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End of Quimester 2 Summary Tables

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End of Quimester 2 Summary Tables

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End of Quimester 2 Summary Tables

Complete the following table summarizing the activities you have completed this quimester. Tick which category each activity contained. One activity may involve more than one category or indeed all three (CAS).

ActivityCASApprox. Number of total Hours


CAS in schoolX10

CAS visitsX12

Dog walksX14

Photoshop/Final cut pro XX12

Total hours this term:164

Complete the following table summarizing your progress towards achieving the 8 learning outcomes. Explain in what way the activity helped you achieve the learning outcome.Learning OutcomeActivities

Increased awareness of your own strengths and areas for growthDog walks, CAS in School, CAS visits, GYM: All of the activities make you realize that you have strengths you did not know, for example dog walk as for myself I am more comfortable dealing with dogs. CAS inside and outside of school you realize that you can work with small children and create good projects, as for areas of growth you can improve you communication with people and have importance on the environment. As for Gym you increase on the weight you can lift and how much more you will be able to lift.

Undertaken new challengesCAS in School, CAS visits, GYM:When it comes to CAS there are new challenges every day, in school sometimes you are missing something and have to find and alternative that would work. As for outside of school we face new challenges as climbing Ilalo to plant trees and being under the soon for hours helping in the local greenhouses where you experience what is like to work there. As for Gym I take new exercises when staring new routines such as High intensity training I have to make my best to keep up with the workouts.

Planned and initiated activitiesCAS in School, CAS visits, GYM:For CAS both inside and outside of school there needed to be a plan in order for the visits and projects in school to succeed. Every Wednesday in school my group and I planned what we had to do in order to complete the Vertical garden, when it comes to the Visits the older students years 12, 11 and 10 had to help plan who is bringing the food and what activities we are hoping to achieve. When it comes to gym I have a planned routine I have to do every week for 1-2 months after good results are seen. This section also applies for the other activities as dog walks and Photoshop tutorials as these are planned activities.

Worked collaboratively with othersCAS in School, CAS visits :Specially in these two activities there needed to be a lot of collaboration with others, specially as they were new people and some did not knew us and we did not knew them. For example in school we divided the students into different groups so each leader can have a group of students that will help them complete their project. As for mine we had to complete the vertical garden, there needed to be a lot of collaboration here because this was one of the biggest projects my group had, therefore everyone needed to help.

Shown perseverance and commitment in your activitiesAll of the subjects:This applies for all the subjects, I tried my best to complete each activity every week and record what I did. Sometimes I did not complete the activities but this was due to the fact that there was a holiday and I was outside of the city and couldnt manage to do gym or CAS activities. Otherwise every week I did my planned activities.

Engaged with issues of global importanceDog walks, CAS in School, CAS visits, GYM:I believe that dog walks and CAS are the most important; this is because in Ecuador many dogs are left homeless because the owner does not have the time to walk the dog and sometimes the dogs escape because of this. CAS is also important because it is helping the community, in my case we are helping the environment and planting new trees where there is none. Lastly gym is also a issue of global importance because obesity as a common case and living a healthy life and doing exercise is very important.

Considered the ethical implications of your actionsDog walks, CAS in School, CAS visits:As stated before homeless dogs are often a cause of not taking them out for a walk, helping the owners take their dog out for a 30 minute-1hour walk implies ethical actions of what we think is good or bad. Also as for CAS out moral principles tell us that helping the environment is ethical therefore we contribute to this because we all want to live in a better world with green places.

Developed new skillsPhotoshop/Final cut pro X:I have selected these two as developed new skills because I have learned to use the programs from zero. When I started I knew a little from Photoshop and nothing from Final cut pro X, and as for now I am more familiar with both softwares, I can use them with confidence and create amazing things, such as movies or editing films, or edit a picture with Photoshop and create awesome pieces of work with all the tools.