Energy Networks Association Open Networks Project Advisory Group 4 th June 2018

Energy Networks Association Open Networks …...15 ENA Open Networks | Advisory Group | 4 June 2018 WS2 P5 2018 –Contents for Advisory Group 4th June 2018-Aim of this presentation-Aims

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Open Networks Project Advisory Group4th June 2018

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Welcome & IntroductionsNigel Turvey – ENA Open Networks Project Chair

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Both male and female toilets can be found in the corridor.

Emergency Exit

Fire escape door is located in the corridor. Signage can be found above entrance.

No alarm tests scheduled for today.

Should there be an emergency, the alarm will sound and instructions will be give via the PA system.


Login: ENA Wireless

Password: R0ut3rEn3rgy!

Tea & Coffee

Tea, coffee and biscuits can be found next to reception or the members area.


Please remember to sign the attendance sheets on the tables.


To continue receiving project communication from ENA Open Networks Project, please ensure you

reply to the GDPR email sent to you on via email on the 3rd and 21st of May. If you are unable to locate

the emails, please notify us at [email protected].

General Housekeeping

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The Advisory Group is essential to our project to:

Ensure stakeholders are aware and taking the Project into account;

Request input from stakeholders to improve the quality of our products;

Increase awareness about project risks & issues, ask for views on risks & issues and

collaboratively resolve where appropriate.

It will provide input to:

Steering Group on project scope, progress, risks & issues;

Workstreams with deliverable comments/feedback.

We will seek to send information in advance of meetings to ensure that views can be sought

by trade associations in advance. Our objective is to encourage open feedback from you all

across all of our work.

Thank you for the continued input.

Advisory Group ToR Reminder

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The intention of the bulk of this meeting is to split the Advisory Group into 3 break-out groups to discuss the materials.

Each break-out group will discuss the material from workstreams for just under an hour, then the facilitators will move on

to discuss their material with another break-out group. We will have 3 of these sessions, so each break-out group will

discuss all of the material in turn.

Introduction to Advisory Group meeting (Nigel Turvey, WPD/SG Chair & Jason Brogden, ON Project Director)

General Housekeeping

Reminder of ToR

Objectives & Running Order

CFF Report & Output

Publications & Progress to Date

Stakeholder Engagement & Latest Consultation Plan

Workstream 1: T-D Process (Sotiris Georgiopoulos, UKPN & Ian Pashley, National Grid)

Product 2: DER Services Procurement (DSO Service Requirements)

Workstream 1: T-D Process & Workstream 2: Customer Experience (Peter Aston, WPD, Jason Brogden, ENA &

Kyle Murchie, SSEN)

Workstream 2 Product 5: Good Practice Following Connection Applications

Workstream 1 Product 10: Call for Evidence and Webinar Update

Workstream 3: DSO Transition (Andy Wainwright, National Grid & Steve Gough, SSEN)

Product 5: Consultation on SGAM Models (inc. review of landing page for SGAM model)

Today’s Agenda & Approach

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The Final Report and Conclusions was published by Ofgem’s Charging Futures Forum on 21st May 2018 and can be accessed using the link below:


CFF Report & Output

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Progress Update

Launched Call for Evidence on Treatment of Flexibility to support P10. A public webinar was held on 17th and 24th

May to provide an overview on the call for evidence and address any questions.

Published key learnings to inform development of processes for efficient procurement of DER services under P2

Published findings from review of P2-7 and SQSS to identify any barriers to whole system planning under P4

Published document that sets out different types of information that is available for customers seeking connections under P8 that will look at establishing the feasibility of a system wide resource register.

Based on stakeholder feedback, we have now opened up product development in this workstream to external participants under the Terms of Reference.

We are currently working on developing a top 100 list under P3 for commonly used terms in the industry and are defining them for consistency across networks and providing more clarity to customers – under discussion today.

Other product development in progress across the workstream

Workshops were undertaken with stakeholders in April to develop the NETSO Coordinates and Independent Flexibility Coordinators Worlds.

The DSO Functions have now been revised, taking on board stakeholder feedback through the SGAM workshops and the Advisory Group. These updated functions have now been published.

The SGAM modelling of the 5 Worlds has now been completed and a consultation will be launched in Jul 18 to seek stakeholder feedback before the models are progressed to the next stage for an independent impact assessment for comparison.

A consultation was held on the programme of work for 2018 and the feedback has now been taken on board to amend the scope, timelines and priorities. A summary of the response can be found here.

Now that the CFF TF work has been completed, this workstream has been put on hold. There is no further charging work underway in Workstream 4 currently.

T – D Process (WS1)

Customer Experience


DSO Transition





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Stakeholder Engagement & Latest

Consultation Plan

Are there any other methods we should consider to raise awareness of the consultation?

If we provided the content, do you think your organisation would be willing to raise awareness of our

consultation via Newsletter, LinkedIn, Twitter or any other channels of communication?

Planned Consultations 2018

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Workstream 1 | T-D ProcessProduct 2: DER Services Procurement

DSO Service Requirements

Sotiris Georgiopoulos (UKPN)

Ian Pashley (National Grid)

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Aims of this Session

• Outline the services DSOs require to manage congestion on distribution networks

• Present initial views of products that could be procured to meet these requirements

Overview of DSO Service*


• Seek early input on the requirements and products

• Understand how stakeholders would like to engage in ongoing development work

Stakeholder Engagement

• Development of end-to-end procurement processes

• Alignment with National Grid Balancing Services

• Links to Work Stream 1 Product 6 (Regional Service Requirements)

Links to Other Activities

*Further services may be required (e.g. reactive power, black start), however we are focusing initially on active power services

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Overview of DSO Service Requirements

•Scheduled Constraint Management - a pre-agreed change in input or output over a defined time period to prevent a network going beyond its firm capacity

•Pre-fault Forecast Constraint Management - a customer is contracted to be available to the DNO over (e.g.) winter evening peaks. The DNO then calls the customer on the day of the worst predicted loadings

•Pre-fault Real-time Constraint Management – a customer is contracted to be available to the DNO over (e.g.) winter evening peaks. The DNO system then calls the service when the loading reaches the firm capacity

Pre-fault services:

•Post-fault Constraint Management - this will generally be instructed through an automated system and will utilise the short term ratings of the assets, such that a sustainable post-fault flow can be achieved

•Restoration Support – following a loss of supply, the DSO instructs a provider to either remain off supply (or to reconnect with lower demand) to support increased and faster load restoration under depleted network conditions

Post-fault services:

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Overview of DSO Product Definitions

Service Requirements have been translated into Product Definitions based on the specification provided in the EDSO Report*



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Who to involve?

How to engage?

When to report back?

What else to


What to engage


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Workstream 2 | Customer ExperienceProduct 5: Good Practice Following

Connection Applications

Peter Aston (Western Power)

Jason Brogden (ENA)

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WS2 P5 2018 – Contents for Advisory Group

4th June 2018

-Aim of this presentation

-Aims of Product 5

-Coverage of Product 5

-Proposed content of the interactivity good practice guide

-Proposed content of the queue management good practice guide

-Timetable for Product 5 delivery

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Presentation Aims

-To update you on the progress of WS2 Product 5

-To seek your input into the next stages of product development

-No outcomes / conclusions being tabled

-General questions for the group:

-What additions or subtractions to P5 would you propose?

-What examples and experiences do you have that could feed into

this product?

-Please ask questions as we go along

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Aim of Product 5:

- To review existing practice and propose good practice for interactivity and queue management.

- Workstream 1 P10/11 are looking specifically at storage.

How does P5 help the move towards DSO?

– Clearer guidance on interactivity and queue management will make the general connection process smoother for new customers, and will help to attract DER customers.

– Improved queue management will allow transmission and distribution customers with viable schemes to connect in a more timely manner.

WS2 P5 Aims

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WS2 P5 2018 Coverage

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- Product team in place, including DNOs, TOs and SO

- Regular product development meetings

- Outline product content developed

WS2 P5 Progress

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WS2 P5 – Part 1 Interactivity

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What is interactivity?

- Interactivity is when two or more customers have received offers to make use of a section of network that isn’t capable of accepting all the capacity. Demand or generation.

- Example:

- Network capacity – 20MVA

- Three offers issued – total 25MVA

- Any two of the three can proceed without reinforcement

- The interactivity process governs who gains the capacity

- The place in the queue is determined by application date

WS2 P5 Interactivity

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WS2 P5 Interactivity Interfaces





Interactivity within a DNO - existing

Interactivity between an IDNO and DNO

Interactivity between an DNO and SO

Interactivity between an DNO and DNO

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WS2 P5 Interactivity Content

It is proposed that P5 will cover the following interactivity content:

-Interactivity within a DNO

-Review existing processes

-Interactivity between IDNO and DNO – new

-IDNOs currently treated as one customer. Other options?

-Interactivity between DNO and SO - new

-Currently no formal process. What should the relative queue positions


-Interactivity between DNO and DNO - new

- Currently no formal process. Should one DNO make an application to

another? What should the relative queue positions be?

-Data sharing: format, timescales, confidentiality

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WS2 P5 – Part 2 Queue Management

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What is queue management?

- It specifically refers to accepted / committed schemes.

- The aim of queue management is to ensure that accepted schemes will progress to connection in line with their milestones, and to release capacity from slow moving schemes to allow further advanced schemes to progress.

- It must be undertaken in a way to ensure fairness and confidentiality.

- Compliments QMEC (Quicker More Efficient Connections)

- Milestones; allowable changes

WS2 P5 Queue Management

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It is proposed that P5 will cover the following queue management content (across various interfaces):

- Develop milestones for T connections – line up with D milestones

- Permanent reallocation of capacity

- Capacity may be created (through general reinforcement, asset replacement, etc), or released (through scheme withdrawals).

- How is this allocated? What priority?

- E.g. connected (remove constraints) – accepted (constraints / reinforcement) – offered – applied

- Temporary reallocation of capacity

- Allows schemes ready to connect to proceed prior to required reinforcement.

- Permission required from customers from whom capacity is reallocated? Guaranteed period of access?

WS2 P5 Queue Management Content 1

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- Permanent reshuffle (for missing milestones)

- Should slow moving schemes which miss milestones be permanently moved? Should capacity be allocated in specific connection windows? Restrictions on the number of times schemes are delayed?

- Securities and cancellation charges

- How are cancellation charges passed on across boundaries?

- Development of transmission access

- How should this product cover this? E.g. Orkney. 600MW of accepted schemes, but no investment yet.

- Connection agreements

- Restrict to installed capacity rather than offered capacity? Other options?

- Issues relating to charging through Charging Futures Forum / Ofgem’s Access Review

WS2 P5 Queue Management Content 2

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Timeline highlights:

- Advisory group 4th June 18

- Product development June – July

- Draft consultation material end July

- Open Networks Steering Group to review consultation material

- Present to DER steering group 15th August 18

- Issue of consultation material Sept 18

- Advisory group 26th Sept 18

- Review consultation Oct 18

- Finalise product Nov 18

- ON Steering group approval of product Dec 18

WS2 P5 Timeline

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Workstream 1 | T-D ProcessProduct 10: Update on Call for Evidence and Webinar Q&As

Kyle Murchie (SSEN)

Jason Brogden (ENA)

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Workstream 3 | DSO TransitionProduct 5: Consultation on SGAM

Models Andy Wainwright (National Grid)

Steven Gough (Western Power)

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• Overall consultation aims

• Feedback from last Advisory Group meeting

• Intended layout of consultation

– Our proposed layered approach

– Structure & aims

– Questions

• How you can get involved

• Current consultation timeline


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• The Future Worlds consultation builds on the 2017

Commercial Principles paper, but considers all the

functions of DSO rather than simply market models.

• In brings together many of the key products for

workstream 3 in 2018 such that the overall aims of

the consultation are;

• Obtain feedback on the ‘future worlds’

developed and their associated SGAM models

including whether we have reflected

stakeholder interactions appropriately

• Review draft criteria and proposed structure

for the Impact Assessment

• Obtain feedback on both key enablers and

market agnostic DSO elements to inform these


Overall Consultation Aims

Product 5: Future Worlds


Products 1&2: SGAM modelling

Product 3: Market

agnostic DSO elements

Product 4: Assessment

of Future Worlds

Product 6: Key enablers

for Future Worlds

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Acting on your Feedback

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Current Timeline for Consultation

Structure and design


Consultation drafting


Consultation period


Review of responses


Planned consultation events• 29/08 Edinburgh seminar• 03/09 London seminar• Webinar• Social media

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Our Proposed Layered Approach

The Future Worlds consultation

• High level document summarising the worlds from a stakeholder perspective

• Intended audience; Stakeholders who want a high level view of our work

• Feedback via consultation responses

The EATL modelling summary

• Detailed document produced by EA Technology giving further detail of the worlds developed and their outputs

• Intended audience; Stakeholders who want to understand the future worlds in detail

• Feedback via dedicated modelling survey

The Models

• Link to the 5 SGAM Future Worlds to allow industry experts to explore the detail

• Intended audience; Stakeholders who value being able to explore and critique the SGAM models

• Comments encouraged via matrix

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Our Proposed Layered Approach

Consultation section Aims Feedback sought

Executive Summary To provide high level overview of consultation

Background only

The Future Worlds To provide reader with background on the worlds linking to both Commercial Principles paper and Charging Futures.

Feedback on overall design and choice of the worlds

The Smart Grid Architecture Model (SGAM)

To provide high level background on SGAM

Feedback on accuracy of modelling and whether further work required

The role of a neutral market facilitator To clarify the interpretation of neutral market facilitator used

Feedback on the proposed requirements for a neutral market facilitator

SGAM Stakeholder Insights To present results in an accessible stakeholder focused manner

Feedback on the actors and the insights drawn (and not drawn)

Assessing the worlds To describe potential assessments to be used. Gather stakeholder feedback on additional requirements / changes

Feedback on our proposed criteria for impact assessment and any further requirements

Proposed next steps To articulate timescales for next steps and get support for plan

Feedback on our proposed next steps

Glossaries for definitions & DSO functions To provide further clarity of terms used Background only

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Draft Consultation Questions

•We have set out five potential future worlds. Do you believe these provide a reasonable spread of potential futures?

•Are there any areas you feel we have not fully considered which could affect the validity of our work so far?

•Do you have any key concerns with any of the future worlds we have set out?

The Future Worlds

•Have you been involved in any of the SGAM workshops?

•Do you have any comments on the accuracy of the models and the interactions of the actors within?

•Do you believe that any additional changes need to be made to the models before they are progressed to the next stage for Impact Assessment?

The Smart Grid Architecture Model

•Do you agree with these requirements for a neutral market facilitator?

•Are there any additional requirements you believe would be appropriate to ensure its neutrality?

•Do you have any comments on the ENA’s current definition of a Distribution System Operator or any of its associated functions?

The role of a neutral market facilitator

•Which SGAM stakeholder(s) best describe your current and future role(s)?

•Do you have any thoughts on the insights gained on this role(s) in each of the worlds?

•Do you have any comments on the insights drawn on any of the other roles described?

•If you do not feel represented by any of the roles, how do you believe we should account for you?

SGAM Stakeholder Insights

•Do you agree with the proposed assessment criteria?

•Are there any additional criteria you would suggest we need to undertake?

•Are there any functions / roles that need to be considered as a priority area for assessment?

•Are there any other elements or key assumptions that we should consider in our Impact Assessment?

Assessing the worlds

•Do you agree with the proposed next steps?

•Is there any additional work that we need to undertake?

Proposed next steps

Key EnablersQ1: …. this is the list of key enablers that we have identified. Are there more key enablers that we should be considering?

Q2: …. do you agree with our short-term investment priorities relating to the key enablers of Communications, IT and network visibility & control?

Q3: …. given our short-term priorities, what actions do you consider need to be takennow to address them?

Q4: … considering the different DSO model worlds that WS3 has considered, do you think the key enablers differ materiallybetween the worlds?

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How You Can Get Involved

Critical friends review

• Reviewing consultation in draft form for accessibility

• 30-40 pages

• End June 2018

SGAM stakeholder insights

• Reviewing the actor roles relevant to you

• 1-2 pages per actor

• Mid June 2018

SGAM landing page review

• Reviewing pictoral representation of the worlds

• 5 diagrams

• Early June 2018

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SGAM Models for ConsultationDiscussion on Presentation of SGAM

Models for ConsultationManuel Castro & Dave A Roberts (EATL)

Steve Gough (SSEN)

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Objective: to provide transparency and enable review of the SGAM models by a wide range of stakeholders

• Using Enterprise Architect

– each world is modelled separately

– it is possible to generate interactive HTML documentation for each world

Question: how can we use these features to enable effective consultation?


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• Proposal:

– WS3 consultation website hosts HTML models (one for each world)

– Each model provides the option of navigation

• By actor (to make it easier for stakeholders)

• By function (to make it easier for network operators)

Consultation Format

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HTML Landing Page View

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Actor-centric View (2)

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Actor-centric View (2)

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Process View


D-Network Thermal Constraint



Set up contract for provision of

flexibility services

Monitor in real-time the thermal

loading of network assets

Notification of thermal and

power flow constraint

Identify most efficient solution

to resolve network constraint

Service activation/dispatch

Confirmation of compliance with

service activation/dispatch

Metering and data acquisition


Review and rate flexibility

service provider


Information Objects

«Information Object»

Service Contract

«Information Object»

Network Operational Data

«Information Object»

Alert Notification

«Information Object»

Network Constraint Mitigation Actions

«Information Object»

Activation Command

«Information Object»

Activation Compliance

«Information Object»

Operational Data

«Information Object»


«Information Object»

Service Rating and Feedback

Offer; Terms and Conditions; Acceptance

Active Pow er; Reactive Pow er; Voltage;

Current; Other

Alert Signal

DSR (demand- and generation-led); Netw ork

sw itching; RTTR; Other

Control signal

Control signal

Active Pow er; Reactive Pow er; Voltage;

Current; Other

Metered Volumes; Charges; Payments; Billing


Service provider league table

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Live Demonstration of the HTML Landing


DSO Worlds:

A. DSO Coordinates

B. Joint Procurement and Dispatch

C. Price Driven Flexibility

D. NETSO Coordinates

E. Flexibility Coordinator(s)

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Are you happy with the proposed


What changes would you make?

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Wrap Up & Next StepsNigel Turvey – ENA Open Networks Project Chair

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• There are some challenges ahead if we want to meet our carbon targets while providing a safe and secure energy grid at an affordable price.

• However, by enabling flexible networks we can address these; open up new markets for customers for low carbon and innovative technologies; and deliver efficient network costs for consumers.

• We are working together and dedicated to making this work with input from stakeholders in an open and transparent way.

• Please remember to complete the feedback forms found on the tables.

• Reminder to sign up to our communication and/or respond to our GDPR email

We welcome feedback from all our stakeholders. If you have any comments that you would like to share, please feel free to submit them to [email protected].

Wrap Up

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