www.bulgariatravel.org multimedia PLOVDIV GUIDE Grant Scheme BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 “Support for Effective National Marketing of Tourist Product and Improvement of Information Service”, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 /001-5 “Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of Destination Bulgaria” This multimedia brochure is created within the framework of the project “Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of Destination Bulgaria”, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008/001-5, which is performed with the financial support of Operative Program “Regional Development” 2007 – 2013, co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The entire responsibility for the contents of this multimedia brochure is brought by the beneficiary – The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, and under no circumstances it can be considered that this multimedia brochure presents the official position of the European Union and the Managing Body. Operative Program “Regional Development 2007-2013 www.bgregio.eu We invest in your future! The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the state budget of Republic of Bulgaria


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www.bulgariatravel.org multimedia


Grant Scheme BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 “Support for Effective National Marketing of Tourist Product and Improvement of Information Service”, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 /001-5 “Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of

Destination Bulgaria”

This multimedia brochure is created within the framework of the project “Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of Destination Bulgaria”, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008/001-5, which is performed with the financial support of Operative Program “Regional Development” 2007 – 2013,

co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The entire responsibility for the contents of this multimedia brochure is brought by the beneficiary – The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, and under no circumstances it can be considered that this multimedia brochure presents

the official position of the European Union and the Managing Body.

Operative Program “Regional Development 2007-2013 www.bgregio.eu

We invest in your future!

The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fundand the state budget of Republic of Bulgaria






Plovdiv is a unique blend of history and modernity. Only a few

cities in the world can be proud of such a rich historical heritage.

The city is situated amidst lush Thrace and it has existed

for thousands of years. According to many scholars, it is a

contemporary of Homer’s Troy.

Plovdiv has changed many names during its long existence.

The first fortified settlement at these lands was founded by the

Thracians, who called it Evmolpia. Later, Philip of Macedonia -

the father of Alexander the Great, conquered it and gave it its

name - Philippopolis. During Roman times, the city was named

Trimontium. Once the Slavs settled here, they gave the city a new

name - Paldin. During the five-century-long Ottoman Dominion,

the city was named Filibe, and nowadays it is called Plovdiv – a

name, chosen after the modification of the Slavic name.







In order to explore the city and all its attractions, you will need at least 2-3 days. Most of its sites are concentrated in the Old Town. There is the ancient theater, built in the second century AD. It is located between Taksim and Dzhambaz hills and is exceptionally well preserved. It was richly decorated and

could accommodate up to seven thousand spectators. After careful restoration of the ancient theater, nowadays it is open for performances. The theater hosts numerous theatrical and musical performances. Its splendid acoustics is due to its magnificent architecture.



Another interesting monument is the Roman stadium, located below the main street in the downtown – Dzhumaya square. It was also built during the second century AD. In the past there were held sport events, gladiator and animal fights. The stadium could accommodate up to 30,000 spectators.



The Ancient Forum also dates back to Roman times. It is located near the Central Square, near the Central Post Office. It was built in the 1st century, during the reign of Emperor Vespasiyan. It is a complex of buildings, a library, minting house, an odeon, etc.



The eastern gate of the fortress walls – the famous Hissar Kapiya in the Ancient Plovdiv, has remained since the Middle Ages. There are several floors of layered construction, bearing the characteristics of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom, the Ottoman period and the Bulgarian Revival.





The remarkable houses from the times of the Bulgarian Revival are located in the Old Town. Among them are the houses of Georgiadi, Hadzhi Dragan Kaloferetsa, Artin Gidikov, Georgi Mavridi (Lamartinova house), Nedkovich house, the house of Stepan Hindliyan, Balabanova house, Kuyumdzhieva house, etc.

Their remarkable architecture is defined as Bulgarian Baroque. It is characterized by colorful decorations on the facade with beautiful ornaments, and the interior is complemented by rich carvings and paintings on the furniture, the ceilings and the stair railings.



The city has several museums – History Museum, Archaeology Museum, Ethnographic Museum, Natural History Museum and an Art Gallery. Each of them is proud for its unique collections and exhibits.











As a city where people live peacefully with different religions, Plovdiv is very rich in temples. The Orthodox Christians are proud of their old churches – the Metropolitan temple St. Marina, the churches

St. Petka, St. Konstantin and St. Helena, etc. The Catholic community is served by the Cathedral of St. Ludwig, and the Muslims have Dzhumaya mosque – a building with remarkable architecture.



Plovdiv is a city which eagerly

keeps its past, but lives in the


The town is very lively, with

numerous pubs, restaurants,

clubs and hotels. Its main

street is a place where you

can find the latest trends in

fashionable boutiques and




In spring and autumn Plovdiv

hosts the International

Fair which brings together

industrialists and businessmen

from around the world. Here,

at the fairgrounds, built

specifically for the event, you

can meet users and producers

from various industries.

During the rest of the year the

fairgrounds host a number of

exhibitions and events.





Grant Scheme BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 “Support for Effective National Marketing of Tourist Product and Improvement of Information Service”, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008 /001-5 “Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of

Destination Bulgaria”

This multimedia brochure is created within the framework of the project “Multimedia Catalogue of the Tourist Sites and Electronic Marketing of Destination Bulgaria”, Contract No BG161PO001/3.3-01/2008/001-5, which is performed with the financial support of Operative Program “Regional Development” 2007 – 2013,

co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund. The entire responsibility for the contents of this multimedia brochure is brought by the beneficiary – The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, and under no circumstances it can be considered that this multimedia brochure presents

the official position of the European Union and the Managing Body.

Operative Program “Regional Development 2007-2013 www.bgregio.eu

We invest in your future!

The project is financed by the European Regional Development Fundand the state budget of Republic of Bulgaria