The company turned 12 years old in September 2014 and has been based in Kokstad (KZN) since 2003. 2014 The Year in Review Scientific Roets (PTY) Ltd is a private company serving Rural and Enterprise Development What we do Agricultural and Rural Enterprise Project Management through our Project Manage- ment Unit, Training through our Learning Division (Provisionally regis- tered with Depart- ment of Higher Edu- cation and Training as a Private FET College, and Fully Accredited Training Service Pro- vider and Institute of Sectoral and Occupa- tional Excellence of AgriSETA, with the NQF 4 New Venture Creation programme registered with Ser- vicesSETA), Agricultural research (contract research and ad hoc research regarding indigenous resources, nutrition and agricultural eco- nomics) through AgriSPACE and Development of inno- vative new products and services through our Research and Development Divi- sion. 1

End year report 2014 - Scientific Roets year report 2014.pdf · compiling the report for each activity for the purposes of claiming points towards the com-pany’s BBBEE scorecard

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Page 1: End year report 2014 - Scientific Roets year report 2014.pdf · compiling the report for each activity for the purposes of claiming points towards the com-pany’s BBBEE scorecard

The company turned 12 years old

in September 2014 and has been based in Kokstad (KZN) since


2014 The Year in Review

Scientific Roets (PTY) Ltd is a private

company serving Rural and Enterprise


What we do • Agricultural and Rural

Enterprise Project

Management through our Project Manage-

ment Unit,

• Training through our

Learning Division

(Provisionally regis-tered with Depart-

ment of Higher Edu-cation and Training as

a Private FET College, and Fully Accredited

Training Service Pro-

vider and Institute of Sectoral and Occupa-

tional Excellence of AgriSETA, with the

NQF 4 New Venture

Creation programme registered with Ser-


• Agricultural research

(contract research

and ad hoc research regarding indigenous

resources, nutrition and agricultural eco-

nomics) through AgriSPACE and

• Development of inno-

vative new products

and services through

our Research and

Development Divi-



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What do we believe in? The Mission of Scientific Roets (PTY) Ltd is

“Within the spirit of the African Renaissance,

we assist local, district, provincial and nation-

al authorities and other development agen-

cies to achieve their rural community and

enterprise development goals. We design

and implement innovative rural and agricul-

tural enterprises, infrastructure and institu-

tions, and provide the relevant accredited

capacity building”.

All our work in rural

development is based on

our belief in the comple-

mentarity of the four

“Prime Movers of Ru-

ral Development”:

• Agriculture (it is the

key to unlocking the

potential of rural com-


• Infrastructure and

equipment (it must be

technologically viable

and appropriate to its


• Institutional Innova-

tion (enterprises must

engender empower-

ment and improve

livelihoods) and

• Capacity building

(Should be associated

with job-creation,

encourage entrepre-

neurship and “Life

-long” learning).

Scientific Roets (PTY)

Ltd has developed a

methodology which com-

bines participatory busi-

ness planning, intricate

market knowledge and

the creation of viable

market linkages, appro-

priate skills development,

and the development of

the relevant infrastructure

and equipment require-

ments. A mentorship

phase is built into all

rural enterprise develop-


We are passionate about

South Africa. We believe

in our government’s leg-

islation and policies and

contribute enthusiastical-

ly to our country’s

growth and maintenance.

A valid Tax Clearance

Certificate is available on


BBBEE SCORE: Scientific Roets (PTY)

Ltd has achieved a score of 96.82, making us a

Level Two Contributor!

The employees of Scientific

Roets own 51% of the compa-


Our team members are highly

technically qualified, confident

in their abilities and competent

in their decision-making. We

have a flat organizational

structure, and high employ-

ment equity.

We contribute between 3 and

16% of our salary roll per year

to learning new skills (the tar-

get of the BEE Scorecard is 2


We contribute all our time,

energy and passion to social

and enterprise development.

This demonstrates that our

company “talks” and “walks”

empowerment and growth.

Clients can multiply their spend

on our services by 125% when

calculating their own BEE


We are a qualifying Enterprise

Development beneficiary

(Category A) – Contributions

made to our company can be

considered for Enterprise De-

velopment points on the

BBBEE scorecard.

A copy of our BEE verification

certificate is available on re-



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What is our Expertise? We only work with rural beneficiaries and have contributed to more than 150

projects (whether training, mentoring, enterprise development, institutional

development or infrastructure development) in the 12 years of our operation.

The staff members of Scientific Roets are

highly experienced in working with devel-

opment and LED projects (SMME’s, Co-

operatives, Agriculture, Poultry Projects,

Plant Production, Goat, Beef, Tourism and

Infrastructure projects).

Dr Merida Roets (Pr. Sci. Nat) has exten-

sive experience in agriculture and rural

development. She has 20 years of experi-

ence in agricultural research and rural de-

velopment with emphasis on the use of

indigenous and local resources and capaci-

ties, designing and developing rural devel-

opment projects and mentorship of young


Mr Zama Madikizela (B.Tech. Animal

Production), the Operations Manager,

oversees and contributes to the work of

five Agricultural Liaison Officers: Mr

Mpho Mazubane (B.Tech. Animal Produc-

tion), Mr Brian Mvuyana (N.Dip. Agricul-

ture), Mr Mandla Rangana (N.Dip. Agri-

culture), Ms Nonkanyiso Ntshangase

(N.Dip.Agric.Ext.) and Ms Nonsindiso

Mbili (N.Dip.Agric. Ext.).

New product and service innovation are

managed by Dr Merida Roets under the

auspices of AgriSPACE, our Research and

Development Division. This Division cur-

rently concentrates on new learning pro-

grammes (Early Childhood Development,

Agricultural Research Management, IP

rights, Science Writing, ABET), new train-

ing methodologies (RPL and E-learning),

future business opportunities

(AgriSPACE – Agricultural Science

and Practical Assessment Centre of Excel-

lence – Contract research facility and agri-

cultural assessment centre) and products of

use to the agricultural industry.

The team are highly experienced in


• SAQA aligned and Unit Standards-

based Learnership and Skills Pro-

gramme training and assessment (We

have trained more than 1600 learners/

farmers/ entrepreneurs/co-operative

members in vegetable, livestock and

poultry production and enterprise devel-

opment (New Venture Creation) since

obtaining accreditation from AgriSETA

in 2004),

• ABET training (we understand rural

illiteracy and have incorporated ways to

mitigate its impact in all our training


• Conducting feasibility studies for vari-

ous rural development enterprises (we

understand the constraints that rural

beneficiaries face regarding transaction

costs, lack of up- and down-stream link-

ages and economies of scale),

• Community liaison and social facilita-

tion (we acknowledge that project fail-

ure is usually due to poor communica-

tion, lack of participatory approaches,

exclusion, and poor institutional ar-


• Implementation and management of

rural and enterprise development initia-

tives (our experience is that mentoring,

business knowledge and day-to-day


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business management and communica-

tion with beneficiaries is key to rural

enterprise success).

The team are experienced agricultural train-

ing facilitators, registered assessors and/or

moderators (our team are all qualified and

experienced agriculturalists having, not only,

theoretical knowledge, but practical work-

place and personal farming experience).

Dr Merida Roets has contributed regularly as

resource person and facilitator to the capaci-

ty building activities of various developing

nations’ National Agricultural Research

Services (NARS). These capacity building

activities have included: Agricultural Re-

search Management Training (Ghana, South

Africa), Agricultural Priority Setting with

ASARECA and ECAPAPA (Uganda, Ken-

ya), Agricultural Research Management with

Innovation Systems Perspective (Ethiopia)

and Results-Oriented Programme Planning,

Learning and Capacity Building (Papua New


Dr Merida Roets brings a wealth of

knowledge regarding various Develop-

ment Perspectives such as: Agriculture

Research for Development, Sustainable

Rural Livelihoods, Institutional Innova-

tion, Innovation’s Perspective for Rural

Development, Farming Systems Research

and Extension, Value-Chain analysis and

development, Asset-Based Approaches to

Rural Development, Results-Oriented

Programme Planning, Learning and Ca-

pacity Building and Sustainable “Green”


Infrastructure development is handled by a

sister company Scientific Roets Engineering

Services lead by Adriaan Roets (Pr.Eng.-

ECSA registration number 20030180) who is

supported by Mr Zamindlela Godlimpi

(Nat.Dip.Eng.). Previous rural infra-

structure projects include design and

site supervision of rural (gravel) and black-

top roads, water reticulation, dams, reser-

voirs, pump-stations, pipelines, agricultural

infrastructure, agro-processing facilities,

hydroponics tunnels, retaining walls, tourism

complexes, landfill sites, storm-water drain-

age, sports fields, RDP housing, airfield

resurfacing and refuse transfer stations. (The

development of appropriate rural infrastruc-

ture for both small and large agricultural

enterprises is managed by this team.)

The team is efficiently supported by Ms.

Zukiswa Sonqwenqwe our Office Adminis-

trator, Mr Dumisani Dingindlela our Human

Resources Officer and Ms. Eunice Dlamini

our General Assistant.

Scientific Roets continues with services

to assist SMME’s in business training,

business mentorship, the development

of Business Plans and Feasibility Stud-

ies, assisting SMME’s with tenders and

procurement, and the provision of both

business-oriented and technical-

oriented information in service to

SMME’s. This includes the provision of

the NQF 4 New Venture Creation

(SMME’s) learnership and identifying

business opportunities for rural entre-


Scientific Roets (PTY) Ltd is an accred-

ited Training Service Provider of Agri-

SETA and has successfully completed

training programmes (ABET, Skills

Programmes and Learnerships) for


Services SETA. All training is SAQA

aligned and Unit Standards based. We

are a provisionally accredited Private

FET College of the Department of

Higher Education and Training.

CV’s of Project Team members are

available on request.


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2. AgriSETA—Recognition of Prior learning - ISOE Research and

Pilot Project

Scientific Roets is well-placed to develop an

RPL tool for the competency assessment of

agricultural entrepreneurs and farm workers.

The development of the RPL tool has gone

through several iterations and the innovative

use of an E-Learning platform has been

agreed. Development of the E-Learning

platform of the NQF 1 Animal Production,

supported by a Log Book, Assessment tools,

Alignment matrices and Policies and Proce-

dures have been undertaken in 2013. This

project will soon be piloted.

Projects spilling over from 2013


PANNAR Training is an on-going pro-

gramme that aims at enhancing the skills of

the company staff of all the sections, includ-

ing research, packing and storage, receiving,

etc. and of all branches of the company

around the country. Unit Standards are there-

fore selected (with the guidance of local fa-

cilitators and supervisors) from various quali-

fications and are packaged to suite the unique

training needs of the individuals undergoing

training at that particular time.

Our contact session with assessment candi-

dates was planned to take place on the 14th

and 15th of October 2013. The purpose was

to conduct a pre-assessment meeting with the

learners. The learner workbooks were used to

prepare learners for assessment. The facilita-

tor gave the learners some feedback on the

work that they did on their learner work-

books. Assessments would then be conduct-

ed once learners confirmed their readiness for

assessment. There were 7 candidates that

were involved in this assessment session.

Their names will appear in Chapter 2 below

in the “List of learners trained”.

The identification of learners who are partici-

pating in this programme and the selection of

relevant Unit Standards was done by

PANNAR. The learners then studied on their

own using the learner guide and the learner

workbook. They compiled impressive port-

folios of evidence through their work books,

putting additional pieces of evidence from

their work place where such was required.

Assessments were conducted on the 14th and

15th of October 2013.

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2014 Projects

1. BBBEE Enterprise Development and Socio-Economic Development

Services to private companies

Scientific Roets provides BBBEE (Broad

Based Black Economic Empowerment) ser-

vices to private companies seeking to improve

their BBBEE scores. This allows funds to be

channeled to worthy entrepreneurial develop-

ment and socio-economic development initia-

tives identified by Scientific Roets. The ser-

vice entails identifying relevant initiatives,

facilitating the transfer of funds to the entity

(either directly or through purchase of goods

or provision of services such as training), and

compiling the report for each activity for the

purposes of claiming points towards the com-

pany’s BBBEE scorecard.

Some of these initiatives for 2014 are de-

scribed in the pages to follow:

Jen’s School in Kokstad, KZN, has provided

education to hundreds of Kokstad children

since 2001. They indicated a dire need for

educational toys. Matsei Technologies and

Consulting provided R 18 000 towards the

purchase of a wide range of materials.

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2014 Projects

Continued: BBBEE Enterprise Development and Socio-Economic De-

velopment Services to private companies

Scientific Roets are as-

sisting with the develop-

ment of a Vegetable

Gardening Service Enter-

prise. This programme

has been supported with

funds obtained from the

Segal Family Founda-

tion, the Expanded Pub-

lic Works Programme

and C&S Forestry Ser-


A potential income-

generating opportunity

has now arisen for this

team. This opportunity

will assist the Gardening

Ambassadors to gain

experience of growing

for gain. A local NGO of

Kokstad, Yondlabantu, is

in the process of being

awarded a Department of

Social Welfare contract

to purchase food and

supply meals to 74 or-

phans in the Swartberg

area for a period of one

year. Discussions with

Yondlabantu have en-

sured that the meals will

consist of more than just

soup and bread; vegeta-

bles will be added to the

lunch menus. It has been

agreed that


will procure

the fresh pro-

duce from the



at market-

related prices

throughout the

year of their

contract with

the Department of Social

Development. Six Gar-

dening Ambassadors

have agreed to take on

the challenge of produc-

ing vegetables for this

worthy cause.

An amount of R 10 800

was made available by

Boleng Distributors to

assist the vegetable

production of these

growers, allowing

them to plant now in

time to have fresh

produce ready for sale

by April 2014 when

the Social Develop-

ment project of

Yondlabantu starts.

Boleng Distributors

have again provided

financial support to St

Theresa’s Children’s Project in

Kokstad. St Theresa’s Children’s

Project (NPO 080-618) was es-

tablished to provide regular nu-

trition and life skills during the

early development of underprivi-

leged children in the areas of

Riverview and Eastview in the

township of Bhongweni in Kok-



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2014 Projects Continued: BBBEE Enterprise Development and Socio-Economic De-

velopment Services to private companies

Crossroads Children’s Home in Matatiele in the Eastern Cape, has provided care to hundreds

of children since 2000. C&S Forestry Services requested that their funds should be chan-

nelled towards this important initiative. Scientific Roets paid an amount of R 4 293.00 direct-

ly to the Home on their behalf.

Business training of Kokstad Hawkers

Scientific Roets constantly seeks ways in which it can assist with the national drive of entre-

preneurial development and job-creation. Discussions in-house identified the need to assist

local hawkers improve their viability. One manner identified in which Scientific Roets could

assist was with the provision of training on financial concepts.

14 Hawkers within Kokstad Town approached Scientific Roets to help them improve their

financial literacy. All 14 Hawkers indicated that they had no previous formal financial train-

ing and that this lack of understanding was seriously impeding their ability to manage their

meagre incomes. It was decided to offer training to these hawkers over a two-day period. The

Skills Programme started on the 4th of February and ended on the 5th of February 2014. All

fourteen (14) learners attended the training which took place at the Scientific Roets Learning

Centre in Kokstad, KwaZulu Natal. This training was funded by Matsei Technologies and

Consulting (PTY) Ltd to the amount of R 24 000 as their contribution towards entrepreneuri-

al development.


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Projects of 2014 2. Egugwini Land Reform Project—NQF 2

Mixed Farming Learnership

The Land Reform programme of AgriSETA serves to

provide much-needed skills to Land Reform benefi-

ciaries. The Egugwini Community Trust near Colenso,

KZN, is one such group who have now completed an

NQF 2 Mixed Farming learnership under the leader-

ship of Mpho Mazubane.

The Egugwini Community Trust NQF Level 2 Mixed

Systems Learnership was funded by AgriSETA. The

training had ten (10) unemployed learners and took

place at the Egugwini Farm in Colenso in the Lady-

smith Local Municipality of KwaZulu-Natal Province.

This Learnership commenced on the 15th of July 2013

and was completed in April 2014. The Egugwini Com-

munity Trust is currently specialising in plant produc-

tion, broiler production and small stock production.


Vegetable Value-Adding

Scientific Roets has completed

the skills component of the 2nd

Phase of this empowering initi-

ative. Following on the success

of Phase 1, where 90 house-

holds in 3 villages around Un-

derberg, KZN, were provided

skills, equipment and infrastruc-

ture for household food securi-

ty, Phase 2 aimed to develop

these communities commercial-

ly – albeit on a small scale.

Thirty (30) individuals were

chosen from Phase 1 to under-

take Phase 2 which would in-

clude the establishment of larg-

er vegetable lands, establish-

ment of co-operatives, business

skills, and value-adding exper-

tise, tools and infrastructure in

the 3 villages.

The skills component of Phase

2 was completed by Scientific

Roets. The project is managed

by KwaSani Local Municipality

and funded by the AgriBusiness

Development Agency, KZN.


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Projects of 2014

4. National Skills Fund—

Sisonke Development Agen-

cy—Bursary and Stipend


Scientific Roets was awarded the

tender to provide financial manage-

ment services to the Sisonke De-

velopment Agency National Skills

Fund Project. This project entails

the training of 1000 learners and 20

bursary recipients in two phases. A

service provider was sought with

the necessary capacity to manage

the monthly payment of bursaries

and stipends in two phases to these

1000 learners. Learners are being

trained in artisan (plumbing, con-

struction, road works, waste water

reticulation, waste water treatment,

sanitation, automotive, domestic

appliance, welding, diesel mechan-

ics) and agricultural (plant produc-

tion, silviculture, crop production,

poultry production and animal

production) related fields. Phase 1

was completed in September 2014.


New Venture Creation programme for emergent

citrus growers

In 2013 Scientific Roets was approached by the Citrus Growers Academy regard-

ing their NQF 4 New Venture Creation Programme - they being one of a select

few training service providers in the agricultural sector to have developed the pro-

gramme and to be accredited for its delivery. The CGA purchased the entire pro-

gramme and along with Scientific Roets applied to AgriSETA to implement the

programme in 2014/2015 with 20 emergent Citrus Growers. This funding was ap-

proved. These growers are already successful citrus growers whose produce is

exported, however, their weakness remains their business acumen. The CGA re-

aligned the learning material and Scientific Roets started facilitating the pro-

gramme in September 2014 at the Mpofu Agricultural Development Campus in the

Eastern Cape. The programme is scheduled for completion in April 2015.


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The Amalungelo Poultry Cooperative Skills Programme was funded by AgriSETA

to train 20 learners on poultry production and new venture creation. Scientific

Roets managed to train a total of 22 unemployed learners. This Skills Programme

commenced on the 2nd of June 2014 and it was completed on the 27th of June

2014. The training took place at the Nsingizi Village under UMzimkulu Municipal-

ity in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. This training aimed at improving the broiler

production and business management skills of Amalungelo Poultry Cooperative.

The project was ably managed

by Mr Mpho Mazubane.

Projects of 2014 6. Amalungelo Poultry and Business Skills Programme

7. Development of Certificate in Feed Milling Technology: Milling Shop Floor Development Programme for Rainbow Chicken Limited

It is with great excitement that the development of learning material for RCL Foods has been undertaken. The task comprises the development of learning mate-rial in 9 modules and includes an introduction and ori-entation manual, assessment tools and facilitation slides. The work has progressed slowly due to the highly technical nature of the content, but the commu-nication with the RCL Foods Learning Manager for Processing and Milling has been consistent and itera-tive. Facilitation of the programme by Scientific Roets is currently being discussed with possible roll-out to take place as from March 2015 at five RCL Foods mills. Dr Roets is in charge of these activities.

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Scientific Roets was appointed as the Training

Provider for the Queenstown - Eastern Cape, Basic

Entrepreneurial Skills Development (BESD) Pro-

ject of SEDA. The aim is to conduct training for

Entrepreneurial Development Practitioner learners, to enable them, in turn, to con-

duct one-one-one coaching/training for emerging entrepreneurs at their own busi-

ness premises. SEDA, a national public entity under the Department of Trade and

Industry has implemented the Basic Entrepreneurial Skills Development (BESD)

Project for emerging entrepreneurs which has been developed by the German Gov-

ernment for South Africa in terms of the development cooperation between the gov-

ernment of the Republic of South Africa and the Government of the Federal Repub-

lic of Germany. The German Government through the Deutsche Gesellschaft Fur

Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) made a commitment to provide technical

assistance to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and SEDA

regarding the roll-out of the BESD Project. The training, lasting a total of 147 days,

started on the 1st of September and will conclude on the 30th of April 2015. The

training is progressing very well with an enthusiastic group of 12 learners. As part

of the commitment of Scientific Roets to

the enterprise development of these learn-

ers, Scientific Roets provided each learner

with either a desktop or laptop computer

and memory sticks. These tools are used

frequently during the training and will

assist these budding entrepreneurs to de-

velop their small consulting practices.

2014 Projects 8. SEDA - Basic Entrepreneurial Skills Development Project, Queenstown

9. Tourism Buddies Kokstad Project Management

In 2012, Scientific Roets assisted with the Tourism Ambassadors Pro-gramme of the National Department of Tourism. The programme is back in a new form, the Tourism Buddies. Scientific Roets is assisting the Project Management company for the KwaZulu-Natal section of the project with the management of 35 tourism buddies in the Kokstad area. In this regard we have appointed our own Tourism Buddy, Ms. Bakhona Bambeni, to assist with driving this project. Our work here includes finding placements for the learners at host employers, administration of attendance registers, checking on their progress and hosting the three Food & Beverage training sessions in the Scientific Roets Learning Centre over the next year.

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The Asisukume-Msinga Cooperative Skills Programme was funded by AgriSETA

to train 20 learners on maize production. The training commenced on the 29th Sep-

tember 2014 and was completed on the 20th of November 2014. The training took

place at Mawele High School at Msinga in the KwaZulu-Natal Province. The train-

ing aimed at improving the maize production skills of the Asisukume-Msinga Co-

operative which wishes to implement a no-till farming system. Six (6) Unit Stand-

ards were trained and assessed. Twenty (20) learners were deemed competent

against all unit standards. A successful field trip to an experienced commercial

farmer took place on the 19th of November 2014. The project was ably managed by

Mr Mpho Mazubane.

Projects of 2014 10. No-Till Maize Skills Programme

11. Innovation Hub—New Venture Creation Project

The Climate Innovation Centre of the Innovation Hub in Pretoria has imple-mented a “Green Learnership” to assist 10 entrepreneurs to develop and/or improve their small businesses in the Green sector. The programme com-menced in April 2014 and will conclude in March 2015. The Innovation Hub sought the services of an accredited training service provider to assist with the development of business skills within the broader programme. In July 2014 Scientific Roets was appointed to deliver the New Venture Crea-tion NQF 4 Learnership programme to the 10 young entrepreneurs. The pro-gramme started on the 4th of August and will conclude on the 2nd of De-cember with each learner presenting a comprehensive business plan to a panel of potential funders organized by the CIC. Merida has served as facili-tator on this project with Zama Madikizela assisting as assessor. The admin-istration of the programme will be completed in January 2015.

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Tourism activities within the Alfred Nzo District

Municipal region are fragmented and local munici-

pality boundary specific. Although local initiatives

are essential, a district or regional level intervention which seeks to consolidate all

tourism related programmes and projects holds a high degree of significance for the

development of this sector and provides a way that tourism can assist to improve

local economic development. To affect this approach the development of a Beach

to Berg Corridor was identified through the ANDM - Tourism Sector Plan. The

ANDM – LED required the assistance of a service provider to develop an imple-

mentation and development plan in partnership

with local role-players and stakeholders. Scien-

tific Roets (PTY) Ltd submitted a proposal and

was awarded the bid. The Sustainable Tourism

Partnership Programme and the Tourism Grad-

ing Council of South Africa were approached

to assist with specific aspects of the project.

Two-day participatory workshops were held in each of the four local municipalities

to identify noteworthy places and events. These “magnets” or “hooks” are those

places that tourists may be interested to see. At these workshops , at least four

“magnets” were identified for each local municipality. Events were also added

where identified as relevant. Dr Merida Roets and Bakhona Bambeni of Scientific

Roets accompanied by Niki Glen and Moagisi Molebatsi of STPP, joined local mu-

nicipal officials and community members to visit each of the sites. At each site an

infrastructure, location, accessibility and potential assessment was done and photos

and GPS co-ordinates were taken. The overall impression of the products and op-

portunities for the route was


A presentation to report on the findings was done to the ANDM on the 17th of No-

vember. The Development and Implementation Plan is now being written.

2014 Projects 12. Beach-to-Berg Tourism Route Development for Alfred Nzo Dis-trict Municipality

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Human Resources

Studies Being Undertaken

Ms. Nonkanyiso Ntshangase and Ms. Nonsindiso Mbili are currently undertaking

their degrees in B.Tech. (Agricultural Development and Extension) and Mr Brian

Mvuyane is currently undertaking his B.Tech. (Animal Production) at the Tshwane

University of Technology. Mr Zama Madikizela is completing his Masters of Com-

merce in Leadership in the Local Economic Development Programme of the Univer-

sity of KZN.

Tender Challenge 2014

The Scientific Roets team set

itself the challenge of increasing

the number of tenders and pro-

posals submitted with the aim to

maintain the hit rate and obtain

increased appointments. In 2013

59 tenders or proposals were

submitted and 19 new projects

were awarded to us.

2014 has proved more challeng-

ing - we feel that the elections

delayed government department

calls and the economic down-

turn has certainly played its role.

As at end November 2014 we

have submitted 32 proposals or

tenders and have been awarded



The Scientific Roets

team is a close-knit

family, so it is al-

ways sad when we

need to say goodbye

to one of our team

members. This year

we have lost our

long-term friend

Mnonopheli Madikizela. Mnonopheli has

long held the vision to develop his own

citrus farm, so he has taken the bold step of

joining the Department of Agriculture in

Bizana, to be closer to his homestead where

he hopes to establish his operation in his

spare time. We wish him luck and already

miss him terribly.


New Appointments

Ms. Bakhona Bambeni has joined the Sci-

entific Roets team. Appointed within the

Tourism Buddies Programme, Bakhona has

already shown her worth by assisting with

the administration of the Tourism Buddies

Kokstad Programme as well as assisting on

the Beach-to-Berg Route Development. We

wish Bakhona all the best for her time with

Scientific Roets - hopefully for many years

to come!

Page 17: End year report 2014 - Scientific Roets year report 2014.pdf · compiling the report for each activity for the purposes of claiming points towards the com-pany’s BBBEE scorecard

Travel and Conferences Last year Dr Merida Roets attended Sustainability Week 2013 which was held at the Sandton

Convention Centre. This year she was an invited speaker! Merida presented two case studies

on Tourism for Rural Development, taking the AmaBhaca Craft and Encounter EG Country

and Garden Festival success stories as examples. The presentation formed part of the Respon-

sible Tourism Workshop and was well received. At this event Scientific Roets held discus-

sions with the Sustainable Tourism Partnership Programme regarding collaboration which has

led to the signing of an MOA and the first collaboration taking place - on the Beach-to-Berg

Route Development. We look forward to a long and fruitful collaboration with this dynamic



In February 2014 Dr Merida Roets met with EgoliBio, an organization housed at the Innova-

tion Hub in Pretoria, that assists innovators in bringing their Biotechnology to market. Scien-

tific Roets potentially has 3 patents that they would like assistance in developing to marketable

agri-technology products. The ideas were well-received and an MOU was put in place to de-

velop the first. Subsequently, a funding proposal, endorsed by EgoliBio, has been submitted to

the SPII programme of the Department of Trade and Industry. Further funding proposals to the

Technology Innovation Agency are currently being developed.

Technology Development

AgriSPACE Developments To align ourselves with the pending changes to the Learning Landscape in South Africa, Sci-

entific Roets is mobilizing to meet these new needs. This has resulted in the decision to sell

the current office building in Kokstad town and move the offices to the barn on the farm

(owned by Merida Roets). The barn is a solid structure which will be renovated using “green”

principles such as rain-water harvesting, solar power etc. along with the modern and light

ambience of the current offices. Being located on the farm puts us closer to developing the

Practical Assessment Centre of Excellence (the PACE part of AgriSPACE) allowing us to

provide practical training opportunities to our learners. Fields will include: small stock, fruit,

vegetable (conventional and hydroponics) and poultry production. Several Scientific Roets

team members will be accommodated on the farm, making true country life a new and exciting

change for us all!

Further opportunities include our agri-technology developments (mentioned above), our

“green lab”, the possibility to partner with EgoloBio as their KwaZulu-Natal representative,

technologically-oriented training courses as well as presenting Research Management training

courses for CPD points to Natural Scientists (currently being discussed with SACNASP -

Scientific Roets has been asked to serve as the pilot programme for the SACNASP CPD-On

Demand system!). The opportunity to develop the entire “Scientific Estate” as a “Science

Tourism” destination is also being discussed with several funders.

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Our Successes!

• Scientific Roets (PTY) Ltd is an Agri-

SETA “Centre of Excellence” – one

of five in South Africa! This attests to

the high level of confidence expressed

by AgriSETA in the quality of our

learning, course material, project

management, learning facilitation,

record keeping, assessment and mod-

eration standards and the overall inno-

vative approach used in our learning

methodology. Copies of our registra-

tions and accreditations are available

on request.

• Scientific Roets (PTY) Ltd is provi-

sionally registered as a Private FET

College with the Department of High-

er Education and Training.

• Dr Merida Roets was invited by For-

mer US President Bill Clinton to

serve as a panelist at his 2008 Clinton

Global Initiative meeting, to share her

expertise on “Entrepreneurial Devel-

opment of Women in Developing


• Dr Merida Roets was a finalist in the

2008 KZN Business Woman of the

Year (Social Entrepreneur category).

• Scientific Roets obtained funding

from the Segal Family Foundation

through the Clinton Global Initiative

to undertake an NQF 4 New Venture

Creation Learnership involving 22

Kokstad Entrepreneurs. This financial

support has been continued from 2011

through to 2014 for similar work

(New Venture Creation NQF 4 quali-

fication registered with Services-


• Scientific Roets has completed or

contributed to more than 130 rural

projects since its establishment in


• Scientific Roets has trained more than

1600 learner/farmers in full agricul-

tural or rural enterprise-related quali-

fications since 2004.

• Scientific Roets were chosen as a

winner of the British Airways Busi-

ness Opportunity Grants in 2010. We

applied this prize to international trav-

el in 2011. A team of four members

from Scientific Roets travelled to the

USA, for intensive poultry production

and feed milling courses at North

Carolina State University.

• Dr Merida Roets was invited to serve

as Key-note speaker at the National

Department of Science and Technolo-

gy’s Women in Science Awards Cere-

mony held in Centurion in August

2012 addressing the topic of “Using

Science and Technology to Empower

Rural Women and Alleviate Poverty”.


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The company Head Office is based at 96 Hope Street, Kok-stad. Projects as far as North West Province, Northern Cape, Mpumalanga, northern KwaZulu-Natal and the southern parts of the Eastern Cape are managed. Scientific Roets (PTY) Ltd can be reached at: P.O. Box 461, Kokstad, 4700. Tel/fax: (039) 727 1515 Tel. International:+27397271515 E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected], Web: www.scientificroets.com. Cell: Merida (083) 630 7787 Cell: Zama (082) 329 0229


2015 will see:

* The implementation of:

• Continuation of the Citrus Grower’s Acade-

my NVC programme

• Continuation of the SEDA Basic Entrepre-

neurial Development programme

• Our offices moving to Karg’s Post, Kruis-

spruit and our development of several agri-

cultural components of AgriSPACE


Scientific Roets volunteers on

the Kokstad Tourism Organi-

sation and the Encounter EG

Country and Garden Festival.

Its offices house the Yondla-

bantu Hospice NGO and the

Green Ambassadors co-

operative. It further identifies

and supports social projects

through its BBBEE services.