Energy SfW Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (September 2008)

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  • 8/8/2019 Energy SfW Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (September 2008)


    Skills for Work:

    EnergyIntermediate 2

    September 2008

    Domestic Wind TurbinesSystems

    Support Material

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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 3


    SFEU is grateful to the subject specialists in Scotlands Colleges and otheragencies and industry bodies who have been involved in the writing of this andother support materials in the Skills for Workseries. SFEU is also grateful for thecontribution of the Scottish Qualifications Authority in the compilation of thesematerials, specifically for its permission to reproduce extracts from Course andUnit Specifications and the Skills for WorkRationale.

    Scottish Further Education Unit 2008

    Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU)

    Argyll CourtCastle Business ParkStirlingFK9 4TY

    website: [email protected]

    SFEU is a Registered Scottish Charity No. SC021876 and aCompany Limited by Guarantee No. SC143514 VAT No. 617148346

    These support materials were produced with assistance from the European Social Fund.

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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 4

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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 5

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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 6

    Energy (Intermediate 2)Domestic Wind Turbines SystemsF3FR 11


    These notes are provided to support teachers and lecturers presenting theScottish Qualifications Authority Course F3FR 11, Energy: Domestic WindTurbines Systems (Intermediate 2).

    Copyright for this pack is held by the Scottish Further Education Unit (SFEU).However, teachers and lecturers have permission to use the pack and reproduce

    items from the pack provided that this is to support teaching and learningprocesses and that no profit is made from such use. If reproduced in part, thesource should be acknowledged.

    Enquiries relating to this support pack or issues relating to copyright should beaddressed to:

    Marketing Officer - CommunicationsThe Scottish Further Education UnitArgyll CourtCastle Business Park

    StirlingFK9 4TY


    Further information regarding this Unit including Unit Specifications, NationalAssessment Bank materials, Centre Approval and certification can be obtainedfrom:

    The Scottish Qualifications Authority

    Optima Building58 Robertson StreetGlasgowG2 8DQ


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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 7

    Class Sets

    Class sets of this pack may be purchased direct from the printer. Costs aredependent on the size of the pack and the number of copies. Please contact:

    Elanders HindsonMerlin WayNew York Business ParkNorth TynesideNE27 0QG

    Tel: 0191 280 0400e-mail: [email protected]


    Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this support pack,teachers and lecturers should satisfy themselves that the information passed tocandidates is accurate and in accordance with the current SQA arrangementsdocuments. SFEU will accept no responsibility for any consequences derivingeither directly or indirectly from the use of this pack.

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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 8


    How to Use this Pack 10

    Reference Section 11

    What are Skills for Work Courses all about? 12

    The Course in Energy (Intermediate 2) 15

    Unit Outcomes, PCs and Evidence Requirements 18

    Employability Skills Profile 22

    Careers Scotland Support 23

    Tutor Support Section 24

    Introduction 25

    Learning and Teaching with Under 16s 26

    General Guidance on Unit Delivery 30

    Unit Induction 31

    Scheme of Work 32

    Unit Planner 36

    Health and Safety Considerations 42

    Signposting of Employability Skills 44

    Generating Evidence and Assessment Opportunities for Employability Skills 45

    Resources 55

    Student Support Section 57

    Tutor Note on Student Activities 58

    Welcome to Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems 59

    Introduction 60

    Types of Wind Turbine 64

    Up Wind or Down Wind? 65

    Vertical Axis 66

    Masts and Towers 67

    Applications 70

    Eigg Community Project 71

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    Scottish Further Education Unit 9

    Table of Good Practice in Small Wind Turbine Design 72

    Tools and Materials 74

    Electrical Circuits 82

    Simple Construction Projects 86

    Cup Anemometer 86

    Propeller Type Anemometer 87

    Small Wind Turbine Rotor 89

    Schematic of small wind turbine system powering a lamp 91

    Practical Activities 92

    Working in Teams 97

    Evaluation 103

    Appendix 106

    Extension Activities 106

    Power in the Wind 107

    Wind Speed Measurement 116

    The Beaufort Wind Scale 117

    Presentation of Wind Data 119

    Power Extraction from the Wind Turbine 124

    Aerodynamics of Wind Turbines 127

    Lift and Drag Forces 129

    Power Output 134

    Wind/Solar and Biomass Projects 141

    Micro-generation Systems 141

    Water Pumping 142

    Economics of Small Scale Renewable Energy Projects 142

    Glossary of Terms 143

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    How to Use this Pack

    None of the material in this pack is mandatory. Rather, it is intended as a guideand an aid to delivery of the Unit and aims to provide centres with a flexible set ofmaterials and activities which can be selected, adapted and used in whatever waysuits individual circumstances. It may also be a useful supplement to tried andtested materials that you have developed yourself. The pack is available on theSFEU website in Word format to enable you to customise it to suit your ownneeds.

    The pack is organised into several sections:

    The Reference Section provides information on the rationale for, and ethosbehind, Skills for Workcourses, the course rationale, the Unit Outcomes andevidence requirements and the Employability Skills Profile for Energy

    (Intermediate 2), showing where the specified employability skills and attitudescan be evidenced and assessed throughout the Course and in this unit.

    The Tutor Support Section contains a suggested approach to teaching the Unit,advice on learning and teaching with under-16s, guidance on unit induction, unitdelivery and advice on integrating the development of employability skillsthroughout the unit. Finally, this section suggests resources which may be usefulfor tutors and students.

    The Student Support Section contains guidance and instruction on:

    Background information on renewable energy issues

    Information relating to knowledge and understanding of wind turbines

    Guidance on activities for Outcomes 1 5. Please note that the activitiesshown for Outcomes 1 and 2 are intended as practice for the practicalassessed elements of the Unit. Detailed guidance on the requirements forassessment will be found in the NAB item for this Unit.

    The focus in Outcome 3 is on team work and planning. Guidance and studentactivities will be found in the Course Guidance and Employability supportmaterials.

    Extension notes and web-based activities providing more challenging informationand tasks where appropriate for the student group are provided in the Appendix.Tutors should be selective in using this material.

    You may wish to place material from the student notes on your own Intranet bydownloading this pack from the Skills for Worksection of the SFEU website

    Activities are identified with the symbol:

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    Reference Section

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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

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    What are Skills for Work Courses all about?

    Skills for WorkCourses are designed to help candidates to develop:

    skills and knowledge in a broad vocational area

    Core Skills

    an understanding of the workplace

    positive attitudes to learning

    skills and attitudes for employability.

    A key feature of these Courses is the emphasis on experiential learning. Thismeans learning through practical experience and learning by reflecting on


    Learning through practical experience

    Teaching/learning programmes should include some or all of the following:

    learning in real or simulated workplace settings

    learning through role play activities in vocational contexts

    carrying out case study work

    planning and carrying out practical tasks and assignments.

    Learning through reflecting at all stages of the experience

    Teaching/learning programmes should include some or all of the following:

    preparing and planning for the experience

    taking stock throughout the experience - reviewing and adapting as necessary

    reflecting after the activity has been completed - evaluating, self-assessing andidentifying learning points.

    The Skills for WorkCourses are also designed to provide candidates withopportunities for developing Core Skillsandenhancing skills and attitudes foremployability.

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    Core Skills

    The five Core Skills are:



    Information Technology

    Problem Solving

    Working with Others


    The skills and attitudes for employability, including self-employment, are outlinedbelow:

    generic skills/attitudes valued by employers

    understanding of the workplace and the employees responsibilities, forexample timekeeping, appearance, customer care

    self-evaluation skills

    positive attitude to learning

    flexible approaches to solving problems

    adaptability and positive attitude to change

    confidence to set goals, reflect and learn from experience.

    specific vocational skills/knowledge

    Course Specifications highlight the links to National OccupationalStandards in the vocational area and identify progression opportunities

    Opportunities for developing these skills and attitudes are highlighted in each ofthe Course and Unit Specifications. These opportunities include giving youngpeople direct access to workplace experiences or, through partnershiparrangements, providing different learning environments and experiences whichsimulate aspects of the workplace. These experiences might include visits, visitingspeakers, role play and other practical activities.

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    A Curriculum for Excellence(Scottish Executive 2004) identifies aspirations forevery young person. These are that they should become:

    successful learners

    confident individuals responsible citizens

    effective contributors.

    The learning environments, the focus on experiential learning and theopportunities to develop employability and Core Skills in these Courses contributeto meeting these aspirations.

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    The Course in Energy (Intermediate 2)

    Course Rationale

    This Course is intended to equip candidates with the necessary knowledge andskills which will enhance their prospects for employment in the wide range ofopportunities within energy sectors. The Course will allow candidates to develop arange of employability skills which are of particular relevance to energy industries.Core Skills ofInformation Technologyand Problem Solvingwill also be developedthroughout the Course where opportunities arise. The Course will offer a variety ofapproaches to learning and teaching and will include a strong element ofexperiential learning. It is intended that some of the Course will be delivered andassessed in a different learning environment to that of the school through apartnership arrangement with a college, training provider, or employer.

    There are many technologies used in the production of energy and this coursehas been designed to contain both an electrical generation practical/skills elementusing wind turbines and a heat generation practical/skills element using solarpanels. These elements were selected to ensure candidates received a range ofskills using different technologies that are involved in the generation of energy.Other systems used to generate energy from both the traditional/conventional andrenewable systems will be discussed and evaluated during the Course.

    The primary target group for this Course is school candidates in S3 and S4.However, the Course is also suitable for S5/S6 candidates and adult candidateswho are seeking to enhance their employability and vocational skills in the energy


    The general aims of the Course are to:

    widen participation in vocationally-related learning for 1416 year olds

    allow candidates to experience vocationally-related learning

    provide candidates with a broad introduction to the energy sector

    allow candidates the opportunity to develop skills relevant to the micro-generation energy sector

    develop the candidates engineering skills encourage candidates to evaluate the impact of energy generation on the


    encourage candidates to foster a good work ethic, including timekeeping, apositive attitude and other relevant employability skills

    provide opportunities to develop a range of Core Skills in a realistic context

    encourage candidates to take charge of their own learning and development

    provide a range of teaching, learning, and assessment styles to motivatecandidates to achieve their full potential

    facilitate progression to further education and/or training

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    In particular, the specific aims of the Course are to:

    encourage candidates to consider a career in the energy sector

    develop an awareness of the role of conventional and renewable energy

    systems in the UK

    develop an awareness of what opportunities there may be within the sector interms of the types and range of career options

    provide candidates with knowledge and skills which are directly relevant toemployment within the energy sector, eg. solar hot water and wind turbines

    provide opportunities for the personal development of skills and attitudes whichwill improve the candidates employment potential within the energy sector

    develop the candidates awareness of their individual strengths andweaknesses in relation to the requirements of the sector, and to reflect on howthis affects their employability potential

    raise awareness of the impact of the energy sector on the environment

    raise awareness of the responsibilities of the energy industry with regard to theenvironment

    Rationale for Course content

    The production and use of energy is important in everyones life and is also an

    important area of study and work. It is central to how we reduce our impact on theenvironment when generating heat or electrical energy or power and to reducingour CO2 emissions which are widely claimed to have an impact on climate change.

    The generation of energy has traditionally been done through the use of fossilfuels; oil, gas, and coal, with some renewable energy produced from hydro power.Nuclear power was seen, and is still seen by some, as a method of generatingenergy with zero carbon emissions, but the disposal of the radioactive spent fuelis of major concern and this can counteract the advantages it has with zerocarbon emissions.

    The development of most renewable energy systems is a recent innovation whereenergy is generated from renewable energy sources, eg. wind, solar, geothermal,bio-fuels, tidal, and wave. These systems have the advantage of generatingpower with virtually zero carbon emissions. The bio-fuels and geothermal systemscan release power on demand, but most of the others depend of sources ofenergy outwith the control of human beings, and consequently, do not have aconstant power output. For example, solar is not effective at night or when it isparticularly cold and cloudy; wind is not effective at low wind speeds or very highwind speeds, and while tides are regular, they occur only a few times per weekand wind is required to generate waves in our oceans or seas.

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    The main themes of the course are: conventional energy production, renewableenergy production, converting energy from one form to another, industrial ordomestic energy generation facilities, practical work with solar panels and windturbines (integrating team work into the assembly process), and investigatingcareers within the energy sector.

    Optional areas covered are the size of an individuals carbon footprint, oil and gasextraction or conventional energy systems; their contribution to the total energygenerated in the UK and their environmental affects.

    Candidates will study the overall status of energy in Scotland, and in the UK, ingeneral. They will explore the conventional methods of production, including theirefficiency levels, various energy conversion principles, and how energy can beconserved. They will also explore the more recent developments in energyproduction using renewable energy techniques and will develop practical skills inthe areas of plumbing, electrical, and mechanical engineering. Careers within theenergy sector have been integrated with employability skills which are developedthrough practical activities.

    The three optional Units offer different routes for candidates. They can opt for anindividual investigation and evaluation of their own carbon footprint, investigatethe size of the market segment taken up with conventional production techniquesand their sustainability, and explore the use of the national grid as a means oftransmitting electricity throughout the UK, or have an in-depth study into theformation and extraction of one type of fuel in its raw state which is particularlyrelevant to Scotland, ie. offshore oil and gas.

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    Unit Outcomes, PCs and Evidence Requirements

    National Unit Specification: statement of standards

    Unit:Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Acceptable performance in this Unit will be the satisfactory achievement of thestandards set out in this part of the Unit Specification. All sections of the statementof standards are mandatory and cannot be altered without reference to theScottish Qualifications Authority.

    Outcome 1

    Connect an electrical circuit from a wiring diagram.

    Performance Criteria

    a) Appropriate tools are selected for the task.

    b) Tools and materials are used correctly for the intended purpose.

    c) All steps to complete the task are followed in the correct sequence.

    d) Health and safety requirements are adhered to throughout the activity.

    e) A quality check is carried out on the completed work.

    Outcome 2

    Manufacture a metal part for a wind turbine system from a component drawing.

    Performance Criteria

    a) Appropriate tools are selected for the task.

    b) Tools and materials are used correctly for the intended purpose.

    c) All steps to complete the task are followed in the correct sequence.

    d) Health and safety requirements are adhered to throughout the activity.

    e) A quality check is carried out on the completed work.

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    Outcome 3

    Produce a team plan for the production and testing of a small scale domestic windturbine system to a given specification.

    Performance Criteria

    a) Contribute constructively to team discussions to establish roles and realistictimescales.

    b) Contribute constructively to team discussions on resources.

    c) Contribute constructively to team discussions on tasks.

    d) Co-operate with others to finalise a comprehensive plan of roles, resourcesrequired, and tasks set out in sequence.

    Outcome 4

    Contribute as a member of a team to the assembly and testing of a small scaledomestic wind turbine system to a given specification.

    Performance Criteria

    a) Co-operate with others in the organising, sharing, and safe use of tools andmaterials.

    b) Co-operate with others in maintaining a safe, tidy working area.

    c) Adhere to the agreed plan and work positively to complete tasks in the agreedtimescale.

    d) In an agreed role, carry out practical tasks which contribute to the assembly ofthe wind turbine system.

    e) In an agreed role, carry out practical tasks which contribute to the testing of thesystem.

    f) Participate in a quality check of the finished work against the givenspecification.

    Outcome 5

    Evaluate the wind turbine and the team working process.

    Performance Criteria

    a) Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the planning, assembly, and testingof the wind turbine.

    b) Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of team working.

    c) Evaluate own contribution to work of the team.

    d) Identify action points for improvement in the production of the product and theteam working process.

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    Evidence Requirements for this Unit

    Evidence is required to demonstrate that candidates have achieved all Outcomesand Performance Criteria. Performance and written/oral evidence is required forthis Unit, the evidence should be gathered at appropriate points throughout the

    Unit in supervised, open-book conditions, in response to a given brief.

    Performance evidence Outcomes 1 and 2

    Performance evidence will be generated in response to an assignment consistingof practical activities carried out in supervised workshop conditions. An assessorobservation checklist must be completed and signed for each candidate. Thepractical activities will involve two separate tasks: connecting a wire circuit from awiring drawing, and manufacturing a metal part for a small scale wind turbinesystem from a component drawing. In each task, candidates must demonstratethat they can:

    select appropriate tools for the task

    use tools and materials correctly for the intended purpose

    complete all steps for the task in the correct sequence

    adhere to health and safety requirements throughout the activity

    carry out a quality check on the completed work

    Performance and product evidence Outcomes 3 and 4

    Performance evidence will be generated in response to a group assignment whichwill involve the planning, assembly, and testing of a small scale domestic windturbine system. Practical activities must be carried out in supervised workshopconditions. An assessor observation checklist must be completed and signed foreach candidate to confirm achievement. A completed group plan and the finishedproduct should be retained by each group and used by the assessor indiscussions with each candidate. The achievement of each candidate is based onhis/her individual contribution to the process and not on the final group products.The assessor checklist should be based clearly on the Performance Criteria for

    Outcomes 3 and 4.

    Written/oral evidence Outcome 5

    Each candidate must evaluate the effectiveness of the product and process ofteam working. The evaluation will take the form of a presentation, which could bewritten, oral, diagrammatical, or electronic. It may be an individual evaluation or acontribution to a group evaluation, provided that all Performance Criteria are metby each candidate. The evidence will be a completed and signed observationchecklist for each candidate.

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    Scottish Further Education Unit 21

    The National Assessment Bank (NAB) pack for this Unit provides candidatereview sheets and an investigation brief. Centres wishing to develop their ownassessments should refer to the NAB to ensure a comparable standard.

    NB Centres must refer to the full Unit Specification for detailedinformation related to this Unit.

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    Employability Skills Profile

    In addition to the specific vocational skills developed and assessed in this Course,employability skills are addressed as detailed in the table below. For the purposesof the table, the Units are referred to as A, B, C and D as indicated.

    Mandatory UnitsEnergy: Introduction = AEnergy: Domestic Solar Hot Water Systems = BEnergy: Domestic Wind Turbine Systems = CEnergy: Employability and Careers = D

    Optional UnitsEnergy and the Individual = EEnergy: Oil/Gas Extraction = FEnergy: Conventional Production Technologies and the Grid = G

    Employability skill/attitude Evidence

    maintaining good timekeeping and attendance A, B, C, D, E/F/G

    maintaining a tidy work place B, C

    seeking feedback and advice A, B, C, D, E/F/G

    following instructions B, C

    working co-operatively with others A, B, C

    selecting and using tools correctly and for the purposethey were designed

    B, C

    using Personal Protective Equipment correctly andworking safely

    A, B, C

    following basic drawings correctly B, C

    checking quality of work A, B, C, D, E/F/G

    working to agreed deadlines A, B, C, D, E/F/G

    organising work effectively A, B, C, D, E/F/G

    working confidently A, B, C, D, E/F/G

    willingness to learn new skills or techniques B, C

    working independently A, B, C, D, E/F/G

    reflecting on own performance B, C

    learning from past experiences B, C

    awareness of a range of careers and job roles D

    developing investigation skills A, D, E/F/G

    developing presentation skills A, B, C, D, E/F/G

    developing creativity skills A, B, C, D, E/F/G

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    Careers Scotland Support

    for School/College Collaboration for Scotlands Colleges inthe Scottish Enterprise area

    Since August 2006 Careers Scotland (SE and HI areas) has been funded by theScottish Government to support College/School Collaboration and encourage andpromote vocational educational choices for pupils in schools.

    Careers Scotland (now part of Skills Development Scotland) has an important roleto play in selection, recruitment and pre-entry career guidance, as well as ongoingsupport and pre-exit career guidance, to ensure the pupils experience of SfW iscapitalised upon in any future career planning.

    Careers Scotland activity takes place locally and nationally under 4 objectives:

    Providing careers advice, guidance and employability support to pupils andtheir parents pre, during and post vocational education experience, focusingprimarily but not exclusively on SfW pupils - demonstrating how theseeducational choices have implications for future career options, and supportthe achievement of future career goals and supporting effective transitions

    Providing targeted support to pupils at risk of becoming unemployed whowould benefit from undertaking a vocational course

    Partnership working to ensure vocational study is given parity of esteem with

    other school and post school options, focusing on recruitment / selection andretention of pupils on vocational courses

    Capacity building through relevant shared CPD events and resourcedevelopment to increase understanding of the process of uptake of vocationaloptions and facilitate more effective support to pupils navigating these options

    For further information on Careers Scotland (SE)s involvement in school/collegecollaboration locally, please get in touch with your Careers Scotland Regionalcontact:

    South East (Edinburgh & Lothians; Forth Valley; Borders)Stephen Benwell 01786 452043 [email protected]

    North East (Tayside; Grampian; Fife)Val Ormiston 01592-631155 [email protected]

    South West (Dumfries & Galloway; Ayrshire; Lanarkshire)Jean Geddes 01698 [email protected]

    West (Glasgow; Dunbartonshire; Renfrewshire)Sandra Cheyne 0141 242 8338 [email protected]

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    Tutor Support Section

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    Scottish Further Education Unit 25


    The main purpose of this Unit isto:

    Provide a general background to the operation and applications of smalldomestic wind turbines.

    Describe the different kinds of wind turbines available and discuss theadvantages and disadvantages of each type.

    Describe the various methods of controlling the speed and power output ofsmall wind turbines.

    Enable students to select and use the basic tools and materials in theconstruction of small domestic wind turbines.

    Contribute in a team in planning and assembling a small wind turbine system.

    Review and evaluate own performance.

    Students will learn terminology and skills during the process of the practical work.They will also develop work practices and attitudes that will enhance theiremployability skills.

    The need to promote safe working practices in the workplace with respect toindustry is paramount at all times.

    Safe working practices should include:

    keeping the workplace tidy and free from obstruction

    maintaining good working relationships with others

    maintaining a positive attitude to instruction

    using tools for their intended use only

    using tools correctly

    wearing the relevant Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

    The Outcomes in this Unit are practical and students should be given plentyof opportunities to handle and work with tools and equipment relevant tothe Domestic Wind Turbine Systems. A key aspect of the practical activitiesis the development of student confidence therefore students should begiven adequate support in all stages of practical work.

    Extension Activities

    Extension notes and web-based activities providing more challenging informationand opportunities to investigate and analyse further information on wind turbineswhere appropriate for the student group are provided in the Appendix. Tutors

    should be selective in using this material.

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    Learning and Teaching with Under 16s

    Scotlands Colleges have made significant progress in meeting the needs ofyoung learners. Our knowledge of the learning process has increased significantlyand provides a range of strategies and approaches which gives us a clear steeron how lecturers can add to their skill repertoire. Lecturers can, and do, provide astable learning environment where young students develop a sense of self-respect, learn from appropriate role models and see an opportunity to progress.There are basic enabling skills for practical application which can further developthe learning process for this group of students. So what are the characteristics ofeffective learning and teaching which will help to engage young learners?

    Ten ways to improve the learning process for under 16s(This list is not exhaustive!)

    1. Activate prior knowledge and learning ascertain what the learner knowsalready and teach accordingly. Young people do have life experience but it ismore limited than adult learners and they may not always be aware of how itwill assist them in their current learning.

    Tips - Question and answer; Quick Quiz; Quick diagnostic assessment oncomputer; present key words from the course or unit and see how many theyrecognise or know something about.

    2. Tune learners into the Big Picture the tutor knows the curriculum insideout and why each lesson follows a sequence, however the young learner does

    not have this information and is re-assured by being given the Big Picture.

    Tips Mind map or concept map; use visuals, for example wall displays ofdiagrams, photographs, flow charts; explain the learning outcomes in languagethey will understand; We Are Learning Today (WALT) targets and What ImLooking For (WILF) targets; give clear and visible success criteria for tasks.

    3. Use Advance Organisers these are lists of the key concept words that arepart of the course or unit.

    Tip Highlight on any text the concept words that you will be using; make a

    visible list and put it on display concept words can be struck off or referred toas they occur (NB this helps with spelling and independent learning as they donot have to keep checking meaning); highlight essential learning and actionpoints.

    4. Vary the teaching approaches. The two main approaches are instructingand demonstrating, however try to provide opportunities to facilitate learning.

    Tips Ask students what they know now that they did not know before, orwhat they can do now they could not do before, at appropriate points in thelesson or teaching block; ensure there are problem solving activities that canbe done individually or in groups; ask students to demonstrate what they have

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    learned; use a range of question and answer techniques that allowparticipation and dialogue, eg. provide hints and cues so that they can arrive atanswers themselves.

    5. Preview and review of learning. This helps to embed previous learning and

    listening skills and provides another opportunity to elicit learner understanding.Consolidates and reinforces learning.

    Tips At the beginning of each lesson, or session, review previous learningand preview what is coming up; at the end of each lesson or session, reviewwhat has taken place and what will be focussed on next time these can bothbe done through question and answer, quizzes and mind mapping activities.

    6. Language in the learning environment. Do not assume that the languagewhich is used in the learning environment is always understood by younglearners, some words may be familiar but do not have the same meaningwhen used vocationally.

    Tips - At appropriate points ask students what words mean; explore thevarious meanings of words to find out if they may have come across thislanguage in another context; by looking at the structure and meaning of wordsthere is an opportunity for dialogue about learning and to build vocabulary.

    7. Giving instructions in the learning environment. This is one of the mostdifficult tasks a tutor has to do whatever the curriculum area. With younglearners this may have to be repeated several times.

    Tips Ask a student to repeat back what you have asked them to do beforebeginning a task; ask them to explain the task to one of their peers; use theKISS principle Keep It Short and Simple so that they can absorb and processthe information.

    8. Effective feedback. Feedback is very important for the learner to assess theirprogress and to see how and what they can improve. Provide opportunities toengage in dialogue about the learning function of assessment provide detailsof the learners strengths and development needs either in written or spokenform. With younger learners identifying one or two areas for development is

    sufficient along with acknowledgement of what has been done well.

    Essentially, learners are helped by being given a specific explanation of howwork can be improved. You can also use summative assessment formatively,ie. as an opportunity to identify strengths, development needs and how toimprove.

    Tips Ask students themselves to identify their own strengths anddevelopment needs self evaluation; peer evaluation of work can besuccessful once they have been taught how to do it; the tutor can produce apiece of work and ask students to assess it anonymously; have a discussion

    about the success criteria for the task and ensure the students are clear about

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    them; allow learners to set criteria for success and then measure theirachievements against these.

    9. Managing the learning behaviour. Under 16s are coming into ScotlandsColleges and training establishments from largely structured and routine-driven

    environments in schools and early feedback from those undertaking Skills forWorkcourses indicates that they very much enjoy the different learningenvironment that colleges and other training providers offer. Rememberthough that these are still young learners. They will still expect tutors toprovide structure and routine, and will perform best in a calm, orderly learningenvironment. Young students will respond to firm, fair, and consistentmanagement. Such routines have to be established quickly and constantlyreinforced.

    Tips - Health and safety is non-negotiable and consequences of non-compliance with the regulations should be made clear and adhered to at alltimes; set out your expectations from day one and provide a consistentmessage; have clear beginnings, middles and endings for each session; be apositive role model for your students, ie. be there before they are and managethe learners with respect; always deliver what you promise; build up goodrelationships and get to know the learners, make the curriculum interesting andstress the relevance of the learning; set up a positive behaviour managementsystem. By following these guidelines you will build up two-way respect,which, while sometimes challenging to achieve, can be very powerful and workto everyones benefit.

    10.Care and welfare issues. School/college partnerships mean increasingnumbers of young learners in college. Tutors have to be aware of theirprofessional responsibilities and mindful of young peoples rights. Howevertutors have rights too, in terms of feeling safe and secure in working withyoung people and there are basic steps staff can take to minimise risks. It isessential that colleges ensure that tutors have a working knowledge of theChild Protection policies (local authority and college documentation) and followprocedures and policies diligently. School/College Liaison Officers will befamiliar with these documents and can provide support and advice. There arealso training sessions on Child Protection available from SFEU (see thefollowing page).

    Tips -Avoid one-to-one situations with young students in a closed area; do notdo or say anything that could be misinterpreted; if the opportunity arises, dosome observation in schools to see and discuss how teachers use theguidelines for their own protection as well as the young persons.

    Most young people are a delight to work with and they will positively enjoy theexperience of learning in college. However, there will inevitably be some who aredisengaged, disaffected and who have not yet had an opportunity to experiencesuccess. Skills for Work is a unique educational initiative that young people canbe motivated to buy into you as the tutor are key to the success of these


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    Skills for Work Workshops

    To take this 10 point plan forward and to add to it, you can attend one of SFEUsGet Skilled Uphalf day workshops for tutors delivering Skills for WorkCourses,when we explore further the learning process and look at a range of specific

    teaching and learning techniques to use with the under 16 age group. To find outwhen the next event is visit our website or contact the LearningProcess team at SFEU on 01786 892000.

    Child Protection Workshops

    These are run on a regular basis by staff at SFEU in Stirling and also in colleges.For more information on these workshops please contact members of the Accessand Inclusion team at or contact the team at SFEU on 01786


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    General Guidance on Unit Delivery

    The emphasis in this unit is on a practical approach in which the studentscomplete practical tasks and activities. The unit is also designed to focus on theemployability skills that employers value.

    The students should be given handout notes on the different kinds of windturbines and should read the material on wind turbine operation. Once they arefamiliar with the concepts they should then be given the opportunity to researchsome of the suggested websites to see examples of wind turbine practice and theterminology and key parameters involved in their operation. Students can alsostudy the more advanced Student Notes at the end of the Student SupportSection and try the calculations.

    There are opportunities to connect up an electrical circuit and manufacture the tailvane for a small wind turbine. The students will participate in a team project toassemble and test a small wind power system.

    As students progress through the practical activities, it is envisaged thatopportunities will arise to discuss employability skills development and perhapssubsequent career paths.

    Associated knowledge and skills to be developed include:

    safe working practices

    comprehension of information from simple drawings

    commonly used terminology.

    The Unit could be integrated for delivery with other units of the course and if this isthe case this support pack should be used in conjunction with that of other units.

    The unit is also an ideal opportunity to progress Core Skills within the context ofMechanical and Fabrication.

    Numeracy Skills: in the form of measuring and cutting material.

    Working with Others: is a valid and inherent skill in any workplace or workshop,and students should be actively encouraged to seek advice from their tutor andwork with their peers as part of a team.

    Problem Solving: engineering is beset with problems and trades people arefaced on a daily basis with problems that require efficient and cost effectivesolutions.

    Communication: part and parcel of the engineers working life is communication,whether it be taking in oral or written instructions, interpretation of drawings,

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    interpretation of manufacturers manuals, making an oral presentation or simplygiving instructions to others.

    IT: is linked to all of the above. Most engineers use IT to aid numeracy skills, tocommunicate and to problem solve. IT is widely used to present and record

    information and to provide graphic communication for engineers. The Internet is avaluable resource to enable students to seek additional information about toolsand processes.

    Unit Induction

    Although the Unit will have been outlined at the course induction it is vitallyimportant to include an induction to the Unit. The students need to know whatexactly the unit is about, what they will accomplish and achieve the outcomes and,

    just as important, what is expected of them. The overall practical constructionaspect of the course and unit will need to be reinforced. It should be stressed atunit induction that the skills valued by employers such as timekeeping, attendanceetc will be monitored and recorded and that all students will be encouraged toshow a positive attitude. The short time spent on Unit induction will pay dividendslater in the Unit.

    Unit induction can start with an outline of the Unit content what theyre going tobe doing - some discussion about small wind turbines and some practical work -students will want to get stuck into the fun part as soon as they possibly can. A funresource which will also give them the basics of wind turbines in a cartoon stylecrash course can be found on this website:

    Induction could also include:

    your plans for teaching the Unit how theyll be learning the practical skills

    assessment methods and schedule

    where employability fits in start by asking them what they think!

    a briefing on health and safety

    the importance of regular attendance and good timekeeping to encourageemployability skills development - get them into good habits just as if they wereat work and in employment!

    you might also think about inviting an engineer or engineering apprentice fromthe wind turbine industry to speak to the class about their work, about jobprospects in this area of the engineering industry and to reinforce the valuethat employers put on employability skills.

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    Scheme of Work

    The Outcomes should to be taught in the order listed in the Unit. The review andevaluation of employability skills should be integrated in all the activitiesundertaken in the unit.

    At the beginning and throughout Outcomes 1, 2 and 3 of the Unit the followingshould be emphasised and adhered to:

    Safe Working Practices in theWorkshop

    The Care and Use of PPE

    workshop safe working practices

    workshop housekeeping

    health and safety

    accident procedures

    fire alarm procedures



    eye protection

    hand protection


    A suggested time allocation for the unit is:

    Unit Induction

    Identify the main components of a smalldomestic wind turbine system

    5 hours

    Connect up an electrical circuit andmanufacture a tail vane for a small windturbine

    15 hours

    Contribute to a team in the planning,assembly and testing of a small scaledomestic wind turbine system to a givenspecification

    15 hours


    Review and evaluate own performancein relation to identified employability kills

    5 hours

    Because it is important to ensure that students understand the theory behind thepractical sessions the above schedule includes some time for class discussionand background reading.

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    Outcomes 1 and 2 (approximately 20 hours)

    Connect an electrical circuit from a wiring diagram and manufacture a tailvane for a small wind turbine

    Unit Induction

    Identify the main components of a smalldomestic wind turbine system

    Tutor input on underpinningknowledge. Student investigation.

    Appropriate tools and materials areselected for the task

    health and safety, safe workingpractices and employability

    safety instructions

    tools and materials selection

    Tools and materials are used correctly

    for the intended purpose

    health and safety, safe working

    practices relating to the handlingand use of tools

    allow students to practise tool usageon simple tasks

    All steps to complete the task arefollowed in the correct sequence

    establish tasks to be done and theircorrect sequence

    Health and safety requirements areadhered to throughout the activity

    risk assessment of electricalexercises

    adherence to health and safetyrequirements in the workshop

    connect electrical circuit

    A quality check is carried out on thecompleted work

    conduct quality checks using proforma worksheet

    Outcomes 3 and 4 (approximately 15 hours)

    Produce a team plan for the production and testing of a small scaledomestic wind turbine system to a given specification. Contribute as amember of a team to the assembly and testing of a small scale domesticwind turbine system to a given specification.

    Planning stage

    Contribute constructively to teamdiscussions to establish roles andrealistic timescales

    identify and establish the typesand nature of team roles as partof a team

    agree individual team roles

    identify and quantify agreed

    project timescales as part of ateam

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    Contribute constructively to teamdiscussions on resources

    interpret the given specificationand drawings for a domestic windturbine system

    identify and establish resource

    requirements as part of a team

    Contribute constructively to teamdiscussions on tasks

    identify and establish tasks aspart of a team

    identify and agree task sequenceas part of a team

    Co-operate with others to finalise acomprehensive plan of roles,resources required and tasks

    compile and agree a team plan ofroles, resources, tasks and tasksequence for the assembly andtesting of a domestic wind turbine


    Assembly and Testing Stage

    Cooperate with others in theorganising, sharing and safe use oftools and materials

    sourcing and use of tools in acorrect and safe manner usingtools solely for the purpose forwhich they are designed

    wearing appropriate PPE

    preparing appropriately to carryout tasks.

    Cooperate with others in maintaininga safe, tidy working area

    maintaining a tidy workplace

    showing health and safetyawareness

    Adhere to the agreed plan and workpositively to compete tasks in theagreed timescale

    maintaining good attendance

    maintaining good timekeeping

    adhering to team plan

    completing tasks to agreedtimescales

    In an agreed role, carry out practicaltasks

    adhering to agreed team roles

    adhering to specification

    carrying out tasks to assemble of adomestic wind turbine system

    In an agreed role, carry out practicaltasks which contribute to the testing

    of the system

    carrying out tasks to test adomestic wind turbine system

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    Participate in a quality check of thefinished work against the givenspecification

    carrying out a quality check on thedomestic wind turbine systemagainst the specification

    Outcome 5 (approximately 5 hours)

    Evaluate the wind turbine and the team working process

    Evaluate the strengths andweaknesses of the planning,assembly and testing of the windturbine

    team evaluation and recording ofwhat went well, what did not gowell in the planning phase of theproject

    team evaluation and recording ofwhat went well, what did not gowell in the assembly phase of theproject

    team evaluation and recording ofwhat went well, what did not gowell in the testing phase of theproject

    Evaluate the advantages anddisadvantages of team working

    evaluate and record theadvantages of the team working -

    what went well, what did not gowell

    evaluate and record thedisadvantages of the teamworking - what went well, whatdid not go well

    Evaluate own contribution to work ofthe team discussions

    individual evaluation andrecording of what went well, whatdid not go well during teamdiscussions

    Identify action points forimprovements in the production of theproduct and the team workingprocess

    team identification of action pointsfor improvements in theproduction of the product

    team identification of action pointsfor improvements in the teamworking process

    individual/team presentation ofaction points

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    Unit Planner

    The following Unit planner is intended as a guide only to how centres might goabout delivering the unit and what it covers.

    Each practical session should start with the health and safety requirements thatwill be applicable to that particular lesson and any additional PPE that might berequired.

    The Unit planner is based around the production of a simple Domestic WindTurbine System. During the practical activities, the use of tools and equipment forassembly and testing of a domestic hot water system will provide opportunities todiscuss the varying roles and responsibilities within the energy industry. Thiscould include the tools and practices used by local energy firms.

    Activities refers to the named activity found in the Student Support Section or,where indicated, in the NAB for the Unit.

    Practical Tips

    It is expected that as each basic practical skill is demonstrated that good practicewill be emphasised, and that any good trade specific hints or tips are also includedin the lesson. It is also recommended that some or all of the following should beintegrated with the range of practical activities:

    The use of employed apprentices attending college to aid workshop sessions

    The use of various speakers/experts/tradespersons to aid employability skillsand knowledge of local industry

    The use of ICT if appropriate

    The use of energy websites images and videos

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    Outcomes 1 and 2

    Connect an electrical circuit from wiring diagramManufacture a metal part for a wind turbine system from acomponent drawing


    Safe working practices, health and safety requirements and employability toestablish a level of knowledge and understanding of health and safety andemployability.

    Identify and select and use appropriate tools and materials

    Identify and follow the correct sequence of tasks

    Connect electrical circuit

    Manufacture a metal part

    Carry out a quality check


    Circuit diagrams and component drawings

    Student Support Materials

    Tools and materials

    Learning and teaching process: use group discussion to determine the level of student knowledge of healthand safety issues; develop this to discuss the need for general health andsafety in the workshop environment; emphasise the students own health andsafety and that of others in the workplace in order to create a safe learningenvironment for everyone. Use this opportunity to promote awareness ofemployability skills such as attendance, punctuality and especially behaviour inrelation to safety requirements.

    using the circuit diagrams form small group discussions relating to a simplerisk assessment ie. identifying hazards, persons at risk, risk, risk rating(low/medium/high), existing control measures and any action required.

    discussion and selection of tools

    allow students to practise tool usage on simple tasks

    correct sequence of tasks is established

    practical exercises

    students carry out a quality check on completed products


    Outcome 1 Practical

    Outcome 2 Practical

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    Outcome 3

    Produce a team plan for the production and testing of a smallscale domestic wind turbine system to a given specification


    Identify and establish team roles and timescales as part of a team

    Identify and establish resource requirements as part of a team

    Identify and establish tasks as part of a team

    Identify and establish task sequence as part of a team

    Compile a plan of roles, resources, tasks and sequence


    Specification and drawings

    Student Support Materials

    Learning and teaching process:

    use group discussion to highlight the types and the benefits of allocating teamroles.

    state and demonstrate correct methods/techniques of identifying resource,task requirements and task sequence

    use teams to agree and compile plan of roles, resources, tasks.

    use teams to agree sequence of tasks


    Outcome 3 Practical

    Identify, establish and agree team roles

    Instrument of Assessment 3 Specification and Outline Plan (See NAB)

    Instrument of Assessment 3 Scheduled Plan (See NAB)


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    Outcome 4

    Contribute as a member of a team to the assembly and testing ofa small scale domestic wind turbine system to a givenspecification


    Safe working practices co-operating with others in the sharing and safe use oftools and materials in a maintained safe working environment

    Correct adherence to agreed team plan and timescales

    Correct method of assembly of a wind turbine within an agreed team role

    Correct method of testing of a wind turbine system within an agreed team role

    Carry out a quality check of completed work against the given specification



    Specification and drawings

    Student Support Materials

    Tools and materials

    Learning and teaching process:

    use group discussion to emphasise the need to follow safety instructions andmaintaining a safe tidy working area

    state and demonstrate correct methods/techniques of assembly of a windturbine system

    correct assessment of the functionality and testing of a wind turbine system

    carry out a quality check of completed product


    Instrument of Assessment 3 - Specification (See NAB)

    Instrument of Assessment 4 - Teamwork exercise (See NAB)

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    Outcome 5

    Evaluate the wind turbine system and the team workingprocess


    Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the planning, assembly and testingof the wind turbine

    Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of team working

    Evaluate own contribution to work of the team

    Identify action points for the improvement in the production of the wind turbine

    Identify action points for improvement in the team working process


    Student Support Section Materials

    Learning and teaching process:

    use group discussion to emphasise the need for critical evaluation

    use group/teams for general discussion on the importance of creating actionpoints for improvement

    individuals/teams to give a presentation on the evaluation of wind turbines andthe team working process


    Instrument of Assessment 5 Team Worksheet 1 (See NAB)

    Instrument of Assessment 5 Team Worksheet 2 (See NAB)

    Instrument of Assessment 5 Team Worksheet 3 (See NAB)

    Instrument of Assessment 5 Team Worksheet 4 (See NAB)

    Project Presentation

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    Practical Activity Checklist

    Checklist to monitor the progress of each students completion of the Outcomes.

    Student Name Outcome 1 Outcome 2 Outcome 3 Outcome 4 Outcome 5

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    Health and Safety Considerations

    Safe working techniques will include general workshop behaviour and protocol.This will include the correct handling and transportation of tools: tool safety;workshop layout; and procedures for starting and finishing practical activities.

    First Aid considerations should include awareness of the nearest first aid station,first aider, first aid procedures, accident and near miss reporting, and avoidanceof potential accidents.

    Fire Alarm evacuation procedures should be practised and students madefamiliar with the audible warning sound, alarm points, location of fire fightingequipment, fire exits, assembly areas and correct conduct under alarm conditions.

    The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) must be stressed if

    students are subjected or exposed to any chemicals, fumes, dust or irritants.

    Good housekeeping is the welfare of all participants and the general workingconditions in the workplace. This will include safety, PPE, behaviour, conduct,storage and condition of tools and equipment, walkways and handling anddisposal of waste oil and scrap materials.

    Whilst the tasks may not always require the movement or handling of heavyobjects, the use of safety footwear and manual handling techniques should bediscussed and encouraged as a matter of good safety practice. Some tasks mayrequire using heat or a heat source and students should be made aware of the

    dangers of both hot and previously heated materials and workbenches.

    Personal Safety

    The students need to appreciate that they are responsible for their own safety andthe safety of others. This will include their conduct and behaviour in all activities.Safe working practices in workshops and the safe use of tools and equipmentshould be emphasised.

    In all the activities students are asked to perform they should be encouraged tomake sound judgements on issues such as:

    the effect of their actions on fellow students

    are the tools and equipment in good usable condition?

    are they being asked to carry out an action they are unfamiliar with?

    should they seek advice from an appropriate person?

    Students personal dress should be hardwearing and give protection againstgrease/oil/heat etc. This clothing should not have any loose sleeves.

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    Students should be dissuaded from wearing sports trousers and tops as theseitems are nearly always manufactured from plastic materials and are not suitablefor engineering workshop use.

    No jewellery of any form should be worn and neither should any piercings be


    At the beginning of the unit and prior to each practical session the following shouldbe emphasised and adhered to:

    Safe Working Practices in theWorkshop

    The Care and Use of PPE

    workshop safe working practices

    workshop housekeeping

    health and safety

    accident procedures

    fire alarm procedures



    eye protection

    hand protection


    Students need to understand their roles andresponsibilities in relation to health and safety.Students may already have an appreciation ofhealth and safety issues in one of the other courseunits but it should be emphasised to them that inthis unit they may be dealing with a different set ofpotential hazards and that each practical activitywill probably start and end with health and safetyissues relevant to the practical skills covered in thelesson.

    Further information on Health and Safety can be found in the Energy:Course Guidance and Employability Skills support pack.

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    Signposting of Employability Skills

    In addition to the specific vocational skills developed in this Unit, students willhave opportunities to develop and apply their knowledge and understanding of theemployability skills.

    Throughout the pack there are numbered flags like the one shownhere, showing which specific employability skill can be highlightedand/or assessment evidence recorded when students are busy withthe various activities in the Unit.

    1Maintaining goodtimekeeping andattendance *

    8Following basicdrawings correctly*

    15Reflecting on ownperformance *

    2Maintaining a tidyworkplace*

    9Checking quality ofwork*

    16Learning from pastexperiences *

    3Seeking feedbackand advice*

    10Working to agreeddeadlines*

    17Awareness of arange of careersand job roles


    11Organising workeffectively *

    18Developinginvestigation skills

    5Work cooperativelywith others*


    19Developingpresentation skills*


    Selecting and usingtools correctly andfor the purpose theywere designed*

    13Willingness to learnnew skills ortechniques*

    20Developingcreativity skills*


    Using PersonalProtectiveEquipment correctlyand working safely*


    * The employability skills marked with an asterisk* are directly assessed in thisUnit.

    1, 5, 6, 7

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    Generating Evidence and Assessment Opportunities forEmployability Skills

    The unit is designed to give the students the technical knowledge, skills andunderstanding of Domestic Wind Turbines Systems but as instances arisenaturally within the completion of practical work or activities, job roles and careerpaths may be discussed so that all students are aware of progressions within theenergy sector. These discussions will also encourage an interest in energy ingeneral.

    It is important in that the students develop the ability to reflect on how theyperformed in the completion of tasks. In the context of the Domestic WindTurbines Systems unit this will involve reflection on the development of bothpractical and employability skills. The skill of evaluation lets the candidates

    analyse what they did well, what they did not do so well and how they canimprove. This means they will develop an awareness of their individual strengthsand weaknesses.

    The unit also encourages the students to apply new skills, knowledge andunderstanding of energy in the completion of practical assignments by using skillsof evaluation and problem-solving in a vocational context.

    It is strongly advised that course teams meet together to discuss and agree a co-ordinated approach to the teaching and developing of the employability skillsthroughout the Course and to ensure that the team has a common interpretation

    of the skills and attitudes.

    You will find or create countless opportunities to help students develop theiremployability skills. The following pages show some ways of going about it to getyou thinking!

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    Generating Evidence and Assessment Opportunities for Employability Skills


    Delivery Advice



    Good timekeeping and attendance is relevant throughout the Course.

    Discuss the importance of good timekeeping within the energy sector andget students to assess their past timekeeping record. They should identifywhat improvements, if any, are needed. This should take place at the startof the Course and will set the expected standards.

    Staff should make their expectations clear right from the start of the courseor Unit.

    A good initial activity is to have the students write the class guidelinesthemselves by identifying pros and cons of good and poor attendance and

    timekeeping the benefits in the workplace of one and the consequences ofthe other.

    These guidelines or ground rules can be posted in the workshops andclasses and referred to on a regular basis.

    Relate the ground rules to the world of work, eg. arrive on time, back frombreaks on time etc. The measure of a students success in this aspect is forthem to be honest in their appraisal of their performance and in makingprogress. Distance travelled should be adopted, rather than a particularminimum percentage of classes attended.

    Attendance and timekeeping should be monitored throughout the Course.Students should be given feedback on their performance both good andbad in this regard. If you take note of patterns of performance it should beeasy to give the students accurate feedback.


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    Maintaining atidy work place

    Discuss the need to keep a tidy work area or workspace from a Healthand Safety and a personal organisation point of view.

    Educate the class to keep the work area tidy at all times.

    Allow them to reason for themselves about the potentialconsequences of an untidy work area!

    Perhaps one at a time, in pairs, or in small teams the students couldbe on tidy up duty.

    Emphasise to the class that this is often the routine in the actualworkplace.

    If students get into a good routine with this it should be only on rareoccasions that you have to pull them up on their tidiness.

    If the workplace is clean at the start of the lesson then the workplace

    should be left in the same clean state for the next class.









    Seekingfeedback andadvice

    Seeking feedback and advice from teaching staff is relevant to allUnits in the Course.

    Discuss the benefits that getting feedback from staff and asking foradvice. This can increase the students level of confidence in whatthey are doing and can reinforce their views of the direction they aretaking. Success can be greatly increased by using knowledge andexperience gained from others.

    Young students can be wary of seeking advice for fear of highlightingtheir own lack of understanding or of being singled out for ridiculeperhaps based on past experience.

    Staff should emphasise that in the workplace it is essential that theyseek advice if they are not sure about something as the consequencesof not doing so could be quite serious eg. misusing tools, poor








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    techniques can result in injury.

    Students should be praised for seeking advice and reassured that staffwelcome their questions and it also helps them to demonstrateanother employability skill: positive attitude to learning.

    Tutors should explain that they may not be able to give advice or helpstraight away (as they may be helping somebody else) but they willrespond as soon as they can.


    Discuss the benefits of following instructions, from regulations that aremandatory to class or work processes that have been devised byexperienced staff. Include the pitfalls of doing their own thing.

    It can be difficult to keep the attention of under-16s. When you wantthem to cultivate the skill of following instructions its important totransmit the instructions clearly and concisely.

    Trying to get students to think of the reason behind an instruction canhelp them to remember it.

    Get them to repeat the instruction or explain it in their own words tomake sure theyve understood and know whats required.

    If an individual student is struggling with an aspect of their work theymay appreciate personal assistance and quiet one-to-one instruction.This would be an opportunity for you to note their positive response toany instructions you give them at that time.







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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 49

    Working co-operativelywith others

    Team working is a mandatory part this Unit.

    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working in a team, eg.advantages could include sharing of workload, support from each

    other, generating more ideas; the disadvantages could be that aconsensus is needed on all points and the uneven workloads that canbe put on team members sometimes.

    Working co-operatively with others (sometimes referred to as WorkingWith Others) is mainly about communication and taking others intoconsideration.

    Get the class into the habit of working as a team where appropriateeg. when tidying up during and at the end of practical sessions.

    Get them to speak to each other and to you about the sharing ofworkspace, tools, equipment and materials.

    Monitor the teams as they assemble and test the wind turbine system.

    Watch out for specific instances of the students working co-operativelytogether including demonstrating a specific awareness of health andsafety issues. You should note this evidence.

    Identify the roles undertaken by team members and discuss howthese roles were allocated.

    Mixing different school groups will help to reinforce the idea of workingcooperatively with everyone in the workplace not just friends.






    Selecting and

    Discuss the need to select the right tool for the job and why it mustonly be used for the purpose for which it was designed.

    The sourcing of tools means that each centre must inform the studentsof the procedures to be followed for the acquisition of tools andequipment.






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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 50

    using toolscorrectly andfor the purposethey were


    The correct use of tools must be demonstrated before students areallowed to practise the skill.

    Movement of tools to be completed in a safe manner.

    Each tool has a function that it was designed for and use or misuse of

    the tool for any other task/purpose should be discouraged. Thedangers of misuse of tools must be stressed.

    Students should be encouraged to report any faulty or worn tools.

    Each tool must be clean and free from defects at the start of thepractical activities and at the end.

    Students must be made aware that if a tool is worn or becomesunusable that they are responsible for reporting the fault.

    Tools should always be returned to their proper storage place.




    Using PersonalProtectiveEquipmentcorrectly andworking safely

    Health and Safety is important to employers and is a key part of thelearning and teaching of each of the practical based Units.

    Discuss the role of Health and Safety in the workplace and the use ofPersonal Protective Equipment (PPE) to reduce the chance of injury.The requirements and the role of students and staff should be madeclear.

    From the first workshop session to the last there should be ampleopportunity to collect evidence of health and safety issues.

    Discussion on what PPE might be required for specific tasks and theimportance of PPE in the protection of everyone.

    Ind Be









    Pe Id




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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 51

    Followingbasic drawingscorrectly

    Following basic drawings correctly is an essential aspect of this unit.

    Discuss the role of drawings in communication and the need to beable to extract relevant information from them.

    Students should be issued with drawings and sketches for all practical


    Using drawings as a means of communication.

    Correct interpretation reinforced.






    quality of work

    Discuss how the checking of their tasks can lead to a higher quality ofwork and hence meet the standards required.

    Students constantly check against the drawings for dimensions,materials, fits and sequence of operations.

    Students should be made aware of acceptable standards in terms ofthe quality of practical, investigative and presentation work.




    pr Ch


    Working toagreed


    Discuss the need to keep to deadlines and the effects that can result ifthey are not maintained. Demonstrate the importance in the real worldof keeping to deadlines eg. industry employs project managers whosemain role is to keep work on schedule.

    Students made aware of the benefits of keeping to deadlines and ofthe possible consequences of work going beyond deadlines.

    Staff discuss with students their progress and ability to meet thedeadlines.







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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 52


    Discuss how organising and planning work leads to a greater chanceof meeting deadlines and meeting quality standards. Staff shouldemphasis a logical approach to organising work where any process is

    a combination of smaller steps taken one at a time. This will help the students develop their organisational and planning





    Discuss the benefits that working confidently can give eg. being ableto ask questions or give their point of view without the fear of feelingstupid, being able to stand up in front of others and give apresentation, to work without constantly needing reassurance.

    Students will have the opportunity to working confidently as theyperform practical tasks.





    Willingness tolearn newskills ortechniques

    Discuss the benefits of learning new skills and how this is essential ina constantly changing world to keep your job or gain promotion.

    New skills and techniques will be acquired during the practical tasks.

    A positive attitude to learning can be stimulated by the enthusiasmand expert knowledge of the staff member.

    Introduce practical activities very early on.

    Interesting tasks and the assembly and testing of the wind turbinesystem will be enjoyed and will help with attention, following

    instructions, asking questions, taking advice, carrying out qualitychecks and a desire to learn more.














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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 53


    Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working individually, eg.advantages could include taking full responsibility, having completeownership and not depending on others, to disadvantages such as not

    being able to share problems with others and having little socialinteraction.





    Reflecting onown


    Discuss how self reflection can lead to improvements in the work theyare doing and in life in general.

    Students often find reflecting and evaluating quite difficult. The use ofappropriate questions can aid this process. Reasonable time needs tobe allocated to teaching these skills and provide plenty ofopportunities for development.

    Getting the students to complete a reflective diary (not assessed) willhelp them to develop this skill on a regular basis.




    Learning frompastexperiences

    Discuss how past experiences can be a useful way of learning, theseexperiences dont need to be successful - poor experiences or failurecan still be useful learning situations.

    Students should be aware that learning can come from pastexperiences that were successful and fulfilling

    Students should be aware that learning can come from pastexperiences that were unsuccessful or demoralising.

    Tutors should try and bring out the positive when things go wrong







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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 54


    Presentation skills are relevant to all Units in the Course.

    Students often find giving presentations a daunting task. They should

    progress from a group presentation onto individual presentations. Staffshould demonstrate how presentations should be planned and practised.Students may feel comfortable using mobile phone technology to video apresentation, load it onto a computer and run it on the screen.

    Staff should demonstrate how to give a presentation.

    Give students opportunities to give very short talks throughout the Courseto help develop these skills

    Give encouragement to help them overcome fears.

    Use a range of media to help overcome fears eg. PowerPoint or video.

    Developingcreativity skills

    Creativity should be introduced as a skill which comes up with novelsolutions to a problem. Creativity in design is the most usual way todemonstrate this but other ways can be used to show creativity eg. a newprocedure to assemble a system, giving a presentation, methods ofreducing their carbon footprint, integrating energy systems etc.

    Creativity will be recognised when students give presentations, ie. themethods they use should increasingly involve the use of technology eg.from initially giving a simple talk, moving on to using PowerPoint, digitalpictures or/and video etc.

    Staff should demonstrate creative solutions to problems Staff should give students feedback on how to increase their level of


    Encourage novel ways of doing things.

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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 55


    It is expected that students will have access to a classroom with computing

    facilities and an appropriately resourced workplace that includes workshopfacilities.

    It is particularly important that, as the handling of tools and materials is an integralpart of the unit, any participating centre has such resources and ensures safeworking practices.


    Wind energy basics: a guide to small and micro wind systems

    Gipe, PaulWhite River Junction, Vt. : Chelsea Green Pub. Co, c1999.

    Online resources and websites

    Wind Turbine Classroom Resources

    A comprehensive site from the Danish Wind IndustryAssociation

    Wind turbine components and operation

    Usual Wikipedia style with lots of links to relevant information

    Extensive use is made of Internet resources in this support pack and these are

    detailed throughout the Student Support Section.

    Tools and Materials

    Wikipedia: free encyclopaedia

    Tool-up (commercial site)

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    Energy: Domestic Wind Turbines Systems (Intermediate 2)

    Scottish Further Education Unit 56


    Technology Student
