ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom

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  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


      NG 302 AID xpect Success

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  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 Entire Course (UO!ENG 302 "ee# $ %&e Indi'idua and t&e En'ironment aper

    ENG 302 "ee# $ D)s

    ENG 302 "ee# 2 oetic Imager* and oitica +eaities aper

    ENG 302 "ee# 2 American Aut&or aperENG 302 "ee# 2 D)s

    ENG 302 "ee# 3 oetr* 's, -iction aper

    ENG 302 "ee# 3 roposa .or C&anging %&emes aper and Annotated /iiograp&*

    ENG 302 "ee# 3 D)

    ENG 302 "ee# 1 ostar Emerging Issues in iterature aper

    ENG 302 "ee# 1 D)s

    ENG 302 "ee# 4 Asian &iosop&* and iterature aper


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# $ D)s (UO!ENG 302 "ee# $ D)s


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# $ %&e Indi'idua and t&e En'ironment a

    per (UO!

    Indi'idua Assignment5 %&e Indi'idua and t&e En'ironment aper During t&is period6 t&e American p&*sica and socia en'ironments c&anged radica*, %&e .rontier cosed6 immigration patterns c&anged6 industriai7ation and mass capitaism res&aped American cities a

    nd American economic i.e6 and a rising .eminist consciousness dre ne attention to t&e position o. omen, "rite a $60408 to $61008ord paper ana*7ing t&e tension eteen t&e indi'idua and t&e en'ironment in one or more o. t&e or#s o. American iterature assigned .or "ee# One, 9ou ma* .ocus on an* de.inition o. en'ironmen

    t5 poitica6 socia6 p&*sica6 or mora, Support a caims it& e'idence .rom t&e text or texts ana*7ed, No sources e*ond t&e textoo#are re:uired6 ut *ou ma* use suc& sources i. *ou c&oose, -ormat *our paper consistent it& AA guideines,


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 2 D)s (UO!ENG 302 "ee# 2 D)s 


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 2 Indi'iduaAssignment oetic Imager*

    aper (UO!

    Indi'idua Assignment5 oetic Imager* and oitica +eaities aper 

    oets .ocused &ea'i* on imager* in t&eir poems during t&is period,A sc&oo o. poetr* existed caed Imagism6 &ic& put muc& emp&asis on t&e importance o. extreme* cear imager* in poetr*, ;o do t&e images used * poets .rom t&is period reate to t&e arger poitica reaities o. t&e period< "rite a $60408 to $61008ord paper ansering t&at :uestion, Use e'idence .rom at east t&ree di..erent poetsto iustrate *our caims, Address an* eement o. t&e arger poiticaandscape t&at *ou c&oose6 and de.ine poitica as road* as *ou i

    #e, No sources e*ond t&e textoo# are re:uired6 ut *ou ma* usesuc& sources i. *ou c&oose, -ormat *our paper consistent it& AAguideines


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 2 %eam Assignment American Aut&or aper (UO!earning %eam Assignment5 American Aut&or aper Seect one o. t&

    e aut&ors assigned .or "ee# One or "ee# %o, Eac& team must seect a di..erent aut&or, "rite a $61008 to $6=408ord paper expaining &o t&is aut&or>s or# is particuar* American, /e sure *our team addresses ot& content and .orm o. t&e aut&or>s or# and *ou support a caims it& e'idence .rom t&e text or texts ana*7ed, Nosources e*ond t&e text are re:uired6 ut *ou ma* use suc& sources i. *ou c&oose, -ormat *our paper consistent it& AA guideines,


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 3 D)s (UO!ENG 302 "ee# 3 D)s 


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 3 Indi'idua Assignment oetr* 's, -ictio

    n aper (UO!

    Indi'idua Assignment5 oetr* 's, -iction aper "rite a $60408 to  ;o  do poetr* and$61008ord paper ansering t&e .ooing :ue stio n5 .iction ritten in t&e decades eteen "ord "ar I and "ord " ar II reate< As *ou or# on t&is primar* :uestion6 *ou ma* .ind it u se.u to consider t&e .ooing re ated :uestions5 o Did poetr* and . iction address t&e same concerns in t&e decades eteen t&e ars < o Do t&e* re.ect t&e same issues< o Are t&e* in.uenced * t&e sa me trends and outside .orces< o Does en'ironment in.uence one s et o. riters more t&an anot&er< o Is poetr* more &ea'i* in.uence 

    d * ot&er art .orms6 suc& as ?a77< "&at is *our e'idence< o Is .ictio n more &ea'i* in.uenced * ot&er .orms o. prose6 i#e t&e essa*<"&at is *our e'idence< Support *our caims it& e'idence .rom t&eor#s assigned, No sources e*ond t&e textoo# are re:uired6 ut

     *ou ma* use suc& sources i. *ou c&oose, -ormat *our paper consist 

    ent it& AA guideines,


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 3 %eam Assignment roposa .or /iiogr

    ap&* (UO!

    earning %eam Assignment5 roposa .or C&anging %&emes ap er a nd Annotated /iiograp&* repare a 3408 to =008ord proposa  .ort&e C&anging %&emes ap er and resentation t&at incudes *our se ected t&eme6 possie era s6 aut&ors6 and an annotated iiograp&*it& a minimum o. six ou tside sources, Sumit *our roposa .or C &anging %&emes aper and Annotated /iiograp&* 


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 1 D)s (UO!ENG 302 "ee# 1 D)s 


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 1 Indi'idua Assignment ostar

     Emerging iterature (UO! Indi'idua Assignment5 ostar Emerging Issues in iterature aper

    %&e postar era as initia* a period in &ic& i.e6 at east on t&e s ur.ace6 seemed pacid, /* t&e end o. t&e $@40s and into t&e $@0s6se'era undercurrents t&at ere stirring in t&e pre'ious decade eg an emerging into t&e mainstream discussions o. America, %&ese inc uded race issues6 t&e :uestioning o. go'ernment6 and emerging .e minism, Seect to or more o. t&e aut&ors read t&is ee#, Ana*7e&o t&ese aut&ors incorporate socia issues in t&eir riting in a $60 408 to $61008ord paper, Use speci.ic exampes .rom t&e reading to

    support *our opinion, No sources e*ond t&e text are re:uired6 ut *ou ma* use suc& sources i. *ou c&oose, -ormat *our paper consist ent it& AA guideines,


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 4 D)s (UO!ENG 302 "ee# 4 D)s 


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 4 Indi'idua Assignment Asian &iosop&* aper (UO! Indi'idua Assi  gnment5 Asian &iosop&* and iterature aper Seec 

    t to or#s o. et&nic iterature read during t&is course t&at are in# ed in some a*, 9ou mig&t compare to immigrants to t&e UnitedStates6 to memers o. t&e same et&nic group (in one time6 or in t o di..erent periods!6 to riters .rom t&e same region, "rite a $60 408 to $61008ord paper in &ic& *ou compare t&e to texts and m a#e an interpreti'e argument aout &at t&e* &a'e in common6 &o  t&e* di..er6 and &at t&ese :uaities mean, Incude speci.ic passa 

     ges .rom eac& text to support *our arguments, No sources e*ond

    t&e textoo# are re:uired6 ut *ou ma* use suc& sources i. *ou c&o ose, -ormat *our paper consistent it& AA guideines,


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


    ENG 302 "ee# 4 %eam Assignment C&anging %&emes resentation (UO!earnin  g %eam Assignment 5 C&anging %&emes aper and resentation +e 

    source5 roposa .or C&anging %&emes aper and Annotated /iiograp&*Use t&e t&eme (o'e6 poer6 materiaism6 or ar! seected in *our propos a and ana*7e &o t&is t&eme is treated t&roug&out eac& di..erent iterar 

     * period discussed in "ee#s One t&roug& -our, repare a $6=408 to 261408 ord paper in &ic& *ou examine &o a iterar* t&eme c&anges t&roug&di..erent periods, Incude a minimum o. .i'e or#s * di..erent aut&ors .r om di..erent periods .or iustration, In addition to t&ese .i'e primar* sou rces6 *ou must use at east six outside sources, %&is paper s&oud &ig&ig& t &o c&anging socia and cutura aspects in.uence t&e de'eopment o. t &e t&eme seected, Conduct additiona researc& using t&e Uni'ersit* ira r* to pro'ide interpretations6 and incude a re.erence ist containing a min imum o. .i'e sources, repare a $08 to $48side Bicroso.t 


    庐 oeroint  

    庐 presentation, %&is presentation s&oud e $0 to 20 minutes ong, -or mat *our paper and presentation consistent it& AA guideines,


  • 8/16/2019 ENG 302 AID Expect Success Eng302aiddotcom


      NG 302 AID xpect Success

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