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Jeet ias 9927518355 Which of the four chief dialects that flourished in the pre-chaucerian period become the standard English in chaucers time ? A] The northern b) the southern c) the east midland d) the west-midland2-which of the following Chaucers tale is in prose ? a ] The parsons tale b) the pardoners tale c) the prioress tale d) the cooks tale3-chaucer lived through the reigns of A] Two kings b) three kngs c) four kings d) five kings4-which of the following English alphabet occurs most often in writing? A] E b) s c) r d) a5- the Saxons came to England in A] 435 AD b) 450 AD c) 455AD d) 457 AD6-peasants revolt took place in: a)1346 b)1365 c) 1378 d)13817-the followers of john wyeliff ere known A] as:University wits b) lollards c) chaucerians d)feudal8-there were three medieval institutions which of the following was not one of them ? A] Chivalry b) feudalism c) the church d)slavery9- chaucers physician in the doctor of physique was heavily depending upon: a)astrology b)astronomy c)sorcery d)church10-spenser called as the well of English undefined;. a)langland b) wycliff c) dunbar d)Chaucer11-chaucer introduced the heroic couplet in English verse and invented the: A] Free vese b) rhyme royal c)ottava rhyma d) sestet12-matthew Arnold critised Chaucer for lacking in: a)the lyrical quality b) coherence c)realism d)high seriousness13-who is known to be the firsttranslator of the bible into English? a)William Tyndale b)john wycliff c)john gower d)Thomas more14- in which month did the pilgrims march towards the Canterbury? a)April b)may c) march d)june15-the most remarkable ballads of the 15 th century included: a)chevy-chase b) the nut brown maid c) cornelia d) both (a) and (b)16- tottles miscellany contained the songs and sonnets of: a] Wyatt b)wyatt and Raleigh c) Sidney and surrey d) Sidney and Raleigh 17-utopia is also known by the name : a] An unknown island b) a strange land c) a world of imagination d) the kingdom of nowhere 18-english new testament is a world of : a] William Tyndale b) john wyclif c) john barbour d) Stephen hawes 19- the first realenglish comedy was written by: A] Nicholas udall b) spenser c) drayton d) milles coverdale 20-spenser was called the poets poet by : A] Eliot b) bacon C) Shelley b d) wordsworth 21-sans foy and sans loy in the faerie queen are : A] Holy knights b) powerful knights c) wicked knights d) the friends of red cross knight22-which book of spenser contained 88 sonnets ? A] Shepherds calendar b) astrophel c) mother hubberds d) amoretti 23-who is not the silver poet referred to by Gerald bullet ? A] Sidney b) wyatt c) spenser d) davies 24-bacon defined the essay as: A] Receptable for detached thoughts b) disposed meditations c) leisturely talk of a philosopher over the dining table. d) both (a) and (b) 25- the new atlantis by francis bacon is a\an : A] Unfinished novel b) unfinished poem c) drama d)essay 26-shakesphere ;s heroes are by and large a]: Common men b) royal kings c) common kings d) animais 27-gonzalo is a character in Shakespeares : A] Macbeth b) the tempest c) twelfth night d) as you like it 28-who wrote coriolanous ? A)Marlowe b) jonson c) peele d) Shakespeare 29-Beauty proveketh fools better than gold .from which Shakespearean play has this line been taken? a)alls well that ends well b) much ado about nothing c) as you like it d) the merchant of venice 30-there is nothing either good or bad thinking makes it so .in which Shakespearean play does this line occur ? A] Julius Caesar b)hamlet c) as you like it d) the comedy of errrs 31-others abide our question thou art free .Who said this about Shakespeare? A] Hazlitt b) Chesterton C)Matthew Arnold d) john Milton 32-the unfortunate traveler by Thomas nashe is a typical: a)revenge play b) picturesque novel c) love tragedy d)pastoral romance33-Dr.Faustus is the story of a scholar who has :A] Lust for knowledge b) lust for power c)lust for love d) lust for pelf34-In which play do these lines occur? was this the face thatlaunchd a a thousand ships , And burnt the topless towers of IIIium?A] Tamburlaine b) the massacre of Paris c) Dr.Faustus d) edward-Ii 35-who is the central character in Marlowe s The Jew of Malta? a)Shylock b) Barabas c) issac d) Abraham36-Marlowe s tragedies are ass: Tragedies of the royal people b) revenge plays c) love tragedies d) one-man tragedies37_Chronicle Plays dramatizes the : A] Domestic events b) historical events c) political events d) popular myths and legends38-in which year wsa Dr.Faustus written? A]1591 b) 1592 c) 1593 d) 159039- by whom was the Spanish Tragedy written ? a)Thomas kyd b) Thomas middleton c) Shakespeare d) George Peele40_The Spanish Tragedy is historically important because it foreshadows Shakespeares Hamlet b) Othello c) King lear d) Macbeth41-Cornelia is a work of : A]Ben Jonson b) greene c) George peele d) Thomas kyd42-For whom are the following lines uttered ? cover her face ; mine eyes dazzle: She died young . A]Juliet in Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare B) Duchess in the Duchess of Malfi by Webster C) Cordelia in King Lear by Shakespeare d) Anne in a women Killed with Kindness by Thomas Heywood 43-Cowards die many times before their death.where does this line occur ,and who speaks it? A] Antony in Antony and Cleopatra B] Romeo in Romeo and Juliet C]Caesar in Julius Caesar D Iago in Othello44-Apart from being a playwright ,George Peele was also a/an : A]Teacher b) actor c)Doctor d)priest45-When was the Globe Theatre Rebuilt ? A]1613 b) 1614 c) 1615 d) 161646-in which year wasKing James published Bible? A0 1611 b)1612 c) 1613 d)1614 47-The Well of English Undefiled. Which quality of Geoffrey Chaucer does this phrase refer to? a)Chaucers diction b) chaucers linguistic competence c)Chaucers avoidance of foreign influences d)none of the above48-who was the first translator of the Bible into English? A]Geoffrey Chaucer b) Sir Thomas Malory c) John Wycliff D) willisam Langland 49-who among the following can be considered the originator of the ;picaresque novel?A]Daniel Defoe b) Thomas Nash c) Charles Dickens d) George Herbert50-What could be the tragic flaw in Macbeth?a)Vaulting Ambition b) Lack of action C)Both a and b d) none of the above
