Endocrine Syetem

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  • 8/3/2019 Endocrine Syetem




    Karen Marshall, Associate Professor

    Montgomery College

    Takoma Park Campus

    2/10/2003 2

    Endocrine System (ES)

    ? interacts with nervous system (NS) tocoordinate and integrate body cellactivity

    ? endocrinology

    scientific study of hormones and endocrine


    2/10/2003 3

    Control of Body Functioning

    ? NS

    ? regulate activity of

    muscles and glands

    via electrochemical

    imupulses vianeurons

    ? organ response time


    ? ES

    ? regulate cell activity

    via hormones

    chemical messengers

    released in blood andtransported in body

    ? tissue and organ

    response time

    lag period (s or days)

    more prolonged

    2/10/2003 4

    Hormonal Effects

    ?widespread? diverse

    ?most body cells

    ? control and integrate

    2/10/2003 5

    Hormonal Effects

    ?major processes


    growth & development

    body defenses mobilization

    blood electrolytes, H2O, nutrient balance


    cellular metabolism regulation

    energy balance

    2/10/2003 6


    ? endocrine~ductless

    lack ducts

    release hormonesinto surroundingtissue

    rich vascular andlymphatic drainage

    ? exocrine

    have ducts

    more numerous

    secrete productsonto skin or into

    body cavities examples

    mucous, sweat, oil,salivary, liver

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    2/10/2003 7

    Major Endocrine Glands

    ? pituitary

    ? thyroid

    ? parathyroid

    ? hypothalamus (neuroendocrine)

    ? adrenal

    ? pineal

    ? thymus

    ? pancreas

    ? gonads

    2/10/2003 8

    Major Endocrine Glands (fig 17.4)

    2/10/2003 9

    Hormone Chemical Groups

    ? two group classification

    ? amino acid-based

    ? steroids

    2/10/2003 10

    Hormone Chemical Groups


    amino acid-based majority of hormones

    molecule size varies

    simple to long polymers

    2/10/2003 11

    Hormone Chemical Groups

    ? steroids

    synthesized from cholesterol


    only gonadal and adrenocortical hormones

    2/10/2003 12

    Target Cell

    ? cell capable of responding to a hormonebecause it bears receptors to which ahormone can bind

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    2/10/2003 13

    Mechanisms of Hormone Action

    ? alter cell activity? cellular processes

    increase or decrease in rate

    ? response

    dependent on target cell type

    2/10/2003 14

    Target Cells

    ? respond to a hormone

    ? bear receptors

    ? changed by a hormone via stimulus

    ? five ways

    2/10/2003 15

    Target Cells

    ? five ways

    change in MP or electrical state

    enzyme synthesis

    enzyme activation or inhibition

    secretory activity gene activation

    2/10/2003 16

    Mechanisms of Hormone Receptor


    ? amino acid-based hormones

    G proteins (regulatory molecules)

    ? second messenger systems

    steroids with gene activation

    2/10/2003 17

    Target Cell Specificity Response ~

    Hormone-Receptor Binding

    ? protein receptors



    target cell PM



    hormone binding


    preprogrammed function


    *hormones ~molecular triggers

    2/10/2003 18

    Target Cell Activation

    ? three dependent factors (=)

    blood levels (hormonal)

    # of receptors (hormone)

    affinity (strength) of H-R bond

    ? crucial 1st step

    H-R binding

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    2/10/2003 19

    Target Cell Phenomena


    up-regulation formation of additional receptors

    blood hormonal levels

    greater target cell response to stimulation

    ? down-regulation

    prolonged [high hormone] desensitization

    loss of hormonal receptors

    less target cell response to stimulation

    2/10/2003 20

    Target Cell Phenomena

    ? # and affinity of other receptors

    respond to other hormones



    induces estrogen receptor loss (uterus)

    antagonizes estrogens effects


    cause progesterone receptor production (same cells)

    enhances response to progesterone

    2/10/2003 21

    Hormonal Inactivation and Removal

    ? effects exerted at low [hormonal]


    rate of release

    speed of inactivation and removal

    rapid enzymatic degradation target cells

    some hormones

    kidney & liver enzyme removal

    product excretion [urine (primarily) or feces]

    most hormones

    2/10/2003 22


    ? persistence of hormone (blood)? brief

    a fraction of a minute ~ 30 min

    2/10/2003 23

    Time and Hormonal Effects

    ? target cell reponse varies

    ? almost immediately

    ? hours to days (steroids)

    inactive form (pro-hormone)


    activated by target cell



    2/10/2003 24

    Duration of Hormone Action

    ? limited

    20 min to several hours

    ? effects

    disappear rapidly

    with decreasing blood levels

    persist for hours

    after low levels reached

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    2/10/2003 25

    Hormone Synthesis and Release

    ? regulated by negative feedback system? internal or external stimulus

    triggers hormone secretion

    ? hormone levels target organeffects hormone release

    2/10/2003 26

    Negative vs. Positive

    Feedback Mechanisms

    ? negative feedback

    original stimulus

    contributes to homeostasis

    ex. glucose blood levels

    2/10/2003 27

    Negative vs. Positive

    Feedback Mechanisms

    ? positive feedback

    initial stimulus

    enhances hormonal response

    rarely contributes to homeostasis ex. blood clotting

    2/10/2003 28

    Feedback Mechanisms (fig 1.4)

    2/10/2003 29

    Negative Feedback (fig 1.5)

    2/10/2003 30

    Positive Feedback (fig 1.6)

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    2/10/2003 31

    Control (Regulation) of Hormone


    ? three major types of stimuli humoral



    result in:

    endocrine organ activation

    hormonal manufacture and release

    2/10/2003 32

    Humoral Stimuli

    ? hormonal secretion

    direct response to changing blood levels

    ions, nutrients

    ? simplest control system

    ? examples

    insulin production (pancreas)

    aldosterone production (adrenal cortex)

    2/10/2003 33

    Neural Stimuli

    ? hormonal release

    response to nerve fiber stimulation

    ? examples

    oxytocin release (hypothalamus)

    ADH release (hypothalamus)

    SNS stimulation

    epi and nor release (adrenal medulla)


    2/10/2003 34

    Hormonal Stimuli

    ? hormonal release

    response to hormones produced by other

    endocrine organs

    ? example

    ant pit

    regulated by hypothalamus

    hormones stimulate other endocrine organs torelease hormones

    blood hormonal levels inhibition pithormones and final target hormone release

    hypothalamic-pituitary-target endocrine organ

    feedback loop

    2/10/2003 35

    Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Target Endocrine Organ

    Feedback Loop

    ? promotes rhythmic hormone release

    ? ing and ing hormone blood levels

    ? some endocrine organs respond tomultiple stimuli

    2/10/2003 36

    Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Target Endocrine Organ

    Relationship (fig 17.5)

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    2/10/2003 37

    Endocrine Gland Stimuli (fig 17.3)

    2/10/2003 38


    ? ~ 14 required

    ? description

    ? producing organ

    ? primary body effect

    ? secretion regulation

    ? other hormonal influences

    ? source of regulating hormones

    2/10/2003 39

    Major Endocrine Organ - Pituitary Gland


    ? secretes ~ 9 major hormones

    ? size and shape of pea

    ? pea on a stalk

    funnel-shaped infundibulum connection to hypothalamus superiorly

    ? two major lobes

    anterior (glandular tissue)

    posterior (neural tissue)

    2/10/2003 40

    Posterior Lobe


    aka neurohypophysis consists of lobe and infundibulum

    ? composed of pituicytes (glia-like supporting cells)and nerve fibers

    ? releases neurohormones produced inhypothalamus

    ? hormone storage area

    not true endocrine gland

    2/10/2003 41

    Anterior Lobe

    ? aka adenohypophysis

    ? composed of glandular tissue

    ?manufactures and releases a number of hormones

    ?master endocr ine gland

    ? regulates activity of other endocrineglands

    ? 6 distinc t hormones known specific physiological actions


    2/10/2003 42

    Tropic Hormone (Tropins)

    ? regulate secretory action of otherendocrine glands

    ? example

    four of the six adenophyophysealhormones

    thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)

    adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)

    follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

    lutenizing hormone (LH)

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    Adenohypophyseal Hormones

    2/10/2003 44

    Adenohypophyseal Hormones


    ? LH

    ? FSH

    ? PRL

    2/10/2003 45

    Growth Hormone (GH)

    ? action

    stimulates most body cells to size anddivide

    ?major target organs

    bones and skeletal muscle bones - stimulate epiphyseal plate long

    bone growth

    muscles - mass

    ? anabolic hormone

    2/10/2003 46

    Growth Hormone (GH)? acts directly or indirectly via insulin-like

    growth factors (IGFs) or somatomeidins? regulation

    GHRH and GHIH (hypothalamus)

    low levels GH

    2o triggers estrogen


    a.a. (blood)



    other stressors

    2/10/2003 47

    Metabolic Actions of GH (fig 17.6)

    2/10/2003 48

    Hyposecretion of GH

    ? homeostatic imbalance

    ? causes pituitary dwarfism (children)

    ? slowed long bone growth

    ?max ht - 4 ft

    ? usually no problems - adults

    ? rare cases

    severe deficit progeria

    premature aging and atrophy of body tissues

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    2/10/2003 49

    Hypersecretion of GH? homeostatic imbalance

    ? gigantism (children)? abnormally tall - 8 ft

    ? 1o cause

    adenohypophyseal tumor

    ? trt - surgical removal

    ? excessive secretion post-epiphyseal plateclosure

    acromegaly enlarged extremeties

    overgrowth of bony areas (hands, feet, face) stillresponsive to GH

    2/10/2003 50


    ? glycoproteins

    ? regulate function of gonads

    ovaries & testes

    ? FSH

    in both sexes

    stimulates gamete (egg or sperm)production

    ? LH

    in both sexes

    promotes production of gonadal hormones

    2/10/2003 51

    Lutenizing Hormone (LH)

    ? females

    works w/ FSH

    maturation of egg-containing ovarian follicle

    triggers expulsion egg from follicle (ovulation)

    promotes synthesis & release of ovarianhormones

    estrogen & progesterone

    ?males stimulates testosterone production

    testes interstitial cells

    2/10/2003 52


    ? prepuberty

    virtually absent

    blood of prepubertal boys & girls

    ? puberty

    gonadotrope cells (ant pit) are activated

    gonadotropin levels begin to rise

    cause gonads to mature to adult state

    2/10/2003 53

    Gonadotropin Regulation

    ? release by ant pit

    ? prompted by GnRH (produced by hypo)

    ? hormonal suppression


    estrogen (females)

    testosterone & inhibin (males)


    estrogen (females)

    testosterone (males)

    2/10/2003 54

    Homeostatic Imbalances

    ? hyposecretion

    failure of sexual maturation

    ? hypersecretion

    no important effects

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    2/10/2003 55

    Prolactin (PRL)

    ? protein hormone

    ? similar to GH? stimulates milk production (breast)

    ? enhances testosterone production (male)

    ? brief rise in levels prior to menstration

    breast swelling & tenderness (some)

    no milk production

    ? dramatic rise at end of pregnancy (pregnant women)

    ? infant suckling stimulates release (afterbirth)

    2/10/2003 56

    2/10/2003 57

    2/10/2003 58

    Neurohypophyseal Hormones

    2/10/2003 60

    Neurohypophyseal Hormones

    ? oxytocin

    ?ADH (vasopressin)

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    2/10/2003 61

    Oxytocin & Antidiuretic Hormone

    ? stored in neurohypophysis? synthesized & forwarded by hypo neurons


    ? released on demand by hypo neurons(osmoreceptors)

    ? composed of nine a.a.

    ? differ only in two a.a.

    ? different physiological effects on targetorgans

    2/10/2003 62

    ADH? action

    influence body H2O balance prevents dehydration

    prevents H2O overload

    inhibit or prevent urine formation

    ? target organ kidneys

    tubule cells

    reabsorb more H2O from urine

    return H2O to bloodstream urine andBV [solute] ADH release

    2/10/2003 63

    ADH Regulation

    ? osmoreceptors monitor [solute] andthus [H2O] in blood

    ? stimulation blood osomolarity or blood volume

    stimulation hypo neurons

    pain receptors

    some drugs nicotine, morphine, barbituates

    low BP

    2/10/2003 64

    ADH Regulation

    ? inhibition

    drinking alcohol urine output

    morning after dry mouth


    drinking H2O

    diuretic drugs

    2/10/2003 65

    ADH Effects

    ? pressor effect

    high [blood] vasoconstriction

    primarily visceral b.v.

    ? severe blood loss

    ADH release systemic BP

    2/10/2003 66

    Homeostatic Imbalance

    ? diabetes insipidus (DI)

    polyuria ( urine production)

    thi rst

    caused by blow to head

    damage to hypo or post pit ADH release

    not serious condition

    remedied by drinking more H2O


    unconscious or comatose patients


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    2/10/2003 67


    ? action

    strong stimulant of uterine contractions

    hormonal trigger for milk ejection in womenactively producing milk (in response to PRL)

    positive feedback

    suckling event

    role in sexual arousal and orgasm (2o)

    feeling of sexual satisfaction

    responsible for nurturing & affectionatebehavior

    known as cuddle hormone

    2/10/2003 68


    ? childbirth and nursing

    amts released

    ? near end of pregnancy

    # oxytocin receptors peaks

    uterine smooth muscle becomes more andmore sensitive

    stretching of uterus & cervix sends

    impulses to hypo oxytocin release(post pit) oxytocin birth

    contractions childbirth

    2/10/2003 69

    Natural & Synthetic Oxytocic Drugs

    ? induce labor or hasten normal labor thatis slow

    ? ex. pitocin

    2/10/2003 70

    2/10/2003 71

    Thyroid Gland (fig. 17.8)

    ? butterfly-shaped gland

    ? location

    anterior neck on trachea

    inferior to larynx

    ? largest pure endocrinegland in body

    ? unique

    stores hormoneextracellularly in large


    ? TH

    ? Calcitonin

    2/10/2003 72

    Thyroid Hormone

    ?major metabolic hormone

    ? affects virtually every cell in body


    adult brain, spleen, testes, uterus, thyroid gland


    two active iodine-containing hormones T4 (thyroxine)

    major hormone secreted

    T3 (triiodothyronine)

    *more active form (10 xs)

    most made at target organs by conversion of T4

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    2/10/2003 73

    Thyroid Hormone


    actions BMR

    O2 consumption

    body heat production

    maintains BP

    # of adrenergic receptors in BV

    *regulator of tissue growth & development

    primarily skeletal & nervous system,reproduction

    2/10/2003 74

    Biosynthesis of Thyroid Hormones

    2/10/2003 75

    Thyroid Hormone Transport

    ? 1. most released T4 and T3 bind totransport proteins T4- main hormonal product secreted

    some T4converted to T3before secretion

    ? 2. T4

    and T3

    bind to target tissuereceptors

    ? 3. T3 binds more avidly and is moreactive conversion of T4 to T3 most T3generated in target organs by enzymatic action

    removal of one iodine group

    2/10/2003 76

    Thyroid Hormone Regulation


    TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone

    adenohypophyseal hormone

    regulates TH secretion

    ? TRH

    thyrotropin-releasing hormone

    secreted by hypothalamus

    triggers TSH release

    *can overcome negative feedback controls

    2/10/2003 77

    TRH Regulation

    ?Stimulus for TRH release (low levels of T4)

    body energy requirements


    prolonged cold

    ? Inhibi tion of TRH release (high levels of T4)somatostatin (GHIH)

    levels of glucocorticoids

    levels of sex hormones



    blood [ iodine]

    2/10/2003 78

    Hypothyroid Disorders

    ? homeostatic imbalance

    ? thyroid defect

    ? thyroidectomy

    ? dietary iodine

    ? secondarily TSH or TRH release

    ? adults - children

    myxedema - cretinism

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    2/10/2003 79


    ? low MR

    ? chills

    ? constipation

    ? thick, dry skin

    ? puffy eyes

    ? edema

    ? lethargic

    ? mental sluggishness

    2/10/2003 80


    ? if result of lack of iodine

    thyroid gland enlargement

    AKA endemic (colloidal) goiter

    follicle cells cannot take up iodine or

    make functional hormone

    pituitary secretes TSH TH

    2/10/2003 81


    ? tx

    iodine supplements

    hormone replacement therapy


    ? goiter belt parts of US

    iodine poor soil

    no access to iodine-rich shellfish

    2/10/2003 82


    ? severe hypothyroidism? short, disproportionate body

    ? thick tongue and neck

    ?mentally retarded

    ? genetic defic iency of thyroid gland

    ? lack of dietary iodine (maternal)

    2/10/2003 83


    ? tx

    preventable by TH replacement therapy

    before developmental abnormalities andmental retardation

    2/10/2003 84

    Graves Disease

    ? hyperthyroid pathology

    ? autoimmune ds

    ? MR

    ? sweating

    ? rapid, i rregular heartbeat

    ? nervousness

    ?weight loss (despite food intake)

    ? serum contains abnormal AB

    mimic TSH TH release

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    2/10/2003 85

    Graves Disease

    ? protrusion of eyeballs exophthalmos

    ? tx

    surgical removal thyroid gland

    2/10/2003 86


    ? polypeptide hormone

    ? thyroid gland

    parafollicular (C) cells

    ? action

    lower blood Ca2+ levels

    direct antagonist of PTH

    weak hypocalcemic agent

    2/10/2003 87


    ? target organ

    skeleton (bone sparing effects)

    1. inhibits osteoclast activity

    bone resorption

    release of ionic Ca2+ (bony matrix)

    2. stimulates Ca2+ uptake

    incorporation into bony matrix

    2/10/2003 88

    Calcitonin Regulation

    ? stimulus


    Ca2+ blood levels

    ~20% above normal

    ? inhibition

    Ca2+ blood levels

    inhibit C cell secretory activity

    2/10/2003 89

    Calcitonin Regulation of Blood

    Ca2+ Levels

    ? short-lived

    ? rapid

    ? important only in childhood

    skeleton grows quickly

    bones changing




    2/10/2003 90

    Parathyroid Gland (fig 17.10)

    ? tiny, yellow-brown


    ? posterior aspect ofthyroid gland

    can be located inother neck regions orthroat

    ? usually 4 glands

    number varies

    ? chief cells

    secrete PTH

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    2/10/2003 91

    Parathyroid Hormone (PTH)

    ? aka parathormone

    ? protein hormone

    ? action

    single most important Ca2+ controller

    Ca2+ balance (blood)

    ? target organs

    skeleton (bone)



    2/10/2003 92

    PTH Effects on Target Organs? skeleton (bone)

    activates osteoclasts (bone resorption~removal)

    dig pits or grooves (resorption bays)

    break down the bone matrix

    release of calcium & phosphate ions (blood)

    ? kidneys

    promotes activation of vitamin D

    Ca2+ reabsorption

    ? intestines

    promotes activation of vitamin D

    Ca2+ absorption

    2/10/2003 93

    PTH Effects on Target Organs

    (fig 17.11)

    2/10/2003 94

    PTH Regulation

    ? stimulus

    Ca2+ blood levels

    ? inhibition

    Ca2+ blood levels


    2/10/2003 95

    Vitamin D

    ? required for absorption of Ca2+

    ? ingestion of food

    ? produced in skin

    ? inactive form

    ? converted in kidneys to active vitamin Dform


    stimulated by PTH

    2/10/2003 96

    Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands

    (fig 17.12)

    ? paired pyramidshaped organs

    ? perched on topkidneys (caps)


    enclosed in a fibrouscapsule & cushion of


    ? two endocrine organs

    structurally &functionally

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    2/10/2003 97

    Adrenal Cortex

    ? over two dozen steroid hormones

    corticosteroids (collectively)? synthesized from cholesterol by adrenal


    ? large, lipid cortical cells arranged inthree layers (zones)

    corticosteroids produced

    zona glomerulosa (outer)

    zona fasciculata (middle)

    zona reticularis (inner)

    2/10/2003 98

    Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands

    (fig 17.12)

    ? zona glomerulosa

    secrete primarilymineralocorticoids

    control electrolytebalance in ECF

    primarily Na and Kions

    ? zona fasciculata

    arranged in linearcords


    metabolic hormone

    resist stressors

    2/10/2003 99

    Adrenal (Suprarenal) Glands

    (fig 17.12)

    ? zona reticularis

    produce small amtsof gonadocorticoids

    sex hormones

    ? **division of labor incorticosteroidproduction

    all corticosteroids areproduced in all 3layers

    2/10/2003 100


    ? regulation of [electrolyte] in ECF primarily Na2+ and K+

    Na2+ most abundant cation in ECF

    vital to homeostasis

    Na2+ intake and retention HBP

    ? aldosterone

    most potent of all mineralocorticoids

    accounts for over 95% of

    mineralocorticoids produced

    2/10/2003 101


    ? action maintain Na2+ balance

    reduces excretion of Na from the body

    enhances Na reabsorption perspiration, saliva and gastric juice

    regulation of other ions coupled w/ Na2+ regulation

    K+, H+, HCO3-, Cl- ,

    ? significance Na2+ regulation crucial to overall body

    homeostasis where Na2+ goes, H

    2O follows changes in

    BV & BP

    2/10/2003 102


    ? target organ

    distal part of kidney tubules

    stimulates reabsorption of Na2+ from formingurine

    return of Na2+ to bloodstream

    causes Na2+ & H2O retention accompanied byK+ elimination


    alterations in acid-base balance of blood by H+


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    2/10/2003 103


    ? stimulus

    rising blood levels of K+

    low blood levels of Na, BV and BP

    ? inhibition

    reverse conditions

    low blood levels of K+

    high blood levels of Na, BV and BP

    2/10/2003 104


    ? regulatory effects are brief

    lasts approximately 20 min

    plasma electrolyte balance prec isely

    controlled and modified

    2/10/2003 105

    Regulation of Aldosterone Secretion

    ? 1) renin-angiotensin system

    major regulator of aldosterone release

    kidney cells release renin BP

    ? 2) plasma [Na2+] and [K+]

    fluctuating blood levels directly influencezona glomerulosa cells

    K+ and Na2+ are stimulatory

    K+ and Na2+ are inhibitory

    2/10/2003 106

    Regulation of Aldosterone Secretion

    ? 3) adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

    ant pit hormone

    minor influence under normalcircumstances

    major influence under stress

    hypo secretes more CRH* ACTHsecretion of aldosterone (zona glomerulosa)

    absorption of Na2+ and H2O BP and BV

    ensures adequate delivery of nutrients and

    respiratory gases during stress

    ? *corticotropin releasing hormone

    2/10/2003 107

    Regulation of Aldosterone Secretion

    (fig 17.15)

    2/10/2003 108

    Regulation of Aldosterone Secretion

    ? 4) atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

    hormone secreted by the heart

    response to BP

    fine-tune BP

    fine-tune Na 2+-H2O balance in body inhibits the renin-angiotensin effect

    BP by Na and H2O in urine

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    2/10/2003 109

    Summary of Aldosterone Regulation

    (fig 17.13)

    2/10/2003 110


    ? hormones

    cortisol (hydrocortisone)

    secreted in significant amts



    ? absolutely essential for life

    2/10/2003 111


    ? action

    influence the metabolism of most body cells

    help resistance of stressors

    help body adapt to intermittent food intake

    maintain constant blood sugar levels maintain BV

    prevent shifts of H2O into tissue cells

    2/10/2003 112


    ? target organs

    body cells promote gluconeogenesis prime metabolic effect

    formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate molecules



    promote hyperglycemia mobilization of fats for energy metabolism

    2/10/2003 113


    ? target organs body cells

    stimulate protein catabolism

    assist body resist stressors

    enhances vasoconstrictive effects of epi BP and circulation

    ensure adequate nutrient distribution to cells

    2/10/2003 114

    Cortisol Regulation

    ? stimulation

    promoted by ACTH (ant pit)

    triggered by CRH (hypo)

    ? inhibition

    cortisol levels feedback to hypo and ant pit shut off CRH release

    ACTH and cortisol secretion

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    2/10/2003 115

    Cortisol Regulation

    ? cortisol secretory bursts

    driven by patterns of eating and activity definite pattern throughout the day and night

    blood levels


    shortly after rising (morning)



    just before and shortly after sleep ensues

    interruption in normal rhythm

    acute stress

    2/10/2003 116


    ? SNS overrides the usually inhibitoryeffec ts of elevated cortisol levels

    triggers CRH ACTH blood levels

    cortisol from the adrenal cortex

    blood levels




    2/10/2003 117

    Regulation of Cortisol Secretion

    (fig 17.15)

    2/10/2003 118

    Excessive Glucocorticoid Levels

    ?Undesirable Effects

    ? 1) depress cartilage and bone formation? 2) inhibit inflammation and prevent


    ? 3) depress the immune system

    ? 4) promote changes in cardiovascular,neural and GI fnc

    ? *ideal amts promote normal fnc

    2/10/2003 119

    Pathology of Cortisone Excess

    ?Cushings Ds

    ? causes

    ACTH releasing tumor of pit

    ACTH releasing malignancy of lungs,

    pancreas, or kidneys

    tumor of adrenal cortex

    clinical administration of glucocorticoidmeds

    2/10/2003 120

    Pathology of Cortisone Excess

    ? persistent hyperglycemia

    aka steriod diabetes

    ? dramatic losses in muscle & boneprotein

    ?water and salt retention HTN, edema

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    2/10/2003 121

    Cushing-oid Signs

    ? swollen moon-face

    ? redistribution of fat


    posterior neck (buffalo hump)

    ? tendency to bruise

    ? poor wound healing

    2/10/2003 122

    Pathology of Cortisone Excess

    ? enhanced anti-inflammatory effects


    overwhelming severe before producingrecognizable symptoms

    ? trt (only)

    removal of the cause


    drug discontinuation

    2/10/2003 123


    ? androgens primarily secreted

    male sex hormones

    most importanly testosterone

    ? small amts estrogen also secreted

    ? stimulus ACTH (appears)

    ? inhibition

    mechanism not understood

    ACTH does not exert feedback control

    2/10/2003 124


    ? action not fully understood

    adrenal androgen levels rise continuouslybetween ages of 7 and 13

    boys and girls

    contribute to onset of puberty and theappearance of axillary and pubic hair

    2/10/2003 125


    ? action

    responsible for sex drive adult women

    converted to estrogens after menopause when ovarian estrogens are no longer


    2/10/2003 126


    ? amt sex hormones produced

    adrenal cortex


    in comparison to amts produced by the gonads during late puberty and adulthood

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    2/10/2003 127

    Hypersecretion of Gonadocorticoids

    ? homeostatic imbalance


    results in masculinization or virilization? adult males

    testicular testosterone has already producedvirilization

    2/10/2003 128

    Hypersecretion of Gonadocorticoids

    ? prepubertal males

    dramatic effects

    maturation of reproductive organs and

    appearance of secondary sex characteristicsoccur rapidly

    massive onslaught of sex drive

    2/10/2003 129

    Hypersecretion of Gonadocorticoids

    ? females

    androgenital syndrome (virilization of females)

    ~adrenogenital syndrome

    beard development

    masculine pattern of body hair distribution

    clitoris grows to resemble a small penis

    2/10/2003 130

    Adrenal Medulla

    ? location

    ctr of the adrenal gland surrounded by the adrenal cortex

    ? formed from nervous tissue

    releases NTs as its hormones

    ? secretes catecholamines into the blood

    epinephrine (adrenaline)


    secretion controlled by ANS in response tostress

    2/10/2003 131

    Adrenal Medulla

    ? unequal amts two hormones released

    approx 80% is epinephrine

    ? exert same effec ts

    few exceptions


    more potent stimulator of heart & metabolic acti vities


    heart stimulator

    bronchiole dilator


    greater influence on peripheral vasoconstriction & bp

    2/10/2003 132

    Catecholamine Regulation

    ? stimulus

    bodys fight-or-flight status by short-term

    stressor or emergency

    SNS is mobilized

    blood sugar

    bv consriction

    heart beat


    blood diversion fr om nonessential organs tobrain, heart, skeletal muscles

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    2/10/2003 133

    Stress and Catecholamines

    (fig 17.15)

    2/10/2003 134

    Stress and the Adrenal Gland

    ? Medulla

    ? hypo activates

    medulla via SNSimpulses

    ? mediates short-termresponses

    ? secretion ofcatecholamines

    epi and norepi

    ? Cortex

    ? hypo activatescortex via hormonalsignals

    A CTH

    ? mediates long-termresponses

    ? secretion of steroidhormones mineralocorticoids


    glucocorticoids cortisol

    2/10/2003 135

    Stress and Adrenal Gland

    ? catecholamines

    cause fairly brief responses to stress

    ? adrenocortical hormones

    promote long-lasting responses to stress

    2/10/2003 136

    Pancreas (fig 17.4)

    ? location partially behind

    stomach in theabdomen

    ? mixed gland

    composed ofendocrine andexocrine gland cells

    2/10/2003 137

    Pancreatic Cells

    ? pancreatic acinar cells

    form bulk of gland

    exocrine fnc

    produce enzyme-rich product

    ducted into small intestine


    ? pancreatic islets (islets of Langerhans)

    tiny cell clusters

    produce pancreatic hormones



    2/10/2003 138

    Pancreatic Islet Cells

    ? two major pop of hormone-producingcells

    alpha cells

    glucagon producing cells

    beta cells insulin producing cells

    more numerous

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    2/10/2003 139

    Pancreatic Islets

    ? act as tiny fuel sensors secrete glucagon and insulin


    during fasting and feeding states

    fluctuations in blood glucose

    opposite effects


    hyperglycemic hormone


    hypoglycemic hormone

    2/10/2003 140


    ? polypeptide

    ? extremely potent hyperglycemic agent

    1 molecule release of 100 milmolecules of glucose in blood

    2/10/2003 141

    Glucagon? target organ



    breakdown of glycogen to glucose


    synthesis of glucose

    lactic acid

    noncarbohydrate molecules (fats, a.a)

    release of glucose to blood by liver

    blood sugar

    2O effect

    b lood [a.a. ]

    2/10/2003 142

    Glucagon Regulation

    ? stimulus

    humoral blood sugar levels

    amino acid levels

    after a protein rich meal

    ? inhibition

    blood sugar levels


    ? * believed that hypoglycemics are deficient in glucagon

    2/10/2003 143

    Glucagon Regulation (fig 25.20)

    2/10/2003 144


    ? small protein

    ? initally synthesized as part of largerpolypeptide


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    2/10/2003 145

    Insulin? target organ


    blood sugar levels (main effect) enhances membrane transport of glucose and other

    simple sugars into body cells

    especially muscle & fat cells

    does not accelerate glucose entry into liver, kidney

    and brain tissue

    easy access to blood glucose regardless of insulin


    sweeps glucose out of blood

    used for energy or converted to other forms(glycogen, fats)

    2/10/2003 146


    ? target organ


    other effects

    influence protein & fat metabolism

    promotes protein synthesis & fat storage

    2/10/2003 147

    Insulin Regulation

    ? stimulation

    blood glucose levels (primary)

    plasma levels of a.a, f.a. (secondary)

    other direct or indirect effects

    hyperglycemic hormones glucagon





    2/10/2003 148

    Insulin Regulation

    ? inhibition sugar plasma levels

    somatostatin (indirect)

    ? blood sugar levels

    represent a balance of humoral and

    hormonal control

    2/10/2003 149

    Insulin Regulation (fig 25.18)

    2/10/2003 150

    Regulation of Blood Sugar

    (fig 17.17)

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    2/10/2003 151

    Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

    ? homeostatic imbalance

    ? hyposecretion or hypoactivity of insulin

    insulin deficient or absent

    blood sugar levels remain high after a meal

    abnormal insulin receptors

    glucose unavailable to most body cells

    ? blood glucose levels

    ? amts glucose excreted in urine

    2/10/2003 152

    Diabetes Mellitus (DM)

    ?metabolic acidosis

    ? protein wasting

    ?weight loss

    amts fat & tissue proteins used for


    2/10/2003 153

    Metabolic Rate

    ? bodys rate of energy output

    usually expressed per hr

    ? total heat produced by all chemical rxnsand mechanical work of the body

    ?measured calorimeter (directly)

    heat liberated by the body

    respirometer (indirectly)

    O2 consumption

    directly proportional to heat production

    2/10/2003 154

    Metabolic Rate

    ? calorimetry measurement

    direct method of measuring MR

    person enters a chamber (calorimeter)

    heat liberated by body is absorbed bywater circulating around the chamber

    rise in water temp is directly related to heat

    produced by the persons body

    2/10/2003 155

    Metabolic Rate

    ? respirometry measurement

    indirec t method of measuring MR

    O2 use and heat liberation directly proportional

    during food oxidation

    avg amt of O2 consumed/hr (L/h) is x by 4.83

    person breathes into a respirometer

    the total amt of oxygen consumed during

    testing is measured

    for each L of O2 the body produces ~4.8 kcal ofheat

    2/10/2003 156

    Metabolic Rate

    ?measured under standard conditions

    postabsorptive state

    not eaten for at least 12 hrs

    reclining position

    mentally & physically relaxed temperature is 20-25 degrees Celsius

    measurements obtained

    basal metabolic rate (BMR)

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    2/10/2003 157

    Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR)

    ? reported in kcal/m2 of body surface/hr


    ? energy body needs to drive only theresting body processes

    most essential activities

    breathing, maintaining resting organ fnc levels

    ? not lowest metabolic state

    lowest occurs during sleep

    skeletal muscles are completely relaxed

    2/10/2003 158

    Factors Influencing BMR

    ? age

    ? sex

    ? size

    ? stress

    ? body surface area

    ? thyroxine levels

    ? food effects

    ?muscular activity

    2/10/2003 159

    Calculation of BMR

    ? avg 70 kg (154 lb) adult

    BMR ~ 60-72 kcal/h

    ? quick approximation of ones BMR

    wt (kg) X factor = BMR

    2.2 lbs = 1 kg

    male factor = 1

    female factor = 0.9

    2/10/2003 160

    Factors Influencing BMR

    ? young person

    higher BMR require large amts of energy for growth

    ? old age

    decrease BMR

    skeletal muscle atropy

    w/out caloric intake wt


    higher BMR

    more muscle, more active

    2/10/2003 161

    Factors Influencing BMR

    ? females

    fatty tissue in greater relative amts

    metabolically sluggish

    ? body temperature

    rises and falls w/ MR

    fevers MR

    ? stress

    higher MR

    mobilizes the SNS

    epi and nor MR

    stimulate fat catabolism

    2/10/2003 162

    Factors Influencing BMR

    ? thyroxine

    most important hormonal factor indetermining BMR

    AKA metabolic hormone

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    2/10/2003 163

    Factors Influencing BMR

    ? thyroxine

    direct effects

    on most body cells (exception: brain cells)

    increase oxygen consumption

    increase use of ATP to operate Na-K pump

    decrease in ATP reserves

    acceleration in ATP cellular respiration

    more thyroxine produced

    higher BMR