Keywords Since power outages are inevitable due to lightning and other natural phenomena, it is crucial that the network protection system operates properly in order to isolate the network fault and keep power supply reliability with reasonable investment. Depending upon the importance of the area for power supply reliability , following improvement in the protection system can be applied for further security and reliability . Depending upon the needs of the client, T okyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) provides the engineering services on power network protection scheme, for further reliability of the power supply , based upon the wealth of experience in operation practices regarding the reviewing of work, relay operation analysis and setting coordination, etc. Example 1: Improvement in Protection Relay Performance If a protection relay fails to properly operate, a cascading failure followed by a large-scale outage is likely to occur . It is essential that, the actual operation of the existing protection relay be constantly reviewed, including the validity of the relay setting. In addition to this, computational analyses and surveys on the operation of the protection relay during potential disturbances are to be conducted for the current and future system in order to prevent a malfunction. TEPCO reviews all aspects of utility’s practices related to the performance of protection relays. For example, TEPCO recommends using a combination of voltage and current elements for a relay operation as shown in the figure below to enhance security against a single failure mode including either CT or VT failure. Example 2: Development of Special Protection System (SPS) Power flow , transient stability , voltage stability and system frequency in the future’s bulk power system is studied with regard to severe faults in order to estimate the needs for a Special Protection System, which can prevent a disturbance area from expanding. If a cascading fault is expected, the application of SPS is considered and requirements for the SPS are found out based on offline simulations. Functional specifications are also determined so as to fulfill the requirements. TEPCO has developed and operated several types of SPSs. Duplication of the protection system, including main protection and backup protection with fail safe protections, with each of them are different operation mechanism Development of the special protection system which prevents cascading outage and minimizes the outage area. The improvement of the protection system performance can realize the reliable power supply , which leads to following benefits. Reduction of the time of the forced outage Minimize the forced outage for the very important area Prevent transmission facility damages due to overloads Features Basic Concept or Summar y Engineering Service: Network Protection Scheme Y4 system or software Z4 electricity F33 electricity Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated E-30 Source:JASE-W Japanese Smart Energy Products & Technologies https://www.jase-w.eccj.or.jp/technologies/index.html

Engineering Service: Network Protection Scheme · PDF fileClient: SP PowerGrid Ltd. Period: October 2010–May 2011 Outline: In order to improve the reliability of SP PowerGrid’s

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E f f ects or R ema r ks

Forced outage frequency per customer per year: 0.14 (2013) Accumulated forced outage per customer per year: 15 minutes (2013) Transmission and distribution loss rate: 4.6% (2013)

These network protection practices and schemes help secure and stable operation of the power system. Based upon the experiences in Japan, TEPCO can study the cases as a consultant for the client, and transfer technology through the stud y . T ypical indices showing TEPCO ’ s power supply reliability and e f ficiency are as follows.

In addition, TEPCO helps other utilities to develop their SPS for the overload protection, transient stabilit y , and system islanding. The figure below shows the outline of the system configuration of the SPS for transient stabilit y .

Install a tion in P r actice or S c hedule

Contact: Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated, International Affairs Departmenthttp://ww w .tepco.co.jp/en/corpinfo/consultant/top-e.html [email protected]

Overseas Project: T echnical Support on the Application of Overload Protection Schemes Client: TNB (Malaysia) Period: May 2007 – March 2008 Outline: The e f fectiveness of overload protection schemes was demonstrated in the TNB network. In addition, TEPCO assisted TNB to develop T echnical Guidelines for overload pro t ec t ion schemes . I n line wi t h t he developmen t o f T echnical G uidelines , t he overload policies , deriva t io n o f allowabl e overloa d curves , an d applica t io n rule s an d se tt in g considerations of overload protection systems were discussed and included in T echnical Guidelines.

Project: Comprehensive Review on Planning Criteria, Maintenance and Renewa l Practices on the Transmission Network Client: SP PowerGrid Ltd. Period: October 2010–May 2011 Outline: In order to improve the reliability of SP PowerGrid’s power supply, TEPCO reviewed design, maintenance, and equipment renewal concepts, bus composition at transformer stations, highly-reliable system configuration, and other factors delivering enhanced supply reliability to commercial-scale utility customers for protection devices, SCADA/RTU devices, potential transformers, switches, and underground line units.

Domestic Design, construction and operation of power grid protection systems by T okyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO, 60GW of network capacity)

E-30 Keywords

Since power outages are inevitable due to lightning and other natural phenomena, it is crucial that the network protection system operates properly in order to isolate the network fault and keep power supply reliability with reasonable investment. Depending upon the importance of the area for power supply reliabilit y , following improvement in the protection system can be applied for further security and relia bilit y .

Dependin g upo n t h e need s o f t h e clien t , T o k y o E lec t ri c P owe r Compan y ( TEP C O ) provide s t h e engineering services on power network protection scheme, for further reliability of the power suppl y , based upon the wealth of experience in operation practices regarding the reviewing of work, relay operation analysis and setting coordination, etc.

Example 1: Improvement in Protection Relay Performance If a protection relay fails to properly operate, a cascading failure followed by a large-scale outage is likely to occu r . It is essential that, the actual operation of the existing protection relay be constantly reviewed, including the validity of the relay setting. In addition to this, computational analyses and surveys on the operation of the protection relay during potential disturbances are to be conducted for the current and future system in order to prevent a malfunction.

TEPCO reviews all aspects of utility ’ s practices related to the performance of protection relays. For example, TEPCO recommends using a combination of voltage and current elements for a relay operation as shown in the figure below to enhance security against a single failure mode including either C T or V T failure.

Example 2: Development of Special Protection System (SPS) Power flo w , transient stabilit y , voltage stability and system frequency in the future ’ s bulk power system is studied with regard to severe faults in order to estimate the needs for a Special Protection System, which can prevent a disturbance area from expanding. If a cascading fault is expected, the application of SPS is c on s idere d an d requiremen t s f o r t h e SP S ar e f oun d ou t ba s e d o n o f f lin e s imula t ion s . F un ct iona l specifications are also determined so as to fulfill the requirements. TEPCO has developed and operated several types of SPSs.

Duplication of the protection system, including main protection and backup protection with fail safe protections, with each of them are di f ferent operation mechanism Development of the special protection system which prevents cascading outage and minimizes the outage area. The improvement of the protection system performance can realize the reliable power suppl y , which leads to following benefits. • Reduction of the time of the forced outage • Minimize the forced outage for the very important area • Prevent transmission facility damages due to overloads

F e a tu r es

Basic Concept or Summa r y

Engineering Service: Network Protection Scheme

Y4 system or software Z4 electricity F33 electricity

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated



Source:JASE-W Japanese Smart Energy Products & Technologieshttps://www.jase-w.eccj.or.jp/technologies/index.html

E f f ects or R ema r ks

Forced outage frequency per customer per year: 0.14 (2013) Accumulated forced outage per customer per year: 15 minutes (2013) Transmission and distribution loss rate: 4.6% (2013)

These network protection practices and schemes help secure and stable operation of the power system. Based upon the experiences in Japan, TEPCO can study the cases as a consultant for the client, and transfer technology through the stud y . T ypical indices showing TEPCO ’ s power supply reliability and e f ficiency are as follows.

In addition, TEPCO helps other utilities to develop their SPS for the overload protection, transient stabilit y , and system islanding. The figure below shows the outline of the system configuration of the SPS for transient stabilit y .

Install a tion in P r actice or S c hedule

Contact: Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated, International Affairs Departmenthttp://ww w .tepco.co.jp/en/corpinfo/consultant/top-e.html [email protected]

Overseas Project: T echnical Support on the Application of Overload Protection Schemes Client: TNB (Malaysia) Period: May 2007 – March 2008 Outline: The e f fectiveness of overload protection schemes was demonstrated in the TNB network. In addition, TEPCO assisted TNB to develop T echnical Guidelines for overload pro t ec t ion schemes . I n line wi t h t he developmen t o f T echnical G uidelines , t he overload policies , deriva t io n o f allowabl e overloa d curves , an d applica t io n rule s an d se tt in g considerations of overload protection systems were discussed and included in T echnical Guidelines.

Project: Comprehensive Review on Planning Criteria, Maintenance and Renewa l Practices on the Transmission Network Client: SP PowerGrid Ltd. Period: October 2010–May 2011 Outline: In order to improve the reliability of SP PowerGrid’s power supply, TEPCO reviewed design, maintenance, and equipment renewal concepts, bus composition at transformer stations, highly-reliable system configuration, and other factors delivering enhanced supply reliability to commercial-scale utility customers for protection devices, SCADA/RTU devices, potential transformers, switches, and underground line units.

Domestic Design, construction and operation of power grid protection systems by T okyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO, 60GW of network capacity)

E-30 Keywords

Since power outages are inevitable due to lightning and other natural phenomena, it is crucial that the network protection system operates properly in order to isolate the network fault and keep power supply reliability with reasonable investment. Depending upon the importance of the area for power supply reliabilit y , following improvement in the protection system can be applied for further security and relia bilit y .

Dependin g upo n t h e need s o f t h e clien t , T o k y o E lec t ri c P owe r Compan y ( TEP C O ) provide s t h e engineering services on power network protection scheme, for further reliability of the power suppl y , based upon the wealth of experience in operation practices regarding the reviewing of work, relay operation analysis and setting coordination, etc.

Example 1: Improvement in Protection Relay Performance If a protection relay fails to properly operate, a cascading failure followed by a large-scale outage is likely to occu r . It is essential that, the actual operation of the existing protection relay be constantly reviewed, including the validity of the relay setting. In addition to this, computational analyses and surveys on the operation of the protection relay during potential disturbances are to be conducted for the current and future system in order to prevent a malfunction.

TEPCO reviews all aspects of utility ’ s practices related to the performance of protection relays. For example, TEPCO recommends using a combination of voltage and current elements for a relay operation as shown in the figure below to enhance security against a single failure mode including either C T or V T failure.

Example 2: Development of Special Protection System (SPS) Power flo w , transient stabilit y , voltage stability and system frequency in the future ’ s bulk power system is studied with regard to severe faults in order to estimate the needs for a Special Protection System, which can prevent a disturbance area from expanding. If a cascading fault is expected, the application of SPS is c on s idere d an d requiremen t s f o r t h e SP S ar e f oun d ou t ba s e d o n o f f lin e s imula t ion s . F un ct iona l specifications are also determined so as to fulfill the requirements. TEPCO has developed and operated several types of SPSs.

Duplication of the protection system, including main protection and backup protection with fail safe protections, with each of them are di f ferent operation mechanism Development of the special protection system which prevents cascading outage and minimizes the outage area. The improvement of the protection system performance can realize the reliable power suppl y , which leads to following benefits. • Reduction of the time of the forced outage • Minimize the forced outage for the very important area • Prevent transmission facility damages due to overloads

F e a tu r es

Basic Concept or Summa r y

Engineering Service: Network Protection Scheme

Y4 system or software Z4 electricity F33 electricity

Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Incorporated



Source:JASE-W Japanese Smart Energy Products & Technologieshttps://www.jase-w.eccj.or.jp/technologies/index.html