Engineering Project and Personal Project Experience Peter Gorecki

Engineering Project Portfolio

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Engineering Project and Personal Project Experience

Peter Gorecki

Automated Resistor SorterIEEE Masterpiece Mania

• I entered this project into Michigan Tech’s IEEE Masterpiece Mania, an electronics design competition

• Fortunately, I Placed 2nd out of 16 teams, acquiring a $300 cash prize

• The sequence of the sorter is shown below:1. Gripping the resistor

2. Rotating the arm to measure it against contacts

3. Rotating the orange sorting bin to the correct bin it

4. Dropping the resistor in the proper bin compartment

• Improvements will be made to the resistance sensing leads, due to inconsistencies in measurement continuity

1: 2: 3: 4:

Plastic Recycling GranulatorOpen Source Hardware Enterprise

• For our group’s senior design

project, we designed and

fabricated open source plastic


• Our last semester of this project

consisted of stress and fatigue

simulations in MATLAB to

redesign the granulator,

optimizing it’s cost and


• It will be used to recycle plastic

prints, and if all goes well

plastic bottles to make 3D

printing filament

Induction FurnaceOpen Source Hardware Enterprise

• Our group was involved in the design and build of an open source induction furnace

• The goal of the project is to melt aluminum that will be used to create 3D printing filament

• We completed a fair amount of inductance and resonant frequency calculations

• I designed and assembled the pneumatic crucible lift and assisted in the radiator cooling system design

Research In Michigan Tech Non-Linear and Autonomous Systems Lab

• During April 2016 and from September 2016 until now I have been working in the Michigan tech Non-Linear and Autonomous Systems Lab• I reconfigured and built the autonomous

sub’s roll servo mount and wiring

• I designed a new buoyancy engine system for a submarine used in MTU summer youth program

• Sources:• http://me.sites.mtu.edu/mahmoudian/

• http://me.sites.mtu.edu/mahmoudian/research/roughie/

Delta Style 3D Printer

• This is a 3D printer I made as part of a 3D printing class

• It helped in learning about 3D printer control boards, as well as what is required to create a good 3D print

Hybrid Electric Vehicle Enterprise

• During fall 2013 semester we used a hall effect sensor to create a method to measure the wheel speed

• This was a small part in the construction of a diesel-electric car

Robotic Basketball Blocker

• This is a prototype Curt Hill,

VP of Product design of Excel

Outdoors had me design and

fabricate for him

• The assembly moves around

the rim and waves arms to

block basketball shots

ASEE Robotics Competition

• Our task was to design, manufacture and program a robot to pick up and deposit golf balls into a box autonomously

• An Arduino Microcontroller using a stepper shield was used to control the robot

ARTEMIS Science Tower

• ARTEMIS is an aerospace project by Stone Aerospace.

• Its mission is to detect for life under the ice of Europa, a moon of Jupiter.

• Our team was involved with the designing of a suspension system mounted to a sensor array, also called a science tower

• The tower is meant to trace the bottom of an ice shelf as sensors pick up data.

• This is an early conceptual model

Blue Marble Security Enterprise

• In this enterprise, our team designed and constructed a model of a prototype for an automated system to lift snow into snow sculpture molds.

• Snow sculptures are a Michigan Tech winter carnival tradition.

Hobby Projects

• Below is a potato cannon

designed with a winch so

we could adjust the angle

of trajectory easily

• Also seen is a fully

automatic homemade

airsoft gun and trebuchet

• I enjoy mechanical work

like building bikes and my

own go-kart

Submarine Alarm

• This was a digital logic project

• Our team’s task was to create a system that would warn people in case of flooding

• We used two 555 timers to create an alarm tone

after specific logic cases were fulfilled using EOR &

AND gates

• Our mechanical float switches are shown above

Other CAD Projects

• The top left project was a power

transmission gearbox for our machine

design class that our team calculated

all major stress points on to size

components accordingly

• The top right project was a fire escape

that would ideally lower someone from

a window to the ground safely

• The bottom project was a self

propelled scooter design

Automotive Work

• I enjoy automotive work for a hobby

and to save money• Brakes, Minor engine mechanical repair,

transfer case, various suspension repairs