their own name, or anonymously. Donors who choose to give in name, will provide their name, email address, home address, and phone number in-line with the giving process. Once the transaction is initiated, the giver meta-data41 associated to transaction will be recorded and queued in the Engiven system. The Engiven system will ‘listen’ to the appropriate blockchain for the transaction to be confirmed.

The cryptocurrency transaction remains 100% peer-to-peer between the giver and the nonprofit, facilitated by the appropriate blockchain. Engiven does not stand as an intermediary in or facilitator of the transaction, but instead adds meaningful value by associating the critical giver meta-data42 to each transaction (name, contact info, etc.) required for the nonprofit to successfully manage, engage and care for their donors.

Once the transaction is confirmed, Engiven will instantly and simultaneously generate and deliver a contribution receipt to the donor on behalf of the nonprofit, send the appropriate alert to the nonprofit member (based on their settings), and update nonprofit member’s dashboard.

Engiven Crypto-Giving Widgets can be configured for single or multiple wallets (from one or more currencies).


Nonprofit members will be given the ability to create an unlimited number of giving widgets. Giving Widgets can be understood as simple web-based tools, which allow donors to easily initiate cryptocurrency contributions regardless of the donor’s wallet type43. Nonprofits will ‘embed’ the widget(s) in the appropriate locations of their website, mobile apps, or social media pages.

The giving widget generation process will be as follows:

One The nonprofit will be prompted to select the wallet or wallets that they would like to include in the widget.

Two The nonprofit will be prompted to provide a base sovereign fiat currency from a list which Engiven will derive from ISO 421744. The default base currency will be USD.

NOTE Designating a base sovereign fiat currency will be done solely to provide the donor with an option to understand the value of their cryptocurrency gift in terms of the sovereign currency

40 “Web widget”. wikipedia.org

41 For detailed description of the gift meta-data in question to, see 5[b] of Donation Process, Donation Recording, and Receipt Generation

42 ibid.43 The Engiven Widget

and underlying code-snippet will contain the Engiven system-assigned organizational id for the nonprofit member and the public wallet address(s) and will not contain any sensitive, non-public data.

44 ‘Currency Codes - ISO 4217’. International Organization for Standards

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How The Engiven Platform Works 20

equivalent (see ‘Donation Process, Donation Recording, and Receipt Generation’). Donors will not have the option to give in fiat currency via the widget.

Three The nonprofit will be prompted to provide the domain(s) (second-level and top-level) on which the giving widget will be placed, allowing ‘CORS’ (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)45 that will ensure that Engiven’s javascript can run securely on our nonprofit members websites.

Four Engiven’s custom javascript will create and display a code-snippet to the nonprofit member.

Five The nonprofit member will copy the code-snippet and paste it into the webpage or other intended location.

Donation Process, Donation Recording, and Receipt Generation

The donation process is intended to provide as simple and efficient of a process for the donor as possible, while ensuring that regulatory, business, and relationship risks are mitigated. Engiven’s BSA/AML/OFAC Program is designed to ensure not only regulatory compliance with respect to covered activities, but also to mitigate business and relationship-based risk for both Engiven and our nonprofit members for non-covered activities such as peer-to-peer donations.

As a result, the donation process is differentiated slightly based on upon the donor indicated contribution amount. The basic donation process (described below) is utilized for donations up to

$999 (USD equivalent). Gifts of $1,000 (USD equivalent) or greater will not be presented with the ‘anonymous’ option. Gifts of $3,000 (USD equivalent) or greater will redirect the donor to Engiven platform where the donor will be undergo enhanced due diligence including identification verification. The basic donation process is as follows:


Donor enters amount to donate.

Donation amount can be entered by the donor in either cryptocurrency or the base sovereign fiat currency designated by the nonprofit during widget creation.

If donor enters the cryptocurrency amount to be contributed, donor will be displayed the equivalent amount in the base sovereign fiat currency. Conversely, if donor enters the sovereign fiat currency equivalent to be donated, the donor will be displayed the cryptocurrency amount equal to the base sovereign fiat amount entered. The basis for the currency equivalents displayed to the donor will be derived from a dynamic call to Coinbase’s public exchange rate API46.


Donor provides personal and contact information for donation attribution, or indicates gift is ‘anonymous’.

Donor is presented with the following fields for completion:

A Anonymous [check box]. Default unselected. If donor selects ‘Anonymous’, donor personal and contact fields below dynamically disappear.

If ‘Anonymous’ unselected:

45 Updated 08/01/2018. “Cross-Origin Resource Sharing”. MDN Web Docs

46 Coinbase Exchange Rate API. Coinbase

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How The Engiven Platform Works 21

B First Name

C Last Name

D Email Address

E Email Address Confirmation

F Country

G Street Address

H State / Province

I Postal Code

J Phone


Donor submits data from Step 1 & Step 2


Widget javascript dynamically generates a randomized 3-digit hexadecimal transaction verification code which will be associated with the donation. The donor will be presented this verification code and instructed to include it in the memo field when they initiate their gift via their wallet of any kind. The verification code will allow Engiven to ensure gifts confirmed on a blockchain can be matched with donor provided metadata (personal and contact info).


Simultaneous to Step 5.B, donor is displayed the information required for the donor to independently complete their donation utilizing their wallet solution of choice. They are displayed a custom QR code, Public Wallet Address, cryptocurrency amount, and verification code. The donor is also provided a conspicuous note instructing them to include the verification code in the memo field of their transaction, and a warning that failure to include the verification

code will result in the gift not being attributed to the donor and the donor not receiving a contribution receipt.


Simultaneous to Step 5.A, the widget will deliver the meta-data associated to the pending donation to the Engiven platform. The meta-data associated to the pending donation which is delivered to the Engiven platform includes:

A Engiven system-assigned organizational id (receiving organization)

B Engiven system-assigned public wallet id

C Donation Amount

D Anonymous Y/N

E First Name

F Last Name

G email address

H email address confirmation

I Country

J Street Address

K State / Province

L Postal Code

M Phone


Once the Engiven platform has received the data associated to a pending donation [5b], that pending donation will be placed into a listening queue. The Engiven platform will query the public blockchains associated with each pending donation in the listening queue at 5 minute intervals looking for a confirmed transaction match.

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Donor will use the information displayed in Step 5.A to independently initiate and complete a donation transaction directly to the nonprofit.


Once the donation transaction is confirmed and recorded in the blockchain, the Engiven platform will match the confirmed transaction from the blockchain with the pending donation data from the listening queue Step 6. Engiven will use the nonprofit public address, donation amount, and verification code to make a positive match.


Once the donation data has been matched with a confirmed transaction on the appropriate blockchain, the Engiven platform will dynamically generate and send (via email) a contribution receipt to the donor.

Providing Liquidity to Nonprofit Members

It is currently generally agreed that best practice for nonprofits is to quickly liquidate non-cash asset donations received from donors. Currently there are few simple avenues for nonprofits to convert cryptocurrencies to cash, and particularly fewer avenues for US based nonprofits to convert cryptocurrencies to USD.

For nonprofit members that have been certified through Engiven’s BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance Program, Engiven will act as a direct-counterparty purchaser,

providing an option for creating needed liquidity of donated cryptocurrency to nonprofit members by purchasing it directly from them. Member certification requires that enhanced due diligence measures pursuant to Engiven’s BSA/AML/OFAC Compliance Program have been completed and passed. Enhanced due diligence measures for nonprofit members to be certified include all measures associated with our program’s standard due diligence, as well as but not limited to, identification verification of one of the nonprofit’s controlling individuals, and screening and monitoring of the sending wallet.

Initially Engiven plans to provide liquidity service for BTC and ETH to US based nonprofits. Engiven may expand to other non-security tokens and to other countries in the future subject to all applicable laws and regulations.

The Company will not engage in sales of the cryptocurrency of its members to other members, but rather just liquidate the cryptocurrency for its registered members.

While Engiven is registered at the federal level with FINCEN as an MSB, laws and regulations related to the activities associated with Engiven’s liquidity service vary from state to state. Engiven will only provide liquidity service to nonprofit members that are organized in a jurisdiction where the activity is allowed.

22How The Engiven Platform Works

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How The Engiven Platform Works

© Engiven 2019


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Engiven’s Revenue Model 24

Membership Dues Engiven plans to build a network of nonprofits around the globe providing a high value, low cost cryptocurrency donation management service. Engiven anticipates revenue generation will primarily occur through the membership fees paid by Engiven’s nonprofit members. Engiven will charge each nonprofit member $10 a month or $100 a year to join its network.

Engiven’s goal is to sign up 50,000 nonprofit members in its first full three years of operations.

Liquidity ServiceEngiven anticipates realizing revenues from the purchasing of cryptocurrency from certified nonprofit members and separate and subsequent sale of cryptocurrency through our institutional exchange providers.

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Wallet Security 25

Given the decentralized and anonymous nature of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies in general, Engiven has designed giving and exchanging processes that dramatically reduce the chance of fraud and theft from hacking. To date, cryptocurrency theft from hacking has predominantly been the result of successful attacks on hosted wallet providers. Because all that is required to empty a wallet (or hundreds of wallets) is the secret key(s), services and websites which act as custodians of these secret keys are prime targets for attacks.

To that end, Engiven is committed to educating our members and promoting their use of non-hosted, cold or hardware based wallet solutions. Additionally:


Engiven never processes or holds any information that could be used to steal a member’s crypto-currencies. When crypto-currencies are given, the transaction is made independently between the giver and the nonprofit and takes place between two secure wallets. The giver and the nonprofit are responsible for the integrity and safety of the crypto-currencies they store.


Although we never store our members secret keys, Engiven always requires two-factor authentication when members log into the Engiven website.


Engiven employs the highest level of SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology for its website.

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Engiven is issuing its own unique cryptocurrency in an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), and has raised funds prior to the ICO through sales of Simple Agreements for Future Tokens (the SAFT). The ENGV token is ERC-20 based, with the associated smart contracts written in Solidity using the OpenZeppelin ERC-20 Solidity Framework. OpenZeppelin contains established “design patterns” that have been well tested and proven both for functionality and for robust security.

Why We Chose EthereumEthereum is a decentralized digital platform that ensures the execution of applications called smart contracts. In an introductory paper which preceded the launch of Ethereum but has remained updated, the platform is described as,

“a blockchain with a built-in fully fledged Turing-complete programming language that can be used to create “contracts” that can be used to encode arbitrary state transition functions.”47

Once deployed to the platform, the encoded ‘rules’ of the smart contract cannot be edited and run with a persistent integrity, ensuring that they

“run exactly as programmed without any possibility of downtime, censorship, fraud or third-party interference.”48

Engiven selected the Ethereum platform in part because it’s advanced and well developed ecosystem is best positioned to support our goal of introducing nonprofits to the fundraising opportunities associated with accepting cryptocurrency donations. It is critical that the Engiven Platform and ENGV token are conceived and constructed on best-of-breed, validated and sustainable technologies, programming languages, and standards. The Ethereum Platform, Solidity, and ERC20 qualify as such.

“The Ethereum blockchain is, without a doubt, the most active smart contract platform in existence. Of the top 100 tokens by market cap, 94% are built on top of Ethereum. Of the top 800 tokens, 87% are built on Ethereum. Most of these tokens are “ERC-20 tokens,” which made possible the majority of the $5.5 billion raised through token sales in 2017 and the $6.5 billion raised in just the first quarter of this year.”49

Ethereum is the most decentralized blockchain currently in existence, and the maturation of the ecosystem also means that Ethereum likely has the largest blockchain developer community in the world50.

47 Buterin; 2014. “A Next-Generation Smart Contract and Decentralized Application Platform”. Ethereum Foundation

48 “Ethereum.org”. The Ethereum Foundation

49 Muzzy, Gillis; 06/01/2018. “The State of the Ethereum Network”. Consensys Media

50 Muzzy, Gillis; 06/01/2018. “The State of the Ethereum Network”. Consensys Media

ENGV Token 26

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ENGV Token

ENGV Token AllocationA maximum of one billion (1,000,000,000) ENGV Tokens will be minted over time on the Public Ethereum Blockchain based upon the below allocation:

SAFT+ 30 MM at $.05 cents / $1.5 MM USD

ICO+ 24 MM at $.50 cents / $12.0 MM USD

(r)Team Members++ 100 MM

(r)Founders++ 300 MM

(r)NPO Pool A 200 MM Utilization Based Nonprofit Contribution+++

(r)NPO Pool B 200 MM Unrestricted Nonprofit Giving

(r)Company Reserve A++* 136 MM

Reg S Exemption Offering** 10 MM

(r) Denotes tokens subject to lock-up schedule/protocol governed by smart-contract.

+ Any ENGV tokens allocated to the LCO that are unsubscribed at the closing of the LCO shall be placed in the Reserve B pool. Any ENGV tokens allocated to the ICO that are unsubscribed at the closing of the ICO shall be placed in the Reserve B pool.

++ Team, Founder, NP Pool B, and Reserve A are subject to Engiven 5-year lock-up schedule (sch. 2).

++ Nonprofit Contribution Pool is subject to lock-up per the Nonprofit Token Contribution Schedule (sch. 1)

* Concurrent to the Regulation A offering, Engiven will offer 10,000,000 Tokens to non-US persons in a private placement exempt from the registration requirements of the Securities Act, under Regulation S promulgated thereunder (“Regulation S”). Non-US holder will be subject to a 1 year holding period, per the guidelines of Regulation S.


© Engiven 2019


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ENGV Smart ContractsENGV smart contracts, written in Solidity, are applications that directly govern digital assets (ENGV tokens) and are used to encode protocols and rules on the Ethereum blockchain. Each smart contract has its own public address, and once deployed to the blockchain the contract’s rules and substance will be publicly viewable. Although smart contracts (including ENGV smart contracts) can be paused, once deployed their rules cannot be edited or modified.

The smart contracts associated with the ENGV token will govern the particular behaviors, relationships, and operations of token availability, allocation, and distribution. Where ever possible and appropriate, the ENGV smart contracts will be discrete to ensure a separation of concerns.

Among other general administrative functions, the ENGV smart contracts provide for:

One Creation of the ENGV ERC-20 based token and the authorization of the minting of no more than 1 Billion (1,000,000,000) ENGV tokens.

Two One-time minting of tokens allocated per SAFT agreements

Three One-time minting of tokens purchased in the Initial Coin Offering (ICO)

Four Quarterly minting and contribution of tokens according to the Utilization-based Nonprofit Contribution51 Schedule.

Five 2-signature, administrator initiated minting and contribution of tokens for Unrestricted Nonprofit Giving, if available, based on the Engiven Lock-up Schedule.52

Six 2-signature, administrator initiated minting and distribution of tokens for Team, Founders, and Company Reserve, if available, based on the Engiven Lock-up Schedule.53


Two fundamental lock-up restriction schedules, encoded into smart-contracts, will govern the availability and minting of 936MM of the 1B ENGV tokens.

When a validated minting request is made (ENGV smart-contracts will utilize and require 2-signatures from approved ENGV administrator wallets for all administrative actions including minting), our smart-contracts will first verify that ENGV tokens in the particular token pool are available for minting based on the applicable lock-up restriction schedule for that pool. If available based on the applicable schedule, the requested tokens will be minted and distributed. If not available, the request will fail.

The 2 lock-up restriction schedules encoded into ENGV smart contracts are:


Pool(s) subject to restriction NPO Pool ATotal tokens subject to restriction200MM


Pool(s) subject to restrictionTeam Founder NPO Reserve Pool B Company Reserve ATotal tokens subject to restriction736MM

51 see Utilization Based nonprofit contribution Schedule

52 see Engiven Lock-Up Schedule

53 ibid.

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ENGV Tokens are a key component to providing nonprofit members with shared benefit as the Engiven platform matures.

To the extent consistent with securities laws and other requirements, on a quarterly basis (using UTC), ENGV Tokens from NPO Pool A will be contributed to all Engiven nonprofit members who had active accounts as of the first day of the respective quarter. The contributions will be based upon the ENGV token’s overall, global utilization as measured by the number of transactions involving ENGV tokens recorded on the blockchain for that quarter. Our goal is to create a simple framework so that overall ENGV token utilization directly drives tangible and ongoing financial benefit for our nonprofit members. Quarterly contributions to each member will be capped so as not to exceed the USD equivalent of the membership fees paid by the member nonprofit for that period ($30 if paying monthly / $25 if paying annually).

The automated contribution process will run as follows:

One The first calendar day following the end of each quarter, the Engiven ‘Patron Wallet’ will be used to initiate the Quarterly Nonprofit Contribution by making a validated request to the smart contract governing the nonprofit contributions.

Two Having received a validated request, the smart contract governing the nonprofit contributions will determine the total number of ENGV transactions which were recorded on the blockchain

over the period (prior quarter).

Three The smart contract governing the nonprofit contributions will then apply the contribution schedule (see sch. 1) to determine the number of ENGV tokens which are available to be minted and distributed to the nonprofit members based on the number of ENGV transactions which were recorded on the blockchain for the period (prior quarter).

Four The smart contract governing the nonprofit contributions will divide the number of ENGV tokens to be minted and distributed by the number of Engiven nonprofit members who have met eligibility requirements for that quarter (active since first day of particular quarter, active account on contribution date, and ETH wallet associated to their account) to determine the number of ENGV tokens available for contribution to each nonprofit member.

Five The smart contract governing the nonprofit contributions will fetch the USD exchange equivalent price of ENGV as of 24:00:00 UTC from a designated oracle.

Six The smart contract governing the nonprofit contributions will then mint the appropriate number of ENGV tokens directly into the ETH wallets of the nonprofit members, not to exceed the USD equivalent of the membership fees paid by the member nonprofit for that period ($30 if paying monthly / $25 if paying annually).

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50,000,000 200,000,000

Engiven’s aim to benefit our nonprofit members via the ongoing ENGV contribution of ENGV Tokens is two-fold:

One Ensure that each time ENGV Tokens are used in any way, there is a direct financial benefit to our nonprofit members.

Two Contribute to our goal of allocating $1 billion USD worth of ENGV Tokens to our nonprofit members in our first 5 years of operations.

By allocating ENGV Tokens every time ENGV Tokens are used, we can create a dynamic where our nonprofit members will directly benefit every time our token is used across the globe.

© Engiven 2019

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Team, Founder, Nonprofit Reserve Pool B, and Company Reserve A are subject to a 5 year lock-up schedule which releases tokens for minting on an escalating quarterly basis. In total 736M of the 1B ENGV tokens are subject to the ENGV 5 year Lock-Up Schedule, which will be administered via a smart contract.

Tokens allocated to the SAFT, ICO, and Reserve B (64M ENGV tokens total) are NOT subject to the lock-up schedule. In the event that either the SAFT or ICO is not fully subscribed, any unsubscribed ENGV tokens shall be placed in the Reserve B pool.

Q1 day 1
















































































TOTAL 100.00% 736,000,000


ENGV 5 year Lock-Up Schedule (Team, Founder, and Nonprofit Reserve Pool B, Reserve A)

sch. 2

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A wallet owner is required to deploy the smart contracts creating and managing the ENGV token (or any token on Ethereum). This deployment of smart contracts and the creation of the ENGV token will take place prior to the Token Generation Event (TGE). There are two types of ‘accounts’ in Ethereum, external accounts (wallets) and smart contracts. A smart contract can also invoke another smart contract. The TGE will essentially be the first minting of ENGV coins into particular wallets (LCO and ICO participants).

The smart contracts we deploy will be encoded with rules governing administrator creation and roles, including:

The initiating owner can create administrators.

Two administrators (multi-sig) are required to create administrators

Two administrators (multi-sig) are required to delete administrators

Two administrators (multi-sig) are required to initiate minting ENGV (all pools)

The ‘ENGV Owner Wallet’ credentials will be created for the purpose of deploying the smart contracts and then will be destroyed after successful deployment and creation of valid administrators. The method for creation of the ‘ENGV Owner Wallet’ credentials will ensure that the owner wallet credentials cannot be recovered by any single individual at Engiven. Recovery will instead require 3 discrete seeds held by Engiven’s 3 original board members.

The method for creation of the ‘ENGV Owner Wallet’ credentials is:

BOD #1

BOD #1 utilizes an offline device to run the SHA-256 cryptographic hashing algorithm to hash a 4 word recovery phrase. BOD #1 secures the 4 recovery phase and stores it offline. BOD #1 provides the resulting hash #1 to BOD #2.

BOD #2

BOD #2 utilizes an offline device to run the SHA-256 cryptographic hashing algorithm to hash the hash #1 received from BOD #1 plus (concatenated via a defined format) a 4 word recovery phrase. BOD #2 secures the 4 recovery phase and stores it offline. BOD #2 provides the resulting hash #2 to BOD #3.

BOD #3

BOD #3 utilizes an offline device to run the SHA-256 cryptographic hashing algorithm to hash the hash #2 received from BOD #2 plus (concatenated via a defined format) a 4 word recovery phrase. BOD #3 secures the 4 recovery phase and stores it offline. The resulting 64 character string becomes the ENGV Owner Wallet private key.


ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) is applied to the private key to derive the public key.


Keccak-256 used to derive the public wallet address from the public key.

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Sale conducted prior to Token Generation Event

Tokens Available for sale: 24,000,000 of 1,000,000,000

ICO Token Price: $.50 USD per ENGV

ICO Token State: Unlocked

Token Type: ERC20

Token Ticker: ENGV

Payments forms accepted: USD, Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC)

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Platform and Token Development Timeline 34

May 2018 Seed Funding round

December 2018 Registering with the SEC (Registration A+)

Dec 2019 Anticipated SEC qualification and launching the token initial coin offering (ICO)

June 2018 SAFT funding round (506b)

June 2019 Launching the Engiven platform beta

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Engiven’s Team Engiven is led by experienced technologists and nonprofit executives James Lawrence and Matt Hayes. Most recently, James and Matt founded Mogiv, Inc., the first online giving platform with text-to-give services for nonprofits. Mogiv, Inc. was acquired in 2016 by Ministry Brands, LLC.

Core LeadershipJAMES LAWRENCE Co-Founder, CEO, Board Member

James was most recently the Co-Founder & CEO of Mogiv, a mobile and cloud-based giving technology for organizations engaged in ministry. Mogiv was acquired by Ministry Brands in October 2016. James also served as the Chief of Staff + Innovation of San Diego Rock Church, one of the largest churches in America. James founded GrepNet, a software engineering company that commercialized in-memory database technologies and built software products for global companies and the US Government. GrepNet was acquired in 1999 and was again acquired by McAfee/Intel in 2012 as Nitro Security. As an experienced product and systems designer, James has overseen the development and launch of numerous consumer and enterprise software products used by both public and private audiences around the globe.

MATT HAYES Co-Founder, COO, Board Member

Matt was most recently the CIO at the Rock Church, one of America’s largest churches. Prior to that, Matt was Co-Founder & COO of Mogiv, a mobile and cloud-based giving technology for organizations engaged in ministry. Mogiv was acquired by Ministry Brands in October 2016. Matt also served as President of Ecolite USA, a clean technology company that developed pre-

engineered building solutions to the US Dept. of Defense and commercial building industry. Matt also served as CEO of Kwikweb.com, a publicly-traded software development company in the domain registration space (symbol KWEB).


David is a strategic finance professional with 20+ years of experience in general management, financial planning and analysis, strategic planning, and budgeting. Most recently he oversaw a Family Office and Private Foundation. David has served on several Boards of Directors including Mogiv and the San Diego Half Marathon. He has also served as Vice President of Finance for MD7 in San Diego and worked in Corporate Finance for the Intel Corporation in Oregon. David began his career as a Consultant with Accenture and also later worked for FICO and HNC Software.

HUY LY Chief Engineer

Huy has held senior positions in software engineering with organizations such as the Department of Defense, the United States Navy, and University of California San Diego, where he graduated with a degree in Linguistics. Huy also founded Meijun, a custom software development and digital marketing agency where he leads a team of seasoned developers and designers whose clients include Zojirushi, Mazda, Rock Church, Take-Two Interactive, and Breg, along with a host of

Our Leadership 35

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Our Leadership

nonprofit and government organizations. Huy Ly is also a Founder and CEO of Integrated-X Inc., a provider of scientific inspection machinery and services based out of San Diego.

JERRY CARLETON Corporate Counsel

Jerry Carleton, founder and principal of the Immix Law Group, is a corporate and securities attorney who counsels private emerging and growth-stage companies on corporate, finance, and securities issues. A successful entrepreneur and business owner, Jerry originally went to law school to better himself for the company he and his business partner were launching at the time. Today, Jerry uses those experiences to pair business reality with legal knowledge in advising his clients. He focuses on pre-formation planning, entity formation, raising capital, securities compliance, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, leasing and contractual issues, and general day-to-day business advice. Jerry represents clients across a wide range of industries, including technology, cryptocurrency, virtual reality, medical services, medical device companies, nonprofit, manufacturing, automotive, retail, art services, creative agencies, marketing and print, graphic design, certified public accounting services, realty and real estate acquisition, mortgage planning, fashion, apparel, upholstery, and recreation. Having been involved in more than three dozen cryptocurrency offerings by the time of the Engiven SAFT offering, Jerry is helping craft the legal strategies being used for compliance in the United States and helping to make compliant strategies more approachable.

NILS SMITH Business Development

Nils Smith also serves as the Chief Strategist of Social Media+Innovation for Dunham+Company based in Dallas, TX and author of “Social Media Guide for Ministry”. Nils is also a podcaster (Social Media Church), blogger (NilsSmith.com) and vlogger (Your Social Media Guide). Over the past 10 years, Nils has been very active in online ministry as a practitioner, consultant and conference speaker most recently serving as the Innovation Pastor at Community Bible Church with an Online Ministry reaching over fifteen thousand each week and a Facebook community of over 800,000. Nils also co-founded TVApp.Church providing TV Apps and Alexa Skills to churches and ministries around the world.

RICK DUNHAM Thought Leadership

Rick first served nonprofits through fundraising and organizational development nearly 40 years ago. He worked in nonprofit management and leadership for more than a decade before using his passion and expertise as a consultant. All of this culminated with the founding of Dunham+Company in 2002. Since then, Rick has led Dunham+Company to become a global leader in helping nonprofits create and execute fully integrated fundraising and marketing strategies. With dozens of clients on four continents, Dunham+Company now has the opportunity to share their skills with the top organizations around the world. Rick holds a BA from Biola University and a ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary. He currently serves on the board of The


Page 38: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States

Our Leadership

Giving Institute and is Vice Chair of the Board of the Giving USA Foundation, the publisher of the most widely respected report on giving in the USA. Rick also advocates for charitable organizations through his work with The Giving Coalition. Rick is the author of “Secure: Discovering True Financial Freedom” and “If God Will Provide, Why Do We Have to Ask for Money?” His expertise causes him to be a frequent guest in national publications, radio broadcasts, as well as television outlets like Fox Business News.

NICK RUNYON Digital Strategies Nick also serves as the Executive Director of CV North America. Leaning on his background as an executive with a 4-time “Inc. 500” winning startup, Nick’s organizations leverage technology, process and digital marketing strategies to connect communities with over 1,000 local church partners. Nick is also the Founder of Media Tractor, a boutique marketing and business strategies company that serves both industry and nonprofit clients. Nick co-hosts the Social Media Church Podcast, has provided coaching and marketing training for more than 50 nonprofit organizations, and is Chairman of the Board for Initiative Network, an organization reaching and equipping the millennial generation for impact in their communities.

SANTIAGO MATHEUS Business Development Europe

Santiago has held executive roles as managing director, as well as business development and corporate development positions in some of the world’s most well regarded innovation and technology companies, including IDEO, Method, Method Design Lab (which he co-founded), AVG Technologies and other global firms. Santiago works with clients ranging from telecom disruptors such as IOVOX to design & product development consultancies such as Elsewhen to eCommerce companies such as Babymori.com to strategy consultancies such as Marakon.io. He is also spinning up a European-focused Deep Tech fund (Steam Capital), as well as jump-starting a gaming start-up. Santiago is also an occasional angel investor, has lived and worked on four continents, has an MBA from INSEAD.

TRENT DUNHAM Strategic Marketing

In addition to providing strategic leadership to Dunham+Company, Trent is a frequent speaker providing insights on strategic, integrated fundraising and how churches can build a generous culture. Today he ensures Dunham+Company remains a global leader in serving nonprofit organizations. Trent has spent his entire career working with Christian nonprofit organizations. He has served clients in every facet of integrated marketing and fundraising campaigns, both in traditional and online formats. In his time with Dunham+Company, he has developed a number of key partnerships with leading online providers.


Page 39: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States

Our Leadership

Strategic AdvisorsSCOTT HANCOCK

Scott guides BLVR’s overall vision and strategic direction. With an intense passion for getting to the heart of a brand, he delights in helping organizations live their Brand Belief through authentic behaviors, thus strengthening their power to inspire brand trust, loyalty, evangelism, and growth. Previously, Scott founded Risen Magazine, a nationally distributed pop-culture publication, as well as The Glue Network, a global cause-marketing platform. When not in the office, Scott is adventuring with his family, taking photos or developing a new recipe in the kitchen.


Adam leads BLVR’s day-to-day operations and is responsible for the financial affairs of the company. He takes great satisfaction in ensuring that the BLVR team executes at a high level to ensure positive outcomes for every client. Adam is passionate about making a difference in the world and serves on the board of Youth For Christ San Diego.

Corporate PartnersTITHE.LY

Exclusive online giving platform partner in the faith space


Token Generation Event (TGE) & platform development


A full-service marketing and fundraising company to the faith community.


A top legal firm in the cryptocurrency space


Award winning brand and digital agency.


PR experts in media, talent, and influencer relations, communications strategy, media training, and thought leadership.


Page 40: Engiven Token White PaperFurthermore, as crypto-currencies become widely accepted, nonprofits will seek to sustain and grow their missions with these currencies. In the United States

Thank You.


Engiven, Inc. has retained the legal counsel of Immix Law Group of Seattle, WA and Portland, OR to guide us through our Token Offering.

The Engiven whitepaper is intended to be a “living document” and therefore ongoing and continuous updates are to be expected. Readers are strongly encouraged to avail themselves of the most current version at https://engiven.com.

This whitepaper does not constitute either an offer to sell or an offer to purchase securities. This whitepaper is intended to be a summary only and should not, in any instance, be relied upon in place of the company’s offering statement. No money or other consideration is being solicited, and if sent in response, will not be accepted; no offer to buy tokens can be accepted and no part of the purchase price can be received until the offering statement is qualified, and any such offer may be withdrawn or revoked, without obligation or commitment of any kind, at any time before notice of its acceptance given after the qualification date. A person’s indication of interest involves no obligation or commitment of any kind.


This document does not give personal legal or financial advice. You are strongly encouraged to seek your own professional advice.

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