Unit 6 The Digestive System 1. Match the names of the parts of the GI tract to the numbers. 2. You are going to watch a video about digestion. Which part of the GI tract could these verbs will belong to? (Match them, and check you solutions with the help of the video.) begins to dissolve food stomach absorbs water and manufactures vitamins villi breaks up the food into chyme esophagus defecation reflex saliva enzymes are secreted by the mucosa teeth food moves down by peristalsis small intestine food stimulates swallowing reflex colon/large intestine grind and cut food rectum nutrient absorption pharynx 3. You re-watch the video. Take notes, and after it describe the process of digestion to your partner. Correct each other if necessary. 4. Which GI tract organ is involved in the following diseases? stomatitis............................................................................................................................... gastroparesis... ....................................................................................................................... proctoptosis........................................................................................................................... cecocele ................................................................................................................................. hepatorrhexis........................ ................................................................................................. splenomegaly......... ................................................................................................................ sialoadenitis ........................................................................................................................... GERD ..................................................................................................................................... choledocholithiasis ................................................................................................................ E. col i .....................................................................................................................................

Eng.hcterminology Unit 6

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Unit 6

The Digestive System

1. Match the names of the parts of the GI tract to the numbers.

2. You are going to watch a video about digestion. Which part of the GI tract could these

verbs will belong to? (Match them, and check you solutions with the help of the video.)

begins to dissolve food stomach

absorbs water and manufactures vitamins villi

breaks up the food into chyme esophagus

defecation reflex saliva

enzymes are secreted by the mucosa teeth

food moves down by peristalsis small intestine

food stimulates swallowing reflex colon/large intestine

grind and cut food rectum

nutrient absorption pharynx

3. You re-watch the video. Take notes, and after it describe the process of digestion to your

partner. Correct each other if necessary.

4. Which GI tract organ is involved in the following diseases?




cecocele .................................................................................................................................




GERD .....................................................................................................................................

choledocholithiasis ................................................................................................................

E. coli .....................................................................................................................................

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5. Give the proper term:

............................ pain in the mouth

............................ visual examination of the sigmoid colon (with a sigmoidoscope)

............................ vomiting blood

............................ narrowed condition of the pylorus (distal aperture of the stomach)

............................ chronic inflammation of the colon along with ulcerations

............................ x-ray of the gallbladder, after oral ingestion of iodine

............................ creation of an opening in the colon through the abdominal wall to create

an abdominal anus

............................ surgical removal of the vermiform appendix

............................ excision of a lobe of the liver

6. Choose the correct answer.

1) prolapse of one part of the intestine into the lumen of the adjoining part

A. intussusception B. flatulence C. ascites

2) difficulty in swallowing

A.dyspepsia B. dysphagia C. aphagia3) A lesion/sore of the mucous membrane in the GI tract

A. haemorrhoid B. peptic ulcer C. gastric ulcer

4) surgical puncture of the abdomen by a needle to withdraw fluid

A. abdominocentesis B. laparoscopy C. gastrorrhagia

5) gallstone

A. coeliotomy B. cholecyst C. cholelith


7. Finish the words with as many letters as remained in it, or 1 more. (e.g. nnn….. = nnnnnn

or nnnnnnn)

Indigestion, also known as dysp…………….., is pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen(tummy). It may also be accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  feeling full or blo……………..

  hear…………….., a burning sensation that is caused by acid passing from the

stomach into the oesophagus (gullet)

  nausea (feeling sick)

  belc…………….. (burping)

Indigestion is caused by stomach acid coming into contact with the sensitive, protective

lining (muc……………..) of the digestive system. The stomach acid breaks down the mucosa,

leading to irritation and inflammation (redness and swel……………..). This causes the

symptoms of indigestion.In most cases, indigestion is related to eating, although it can be caused by other factors,

such as an infection or taking certain medications.

How common is indigestion?

Indigestion is a common problem and many people have it from time to time. It is estimated

that up to 41% of the population have exper…………….. indigestion at some time.

Most people will not need to se…………….. medical advice for their indigestion. However, it

can be a sign of an under…………….. health condition that affects the digestive system, such

as gastro-oesophageal ref…………….. disease (GORD).

It is important to seek medical advice if you experience:

  regular indigestion

  particularly pai…………….. indigestion

  sudden indigestion that you have not experienced before

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The Urinary System

1. Match the symptomatic terms of urinary system failures

A.  nocturia

B.  albuminuria

C.  glycosuria

D.  pyuria

E.  hematuriaF.  oliguria

G.  anuria

H.  enuresis

I.  dysuria

J.  bacteriuria

presence of protein in the urine (sometimes after heavy exercise)

no output of urine

presence of bacteria in the urine

painful urination

involuntary discharge of urinepresence of blood in the urine

urination at night

little amount of urine is produced

presence of white cells in the urine (indicating infection)

sugar in the urine

2. Give the missing form of the terms

Combining Form English meaning













little, few




3. With the help of the previous list, build diagnostic terms – definitions are given

inflammation of the kidneys

form of renal inflammation involving the glomerulus

inflammation of the renal pelvis

degenerative disease of the renal tubules (kidneys)

dilation or pooling of urine in the renal pelvis (non-inflammatory disease)

presence of renal stones

inflammation of the urethra and bladder

narrowed condition of the urethra

excess of urea in the blood as a result of kidney failureUTI

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4. Match the symptoms and causes of cystitis to the paragraphs they belong to.

1.  pain, burning or stinging when you urinate

2.  being infected with bacterium such as E-coli3.  feeling unwell, weak or feverish

4.  inflammation of the prostate gland, also known as prostatitis (men only)

5.  inflammation of the urethra (urethritis)

6.  needing to urinate often and urgently but passing only small amounts of urine

7.  pain low in your belly (directly above the pubic bone), or in the lower back or abdomen8.  sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as gonorrhoea or chlamydia

9.  urethral syndrome (women only)

10.  urine that contains traces of blood (haematuria)11.  urine that's dark, cloudy or strong smelling

12.  vaginal thrush, also known as candida (a yeast infection)

Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder. It's usually caused by an infection in the bladder, but

can also be caused by irritation or damage (from friction during sex, for example).

Symptoms in men and women

Cystitis in men and women can cause:

Seeing a doctor

The usual symptoms of cystitis could also be caused by other conditions, so it's important to

see your GP the first time you have any of these symptoms. This means you can be treatedcorrectly for whatever is causing your symptoms.

The symptoms caused by cystitis could also be caused by:


Mild cystitis usually clears up within 4-9 days. You can treat it at home by drinking plenty of

water (around 1.2 litres or 6-8 glasses every day) and taking painkillers, such as paracetamol

or ibuprofen. More severe cystitis can also cause abdominal pain or fever, and may need

treatment with antibiotics.http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Cystitis/Pages/Introduction.aspx 

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5. Fill in the statements about the urinary system with the grammatically correct form of the










The organs of the urinary system consist of the paired kidneys, the paired renal

……………………(1), the paired ureters, the unpaired urinary bladder, and the


Both kidneys showed echogenic matter within the region of the renal …………………… (3) –and this was more prominent in the left kidney.

The rounded ……………………(4) (tips) of the renal pyramids form the renal

……………………(5) which project toward the hilum and into the renal ……………………(6)

(cups) of the renal pelvis.

Oram, Ross, Pell & Winteler (1963) have described calcification of both renal

……………………(7) (barks) in a patient who recovered from anuria following a snakebite and

they suggested that the calcification was due to bilateral cortical necrosis of the kidneys

which had followed the bite.

Each renal corpuscle consists of a cluster of capillaries called a ……………………(8) and a

surrounding glomerular capsule.Late in the embryonic phase, the renal ……………………(9) (openings) are anteriorly


6. Describe the arterial blood flow of the kidneys using the terms given.

carry waste-laden blood to …

becoming continuous with … at …


feed …

flow from … via … into …

give off …

pass between … toward…

radiate toward …

spring from …

The renal artery carries waste-laden blood to the kidneys. … ...............................................