ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit Kath and Mouse Read the story on page 9 in the short story booklet and then answer the following questions on this page. 1. Fill in the plot graph below with the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion of “Kath and Mouse”. 2. Who is the narrator of this story? What is the point of view? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

ENG1P1 Name: Short Story Unit - s3. · PDF fileShort Story Unit Kath and Mouse Read ... view of one of the other characters ... A the end of the story, Trish never explains why

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ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

Kath and Mouse Read the story on page 9 in the short story booklet and then answer the following questions on this page. 1. Fill in the plot graph below with the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion of “Kath and Mouse”.

2. Who is the narrator of this story? What is the point of view? __________________________________________________





ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

3. How would the story be different if it were told from the point of view of one of the other characters? __________________________________________________





4. What is the conflict in this story? What type of conflict is it (person vs. person, person vs. nature, person vs. self, person vs. society, person vs. technology)? __________________________________________________





5. What does it mean to play “cat and mouse” with someone? Do you think that the title “Kath and Mouse” is appropriate for the story? Explain. __________________________________________________





6. Did you enjoy this story? Why or why not?




ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

Babysitting Helen Read the story on page 14 in the short story booklet and then answer the following questions on this page. 1. Do you think Trish’s mom has the right to offer her daughter’s time and services? In point form, using the chart below, brainstorm arguments for both sides of the issue.

Trish’s Point of View Trish’s Mom’s Point of View My mom has no right to offer my time and services without asking me!

She’s my daughter, I can offer her time and services if I want!

2. Do you think Trish finds it easy or hard to help Helen? What thing was the most difficult for Trish to do? Why do you think so? __________________________________________________





3. What is the conflict in this story? __________________ vs ____________________

ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

4. Use the chart below to describe what Trish was like at the beginning of the story and what she was like at the end of the story. (You can use point form).

Trish at the Beginning Trish at the Ending

5. A the end of the story, Trish never explains why she is willing to go back and “party with [Helen] any time.” Why do you think she’s willing to go back? Write a diary entry written from Trish’s perspective explaining why you are willing to go back and spend more time with Helen. __________________________________________________













ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

Coffee, Snacks, Worms Read the story on page 19 in the short story booklet and then answer the following questions on this page. 1. Using the charts below, record the character traits of Kate and the boy in point form:

Kate Richards Physical Appearance

Home Life (who does she live with? What is their life like?)

Imaginary Life (why do you think she imagines being Stephanie?)

The Boy

Physical Appearance

Problems (why is he sticking up the snack bar?)

Solution (what is his plan? What is Kate’s plan?)

2. What difference has Kate made on the boy’s life? ________________________________________________________




ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

3. Plot Graph – map out the plot in point form on the graph below:

4. Response: Who has made a difference in your life? How would you be different if that person was not a part of your life? Explain. ________________________________________________________












ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

Thank You, Ma’am Read the story on page 24 in the short story booklet and then answer the following questions on this page. 1. The first sentence of the story suggests that it will be humorous. What details in the story add to the humorous effect? __________________________________________________








2. Do you think that meeting Mrs. Jones will be a turning point in Roger’s life? Explain. __________________________________________________








ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

3. What is the kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you, or someone you know? __________________________________________________






4. Write a thank you letter to Mrs. Jones using the point of view (voice) of Roger after several years have passed. In the letter, you should review the events and the effect her kindness had on Roger. Tell her about what has happened since. Try to include some comments about how Mrs. Jones changed Roger’s life. Dear ________________________, __________________________________________________















ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

5. “Coffee, Snacks, Worms” and “Thank You, Ma’am” deal with very similar situations, but there are also differences between them. Using the Venn Diagram below, fill in details that are unique about each story and details that are similar. A strong response will have 8-10 points in each section.

“Coffee, S

nacks, Worm

s” “Thank You, M


ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

G. Trueheart, Man’s Best Friend

Read the story on page 27 in the short story booklet and then answer the following questions on this page. 1. Fill in the plot graph below with the introduction, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion of “G. Trueheart, Man’s Best Friend”.

2. Do you think this story is funny? Why or why not? __________________________________________________





ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

3. The author describes the dog in detail. Find and explain one metaphor (comparison not using “like” or “as”) and one simile (comparison using like or as). Metaphor: _________________________________________


Explanation: _______________________________________


Simile: ____________________________________________


Explanation: _____________________________________________


4. Why does Tom dislike the dog so much?






5. The author has written this story without quotation marks for the dialogue. In the sentences below, add the proper quotation marks.

a)  Aunt Prudence said, Now you know how much she loves you, Tommy. She saved your life.

b)  Boy, oh, boy! the lumberjacks said, a fighting dog like that is

man’s best friend.

c)   Tom Hamilton, his mother said, get to school!

d)  The kids asked Tom, What’s she good for?

e)  Boy, oh, boy! a kid said, I wouldn’t be seen with her for two dollars a week.

ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

On the Sidewalk Bleeding Pre-Reading Questions 1. What can be done to prevent youth from joining gangs? __________________________________________________





2. When teenagers feel like they don’t fit in, what are some alternative forms of support available to them (rather than joining a gang)? __________________________________________________





3. Do you think Canadians should be concerned about youth gangs, or does the media exaggerate the youth gang problem in this country? __________________________________________________





ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

Short Reading Quiz for “On the Sidewalk Bleeding”

1.  What is the reason that Andy was stabbed? a.   He started a fight b.   He was robbed c.   He was wearing a gang jacket d.   Someone was jealous of Andy and his girlfriend

2.  Why was Andy not frightened at first?

a.   He did not know he was dying b.   He was considerably braver than most people c.   He figured that someone would help him d.   He didn’t know that he had been stabbed

3.  Where had Andy been before he was stabbed?

a.   Robbing a store b.   A dance c.   With the gang d.   In jail

4.   Throughout the story, there are continuing references to the

time. Why do you think that is? a.   He was late for a his date with Laura b.   It just shows us that it is night time c.   The passage of time builds suspense, making us wonder

when/if Andy will be saved d.   None of the above

5.  Why doesn’t the first person who finds Andy help him?

a.   He doesn’t want to help a gang member b.   He is drunk and assumes Andy is drunk as well c.   He just doesn’t want to get involved d.   He is afraid of possible danger to himself

6.  Why doesn’t the couple who find Andy help him?

a.   They don’t want to help a gang member b.   They are drunk and assume Andy is drunk as well c.   They just don’t want to get involved d.   They are afraid of possible danger to themselves

ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

7.  What is the main purpose of the italicized words throughout the story?

a.   They are for emphasis b.   They show Andy’s inner thoughts c.   They are used to show slang d.   They are used for dialogue

8.   Consider this sentence from the story: “He felt alone and wet

and feverish and chilled and he knew he was going to die now, and the knowledge made him suddenly sad.” The words in bold are all examples of:

a.   Adverbs b.   Nouns c.   Adjectives d.   Verbs

9.   Consider this sentence from the story: “The knife hated only the

purple jacket.” This is an example of a.   A metaphor b.   A simile c.   Personification d.   Allegory

10.   (2 marks) What shows Andy’s growing sense of panic in

the story? 11.   (2 marks) Why do you think Andy wants to remove his


12.   (2 marks) What conclusions can you draw from the police officer’s comment at the end of the story?

ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

The Day the Martian Landed Read the story on page 39 in the short story booklet and then answer the following questions on this page. 1. What is Fred Foster’s reaction when he meets the Martian? How would you have reacted? __________________________________________________







2. Do you believe that the Prime Minister’s assistant took the phone call seriously? Why or why not? Explain fully. __________________________________________________







3. What parts of this story do you find amusing? Explain. How does the author create humour? __________________________________________________






ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

4. Write a news story about the Martian landing. Make sure you have a HEADLINE, a BYLINE, a PLACELINE, that your lead sentences answers 4 w’s (who, what, where, when), and include a quotation.


By _________________ _______________ - __________________






















ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

Bus Stop Read the story on page 42 in the short story booklet and then answer the following questions on this page. 1. This story is divided into two parts. Why did the author choose to write the story this way? ________________________________________________________




2. The second part of the story has a massive run-on sentence (where the writer does not stop to break his or her ideas into proper sentences). Correct the run-on sentence by breaking it up into shorter sentences on the lines below:

She asked me where I was from and I said Gimli and she said yes, she knew where that was, her son had been killed there while training as a pilot, he was practising flying without instruments and got disoriented by the snowy lake and the clouds and dove straight into the ice, only nineteen and they’d missed him terribly, but she doubted if after all this time I’d remember it.











ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

3. Why do you think the narrator responds in the way he does to the woman at the bus stop? ________________________________________________________




4. Why can’t the narrator forget what happened to him years earlier?





5. Why do you think this story is so short? Would it be better if it had been longer? ________________________________________________________




6. In the space below, describe something that happened to you years ago that you have never forgotten. Try to use vivid language (be descriptive!) like the author does in the story. ________________________________________________________






ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

R We D8ting? 1. This personal essay describes a flirtation that goes awry over text messaging. In the chart below, describe some of the pros and cons of text messaging. Try to list ten points on each side.

Text Messaging Pros Text Messaging Cons

2. Do you think text messaging has brought people closer together, or is texting causing people to become more distant? Support your answer. ________________________________________________________







ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

On the Bridge 1. List two ways Seth tries to be cool: a) _________________________________________________

b) _________________________________________________

2. Why do you think Seth hangs out with Adam? Provide a reason.





3. Who is the protagonist in the story? ________________________________________________________ 4. Who is the antagonist? ________________________________________________________ 5. State two types of conflict from the story, and give an example of each. ________________________________________________________




6. Provide two reasons for Seth’s disposal of the jean jacket, and justify your reasons. ________________________________________________________




ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

Skippin’ Out 1. In this story, C.J. is trying very, very hard to fit in with a bad crowd. In the chart below, list ways C.J. tries to rebel, and then explain how his attempts go wrong. I have done the first one for you as an example.

C.J.’s rebellion How it goes wrong Running up the “down” escalator

An old man gets onto the escalator; no one notices his attempts

ENG1P1 Name:__________________ Short Story Unit

2. This story demonstrates the problem with peer pressure. In a well-structured paragraph below, write some advice to C.J. about how he could make better choices in the future. Why do you think he wants to fit in with Q-Tip and Zack so badly? ________________________________________________________


















