Networking Broadband | LAN/WAN | Network Hardware | Network Security | Wireless Networking February 5, 2007 12:00 PM ET Add a comment Like  0 Home > Networking Encryption appliances: The new way to automate security By Lamont Wood Computerw orld - Encryption may sound simple in theory, but in practice , it's a demanding proces s in ter ms of both management and processi ng pow er. Increasi ngly , data centers are finding help for the process from a new class of device called encryption appliances. "Previously, w e had three people devoted full time to key management and encryption, recalled Christian Philips, director of security at Regulus Group LLC in Napa, Calif. "Since we started using an encryption appliance, those people have been redeployed." The market is only about five years old and consists of a handful of small firms, noted Jon Oltsik, an analyst at Enterprise Strategy Group Inc., a market research firm in Milford, Mass. The appliances typically use specialized, dedicated processors to handle the processing demands of encryption, where every byte is the product of intense calculations. The devices cost from a few thousand to tens of thousands of dollars, Oltsik explained. Typ ically, they can either sit in line with a serve r or a local network, encrypting and decrypting all traffic, or they can function as an application server, encr ypting any file sent to them with in a network, he sai d. Regulus Group they is using an in-line device from Decru Inc., a division of Network Appliance Inc. in Redwood City, Calif. Having one device handlin g encryption made the process much easier to manage, especially in terms of managing th e enc ryption keys, Philips explained. The Decru DataFort "We had 300 to 400 custom applications where we were required to use encryption, and managing the release key f or just one of them would b e Top Stories Smartphone data shake-up: The end of 'unlimited' U.S. to use climate to help cool exascale systems Yahoo in another shakeup as chairman and directors depart Google ships Chrome 17, touts more malware alerts and page pre-loads FREE INSIDER GUIDE Excel 2010 Cheat Sheet Register for this Compu terworld Insider Cheat Sheet and gain access to hundreds of premium content articles, guides, product reviews and more. Register for FREE now! » Networking White Papers Make the Connection: Better Ne twork Connectivity Drives Transformation Network connectivity is more than just plumbing. Leading organizations today see high-performance network connectivity as a critical enabler of competitive advantage, and not... Virtualizing Government Infrastructure All server virtualization solutions are not created equal. The more-with-less agenda for government agencies is tailor-made for server virtualization, which is evolving into... Moving Service Management to SaaS Today, organizations can enjoy similarly substantial benefi ts by migrating their IT service management functions to a software-as-a -service model. This paper shows how... Achieving 360 Degree Netw ork Visibi lity with Topics News In Depth Reviews Blogs Opinion Shark Tank IT Jobs More White Papers Webcasts Newsletters Solution Centers Events Magazine RSS ncry ption appliances: Th e n ew way t o au tom ate security - Com puterworld ht tp://www.compu terworld.com/s/article/9010187/Encry ption_app liance... 1 of 6 2/8/2012 7:30 PM

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