Unit XIV Endocrine Disorders Critical Concepts Definitions and Characteristics Assessment & Pathophysiology Diagnostic Procedures Pituitary Gland Disorders Thyroid Disorders Parathyroid Disorders Adrenal Gland Disorders Diabetes mellitus Pharmacology: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System Insulin and Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs Identification Identify what is described in each statement. 1. A hyperglycemic hormone produced by the beta-cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. ______________________________ 2. A term given to a child affected with hypothyroidism. _________ 3. A chemical substance produced by glands that control metabolic activities of a cell. ________________________________________ 4. It is also known as a thyroid storm. ________________________ 5. Male sex hormones produced by the adrenal glands. ___________ 6. The most common cause of Addison’s disease. _______________ 7. A phenomenon seen among diabetic patients characterized by rebound hyperglycemia. ___________________________________

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Unit XIVEndocrine Disorders

Critical Concepts

Definitions and CharacteristicsAssessment & PathophysiologyDiagnostic ProceduresPituitary Gland Disorders Thyroid DisordersParathyroid Disorders Adrenal Gland Disorders Diabetes mellitus Pharmacology: Drugs Affecting the Endocrine System

Insulin and Oral Hypoglycemic Drugs


Identify what is described in each statement.

1. A hyperglycemic hormone produced by the beta-cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas. ______________________________ 2. A term given to a child affected with hypothyroidism. _________ 3. A chemical substance produced by glands that control metabolic activities of a cell. ________________________________________

4. It is also known as a thyroid storm. ________________________

5. Male sex hormones produced by the adrenal glands. ___________

6. The most common cause of Addison’s disease. _______________

7. A phenomenon seen among diabetic patients characterized by rebound hyperglycemia. ___________________________________

8. It is needed in the conversion of inactive vitamin D3 in the skin to its active form of vitamin D. ________________________________

9. A complication of insulin therapy characterized by abnormal fat accumulation in tissues. ___________________________________

10. It is a hormone produced by the hypothalamus that stimulates secretion of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). ____________________________________________________________________

True or False

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Write T if the statement is true and F if it is false.

_____ 1. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) is produced by the posterior pituitary gland.

_____ 2. Patients with Cushing’s syndrome are prone to fluid and electrolyte imbalances.

_____ 3. Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) is a metabolite of epinephrine and is used in diagnosing tumors of the adrenal cortex.

_____ 4. Goiter is a manifestation of hyperthyroidism.

_____ 5. Abrupt discontinuation of steroids after prolonged use predisposes to Addison’s disease.

_____ 6. Under the normal biologic rhythm, blood sugar is usually higher in the evening than early in the morning.

_____ 7. Type I diabetes mellitus is more prone to develop ketoacidosis.

_____ 8. Insulin may be administered intravenously.

_____ 9. Myocardial infarction is a microvascular complication of diabetes mellitus.

_____ 10.Cretinism is a form of hyperthyroidism.

Matching Type

Match Column A with Column B.

Set A. Hormones & Gland of Origin

Column A Column BHormone Gland of Origin

_____ 1. Glucocorticoids A. thyroid gland_____ 2. Anti-diuretic hormone B. adrenal medulla_____ 3. Epinephrine C. pancreas _____ 4. Glucagon D. adrenal cortex_____ 5. Calcitonin E. hypothalamus

Set B. Hormones and their Functions or Effects

Column A Column BHormone Function / Effect

_____ 1. InsulinA. promotes sodium and water retention_____ 2. Aldosterone B. increases blood sugar levels_____ 3. Thyroxine C. regulates basal metabolism_____ 4. Glucagon D. facilitates entry of glucose into the cells_____ 5. Parathormone E. regulates calcium homeostasis

Set C. Endocrine Disorder and Hormonal Imbalance

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Column A Column BDiagnosis Hormonal Imbalance

_____ 1. Cushing’s disease A. low thyroxine levels_____ 2. Addison’s disease B. high cortisol levels_____ 3. Hashimoto’s disease C. low aldosterone levels_____ 4. Pheochromocytoma D. high epinephrine level _____ 5. Cushing’s syndrome E. high adreno corticotropic


Set D. Endocrine Disorders and Medical Treatment

Column A Column BDiagnosis Medical Treatment

_____ 1. Grave’s disease A. Levothyroxine (Synthroid)_____ 2. Diabetes mellitus B. Calcium gluconate_____ 3. Addison’s disease C. Rosiglitazone (Avandia)_____ 4. Hypothyroidism D. Hydrocortisone (Solu-medrol)_____ 5. Hypoparathyroidism E. Methimazole (Tapazole)

Set E. Endocrine Disorders and Medical Treatment

Column A Column BDiagnosis Medical Treatment

_____ 1. Hyperinsulinism A. DDAVP (Desmopressin)_____ 2. Hyperparathyroidism B. Glucagon_____ 3. Diabetes insipidus C. Metoprolol (Lopressor)_____ 4. Pheochromocytoma D. Thyrocalcitonin_____ 5. SIADH E. Fluid restriction

Set F . Pathophysiology: Diabetes Mellitus

Column A Column BManifestations Pathophysiology

_____ 1. Polyuria A. fat catabolism _____ 2. Polyphagia B. osmotic diuresis due to hyperglycemia_____ 3. Polydipsia C. protein catabolism_____ 4. Weight loss D. compensatory increase in appetite _____ 5. Ketoacidosis E. activation of thirst mechanism due to polyuria

Set G. Pathophysiology: Thyroid Disorders

Column A Column BManifestations Pathophysiology

_____ 1. Constipation A. increased basal metabolic rate due to _____ 2. Weight loss excessive thyroid hormone level_____ 3. Cold intolerance B. decreased basal metabolic rate due to _____ 4. Tachycardia inadequate hormone level_____ 5. Edema

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Set H. Pathophysiology: Adrenal Gland Disorders

Column A Column BManifestations Pathophysiology

_____ 1. Dehydration A. abnormal fat distribution _____ 2. Buffalo’s hump B. excessive level of epinephrine _____ 3. Frequent infections C. lack of aldosterone _____ 4. Hypertension D. altered cellular integrity _____ 5. Easy bruisability E. immunosuppression

Set I. Pathophysiology: Pituitary Disorders

Column A Column BManifestations Pathophysiology

_____ 1. Visual problems A. jaw enlargement r/t increased growth _____ 2. Prognathism hormone_____ 3. Hirsutism B. excessive hair growth r/t high steroid _____ 4. Gigantism level_____ 5. Galactorrhea C. rapid bone growth r/t high growth hormone

D. pressure on the optic disc r/t growing pituitary tumor

E. increased secretion of breast milk r/t increased prolactin levels

* r/t means related to

Set J. Pathophysiology: Parathyroid Disorders

Column A Column BManifestations Pathophysiology

_____ 1. Trousseau’s sign A. facial muscle twitching r/t _____ 2. Back pain hypocalcemia_____ 3. Epigastric pain B. carpo-pedal spasms r/t to _____ 4. Fractures hypocalcemia_____ 5. Chvostek’s sign C. kidney stone formation r/t

hypercalcemia D. increased gastric acids r/t

hypercalcemia E. rapid bone resoprtion r/t high

parathyroid hormone level

Set K. Laboratory Results I

Column A Column B Diagnosis Laboratory Results

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_____ 1. Addison’s disease A. low TSH, high T3 & T4_____ 2. Cushing’s syndrome B. high TSH, low T3 & T4_____ 3. Diabetic ketoacidosis C. hypernatremia, hypokalemia_____ 4. Hypothyroidism D. hyponatremia, hyperkalemia_____ 5. Hyperthyroidism E. hyperglycemia, ketonemia

Set L. Laboratory Results II

Column A Column BDiagnosis Laboratory Results

_____ 1. Pheochromocytoma A. increased ACTH level_____ 2. Diabetes insipidus B. hyperglycemia, glycosuria _____ 3. Diabetes mellitus C. decreased urine specific gravity _____ 4. Cushing’s disease D. increased vanillyl mandelic acid_____ 5. Tetany E. reduced calcium level

Set M. Medical Terminology

Column A Column BMedical Term Definition

_____ 1. ExophthalmosA. enlargement of the bones _____ 2. Prognathism B. excessive hair growth _____ 3. Hirsutism C. protrusion of the eyeballs _____ 4. Catabolism D. protrusion of the jaw_____ 5. Acromegaly E. breakdown to simpler substances

Multiple Choice

Choose the letter of the BEST answer.

_____ 1. Which of the following hormones is stored in the posterior pituitary gland? A. follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) B. anti-diuretic hormone (ADH)C. thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) D. corticotropin releasing factor (CRF)

_____2. A physiologic effect of luteinizing hormone (LH) is stimulation of A. bone and muscle growth B. sperm production in males C. corpus luteum development D. contraction of pregnant uterus

_____3. Hypofunctioning of the pituitary gland can lead to A. syndrome of inappropriate diuretic hormone B. acromegaly

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C. Cushing’s disease D. diabetes insipidus

_____4. A patient prescribed of Bromocriptine, a dopamine antagonist, most probably has a diagnosis of

A. thyroid tumors B. tumor of the adrenal gland C. pituitary tumor D. pancreatic tumor

_____5. A patient is prepared for a fluid deprivation test. The nurse knows that this is used in the diagnosis of

A. diabetes insipidusB. Cushing’s syndrome C. pheochromocytoma D. syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone

_____ 6. Which of the following data from a patient’s history is a risk factor of Type 1 diabetes mellitus? The patient

A. is 10 kilograms overweight. B. loves to eat sweets.C. has an active lifestyle. D. has a previous Coxsackie virus infection

_____7. A patient asks the nurse how obesity is a risk for diabetes mellitus. The nurse explains that obesity is a risk factor for non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus because it:

A. reduces workload on the pancreatic cellsB. increases production of glucagon C. leads to insulin resistanceD. enhances glucose utilization

_____8. The nurse conducts a diabetic teaching to a newly diagnosed patient and states that the normal blood glucose level is:

A. 50-70 mg/dlB. 70-110 mg/dlC. 110-150 mg/dlD. 150-180 mg/dl

_____9. A patient tells the nurse that she read an online journal about glucose being spilled in the urine among diabetic patients. The nurse informs the patient that glucose is not excreted by the kidneys unless it is higher than:

A. 110 mg/dlB. 150 mg/dlC. 180 mg/dlD. 200 mg/dl

_____10. The nurse assessing a newly admitted patient notes for the cardinal signs of diabetes mellitus which are:

A. polydipsia, polyuria, polyphagiaB. paralysis, pain, pallorC. paresthesia, poikilothermia, pressureD. paraplegia, pulselessness, ptosis

_____11. In a diabetic screening program, the public health nurse tells the outpatients that diabetes is considered if they have a fasting blood sugar of more than:

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A. 70 mg.dlB. 110 mg/dlC. 126 mg/dlD. 140 mg/dl

_____12. The nurse reviews the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus and recalls that insulinA. promotes cellular glucose uptake and utilizationB. facilitates the breakdown of fats and proteins to provide glucoseC. enhances the catabolism of glycogen from the liver and skeletal musclesD. prevents excess glucose from forming into glycogen

_____13. A diabetic patient is found unconscious. The nurse notes that the patient’s skin is flushed and dry, respirations are deep and rapid, and she can smell acetone on the patient’s breath. The nurse anticipates for prompt management of

A. hypoglycemia B. diabetic ketoacidosis C. hyperosmolar hyperglycemic non-ketotic comaD. Somogyi phenomenon

_____14. A novice nurse recalls that the most common route of insulin administration is:

A. oralB. intramuscularC. subcutaneousD. intradermal

_____15. The patient is tired of receiving insulin injections and asks the nurse why she cannot take insulin by mouth. The nurse’s correct response is:

A. “Insulin is best absorbed if given as an injection.”B. “The acids in the stomach destroy insulin.”C. “The physician’s order is to give it as an injection.”D. “Insulin can cause nausea and vomiting if taken by mouth.”

_____16. Which of the following statements best describes type 2 diabetes mellitus?A. It is also called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.B. Most patients have an onset before the age of 40 years. C. This type of diabetes is prone to ketoacidosis. D. Diet and exercise are usually effective for this type of diabetes.

_____17. The nurse is making her assessments on a patient who received rapid-acting insulin in the past 2 hours. The nurse notes that the patient is manifesting signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia if the patient exhibits:

A. Tachycardia, acetone odor of the breath, Kussmaul’s respirationB. Tremors, cold clammy skin, diaphoresisC. Bradycardia, blurred vision, nervousnessD. Warm dry skin, tachycardia, confusion

_____18. A patient is on a sliding scale insulin. Which of the following medications is usually given on a sliding scale?

A. Novolin 70/30B. Regular C. Humulin ND. NPH

_____19. A patient is prescribed 15 units of Lispro q HS. The nurse knows that Lispro is an example of which type of insulin?

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A. Intermediate-acting insulinB. Long-acting insulinC. Rapid-acting insulinD. Short-acting insulin

_____20. A nursing intervention that can prevent the development of lipodystrophy is to:A. Administer cold insulin B. Rotate injection sitesC. Massage the injection site after giving insulinD. Administer insulin in the morning

_____21. A patient is admitted to the ER with hyperosmolar, hyperglycemic non-ketotic coma with a blood glucose level of 1,250 mg/dl. To treat severe hyperglycemia, the physician orders insulin intravenously. The only type of insulin that can be given intravenously is

A. Semi-LenteB. NPHC. IsophaneD. Regular

_____22. A patient is prescribed NPH insulin 32 U SC and Regular insulin 8 U SC daily. In preparing these, the nurse should use

A. Two separate insulin syringesB. An insulin syringe, drawing regular insulin firstC. An insulin syringe, drawing NPH insulin firstD. A 1-cc syringe, drawing regular insulin first

_____23. The nurse is preparing to administer 30 units of Humulin 70/30. What does Humulin 70/30 mean?

A. It has 70% Regular insulin and 30% NPH insulinB. It has 70 units/mL of Regular and 30 units/mL of NPH C. It has 70% NPH insulin and 30% regular insulin D. It has 30 units of Regular and 70 units of NPH per vial.

_____24. The nurse administered 6 units of Regular insulin before the patient took his breakfast at 0800. At what time should the nurse assess for hypoglycemic reaction?

A. 0800-1000B. 1000-1200C. 1200-1400D. 1400-1600

_____25. An unconscious diabetic patient is receiving continuous tube feeding at 45 cc/hr and blood sugar checks q6h. At 0600, the patient’s blood sugar is 65 mg/dl. The nurse observes that the patient is diaphoretic, tachycardic and has cold clammy skin. The nurse’s action is appropriate if she

A. Administers 4 oz of orange juice orallyB. Mixes 4 oz of orange juice on her feeding bag C. Gives 25 ml of Dextrose 50% intravenouslyD. Administers regular insulin per sliding scale

_____26. The nurse doing a discharge teaching session for a diabetic patient explains that insulin requirements decrease if the patient:

A. is pregnantB. has an infectionC. is under stressD. engages in exercise

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_____27. A patient with type 2 diabetes is taking Glipizide (Glucotrol), a second generation Sulfonylurea. Sulfonyureas decrease blood sugar by

A. Facilitating the entry of glucose into the cellsB. Promoting glucose uptake and utilizationC. Stimulating the pancreas to produce insulinD. Decreasing glucose absorption in the intestines

_____28. A patient is experiencing hypoglycemia several hours after receiving insulin. Which of the following medications is used in treating insulin- induced hypoglycemia?

A. GlucagonB. Metformin (Glucophage)C. Glyburide (DiaBeta)D. Glipizide (Glucotrol)

_____29. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the acute complications of diabetes mellitus. Which of the following nursing actions is appropriate on a ketoacidotic patient?

A. Administer Regular insulin IV, as ordered. B. Offer 4 oz of orange juice and check blood sugar in 15-30 minutes. C. Administer Metformin (Glucophage) po, if orderedD. Assess for hypoglycemia and rapid shallow breathing.

_____30. A nurse injects 40 units of NPH to a patient before breakfast at 0800. The nurse knows that she will assess her patient for hypoglycemic reactions before

A. lunchtimeB. supperC. bedtime D. breakfast the following day

_____31. A diabetic patient is taking multiple medications for her other chronic medical problems. Which of these medications may increase her blood sugar level?

A. Dexamethasone (Decadron)B. Acetylsalicylic acid (Aspirin)C. Metoprolol (Lopressor)D. Chlorpropamide (Diabinese)

_____32. The nurse is correct in administering an insulin injection if sheA. uses a 1-ml syringe with a 25 gauge needleB. injects the medication at a 45 degree angleC. pulls the skin towards the side before giving the injectionD. massage the injection site vigorously after administering the injection

_____33. A patient is prescribed Pioglitazone (Actos). The nurse knows that this medication is used in the management of:

A. hyperinsulinismB. diabetes mellitusC. ketoacidosisD. hypoglycemia

_____34. A diabetic patient suddenly complains of blurred vision, becomes confused, has tremors and cold clammy skin. This may be related to which of the following? The patient

A. has a blood sugar level of 55 mg/dlB. has a urine output of 1,500 mL in the previous shiftC. took a slice of cake and a bottle of soft drinks with lunch D. has a temperature of 37.4 C

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_____35. Which of the following patient statements indicate the most risk for developing diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA)?

A. “I’ve been in a lot of work-related stress lately.”B. “I’m very susceptible to respiratory tract infections at this time of the year.”C. “I usually forget if I have taken my insulin so I sometimes give myself an

extra dose to catch up with my schedule.”D. “I don’t feel like eating when I wake up in the morning.”

_____36. A patient who has been diabetic for 15 years develops neuropathy. Which of the following home care instructions will best prevent injury?

A. “Trim your toenails and in-growns every week to prevent toe infections.”B. “Take hot shower on your own to promote self-care and independence. C. “Make sure to clean the floor regularly before walking barefoot.” D. “Inspect inside your shoes before wearing them.”

_____37. Kimmelsteil-Wilson syndrome is as a chronic micro vascular complication of diabetes mellitus that affects the

A. glomerular basement membrane of the kidneysB. small blood vessels of the eyesC. peripheral and autonomic nervesD. contractility of the myocardial fibers

_____38. Which statement made by the patient regarding insulin requirements in relation to exercise needs further teaching?

A. “I may not need to take more insulin if I exercise.”B. “I need less insulin if I remain active with my exercise regimen.”C. “I need to take insulin before exercising.”D. “I need to eat something before an active workout.”

_____39. The nurse in the community is planning a teaching session and incorporates researches about conventional forms of diabetic management. Initial studies have shown that which native food sources help reduce blood sugar?

A. ampalaya and tilapiaB. malunggay and milkfish (bangus)C. alugbati and catfish (hito)D. camote leaves and chicken

_____40. A patient is diagnosed of Grave’s disease. The nurse assesses for the hallmarks of Grave’s disease which include:

A. hypertension, tachycardia and cardiomegalyB. hyperthyroidism, goiter, exophthalmosC. hypothyroidism, goiter, exophthalmosD. hypermetabolism, myxedema, bradycardia

_____41. The nurse would expect that a patient with hyperthyroidism will exhibitA. weight gainB. constipationC. hypotensionD. heat intolerance

_____42. The physician prescribes Propylthiouracil to a patient with hyperthyroidism. Which of the following statements made by the patient needs clarification?

A. “This medicine blocks the synthesis of thyroid hormone.”B. “I may be prone to develop infections while using this medication.”

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C. “I should expect my basal metabolism to increase with this medication.”

D. “I hope my thyroid hormones will start to decrease as I take this medicine.”

_____43. Weeks prior to surgery for an enlarged thyroid gland (goiter), the physician orders potassium iodide saturated solution (KISS) for which purpose?

A. to reduce the amount of circulating thyroid hormonesB. to stimulate production of thyroid hormonesC. to reduce the size and vascularity of the thyroid glandD. to prevent hypersensitivity reaction to anesthesia

_____44. Which of the following information gathered in the patient’s history strongly predisposes to goiter?

A. The patient’s mother has parathyroid hormone imbalance.B. The patient is 5 kilograms underweight. C. The patient lives in a remote village in the mountains.D. The patient had a total thyroidectomy 10 years ago.

_____45. The nurse admitting a patient with hyperthyroidism should place the patient in which of the following rooms?

A. a semi-private room near the nurse’ stationB. a private room at the end of the hallwayC. an open ward far from the nurse’s stationD. a private room near the nurse’s station

_____46. Which of the following types of diet should be planned for a patient with Grave’s disease?

A. high-calorie, low-residue dietB. high-calorie, high-residue dietC. low-calorie, low-residue dietD. low-calorie, high-residue diet

_____47. The nurse’s action is appropriate if she does which of the following to promote comfort in a patient with hypothyroidism?

A. Place the patient’s bed near the opened windows. B. Arrange to have an electric fan for the patient’s use.C. Offer extra sheets or blankets to the patient.D. Encourage the patient to take a bath twice a day.

_____48. The nurse taking care of a patient taking Propylthiouracil reviews the laboratory results and should notify the physician of the presence of

A. agranulocytosisB. leukocytosisC. hemolysisD. halitosis

_____49. The priority nursing diagnosis for a teenage patient with goiter will most likely beA. Acute pain related to enlarged thyroid glandB. Alteration in nutrition: less than body requirements related to

difficulty swallowing C. Knowledge deficit: disease process related to developmental

stageD. Altered elimination: diarrhea related to increased metabolism

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_____50. Which of the following assessment findings would be inconsistent with the diagnosis of hypothyroidism?

A. weight gainB. constipationC. generalized edemaD. hypertension

_____51. A patient with prolonged hyperthyroidism can develop which cardiovascular complication?

A. coronary artery diseaseB. heart failureC. orthostatic hypotensionD. cardiomyopathy

_____52. The nurse taking care of a patient after thyroidectomy identifies the priority nursing diagnosis as:

A. Altered tissue integrity related to surgical incisionB. Pain related to surgical incisionC. Ineffective airway clearance related to post-operative swellingD. Altered nutrition: less than body requirements related to surgery

_____53. Which of the following observations will make the nurse suspect of bleeding in a post-thyroidectomy patient?

A. The patient’s blood pressure increases and pulse rate decreases.B. The surgical dressing has a scant amount of sero- sanguineous

drainageC. The patient is swallowing frequently. D. The patient is drowsy and has slow shallow respirations.

_____54. During the post-operative period for thyroidectomy, the nurse observes muscle twitching on the patient’s arms as the blood pressure is being taken. This may likely be an indication of:

A. hypocalcemia caused by accidental removal of the parathyroid glands

B. hypothermia due to the temperature inside the recovery roomC. respiratory alkalosis due to inability to perform deep breathing

exercisesD. seizures related to effects of general anesthesia and narcotics

_____55. The nurse assesses for myxedema coma which can occur as a complication of:A. hypothyroidismB. hyperthyroidismC. goiterD. thyrotoxicosis

_____56. The nurse should question the physician if the hypothyroid patient is prescribed which of the following medications?

A. Lorazepam (Ativan)B. Acetaminophen (Tylenol)C. Levothyroxine sodium (Synthroid)D. Levostatin (Lipitor)

_____57. To reduce swelling on the post-operative site in a thyroidectomy patient, the most appropriate independent nursing intervention is to:A. provide cold drinks during the immediate post-operative period

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B. position the patient on semi-Fowler’s C. administer corticosteroidsD. provide humidified oxygen

_____58. Metoprolol (Lopressor) 100 mg po bid is ordered to a patient with hyperthyroidism for which purpose?

A. to treat tachycardiaB. to reduce thyroid hormone levelC. to slow down metabolismD. to prevent corneal abrasions

_____59. To prevent eye injury in a patient with exophthalmos related to Grave’s disease, the nurse should:

A. tape the eye shut with gauzeB. encourage the patient to blink frequently C. apply ordered methylcellulose eye drops D. offer the use of sunglasses at all times

_____60. The nurse asks the post-thyroidectomy patient to speak at 30-60 minute intervals and notes voice quality. This is done to assess:

A. swelling in the throatB. damage to the laryngeal nerveC. airway obstructionD. impending hemorrhage

_____61. The patient’s family asks the nurse the cause of Cushing’s disease. The nurse responds by saying that Cushing’s disease is caused by:

A. stimulation of the adrenal cortex due to a pituitary tumorB. overproduction of hormones caused by adrenal tumorC. deficiency of glucocorticoidsD. hypofunctioning of the adrenal medulla

_____62. The nurse manager reviews a new nurse’s care plan for a patient with Cushing’s syndrome. Which of the following nursing diagnosis formulated by the new nurse is inconsistent with Cushing’s syndrome?

A. Fluid volume excessB. Risk of blood glucose imbalance: hyperglycemiaC. Risk of infections and poor wound healingD. Risk for electrolyte imbalance related to fluid loss

_____63. Which of the following sets of laboratory results is an expected electrolyte imbalance among patients with Cushing’s syndrome ?

A. sodium-154, potassium-3.1, glucose-250B. sodium-148; potassium-3.8; glucose - 150C. sodium-129; potassium - 7.1; glucose - 200D. sodium - 120; potassium - 3.4; glucose - 75

_____64. Appropriate nursing intervention for a patient with Cushing’s syndrome includes:A. Monitor vital signs for the likelihood of hypotension. B. Encourage to have adequate intake of high-calorie and potassium-rich

foods. C. Provide adequate skin care and prevent exposure to persons with

infections.D. Advise patient to take steroid medications as prescribed.

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_____65. Patient’s with Cushing’s syndrome will most likely benefit from the administration of

A. AminoglutethemideB. Fludrocortisone acetateC. Calcium gluconateD. Intravenous dextrose solution

_____66. The priority nursing diagnosis of a patient with Addison’s disease isA. Altered nutrition: less than body requirementsB. Fluid volume deficitC. Risk of blood glucose imbalance: hyperglycemiaD. Altered body image

_____67. The most common cause of Addison’s disease isA. overuse of steroidsB. autoimmune C. pituitary tumorD. tumor of the adrenal gland

_____68. The nurse encourages a patient with Addison’s disease to have an adequate intake of which types of diet?

A. high-sodium, high-calorie, low-potassium dietB. low-sodium, high-calorie, high-potassium dietC. high-sodium, low-calorie, high-potassium dietD. low-sodium, low-calorie, low-potassium diet

_____69. A patients is rushed to the emergency department due to Addisonian crisis. A priority intervention for this patient is to:

A. perform an emergency adrenalectomyB. administer intravenous insulinC. infuse large amounts of intravenous fluidsD. give medications for lower back pain

_____70. A patient with Addison’s disease undergoes laboratory test which involves the administration of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and observation on the response to the test. A positive result if the patient has primary adrenal insufficiency is (Select all that apply):

A. an increase in cortisol levelB. no increase in cortical level C. a decrease in cortical level D. an increase in adrenocroticortopic hormone (ACTH) E. a decrease in adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) F. no change in adrenocorticitropic hormone (ACTH)

_____71. Patients with Addison’s disease are most likely prescribed which of the following medications except:A. Prednisolone (Prednisone)B. Hydrocortisone (Cortisol)C. DesoxycorticosteroneD. Hydromorphone (Dilaudid)

_____72. When evaluating effectiveness of health teaching on a patient receiving medications for treating Addison’s disease, which of the following nursing instructions verbalized by the patient needs to be clarified?

A. “I need to take this pill on an empty stomach.”B. “I will see my physician if I see blood in my stools.”

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C. “I need to stop the medication only as ordered and on a tapered dose.”D. “I may experience elevations in my blood sugar while taking these


_____73. A diabetic patient returns to the clinic to determine how well the blood sugar level was maintained in the past 2-3 months. Which of the following blood sugar tests will achieve that purpose?

A. Glycosylated hemoglobin (HA1C)B. Fasting blood sugar (FBS)C. Post-prandial blood sugar (PPBS)D. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)

_____74. A patient is admitted due to diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA). Which of the following electrolyte imbalances is likely to occur?

A. hypernatremiaB. hyperkalemiaC. hypocalcaemiaD. hypokalemia

_____75. Patients on diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) will more likely exhibit the following changes in their arterial blood gases (ABG):

A. pH - 7.56, pCO2 - 60 mmHg, HCO3 - 35 meq/LB. pH - 7.40, pCO2 - 44 mmHg, HCO3 - 24 meq/LC. pH - 7.34, pCO2 - 50 mmHg, HCO3 - 22 meq/LD. pH - 7.25, pCO2 - 30 mmHg, HCO3 - 19 meq/L

_____76. A pregnant mother has gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). She asks the nurse about the cause and effects of gestational diabetes to her pregnancy and its possible treatment. The nurse is accurate if she responds:

A. “GDM usually stays even after pregnancy.”B. “Patients with GDM has different set of manifestations compared to

patients with the regular type of diabetes.” C. “There is an urgent need to limit nutritional intake to control your blood sugar during pregnancy.”

D. “Hormones produced during pregnancy counteracts the effects of insulin.”

_____77. A baby is born from a diabetic mother. Which of the following findings made during newborn assessment is consistent with the effects of diabetes to newborns? The baby

A. has an Apgar score of 8. B. is macrosomic. C. is alert and stares. D. has increased amount of vernix caseosa.

_____78. A patient presents to the emergency department with pheochromocytoma. Which of the following assessment findings is consistent with this diagnosis?

A. hypertension and hyperglycemiaB. hypotension and hypoglycemiaC. hypertension and hypoglycemiaD. hypotension and hyperglycemia

_____79. After an adrenalectomy to treat pheochromocytoma, the most important nursing responsibility is to

A. monitor the patient’s vital signs every 15 minutes for at least an hourB. offer medications to relieve severe pain as neededC. accurately document urine output every hour

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D. perform blood glucose checks every hour

_____80. Laboratory results of a patient with pheochromocytoma will reveal:A. high vanillylmandelic acid and epinephrine levelsB. elevated epinephrine and decreased blood glucose levelsC. decreased vanillylmandelic acid and epinephrine levelsD. decreased epinephrine and low blood sugar levels

_____81. A patient with a pituitary tumor underwent a transsphenoidal hypophysectomy. The nurse cautiously monitors the patient’s urine output and urinary specific gravity (USG). Which of the following assessment data alerts the nurse for an impending diabetes insipidus?

A. urine output of 240 cc for 8 hours, USG 1.015B. urine output of 500 cc for 4 hours, USG of 1.010C. urine output of 1000 cc for 12 hours, USG of 1.008D. urine output of 2000 cc for 8 hours, USG of 1.002

_____82. The nurse recognizing the patient is at risk if diabetes insipidus should do which of the following interventions?

A. Regulate the intravenous fluid at KVO rate.B. Provide clear liquids at the bedside at all times. C. Auscultate the lungs and listen for moist crackles. D. Monitor the vital signs for any increase in blood pressure.

_____83. The nurse expects the physician to order which of the following medications for a patient with diabetes insipidus?

A. Doxorubicin B. Desmopressin acetate C. Dexamethasone D. Doxycycline

_____84. Which of the following discharge instructions would be most helpful to a patient who underwent transnasal hypophysectomy?

A. “Blow your nose often to promote nasal drainage.”B. “Always take your prescribed hormonal replacements.”C. “Fever is expected and is normal after surgery.”D. “Lifting objects is allowed to a maximum 10 kilograms.”

_____85. A patient with suspected pituitary tumor presents to a neurosurgeon at the early stage of the disease. The patient is expected to have a chief complaint of:

A. changes in visionB. confusionC. hemorrhage D. paraplegia

_____86.The nurse should monitor a patient with diabetes insipidus for the possible development of

A. dehydration B. hypertension C. pulmonary edema D. hemorrhage

_____87. A patient who underwent a major surgery is prone to develop syndrome of inappropriate antiduretic hormone (SIADH). This condition occurs as a result of:

A. failure to produce anti-diuretic hormoneB. excessive release of anti-diuretic hormoneC. removal of the hypothalamus which produces the anti- diuretic hormone

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D. a negative feedback mechanism in response to fluid overload during surgery

_____88. The nurse recalls that patients who have undergone cranial surgery may exhibit syndrome of inappropriate anti diuretic hormone (SIADH) post-operatively. The nurse recalls that the pathophysiology of SIADH involves an

A. increased sodium and water retention in the kidneysB. increased water reabsorption from the renal tubulesC. decreased sodium and water excretion from the kidneysD. decreased water reabsorption from the renal tubules

_____89. The priority nursing diagnosis of patients with syndrome of inappropriate anti-diuretic hormone is:

A. Fluid volume excessB. Fluid volume deficitC. Risk for electrolyte imbalance: hypernatremiaD. Altered urinary elimination: frequency

_____90. A patient with increased levels of the hormone prolactin is expected to present withA. hirsutismB. galactorrheaC. amenorrheaD. menorrhagia

_____91. A nurse in the medical unit is assigned 4 patients. Which of the following patients will the nurse assess first?

A. a 23-year old newly diagnosed of diabetes mellitusB. a 34-year old scheduled for thyroidectomy in the morningC. a 45-year old admitted for pheochromocytomaD. a 54-year old for blood draw to assess Cushing’s disease

_____92. The nurse in the general medicine ward is responsible for 4 patients in her shift. Which of the following patients should be discharged first?

A. a 17-year old with juvenile diabetes in acute exacerbation with glucose of 250 mg/dl

B. a 24-year old who had a subtotal thyroidectomy the previous dayC. a 34-year old who returned to the unit after bilateral adrenalectomyD. a 49-year old who had diabetes insipidus with a urine specific gravity of 1.015

two days after hypophysectomy

_____93. The charge nurse is making the day’s patient assignment using team nursing as a mode of nursing care delivery. Which of the following activities can be delegated to the nursing assistant?

A. Assess the level of consciousness of a patient who is admitted due to myxedema coma.

B. Gather information regarding medications on a newly admitted patient with goiter.

C. Reposition a patient who just had thyroidectomy. D. Check the blood sugar of a diabetic patient.

_____94. The charge nurse will assign which of the following patients to the most experienced medical-surgical nurse?

A. a 6-year old with diabetic ketoacidosisB. a 24-year old with goiter scheduled for thyroidectomy C. a 45-year old who had transsphenoidal hypophysectomy

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D. a 65-year old who needs diabetic foot care _____95. A nurse plans for the diet of a patient with thyroid hormone deficiency. Which of the following should be included since it is essential in the synthesis of thyroid hormones?

A. iodine B. ironC. vitamin D D. zinc

______96. The nurse should assess a child diagnosed with a deficiency in thyroid hormone for significant alterations in

A. bone growthB. glucose metabolism C. brain development D. calcium metabolism

_____97. Which of the following reflects the function of parathyroid hormone? A. reduced calcium absorption from the kidneys B. increased calcium absorption from the digestive tract C. decreased bone resorption D. increased blood phosphorus level

_____98. A patient with hyperparathyroidism is at risk for A. bone infections B. seizures C. renal stones D. respiratory obstruction

_____99. The nurses assesses Chvostek’s sign in a patient with tetany by A. tapping the facial muscle in front of the ears B. occluding the arm with a blood pressure cuff C. pressing the abdomenD. checking deep tendon reflexes

_____100. The most appropriate management for hypercalcemic crisis in a patient with hyperparathyroidism is

A. bed rest B. hydration therapy C. administration of calcium gluconate D. nutritional counseling

_____101. Arrange the following steps, from numbers 1-5, to describe the proper technique of insulin administration.

_____ Aspirate the plunger and observe for blood return. _____ Grasp a fold of skin on the abdomen. _____ Apply pressure on the injection site. _____ Inject the medication at a 45-degree angle. _____ Clean the skin with an alcohol pad.

_____102. The nurse preparing 2 insulin medications, 4 units of Regular insulin and 10 units of NPH insulin, in 1 insulin syringe should perform the following steps in which sequence? Arrange the steps from 1-4.

_____ Inject air into the clear vial. _____ Aspirate 4 units of Regular insulin. _____ Aspirate 10 units of NPH insulin. _____ Inject air into the cloudy vial.

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_____103. A patient on diabetic ketoacidosis is ordered fluid therapy of NS+20 KCl 1 liter to run for 4 hours. How should the nurse regulate the intravenous fluid rate if the drop factor of the IV set is 15 gtts/mL?

_____________________ gtts/min

_____104. The nurse carefully monitors a patient on insulin drip and checks the patient’s blood sugar every

A. 15-30 minutes B. 1-2 hours C. 4-6 hours D. 6-8 hours

_____105. Identify the letter that corresponds to the site that is most commonly used for insulin administration.

_____106. A nurse is monitoring the patient’s vital signs after thyroidectomy. The nurse should anticipate an order of which of the following medications at the bedside?

A. Potassium chloride B. Calcium gluconate C. Epinephrine hydrochloride D. Heparin sodium

_____107. A nurse is doing a discharge teaching to a patient with hypothyroidism regarding his home medication, Levothyroxine (Synthroid). The nurse should instruct the patient to

A. increase oral fluid intake B. take the medication at night C. monitor the pulse regularly D. assess weight weekly

_____108. The nurse knows that a diabetic patient’s blood sugar has been in good control for the past 3 months if she sees which of the following laboratory values?

A. Fasting blood sugar of 105 mg/dl B. Post-prandial blood sugar of 140 mg/dl C. Random blood glucose of 110 mg/dl D. Glycosylated hemoglobin of 6%

_____109. The nurse giving discharge instructions to a patient with Cushing’s syndrome should emphasize the need for a diet that is

A. high in calories B. low in potassium C. high in fiber

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D. low in sodium

_____110.A patient is admitted due to thyrotoxicosis. Which of the following assessments support this diagnosis? The patient

A. has a serum cholesterol of >200 mg/dl B. complains of increased sensitivity to cold C. has a pulse rate of 145 beats per minuteD. is lethargic and confused