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    Encouraging innovative environmental actions:what companies and managers must do

    Catherine A. Ramus*

    Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5131, USA


    Increasingly environmentally proactive rms are interested in nding ways to encourage employees to take environmentalactions that will improve the environmental performance of company operations, products and services. Results of an employee

    survey show that both environmental policies and supportive supervisory behaviors can increase the probability that employees

    will try environmental initiatives. We describe environmental policies and supervisory behaviors that exist in rms that are

    committed to sustainable development and employee environmental initiatives. From the survey results, we draw some lessons

    for managers and organizations that would like to support employee participation in sustainable development activities.

    # 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

    1. Introduction

    Many corporations have embraced the mantra of sustain-

    able development, committing to policies of environmentalprotection in an attempt to move their organizations toward

    the ill-dened goal of sustainability.1 Managers believe that

    environmental innovations are necessary to transform busi-

    nesses into sustainable enterprises (Davis, 1991; Fussler,

    1996), but it is not always apparent to managers how to

    encourage creative environmental ideas to help the business

    move toward this goal.

    Employee creativity is an important environmental pro-

    blem-solving resource for companies (Beard & Hartmann,

    1997). Since innovations, by denition, are creative ideas

    from individuals or teams that have been implemented

    (Amabile, Conti, Coon, Lazenby, & Herron, 1996), it

    follows that companies that want innovative solutions to

    improve their environmental performance need to develop

    effective systems to support employee actions. But which

    types of support from the organization are effective and

    which are not? This is a difcult question. Especially sinceorganizations are not always supportive of employees' ideas

    and innovation in general (Peters, 1990, 1991; Van de Ven,

    1986; Wagner, 1991; Zaltman, Duncan, & Holbek, 1973).

    Part of the difculty with developing organizational

    support is that environmental management is not the focus

    of many line managers attention. Even in rms with a stated

    commitment to environmental sustainability, and with sus-

    tainability policies in place, managers still do not give the

    same level of support and attention to employee environ-

    mental activities as general management related tasks

    (Ramus & Steger, 2000). Having the sustainability policies

    is a rst and important step for rms. These policies show

    line management and employees that the rm expects anddesires environmental ideas and actions. Supervisors' beha-

    viors that demonstrate support for environmental actions

    also provide an important message to employees. In general,

    higher levels of employee creativity and innovation result

    from managerial behaviors that support employee actions

    (Bowen & Lawler, 1992; Kanter, 1989; Redmond, Mumford,

    & Teach, 1993; Spreitzer, 1995). The results of our survey

    show that employees need a clear signal of organizational

    support (environmental policies) and supervisory support

    (daily behaviors aimed at encouraging environmental

    actions) in order to focus their creative energy on environ-

    mental problem-solving.

    Journal of World Business 37 (2002) 151164

    * Tel: 1-805-893-5057; Fax: 1-805-893-7612.

    E-mail address: [email protected] (C.A. Ramus).1 Sustainable development is dened as ensuring that we meet

    the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future

    generations to meet their own needs (World Commission on

    Environment and Development, 1987). No rm is yet sustainable,

    but environmentally proactive rms have attempted to prevent

    pollution, to minimize resource use, and to redesign products and

    services so they have less impact on the natural environment, in

    order to move toward sustainable operations. Currently the

    movement toward sustainability is a process rather than a discrete


    1090-9516/02/$ see front matter # 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide managers in

    business organizations with a detailed description of the

    environmental policies and supervisory behaviors that exist

    in environmentally proactive, European headquartered

    rms. And to show which of these factors have the most

    important (signicant) impact on employee willingness to

    try environmental initiatives. The descriptions of policies

    and of behaviors, as well as lessons draw from the survey

    results, provide practical information, which companies that

    want to strengthen their environmental management pro-

    grams can use to transform their current operations.

    The unique contribution of this paper to the current

    literature is that it provides a blueprint for businesses that

    want to encourage employees to try environmental initiatives.

    First we provide a brief description of employee eco-initia-

    tives in rms and possible inuences on employee environ-

    mental actions. And then we describe the environmental

    policies and supervisory behaviors that employees perceive

    to have a direct or indirect impact on their willingness topromote environmental initiatives. This rst part of the paper

    provides lists and descriptions so that managers can visualize

    the types of organizational factors they could put in place to

    encourage employee environmental actions. Then we

    describe the purpose, methodology and results of an employee

    survey that consisted of the policies and supervisory beha-

    viors.2 In this second-half of the paper, we use the results of

    the survey to determine possible priorities for companies

    interested in engaging employees and line managers in efforts

    to improve the environmental sustainability of the rm.

    1.1. What are employee eco-initiatives?

    Employee environmental innovations (eco-innovations)

    exist in companies today. They are actions (or initiatives)

    taken by individuals and teams that improve the environ-

    mental performance of companies.3 For example, an

    employee who implemented a new recycling program

    may have borrowed the approach from another company,

    but the program was innovative in the new setting. Eco-

    initiatives occur at all levels within companies, resulting

    from creative ideas from managers, ofce personnel, blue-

    collar workers, or other types of employees. In practice, we

    observed three types of environmental initiatives: those that

    decreased the environmental impacts of the company, thosethat solved an environmental problem for the company, and

    those that developed a more eco-efcient product/service.

    Examples of employee-lead environmental initiatives

    abound. Employees at GE Plastics Europe's Bergen Op Zoom

    facilities in The Netherlands took responsibility for devel-

    oping innovative waste reduction and recycling programs as

    part of company-wide efforts to decrease environmental

    impacts (Ramus, 1997). At the Allentown, Pennsylvania

    Lucent Technologies manufacturing facility, a team of

    employees developed a microchip cleaning process which

    replaced a hazardous volatile organic compound with water,

    thus eliminating an environmental problem for the company

    (Ramus, Steger, & Winter, 1996). A team at Neste's research

    laboratory in Porvoo, Finland developed a cleaner diesel fuel,

    which was marketed with great success, adding to the

    company's protability while resulting in cleaner air in

    Helsinki where it rst was sold in fuel stations (Neste, 1997).4

    1.2. What inuences employees to try eco-initiatives?

    Both organizational and individual factors can affectemployee willingness to eco-innovate (Hostager, Neil,

    Decker, & Lorentz, 1998). The rm can signal desirability

    for and provide organizational incentives for employees to

    take environmental actions. For example, environmental

    policies and supportive behaviors from supervisors can

    signal organizational support. In addition, individual

    employees may have skills and competences that enhance

    their abilities to participate in environmental initiatives.

    Employees can bring these skills when they accept employ-

    ment, and/or they can develop environmental skills on the

    job. And as importantly, employees may come to companies

    with intrinsic motivation and values that motivate them totake actions to protect the natural environment. These pre-

    existing skills and values are not tested in our study. Rather

    we focus on measuring the set of organizational factors,

    which could inuence employee actions, since these are the

    factors that managers can inuence. For example, we mea-

    sure employee perceptions of supervisory behaviors that

    encourage environmental competence building, but we do

    not try to measure the existing environmental competencies

    of employees at the time of employment.

    2. Environmental policies and supervisory behaviors:

    best practices

    Amabile et al. (1996) found that organizational and

    supervisory factors encourage employee creativity. We

    wanted to discover which forms these two categories of

    factors might take in rms that were committed to support-

    ing employees' environmental creativity. From structured

    interviews with managers and employees, we discovered

    2 Note that the author has published the empirical data and

    results of the survey in a separate article where the measures,

    results, and validity of the survey are explored in detail (Ramus &

    Steger, 2000).3 Many companies today measure the environmental impacts of

    their businesses against a set of goals, much like they measure their

    nancial performance against a set of nancial goals. Thus, we call

    measurement of this progress against environmental goals,

    environmental performance.

    4 This example was presented by Juha Kiljonen, Business

    Development Manager, Fortum Oil, at IMD International's MIBE

    Forum, in November 1999. The oil and gas divisions of Neste Oy

    became Fortum Oil just prior to his presentation.

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    that 13 environmental policies and six categories of super-

    visory behaviors existed in companies who were trying to

    support employee eco-initiatives. The companies were

    selected because they stated they were committed to envir-

    onmental sustainability, demonstrated this through having

    environmental policies, and had had some success in sup-

    porting employee environmental actions. We describe the

    sustainability policies and supportive supervisory behaviors

    found in these companies. These two sets of factors form the

    basis for the survey discussed later on.

    2.1. Corporate environmental policies

    Since the United Nations Conference on Environment and

    Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 many com-

    panies have gone beyond the publishing of an environmental

    policy stating their intent to reduce environmental impacts.

    Many global corporations have adopted a set of environ-

    mental policies aimed at integrating environmental consid-erations throughout the company. Many of these policies go

    beyond compliance and environmental impact reduction and

    stretch the company toward sustainability goals.

    Which policies are some proactive companies adopting to

    move their businesses toward sustainability? Managers from

    12 international companies in the MIBE project at IMD

    created a list of 13 sustainability policies they had in their

    companies.5 These policies ranged from having a written

    environmental policy to having use-reduction policies in the

    areas of fossil fuels, toxic chemicals, etc. (Table 1 contains a

    list of the 13 environmental policies.)

    2.1.1. Written environmental policy

    In a company, a written environmental policy forms the

    backbone and skeletal framework from which all other

    environmental components are hung, including the environ-

    mental management system (EMS), audits, assessments, and

    reports (Brophy, 1998). It indicates to internal and external

    stakeholders that the company intends to take environmental

    protection seriously. And, it tells employees that the com-

    pany will take a responsible approach to environmental

    issues. The written environmental policy often acts as a

    guide for employee actions when it provides environmental

    targets and objectives. Having a written policy in itself does

    not make a company proactive or sustainable. Rather, it is anecessary prerequisite for sustainable development.

    2.1.2. Specic targets for improving environmentalperformance

    At a minimum environmental targets set goals for improv-

    ing company environmental performance. But companies

    can take the target setting exercise further by developing a

    system to measure environmental impacts across the life

    cycle of the company's products and services. Once the

    impacts have been quantied, an environmental index can be

    created to lay out targets for facilities, business units, and

    overall corporate performance (Epstein, 1996). Without

    targets, environmental progress is seldom made. By taking

    a comprehensive, life cycle approach to setting targets across

    all activities and for all products and services, the companycan move itself toward sustainability.

    2.1.3. Publication of an environmental (sustainability)


    Since 1992 there has been a strong increase in the number

    of companies that have been publishing their environmental

    performance for stakeholder review (Sustainability & Uni-

    ted Nations Environmental Program, 1997). In 1997 a survey

    of 596 companies from Fortune 500 and Standard & Poor

    500 showed that 108 produced environmental reports. Com-

    panies produce environmental reports in order to present the

    environmental objectives of the organization and its perfor-

    mance against explicit targets. Environmental reports arewritten for both internal and external audiences, with many

    companies stating that external stakeholders are of second-

    ary concern when they publish their environmental report.

    Many companies use the report primarily as a tool for

    increasing employee involvement in environmental manage-

    ment, increasing employee morale, and winning top man-

    agement support (Lober, Bynum, Campbell, & Jacques,

    1997). A new trend for proactive companies is to move

    toward ``sustainability'' reporting, incorporating aspects of

    social, economic and environmental performance in a single

    report. For example, the Body Shop and British Telecom

    produce sustainability reports.

    Table 1

    List of environmental policies which exist in environmentally

    proactive rms

    1. Written environmental policy

    2. Specific targets for improving environmental performance

    3. Publication of an environmental (sustainability) report

    4. Environmental management system

    5. Environmental purchasing policy

    6. Environmental training and education

    7. Employee responsibility for environmental performance

    8. Life cycle analysis (assessment) policy

    9. Management understands sustainable development

    10. Fossil fuel use reduction policy

    11. Toxic chemical use reduction policy

    12. Policy of reducing use of unsustainable products

    13. Same environmental standards at home and abroad

    5 MIBE is the environmental management research project at the

    International Institute for Management Development (IMD)

    sponsored by companies who see environmental management as

    a source of competitive advantage. In 1996, a group of 12

    environmental officers sat together and developed a list of

    environmental policies that existed in their companies. Not all of

    the policies existed in all of the companies, but the managers

    agreed that the trend was to develop such a set of sustainability

    policies that cut across departments and managerial responsibil-


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    2.1.4. Environmental management system

    Environmental management systems are in vogue. Since

    the mid-1990s, a signicant number of companies have

    applied these systems. Broadly dened, an EMS is a trans-

    parent, systematic process for implementing environmental

    goals, policies and responsibilities, and auditing these ele-

    ments (Steger, 2000). Thus, EMS's provide a tool for

    employees and managers to take environmental impacts into

    consideration when performing daily job functions. The

    implementation of an environmental management system,

    like International Standards Organization's (ISO) 14001 or

    the European Union's Environmental Management and

    Auditing Scheme (EMAS), is a necessary but not a sufcient

    condition for reaching ecological sustainability for business

    activities (Roome, 1992; Welford, 1993). (Note: The adop-

    tion rate of the ISO 14001 certied EMS is far lower in the

    United States than in Europe where there are institutional

    incentives for implementing environmental management

    systems (Delmas, in press).)

    2.1.5. Environmental purchasing policy

    Many companies include in their environmental policy a

    statement that they intend to work with suppliers to mini-

    mize impacts on the environment. Proactive companies often

    partner with and/or apply pressure on their suppliers to this

    end. One mechanism companies use is the requirement that

    suppliers have a certied environmental management sys-

    tem. Another is using a comprehensive questionnaire asking

    about the supplier's environmental practices and perfor-

    mance. Scott Ltd. in the United Kingdom dropped the worst

    10% of their suppliers after such an environmental perfor-mance assessment (Hutchinson, 1998). Beyond looking up

    their value chain to their suppliers, some companies, which

    care about the sustainability of their activities, now look

    down the value chain too. They work to reduce the environ-

    mental impacts of their distribution networks and to improve

    the useful life and recyclability of their products and


    2.1.6. Environmental training and education

    Environmental training, education and skill development

    improve employees' abilities to give high quality contribu-

    tions to environmental activities. The capacity of employees

    to participate in environmental problem-solving as well asthe motivation to do so can both be improved if a company

    has a strong environmental training program in place (Wehr-

    meyer, 1996; Welford, 1998). Some corporations try to

    integrate environmental considerations into most or all of

    their training programs for different levels of employees and

    managers; others offer programs that are focused on envir-

    onmental, health and safety subjects alone; other companies

    use external education opportunities such as job rotations,

    outside courses, and site visits. The success of environmental

    training is not solely dependent upon the quality of the

    programs or the stated corporate intent to train employees.

    Supervisory encouragement for employee participation in

    environmental capacity building activities is important, and

    often missing.6

    2.1.7. Employee responsibility for environmental


    The successful implementation of corporate environmen-

    tal policies and management systems depend on environ-

    mental responsibility being shared with employees and

    managers at all levels of the company (Hutchinson, 1996).

    While there may not be an explicit written policy stating that

    employees are responsible for environmental performance, it

    is clear to employees whether or not the company expects

    them to help reach the company's environmental goals.

    2.1.8. Life cycle analysis (assessment) policy

    Originally, companies used life cycle analysis (LCA)

    (sometimes called ` life cycle assessment'') as a tool for

    designing products and services with reduced environmental

    impacts, but now it is also used for assessing and minimizingenvironmental impacts of company business processes. LCA

    can be an effective tool for aiding companies who want to

    achieve sustainable development (Welford, 1998). For

    example, a company who tries to minimize environment

    impacts across the life cycle of all its processes including

    purchasing, manufacturing, distribution, product/service use

    and disposal can truly improve its environmental perfor-

    mance. This is especially true since the largest environmen-

    tal impact for many products comes during the use of the

    products and at the end of their life (i.e., at disposal).

    2.1.9. Management understands sustainable developmentThere is an active movement within many companies

    today to take responsibility for the sustainable development

    of their enterprises. But how effective are companies with

    sustainable development goals at sharing responsibility for

    these with managers? Do managers in companies with

    proactive environmental policies really understand the wider

    issues of sustainable development? Are managers taking

    steps to address sustainable development in these enter-

    prises? It is clear that managers have an important role to

    play in bridging the gap between traditional business pro-

    cesses and those necessary for the transformation into a

    sustainable enterprise. Some companies make line managers

    explicitly responsible by incorporating environmental tar-gets into performance evaluations and linking bonuses to

    fulllment of these environmental targets.

    In addition to thesegeneral environmentalpolicy questions,

    there are a number of specic sustainability policies that some

    companies are embracing. The Natural Step, an international

    organization, begun by Karl H. Robert in Sweden, delineated

    a number of systems conditions necessary for enterprises to

    attain sustainability. Reduced use of unsustainable sources of

    6 We found that even in our sample of environmental proactive

    companies, managers were often weak at supporting employee

    environmental competence building (see Ramus & Steger, 2000).

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    energy, persistent chemicals, and natural resources, as well as

    environmental equity are the four system conditions outlined

    by The Natural Step (Robert, 1989). Some proactive com-

    panies have adopted these four policies.

    2.1.10. Fossil fuel use reduction policy

    Companies, which truly want to move toward sustainable

    development, must focus on using renewable energy sources.

    2.1.11. Toxic chemical use reduction policy

    Persistent toxic chemicals, because of their negative and

    long-term impacts on the natural environment, must be

    replaced by more benign substitutes if an enterprise wants

    to become sustainable.

    2.1.12. Policy of reducing use of unsustainable products

    Products, whose harvesting and use do irreparable

    damage to eco-systems and the natural environment, must

    be replaced with sustainably harvested substitutes. Forexample, unsustainably harvested sh can threaten species

    diversity, which is seen as causing irreparable damage to

    eco-systems on which humans and animals depend.

    2.1.13. Same environmental standards at home and abroad

    A central tenant of sustainable development is that a

    company should use the same high standards to protect

    human health and the environment in all places that a

    company operates. Thus, the higher standards that are

    enforced by law in developed countries in North America

    and Europe would be automatically applied in sustainable

    enterprises that operate globally.In conclusion, there is evidence that environmentally

    proactive companies are increasingly adopting environmen-

    tal policies that go beyond pollution reduction. Many rms

    are beginning to endorse policies that focus on pollution

    prevention and environmentally sustainable actions.

    2.2. Supervisory behaviors that support employees


    Supervisory behaviors can also have an effect on

    employee willingness to try eco-initiatives. Learning orga-

    nizations, or organizations that support the continuous learn-

    ing and knowledge creation of all their employees, so theorganizations can grow, change and innovate (Cavaleri &

    Fearon, 1996), often have managers who aregood at empow-

    ering employees (Bowen & Lawler, 1992; Garvin, 1993;

    Kimberley & Evanisko, 1981; Pearn, Roderick, & Mulroo-

    ney, 1995; Redmond, Mumford, & Teach, 1993; Senge,

    1990). We looked at those supervisory behaviors that exist

    in learning organizations, as well as those that existed in

    companies who had successfully supported employee eco-

    initiatives and found them to be similar.

    What types of supervisory behaviors exist in rms that are

    good at supporting eco-initiatives? This was a question we

    asked ourselves when developing our employee survey. We

    interviewed 50 employees at ve companies with reputa-

    tions of supporting employee environmental creativity, andasked them which of their supervisors' behaviors support or

    failed to support their environmental actions. From this

    starting point we developed an empirical tool measuring

    six categories of behaviors. (Table 2 contains a list and brief

    description of the six categories.) The characteristics of

    managers who used learning organization behaviors to sup-

    port environmental innovation are detailed as follows.

    2.3. Behaviors that support eco-initiatives

    2.3.1. Innovation

    What are some of the things that managers do to encou-rage environmental innovations on the part of employees?

    They make it acceptable to take risks. They implement

    employees' suggestions. They see mistakes as learning

    opportunities. They encourage experimentation to develop

    new processes. They learn from both inside and outside of

    their own organization. They use assignment rotations as

    learning tools. They quickly implement changes. They

    partner with other departments to implement new ideas.

    In essence, managers who want to support employee

    innovation have a set of skills that encourage new ideas,

    experimentation, and learning from a myriad of people,

    departments, business units, and other organizations. These

    managers signal through their behaviors that they are open tonew environmental ideas. For example, these managers are

    good at asking employees regularly for creative environmen-

    tal ideas, designing teams to work on environmental problem-

    solving or product/process development, and providing

    resources and other support for environmental projects.

    2.3.2. Competence building

    What do managers who want to support employee envir-

    onmental competence building do? They use training and

    education to foster innovation. They look for learning

    situations for employees, like courses, mentors, site visits,

    etc. They ensure that employees get training on new skills

    Table 2

    List of categories of managerial behaviors found in rms that

    support environmental initiatives by employees

    1. Innovation: Encouraging new ideas, experimentation, and


    2. Competence building: Supportive of training and education


    3. Communication: Encouraging employees to communicate their

    suggestions, thoughts, and critiques

    4. Information dissemination: Sharing important company

    information with employees

    5. Rewards and recognition: Using formal rewards and informal

    praise to recognize and reinforce desired employee behaviors

    6. Management of goals and responsibilities: Using quantitative

    and qualitative measures to share goals and responsibility for

    performance with employees

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    that will help the employees engage in environmental activ-

    ities. They realign employee responsibilities to allow the

    employee time for training, site visits, and exploring new

    techniques for doing his/her job. They spend time with each

    employee developing and implementing an environmental

    learning plan.

    These managers nd ways to focus time and resources on

    employee development in the environmental area. In doing

    so, they signal clearly that they, and the organization, care

    about giving the employee the necessary knowledge and

    competences to engage in environmental problem-solving.

    For example, these managers use regular performance eva-

    luation meetings to discuss the employees' environmental

    training needs.

    2.3.3. Communication

    What do managers who want to create an open environ-

    ment for employee communication on environmental man-

    agement issues do? They discourage organizationalhierarchies and ``we'' vs. ``they'' thinking in the organiza-

    tion. They encourage individuals and groups to communi-

    cate on problems and to propose solutions. They develop

    open and direct styles of communication. They are good

    listeners. They encourage employees to express concerns

    about company decisions and policies. And, they openly

    discuss employees' concerns. They answer questions hon-

    estly even if the answer is not what the employee wants to

    hear. They value the inputs of managers and employees from

    all parts of the company. They accept criticism of ideas (and

    even of themselves) and dissent.

    In general, we found that managers who have democraticand participative styles (Lawler, 1986) of communication

    are very good at supporting employee environmental inno-

    vation. They foster employee trust through open commu-

    nication, and by doing so they create a work environment

    where employees contribute their creative environmental

    solutions. For example, these managers are not threatened

    or defensive about employee criticisms or comments, but

    rather listen with an open mind to environmental commu-

    nication, and encourage employees to share their ideas with

    other managers and business units within the company.

    2.3.4. Information dissemination

    What do managers do to encourage the ow of informationin order to help environmental problem-solving? They pro-

    vide clear, accurate, easily accessible information to internal

    and external audiences, like environmental reports, environ-

    mental targets, chemical release data, site expansion plans,

    etc. They use information systems like email, electronic

    bulletin boards, etc. to share information amongst employees.

    They inform employees about changes in company vision,

    policies, and progress toward goals. They forewarn employ-

    ees about signicant changes. They inform employees of what

    they need to know and where to get information they want.

    In learning organizations, managers give information

    that affects employees' decision-making. This top-down,

    manager to employee dissemination of information is sup-

    posed to help employee to nd environmental solutions as it

    keeps the employees informed of the company environmen-

    tal vision and goals.

    2.3.5. Rewards and recognition

    What do managers do to reward and recognize employee

    environmental problem-solving? They look for opportu-

    nities to publicly praise good ideas. They never publicly

    reprimand an employee for a failure or a mistake, but rather,

    in private, use it as a learning opportunity. They reward their

    team for good efforts and for progress toward goals. They

    use company bonus systems and other monetary awards to

    reward employees who achieve and surpass their environ-

    mental goals.

    These managers use formal award systems, but also look

    for daily opportunities to give feedback and praise in order to

    help motivate employees to nd solutions to environmental

    problems and to develop less polluting products and ser-vices. They always recognize environmental ideas by

    employees, even if they aren't implemented. For example,

    these managers feature environmental successes during

    regular staff meetings.

    2.3.6. Management of goals and responsibilities

    How do managers use goal setting and responsibility

    sharing as tools to motivate employee environmental parti-

    cipation? They seldom delegate tasks, but rather look for

    ways to share ownership for overarching goals. They talk

    regularly with employees to assess progress toward goals

    and to offer help. They use both qualitative and quantitativemeasures to assure individual contributions to company

    environmental targets.

    These managers are good at using the performance

    evaluation process and regular review meetings to share

    responsibility for environmental goals with employees. They

    instill ownership while at the same time providing guidance

    to facilitate employee success in environmental activities.

    In conclusion, we learned from our interviews with

    employees which managerial behaviors the employees felt

    encouraged their environmental activities. Our empirical

    study tested which of these categories of behaviors had a

    signicant impact on a large number of employees in

    different rms. Note that these six categories correspondto those dened in the learning organization literature

    (Campbell & Cairns, 1994).

    3. Employee eco-initiatives survey7

    Research on employee creativity and innovation in rms,

    as well as the literature on learning organizations, indicate

    7 For a complete discussion of the measures, data analysis,

    validity, and limitations of the study, see the article in the Academy

    of Management Journal by Ramus and Steger (2000).

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    that organizational and supervisory support will increase

    employee willingness to take actions. The environmental

    management literature assumes that the factors that effect

    creativity and innovation in general will also be the factors

    that will affect environmental creativity and innovation.

    Prior to our survey research there was no empirical test

    of which factors were effective in supporting employee

    environmental initiatives. We tested two hypotheses. The

    hypothesis that environmental policies signal organizational

    priorities and, if effectively communicated, could focus

    employees on environmental problem-solving. And, the

    hypothesis that supportive supervisory behaviors were of

    paramount importance in enticing employees to try eco-

    initiatives (Milliman & Clair, 1995; Shrivastava, 1996;

    Stern, 1992; Storen, 1997).

    Our research shows that companies with a commitment to

    environmentally sensitive business development have a

    number of environmental policies to communicate these

    sustainability goals. In fact, many leading-edge rms hadup to 13 environmental policies, directed at different envir-

    onmental improvements, as discussed above and shown in

    Table 1). Using data from an employee survey, we identied

    which of the 13 environmental policies, when perceived by

    employees, resulted in a greater probability that the

    employee would take an environmental initiative. We found

    that if the employee believed the company was committed to

    a written environmental policy it more than doubled the

    probability (from 19 to 50%) that the employee would have

    tried an environmental initiative. Other policies had no direct

    positive effect on employee eco-initiatives.

    Environmental management researchers have assumedthat supportive supervisory behaviors, which are found in

    so-called ` learning organizations'', encourage employee

    environmental initiatives. We made an empirical test of

    which behaviors resulted in increased probability of

    employee environmental initiatives and which had no sig-

    nicant impact. Of the six categories of supervisory beha-

    viors that we found could signal to employees the

    desirability of environmental actions (described above and

    listed in Table 2), we found that ve of the six categories of

    behaviors had a signicant impact on employee willingness

    to try eco-initiatives. The sixth category, sharing of envir-

    onmental information, which was assumed to effect

    employee eco-innovation, had no signicant impact.Some of our ndings conrm the assumptions that those

    factors that support innovations in general also improve the

    likelihood that employees will eco-innovate, and some of

    our ndings run counter to these assumptions. Thus, we offer

    a revision of the theories we tested. In addition, we offer

    lessons for managers who want to support employee envir-

    onmental participation.

    3.1. Method

    As described above, we developed an understanding

    of policies and behavioral factors that could impact

    employee environmental actions through interviews with

    employees in environmentally proactive rms. Then we

    developed a questionnaire to test which of these two types

    of factors had an important positive relationship to employee

    eco-initiatives. The respondents answered 13 policy ques-

    tions (like ``my company publishes an environmental pol-

    icy'', and ``my company makes employees responsible for

    company environmental performance'') using a 5-point

    scale (Strongly Agree, Partially Agree, Don't Know, Par-

    tially Disagree and Strongly Disagree).8 When answering

    questions related to their direct supervisor, respondents

    selected the most typical daily behavior from a list of

    710 rank-ordered behaviors in the six categories (innova-

    tion, competence building, communication, information

    dissemination, rewards and recognition, and management

    of goals and responsibilities). For example, in the category

    of competence building, the behaviors ranged from the

    least positive ``refuses to commit resources and employee

    time for training and education activities'' to the mostsupportive ` spends time discussing and implementing

    a learning plan with each employee.'' They selected

    one behavior to describe the supervisor's most typical

    behavior related to general management, then from the same

    list, they selected one behavior to describe the supervisor's

    most typical behavior when managing environmental


    3.2. Data sources

    Middle and low-level employees from 12 countries

    (Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Italy,The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, the United Kingdom, and

    the United States) who were employed by six companies

    with proactive environmental policies were the focus of

    our empirical investigation into these questions. In order

    to obtain a diverse sample of employees, we sent our

    survey questionnaire out in four languages. We received

    responses from 353 employees in 1996 and 1997. (This was

    a 24% response rate; 1,465 surveys were distributed). The

    respondents all worked for large European headquartered

    companies with all or most of the 13 environmental

    policies.9 To ensure respondents of condentiality, all ques-

    tionnaires were returned directly to the author for process-

    ing and only aggregate results were reported back to thecompanies.

    8 Here we are measuring employee perceptions of company

    commitment to environmental policies, not whether the company

    says it is committed to such policies. What is of interest for our study

    is the effect that perceived commitment to environmental policies has

    on employee willingness to try environmental initiatives.9 Each of the six companies was listed in the top 200 in terms of

    sales in the countries where they were headquartered. They

    employed between 1,500 to 41,000 people, and represented a

    number of industries including: chemical, entertainment, manu-

    facturing, medical devices, oil and retail.

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    3.3. Data analysis

    The objective of our analysis was to examine the relation-

    ship between environmental policies and employee environ-

    mental initiatives, and the relationship between supervisory

    behaviors and employee environmental initiatives.

    Employee willingness to try an environmental initiative is

    the dependent variable. To examine these relationships weused logit analyses and likelihood ratio tests. We also wanted

    to nd out if employees perceived that their supervisors

    were as supportive of environmental activities as other

    general management activities. We used Chi-square tests

    of differences for this comparison. The results of the

    statistical tests can be found in Tables 37. (These tables

    are reprinted from Academy of Management Journal by

    Ramus & Steger (2000).)

    A complete discussion of the research methodology,

    statistical tests and results of the data analysis can be found

    in an article by Ramus and Steger (2000). We have summar-

    ized these empirical results below to demonstrate thosefactors that have the greatest impact on employee environ-

    mental initiatives. We believe that these results can be

    helpful to managers who are thinking of making changes

    to their environmental management programs.

    Table 3

    Descriptive statistics and correlation table for environmental policies

    Independent variables Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    1. Pu blish ed environ mental policy 1 .61 0 .73

    2. Specific targets for

    environmental performance

    1.46 0.71 0.48***

    3. Publishes annual environmental report 1.08 1.01 .41*** 0.47***

    4. Uses environmental management system 1.22 0.91 0.37*** 0.51*** 0.45***

    5. Environmental considerations in

    purchasing decisions

    0.75 1.05 .36*** 0.45*** 0.33*** 0.38***

    6. Emplo yee environm en tal train in g 0 .58 1 .22 0 .25*** 0.36*** 0.35*** 0.32*** 0.35***

    7. Employees responsible for company

    environmental performance

    0.86 1.20 0.25*** 0.34*** 0.33*** 0.37*** 0.37*** 0.53***

    8. Life cycle analysis 0.21 0.99 0.18*** 0.23*** 0.29*** 0.21*** 0.37*** 0.28*** 0.31***

    9. Management understands/addresses issue

    of sustainable development

    0.66 1.01 0.32*** 0.30*** 0.35*** 0.34*** 0.39*** 0.31*** 0.41*** 0.39***

    10. Syste mat ic al ly re duce s fossil fuel use 0.14 1.27 0.08 0.23*** 0.14** 0.31*** 0.27*** 0.15*** 0.28*** 0.25*** 0.30***

    11. Systematically reduces toxic chemicals use 0.73 1.15 0.17*** 0.29*** 0.18*** 0.22*** 0.31*** 0.05 0.13** 0.21*** 0.35*** 0.34***

    12. Systematically reduces consumption of

    unsustainable products

    0.40 1.12 0.19*** 0.23*** 0.21*** 0.20*** 0.40*** 0.16** 0.25*** 0.37*** 0.36*** 0.51*** 0.59***

    13. Applies same environmental

    standards at home and abroad

    0.64 1.09 0.19*** 0.24*** 0.17*** 0.19*** 0.26*** 0.31*** 0.25*** 0.18*** 0.27*** 0.03 0.14** 0.13*

    Scale: Strongly Agree (2), Partially Agree (1), Don't Know (0), Partially Disagree (1), Strongly Disagree (2).*

    p 0:05; ** p 0:01; *** p 0:001.

    Table 4

    Logit analyses of dependent variable on environmental policy independent variables

    Constants p-values for




    Coefficients p-values

    1 0.74 0.01* Published environmental policy 0.37 0.02*

    2 0.31 0.21 Specific targets for environmental performance 0.13 0.403 0.33 0.04* Publishes annual environmental report 0.19 0.08

    4 0.13 0.46 Uses environmental management system 0 1.00

    5 0.14 0.29 Environmental considerations in purchasing decisions 0.02 0.81

    6 0.20 0.10 Employee environmental training 0.13 0.15

    7 0.14 0.30 Employees responsible for company environmental performance 0.02 0.78

    8 0.14 0.20 Life cycle analysis 0.08 0.47

    9 0.19 0.14 Management understands/addresses issue of sustainable development 0.09 0.38

    10 0.15 0.16 Systematically reduces fossil fuel use 0.18 0.04*

    11 0 1.00 Systematically reduces toxic chemicals use 0.17 0.07

    12 0.07 0.54 Systematically reduces consumption of unsustainable products 0.16 0.11

    13 0.23 0.07 Applies same environmental standards at home and abroad 0.15 0.12

    Dependent variable: employee environmental initiatives.*

    p 0:


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    Table 5

    Descriptive statistics and correlation table for supervisory behaviors

    Independent variables Mean SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

    1. Environmental innovation 6.02 2.30

    2. Environmental competence building 5.70 1.79 0.31***

    3. Environmental communication 6.26 2.08 0.41*** 0.41***

    4. Environmental information


    6.95 2.13 0.33*** 0.43*** 0.51***

    5. Environmental rewards/recognition 5.93 2.25 0.30*** 0.40*** 0.47*** 0.45***

    6. Environmental management


    5.85 2.60 0.35*** 0.38*** 0.54*** 0.50*** 0.54***

    7. General innovation 6.49 2.21 0.51*** 0.25*** 0.38*** 0.27*** 0.27*** 0.38***

    8. General competence building 5.84 1.79 0.22*** 0.50*** 0.32*** 0.31*** 0.37*** 0.29*** 0.23***

    9. General communication 6.28 2.18 0.24*** 0.33*** 0.58*** 0.42*** 0.42*** 0.41*** 0.34*** 0.32***

    10. General information dissemination 7.09 2.31 0.26*** 0.37*** 0.40*** 0.68*** 0.37*** 0.40*** 0.27*** 0.39*** 0.48***

    11. General rewards/recognition 6.00 2.54 0.27*** 0.26*** 0.38*** 0.36*** 0.71*** 0.38*** 0.29*** 0.35*** 0.40*** 0.37***

    12. General management


    6.21 2.67 0.28*** 0.29*** 0.43*** 0.43*** 0.39*** 0.65*** 0.38*** 0.34*** 0.41*** 0.47*** 0.42***

    Scale: maximum 10; minimum 1.***p 0:001.

    Table 6

    Logit analysis of dependent variable on supervisory behaviors independent variables

    Constants p-values of


    Independent variables Coefficients p-values

    1 0.79 0.01** Environmental innovation 0.11 0.02*

    2 0.98 0.01** Environmental competence building 0.15 0.01**

    3 1.09 0** Environmental communication 0.16 0**

    4 0.61 0.10 Environmental information dissemination 0.07 0.17

    5 0.93 0** Environmental rewards/recognition 0.13 0.01**

    6 0.81 0** Environmental management goals/responsibilities 0.12 0.01**

    7 0.77 0.02* General innovation 0.10 0.05*

    8 0.42 0.25 General competence building 0.05 0.39

    9 0.67 0.05* General communication 0.08 0.09

    10 0.70 0.05* General information dissemination 0.08 0.09

    11 0.81 0** General rewards/recognition 0.11 0.01**

    12 0.77 0.01** General management goals/responsibilities 0.10 0.01**

    Dependent variable: employee environmental initiatives.* p 0:05; ** p 0:01.

    Table 7

    Chi-square test of the differences in answers to environmental and general management concerning supervisory behaviors

    Environmental vs. general Chi-square value p-value

    Empirical Theoretical

    Innovation 23.02 16.92 0.006***

    Competence building 24.58 12.59 0***

    Communication 27.17 15.51 0.001***

    Information dissemination 29.70 15.51 0***

    Rewards/recognition 40.43 15.51 0***

    Management goals/responsibilities 28.07 16.92 0.001***


    p 0:


    C.A. Ramus / Journal of World Business 37 (2002) 151164 159

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    4. Results and discussion

    Our study showed what many rms might have suspected,

    that line managers, even in environmentally committed

    companies, are less supportive when managing environmen-

    tal activities than other activities. When employees are

    aware that the company is committed to a written environ-

    mental policy statement, they are more likely to try envir-

    onmental initiatives. Other environmental policies (like

    environmental purchasing, environmental reporting, having

    an environmental management system, for example) had no

    signicant direct impact on employee environmental

    actions. Employees who felt their supervisors were suppor-

    tive of environmental actions were more likely to try envir-

    onmental initiatives than those who did not feel their

    supervisors used supportive behaviors. Managerial beha-

    viors that supported environmental innovation, environmen-

    tal education, environmental communication from

    employees, rewarding and recognizing environmentalactions, and managing environmental goals and responsi-

    bilities have a positive effect. But, dissemination of company

    environmental information had no signicant effect on

    employee willingness to eco-innovate. (See Section 5.7

    for an explanation of this counter-intuitive result.)

    A summary of the employee survey results is shown in

    Fig. 1. We looked at direct impacts of each environmental

    policy and each supervisory behavior on the dependent

    variable (employee eco-initiatives). One of the 13 policies

    and ve of the categories of supervisory behaviors had

    a direct positive effect on employee willingness to eco-


    Clearly, communicating company commitment to an

    environmental policy statement more than doubled the

    probability that an employee tried an eco-initiative, increas-

    ing it from 19 to 50%. But, 11 of the other 12 environmental

    policies had only an indirect impact on employee eco-

    innovation. Indirect impacts, meaning that the respondents

    who perceived the existence of policies were more sensitive

    to supportive or unsupportive behaviors on the part of their

    supervisors, existed in all cases except in the case of the

    fossil fuel policy. When employees perceived these 12

    environmental policies (including having a written environ-

    mental policy), they were more likely to eco-innovate if their

    supervisor used learning organization support behaviors

    directed at environmental activities, and less likely to

    eco-innovate if their supervisor used behaviors that wereperceived to be less supportive of environmental actions.

    Policies like, having an environmental management system,

    publishing an environmental report, etc. are important

    because they sensitize employees to support from their


    An interesting exception in our results exists for policy

    10. Having a fossil fuel use reduction policy had a signicant

    negative impact on employee eco-initiatives. We found that

    Fig. 1. Environmental policies and supervisory behaviors which support employee environmental initiatives.

    160 C.A. Ramus / Journal of World Business 37 (2002) 151164

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    the majority of the rms in our survey did not have this

    policy. (Only two of the six rms had a fossil fuel use

    reduction policy.) The data showed that those employees

    who perceived that the policy did not exist were those who

    were more likely to eco-innovate. One possible interpreta-

    tion of this result is that knowledge of which policies exist

    has a direct affect on employee eco-innovation. Our study

    seems to indicate that those employees who are more

    knowledgeable about the policies are also those who are

    more likely to try environmental initiatives, but other inter-

    pretations of this result are possible since energy policy in

    companies is not only motivated by environmental con-

    cern.10 (Note that we did not observe an indirect effect

    between fossil fuel policy and supervisory behaviors.)

    In general, we found that having line managers who use

    learning organization behaviors when managing environ-

    mental activities increased the probability of employees

    trying eco-initiatives. For example, when employees per-

    ceived supportive environmental communication behaviorsfrom their supervisors it more than doubled the probability

    that they would have tried environmental initiatives (from 28

    to 62%). Companies, which have line managers who used

    supportive behaviors, are also those that beneted from a

    larger number of eco-initiatives. The following is a rank-

    ordered list of the results, with the categories of supervisory

    behaviors that had the strongest impact at the top of the list.

    1. Environmental communication: Participative environ-

    mental management style, including use of a demo-

    cratic, non-hierarchical approach to encouraging

    communication from employees.

    2. Environmental competence building: Encourages envir-onmental competence building by employees, including

    allocating time and resources.

    3. Environmental rewards and recognition: Using daily

    praise and company awards to reinforce environmental

    successes and problem-solving.

    4. Management of environmental goals and responsibil-

    ities: Shares environmental goals and responsibilities

    with employees.

    5. Environmental innovation: Shows openness to new

    environmental ideas and encourages employees to

    experiment to nd solutions to environmental problems.

    The companies selected for our survey all stated they hada commitment to sustainable development, yet we found that

    line managers in these rms consistently used less suppor-

    tive behaviors when managing environmental activities than

    other general management activities. This demonstrates how

    difcult it is for rms to make environmental management a

    priority for managers.

    5. Lessons for companies and for managers

    5.1. Companies need an environmental vision and policies

    Employees are more likely to engage in environmental

    problem-solving in rms that clearly communicate their

    environmental vision through policies. Our study shows that

    having environmental policies on the books is not enough.

    Most of the 13 policies of sustainability existed in the

    companies for which the employees in our survey worked.

    Yet, only where the company had communicated a clear

    environmental vision using these policies did we see an

    increased probability of employee eco-initiatives.

    A written environmental policy has the most signicant

    impact on employee actions, but the indirect impact of othersustainability policies is also important. Employee aware-

    ness of these other policies makes them ripe for environ-

    mental actions. But, if they sense that their supervisor does

    not want them to engage in environmental problem-solving,

    then they do not take actions. The implication is that

    companies should prime their managers to be supportive

    of environmental activities prior to communicating environ-

    mental policies, or the communication of these policies can

    back reresulting in a decrease in eco-innovation. (And

    possibly an increase in employee dissatisfaction with the

    company and its management.)

    5.2. A participative communication style applied to

    environmental management

    Of the six categories of learning organization behaviors,

    the most important was environmental communication. Line

    managers in rms who embrace democratic approaches

    when managing employees are more likely to reap the full

    benets of employee environmental problem-solving. We all

    know that managers should listen to their employees, but our

    result indicates that it is important for managers to listen to

    and elicit employees' environmental ideas. Employees are

    more likely to be creative when their environmental ideas,

    criticism, or suggestions are heard and acknowledged. Theenergy it takes for a manager to give an employee feedback

    on environmental ideas is well spent, since it seems to lead to

    increasing numbers of environmental initiatives.

    Sometimes an employee from one area will have the

    solution to an environmental problem in another area of the

    company. A manager who takes a non-hierarchical approach

    will encourage the employee to communicate directly with

    the other business area. But, we nd that in an organization

    where managers don't listen and don't care, these environ-

    mental solutions are unspoken. Thus, just as every company

    knows it should listen to its customers, companies can

    benet from encouraging managers at all levels to listen

    10 Energy policy can be motivated by non-environmental issues

    like cost concerns (e.g., in the airline industry fuel consumption is

    one of the biggest expenses) or the products/services being

    produced (e.g., an oil production company may not be committed

    to reducing the use of the major commodity that they produce).

    Therefore, there may be a hidden factor that can explain these


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    to the environmental ideas of their employees. Our research

    shows that this change alone will lead to more environmental

    problem-solving from employees.

    5.3. Competence building provides the environmental

    problem-solving tools

    Environmental education supports employee eco-innova-

    tion. All of the companies in our survey had environmental

    training programs. But often line management do not make it

    a priority to send employees on courses, site visits, assign-

    ment rotations, and other opportunities for building envir-

    onmental problem-solving know-how. The most frequent

    response was ` my manager neither encourages nor dis-

    courages environmental competence building.'' Thirty-eight

    percent of the respondents selected this behavior to describe

    their managers' most typical daily behavior.

    From employee written comments on the questionnaires,

    it is clear that companies have trouble nding time to trainemployees. Even when resources are available, employees

    often fail to get management support for learning activities.

    The emergency of the day and getting daily tasks accom-

    plished is seen as more pressing than building competencies

    that can be advantageous for the future. This appears to the

    employees to be especially true of environmental skills and

    knowledge development. Since many managers have dif-

    culty seeing the advantage of managing environmental

    activities, they seldom make it a priority to develop and

    implement environmental learning plans with their employ-


    How can companies encourage managers to allocate timeand resources to employee environmental education? The

    rst step is to provide line management with environmental/

    sustainability training. If managers see the value of this type

    of training rst-hand they will be better able to envision its

    value to their employees.

    5.4. Reward and recognize environmental actions

    From our results we can see that a word of praise directed

    at an environmental effort can go a long way in encouraging

    employee participation. It is not surprising that employees

    who found their managers to be good at using rewards

    and recognition in the environmental area were those whotried environmental innovations.

    Making environmental awards, bonus pay, gift certi-

    cates, etc. available for managers can be a rst step in

    creating an awareness in line management of the need for

    daily feedback on environmental actions. One example is a

    company that gave line managers discretion over giving

    dinner vouchers at local restaurants to reward environmental

    initiatives. The managers could give the vouchers on the spot

    whenever they observed a positive environmental action.

    Systems like these can multiply environmental actionsnot

    because of the value of the awardbut rather because of the

    value of being praised! In this company line managers

    learned to look for environmental initiatives, and employee

    environmental creativity blossomed under the attention.

    5.5. Share environmental responsibilities with everyone

    Our research shows that employees eco-innovate when

    they ``own'' part of the corporate environmental targets. The

    success of line managers in sharing goals is directly corre-

    lated to employee eco-innovation rates. Without environ-

    mental goals, environmental problem-solving seldom

    occurs. Thus, companies who have managers who are good

    at instilling responsibility in employees for environmental

    solutions are those managers who have a greater probability

    of having employees who eco-innovate.

    For example, in one company we studied, every line

    manager was evaluated in their performance review against

    specic environmental targets. The only way for these

    managers to reach their targets was to share responsibility

    with their subordinates. Most of the employees in thiscompany reported that they felt their managers were good

    at sharing environmental performance goals, and were sup-

    portive of environmental initiatives.

    5.6. Developing managers who believe in environmental

    value creation

    Our research shows that supervisors who are open to new

    environmental ideas, experimentation, and innovative

    approaches to problem solving are good at encouraging

    employee eco-innovation. These behaviors, like some of

    the other learning organization behaviors discussed above,might be difcult to instill in line managers.

    If your company wants to have employee eco-innovation,

    but your managers are not using supportive behaviors, what

    can you do? Start over? Maybe yes. One implication of our

    results is that becoming an ` environmental'' learning orga-

    nization requires line management to care about environmen-

    tal values; otherwise the evidence shows that they will not

    support environmental management (Rands, 1990). One pos-

    sibility is to start screening potential hires for environmental

    values. Another is to invest in instilling these values into

    existing line management through training, coaching, 3608

    feedback, performance evaluation targets, and other manage-

    mentdevelopmenttools.Doing bothsimultaneously will showthat thecompany really cares about achievingits sustainability

    vision, and cares about supporting employee participation in

    eco-initiatives to move toward sustainable development.

    For example, one company required its line managers to

    take environmental leadership training. The result was a

    greater commitment to progress toward the company's

    sustainable development goals.

    5.7. A counter-intuitive result: information dissemination

    One interesting result was that environmental information

    dissemination did not have a signicant effect on employee

    162 C.A. Ramus / Journal of World Business 37 (2002) 151164

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    eco-innovation. (The category of information dissemination

    included behaviors that supported/failed to support top-

    down (manager to employee) information sharing like infor-

    mation on policies, performance, and, changes within the

    company. This is in contrast to the highly signicant com-

    munication category that included behaviors that supported

    bottom-up (employee to manager) dialogue and sharing of

    ideas.) We asked ourselves if the lack of signicance was

    because environmental information was an unnecessary

    driver. We believe from our interviews in companies and

    from evidence in the survey that environmental information

    can be highly important. For example, employee perceptions

    of company commitment to a written environmental policy

    had an important impact on environmental actions.

    So we looked for another explanation. One alternative is

    that managers poorly disseminate environmental informa-

    tion. Possibly, managers are not currently communicating

    environmental information, like progress toward company

    environmental goals, to employees in a way that the employ-ees can associate this information with their personal

    actions. And managers may not be giving employees envir-

    onmental information of any kind regularly. It is difcult to

    know the correct explanation for this result, but it may be

    important for companies to ask themselves: do our line

    managers have pertinent environmental information to share

    with employees (for example, qualitative and quantitative

    information disaggregated to the business unit level)? And if

    so, are they disseminating it effectively?

    6. Conclusions

    Prior to our research no empirical work had been done to

    demonstrate which organizational and supervisory factors

    have an important impact on employee environmental

    actions. This paper denes the policies and supervisory

    behaviors that employees in companies say could have a

    positive effect on their willingness to try environmental

    initiatives. Then it shows which of these factors have a

    signicant impact on employee willingness to take environ-

    mental actions. The learning organization literature tells us

    that all six behavioral categories (innovation, competence

    building, communication, information dissemination,

    rewards and recognition, and management of goals andresponsibilities) should have a signicant impact. We dis-

    cover that in the environmental management case one of

    these six, information dissemination, does not to date have

    an important impact on employee actions. We also nd that a

    well-communicated written environmental policy is the

    single most important policy driver. Furthermore, environ-

    mental policies are important because they make employees

    sensitive to the signal (supportive or unsupportive) that they

    receive from their line manager.

    For companies that want to improve the sustainability of

    their operations, our research indicates a number of possible

    lessons. Sustainable development of businesses requires

    both corporate commitment to a written environmental

    policy statement and line management support for employee

    environmental initiatives. Sustainability policies that lead-

    ing-edge companies have developed, when communicated

    clearly, make employees more sensitive to managerial sup-

    port for eco-initiatives. Thus, we argue that companies need

    more than just a clearly communicated set of policies aimed

    at sustainable development. They also need line managers

    who use a set of behaviors that show they care about

    environmental value creation. Managers can be trained to

    be good at encouraging employee environmental idea gen-

    eration, and it may be expedient for rms to start hiring

    managers who already use learning organization behaviors

    and value environmental protection.


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