V0Lti}J^_;;NU3li^Btl’273. ■* i l w e J ^ OF p o ii 8«nat« Foreign BelsUons Oom* ;|| ; m ltteo' -Aitoi- -P m idM t for ' f l InforoiatUia' Begiu^ | - - -^ Airm sam ss^'om -on^. -' ^ • u » ; .Sow; fax tht .VerBftiUei f? ’ Treaty Will Involve the U, S. !W *& 'm aroN . Peb. 27.—TIio son- '^‘ atft i'tonlRn.;. reUtlusH coinniluoa V-' « n i^ . E/^uldeBl Hardline to clarify \ JjHSl't8rtn»nenl court ot Jnwrniitinn- aM tklM i 'crMlvd undor tb« U'«iiu>vo( UkltiK nctlon. ''^llK<>on>nlU(io'to<ldy ln«lructoa Upii- . «ur'Lo<lii» to t(H' odilltloiml llRlit.oD point!. T to (l*>: : n. ,Wh«th«r thd International court ^ It to be in (aolJ.flourt ur merely mi Arbitration tr(l;UpiiU W hat^ut^i^lloiui hure bVon praw ol or«u"li« in. coHti. ,3, •Whether Amtrlcttii tidhwilon i.,,,. Would InTOiva-en. Unllod aiAtcn.umlur ^i,-|ipri libor clauiwttlnder tlio V»r»alllei* , t<«ftl>. : . nylvn 'zri)i.'|OT*Mra';;.'reliUloTii commute# ipont nwrly iwu houf» today ill»cu»«- • ln«i''i>rMldaiii JUrillDR's rvquui- U iil C C I tbo aenato at once aprovo American 111 IMtritolpaUofi' la Ih# court Jttd the r#a- * enraUons lutunltteil by S<>'crotarr ot _ Btaiai.irutE(«., TDflta wa» «i,«onenil fl UDd#auhdlni.' coinmlttee nemuara Wl aold, oo-commiueo ncllon woulil V bo pouAw at this aeaalon of counrMs. < .......... N(>.i^oJ(4i|.*Jf«tor'ft'-rurtlt«r nnol- ‘ ' I; InXi aa-^PwM Del known whoa tbe I ^ ■WlWUIon;4 tojretl would be avail- ablij^LM niW d he.would no to ib« Wblta^flbuaS'lMDorrow oitU thnt It III# I n f d r o ^ a i .'^ rurnlahad at onco. --------------pn »lileht«tfaraRy Ilon v iB ^ u M ’^fonned c«ntrAl tb#mM r . „ ot,»h*^® W pn; ■SOTeral.MijBirtt^ .membiwlB|PE*toid«ng ot tho proio- Ty T col.ettd'i^l^tute (TOvarnlnB tbe ^ c6nn‘>^i«^)plon and procedaratn- ■_ (lIcatM Tl'W ^ be nothin* more iban ^ ------- ati artltrttm >tr1bnnnl ana-th«'irtf wa»-tff»»'oi1rthal, the United Stolen Tli vfluM-gala<aDthloc by udhealon to tt. “‘atl ■. ■.• ^ leror Pli|SIEI!N f 1 1 1 OPPOSE ; 1 4 ClWLIliil •• — ' Iran • iWASHINOTOii. D. C.. Keb. 27.— SiiuihwoaterD raliroada tonutlvaly o^gntd to ayateta# of the later* alil* comm#rce oommlnalona plan ,jnj - tm natlon«wldB conwlldatlon ot car- riari’ discloied a notable lack . ot o (.. tttmony aa to tb^:.inerlu ot tbe hjq jU h .a t tbe reaumbllon ot hearlDKi ■*: '.‘Ipaniel' l^egroV o. .preaM*nl; of qnai - ^ St. lAula and SouUiweatern' rail- tht tm i. knowRc'a^ tho .“Cotton. B#1C“ lion ' ' ]la«. volcw CVuniber of objections utati tf the pUa:;|pielpaIly (bat It would -1 Miiroy 'tavnSoUon Dolt Souihweat* tina r ^ brldka'Hnv.allmlnato compotl- ooili . tton to and'-lnm Tezaa polnia and dire dtirexard tho Uct thaC Cotton ' Dell chu liiftic flowa laaaaU rn xnarkeu and oil, Iiot .to Chlcaio, the norl>\weatorn man linnlBua ot tho p^puad >>aun. Sur {fliptlitcrove' propoaed two altarna- I Uv#«. one. that tha'CotiOB'Iieit nnd •[] H l^ Itoek labqi abottlf-wnaUtate an' ||? ^tomor^'SaaU'FW--'. • ■■ - Atn^Cftnlze^j py o Chm ete C o o lie * todi . , --------- •• . Vn ; WASHINOTON;l'P.i;a.,'T#b.. at i ^Hawaii cabnot bo AnorlcanlMd'by hla Chln#a«;eool(ea/' RoprcaoniAilv# Oos -Y of Texas declared today lo a minor- wai Ity report attooUns ,& reaolntlon whi ]Sorldln* for thi' twnoomry lidmU- akr Tnox rtayed the propoM^I wbch ta T «Wlfne<I tn relieve the labor Ual . Ihoruia and oheck Japaoeae' scb- 'wBi obmlo eontrol In thk laland aa a mil diabolical achena" of the aupr alli —bloreats .which ho- dKlcm.'dOraih* , 4ted the lalaada... W M T OPWt!fAl, BXSCOTIOIC J T '. Bn^ li . - JIT?® . -DUDUN. Feb. ST-^*''tirM"«(flAiiU ani ^ecution by the Irlalf tree:*!^ alnce dai tsplraUon otthacovemihtni^riranaa-, . . (y offer oune when Thomaa Oibaon; a ' ( former aoldier In the national am y, tol ' Waa ahot for treaaon. He deaerted to wa iu rebeU laklDi aome- rltlea’ with wa tai /A . 'I'/IV-‘l)V i'-''. Hf- I' «' ' ■ . ... H A IW Y K . T H AW a ' ^ H |A |H ||: 1 ^ A S vuiio pront All . . r ■ ' thvm K H ^ her I ^ BaBA Wlill ----- ^ --------------- Mliiii . o f 111 ^4hll)vl■nlroll, wrinkled, nml wenr- ijciwi g a (irlenn piiilur. Marry K. Thuw. ..... ny«r ot Hlanford Whiin, U alinwu . • , Tfl on. Ill* nrrlvjil lii INiiiibnrKli lii'rn be vIkIIciI Ii Ih ii'iDilior. A ton- u.i!. ly parol*! wan arunio.l tf..m l\nn- ■Ivnnin liianno aiiylUm. ' fD E liip ii i OP«ESSEES = GREATmi)lRH I • . ' ' lielot WASHrNQTO.S', Fob! 27-He'llorlnR ,h '‘! lat tbo wjirld U drltlloB to a war of ,,,? rpportloaa ikat mny cauae tbe •cUoae . r^^llCutlon for c«iiiuri#s, th# fod- ! !L NOX-ouneil-ef'diurciiee-ioday-maile n urgont call for Ihe Amerlcan’fov I” "' mmeni' to #ov*>t»i# worM'frmn Wia«, y hclpln* Europe to alralghWn'out *■‘® a tanslod affaih. * The council eapocially nr«ed two , suraaa ot.acllon^ai-toUowii;----- -— .'0'“! Tiiat the Untied Stntee Uiio. Ihe in- latlve in calling on laternallonnl con- ironeo to conalder lb# o'conoralc and Diitlcnl situation In Europe, IncludloK ^paratlone. debta-and armamenu.'In tio .iiopo of jirev8lilnB.on Europe to Isn a treaty similar to lhat ncRotli^t* ‘ ” d nl tiio WnKhinRlnn .arma confer- ncc. , ' ■ Mf Tlmt.Ihla Rorornment renounce ils olicy ot aloofncsa from InUmatlonal ffalra and aaaumo full aliaro'ot the . caponalblllty in tho aetllemcnt of In- ‘'•f cmatldnal problems. '® ‘ . U! 8. Shonld 8n(:rKlce Debte. ^ Aa aiiollior slop toward .European ranqttilliy. this Rovornmeat ahould lo reody lo mnVd "aocrlfJoea in tbe jjoo, oattor oL debts." tho call atalod. In or«ivin» ptt«-ot the-m.ooo.ooa.oeo- oreisn 4*St the United Suiet would Imply be doin« oh a larRer scale ^.nn rhat It afreed ,to do In the. matter h|. It'.Junking’ war Tosseis, lo ensure -|,| he auccm cf.tUo nrois conference, har -pointed otit. rSeitl^ent of Uie Near Baatern inestion muat include amends for he tadaaacrea and xeneml-'peraecu- Ion «t the Armenian'peo)ilo, Ihe call “Thn fnliurff of illpiomalic and ’inancfnl oflorla to bring about a , ’ lollafaclory BQlilemeat constitutes a llrect ciiullenice lo Iho Christian BA :hurcti.”-lhe appeal amtod. nrnlnc' »•“' jll.'churclj-iooT* to ^ n lle In' a de- mtsi nand for American participation in am Suropa’a-affftlra. , ' >«■ .— pre ful M iis i ba'bw , Utah. Fob. 27^Inveatlfa- lion wa* ordored-by elty aulhorltles. loday of tho -accident In' which F ruk C. Venter, uilstant ^cashier < at the Union railway dopot.«r« loat nL hla life' lalio yeaterilAy; '• ,. nr .Yensor, whllo alttlns at hla dnk. yjQ waa caucht.beneaUr a atone copinx which craahed .«0 feel thrcu«h a «o{ skyllBhi; He died trnn hia tniorlaa *ooi» attOTW*rda.> Two other nen. nt, hurt lo tlie aecidont;'will recover. > Tho depot building had beea par> Ci Ually-bnrhod two woeka aco> and It -waa bellayed that tho flro-had under- mined tlie copini.ao that some ;. alliht ]ar uuaod it |o, ,talL . : • iBOOltf PIUCBS *DBOP. > SAN F llA N C I^ . cal.. Fob, *7.— pe Bnfarl .prloei -dropped allghliy her» bo today.': C aba.nctr waa ent 10 canta. ^ lo'rbaalo"prtee-0MSM'perfanndi«4 SI and- beet'aaRiirv.wu ilmllarly re>/r.-i; d a ^ ; t 0 4 | # . i o . ' ' ’.- ' CHiCAOC^Hra. Clara Durkbardt IS told the Judfo that Wllilan B. Howell ■"} waa tha '‘Ute of the p a n /” while h t ik waa' around hat< whetv ti/jatt ha look- kn tan, watches .with h lo v '\ - " ' '‘k e M M l ,T W lN .g A iX S ;.iD A H .1 f" * V 1 ^ till i. 8eoona.“ Bmy ’Suntiay” or .a BoconfWvatloB'NeU Hai D9. , dded to Qait' Bro^way boma W eit to Preacb’to Oiiiu from'ID to.26; 8be*& Knowo . a«:“^ e A iigd of.Broadway." t ) NEW YOHK. Fob. 27.—Armcl with . ‘ new thrill foh the' American Rlrl— , A he ureaipat thrill of nil.’- Ilbe(ia ' / A >aWford. formar.flopwln.ot tho ullon army. I* ROlnR' uut wnxt to ' ■ronch'u modern norl bt aalvatlnii to ' •oun« pcnple ofllie »:ountry. / \ And Jusl to show (hut ifhe InalrueiA hvm.'uml that thuy ni^d nol fear that icr lypo of avaiigelbim won'l fit tn ' vllh Ihe mo<lern aobemo of tblnia, rtlxx (:rav>(flrd will tnke nions aomo >f the latent motlrls. trum llrimtlway - md siARO n fosblim «hbw tor wOmiin ~ i(.iwfri'n prayer ineeiliiKii., -Lo •Thu anxoi of llrniidwiiy kiiown vlnt ahit Is lalkliiK Blioiit-ilreiiH o.r bli rvatiRollsn). The beaiiliful ralr<hnlrei1 jt4 lalvaUon Army loan wiioie sir»«l neotlnio in tbe white IIkIii ilUtrlct St >rouehl.har Intprnntlonnl fame, ami nore roccntly qrresi, has an iiitlmnli- icqualnlajiceahlH ..wllh mbxt ot tho p. )lc Iheutrlavl people of tho country, fw. , Ihe loves Iheui, afia aoya, but she's (>,. , oavln* them to “pluy tho provinceo" o„jor lecause she thinkn tha youns folka deoly nil aionff "Main atreet" neod her moro. tnnKn Miss Crnwford'n meettnBa nre Rolns In tl 0 bo nf .iliQ Dllly/unday type. Hhn pr< :an sway-d crowd- and aho'il have .a Viny roupn with her, but aho doesn't go in RO much (or penonal devil* Just broui leloW tho platfonn as Billy docs. cogfi "ll's thnt hollow place that hurta star'i ho inornlnK afler.tliat only fallh cnn flrat tin, thnt'n wliat my rellRlon U sood nt A lor." Ihe pretty ovangelist ’said today, qq -J31iSLl/kr(>.*rie9'U.i!i.rJ. h«.j transliory period. She haa exhauated hltht klUtho thrllU at flapperdam. .Now aho "brJa la Tooklnr around for somothlns new. eartli l*ve Rot It for her. lo rt “My meetlnia are Roinu lo be for folks between 16 and (ahe fnlla Th SinilOKiiniWilTie“rtelt)7'ThnlT'an jefi . sRo whon younR people'know—l know ibio because I'm ono of tbem—but eapec- p,. lally the Rftla of ihe Weet. are on- loylDR more freedom than ever betore, ^ freedohi' of speech and troodom - of ilreaa, freedom ot companlonahlpwlth ii tueur- Qul tboy haven't Rot freedom ot spirit.- ./ taut “t .wanf tb got to know iho Amer- m rc icati slrl and than 16. help her." '- ins 1 Mlaa Crawford will probably start erful her American tour, which she exp^cta to carry on tor tiro years. In Ohio. poulbly In Mirlon. sho said. In time fg^ , tha hopes to. hltythe coaat and hold ,, m eettw In Hollywood. (e.,o "I love tbo -people ot the suge. I , kiiow them best. I've worked wltli ' what some ot my fellow revivailat* call "the dovir* In Hollywood. **" “But tirst J'm going to the American ‘“9, Bin. oul on Main alreel and show « «' her abe can got more kick out ot tho ndventuro of dolns right and helping j»'“ someone than oul of nny synlhelic cocktail or automobile rldo." ■‘• f Government Launch 11 U Believed Sunk LH BAN^FIUNOISCO. Feb. 27-Allhougli I | search waa cbn|lDved today tor the ; I mlsalns gOMnuneiil, Uunch Sen Hover. army'authorlUela. nt Port. McDowclU . lo whkh Ujo taonch U altnched. e*- prAiad Itw belief'that it had been C sunkj ' . . . . I .TTfe Sen-Rover; with Civilian Engl* todi doer a 0. 'Campbell and an unldon* tioU dfltd ablrtier aboard, waa aeon polling In t Dtitrtrpm Pon McDowell early SnUf hut tVif>Army oftlcera said Ihe trip waa : p QUUiUiorUod. • . J w’ '«j . 7ha launch has not been hoard froiA j • ‘“."•V, Jiea ^i^^Thbiuahd^jJMile. '.;8ANi;A'«T6N10/'J#*aCW'‘«-.4 i.^l BU.-DeWvlUnd pUnea will. t»ka tt>8 air a». Kelly field Friday on a Highly *b» via'Porto lUco to .Waahlngton, - ' ^ The trip, will eover approximataQf JL <000 mUea .and. require about 0 ^ mmth. ,TvMv« men will make. tb« night, ^ Surt^en^^bminent . j Charged polnjtwu olUnna wore released tia An • bAd" 5 MUW,^h today tollowlns ^ I. ( h tlr ; iJidlctmaBU and arreals o^ 1 OC - r t o U a i;- — V IndletaaBta followed a.rtqnou »p ' iM , fom ar Mayor DeBollac of I W Jiitl,'w iio':cha^.'» mob, iaelndtd t t^ U -'n e n forcML U n to rasl«B. ft *U I '.j7ii«-ttaydt*a''re<lKnatloa'wak dS ttu I laUded.oa the KTorad-that; be ' v ^ M HlwM(a»:,npi-tb*/|w-aML'vater.aiippg V<1 •l^io^lag :u UarU^^^^ ^ ^ A U > ■HO, T u e s d a y ; F f e B rS SENATE BAYS TIMB /< / XOO SHORT TO APPROVK |* j. HABDlKj^a WORI.ll fOUUT ^ \VA8HIN<jfdJs’, Fell. 27—Wllh lltllo ohjapect • nf eomplylnR Wllh Prealdent Hnrdlng’n re- J ciuitst that.tho preient nosalon at the aenaie approve American partlclpalloii In ttie world cnurl the aeoate (orelgn relnilnnii commiUeo met loilny in inkn nctlon nn ihe rrvxIiIenCi nup- Koatl«m.' . . . . - ne TIiQ time Ihnl rrmnlnii—(nur <lnyfl—Is obvlouniy Kin «liori fnr _ suoh acllou o> &lr. ItarclinR <ln- nlroa, ncnatora siiUI. fa -------------' ' • 5tar 3aid to “ Burning Is Astonishing ! Astroiiomersis . I Ills SoientiliC'^enomena Known as. B«ta.Ofitl Ii at the Extreme mun] Loft pf tbe 'O^tns and b Visi- bio to the Naked Eyo Shortly Aft«r Sunset; Sian Often Th Show Bed or Flame.llko. \luox Thrc PAillB, Feb. 27.—A brlRlit atnr ot iiut e Coius Coi^Biellatlon. vUiblo wliii 0 naked oye and known 10 oelron- aora as Bela Ceti has buml aud- A 1 oly Into tiamo and both ot the flrat V 4 tiRnltudo, on unprecedented event y | tho history of anlroaomy. Prof. -Cumllle 'FUnimorlon ot Ju- II observatory, whoie apeculatloas IU RnrdlDg tbo ond fn tho worUl'lias If -Qughl promlnenco recently, toduy inflrmed reports rejtardlng the p A ar'a extraordinary bchnvlnr which .11 rat rtflt)hed taria trom Dr, Abbott II DelA Ceti, tho burnlOR star, which “ .doubled ln_brl!!loncif._somothipR Itherto unknown In so-called tlil* jrlKht aura**, le^so .tar Irom the ol irth li takes 80 yenra for IU llgbl ot 1Mach us. v' Visible «ioHly^\(ter6nnH(>t ' Ol T.he.alarBelA CeUJa.ai.tlia.extrema ft of the Cetui. or whale group via- J"*" >lo low in (iiQ>resl Juat after aunset. Prof. H. N. Iluanoli ol Princeton }|f"’ nivemity, comaientlne on the report- Ir]*' 1 audden Increase tn nagsltude ot ll* star, aald Iho occurreoce'describ- 1 la unprecedented and tbat tha on- r« MlBStiric world will nwalt with itoreaL Ihe report ot thone fortunate , itronomera who first bring the flam- \”'v‘ I* conatollatlon under the moat pow- , 8t»r» Often Flare Bed It la oot unusual, Pnf. t^usa^ll aald, }r a remite atar, uanally a ,’'ri»l’' ono gy. } suddenly flare np and outehlne Its illowa for a brief while, and then die jf, , way. 4. , . Mira, 009 o< BsU Ceiu’s males In fhit he whale-family, la -tlven - to suoh nea tunta, bo aald. But tor a star that qne aa.alwaya -been bright and vlaihle to |n t I19 naked eye to behave In this way ed I unhetrd of. Praf.niiBsell aaid/how* _ u ver, eald there waa no dai^ger lo our hea lionet In the phanomaoon nor would jn 1 be action be communioated to'Othor cer u r jtroapa. sbr —■ r .' roo fib n n M /ti) n iiu c ir! plv CHJCAOO. Feb.:J7-rChlca«o'a,lalior ' irar~«lalmed lU twemy-aixth victim :odny ’when Wlllhim •'Red'*'Kinse|la. lotorioua gangster, was shot to deatli ' .. In a pitclied battle at a meeting of the Uuttfhera*,union, -.-i i P*nl';IUd6a."menib«r of the union, bni ws« wounded In. th t ahoulder. IM The Im JMtUft brbk* but dsuing n th< heated dltouealon over an attempt ot on the Uriirair'.bni^era to secede from Pe U>« AnuUanatM Meat Cuttara ami So; Bntcbanu.ot'Aib4rl^ More than 60 > Shota ^Wer» ft^ -.F \iQ r or five men a^ii tookrpart in.ihe.affran . ... tei IbrbalLwan ampty^ • . ^ naUona' has broughtuSUi.msUiHM BMle."'C a i l U I n wl Ainerica*B*^e o f 'dttrtB'l ate' h< V ^.-w at.‘a«kl hwi'ylet^May.'' S D A t^_ R Y 27,. 1923. . ^ench Occupal Zauses Great Lot Than 50,000 L (Oopyright 1023, by U DUSSELDORF, Peb. 27.—Eust- notwork of railways, roundhoutci 1 tlvcs, cars witb rusted whooU on 1 -most strildng, tho most toU-tnlo t\ failure of tho occupation of the Eul' than any official interview or atatia On an automobile ride throiigl towns, I observed the extension of the creeping paralysis overcoming 1 groat industrial organism. Ono by everywhere hedging the horizon an paralysis reaches them. Already 60,000 persons are idlt their number will increaio from no Hundreds of thousands of others are work. Eaw materials and stocks oi ing^bat the faotories must soon shi -------- ------------------------------------------------Kn -lugevomb Found; Fuse Failed to Burn HVBllVrrr. Wmih.. Fob, 27-l>lico )Ui»y wero neoklnR iivn men who woro ,, ten 111.the roar of the N'ornmnnu hnll i»i niKlil. nn IIki renuU ot tho fliullni; ' inrii liiHl nlRht nf a hURu Iximli with pnrtinily linrnvii ilefnrilvn flint'. Tiio Immli. uiiuiiirli>i-il Inrijfly ot nl- ' •o-Blyi'i>rlno. w:ii* fiiutiU by hoys. hure II luul Imen depoXiU-d in nn ■'"“ I prn Himcn In tho- rear of iho Imil. 'hren toei of tufiu Imd buniml nml lUt ono fool ot It rnmnlnrd. IRlFFmUNDi ^11 OTHERS TRItOi 1 BOOILEGGINGS _____ ROVt who :iileT-6froirie ot-Bolw and SUfrltt ~B{ ol Ada County 1‘ace Federal Court gian on Cbanre of BooUegglnir. -> - still ... --------- plac OOISB, Feb..27—For the tirst tiroo the ilnce Indlctmenln charging Sheriff ®ow rSmerD. -XBnowi-Clilet- Of - Police a'en Usury Oriftiih and other oftlcem wllh dusi :onspiracy to violate tho prohibition Poci awi wero mndo public, tho Rovera-. Tl iiont reveeled lls hand thia mornlns "1 tm ljlie federal court Jury empanolcii bon to trj^the case was Informed of the Fl ixacl nature ot tho charges againat may Jie nine defendania. Trial ot the do- l a lendanta is on la Ihe^deral court by wor ludge Frank 8. Dieinct. . If the Rovernment succeeds in prov- obe; InR the aensatlfinal allegations, aa said >ntliii«d In the nUtement by AasUl- int U. 8. Diairlct Attorney Hi 8. Mc- B) Evers It will aiiow that the aheritt »wei and chief of police and Deputy Bher- who Iff Sylveator Kinney were actively on- «roo gaged in the manufacture of moon- day Ihine Inquor on the J. K. Evana ranch near Whitney-echool-that-they • fro- •«*' qnently met and discuaied their plana Koe In the office of Dr. Goodfriend. brand- T ed aa "the bralna" ot tbo conaplracy col< —that Iheae converaatlona were over- lain heard b r federal prohibition ngenla j in an adjoining room—that the OtfU |t,g cera sought to give Qirl hnil EMIlh |),e 8brettson,’prepri*tora of the Vernon mit rooma. and Ed Ward, managor'o'r tho n,e Union rooms, a moaopoiy of tho sale m 1 bf'moonahlne Whiskey. you Long .Oefore court convened. this ers norning every seat wna taken ami >p >ver/ Inch of aundiag apace utlllaed. to ] rho corridors were packed with'those J-ni vlio.haped Uiat (ixlls of olhera migbt ,hr, live them, a-chaacpjto witnesa the ,on >r9ceedlngv __________ ' ' q Ban^t Car Discovered ru< w th Blood Stains STEUBBNVILLR-O.. Fpb. 57-A bandit cat*.>ns tonnd abatidonod at |A IMUonvlli^l aodar ftmV honm ollur '7 the death of Harnr D. Prl.ce, aaaUt- t oat eaahter'of: tlib 'Moaiil PlesMnt PseptM Na|l6nai’bank,'Wbo wiia'ahot 1 Satnrday. by hold-np men. ch 'niia .tleenae'Mata'of' th'e abandoned bai anto bail been rakhoved: In the reat ni •eat were bloody bandagea, hearing er out. police. Uelleye. iRa claim -of » . fei D. Jones, ba-ihler'V the .J^o^nt Pleaa- ih< a n t' bank:;.' thht he wotMdrd; oife. ot ^ the bandlla during theJiold-B|^ y ' It Finding the cp'r waji tbtt.aijm l for ^ r e ^ tu .p ^ e a 'a n d the.reaoundlng thi ot the alam-rfloiiif all hlghwaya lead- itt Ing M m ' V ,T«; - rSXAU il^BBSOKXTOR ,VC flailT^iveahVTeb; .tT^allan ; SItiBga, .^lia-itinialt- ImtwrsoBalor. i wlll^^be ^1 L t L Y ition of Ruhr M OSS. an d M ore Unemployed y United Press,), ust—mile upon mile, a rusted os filled with rusted locomo- on silent sidings-that i« tho D evidence of .the succois or Euhr. It is more informative 1 atistlcj, ' T oiigb ft do;:en or more Ruhr i ' of tho red rust which marks ^ ig the nervous system o fth e ' S by ODO the toll smokestacks ti are coasing to smoke as thc ' j idle in the Ruhr vnlley and 1 now on in a growing, ratio. iinr aro engaged In non-productive s ore fast diminishing, mean- , shut down. ni.- From one viewpiilnt. thin imrnlyMl* ihoH’x tho HUrcciin of Frnni-(>>t)vli:i»n ulmii OwinR to ilie renlmnnco of Qermnny’n luduntrlnllniH, tho Fren<-ti 1 >n<l llelRlnnn fovi tiivy miixt luirnlyij' ;hn m-L’uiiIcil nrcn Kf forco cupltuln- ;lon. I' Ilui Iho Klaro ot tlio red ruai re- tleciii i/io tallnre of ihn Invndurn lu lirucnre reimroilonii In c-diil—cinn cif J" lh(t nvowi'cl dI jJpcik nf Illo wi-u|ni- OfflclnlH now'iiilnill ihn InipiWHl- ' blllty Ilf iibtulnlna an nppri-eiiilili- ' amount ot conl niilemi nnil until llii' WuHlphiillnn miners ilcrlilu to work under iirtlom of thw iVench nml Ild- BlDOfl. . ^ My ImproHaion ia ihtu ll I* now j" tho purpoae of iho occuplern lo brlnR about It allniitlon under wlilHi ihe tlic InduBlrlalinln <and tlie wnrkern will for Rivn In nnd dccldo not <0 (ippoKp the l<>K nlmn uf tlie occupation.' - « ^ AlilioiiRh thn Frrneli ' offlrlnln avoid uilnR iho ugly word, ilmi con- 'j'’ dlllon cnn hu aunimeil mi In n word: ’llunBcr." A vlafl.llke prexRuru by tlio Invml- Ing nrmluN'U aimed prlmnrliy at tlm , IndURtrlalsta, and, nt the aerman Rovernment, but U la Ibo workmen m ^ ho will bo aqimted. O SiVah'Re" aa it may 'aoflm'’ liolii flb l' glana and .freacli havo givon. 'and atlll would rIvo, a great deni to placate aod win tbe population of tbo Ituhr- But they havo no movo ^ now bul lo apply preaanre until thin q aleady -pamlytatlon rcqchea the In* dustrlsliats' m u t Vital polni-ihu pockelbook. ^ ‘ ' |i“ the French. teiUho peopitj. u,, "It will iM iho taslt ot your own boises It your families teel hunger." .ta France hopea' ihnt capitulation in may como bofore complete paralysii. 10 I anked a group of Rrlmy Oerman workers, . . . "We'll aiarve. but Wo won't dis- hd obey the government's orOere." they thi said. ' (o BEntl.IN, Feb. 27—Controversy be- tween France ond Germany ovcr V whether.the lomior aro ualng cdlored troops In tho Ruhr was continued tn- day by the .Berlin govemmeal,' Wben auihorltallve diapatchea from Cologne .sui«d--i)ial-black~lrt>op»-- occnpled - KonigswlDtan ' . Tbe garrlaon at Bont aiao includes at: colored troops, the aermana main- V- lalned. ... fli The Prencb have officially denied ‘J* iho preience of colored troopa with Iho new army ot occupation; Xt the aame time, it wa* aiAted today, that the clua of 19S2. many ot whom aro In the Rohr. mny be recalled. Those \ VoiinRsten may be replaced wllh olh- fr era even younger. ' ' . . The Oerman government protested ° |o Parla reganling a aeriea of alloRed .j, crueiliei. Including proved caaea ot «. Ihreo i^eatha and aboat a acoro of per- «, sona bfilng wounded. One particular Inatance that waa airesaed by Berlin vaa tho drlvtng of ui Ruesta from s theoter at neoklinhau- a sen with whlpa.' Another vaV'when at paasengera. wero wblnned from a train h' at Wanne, . - - American Aipb^u^dor y to Japan Has Resigned WA^tlNOTON, D. ci, Fob. ,J7,^ „ Charlee B. WarroH, American am- I i bassador to Jatutn' will aubmU his. * : raaignatton fomully- within a day : er two. be aanouneod' aRet> a eon* ^ . ferance with PreaJdont .HanUag at Ihe Whlto Honaa today. , Warren aald'hevTvontd ;aak -that > n be accepted at .ones. , . ,; ^ - Warren aald that ho bad- flslahod : the work thst ha had'bwn u n t'to ' - iecomplUb In. Japan and doatrad.to ,Tetnra to-hla privaio r»#talr«.-.'-• . d r: ; .ornc^y Agp r I BAN'FIU)^80£.'fW h.rtr^<^.W . lj i MeClnBg,. 1^:-«]»;, 1 baa two yaara.<to |i<m i4;th«pl|^lu;m £ ( ptata penal.f^ laT uarm ^m f^ | r 'ill •1 T 1 1 V { ' oLd 'Toi,. xni-MO. w. f f l i r POSIASIER GENlWr Work Is Named as Secretary of Iiitcrror lo Succecd Albert B. Fnll Who Retires on March 4; Some Republicans Are Opposed - — to Scnntor New Taking Post in President's Onbinet. w,\sniN{;roN. t-vii. rr.'Ntii<-m Hiinllni; i . h!; i>- Kiivo Si-nnior Hurry , XCK Ilf liKlhiiin. rrcTiilly (U'fi'i»H-d tur i'i-< Im Ilun, ;i plnn- In llu- ciiliUli'I. ■rill- i.r.-«lilini( i..'ni in ihi- nnialo 111.- •K-imlcir’j imiiiliiiilliin lo Ijh ponl- •• lliiinUT iii-iuT.ll. New mitv.Tdii i’ont- niu'ilrr Cvnir-il lliilu-rt Work of Cul«- riiiUi. «'hi> ImUiy wnH m-k-clnl nn net- relary uf llir Inlrrlur to nurtePiI Al- hflfl ». ivli.HC r.'.HlKJiyll(i« be- cuinex I'ffi-vllve Muri-li t. in 'iiuiilim Now lu ilip c-alilnel Ihe lirfolili-ni In KinmlhiK 1>y <>n old frinnd. Hiiine tnclliiiin of ItK- rvinililU'iin |iariy III liKllii'uii Iiiivo l>r<’n liliiiirly i>ii|>oa«d Kl llu- Iill|>nUllinrnl. Ni'W I" cnilnliliT- • I'll iilK' (if llie iilili-nl |ii>ll1l<-til'li'udi<rn .......... 'X ^ W<irk. iK'Ini: 11 wiHurn mi>n, Ims iH'cn hi'.eiil) inii'ii-Mii-il lu nuiilem I'liniloK uniliT tho Jnrlndli'ilon uf ihe liilerlnr ilvicirliuent. New 111 fll yi'um old. lie 'viin iiurn' In lnilliin;i|>nllii and xpent moal ot hln life In Iinllanii. lie wnn olectod lo tlic ncniitp In IDlO bni wna defeale.l for re.noinlimtlon by Senalor Hever- lilen In the primarlea Innl yoor. Work Ih <1 lie won boro In India i;ouniy. J'onnaylvnnln. For many yoom hu wna n prominent 4>hy*iclnii. P r n l - ' lUni lln'rdlnc firnf mimed him-ns oa- •ilnlnnl poHinmnler .general nnd then uleviiied him to iho head ot.the da- liariment *hcn Wlli Hays reslgneil - Ul become ewp ot the roovlea. Government Owned SKips'Muit. Be Sold" • .... ' to Stop .Big^' Loss WASIHNOTON. D! C..' Fab; t».— Sale of nil the government owned Vennela'ia ihq ocily recoursO-lUftO.......... Iho Rovernment to slop the. great iiHiten cntilloil In the operation of the. United Buiei. shipping hoard,. IC wun- aiuied at tho While Houie to- day. Till' action is necesaary due Io Ihn failure of the sbip snUldy in pass the senate. 11 was atated. While no plan haa yel been work- eil out, it Is tbo only hope ef the hdnilnlatrailon to llquldale the more than 900 veaaela in sa^h a way'aa to bo of' maxlmnm benefit to Ameri: can shipping men- ... ' Wife Acquitt^ of ‘ Murder Chargov in. ' Exci^g T'rial,, STtnTQART, Ark.. Feb. IT^Tbe- alra crowds, pstUntiy. waited, n n ^ t:30 o'clock this moroing-for tbe: s final ciiruln la ihe atraateaL .drama that baa been presented on the local And whto'.tht imi eame, with the pcqultui of M «, «>ftibel Potterknue,’ Uniyeralty ot Arkansas graduate, ,rt. a charse ot iT»Brder|ng, her hnabaod. . , the crowd broks'Into a dem oaa^ , an actor. ------ , Tbo mnrder trUW waa moved' to , the theatre whea.'the conrtreen waa found too amall. foe Jtho. crowda: o f __ i ‘ frienda ot lfa« girl, ahxloua 'to «t< ... tend the saaaloni• • 1 Tho defentfaat. did not mata aB ;; r unqualUled eonl«aiiO&^:,that ahe firwl' ^ • a -aliotgun at herVtiua^d as he lay ' I aaleep In their •coonW home near v ; » here, .laiat; pe«e*b^r.i4»ut adaJU^ ,■ "she muat have dono-lt.'' She plead- ed'temporairjB^ty^ ' '. -v-J 3 W0 0 DDOR.T.' 4 E i _

^ench Occupalition of Ruhr M J^ H | A Unemployed POSIASIER

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V 0 L t i} J ^ _ ; ;N U 3 l i^ B t l ’ 273. ■*

i l w e J^ OF p o i i

8 « n a t« F o re ig n B e lsU o n s Oom* ; | |

; m l t te o ' -A itoi- - P m i d M t f o r ' f l

In fo ro ia tU ia ' B e g i u ^ |- - - ^ A i r m s a m s s ^ ' o m - o n ^ . - ' ^

• u » ; .Sow; fax th t .VerBftiUei f? ’ T r e a ty W ill In v o lv e t h e U , S .

!W * & 'm a ro N . Peb. 27.—TIio son- ' ‘ atft i 'to n lR n .; . reUtlusH coinniluoa V-'

• « n i ^ . E/^uldeBl Hardline to clarify \

J jH S l't8 rtn»nen l court o t Jnwrniitinn- a M tk lM i 'crMlvd undor tb« U'«iiu>vo(

UkltiK nctlon. ''^llK<>on>nlU(io'to<ldy ln«lructoa Upii- . «ur'Lo<lii» to t(H' odilltloiml llRlit.oD

point!. T to (l*>:: n . ,W h«th«r thd In ternational court ■ It to be in (ao lJ .f lo u r t ur merely mi Arbitration tr(l;UpiiU

W h a t^ u t^ i^ l lo iu i hu re bVon

p r a w o l or«u"li« in . coHti. ■ ■,3, •Whether Amtrlcttii tidhwilon i.,,,.

Would InTOiva-en. Unllod aiAtcn.umlur i,-|ipri l ib o r c lau iw tt ln d e r tlio V»r»alllei* , t<«ftl>. : . nylvn

'zri)i.'|OT*Mra';;.'reliUloTii commute# ipont n w rly iwu houf» today ill»cu»«- • • ln«i''i>rMldaiii JUrillDR's rvquu i- U iil C C I tbo aenato a t once aprovo American 1 1 1 IMtritolpaUofi' la Ih# cou rt Jttd the r#a- * enraUons lutunltteil by S<>'crotarr ot _ Btaiai.irutE(«., TDflta wa» «i,«onenil f l U D d#auhdln i.' coinmlttee nem uara Wl aold, oo-commiueo ncllon woulil V bo p ouA w a t this aeaalon of counrMs. <

.......... N (> .i^oJ(4 i|.* Jf« to r 'f t'-ru rtlt« r nno l- ‘ ' I;InXi aa-^P w M Del known whoa tbe I

^ ■WlW UIon;4 tojretl would be avail- a b l i j^ L M n iW d he.would no to ib« Wblta^flbuaS'lMDorrow oitU thn t It III# I n f d r o ^ a i . ' ^ rurnlahad a t onco.

--------------pn » lileh t« tfaraR yIlon v i B ^ u M ’ fonned c«ntrAl tb#mM r . „ o t ,» h * ^ ® W p n ; ■SOTeral.MijBirtt^ .m em biw lB |PE *to id«ng o t tho proio- Ty T c o l . e t t d ' i ^ l ^ t u t e (TOvarnlnB tbe ^ c6n n ‘> ^ i « ^ ) p l o n and p rocedaratn- ■_ ( l I c a tM T l 'W ^ be nothin* more iban ^

------- ati a r t l t r t tm > t r 1bnnnl a n a - t h « ' i r t fw a» -tff» » 'o i1 rth al, th e United Stolen Tli vfluM-gala<aDthloc by udhealon to tt. “ ‘atl ■ . ■.• ^ leror

Pli|SIEI!N f 1 1 1 OPPOSE; 1 4 C lW L Iliil

•• — ' Iran

• iWASHINOTOii. D. C.. Keb. 27.— SiiuihwoaterD raliroada tonutlvaly o ^ g n td to ayateta# of the later* a lil* comm#rce oommlnalona plan , j n j

- tm natlon«wldB conw lldatlon o t car- r ia r i’ discloied a notable lack . o t o ( . . t t tm o n y aa to tb ^ :.in e rlu o t tb e hjq j U h . a t tbe reaumbllon o t hearlDKi

■*: '.‘Ip a n ie l ' l^ e g r o V o . .preaM *nl; of qnai- ^ St. lAula and SouUiweatern' rail- th t

t m i . knowRc'a^ tho .“Cotton. B#1C“ lion' ' ]la«. v o lc w CV uniber of objections utati

t f the p U a :; |p ie lp a I ly (b a t It would -1 M iiroy 'tavnSoUon Dolt Souihweat* tina

r ^ b r ld k a 'H n v .a llm ln a to compotl- ooili . tton to a n d '- ln m T ezaa polnia and dire

d tirexard tho U ct thaC Cotton ' Dell chu li i f t ic flowa la a a a U r n xnarkeu and oil, Iiot .to Chlcaio, the norl>\weatorn man linnlB ua o t tho p ^ p u a d > > a u n . S u r

{fliptlitcrove' propoaed tw o altarna- I Uv#«. one. th a t tha 'C o tiO B 'Iie it nnd •[]

H l^ Itoek l a b q i abottlf-w naU tate an' | | ?

^ t o m o r ^ 'S a a U 'F W - - ' .

• ■■- A tn^Cftnlze^j py o

C h m e t e C o o l i e * todi. , --------- •• . • V n

; W ASH IN O TON ;l'P .i;a.,'T#b.. a t i ^Haw aii cabnot bo A norlcan lM d 'by hla Chln#a«;eool(ea/' RoprcaoniAilv# Oos -Y of Texas declared today lo a minor- wai Ity report a ttooU ns ,& reaolntlon whi ]Sorldln* for th i ' tw noom ry lidmU- akr

T n o x rtayed the propoM^I wbch ta T «Wlfne<I tn relieve the labor Ual

. I h o ru i a and oheck Japaoeae ' scb- 'wBi obmlo eontrol In thk laland aa a mil d ia b o lic a l achena" of the a u p r alli

— b lo rea ts .which ho- dK lcm .'dO raih*, 4ted the lalaada...

W M T OPWt!fAl, BXSCOTIOIC J T ' . Bnl i . - JIT ?®. -DUDUN. Feb. ST-^*''tirM "«(flA iiU ani ^e c u tio n by the Irlalf t r e e : * ! ^ alnce dai tsplraU on o tth a co v e m ih tn i^ r iran a a - , . . (y offer oune when Thomaa Oibaon; a ' ( form er aoldier In th e national a m y , tol

' Waa ahot for treaaon. H e deaerted to wa i u rebeU laklDi aome- rltlea’ with wa


/ A .

'I'/IV-‘l)V i'-''. Hf-

I ' « ' ' ■ „ . ...

H A I W Y K . T H A W a '

^ H | A| H | | : 1

^ A S

vuiio • pront

All. . r ■ ' thvm

K H ^ her I^ B a B A Wlill

■----- --------------- Mliiii. of 111

^4hll)vl■nlroll, w rinkled, nml wenr- ijciwig a (irlenn piiilur. Marry K. Thuw. .....ny«r o t Hlanford Whiin, U alinwu . • , Tfl on. Ill* nrrlvjil lii INiiiibnrKlilii'rn be vIkIIciI IiIh ii'iDilior. A ton- u .i!. ly parol*! wan arunio.l tf..m l \n n - ■Ivnnin liianno aiiylUm. ' ’

f D E l i i p i i i O P « E S S E E S = G R E A T m i ) l R H

I • • . ' ' lielot

WASHrNQTO.S', Fob! 27-He'llorlnR ,h ' ‘! lat tbo wjirld U drltlloB to a war of ,,,? rpportloaa ika t mny cauae tbe •cUoae . r ^ ^ llC u tlo n for c«iiiuri#s, th# fod- ! !L NOX-ouneil-ef'd iurciiee-ioday-maile n urgont call fo r Ihe A m erlcan’f o v I” " ' mmeni' to #ov*>t»i# worM'frmn W ia«, y hclpln* Europe to a lralghW n'out *■‘® a tanslod a ffa ih . *The council eapocially nr«ed two ,

suraaa o t.ac llon^ai-toU ow ii;----- -— .'0 '“!Tiiat the Untied Stntee Uiio. Ihe in-

latlve in calling on laternallonnl con- ironeo to conalder lb# o'conoralc and Diitlcnl situation In Europe, IncludloK ^paratlone. debta-and arm am enu.'In tio .iiopo of jirev8lilnB.on Europe to Isn a trea ty sim ilar to lhat ncRotli^t* ‘ ” d nl tiio WnKhinRlnn .arm a confer- ncc. , ' ■ MfTlm t.Ihla Rorornment renounce ils

olicy o t aloofncsa from InUm atlonal ffalra and aaaumo full a liaro 'o t the . caponalblllty in tho aetllemcnt of In- ‘'• f cmatldnal problems. '® ‘

. U! 8 . Shonld 8n(:rKlce Debte. ^ Aa aiiollior slop tow ard .European

ranqttilliy. this Rovornmeat ahould lo reody lo mnVd "aocrlfJoea in tbe jjoo, oattor oL debts." tho call atalod. In or«ivin» p t t« - o t the-m.ooo.ooa.oeo- oreisn 4*St the United S u ie t would Imply be doin« oh a larRer scale ^.nn rh a t I t a freed ,to do In the. m atter h|. I t '.Junking’ w ar Tosseis, lo ensure - | , | he a u c c m cf.tU o nrois conference, har

-pointed otit. rS e i t l^ e n t of Uie Near Baatern inestion muat include amends for he tadaaacrea and xeneml-'peraecu- Ion « t the A rmenian'peo)ilo, Ihe call

“Thn fnliurff o f illpiomalic and’inancfnl oflorla to bring about a , ’ lollafaclory BQlilemeat constitutes allrect ciiullenice lo Iho Christian BA :hurcti.” - lh e appeal amtod. nrnlnc' »•“ 'jll.'churclj-iooT* t o ^ n l l e In' a de- mtsinand for American participation in a mSuropa’a-affftlra. , ' >«■

.— pre

f u l M i i s i

b a 'b w , Utah. Fob. 27^ In v e atlfa - lion wa* ordored-by elty aulhorltles. loday of tho -accident In' which ■ F r u k C. V enter, u i l s ta n t ^cashier < a t the Union railw ay d o p o t.« r« loat nL hla life' lalio yeaterilAy; '• , . n r

.Yensor, whllo a lttln s a t hla d n k . yjQ waa cauch t.beneaU r a atone copinx which craahed .«0 feel thrcu«h a «o{ skyllBhi; H e died t r n n hia tniorlaa *ooi» attOTW*rda.> T w o o ther n e n . nt, hu rt lo tlie aec idont;'w ill recover. >

Tho depot building had beea par> C i U ally-bnrhod two woeka aco> and It -waa bellayed th a t tho flro-had under­mined tlie c o p i n i . a o th a t some ;. a llih t ]ar u u a o d i t |o , ,talL .

: • iBOOltf PIUCBS *DBOP. > ■ SAN F l lA N C I ^ . cal.. Fob, *7.— pe

Bnfarl .p rloei -d ropped allghliy h e r» bo today.': C a b a .n c t r waa e n t 10 canta. ^lo 'rb a a lo "p r te e -0 M S M 'p erfan n d i« 4 S Iand - b e e t 'a a R iirv .w u ilm llarly re>/r.-i; d a ^ ; t 0 4 |# . i o . ' ' ’.-

' CHiCAOC^Hra. C lara Durkbardt IS told the Judfo th a t W llilan B. Howell ■"} waa tha '‘Ute of th e p a n / ” while h t i k waa' around hat< whetv t i / j a t t ha look- kn tan , watches .with h l o v ' \ - " ' '‘k e

M M l

, T W l N . g A i X S ; . i D A H

.1 f" * V 1 tilli. 8 e o o n a .“ B m y ’S u n t ia y ” or .a

B o c o n f W v a t lo B 'N e U H a i D 9. ,

d d e d to Q ai t ' B r o ^ w a y

bo m a W e i t t o P re a c b ’ to O iiiu

f ro m 'I D t o . 2 6 ; 8 b e * & K n o w o .

a « :“ ^ e A i ig d o f .B r o a d w a y ." t )

NEW YOHK. Fob. 27.—A rm cl with . ‘ new th rill foh the' American Rlrl— , A he ureaipat th r ill of nil.’- Ilbe(ia ' / A >aWford. form ar.flopw ln .o t tho ullon arm y. I* ROlnR' uut wnxt to ' ■ronch'u modern norl b t aalvatlnii to '•oun« pcnple o f l l ie »:ountry. / \

And Jusl to show (hut ifhe InalrueiA hvm.'uml tha t thuy ni^d nol fear that icr lypo of avaiigelbim w on'l fit tn ' vllh Ihe mo<lern aobemo of tb ln ia, rtlxx (:rav>(flrd will tnke nions aomo >f the latent motlrls. trum llrimtlway - md siARO n fosblim «hbw tor wOmiin ~ i(.iwfri'n prayer ineeiliiKii., -L o

•Thu anxoi of llrniidw iiy kiiown v ln t ahit Is lalkliiK Blioiit-ilreiiH o.r b li rvatiRollsn). The beaiiliful ralr<hnlrei1 j t 4 lalvaUon Army loan wiioie sir»«l neotlnio in tbe white IIkIii ilUtrlct S t > rouehl.har Intprnntlonnl fame, ami nore roccntly q rre si, has an iiitlmnli- icqualnlajiceahlH ..wllh mbxt o t tho p . )lc Iheutrlavl people of tho country, fw. , Ihe loves Iheui, afia aoya, bu t she 's (>,. , oavln* them to “pluy tho provinceo" o„jor lecause she thinkn tha youns folka deoly nil aionff "Main a treet" neod he r moro. tnnKn

Miss Crnwford'n meettnBa nre Rolns In tl0 bo nf .iliQ D llly /u n d a y type. Hhn pr< :an sw ay -d crowd- and aho'il have .a Viny roupn with her, bu t aho doesn't goin RO much (or penonal devil* Just broui leloW tho pla tfonn as Billy docs. cogfi

" ll 's thnt hollow place tha t hurta s tar'i ho inornlnK a fle r .tlia t only fallh cnn flra t tin, thnt'n w liat my rellRlon U sood n t A lor." Ihe p retty ovangelist ’said today, qq -J31iSLl/kr(>.*rie9'U.i!i.rJ. h « . jtransliory period. She haa exhauated h lth t klUtho th rllU at flapperdam. .Now aho "brJa la Tooklnr around for somothlns new. eartli l*ve Rot It fo r her. lo r t

“My m eetln ia are Roinu lo be for folks between 16 and (ahe fnlla Th S in ilO K iin iW ilT ie“r te l t)7 'T h n lT 'a n jefi . sRo whon younR people'know—l know ibio because I'm ono of tbem—but eapec- p ,. lally th e Rftla of ihe Weet. a re on- loylDR more freedom than ever betore, ^ freedohi' of speech and troodom - of ilreaa, freedom o t com panlonahlpwlth ii tueur- Q ul tboy haven 't Rot freedom ot s p ir i t .- • . / ta u t

“ t .w an f tb got to know iho Amer- m r c icati s l r l and than 16. help her." '- in s 1

Mlaa Crawford will probably s ta r t erful h e r American tour, which she exp^cta to carry on to r tiro years. In Ohio. p ou lb ly In M irlon. sho said. In tim e fg^ , th a hopes to. h ltythe coaat and hold ,, m e e ttw In Hollywood. (e.,o

" I love tbo -people ot the su g e . I , kiiow them best. I've worked w ltli '

what some o t my fellow revivailat* call " the dovir* In Hollywood. **"

“But tirs t J'm going to the American ‘“ 9 , Bin. ou l on Main a lree l and show « « ' her abe can got more kick ou t ot tho ndventuro of dolns right and helping j»'“ someone than oul of nny synlhelic cocktail or automobile rldo." ■‘• f

Government Launch 11 U Believed Sunk LH

BAN^FIUNOISCO. Feb. 27-A llhougli I |search waa cbn|lDved today tor th e ; Im lsalns gOMnuneiil, U unch Sen Hover. ■arm y'authorlU ela. n t P o r t . McDowclU . lo w hkh Ujo taonch U altnched. e*-p rA iad Itw b e lie f 'th a t i t had been Csu n k j ' . . . . w «

I .TTfe Sen-Rover; w ith Civilian Engl* todi doer a 0 . ' Campbell and an unldon* tioU d f ltd ablrtier aboard, waa aeon po lling In t Dtitrtrpm P o n McDowell early SnUf h u t tV if>A rm y oftlcera said Ihe trip waa : pQUUiUiorUod. • . J w’'«j . 7 h a launch has no t been hoard froiA j

• ‘“."•V, • Jiea


'. ;8 A N i;A '« T 6 N 1 0 / 'J# * a C W '‘« - . 4 i .^ lBU .-DeW vlUnd pUnea will. t»ka tt>8 a ir a». K elly field Friday on a Highly *b» v ia 'P o rto lUco to .Waahlngton, - ' ^

T he trip , w ill eover approximataQf JL <000 mUea .a n d . require about 0 m m th . ,T vM v« men will make. tb « n igh t, ^

Surt^en^^bm inent . j


p o ln j tw u olU nna wore released tia An • bA d " 5 M U W ,^ h today tollow lns ^ I. ( h t l r ; iJidlctmaBU and arrea ls o ^1 OC - r to U a i;-—V IndletaaBta followed a . r tq n o u » p ' i M , f o m a r Mayor DeBollac of I W

J i i t l , 'w i i o ': c h a ^ . '» mob, ia e ln d td t t ^ U - ' n e n forcML U n to rasl«B. f t *U I '.j7 ii« -ttayd t*a ''re< lK natloa 'w ak d S ttu I la U d e d .o a th e K Torad-that; be ' v ^ M H lw M (a»:,np i-tb* /|w -aM L 'vater.aiippg V<1 • l ^ i o ^ l a g : u UarU^^^^ ^ ^

A U >

■ H O , T u e s d a y ; F f e B r S


\VA8 HIN<jfdJs’, Fell. 27—Wllh lltllo ohjapect • nf eomplylnR Wllh Prealdent Hnrdlng’n re- J ciuitst th a t. th o preient nosalon a t the aenaie approve American partlclpalloii In ttie world cnurl th e aeoate (orelgn relnilnnii commiUeo m et loilny in inkn nctlon nn ihe rrvxIiIenCi nup- Koatl«m.' . . . . - ne

TIiQ time Ihnl rrmnlnii—(nur <lnyfl—Is obvlouniy Kin «liori fnr _ suoh acllou o> &lr. ItarclinR <ln- nlroa, ncnatora siiUI. f a

-------------' ' •

5tar 3 a i d to “ B u rn in g Is

A s to n is h in g ! A s tro iio m e rs is

. IIlls S oien tiliC '^enom ena Known as. B«ta.Ofitl I i a t the Extrem e mun] L o ft pf tbe 'O^tns and b Visi- bio to the N aked Eyo Shortly A ft« r S unse t; S ia n Often Th

Show Bed or Flame.llko. \luox

ThrcPA illB, Feb. 27.—A brlRlit atnr ot iiut e Coius Coi^Biellatlon. vUiblo wliii0 naked oye and known 10 oelron-aora as Bela Ceti has bum l aud- A 1o ly Into tiamo and both ot the flrat V 4tiRnltudo, on unprecedented event y |

th o history of anlroaomy.Pro f. -Cumllle 'F U nim orlon o t Ju- I I

observatory, whoie apeculatloas IURnrdlDg tbo ond fn tho w orU l'lias I f -Qughl promlnenco recently, toduyinflrmed reports rejtardlng the p Aa r 'a extraordinary bchnvlnr which .1 1rat rtflt)hed ta r i a trom Dr, Abbott I I

DelA Ceti, tho burnlOR star, which “ .doubled ln_brl!!loncif._somothipR Itherto unknown In so-called tlil* jrlK ht aura**, le ^so .ta r Irom the ol ir th li takes 80 yenra for IU llgbl ot1 M ach us. v '

Visible «ioH ly^\(ter6nnH (>t ' Ol T.he.alarB elA CeU Ja.ai.tlia.extrem a ft of the Cetui. or whale group via- J"*" >lo low in (iiQ>resl Juat after aunset.Prof. H. N. Iluanoli ol Princeton } |f"’

nivemity, comaientlne on the report- Ir]*' 1 audden Increase tn nagsltude ot ll* s ta r , aald Iho occurreoce'describ- 1 la unprecedented and tb a t th a on- r« MlBStiric world will nwalt with itoreaL Ihe report o t thone fortunate , itronom era who f irs t bring the flam- \” 'v ‘ I* conatollatlon under the moat pow-

, 8 t»r» Often F lare Bed I t la oot unusual, P n f . t^usa^ll aald,

}r a rem ite a tar, uanally a ,’'ri»l’' ono g y . } suddenly f la re np and outehlne Itsillowa for a brief while, and then die jf , , w ay. 4. ,. M ira, 009 o< B sU Ceiu’s m ales In fh ithe w hale-fam ily, la -tlven - to suoh neatun ta , bo aald. B ut to r a s ta r th a t qneaa.a lw aya -been bright and vlaihle to |n tI19 naked eye to behave In th is way edI u n h e trd of. P raf.niiBsell aaid/how * _ uv er, eald there waa no dai^ger lo our healionet In the phanomaoon nor would jn 1 be action be communioated to 'O thor c e ru r jtroapa. sb r

• — ■ r . ' roo

f i b n n M / t i ) n i i u c i r !


CHJCAOO. Feb.:J7-rChlca«o 'a,lalior ' irar~«lalmed lU twemy-aixth victim :odny ’when Wlllhim •'R ed'*'K inse|la. lotorioua gangster, was shot to deatli ' .. In a pitclied ba ttle a t a meeting of the Uuttfhera*,union, -.-i i

P*nl';IU d6a."m enib«r of the union, bni w s« wounded In. t h t ahoulder. IM

T he I m JMtUft brbk* bu t dsu ing n th< heated dltouealon over an attem pt o t on th e U ri ira ir '.b n i^e ra to secede from Pe U>« A n u U an a tM Meat Cuttara ami So; B n tc b a n u .o t 'A ib 4 r l^ More than 60 > Shota Wer» f t ^ - .F \ i Q r o r five men a ii to o k rp a rt in . ih e .a f f ra n . . . . te i

Ib rb a lL w a n ampty^ • . ^

naU ona ' has b rough tuS U i.m sU iH M

B M le ." 'C a i l U I n wl A ine rica*B *^e o f 'dttrtB'l ate ' h< V ^ . - w a t . ‘a«kl h w i'y let^M ay .''


t ^ _ R Y 2 7 , . 1 9 2 3 . .

^ench Occupal Zauses Great Lot Than 50 ,0 0 0 L

(O o p y r ig h t 1023, by U D U S S E L D O R F , P e b . 27.— E u s t -

n o tw o rk o f ra ilw a y s , r o u n d h o u tc i 1 tlv c s , c a r s w itb ru s te d w hooU o n 1

-m o s t s t r i ld n g , tho m o s t toU -tnlo t\ f a i l u re o f th o oc cu p a tio n o f th e Eul' t h a n a n y o ffic ia l in te rv ie w o r a ta tia

O n a n au tom ob ile r id e th ro iig l to w n s , I o b se rved th e e x te n s io n of t h e c re e p in g p a ra ly s is o v e rc o m in g 1 g r o a t in d u s t r ia l o rg an ism . O no by e v e ry w h e re h e d g in g th e h o r iz o n a n p a ra ly s is rea ch e s them .

A lre a d y 60,000 p e rso n s a re id lt t h e i r n u m b e r w ill in c re a io f ro m no H u n d re d s o f th o u sa n d s o f o th e r s a re w o rk . E a w m a te r ia ls a n d s to c k s oi i n g ^ b a t th e f ao to r ie s m u s t so o n shi

-------- ------------------------------------------------Kn-lugevom b Found;

Fuse Failed to BurnHVBllVrrr. Wmih.. Fob, 2 7 - l> lic o

)Ui»y wero neoklnR iivn men who woro ,, ten 111 .the roar of the N'ornmnnu hnll i»i niKlil. nn IIki renuU ot tho fliullni; ' inrii liiHl nlRht nf a hURu Iximli with

pnrtinily linrnvii ilefnrilvn flint'.Tiio Immli. uiiuiiirli>i-il Inrijfly o t nl- '

•o-Blyi'i>rlno. w:ii* fiiutiU by hoys. hure II luul Imen depoXiU-d in nn ■'"“ I p rn Himcn In tho- rear of iho Imil.'hren toei of tufiu Imd buniml nml lUt ono fool o t I t rnmnlnrd.


_____ ROVtwho

:iileT-6f r o i r i e o t-B olw and S U frltt ~B{ o l Ada County 1‘ace Federal Court gian on Cbanre of BooUegglnir. -> - still

. . . --------- placOOISB, Feb..27—For the tirs t tiroo the

ilnce Indlctmenln charging Sheriff ®ow rS m e rD . -XBnowi-Clilet- Of - Police a'en Usury O riftiih and other oftlcem w llh dusi :onspiracy to violate tho prohibition Poci aw i wero mndo public, tho Rovera-. Tl iion t reveeled lls hand thia m orn ln s "1 tm l j l ie federal court Jury empanolcii bon to tr j^ th e case was Informed of the Fl ixacl na tu re o t tho charges againa t may Jie nine defendania. T rial ot the do- l a lendanta is on la I h e ^ d e ra l court by w or ludge Frank 8. D ieinct.. If the Rovernment succeeds in prov- obe; InR the aensatlfinal allegations, aa said >ntliii«d In the nUtement by AasUl- in t U. 8. Diairlct Attorney Hi 8 . Mc- B) Evers It will aiiow tha t the a h e r itt »wei and chief of police and Deputy Bher- who Iff Sylveator Kinney were actively on- «roo gaged in the manufacture of moon- day Ihine Inquor on the J. K. Evana ranch near W h itney -echoo l-tha t-they • fro- •«*' qnently m et and discuaied the ir plana Koe In the office of Dr. Goodfriend. brand- T ed aa "the bralna" ot tbo conaplracy col< —th a t Iheae converaatlona were over- lain heard b r federal prohibition ngenla j in an adjoining room—th a t the OtfU |t,g cera sought to give Q irl hnil EMIlh |),e 8brettson,’prepri*tora of th e V ernon m it rooma. and Ed Ward, m anagor'o 'r tho n,e Union rooms, a moaopoiy of tho sale m 1 bf'm oonahlne Whiskey. you

Long .Oefore court convened . th is ers norning every seat wna taken ami >p >ver/ Inch of aund iag apace utlllaed. to ] rho corridors were packed w ith 'those J-ni vlio.haped Uiat (ixlls of o lhera m igbt ,hr, live them , a -c h a a c p jto w itnesa th e ,on >r9ce e d ln g v __________ ' ' q

B a n ^ t Car Discovered ru<

w th Blood StainsSTEUBBNVILLR-O.. Fpb. 5 7 -A

bandit cat*.>ns tonnd abatidonod a t |A IMUonvlli^l a o d a r ftmV honm o llu r ' 7 th e death of H arnr D. Prl.ce, aaaUt- t o a t e a a h te r 'o f : tlib 'Moaiil P lesM nt P sep tM N a|l6nai’bank,'W bo w iia 'ahot 1 Satnrday. by hold-np men. ch

'niia .tleenae'M ata'of' th'e abandoned bai an to bail been rakhoved: In th e r e a t n i •e a t were bloody bandagea, hearing e r out. police. Uelleye. iR a claim -of » . fei D. Jones, ba-ihler'V the .J^o^nt Pleaa- ih< a n t ' bank:;.' thht he wotMdrd; o ife. o t th e bandlla during theJio ld-B |^ y ' It

F ind ing the cp'r waji tb t t .a i jm l fo r r e ^ t u . p ^ e a ' a n d the .reaound lng thi o t the alam -rfloiiif a ll hlghw aya lead- i t tIng M m ' V ,T«;

- r S X A U il^B B SO K X TO R ,VC

f l a i l T ^ i v e a h V T e b ; . t T ^ a l l a n ; SItiBga, .^ l ia - i t in ia l t - ImtwrsoBalor. i wlll^^be ^1

L t L Y

ition of Ruhr M OSS. and More Unemployed

y U n ite d P re ss ,) , u st— m ile upon m ile, a ru s te d os f ille d w ith ru s te d locom o- on s ile n t s i d i n g s - t h a t i« th o D ev idence of .th e su c co is o r E u h r . I t is m ore in fo rm a tiv e 1

a t is t lc j , ’ ' To iigb ft do;:en o r m ore R u h r i '

o f th o red r u s t w hich m a rk s ^ i g th e n e rv o u s sy s te m o f t h e ' S

by ODO th e to l l sm o k e s ta ck s ti a re coasing to sm oke as th c ' j

id le in th e R u h r v n lle y a n d 1 now o n in a g row ing , r a t io . iinr a ro e n gaged In n o n -p ro d u c tiv e s o re f a s t d im in ish in g , m ean - , s h u t dow n. ni.-

From one viewpiilnt. thin imrnlyMl* ihoH’x tho HUrcciin of Frnni-(>>t)vli:i»n ulmii OwinR to ilie renlmnnco of Qermnny’n luduntrlnllniH, tho Fren<-ti 1 >n<l llelRlnnn fovi tiivy miixt luirnlyij';hn m-L’uiiIcil nrcn Kf forco cupltuln- ;lon. I'

Ilui Iho Klaro ot tlio red ruai re- tleciii i/io tallnre of ihn Invndurn lu lirucnre reimroilonii In c-diil—cinn cif J" lh(t nvowi'cl dIjJpcik nf Illo wi-u|ni-

OfflclnlH now 'iiilnill ihn InipiWHl- ' blllty Ilf iibtulnlna an nppri-eiiilili- ' amount ot conl niilemi nnil until llii' WuHlphiillnn miners ilcrlilu to work under iirtlom of thw iVench nml Ild -BlDOfl. . ^

My ImproHaion ia ihtu ll I* now j" tho purpoae of iho occuplern lo brlnR about It allniitlon under wlilHi ihe tlic InduBlrlalinln <and tlie wnrkern will for Rivn In nnd dccldo not <0 (ippoKp the l<>K nlmn uf tlie occupation.' - « ^

AlilioiiRh thn Frrneli ' offlrlnln avoid uilnR iho ugly word, ilmi con- 'j '’ dlllon cnn hu aunimeil mi In n word: ■’llunBcr."

A vlafl.llke prexRuru by tlio Invml- Ing nrmluN'U aimed prlm nrliy a t tlm , IndURtrlalsta, and, nt the aerm an Rovernment, but U la Ibo workmen m ^ ho will bo aq im ted . O

SiVah'Re" aa it may 'aoflm'’ liolii f lb l ' glana and .f re a c l i havo givon. 'and atlll would rIvo, a g rea t deni to placate aod win tbe population of tbo Ituhr- But they havo no movo now bul lo apply preaanre until thin q aleady -pam lytatlon rcqchea the In* dustrlsliats' m u t Vital p o ln i- ih u pockelbook. ^ ‘ ' | i“

t h e French. te iU h o peop itj. u,, " I t will iM iho ta s lt o t your own

boises It your families teel hunger." .ta France hopea' ihnt capitulation in

may como bofore complete pa ra lysii. 10 I anked a group of Rrlmy Oerman workers, . . .

"We'll aiarve. but Wo w on't dis- hd obey the government's orOere." they thi said. ' (o

BEntl.IN, Feb. 27—Controversy be­tween France ond G ermany ovcr V w hether.the lom ior aro ualng cdlored troops In tho R uhr was continued tn ­day by the .Berlin govem m ea l,' Wben auihorltallve diapatchea from Cologne .sui«d--i)ial-black~ lrt>op»-- occnpled - KonigswlDtan '. Tbe garrlaon a t Bont aiao includes at: colored troops, the aerm ana m ain- V- lalned. . . . fli

The Prencb have officially denied ‘J* iho preience of colored troopa with Iho new army o t occupation; Xt the aame time, it wa* aiAted today, that the c lu a of 19S2. many o t whom aro In the Rohr. mny be recalled. Those \ VoiinRsten may be replaced w llh olh- fr era even younger. ' ' . .

The Oerman government protested ° |o Parla reganling a aeriea of alloRed .j, crueilie i. Including proved caaea o t «. Ihreo i^eatha and aboat a acoro of p e r- «, sona bfilng wounded. „

One particular Inatance th a t waa airesaed by Berlin vaa tho drlvtng of ui Ruesta from s theoter a t neoklinhau- a sen with whlpa.' Another v aV 'w hen at paasengera. wero wblnned from a train h' a t Wanne, . - - •

American Aipb^u^dor y to Japan Has ResignedW A^tlNOTON, D. c i, Fob. , J 7 ,^ „

Charlee B. WarroH, A m erican a m - I i bassador to Jatutn' w ill aubmU his. *: raaignatton fom ully- w ithin a day : e r two. be aanouneod' aRet> a eon* ^. ferance with PreaJdont .H anU ag a t

Ihe Whlto Honaa today. ,W arren aald 'hevT vontd ;aak - th a t >

n be accepted a t .ones. , . , ; ^■ - W arren aald tha t ho bad- flslahod : the work th s t ha h a d 'b w n u n t ' t o '- iecomplUb In. Japan and doa trad .to

,Tetnra to -h la privaio r»#talr«.-.'-• . d

r : ; . o r n c ^ y A gp

r I B A N 'F IU ) ^ 8 0 £ . 'fW h .r tr^ < ^ .W . lji MeClnBg,. 1^ :-« ]» ; ,1 baa tw o yaara.<to |i< m i4 ;th « p l |^ lu ;m £ ( p tata p e n a l . f ^ l a T u a r m ^ m f ^ |

r 'ill


T 1 1 V {' o L d 'T o i , . x n i - M O . w .

f f l i rPOSIASIERG E N lW r

W o rk I s N am ed a s S e c re ta ry of

I iitc rro r lo Succecd A lb e r t B.

F n ll W h o R e tir e s on M a rc h 4 ;Som e R e p u b lic an s A re O pposed - —

to S cnn to r N ew T a k in g P o s t in

P re s id e n t 's O nbinet.

w ,\sn iN { ;ro N . t-vii. rr.'Ntii<-mHiinllni; i . h!;i>- Kiivo Si-nnior Hurry ,XCK Ilf liKlhiiin. rrcTiilly (U'fi'i»H-d tur i'i-< Im Ilun, ;i plnn- In llu- ciiliUli'I.

■rill- i.r.-«lilini( i..'ni in ihi- nnialo 111.- •K-imlcir’j imiiiliiiilliin lo Ijh ponl- •• lliiinUT iii-iuT.ll. New mitv.Tdii i’ont- niu'ilrr Cvnir-il lliilu-rt Work of Cul«- riiiUi. «'hi> ImUiy wnH m-k-clnl nn net- relary uf llir In lrrlu r to nurtePiI Al-hflfl ». ivli.HC r.'.HlKJiyll(i« be-cuinex I'ffi-vllve Muri-li t.

in 'iiuiilim Now lu ilip c-alilnel Ihe lirfolili-ni In KinmlhiK 1>y <>n old frinnd.Hiiine tnclliiiin of ItK- rvinililU'iin |iariy III liKllii'uii Iiiivo l>r<’n liliiiirly i>ii|>oa«d Kl llu- Iill|>nUllinrnl. Ni'W I" cnilnliliT- •I'll iilK' (if llie iilili-nl |ii>ll1l<-til'li'udi<rn.......... ' X ^

W<irk. iK'Ini: 11 wiH urn mi>n, Ims iH'cn hi'.eiil) inii'ii-Mii-il lu nuiilem I'liniloK uniliT tho Jnrlndli'ilon uf ihe liilerlnr ilvicirliuent.

New 111 fll yi'um old. lie 'viin iiu rn 'In lnilliin;i|>nllii and xpent moal ot hln life In Iinllanii. l ie wnn olectod lo tlic ncniitp In IDlO bni wna defeale.l for re.noinlimtlon by Senalor Hever- lilen In the primarlea Innl yoor.

Work Ih <1 lie won boro In India i;ouniy. J'onnaylvnnln. For many yoom hu wna n prominent 4>hy*iclnii. P r n l - ' lUni lln'rdlnc firn f mimed him -ns oa- •ilnlnnl poHinmnler .general nnd then uleviiied him to iho head ot.the da- liariment *hcn Wlli Hays reslgneil - Ul become ew p ot th e roovlea.

Government OwnedSKips'Muit. Be Sold" •....

' to Stop .Big ' LossWASIHNOTON. D! C ..' Fab; t».—

Sale of nil th e government ownedVennela'ia ihq ocily recou rsO -lU ftO ..........Iho Rovernment to slop the . g reat iiHiten cntillo il In the operation of the . United B u ie i. shipping hoard,. IC wun- aiuied a t tho While Houie to­day. T ill ' action is necesaary due Io Ihn failure of th e sbip snU ldy in pass the senate. 11 was atated.

While no p lan haa yel been work- eil out, it Is tbo only hope ef the hdnilnlatrailon to llquldale the more than 900 veaaela in sa^h a w ay 'aa to bo of' maxlmnm benefit to Ameri: can shipping men- ... '

Wife A cqu itt^ o f ‘ Murder Chargov in.

' E x c i^ g T 'ria l,,ST tnTQ A RT , A rk.. Feb. IT ^ T b e -

a lra crowds, pstU n tiy . waited, n n ^ t:30 o'clock this m o ro in g -fo r tbe: s final c iiru ln la ihe a traa teaL .drama that baa been presented on the local

And w h to '.th t im i eame, with the pcq u ltu i of M « , «>ftibel P o tterknue ,’ Uniyeralty o t A rkansas graduate, ,rt. a c h arse ot iT»Brder|ng, h e r hnabaod. . , the crowd b ro k s 'In to a d e m o a a ^ ,

an actor. ------ ,Tbo m nrder trUW waa moved' to

, the theatre w hea.'the co n rtre en waafound too amall. foe Jtho. crow da: o f __ i

‘ frienda ot lfa« g irl, ahxloua 'to «t< ...tend th e sa a a lo n i• •

1 Tho defentfaat. did not m a ta aB ;; r unqualUled eonl«aiiO&^:,that ahe firw l' ^ • a -aliotgun a t h e rV tiu a ^ d a s he lay 'I aaleep In th e ir • c o o n W home near v ; » here, .la ia t; p e«e*b^r.i4»ut a d a J U ^ ,■

"she muat have dono-lt.'' She plead­e d ' t e m p o r a i r j B ^ t y ^ ' '.

-v -J3 W0 0 DDOR.T.'

4 E i _

- P i 'Q E T W O r " ” « '«V

SOCIETY ANM r«. J . W . W h ee lin g —Socle

MuhIp l)i-|'I>rlmrill .'Irrl- MrH, I '.Il'il W. Ihimkd Mitrrlulm-cl for Un- MiiKir]'''"' il«imrliiH'iil nf ltu> T«<'iill--t!i I'.•n-iirv I!' ■ rlub ,Monitny iifli'rinidii. In ilir*«-nce III Mn>. H iirrj D tvl-., i hu ll..........MrK. (>. I*. Diiviill An i'\- i

I J-l.inn ncilc. '•.MIhliity I'.ilonjh..-," i'l...I pin,-Mn*. I), tt A1<-»iincli'i; »ci..il •nin.iiii,I •’f:iinS(il«lloli,’' .Mc'iiilc'h.N.lilll, - Mr'., (llcn .SiurUlviim; Wuli.-, r S tnri. Ml-1 nor. (rtuiplll. Jilnvi'cl t.y Ml:... N.,ni Uiilli „„I who rp»|uiiici''i1 r.. .11 m rnr.. m ill im- ,|i.! oilier wnlix niiinlMT; ilii.'l In Mtn. U'.I II. DwiKliI lili'l 0 i’- n il's 'l l. "I n

Wnlled Inr tin- I.nril.” frniii AlriiilclK- C ! HOtin'l -Hyiiimi of l-n .r ..-,;; -^olc l.y

Mln* Fl<ir» IIolli. •Mi.hli.ii W1..I1," I.y ! Clioplll; hi.Ici ■•(> l(-.'l lii^li.. I.'ir.l,-' Irolu Mriii1i-lri«(ilm'» '■llllj.ifl, ' niim: l.y

Mm, U. <■, .'liirnlr'- T lir n .'t i ......Hi..;'1 o t Ulf> "111 I"' U'-M Mut.Ui 1:: at Ih r lioiii- of Mim.'J i:. KV.Ilii.iii. H-'I • W alnut iiln-< i.

i I-fln.Hclli-rilp f'liit. - Mi.^ <nivn,

1 Ir-nit cluU Mimiliiy I'vcniiii:. Ttiin;ii.-.iM1 vriirc limilM<-.I u lili a rli'Vrr hi i ;i|iliiiiili

iKunt wlllcll fiiriiiilic'ii llllllll aiiiii'i'- 'K,,.n ........ «i,« . . i n

11 R«rni>t)u«>k Iinri iH. iiii-.-. n .i Irmu '' muRarlnrH wllli wl.li'h ilicy w .to rc- qllll*Nl to lir-iiiiri- 11 h1(iKni|.liIni1 nhftcJi of wuni'iiiw i>rr:n.ni, W lim (In- Isliril till- milijri l <lf |.;.rli :.kr|c li Wiir;

U\ v*n»U l> slK- r.UMlB. Al llm clii'i'- Ilf :i ili’llKlilfiil ' '1 l:»«nlriR Mi" > fllliliin:ill .;rrv.il ,i .|.-. Y' IlrliiiiH lunrli. , , , nl

ThfBtrr* nml llrlilifi'-ri.iiip lli;i. iiilnc. Mni. II. K. Canniin ;m-t Mrt>. J. Iv l-ll- ‘ man. Mr». I-; A. W ullrm i.ti.i Mrr.. I., T, " ' Wrixhi cniorialncil lui.m y i;ii>..iri iii ! . tllft Mnlin'TliiMiro M.iinliiy ..v-uliii:, iJ t tf r llm Rin-’iin iiuiHir.'.! m iti.. Wi.l-

i . Irm lioint-. wlii.n- l.rldi:.' uiir playi'il. jI.ale In ll» ' <-voniiii: ;i •hiiiiiy I.....Iiwnn Hprvpd,

D lnnrr lo f IViltliliir linr«.|*--,\imini; ['j till- many ncirlul i.v.-ntn kIvi-ii fur .Mrn- Carmnn nnd Mrri, I’liiiiiui. i:ii."il« In „„ Twin >'^ll« «ni* llm <llniicT hi th.. Hor- y„ pnion Monday orcnlnK, slvon. I>y Mr. nnd Klra. U«orno Kunluy. ( 'orurn w.-ri,. ........ • -- -------------- nt


f’ IGLEYSa n d g i v e y o u r s l o m a c l i a JL H I.

^ P r o v l i le s ** U ic t>tl o l .Z y , ■ W « C t” iQ b m n tf i t la l

: ^ **»«».

il B e l p s ' t o c l e a n s eJ t h « le c tU a a d k e e p j,,


: i: i crisp, tasty ov '• whole w b ^ w ith m

fe<± food comhioatioa b_______ t t i a y ou can s t fv c i tJ

I f you- prefer-it hot, over tbe Shredded V

[ 'p o u r hoc w ater overj quickly and then co

; I • c ra m . T be result is ,n!1 — w ithout th e drudf


h • S M J c d l y h t ^ ia 10leadjr-cookcd oad r a f « c t ,d d k k x a & o d f o

•if «fay .S e r y e it«M {>ty<ir;c e to p p e d w ith b e n i

; i t a b a aU tb e b n n vm t

(■: <?, ” »m<J»iiwi>>— you KXH

«■ / T r u a t tf b ' t b S l « d d; f m l w bok-w heat

y ■ U ittw , so ft cbeeM o r

. ................ ............... ........ J-

Jfl) CLUBS ' . Tid e ty E tU tor— P h o n e 1339

[Iillll for .'li;lit. tiiiiiilii)' i'V..nln/r, .'li'.

j:i .lliiin'i- I'li. n j'lI 111.- r .rrr ln - tnr Mrn. i„

1 'Hn. III. I.. I S.-Lin..| l-:ii-..,ii.Ti’:.i li''% ' H«1;mumv iu>>< Wmlnvi.vlny tti Uu (.'i ln.k, A >.IIn r l..;i will tnllow 1-I>

111... Mi-iil.ir I.IM............. Inn.

■|Vn. Cjillinll. \V..itn-n-i I-.Miill.- willI.I..-I Thiii iil.iv .iii.,Tin..in ill In "III.' iliinlin-'i. W’oiiii'i.'k .-lull rnf.niii. "

_ ......... .. . . • ll

B r o w n A s s e r t s T h a t j < B e e t s A r e P r o f i t a b l e

C r o p t o C u l t i v a t e(It

'r ilr fnltiJWlliK .nmmiilllcullim v.:i:' l« li:iiiih'i! 111.- Tlin.'n l>y 1'. W. llrnwn. „vili'i llv...... HI 11... Kimh-rly r.):id, u.i ,,|11 rri>iinn^r tn-rntiny Iniiiilrii-s rrla - rn llvi' III llu- prnfiiii .,1, Uhl I...CI .'rcip;

my l..'.’hi Iiinird out nn.l if ih.- rx- „ ill.ln'l i.iki- nil Ihr lirnflt. I’cn'

lh" l..<n< tu nf Dioxi- wllll Iiiiv.- II iloiil.l », jiliiiiii pli.niiiii: h.;>.|n. I .nn s.iy tlmiiiiit{;ir i.i’i'iH p i.iiri« rr< r n.-t i.it irn u mIhiin.iiiiy (ilhrr rriip Kl'onii Iiy m<- (vlust yunr, \vl<l' li 1iii:IikIi-h Ix-iin.i, ulic;il jn>iii'l ......I. nl

l.iHi vviir >viiM nov(lr"l m ip nf lH'Ol’i ai ;iiid I l(iio»' niy rvimlili .-;in liu ('((iinl-

y.sir I Miu.-il i;.4r. iicr>-H nnly. lint i.Ilull ,|. Ilniihh' iny ii.r.Nii;.- llihi yriir. 1 plulU- ji .'d Ih.. I.r.m ..jirlj-, w.. w..ri' Hllllplnnl- InK II tl li'-u pi;/ iiiir hrei.t In.’lhl') ................I i;i i i lon-i pi-r :HTi'.whiili nl {T.lln p rr lon yh-ld-i tMR.'f- IK-t r.rniH. Tlii' .•i|i.'n"rn w.irc-

I" r m t.-. nhnwlnn :i n.-t prnfll ||, ..f Jl'I.r.ii uj.r nrr.., TIUh ItiM'f, p.T ;ir tr linliuk'ri ..vrry o|n-rulloll rn lr r- Ini; 1(1 llir iimilni Mnn nml harv.-tillnK .if of Ihtr'ci.ip, nml Ihi'liiil.'n |iri-[>nrn<lnii hi nt croiind. iiililviiiln;T, IrrlKutlni;. tliln- ni nlni:. I.....Iiik, pnllliiK. miiplnt;. Imxl- tulin; anil . cm nt i.iTcl. A fiirnic.r wniild „ r.'dii.c. Ihh. n.Tr .hnrj;.- iiliniK Ji;r.onp«r aiTi- Mil.) dill th r pl.iulni;. riilti- [nMllln): llinl inilMnK lilnn.rif, mni n fnr- n, llirr rnlili llnii .it Jtr, pur ncro Iiy do-ni; IiIh nu n hiinllnK- AildlnK Ilir viiliii- ,|,nf II........... In Ihr viiliir nf hrrt» 1 -(iin fliinr.. my-i rnp of Ii.'.-Ih nl l)ol-l i r lllllii $1(111 |i.-r niT.. lii't profit, n "rr.-iull llinl .;»nnnl h.- h..,nlrn by iiiiy ".'Iher . r.«p >;r.i»vM lln-m- dnyti. "

TDIKS CIIITK’..Miillnpp l'Ii-.isPH I’liiriiiiH—TliOHr '

nlli.nillnn lli.- ninllnoi- nt ilu- Or- |i1n-nin ihJ.< nflm nioii, nay Iliut tlir pluy. ■'niinhaiidn on Apprnvnl" In



“ i’n p c 's D inpcpsin” C o rfcc ls J-

So tir, U pset S to n u d isa» O n cc ' ' '

•'I’npr'n 1)ialn.lii.hl" In Ihn (]Uli:ki-"t. 1 Miir-'nl r.'ll.'f fnr InillrcJillon, buh**. fhiliili.nc.-, hrnrllliirn, .Houriiriis, fer- [ inmlalnii nr Mninuch dlnlrcnn caiin<-d I hy iiihlliy, A frw (nblclH nlvu nl- iniv.t Iniini'dlair iii.iuinKh rcllrf. Cur- r . r t ynlir iilinniirh nud itlRrallon nnw f.ir a frw .-..llin. DnijrclNin nrll m il- i llniiii of p;ukai;r!i.

'-C o o k e dt'Smedhot

IovcQ'baked shreds of , milk is Natxirc'a per* i on - and the best of itJiDt-OC-coIcL_________________ '

ot, just pour ho t milk ‘ •1 W heat biscuits; or t r thfem, drain it ofF 'cover with'''m ilk or ^5,1 pcrf«a hot ccrcal idgcry o f ctjoking it

100< w hole w fic it , 'rtw jjr-w -eat; A per*

I f o r e n f ta e tl o f th e if w ith tnilk o r cream , a r if# o r fru its . C o n .•oa ootd t o iiim ula td I t b « ^ t - 6 e e i n a u n . ^9BOO i t to you r ta»te.

i ^ W b e « t C » c l ; t r 9t t to«M. T rv it w ith o r n a m a U je s .

d d e d\ t


V e n u s ;IlOI.VOKi:, Mauri.. Krh. ii'.-A niPr-

Ic-n'ii hiosl iiurfo'lly fornio.I HihnnlRlrl . In Ml-n Mlrhini Jnnrn. IC.yrar-.ihl

nnphoniorr ul ll.ilynk.r.Khr rail, riitidy. drink" Ii'p rrpllin

' lUMlan. Ilk."i d.-l.i-lln- nlnrlrn .nn.l I Uunn'l any tiir vx-

irp l lo rnr.iiK'- In a tlilrlli' Kjinrlii.Kvhli.nlly ..Ml'm Juni-i. hin. nul h.'rn

liK-npiirllnl.d l.y h rr tn llu rr In <>l>- ) II. rvi- nirl.'t Iralnlni; dl.-l. I . ihi ntiin- , n ir r Ul 111.- Marvnril SIIkIIuiii i.h.-

hrnko twu nnlhmnl rrror.ln. Ih r nin- iilnr. <ilKh nml riinhii; hro;id Jiimpn.

Tliu nmn >v1m prnnouniTii .MIk« Joii.-n lliv iii.rf.M t iiliyKlcal npi.illnrn of Kirlhnnil In (.'linrli-H K. Tiiylor. nl Cnrmri'l Acailrmy. OrnnKf, S, J., mi

k aullinrlly on pliynli'al nlnndariln, Ur ' hmi mud- rrrordii ot (hnusandn nf

otimr t;lrhi ilironRliout th r cnuiilry •' luu MUh «uHKvlnt<-<l lUpm i\ll, .I. ir r n .o rr li.-liii; UK u|;«1nnt llm nvrr- " nK<- in nil ilir ..i-linnH c.f T hr• rnrin'T I'rinr.i hoi.U-r. n Kiin'imi plrl,-

f.rnrcd lar,.' • Mln'. Jnnni nilrlhulrn h' r prciwc-M'i ,

'' "Athl.'lli IC. I RCI In fnr nil Idmhi of ■I iiporlii."' At llm nUiilliiiM Hhf lirnko lhi« r n - I' ord fnr ihi- ruiinInK lilii.h Jump h>'• two liiclien und tlip rnniiliiK liroml ' Jillnp hy r.i.i, lurhrii.'H fllilnt: n nmrk

nf 4 f.-H fi lmli<-« In llio formiT pv.-iii," niiil.H fri'i In 111.- lutl.T,

Tlu'W vvfto tlm only iwn -«v<-nti t Klin Wllll nllowrd to riitp r hui nhu linn " donr S fi'Pl .1 in llm iilntidlnc liroail• Jump, wlllcll Ih MH liirlipn Innn.-r- Ihnn thn wliinlni; Jump nl llm iilndliim,'- . t(llH J ......It I* n(Ko‘ il c?(pvpr nwlni-'■ inpr nnd plnyn ha;ikc<lli!ill.

Drnpllp lipr youth, thi- »c:linolr.lr1 '• Voniiii liuK il .Ipc-lcjpd pnrtinnnllly. Al-■ Ihoiidi Bhp III niirprl»lni;ly idiy. ihrn- ’’ III II inlKi'hlpvnnH twiiikin in hi-r c j f ’ i.n.l lii.r friendly nnilti' rcvoaln a row

of i-vi.n, wllll.' ipi-ili. Ilpr liuir in '■ hlond nnd hnhh.-d »n.| nh.- wc.uni ih..- nild.ly liloiihr, nhorl, dnrk nhlrl uml■ tirciwu W(i<iU-ii tiiiiu- nn mut'li in (»vtir

wllh Itm nllil<-llc- liliih Hrhoiil mlnii." •’I'li.iity cif/ni-don," lu Minn Joiii-'i'• prc:.iTlli1lnii f.ir h..rnrlf. "I Ilk.- nr- w,

linn." liaM tr rpcnrd nhown tha t nbp puts Jc

J d rr ' <lo<-irlni' Iniu prnrllrp . T hcff

„ one of ili< bpllt rnnicdlpti, hoinp iiil- y, nni nr prnrvnnlonnt iicrn licrn In a I^

Ions Unit. Thcro wltl bn an rvciilni; «n purforinani'G a t !t;l& lonlRhl.

Dopil; 0 . Blrnns to 1* II. Pprrln* frr »1, part .SK a w 3-1.0-17. Mr

Di'cil: J. It. Ornwford in A. Carl- .1011 ISOni). SW SK an.t part .VW SK . 1G-3-1C.

Quit e lalni dcpd; J. J . Itorolir tn U K. Murki'l J l . lot I. block Ma. Twin FnllH.

I)w d: H, OrlhPl lo M. Orllml J l.• Ull 3. h lm k r., Mv<’«lU»Hr AiSil,. UuliV

1- \ ----------------------------------------- 1 ■

!; I P E R S O N A L S I Hrl L . . . ______________________________JI* J. II. Nyr In vinilliii; In Dnlnc. j,

Mrn. MiirTfn .Millrr |i. vliillInK .In Illln rliy.

“ .Mrn. C, T. H unt lo:ivcti IhlH c-vpiiInK !»! fnr lloUr, '

Mm. C. A. NMlii lit VUi-r \va« Sn tr. l.hhi lily loilay,

It. (i. M'Ki-nrk- of ilcicc.'tncin w a'............... .................. ■ • l.y

MiiiH I'rn Ilinlnon In vl'illlnn lipre [jg from Itocernon.

I’.iul Conwny of T lircr t^ropk la Imrct on buninuHH. |,|

O. n. Carlunn l.rfl fnr Callfnmla linlnin lanl I'vrnliiK._____ ___________“

■ '''M en , II. U ; l i i ^ w;,n h rn i troin ! Miiriuilrb y.".|c.r.lay.

llrn ry Srblrk wax In Ihln <'lly from Iliilil yc'Slrnlay.

V. I). llalli.y WUB In ililx illy from Iton.-rKcin y.viiprday.

X: n . Ilc.ffor.l nml K. K. Olunn n rr h.Ti- frnm Iliipi.ri-

Mr. nml Mrn.'(i.'.irKP W rbb rpiurn- r.l frnm Po.-al.-lh. lo.I.iy.

Mr. nnd Mrn, C. J. MUUW flf CnMU- ford w .T r'In -Illln , lly IiikI .-v.-nins,

.Mrs. Ili-««lp .Moilcy wonl In n i r rnnt rvrniiii: lo vMl Mrn. William


(5. .M. ilnll In iu lliiiuo In ronn rr- tf'in wllh hiiMln.'..i r.ir ih«t rniinl f I'limii.iny.

rhnrlc.it I,, lla ri nf Salmon Clly, arrlv.-d l,i.'n i-vnilnK I.* malm hln hoirtp lii'ri-.


Ho K av (0 Drop r iifw rtt f . C igar «r CbeniDK Jioblt-

___ lo

.Vo-To-Uac helped tIioui*JtiJ* to ic break tli8 eo»tI)f. nerve-shatterlci: tr lobacco liahlL WbBtioTer ;rou have m a lonKlBK for a sqioke or chew Ju»t ei place n ha rm lesi N'o-Tq-B;ic tablet it lo yuur mouth Inatend. AM denlri bi »iop«. Sliorily tbo liaWt la cota- cl pleii-ly broken, aud you b « lu t al uf( n ient^ ly, pbyslcnlly, f li^nela lly . I l’n no tin y , no aimple. O ct » bo i "< of No-To-Uac ami If I t iloPsn'C re laaja il: you from all ccavlns fo r tobacco In al any form, your. jJruiCRlat wiU re(unil V yuiiMftiancy w ithout.' <jiiPSllaii.—ailr. ir



F o u n d I n S<

\ I

: UPPER,-|llCHTARM..8 i! D irF E K E N C E ■

W H E N F L E X E D ..........I *

; UPPER LEFT ARM :-8i! D IF F E R E N C E • . „ I W H E N F L E X E D - ______ \ ! i

, shoulder OIRTH..37.CHEST OIRTH....... 28

; 01ESTEXPANSI0M..4,I WAIST OIRTH___ 251 H IP 0 IR T H ._ „_ 3 4! THIGH OIRTH------20; CALF OIRTH____ U!i HEIOHT------------- 62

WEIOHT....____ 10^

w on't bo n nibnnlfsirl ir a rk record pj sa fe Ior tw o morr y.-arii. (o r .Minn niJunpn han thnt murh nchnni nbcact. cl

After nhe IlnlnlU'n ni'bonl hi<r.-, nho Ic:

II. G. Ilcivoraliu In h:irk from Sail 1-jikp (’ily wlinrr In- iiltcndril lh.- *■' un to .bow.

K. IX ProiiRli 'if llulil, nrroinpn- ntcd by hill fiimily. Irli hint cvimlnu fr.r H.lly. Cat.

Mlnnpx Dolly Tliurp iind Omn Ilpnn- k-y iPfl lanl rvpnliiK for n vlnil lu HprlnKtl.-ld. Mn,

:\Irii. It, I .. MnrrlH In Iii Twin Fall* from Ul Onindp.-Orn., iho kuc-iiI nf MrN.T^M. Wlllln. f''

Mirncii nainy IhiKhnn nnd Klluilirlh ‘ Muriiby nf IiurlvV vliillcd Irlcml.i la „ thin cily over Hunilay.

Mr- and Mni. J. 1). Clnibnrnp iiml fajnlly h sv f -mnvnl unt un Itii'ir % fnrm iipnr Kinibi'rly.

Tv-in n. IJncoln tn In Idalio J*all« on hiin!n.:iiii coiincc'tcd w lili ihu Twin KiilIi Caiiul c'oi7i|iany lodny.

Mr- J. T Mikdic-ll nnd hlii moihpr,-M. K. .Mlk'i-;ipll. ar<- hnck frnm thp ijiill I.uki- Cliy Atiio lihcw.

M'm. C- 11. Illa«;k anil dnUBhtor. Irlii. r.iliirne.l Io It0Ker«0ii ym lenlay nfltir n vlHli In thin <;liy.

MrK. J. W. Walclk. camr« down from Ilurlpy .Mondiiy for a vliilt vrlth II.-I- mollij^ Mn*. A . M.iunc-o.

M r.'.-W . A Iri;'nilcr. nrcompinlpd liy b rr non. A. .M. •AliTXnnctcr. hun ;;o n p .io WcMiilUnil. Ulnb. lo vliili hi-r moihcr.

-M- J. Kolly a rrive ! from O rra i >'all!i, Mont-, lant i-vcniiif: lo vinli bll. nliiipr. Mrii, J . P. A hrrn. Hu cxpcc-iH In mako bln homo hure. Jobn

H E i r; CHlLOyOWELS, "California fig Syrup" Is

Chilli's Best Laxative

fonguc Stiow* il;il 1.111', Coiiitipaifd

H urry niotlipr! Ercn a nick clilli] loves lha "frully" taxli) ot "Califor­n ia yiK Hyriip" nnd It never foils

0 lo open Iho bo»oln. A tpa-npoouful e today may prerrnL a nick child to- e morrow, i f con^ilpatcd, tillloiii, fov-1 erinh, frelfiit, has colU, colic, o r If i itom nrh iu nour. ton rne coatcd,• b reath bnd. r i'tnem brr n Rood• cleanolnR o f ilip llt tln bowc]n In oftea t a l l thal l» n*ci-!»ary.f. Ank your druKicliil fo r Rcnulne I "California Kle .Synip" w hich han a ilirpcilonx for babk-ii anil cblldren of D a ll BRPii prinlpil on bottle. Mother! d Vou m i>t nay ''O allfornl.V or you r. m uy KPt un Imll.'ition flR nyriip.

............ .....................

s c h o o lI mill

• — 'llilX

u ir '

\ - v # tlm\ . 1

'i- net

T tieI niu

—I —V



=Ike P*'


0 4 ^ S

■ 2 ^1 pxprrtn to co m n Ryinnasilc! Iralnlng — t ni-hool In .N'ow Hnvcn—for Ihln yoiini;

champion 1" Kulni: lo In-lp n ibfr clrln > lo follow In h.'r foolnlpiii.

I Kllroy, n nopbuw nf .Mrn. Ahrrn nr- , rlvi'cl fr.mi I.nn AnK.-lpn lo vlnll.

<r. II. AUKiir, Kruncl i-hani-dlor of lbc . KiilKhIn nf I’ylhlim, wbo miidu an ai^- , .Ir.-nii a t u npeirhil nipc'iinr nf tbu or-

»:anlial|nn brr.- Innl i-yi'nini;, went to »uhl in.liiy to uuen.l a incollnK ibpro,

; N d T ir rI bavr pnri-ha«.!d Wallpr S, Smith'n

flock of imrphfpd Whllr. Ij-Rhorn, IJir- npn iiiralii. Will bavn i.PiiinR enr.n nficir Mari-h IH. Uoy U Wrlitbi. Uouie No. 1. Twin I'-alln. K ^ill. Idnbo:

ATTKXTII>N KMfJHT.S TIvMPt.Alt Tliitri' will hr li nppc-iul mrPllnK liPld

Wp.lm-niljiy .-vinlnK III T:30 p, ni. in ih«- Muiiortli; Tcmplr. ^^lll nliundnnce in rpc|u«-nlPil.

, ..JAS. A. W ATKlta K. f:.

QireakingujoflwS isc^


: /u1

S t A C K

ii • "1 ^,a r.. ■ - y'le ■ .■” n t a k s t lk» WMf*t Ta • 'i t r fI'f lk*r« ar* WO Ito. « r aUrh, «(Kr! • ( t u ip l M l ua fum IlU • ».

ll . ,

............................................... .....................T D E


Tlioiiminilii of wonipn bi|)i« klUnoy Eh nml blnilder trouble iind never sun- th< IK.'ft It. an

Women's complalnla often prove to aul bo nothinK elao but kidney trouble, or (he m u l t o{ kidney or blndder illxfano. I ,

If the kidney* sre nol In n lienltby rondlilon. they may carnie tho orMnn to become dlacnnptl. I „ ,

Poln In tho back, headache, lonii ' ' Ilf ambition. norvounnpM, aro . often tImoH nyniptonin o[ kidney trouble.

Don't delay atariinic treatm ent.Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Koot. a pbynl- rlnn'fl prencrlpllos, obialnud ftt uny aruR ntore. may be Just thn romody fci iici'dpd to overcome nuch comlitlnnn. ot

□ ct a medium e r Inrse nizo bot- g|| tie Immediately from 'any OriiK vii nlore. llowaver, If you wlnh flrnt (-i to teiL th is c real prepnralinn nend |(] tnn centn to Dr. Kllmcr &. Co.. niOKhamton, N. TT., for a unniplo hu l. “ He. When w rltlns bo sure nnd niun- llnn tbln paper.

Dye-Dress; S k irt....or Faded Curtains

in Diamond Dyes, R.ich paekafe of "Diamond Dyes"

contains dlrcctloni no nlmplo any woman can Oye or tin t her worn, shabby dressen, nklrtn, wnlsln, co.-\t/r. slocliInRn, owoatem, coverlnxn, drn- perlen, hanKlnsi, everytblnK. <ivon if »lie lias never dyed beforo, Huy '•Dlaiminil Dyes"—no other kln'.l - th<;n perfect homii dycliiK Ih nure becaiisn DInmonil Dyes arn Rimran- tced nnt to npot,. fade, ntfeiik o r rnn. T ell your druxxfnt w hcibrr ibe malnrlal you winb lo dyn In wool or nllk, 'o r wboUier ll in linen, collon nr mixed Kooda,—Adr.


’ E v e r y s p o o n f u l o f K e l l i

h e l p s f r e e y o u

- Conj,l!pallen ii largpiy rpuponilhlo iifo r auIo-lstoxl(allon tha t Irndn lo Ii

I* dimsprous OiiraiM union It In n.it Aonly pbixked hut pprmancntty Tcliev«-d. hConitlpalioa, In fact, ia tbo btmli of li

’ u majority cf liumnn aUmrnts wbicb t'lould bn braclpd nlT i t )>CA]Oe wnubl fonly hpip rid tbtmsrlvnior tbln ei'Hoa-i, i;iirallli.uiidpmihilne cou^lloii, wblch n

i CUD bo eailly done.- .. ...CoaaUpaUon must.be fou«IiC to a ili> (Inlib—not- wilb pllln and ratbartlrg, Il1) wblcb aro danitPfm* lo lbc dcllPAic v

mrinbnnpn of tbe iiitpsllnpi and trm- v|Mirary a t wiih n.nluro'n ncrratMt fprral iirallh focd—llran— n

I KpIIosb’* llran. wliltb U un dvIU'iiiUi r:, « . i t 1. WnpllcIaV - - c

•K rllesB ’* Bfsn l« wondrrfnl In luwork liccauae ll In AIX UKAN. And. rto se t p«rmBncnt.rclUif,.ALL a iU N v

up \ sINOESS .

KT IIK bri-aic tip I

Tnr y im . l l w ill

w nste nm l Avorry.

K n ig h t ICli’iin, ficrt'otn!!! clii

|ifi]iiil;ir i-iiiil, ri'i iily fi o r funiiir(-, m ill i t 'n Iiimji.


D e tw e i le iTeleph<

K N KuMP F t u g i

N E W H O l S A L T I » 1

t» rr t n , n TM It n», / {I, see >k«. .1 r s c B«d coo Ik-. ' A '.>■ Ikst na tO I

U E ?D A Y , P E D ItU A T lY '2 T ,-l t« T -- ----------~

J10T8* AitOEH AT BLDRIDOR*S HiivIdr made an exceedingly favor­

able purchase o t boys' shoos, tho EldrldKo Clothlni? Co. will p*w« atonR the nnvlnit In tbc lr nuaiomors. Tbey are rcKUlar $B.OO valuen. but will be sulii a t |3.7C .-adv.

“n u f l i iA in s o x a p p b o t a I**) The Uuilness- VToraen'i club >n- Inouncen th st tickets for “llnabQiids on A pprovnr may ,h« reserved n l tlie OrpTieotn {liBaiTfl tm Feb­ruary, 2B and 27, a tle r 11 a. n , ot each, dny.

FLOWERS Homn Rrown suflpdranon*, marl-

xoliln, fiweet pean. callas and several oth«r klndn. Specialist In ^ o ra l de*HlRon for mony yeahi. Price, qtiallty, vurloty, naiisfacUon. I’bone 1270.Cliy Tower areenbnunen,' Twin P'albf.Idabo.

■ P U B L I C A U C T I O p T-------------SALE Mr '

3 M llri Soulh. nnd V.i .VIIps E u tI of Ihp KuNt Knd ot .Main Street,

T n ln Knll«, Koiinilat

Friday, March 2.; ni n O'clock.

: A» I am loavluR Ihe rountry.' 1 will nn (he above date sell a ll ’’ iny iverniiHnl ptopiiriy ft" toUow*: c ^ hcnd of bomen. Indiidlne (wo

marcrt uwunled prl*pn nl Pller T ' Fnlr.» i'C 'iod mlJk rown. ,r :■ bruo.1 nows.> ;00 .iRckn pnlutoiis.

*11 tonn hny.‘ C dozen Ilbodo Island chickens.

1 Muxwull tourlns car.LarKe timniint ot implemenlH nnd

liouiiphold Roudn.

A . W. DeVisserilnnpr,'

illogg’s Bran cu from loxie poisOnslo ijc n-«tj:p»niiy, for It if the “ bulk” oC0 KrllOBC’n Uran thnt nnrrpi and puri-t Ac*, ricldlni; tho n}i(nii of poUou* nudI. hrhiRlne ccmdliloiis to nomul. l ^ tt Kc-lIvEc'n Urun n-KuIarly—a t k a itII tiro tablrnpoQDfuUdally; asmueliwltli ll caeh mral In cliroaie ^a(P»—ond wo I, cuarnnlpo tbat j-ou will je t Tcllpf per? h iiianpntly nud natiirally.

KpIIobs’* nrun 1» ilpUPtaun. You a, do.aat.lmvo to learn to Uko.lt. E a t--1, ll as a ccrcal or aprlnkle on or mix0 wllh bot or eold cpreaU. Or, cook U I- n .lb bot cpn-nln, nllowlatf twu table- n m*>onfu1a fnr r.icb pcnon. K dloR i’a - iiiaki-nwomlcrfiil mut1iu»,i;rlJdlo«nkPi, a rninlii brrad, uiaurooiig, clc. l{pcli>m

cju juielinKP. - - - --Iy.n3lnR hotel., rlub* and TMlau.

I. rnnln »<'r -p Ki.liogu’* Uma ia in.ll-1 viilual locJiages.. All g;»cers. — - -


I> iliiisi- iitiw ii'ia iy liim ps

vili w iw you th in worlf,

r ry . I l s .

E gg C oalc liin ilts o f U ta h ’s mont ,• fo r y ty ir rutiBo, licatcr i t 'n im icli c liciipcr tlm n


B Y . -e r C oal Co.ihone .809 ^ -


I-----------T O E S D A Y i FT .[iR D A B T -2y w a . .

p m w s cB iils i

: FiduiLflOK^ A f iH t to i i

cm- ■ t>r'

, ' • MhtU u ( ^ s p le n d id M a te r ia l f o r th o t»ii

M aU B K o f a S t ro n g BasoboU

......." T e a n iV ^ d rw tb d ” OooolT' E vanB F

L m N ig h t a t th o F i r s t C a ll- fo r

B a te b aU a n d T r a ^ .W o rk ;

S e v e ro l O ld S ta n d b y s W o rk - in g O ut.

(Dy UUI liukur.) 'About l&O hriKlil 1111(1 MiiillUK fi'iiei ,„!

grcctaJ ConclLJisatitt at tlie inlUnI• nieellDB yeeterilur ot Iho pruiiiiocllTO

■ iiia ltrla l for irnck nnd liusoholl. Tho' ‘iroYoutccs” neemcil lo bu <)l' Fv(ile<] over llie iwo mnjor m iorli nUh 0. iillRUl m njorltr solnit In for Irock.TIio pUcou on tho loam lOom to bo woll. flllod from llio tiue«Uonulro hanUwl (irouiiU,

.i''u r p ltrh o n lUIa yoar ilio lc:im will , ‘ hiiVb thb hotp of "Jorry* ami Ijiva l Jn rm an , :Sbronl Jumrnon (uiil lUy lIo^lClu who djil tho iwlrlliig for tlm J " ‘ Uuhl tcotn last yoar. A* for caicli»Tn “®' tficro .nconsii to bo tin otornlmndatici- J* o t Ditin. tmi.Uio'dppo U Billt protty <’<” lli la OB tu who will liolii Ouwn thv rccelvl&s end of Uic Rnmo. Kor tho iDttnld Seick, Crom, Jartnon ond lltim* . ‘ mond, a ll of whom hiivo hnil toim ld- "'I ' erahlo cxperlonce. And tbo omfleld

' In tnuolly blcBueil wllh Mu«n»el. Nyo. T''' niKl SlBiitiH. nil of lnm yonr'K tcnm uei As far OB sUlClliiO coachrn ru wo fee)*--------------------------------------------------------------------fin

• --------------------------------- Mn

I f R tip tu re d i t r y T h is F re e

A lip lj..jV l9 ^By-Jlnplorc, «1rt.cr ...iKeccnt. I«rffe o r Small nnd ^o o „tl

. A re OB the Hoad y b ^ t H as nnConTlaeed T honunds- Inn

S ^ n t F r e e t o P r o v e ' T h i s nAnyono ruptured," ninn.' w om iin 'o r

cblld. Bhoiild write « l once to W. 8. lU co .,«R O Main Bl., A.Unin, N. Y.. f o r . .a tree ^ l a l . o f .hl# iwondcrfiil Btlmulatlns appllcndon. Junl pu i ll on Ibo n ip iuro and lb« mufictcs Iib- > e>n to .’tU h ten ; Ihoy begin lo bind jm loeelher HO th a t IhB opening clonou hai na tu ra lly and tho need of n support <nr o r (ruiia or oppllanco la tbua ilonu nway w llb. Uon’i noRlccl lo tiond poi fo r thiB froo IrlBl. Evpn jf your rup- luro doeiitt’i bolhcr you wluii Is ihu UBO of Wearing auppoflR a ll. your » r« t W hy Buffer ihls nulsoneoT Why IW Iho rlak o( RBaKrons'und auch dnnBoni (rom o email and Innocent ]>t, llt lU rupture, lha kind. Uu\t hui tjirpw n thouBand« on iho oporaiiau [g ubloT,, A ;,hoal ,ot tnea and women ar< dally rtum las sueh r isk Juai be-

............... camo ihoJc m pnireil'iJo no t h n r i norprevont tbem from seitlng around. W rllo a t onco for this (rco tr ia l, 'a a I t Ib certainly a wonderful thlnjf and haa aided In Iho cilro of rup -

, t n m th a t wera as bix as b m sn 'a two fists., T rr- and w rlle a t oncc. , ' ualns th e coupon below. - mi

Frc« for Bnpture | c/ W ..& ^B Iee. Iha. ‘ • “

^iiYoa^majr land tne en tirely free 1 a , gamplo Trealtnont ot your | tlm n lfttln r application for liup< turju ■ . . ■N o io i- - -- —„ ,. . . I v iA ddresi ________________ _______I a,--- ::z_:- - - - - 1;!

; , H 5 | i r !Say‘!Baiy6r”ahaifisist! “

jA O D leia-rra >m (be nu n e ‘'Oayop"

d ie t prescribed by - p h r s l c lm o n r r e a n ' k&d profett katfe' fo r mil-

Uons for.>" .i /. r iCoUa ITeadaehaTooUJwM t o a f i i t b . .

; Baracbe . Sehum atlsm,< N a u r O J * ,. - JP a ln . . b jA c c a p t^ o ly •OJafM" pactaiM ^ c b eontalju proper dIrecUont.


OF THE ii-uiiflilcnt tha l n pur.son will Imvo In I t look hnnl nml junt; lo (IikI onu Uinl I will heat Hm re<loubiiiblo ••8lr.r.lc.“ I Tlila yeur'H banobnll cupialii In Oer- • ahl Jurmnn. wlillo BIdrcd I’lilz cup- la ln s Ihe cinder ^:ith urtlnin. I

Fo r tho track nnplrnulK the mltu I ond half mllo bcbiu to bo ihu Rjuul ^ popular ovoniit.

Tbo couch uxprcBtiod hln oiilnlon A tlm t If ull the fcllowii who nhnwi-d u|i II liu t nlshi Would iiiick ll uut tliul n thorc wouM l u no doul^l iin lo wJiu would win tho dlnirlci nii?oi lliln yi'ur for v try feiT echuoln cun •bo.mi nuuh , u wonderful lu rnoui for iiUilollcii ii» ‘ Twill Knlln hlsU itrUiiol linu cxjiorl- ciicod Ihla yrnr. T ho irnckm iu hturi preliminary irnlnlOK tun lch l wllh n nhnrt n’orkout In <iie c ity vark. UitKO- ball will wall until nuxl w»-ul(. bow- « rer bcforcthey » in ri niiyiblnK,

IIIFrench Champion -

Reuses to Play wl Molla Mallory I:!:

______ IhMuiuniip l-rm?lcn K cfii-rs lo Mrcl

.Imcrlruii Trniils I’lu jc r hi SUii?lp». t„

MONTH CMU.O, Kcb. HT—lloiu-'S j j hullt up for unoilier ntlrrinK ro iiri but- llo lioro thlN wcok bctwocn Mllo Hu- znnnu I/OiiKlen,'viiirlirH tuiinlH diiini- plun, und hnr rlru l, Mra. Mulln Mal- Jory, the A w prkan lltlo holder, drop- i„ (>c<l III a Jieai) when tho Frrnch Klrl ,jr defaullcd lu it livforo nhi- wun to ku ou l for. tho (Irui round In iho litlvr- nulloiinl cbamiiloniihl|i tourimment. u , . Mllo. lA-nRlen kuvh no uxtuim for her Huildon declnlou' nol to pbiy. re- Biarlflnif incecJy th n i mJJu ivnijld 'ael y/, ^nouch iirtlnn.oul of tbu duublcn with her jmrllior. Minx T lltnbclh Ilyun. iiitil „r If Iho Intcrcnted one* wnniril lo bcp hor beat "the Aniorican.*' Ihny Bbould w atch Iho Mculono tourmimnnl iii'Xt wuok. • . Ill

Tho Krcncfi Htar nmuHcd hcnipf^ hy _mi illUnR In Uic m llcry nud crlilcUIUE ki Ihc play .md norvlco of Mra. Mullory. xg fi'ho had onn of lhu worel baltlrn of (.-( tier life In wlnnlUK frum Mlim lliiwntl. ' CnKllHli player, ul J4 - r: niid 7-C. The firm wan ti'f- louRviil net l in t Mrn. Mallory over pinyeil. Mllc. (,cnK)ci>Kxt wllh u im rty nf frlendn nnd openly jj, taunted bcr rlvnl nnd luuRlind whfn Ihc Anierlcuii nliir wun In MrIu |il»rpn.

Basketball Scores

...ICANSA3-.CITy^The llimkell in- « Dtliuio five defeated tho Knnunn Clly nnlvnrnliy bnnketroni lo 2S bori' lant iilBbt.

--------- j..,DOO.VBVII.I.E. Ma.—Wcntworlb mil- Sl

lla ry . academy, vt J-oxlni5i"n defosicl a lhu Kemper fIvo In ibo clonlnj: b.in- kcibull Kiimo of tbo.ticnnon, lylni; the local cadcin for cbnmplonfihlp lionurn. In

PltlNCOTON. N. J .—Cornell wciil |h Into fiml .ploro In iho riiter-colleslntc bi baBkeiball Icukuu by dcfentlos Princp- ui ion 30 lo 24. JImtny I,uihcr, Cornell fl capinln, scorud fourteen of hla lenm’n polnlii. •

FIGHT RESULTS i--------- . t '

imOCKTO.V. Mnmi.—Hilly nefoc. Kl- L'fn u l feulhcrwelKht. won u ion round ^ iIi>p1»Ib)i from H nrry Ciirltim. Ilrtwk- ton.

li) .vb0N ~ U u« lc r U k o won Uio }! biinUnlWolkbV'cluinijUonHblp o f Bor-land by ouipolnllnK Tommy llnrrlnon ^In 'a 'JO roUnd-bout... f,

1,YKN'.' Mna*.—Younj: Krnnoyor of ii Derby.'Now HumpKhlrc. wnn un elshi roiimi decision from SIoto Adamn of MUwankal'. , _

F i^ e ig h t . Champion—Bout—StaK®^—f®*"------

Friday Night in N.Y. .NEW- YOBK. Kob. , 27-A noi:ier r,

wbrMW H ag cb»niploa for jIj« yn i eilStaten Is due to bo pro(\ucad I'‘rl<l4y i;nlKht-In Madlaon Bnunro Rsraou Wmn tlrn n d io Villa nnd Krank Oonaro i:-.el i, fo r tho Amorlcon flyw elihi ch-im- plotlKhlp. '

W tbor Villa, thq llltic Filipino, o r >•tfcnoro, a flBhllnK IHtIo IfoJIan hay. iiouch t fo W hip-Jim m y Wilde, tho liWclKhmoD. Wbo holds.llie w orld's tltlo ca l lU pounds. c


I J o c k 'A 'M M ,dowtt. and was Ju'■ ■ giartia (o bartc.S , you tt'lraty , loor* And- then he, w aler. Ooca more, the Uttle adre tI fh le tima Flip j'oined him.■ :■_____1 -..:____............................

: : — ^ T -W -IN I

S P O tit MliyUiyNDRYWPIBO tiG lEW lIH S|m D S|inTEA M E\ l.nnndrymeii T ake Ti>o Fniit (iumcli T

fruRi U rorm i'K lrH l T irn Cnnicn !<nii I , .Vnrk IViis i'nsHcd Itolh TImi-«. "

• The Blilrinll crowd l<-d thu i;ri»:iiry- Cln men Inol nlRbt In iwu funt Kiiuiun of ( bowllni: und cacb Butnu ncorvil ovcr ll lilt) SUU niurlc. Iu fact hoili rfumci rc-roriktl-Iho-BiiiiU! ui'orv. ..... Tliln - IwuMid nol bupiicn upilii In nnr lliiiu- llvMiinil yearn, nccnnlliii; In ilic mji ln-nch fhir

f fnn wllb Ihe liii> ear nnd ibo louni-hvhi lonRUc, N'ol unlll ih r lunl tsamo d b l'rn - Ihf t-oiintcr Jumpcni l-'d Uy Cbarli n U li;

, Hrucgcinunn'ii ntronK urm und t>ic:i<ly ju e ' nerve inli<: a kuimi' Crom th - Inumlry {lie

lm m li./C ubU (i.uU nu aw ful nluui|i ii>- 111 Ihtt framw nml only ro lln l l-i:i,;ru.i wil iri: In llic flmt Kiimi' tin marked up ; "

TlTl anil lllu iii'cond kuuki innilu ITI. lui-.lTill' Int.i nunin WIIII not UH I'.ixmI un crii

• «xliHililon of fiini bowiiHK u;< lliu tlnu in■ IWO jianirn niid T rlit of thc liiiiudry nln;• lonm fi'll down bi.aiy. Hu ncgrcd llir. I •'• III llm ir.tf Ifl till' nrciiiKl uud tlirii itl if ‘ ilroi'i'vil l<> 103 III thv Jlilrcl.‘ non of. ihii Alvor<l ami Molt Irani wun i owi• hliili man In ibln Kumc wHli-17j, I'h ll-; C

Iln Klok- la l the iicorlnR In llihi riuiiu Kir'' WUU ITH lo lilM cruilll bu l thU wun Ilia ' nui liln bcHi murk bccuund In thu pru- Ihc vloon Kiinic lie riil(r<{ iS», f'(ii( In n

I Rood nlitndy bu»vi,-r nn<l miuully keeps ilio' prcii)- cloiii' lo the n c murk. rali'• liox n c o ro : ' ive' THOY I.AI:NI>IIY dm• : . 1 " .T Tulnbi yur

llnllcy ................. I7C. IKI K.S Ifor'■ Mllh-r ............... IT4 in«: I.VI 463: KlriR .................. lo l IKU i::i 604• TMlt ....... ........ n r , 150 lO'J 4u;t trn‘ Cubit ................. lOl 171 143 f.05 ncc. '1. ---------------------- -------- j s y T olu in ........... «i7 s:T "H! ”401) |riir

Al.VOIlD 4; .MOTT | "‘’1 1 U 3. Tolulnlf'®''’ Kexront.................ICS 148 14-1 4C0 M'''' 11, IJrui'Ki-monii -JOi) K.I 117 4»S [!'/• C. I.ewln .......... ..144 170 ir,7 hki i 'l '

AmicrMon ............148 ' W i I7s 46:: *''«C. llruPKcnmnii HO 136 -106 44S .

Tolnln ...........HOO 747 .TOU 2348


KA.S'SAS CITY—Mtirlun I’lesllnn, )"lrnnt bualor" wrciiller. wll] mrel I

• Slevr SvuRo. Rliiv champion hcro for I I a fllilnh innlth Mnrcb 7.

: WASIIINOTON’, l*u.—IJnieliall will ,. ho panspd up by dofnuli nl WunhInK- , i . . lun owl Jeffersun cullcr.c thin neanon,I the ulhlellc commillee announced, Thc! busubifll pluyern b u ru 'no placo 10 play 51. nnd Iho cnmniliieo bnu no money to ,,1 tlx up u placc, . ,j„

HOT SPRlNfia. Ark.—"All Ibo hciyn jjri’ Jn fjno "hapo. Wo’ll K#l awny fam , ‘

■ nml wo'll be lu thero n il tho wny," Colonel TU Hitnton. bulf owner .of „ the Yunkn nald. llu i lo n tn horn to

, ilnko Iluih. Muyn, Kcolt. Rhnwkny. ‘Ij Rvhiine. IIUHh ond McNnlly to iliv .S'ew .. Orleuni iralnlnR cami>.

NEW Y O U K -H arry Orcb. former llfihl hvavywclKbt chnmplon. bnn of-

“ IlcIally,.chnn«Ok>ti:neno_Tunncy. Iho , present cbnraplon. for u re iu rn bnift. ." William Muldoon. chnlrm nn of Iho

commlnalon, waived tho rulo retiulr- - , Ins (ho pontine nf n fiOO forfcH (n ,,,, ;j Orcb'tJCflBo.

' ' .STUA(TSK ynO W X S^IN JEW S. 11 ' Cirancollor Charlua W. .F lin t i;h • ot Syracuan unlveniiiy today ro-

■ pudlnlod Ibo action of tho bcnlor —council In ndupUuK a reaolutlon

;------io“ aiffCDT3nifre-nhij-cnn>llmcnt-ot—. . Jont.

SYIIACUSB. N. Y.. Feb. J 7 .-A T resolution lo dlBcouroRO tnrollm onl ' ■J o f JiiWH at'. B fracw ii unlycrsliy ban y i;i.eii ndopioil by th e ' senior council n tbo liluileni novomloK b<My, 11 was It imnounccd today.

NEW, V O nK -A «oot. cb arjcd wUh •r hnnoyliiR pmlonlfltnn, wna amons Uic

tiri^oaers fn Cii« Qalen aronoo alatlein. lO He wns soon reniovodr'howovari be* lo cauno o t his sibnoranl appeUlo fix'

cops' uniforms. ^

j i l D G E T V l L L B . ,

wju s t -SDterlilc dream U ad when Flip •

Hj’ailer. oW f r i e o a r ,afl»‘ed H i X .'•ere he iftTO FHt>. lirlDk' o t the drMm

dfeM nrar se ttled dowa on tb e ( fo u o l

■ ........ . „ j '

.. • ’ ,


^O i L D I

P A D D O C K S A Y s i ^ S P R I N T E R S O f i


E A S T A F R A I O S T O C O M E W E S r I SCliiirllr I'naiinrk I'lns M lllr I '-e Tnr P l

Crillri nud KUHtern H|irlutrr>; l l r Lll Iloldx Wiirlir-* Hecord'. In Hiirlni,. •

--I'AKAOkNA, Oullf., I--I.1.. 2T—(-liar.ij llo I’lid.lork, world'n fjuit.'iil mirlnl.-". I t f l fhiB Hull' UHO for the ennlern c ritb r] ubo liuve been tryluK l‘> <lii'i'ri-illl bh ; rrcnrOn.and brllllle hln iierloriiuincen i < li:irlli< laUeii nn I'-illin lo ronreni kh 1«cIIu'kh. umnverInK Miixvsilunn ibai > he 111 ufrald lo in i« e-ii.u-in miriui.Tif 1 liy tiiklim n awai ut 1i>nh crlilcn.aml ■I'unierji njirlHlorn, <

'T lir»« canlfrli fi'lli>w» urx conili-,- I iii'-lly ilcitiundlnr thul we-iirni niirlnl- ern nUoiilil coiiiu lo ib.-lr uwn iHnirt.:l« I In rntu them ." 'dcelnrcd I’mlilocU lii - j '’i" .Iny. lo

"They iiccni to hr laliorlUK nniler »)»• tba l llir I'jily jiJni'/' n •'*'<-Jjajji|/J(«;nIi}p u iii bi.- ivi'il I.h In ibejr own m-clloii.

Chnrlle claUiivil (bal lu- uml Morrbi ’ KIrkney uru ubout tbv only nprllilern lliai huvo the nvrvc n< run oiiinlili- Ihelr own ItUlo nccllnnn.

"Kirkncy'rt «a;no. iWJI Jour oirilliV iliOBo of Ibc men hu li:m >Iefe:iH-d.'’ lie -M ralil. "Nonu of tho euKi.trii i;iurn Uuvc , • ever ilarcd conic wc.ii. Thc-y liave ‘ done Ihelr runnlnK In iliclr own huck) ‘V yurdn. hicy, i^liolz lu un excuiiilon. for b f hnn nlnrrcil In llm middle wcni. fiwiiden, f'ruiii'O nnd at Antwerp,

"Klrkney coinpUed wtili tlio ciiiiiern- ■' t rn ' dciminil to r races In Uirlr own necilonn. llu w ent e.iiii and lieul them- N>w (bey w ant him nml'^iUiurn to V" nimc nml do It URaln. Morrln Kirk- J'’ ni<y bun defculcil ovcry cuRUirii ruii- ‘ ner nxceptlnK Kobert Mi'AlllnUT, nnil . i be him never met him. If -Ilie uanlurn niniirrH wilt no t conn- wenl nml run. ,,, Klrknoy will r o canl und run ihenmlicrr URU........... . ’

" lie hnn won In Enclnml. llclKiuni, Kranio. Hcoilund. uml lu the unnt nnd went In lllu own counlry and nuw In ' \nw /.enluud, Hn In c.mlly llif fuvor- ^ t f ovcr any flolil of "ecllnnal cbBin-

I Basketball. Briefs [ |(iT r^m i.i> i i A K K u r ...............

Thoro uecinii (o bu moru Inlurvni lu Ibla bnnkelball tonrnaniciit Ihan nny ' prcrloun one.- Hi-cn-l/Ol(«- t7»ecii>, V'bo docnii’t know u liaukolbull team (rom thn onu tlm i iineil tn pull tbn fire wnKon, can 't hardly wall unlll Iho tlmo tomcB. I

At leant fQur leiunB will be dhiliict- v ly (n Uio runniiiit. Tlicnu nru Onkluy. \ l3urluy, Kllor nnd Twin I-'nlln, wllb Curoy. Ilnlley. liooiling nnd Jeromo.na rosnlblo dark borncn.

Dinpnlch_ from Carey nnyn tho co^cIl In briiiRlnl; aomu hnmun tctuphoiio pules to Ihu tuurnumcDt with blm.

, Lultu ClioBBO waiiU to know 1( Uuxt C-annlne. tba Uurloy. fla»b. ouloreil tlir; AnhtonMoff race^ nnd she la limi pon- lilve thul ihcro urc n couplo of live Coles cuinlnK up from Filer T hurs­day,

Itcimrt hun It thul Clint Kvann bnn Irlcd lo ncRotlatu an eleventh Jinu r ' chanRo In tbe rulen wllb rofrreiice tu

■ 1 ® ” Rheuma. A p p |) 'S l9 iX • ■ U iipnofb l

f i O s o c iS ln c i


fc 1

■ RreryoD* who b i a .a w oadsrfnl dr^i and Qiiear Ib ln s t 'Cah appKefaW-'wli iBlo a lum beriahd. Inip. lo ^ w u -.dt

^ o f m y itery , aa h e slept. A nd 'ibeo ; • 'opanM b is eyes - ’

iS ■ _

llio beliilK Ilf (he b.iiiWi'M. rcalliim; 1 A l l Ihl- i-ri'nl dniiKiT In llio lieullh of l l n ' . \ | ' elonKnii'd bnt<k<-!fi'rn frfun Caroy "'bn . | | i aro pniUf in bump Ihi^i'bi'nclh i i i i i in ' '^ " Iho nii'Inl rlliiM. Voirre rli;bl. Cflnl,' M iffly llrn i: ^ [ \

Win yon bl- ilic re : I I

' T h f ncore w,’in llfll :il llif ex|>ln>- lliinof Ih f pliiybu; i>i'rlu,| .>t ilie Iln:il • >< -.lumn bflw cfn OiikUy imd Twin Knlln jiiil ul lllll i.Url ot llif fM ni llv.r mill, f'^1”

’tUc piTloil Onlclfv liinetl :i fIflO coal. l<>"i Twill Kulbi knolleil lli.< Ki-.ire. Jeiiklun l' - ; ihi cw’ u foul Boal Till- I riiwil w rut ni:ii wlill wllb oxcllfmeni nnd Ihrn Jen . klnn liyinu'd unoilier foul. Mnrilndak- ff> ' Inlcrci'lAi'd u pa!i-<, rflcn.ed Ibf l.a lli'lo ii

.lo'Vnrd Ibe liaBlifl r.ml ilir nroro w aul""'-' :,ik«Jh Hi'iJ. TJii- inuijirHx.) w.'in uiibi'.ir.'Wbf abli- uiul (h rn -b ill iH-e Ibo Mnhli (»rl>'^ ' Voiirnclf HiiHirdny iilRhl u l Ib.i liliili "

______________ s ;


i _____ i:i i- in i,A in :i-i-iiJ ,i. I'll., m ; 27.

An nimry r ru » d o( mrn nmt „|„i Monifu loduy clannired fur Ihe „f llfr of Wjib- V. Jlonmii. .'IH, con- i„.,, fr-xed xluyrr of l.lllbin (illmore.II, tihcn Iho uiun \tOH urmJicnrd beforo .MnitMmte llollmid nnd .nli b rld i^ltbout bull. • tI ’ollcii u tnifd willi ri'I) nllikn belil

jbiM-k Ibf mob. Morr.un wan runhril ;\n, lo City hull nfter ihe mob. ihe m-i- iiiid to fm m III J3 lunirii, miinborlnR (jj.; n.-urly ISoil, bad been decoyfil lo j iiuolhcr fiiliuuee of ilio polleo lUii- lloil by rcmnvul of uiiolher prlnouer. V

Koniu u( tbu crowd nplcd Morcuii Krl: nil bo wan roidii-il (r<im (bn nliKlon ent houno lo U waltlnj; tinlnniobilc. Ilul- loit: Hch. briclin nml obi >i1i<»'h xmtc burl- 'be t d a t blm. .Mnny of ibe lulnulleu b ll lo MorKUii'ii pollcf encorl. "be

MorRiio, crylni; for m eny, wm. dvilCRed Iicrnii:. Illd iibbin'nlk and ilirown Inlo the uutoniobllo. Hn I

I lilcadfld deniiernlely wllb Ihc offlcern 'rioi lo runll him l i the elrclrln ehnlr niidjtien Jut him puy Ibe ilvalb jiennliy. Infii

.MaKlH(rnlu Holland iu holding Ibe No. |>rJHnnor expreniied n rrRrvt (hut hu could not order Moriam (oniicd troni the fraiii dti’or of Ibo niailon liounu p, lo bu "(urn limb from limb" by (hu if men nnd women whIUuk (hero. '

II.I . i u : a i , t u ^ T i 'h k o k .si:icii>k , DlCSVUIt. Feb. 27-111'health wan :

Riven un the caune fur lhu nulchlu of 1 .lohn Kiccb. 30. San Krunclnco. beru yciiierduy. Klrlch nbot blmnulf I (brouKli Ihu bi-uri lu hln room. Lellcrs | trom hln mother were /imriil hi Ibo I, room from 323 N. Mri'Pi, Ran l-*niiirl»- I CO, I’ollcu were iinahlc lo learn hor I n.-iiuo an tho lellurn wero niRiied only I "Mothtr.** •• • !

■ -A 'G < u n )> t< W '^ C o fD p Ie te a tid . | i P o p f ta n C T t O m |||

“ T H A D b c en a au ffc fe rfro tn P Il .ts I JL .25 y e a rs ,b u t to d n y fe e l l ik e a

d if fe ren t w om an ." T h ia is o n e ex- I V p ression o u t o f h u n d re d s o f slm -\ I * r letter* received, from B ellied p»- I

tlcntt whom I have corapleuty and I perm«ri«ndr cured of PUes.'' _ I If you BK In tera ted In know inc th« I I fact*'about YO UR cue, t'etid for my 1

; FREE llluitrsted book It lelU WHY I UIC no l:n(/c, eltmp, llgtetira, ttliehet, , burning or other d lu g n a b le and din* Igerout m ethods.__ 1

B caeattonysnaran tM . . I i'SMK S V • means » positive and ptr» 'R n ra B A mantot cure, no m ittcf

h o w ^ v c re y o a r c a te l|

i S ^ ^ a s T j . d e a n: ■

m&ral^bmlshpt^--------->l9 an 's. R e s to i t 'b e a l th y c ita t- f blood th ro u g li c o n g e s tt tl lis ­ted o o n g e ff t |o n c |tU M (te p a io I - a l m o s t i n f a n t

i t f s l i r i t i n e n t: . --killspaihl. , I

---------- ^ — s /

dr^am o t l i l r i n am) ( l ^ g people'wliat. J„ack s^w, .w h ar lio was well ' >ii'-darr(ed BW.wC.<Ji>puih‘»h6 clouds ■ oileo; K a lt .ended, A Jeok suddenly U■■ 'i . ,, ■■■ 1 . ' ' ■ ■ . Jl

i i y i a i l f f l D ff l i r a iM CLOSES;K.NN.'^AS I'lTV. Mo. V'-b. 27, T h e '

1iI»;i:m I l.iml Iniml n ia l «:u i'III, un to u };;;>■ ' “ ‘-I

I-:. Hlii»url i-barKi'il wllh iinllu (Int inailii l<i ik'traml of t(',o,nun.ony. |

SlfWiirt did not l;ilie the i.l.lud to i ri-riili' ifntiniony of iiitnf.-infneiil.i-' llnu atlll ollii'r IrreKiilailllen In i b f '

l"iii.iKl.- v;il1<')' nl 111.' Ul.l Cruinli'."J l i f hiicf nllnltiifiil riilil to fiiinii'rn lit lh.. inlil-.v.-M by Hli-vv.ir..

WltueSMi'n ilc'claifil llial lOMltll- f lili l ;irlC:Uloii liiilllltcrr lire-vl.li-d and wliob'^iiile iTop lallur.-H] reiiullfil.

U. II, CriamT, i„-ri'i.li;il frlrn .l nf j ITcitileiil llnrillnitl ..iimm,-n.-.l b.-rf],\>,

lo lc;illCy.

C o n v i c t I s H f . ' t l ^

nKNVKlt. Cnlo.. I'ii>. fo il..- \luiby. reee'vfil n ifb'Ki-aphii'^^r.-iiorrii

I>luli' Iii'iilii-Iiiliry Ixr i\ iihuinrrnphof Tom lltillcK-k. iiiif Ilf Ih r....... ...lield her.! fi.llnwlm: iln-ir u rn-.l li.r nn allfRed |>lnl lo rnli llie CnloMdoKlulo mur...... . ot Vni.'iiio w niili ofRiibl leaf.

Tin; wanl.'ti ntaleil li,. brll.ived illlllovk wan ;in eiiaiH-il im ivl.'l I im;ii Mli'bli:nn prbon.

i i i m ;s ,\sItK VKTKIM.N.S un iK .V i: ,

W AS'ffi.wro.v. II. r . f-vb. 2; . - llrln. (ifll. I 'lank T. llliiei'. nt pr.'M- ont depoly .b tef of ii( Ib f nrmv 1lo.Iny W‘o‘ aiipninlc'd a d lr.'i 'lo r of Ibc l.'nilfd Slnleii Veierumi' bur-aii 1 lo mi.-fi-.'il C.,1. Cliurb-ii H, ro rlie-. U'bo rfceiilly rfulKned.

NUTICi:I bnvr pnrcbuHcd WuKrr H. Sinllb'.'>

'f lo ik of iiiirfbred While l.ei:born. Uir- itien niraln. Will bnvo HHtlnc ff.Ri. iiifler Mar.li 10, Jtoy U WrlRht, itmilc ,So. I. Twin lOilln. Knull, Idaho.

I \ Som e w om en i

I b u t to som e, I di-udgery.

■1 “ K IN G COAI cook ing , delijH su re, b an ish e jH / d i-udgery, given I b e t te r fo o d a tM to cook it, a n dH cooks b e t te r aiy h ap p ie r.

1 W e w a n t you - ] . a b o u t it, a n d s

1 to h a v e you gi'

I illIN T E K -M dron

I C . C . L a r isH . P h o n e

o f Fi

4 ' ' '

ot the mystery: tre».~ ,ABd’M ra eMjiifl teredo, dn. blrrtitp.la*KttfkeW ltl<.'.:^aiMJdc le iKle.,

_ _ _ _ _ PAOE CTlitEfe ___ _____

M c ig O T e lle s^ S a^

They are GOOD!

i H in .i'.s u c u jT T t 111 "n i-:i.iv i:i(’-l.\NCK., 1V1>. :T. M.-lli.iill;it cliurcli. N

S l ^ G I A L •“'T u e sd a y a n d

W e d n e s d a y

Willi .-vi'iy ,M„- i.iiiibaM,' ui- wilt ;;ivr yoo I llKi:. I |ilnt of KrnUl

Wllh I V. ly }( imi, liii.ie, 1 ijl. I'fC.

farm ers’ MarketL*:tll ,Millu No. (Iplinvllc ro>tu(flCF.

T e l e p h o n e 1 3 2 2

ui; |)KI,lVEIt

tl like 'to cook, ■ / m .. e, . tqok iiig is I l l : '

3 A L ” m a k e s ' ■ 11iligh tfu l a n d : I Ieg th o u g h ts of n -ves th e ia m ily m ';a t le ss troub le B | | .id m a k e s good . |U | ! 'a n d a l l cooks . iH l i '

u to know a ll ' i n llL sh a ll be g l a d .... ... I H _____give u s a tr ia l | D | r

— 4 ' -f f A lN tM ^s o n I t a r .

m m m

I, II t n l p i B p ^ i | i . f f r - ^ ^

_ j r a o B ______ ^ _________

THE TWIN FALLS IL o ad in g NewBp&p«r o f tb « O ity u

PubtUbed Ever7 BreolDK Except b'undar t pany. Twin

I. H. UABTEnS--------------------- ------------------

Entered ■( (bo Twin F a lls I’oBtoCdco n i S< '_______________ ^ b llM llo B . April i:

I S U B S C R IP T IO N 1D a ily , one y e a r . .- ----------------------------D ail^’, sue m o u t h s .................... .........— .........D ftlly , one m o n th

T lic ilvHl o f kcL'pinK iij) nppcnrn iic

.SoInT firrtt I I io h rIk s n r r u lw nys thouKlit-H. • • • -

----------------------------0 --------

T lir innn w lin Im yn liootU'K H qiior li p o lic y IH on ntrnii{)il.

O rnnd jiirioH linvo ii w a y nf b e a m nho u t n f le n v n n ls .

P n llitT n s w ell k i ' t u p if ntlm t nn' nu lom obilo is n n o c m ity .

T h e idon o f lo ttiiiR U'cll fn o u |;li n lo lk a u n ti l thoy Imvu iiiUHSi'd it up.

E v e ry tiiiii! o i'U tra l li-lls n m an tlu som e u 'om cii art.' a s iiii ; i( fo r k‘>'‘'^>|uu(;.

O ld D obbin , w lio i-oiild I« 'cp in tliu so m e ^ iiiB on t l i f n iito inob ilc fo r i-yurti

--------------------------- 0 --------


T licro nro s c v c ru l im lin itio im tliai n b o u t to en jo y iin it u o f K n-ut proNpcri tliFsc id tllo iu tc rc .s t w liieli m en in to n h e r e i n o t m ere ly nn in te r r s t s i u ' b ^ l-ui

"w hich manifcfitH i t s e lf in iiivcKtmentH.Tho S c riv iic r A n to com |in iiy o f li

a n d ia p r e t t y closL-ly in toiu-h w llh n ftn u t«ge line b e tw ee n th is c ity nnd I'ouiitt

' th a t - i t - c x p e c tu th e r a i l ro n d to bn con A m e ric an F n lls dnm to be ' e rc e tc d .

Jo b n H ood o f I ’ocu tc llo . n wcnltli.N m a n , tl io ro u g h ly fn n iiliu r w 'itb coniU tii E n g c lcu , fo r y rn m innutiK i'r u f th e Go alno fAmUiar w ith ro iu lit io iis oti th e T^ o v e r the ' Ooldt-'U R ulo store* lu T f a n d w

'.tw io R llH fo rm er rn p n c ily .■ T ho S e w Y o rk S to re s cutnpiitiy btu

n n d itu mnniiKiTs k n o w w laT o exim iisioti com pnoy i» a lso c o m in g in. • • .

I ’erhiipH tlics(! vz trious iu tc rc s ls b u t . i f th e y h a v e n 't iio lu idy Ims. oitlsrtJi r le s . A iiyhois', tli is is one o f ( I f uiii 'u ii i-iit u tu u tiu n .


I jw is li Ilu tlay iu sui'K ical iM|iii]iiari fo r llu! com fo rt o f tin - siuk um l fotivjtl rn su u l tlioU(;)it-'(;ivcii lo tin- .•lacTtriticy fu n d itiu n n il to o cciiiiinDii in li<is|iilal ti

K iiv is Jl Nhix'k to th e iii'Ciio rm o l h riilth , :im l i t s pri'svtti'i! aitioi do n b tb 'as lias been rc sp o tis ib le fo r n to r v u lcscrnce iliaii is r n i l i / c d , Iiiil>id.itm l (he f ir s t ciHiKiilcraliDii in ' liot;|>iial jilati tlic mil.' riilltiT llia ii llio cx iT p ljun ;

In cip ien t f ir e s hav in g ' t lif 'ir oi'iKiu alw^iVM w ill bo oxiiiit;iii<fln'(J hy im iom

I p ro p e r ly iniiitil.-iiiicil. Slneo ' iis iK-i-f.^'l h a s eoiH picred ,/ill th e n i r ly TitaK">. inai

, f a c t th u t u viilvc has be en kiiDwii soiiic •• le rs -lm V u been iits ta llc d iti M artls is

n j j lc ia in f f to .in s tU n to tli i i p n -eau tiy it n n tb o r itie s lia v c ’ g iv e ii Ihis oeeasional d in stn llu tio n .

T lii^e is^nii iloiibt (Imt th e averaj^e b y 8>fu ik ler!.. T h ey a re i le s tf a h lc .- a s in those- h tn ie n ir r s w b ie li « re beliuvi-< K inee (lie sp r itik le r hv^ti-iii ii|s» ,-an fu n la rn i. w hen «... e.|iiipi> .‘(l, its \ a lu e is I w tio n o f ihi: f ire an<l i t i s ta iilly m 'Is uhoiii ovcn th e show- o f a r e a so n c s i s i s fm- fai lu te b en s , sloterootiis,- liib o ra lo fie ;., ci'liai c ia l h tiz an l w Jh tc p a t ie i i ts u re u u t eoul

• SitciikitiK o f tho h o sp ita l fir<' h a za r f irn oom m ishioner o f N ow Y o rk , niieo in a u iuktitn tif.li c s tn b lish e d fo r Iho hi r a r in f f fo r liiim an life , th . ' ijiu-.siioii t.f s

■ w b on i t Is u sim pj,- th iu ^ r^ o (o arruii(,'o t o clin iinufc liio pos.sihiH ty o f firo . .Moi p ro R rrss tliut. tin- f if jh t aKuinHl d isease o f body a n d b n iin n ro w«Ked inc ro u\i> DIseiLse has HUeenmhoil to hoicueo, y e t fi Buraii Uh ever. AVhat n tr a v o s ly tni I n f ro m Ihe ruvuKes o f d isease a n d a l tho tb e p e rils o f f i r p .”

N o th in if n e e d ^ W a d d e l to (bin o lei is fu lly tta n p p a n -n t to ib iy a s oti th o d iiy iiig A m erica A ffn insl F ire .


-----------------V -

M I I Y T IM E STa n d C o u n ty o f T w in F a U i

T b r tboT nm ea Publlshln* Com- Is. lu ibo by ll---------------- . . . . „ V.. . !“ •'--------- ------------------Edltor-Pubtlabsr n n « — . Tlioy

^ '-L___________ ______ . . tnlillrI Socood Clftas M ailer OS a Dolly I 11. 1918. ■

' Ore..^ R A T E S ' « u :

----------------- $G.OO J, Mr------------------3 .00 I h o

...... .......... ........... .GO...................... ■ ----- low — — ------------------------------------ M rluces is h itriU y o v e r w o rlb it .

vrnn-------— — — ,

.•s bcK er th n n so b e r accond" Mro.

■ Mr. Ir lihniild bo'KUru h is in su rnnco Hn

:\Inui FMllii

____________ MnNitivoriiiK lhiii({s w h ieh n o b o d y omn,


Clmrlf Ttiolhcr iiu d tb o (jir ls doeidc

HlK____________ n t M:------------------- . Til.I ato tie n e v e r ueeiirs lo H otnr

for f projtr SoaR

th o lilie is b u sy he is o e rta iti Scout

I?,';—;------------- -- I lltl

th e ro iu l 'n v ilh o u t KiiidiiiK, h a d li 'H n * irtiuK , tr ip s . ' ieo.

' tloo."

; PROSPERITY______ ■ Hcoiit

SiKniih a t t h o ^ w i n F a l l i t r n c t is di« u ic ri ly . o f th e ( jrciito st o fto u c h w ith c a p i ta l nro ta k in g tbe u c u rio s ity liro iises b u t th a l s o r t J t *|)a


IJoise hiiH larK o iiivcH lnionts t o ^ ' i ffn im . l l b n s s ta r le d a n nu to of « -•atello, f o r th e nvow ed ren su n the t :o n s tru c tcd to W e lls a n d th e aud !


th y nud c o n se rv n tiv e b usiucss home, itioiiH horo, n n d W illin m V nn G o lden K ulc s to r e a t U uH ey, »ntt i T w iu FallK t r a c t , linve ta k e n

1 w ill onlnrKo i t -in m ore th u n '>"‘1 ■ tor. i torlcy

btiB briuie lios in s e v e n il s ln te s jio'i i ioti is KuiiiK (o ta k u p lace . T h is QiTnri, . . sir-f .................... ........ .....;™;itVJti u t tho in n e r rn ilro a ii oir- Pl'>R- mJrttfjiuK f e a tu r e s o f th e p res-

playli•_______ sail


a . 'n i. iittd I 'i.s tly ap]>iiitititients kjo va les.'o iil, w ilb o n lv th o m ost fltm cicy o f f ire , is i iu fo r lu im ie ly u ti„rlm t tiiaiiH«eiiieu(, • . "Itnan e rv o u s sy s te m o f ' i.oVsotis l„III.mir riirt;e tiuttilioi-s o f s ick |y ^ to re d e a th s a u d rc l.'irded eon.•Illd saft; i;vneuu tii)u .should he . la titiiiii;, vol lu if ro w liallh iifo

III‘ rixiMl

in w ilh iti th e biill.liiiis' altiiost nr.I.^r ( jiua lie sp r iiik le t's i f lliey aro i;i.'I.iou th e uu tfi'lim tie hpriiiM er [.y, li.m.v-- tli i.u sam ls o f f ire s . T lie iiiolim es (d b-ak w hero s)iriiik - J[|‘

is no t s ii ff ie ie n t r ea so n fo r ml**!' toll. iiIiIujukIi iiiau y liD spilal 1 d e fe c t IIS uu .'X euse f o r tmii- Tlilaii

lac (

l<o hospitjil .^bOill(H*e p ro t. 'c le il UiiRkl a s au a d d /d s.ifo^ruan l, .'Ven v,-d t„ he fu lly f i r e - r . 's i . t iu - , noj'o'f iiiielion a s nil a u x il ia ry f i r ....... . 'Ilw o -fo !h il iu d i . ' i i l . s lhl- 1.1,•«. o u t .jiietK'liln^' Iho l)la?:o. . \ . i i »>:>i failitiK lo iiiKltdl si>riulclcrs iti

lia rs , am i o th e r p la ce s o f spo- hik, r oufiiie il, . .z a rd , l lo b e r t A .la m sn u , fo rm er euuir 1-0 s a id : “ I t is p e n d ii i r llm t

h iirh ly bn io fio .- iit p u rp o se of pfrtnl i s a fe ty lo life is .lis r.'K arded . i(,'o ootiiiftious a s ill la rp e p a r i June

...................................................CO.:,;:iso nud su b -n o rm al . 'o n d ilio tis with hU<'cos.srully tb a n eyor boforo.

; f ir e ooiilin iies to U ijl j u s t th o h* p t r u s t i t is to safoK U urd lives

tho snuic lim e expose thctii to u;;;:.

•leur s la te n ie n t o f a fairt th u t la y i t WUB u t le r e d — y afcK u an l.


------- T

MURTAUGH 1 ^:__________________________ 1

M l!U r.\tiO H .—0. A Dllton wnn nll^il tr. Niirlli Ciir.jlliiii. TiiBncliiy. y llie .;erlt.;.K Mliiuns tif liln fatla-r, lliilpli W ornill an.l Kiln TCi.rk nf

lniclli.il vrcri: .iim rrleil W.-ilnomkiy.'Ii<-y will K<> to li(>iiK('ki'C|.lni; o n \ ■ urni near Aberilecn wlileli Mr. Wnr- . ■ oil will fnrm ilili' year. ■Mm, TiiUrmaii H uw ^ua Ih tiiiiT- ' ■

Uiilny h e r piirrnlrt, .Mr. nml Mni. ■ •. 'C. Mocley ot Sail iJiko < lly. , ' ■ Mlsr> NiOln MiiUbew retilrii.'il ■

.nine \Ve<lni-tii1uy Iriilii, , Porllntiil, I iro.. wli.!r.i iihii lu n iiiii-til tlm jin-it ■ Ix mi.tiiliB vImIiImb with rrlallvM , ■

Mnt, l-'raiik Torrlll. Hr.. <.t Twin ■ ‘nllti. Uut fo n iif r ly 'f ro m MiirliiURli. ■ rho tiun bci'ii a'lrlntiiily III fnr tlie ■ ani ye :ir.'In - roporti'il to bo very I 3w t l ihlii time. IMn., G, T ru itt ro turncd liomo llili ■

i.inl wpok from Niinipu. wliprc nbi- I mn callcit by llie ucrlnut) Illneas ot V er fntlicr.Mrn. Leo Dewcr ot Ilannen nppnl

■rlilny .wllll hcr-D arcniB . .Mr. n»a - iro. 11. B, Wllllninn,A (liiURbter wn» born Monday lo “

Ir. nml Mnt. Will Oooilmnn.H nrry Applebnum nnJ Marlon '

tnilln.w iipcni Frlilay In Twin : Will nnd Hurley. • “Mm. lllaiicU llowern of Hiirlpy ^ ------

pnnt tlio panl wook with her pnr- Illn, Mr. nnd Mr«, P. Worrell. -Wnt, Clinrli'H Mmibpw »n<l .ImiKli. I I

c n . aiiidys nml Miirjnrlo. nnd st.ii, l i :imrlP«, rcturtird Wo.ln.'«dny fn.m N

vlnll wllll rclntlvvii la !Illnol». own and Colorndo.HlK b'ailier nnd Son*' bnmiurl liclil ^ ____

t MurtnuKbi W clneiidny rvcnliic. To Tbo .MurtniiRli Uoy Sc.hiIb k.ivp a ^Ivt- i

nmjoei'"1^>brunry "2 In honor of .ndnt Holr foibern. Oovor worn Inli! (luvo ir forly kuohIii nnd the follnwliir; -itunn rojtrnm wni very well ronilurod: jim i OUR l.y nil. •■Anierleu"; nonr. Hoy nillnm cout Mnrch. by Hoy Scouin; luili.

nirdnoye Vk-w of ScoiillnR, Seoul- laatcr L. II. Jfo rrlll; tnlk. •’Wlial

Hnvo .Losrncd About Men frnm imiilni ly Dull," Utean Jn ln : talk. ‘'Whnt fl|„ciT Unto •Lenrned frotn My Hoyn," Ily- foumi

utn Plckoii; talk. "Fuiuro Amor- nlmi tl ■0." T. I). Nnsb: ta lk . ••Co-opcrn-00." AnHlBlnnt Bcolit Mnntor V. 11. e ll; nonR. "D ear Dad of Mine" Iiy ,,„i ny ficotus. A fter supper (he Il.iy r 'lt’ii ' coula (teinoniilrntcd thn foIlnwltiR: .',,i IcnnlllnR,.tiiliiK iho itomBrhoro coili', ^ .1/ ,,, le unn uf Iho irliincnlnr And rolloni. , BndBRo nnd IhJ lou rn liun l; firi'- ,i„.. ion's lift, ohnlr carry , knotn, nnd n i l le usa of Ihe ntri'lcber. Tho ban-not wnn rlofied by bavlnR u Rnmo t bankotboH bcttvcfn the boyn nnd , 1,' lolr dadn, wilb thtfl l>oy« Tletnrloun. t.i.i.i i Arlln T o lm n ^ .w n l mnvo Mnndny t,-.,.,,.

I Wnplo. wheroTrti will havo ctinrRo n _ , ; II necllon for tlio O. H, , Mln« Kilo Hollorloy of Huhl npciil

in wook-ond wllli bor parenl*. Mr. ad-M rs. O. U netlorley , who nrfl avlnc Ihla weok for Diirnngo, l / l l i r olo.. wburo they will mnke their K IIU '

Mr. and Mtti. F rank «mnnon Hnd * imlly apont Ibo week oml wllh ^Tf V nil Mm, Murnhall. und Mrn, t\- W. ,1 /ocbholtiMm, I. M, Hnyd enlorlnlneil Mr,

nd .Mrn. A rlln Tolmnn nnd iIuurIi- ir. Zoldn, Mr. nnd Mm. (I. 1^ Hot- irley .nnd Mm, Allen .Mntllinw und >n nt .llnner Tum’dny evonlnR In nnor of hor liUHbund'ii birlhdny nn- , ,1 .T ..ty . .Mr. nnd Mrn. W llllnm Mn.Imi nnd r '

lURhtrr nnd .Mr, an.l .Mrn J . Jonrn jwnt Huiurduy in Twin l-'nlb hho|,.

E<llih Srnreiil met wltb n pnln-II aocldeni TuMdny nt Hithni.I whli.- "" laylnR liDRkclhiill, wh.rn nhe f,-ll. „ml hit h.T bead nRnlnnt n InrKc lpo. Hho WUH nnei.nncli.iH for tw.i Durs. but wu-i nblii lo return n.-•bool tbe followlnK Thumdny. “ujri'K

PiA.NTH s-imr*I-'lo»»orK. potted fn-cnluii, pftiinlnn. I'duci’l

utorfly o rclildr Kovcr.il kimlii ot the in nn cul floworh. My Jl.ii year In th.' ■•'•■r. orlnl'n iradf, AU klndn of f|..ral-do- rnn»;ci Kna on.l nrrniiRrmenin. I’hone 1279. U«'1r Ily Towor Oreenhouiifii. Twin Kulln. proi.c

■ ll-'l I)!'

N TilK M.lTTKlt OK TIU: IS S r. " 'u k e .V.\(’f: OK A> OKIIKIt A(;a I \S T l>»:il I

.“.\O X JO L S-iVKKII.S.? foTKa;

In thl» iniUlor. II lii.'1n(: the llm.' ,,,XU.I I.y Inu' fnr 111.- li.R.iunee nf an ! ' ■d.!r njjaliinl .S'oxinlin W m iIb -the fnl- iwlnn reiiniullon «ii» .liUy lire-i.'illeil { T . l);i« CoontT.I’uriiimnl tn HrclL.tm 3<M, .H!U. i.,|„

lar.. 349.;, ;ii97. .n a s. 3499 umi ;ur,n „„,n ^r the Ui-vI.i.'d ijt-'iluten nC lh.- .‘ lal.- rould’( Iduliu. (be ili.ard of County Cnm- niici.iiilosloni-r.1 of TKln [•'aih Cuuaty. ii...'ii,h, iuho, lirrctiy ro io lv i- •Thm lh.- w.'cd» laiown i.n C.inudlan l.and thlatlp, (ccnilum iivenln). Wild Morn- ii wi'i.'lIB Ch.ry nr Uin.lwred (oonvolv..1ii- lo di..rv.'miliil. Dodilrr leurln la urvenicl;i,) ln« liURkllinrn, lllui' fl<.w.-rlnr U'ltiiei-. Rn.iin.Illle Cup or Unary i'rc»«. Ilnr>i>lun lAll.-n11111.11 Wi'cd, und g u iu k Cra^ii n rr In Inti,nxloii* «..rdn and ure .letrlmi'ntiil lionliT;id ile.iirurilrn tn i.crlt iiliurul Inter- In cmiitfl Ip Twin nillr. (V.iiiity; . yei piAnd It In th rrrfo ro b en jis -^ r 'l . 'tv d nml ni:it nil nf Ihe wei'd.>-'irWr nam.-d. urnum llhln llir lliiilU. ..r Twill nillM Oimi-|di.'er,'. Idiilio, i.hall tic- il.'iitroyud tiy fU.<n|- produIK, l.y iipplyinK in:l>l-i. o r ..ihiir nuli- tor theinnr.'K llmt « |l | .l.-strny Iho llfo of Whijch nfixinun W..r<lu. or !>y contlnuoiiK csrryluuinc, roiiilDunuH cultl\iitlon. nml nlinl iimler no rlreum slanevn .nliall era uiny nf ftio nbovv naino.l weeds bi' l.'&nizprtnlltrd 10 proiluco sen l. , (atuhlAnd ll In liirther-M *nlvcd lhnl th li t» eyo

nier Khnll hu eoinpllod wllh hefnrc uho.<pline Itll, I9::i, und II nhutt l.o Ibc duty Wh<f ov.'ry lanil-ownor In Twin t'ulln am! wouniy, l.luhn. lo oonllniio oomplluneii K»m.i•Ilh Ulln onlcr uiilll .S'ottmbor 1st, pleelci9J3. und uny land-nwni-r <ir renl..r Ibnn IilllOR 10 comply w llh Ihln o rd rr will isy,- \c proeoodod up ilnnt In ncoordunee from iIlh ul.ote inenllnao.l luw. ono eUutoa ibU "4th duy nf February, Rnme,

n r . tdalJ, I). HAII.XIIAHT. I'elo, l

Clialimaa, WMy.r. I). CONNOH. Wre0, E. CARLSO.S". nnd t:

•ItfBi: C. C- HIGOINS. Clerk. turo ,JOHN- r . HASHKN, Depnir, point


Carrying On fo

'Mra.'AvUlac<i neld, wlfo ot tho late ph flCht oealnat Iho druR iroOlo which took bet nhe I" nbo\rh wlib Thomaa H. Inee, proi picluro In wblcb Mra. Hold will appenr. A caiahllnhmeni of the Hold Memorial liosi

, trealRioct of drus addlctar .

QUESTIONANDA(C o n d u c ted b y A u n

r.. I).‘nr Annnn .'<ue; -"Pleano for- Is i" V m.- f..r I'lillltl); .vml a liorMe. I i).- din'l mean ll In thnl iieiin.. nt nil, Shu Imvo ........... V.T heiird Iho oxproBHlon, A—.lUinlm; n Ron.l hnrno lo donlh?" uddrcI I nupp.«.. IhiU 1« perlinpi u lo- nfiall Inm .If tho pin.-.- I d im e from— ' A—' yl..' you (irefur tn iKiioro or forxel —bow riRH. .•«ia'el;i1Iy iihrnnpn nol- llp to hurt

iiilniiio: I’onnll.ly you were only DPF..n|n»: in.-, Anyhnw plennc uci'opt my wi-l.:nici-ro npnloKles fnr nuch nn nil- g -.ml mlnnomrr. I.lko Sltnplo (jam. I Sl..oUIII think you nre .1 splendid sort of A—

om. ai—Vou nre .lu ltr f..rKlvon CilnOIII. 11 nici . hollevd uio, I Ihlnk you're Iho th rlr '•I whiiikrrn. im<l.':i<l nf Ihn earn nf haiI, Hnw eomo? i'lem.u send me u dor»tn f iiddroHned envrlol.i’ nml I'll Kend Q - I the nnnwer tn Ihe .SlRRcr ipien- mi-niII. Come on, A - 1—Dill Al.o l.lneoln hnvi: uny ,iomi7 niibjei )d.'«.in, .\cxv 1 L—Ahrnhnm Llnenin hn.l four iionn. .l..me»

Iho only ono llvinK nnw In Kohert von<e;Id l.lneiiln, 30U .\. Street .N. W., hy ninnhliiRlon. 1). C. rnmoI-W lll you plciini' tell nio nome- bnr m:1R nh..'m Glorlu H»nnnon?-l'*annl.-. mlie 1i-O ln r ln Swanunn haH hbiok Imlr, ille."


_____ - Wiih IMnho

- .s t iijirlnjc I heard n idiecj. mm: In tin': "When ynu feed a btim h ..f nii.ry■ep Ii.T.I.'rH Ir.r n year, y.m kimw tar. rillin .-..Ml ii<.m.-thlnR." n.r nlnn kiiuivic r.-el..rllo Ihry ure .•ntliiK ki.ro henn nv neroei' kind Ilf Kuliie-hli ei;K.i nlid hiilii HenryI muit.in i.r.' nm l.ohii; eiiien. lully I •Ii.' Iduho Kani.. dep:irlment nnd lh.. pl

npnrlam.'ii i.hi.ulil lake ear.- ' ot dalc.ry iiiiIiiiiiIh:■he preiieni li-.tppi'ni llern^e In un <Uil;riiKo: thul?

.S. K ovrnn .en i irappurn nn uu Ily mTaKu iltau’ ihulr Kttlarlw, cul kchhI .-rlo-lie. In un.l «ilt uf the n.'iini.n, und overiial.; 111.- .•ny<.ipa (.. liI,..^r clear of Io lyi^irapn and retui.o polnnn. .lid y■"..rent ranrera nnd Kovornmi'ni ihlnk,

lr k.-.-iiiii-Mi or .|iliillfU'nllnn» to t'nii'I .e l »;niiie, and In iiii.hi they an Ibi

Iji.d ■•xiiiiiplen ra th e r-th a n help Iiik Hie .lenlrald.' «IId Uf.-, hiK tl.1ki'WI.M> tl......... In olecied nn II l.< 'al l.inur« uml ban no lUnu .ir .>e-. pniduKam.' law on lo rc 'in -w : —

•unnlilei' Ihf iimunlnln liheep. , ,.Hue wu-i Uhen we conniril filly y..u ..n.- Iiaml. unit nliu. bl,: ramn. In.tlier tnin.-h on tl.e head ut l.lllli; ____

! MlII nhreii h a .e b .r a tnk........ ni'orm-n. y.-i ihi'v :,r., ,,ra.;tlcully R.iiii'. He A f l Ud not .'oduio tho onnluiiKht uf Iho X I •ep lierdiT >vli,.-w lih powcrtnl rlflo W w n<h> Illl- laiiiiim-e m..nih;> lu Iliv hlRh unti.liin. OimiiiM the henU-r’s Id h.-rdn no a tt.'iillun for .layn. I'Veii lei'k III u Ume when he hun niithblK dn l.iii hntll uml kill. Th.' crallty- — „ : iiicn-ni.o in huro ohlckenn nnd T d l »ini- .lurliir. Ihe rrn of hlf;h lleenne ■> ll.'O Kun lleoniM') for nhcep. Iierilvrn , Infurilhli' prnoC Ihi.I Ihi- nllen nlii'rp J •Iler han hi'rn n-.luninahle ol.'nient Kami- ih -.lrm ilnii, .Mllllnnn nf nerrn

public .li'inuli. iinivlil.. th.. Iln.'nl . J Iw 1 nl.iinilant l.rc-eiUiiK nnd f.-.-illiu:.umlii fnr i.,ii;r h.;nii and Kroiflic, | | | | l T, ele.. «li<r.- they would hu ro- l u .ducfnR ilnttil'l luuuciiauta esevpt U fl tbo UKjIeJlatlon of Ibo nhephoril. W

.Vhen Wl- i-oinpletcly prohlhll the W jt ■ryUis or Ruiit In cloHcd noanonn. •:o nil RuiiH from ullon iihorp hord- l l I until Ihelr mlmtn hceoino Amor- H: nized on »;nme proloellun. or wr il uhllnh Rnmr [iri'i.rrvo# i.liy of whlcb 1 r y rr n iilRhimnru l.i Hatieo InvloK | w p kloKK, • ;iVhcn Ihe KiiMii- ilnpjirlment nlamla '" T r it workH (iluof nnd nl.mu. when the nm wunleii In not nppolnlrd, but etrd tl. look nfler tb r Ramo. ralliur- P '* ’ in III work i.ollilci. nn.l re t tbe mon. npnr • W hrn Wc n il protect tbo ram o ,„ ( j i nn onrnolvi'n nn well an frnm evrry- e rine: then will wo havo "more jnyc me, belter kbimu nnd blRfor pamo." ^ wc Idaho's Ramo Ih ono of hor hlg as- a U n, no t ulonu fur nporl. hut Inirlno- L;c .Ily- uponiVreck tho depnriniBnl for two ycam will d tbo lonn will bo Irroparahlo, Fu- Well ro Roocrutlonn of aporiim en will cIno Int Ih r y tif 'T of f ro m up nt you


for Wallie I^ ‘

J picture Blnr. In to e a ^ on l|c r' ber (nmoun bui>t>.iniri> life. Hero

proinlnoni producer, plannlnc a |. All tbo proceedi will ro lo Uio loopital a t Loa Aiuiclts ror ibOi

ANSWER BOX.u n tie S a o .)

nnu IH f. fe.-i tnil. She Iiiin ii lU- ' diiliKbler, ulno an ndopteil uon. u In dlviireeil frum her husband.A—Annlle Bne, can ynu Klvo me the drons ot ttrenibnrd KnliUnK -Co. Iall bo very Rrntoful,—Unrdii. • --------V—Vou hiivi^n’t the tinmu qulle r lsh t a t nnj lowov.T, here 'n .tlio nddrcns. Ooiir- Ibn la: r t KiilltInK Machine (‘o.. liopl. nhow 'F .. CInorflold. Pu. You nro very Iriime f-'rnti;j-W h n t In meant l.y "Tho Silk which .okinK Hank"?—Jnnnle, . MnKn*(\.>-|f you were n (hiplicr Innlead of bixik i 2««nK' you'll kR.'w wiihoul unklttK- l« to mcnnn nlmply ihln. lhnl Rlrln carry ntro I ?lr ninnry In the ir niiicklnR Inninnd Rlnnln haiikiiu; ll iir iinUiK n piirne, Ua- K<llib

rKlinid. _ whichLi—1)0 you l.'ellove capllnl punlnh- Jonnf •nl In r iK ht:—Mnlre, UHly •^ _ ] jirrfer lo remain nllenl on Ibo bJeeU flowev.T, It wan proven In ME! w York roeontly Ihnt the illhle on- ANCH, men II. Tliln I.i Ink.'n fr/im a Hlbl.. oVIoel me; "Who ahed.lelli maii'n blood. — — mnn nhall bln blond iihud. I t n mnn 110 prennmpllvely ii|uin hln iielsh* ar to nlay him with rulle, thnn nhnit ^ le him fn.m My nltar ihat ho may

• ------------. . . 4 T T H E . . . ■

T H E A T R E S I 2'".( in tA T (MM- IN ™ - r n iK ’

ruiiniiipollluii 1'ro.lUetlomt olnltna ll ll han a Kreal.-r cuut HUiiportlUK w o irlnii Itavli'!. In "When KnlRhtbood Hoot IH In inuwiT." "h leli m playUlR tho (o , iho Ih '-ntr.'.'lhan Jiilia .Marluwo bad quar

the hlace vendon nf the famimn .ry Klv.'n In lUOl. Tho C.inmnpoll- '•'I rani iliM-n Imle.'d n a d llko ii dl>•i..ry ef liuitlni: llRhin of I'laKo nnd roeii. l.yii llardliii; who |iluy» KlnK h M H • nry VIII wi.» brnuRlil over eepcc- ly rnnu l»ndf.n l.i play thu part (or

AT TIIK l,.\Vi;HlMJ -liny a dim -: And a htx pa:turo like 111? Say Ifri K rral lo lake Ibo tam- - nn.l nut havo Io 'ko wlihoui Rr<.c- lr» lliv n.'Vl duy—lho4.«-i>l plcluru l i l er naw. True:il plrlurv neeurdlnc lypen, A RrraC Inm.m fur nil. How

d you llkv tho prliu flRlil? nnd lo Ink. a ll th a t two nour nhow for

Cniiimeiiln nf thlii” klml were bonrd — Ibo erou'.l <anin oul of Iho Ijiver.

i Hioiilro la it evctilni; nfu-r wlinenn-, j l l; the perfnrinunoo •nietennljiallun." .I.l wlilioul doiiht une uf Ihe hiRitenl . .Iduell.iliii ever neon lo Twin n illu

Vuurn tur ••inor.- biim_v; ^ ‘" '’' ' ' * *d l.lKI 'T »;nme.'’ fj,


HARDLY STAND'e l l s H o w L y d i a £ . P i n k h ^ * 8

V e g e t a b l e G M n p O T B a R e s t o r e d H e r H e e d th

W orcester, M a a a . - " I bod nomo -oublo caused by a femslo weakneas lll llll l,,ii |.in iiilj and got so mn-down

lUmll II I 1""'* ItU j^ p H B jm lM l t^ ^ l cou^^hardly

|^r\^^H|]||the floor. The doctor ffavom eall kiadaof

m'*lped “ “Ibins

IV o g e ta b lo C om - '- U E v y t i - y i s eik la e i t a week I began to improve, nd now 1 feel Ane and am dotne al] o i I f housework. Including •«ahln(r, now- iK and bouso cleaning. I bave rocom* ' lended yoor medicine to my frfeods, ndlam w lIU affforyoutoU setiilsIettar t s « testimonial, ns I woold HVo to help ny onesufroriniT tho way 1 did from «ich woaknesa.*’—U ra. DcUA HiCKEY, 4

L Lcdlow S t . W oreesur. U sst. ■ L ydiaR Plnkham ’a PriratcText-Book pon “ AHnwintt PecuJl»T ta Women " rill bo a ea t you freo upon reqaest. i Vrito loT he M i a K Knkhais Ifedi- Ine Co., Lrnn. Mass. Tbis book coo> alns valuable inforoiation.' ^

I ' • 1


A ilin g Childr* W ell on S y r

A laaU ll k«jtl>* W in rJJ«t n Z u jb > |U « rb /M rtli( ^

HOSI’ITAI. uml .ioctor’a reo. unU iirave Uml 7S per cen t /««,

of human lllneaa Lnn lu urisln in / « Uin inlenlJiinl amal, ooroplicalai

wiUi w bal is commooJv cnllcd

t cn jiiiw tioo. H r. AM .nliritiK wbnl U m l. }J;'

motlirm aliiMihl contrive moUio.U of hnn.llinR tlieir J!?’' ' ' childrcnwhllollicy nlill control iJioni J',"'® Ibnl will prm-cnl J ," “ tliiiw fuiuro (Inn- Rrm. 'I'nitJi cliil. ■» «*"

woliUiful or yuiiRB cirlv Innist nar.lon Iwo na-HMiM u dny unlil Uio m uugo of Ib, when ono i i linually purlsnindcnt. Give plenty of crnnKoi "een

— -nnrt—npples.-—Tilriity’ -Of -iiiitier---u'*"lHn-ji.iM 'i t litbricilei Ibn J i i l r . . ebUiltinm, and encoecutru tbu tlrinkini; ^yniofw aler. ‘ , l« “ f

If you detect rr«llm nr« i bclcii*inR, pns or wind on Uie nlomnob, ovtrnI'TpWiartti, or ImJi n f np|>clile. notdei'imiiie Iho tuncue anil you will ciistii:..il it eieilr-.!, !icc<>ii'(Unlrd by i l i l.-; (.h 'i,..i.a 'Ibo rViM i U u111.'!.,', •''•ri .I'lijli-1. Acconliiw ImiII

apr. ^-i,i nno^mir to n monl..-.xi|XM>iil'm ol l)r. CaldweJl's a ce

llESiSSSjC^i'^Tnnny price, l l will be nhnwn for

0 last lime thin i.renliiK, Tho flrat ft** low will nuirt nl 7;15.

Frnnk I>, Pneknnl'n ntory. "Pawned" hich flrnl np|»carcd In Munnoy’s iKnxlne nnd wnn Inter imbllnhed ni ok form, hnn been plcturlted nniL to Un ■profientc'fnt itia tdtttVQ'Uie-

ro for n two dny cnRaRcmenl l>o. “*)■ n n ln r Frlduy, Tom Mooro nnd Dowi llib itoberta nro featured in ihn caal hich nlno Inolu.les Cluirlen O ernrd. ” f innf Swleknrd. Jam es tlarrown. and AUC Uy Elmor, '

MELE.V KELLKH la "nELlV B R- NOT, •<CK1.. Feb. 1:7, Melhoillnl cburcb, 8 rioek. In tl__________________________________ Ju


Attention, Fatmers Hompoi

Olt aceounl of bad ronda, nnd ex(en l-o (-iv rrlio ry . -our - floldDion mny bo unable tn call na you dur- InK Ihe conlrncllnu neanon. T o 'runr; icconiuioaatu thoao ot you who ' whh.' wlah to contr,icl wc havo oponod tho an office In tho A rthur U Swim ■offlco on Shonhonu 8t,. where one of our mun will ho In utloiidanco,Wo wllUbo pleancl lo lalk SURiir Cinir Hoots, wUb you. and liivUo you tSIi/ lo mnko' thin offlcn your head- quarlera, wboa In lown.

. T E S A M A LG A M A TED 8 U 0 A E CO M PA NY .

It Ift a Long Show S<L A S T C H A N C E 1

“ DETERM I Scenf* from All O ter

10- n i U KEEU

TOJIOJIJIOW- p , ^ le r th an ls ' Conm naltr Nltcht 5 C

-m ilL K I’AHIS SLEgyS"__________

j g l a i lT E E C E i n q S W E R E


■ M A R I O N D A V I E S

■ W h e n K N ic H - m o o D

W a s i n F l o w e r :

Tho million del* \ . , '

U r romance * \ f f

im «niricent

■r -

A \:rF K D R U A U Y -2 7 ,-1 9 2 3 ............— —

ren G et ,trap P epsinANT FAKILT UAT TST IT FUB

Um(1w Umi I n ^

M jrru'llr. Tf. »1S|l .Ai»«kn /hr., jIfanJMb. lUintU.

iyrup l*.-|.*in, wbWi cltildrea . tlover objeel to Ja U n g ns tbey Ike Uie ^ I n . Ify inomlflff tbo riniDtftUr will Im well again.'iko»iM if Uio nonlriU nro aluffedi|> nr tliero ia {xTsiiiluit aneetlnR, • 't d(JM of Syrttp Pepaia will b r e ^ip.Uiofevcrundcold.• Mnu Geo. N. CoUon uf Bcr-iar.l. Me., kcc|« lier fumHy weUn Uiai wny. nnd Alra. Ida A. ■ilurketl o f C vro lt, ].n., wiio boawen ualnff Syrup IVpidn for aliuuiii vttirs, Jiaa raUoti-ber three- — . —•Jiilitmi on it. Dr. Cald#/.i 's^ynip 1‘rm ln is n vr((etablu com*|w md of l::ftyplian aenna endnop«In wiUi n«n;ral.1o eromaUc*.ib e formula, bowevirr. ia oniTVtry pncLnRe. DrucRbla bavewtd it wilb nallarnetmn lo theirnittomem for ovrr 30 yrnni, andil il now Um InrRnt si-llins fnmilylauilive in Uin world. Uuy aiMitilf. today. I t will lanl you for •monUu. nnuUioeoallsuoly about

i i l i H I T '


Runs 34 ycnra o r may be paid nt ny lateront imyhiR dute. Karmere .'onllnR loans should place appHca- loa 90 days p rior to the need of moa- y. See me n i Um-Fldellty, T itle and ibatract in Perrlne bulldlnir. SaMir* ay P. M. or pbone 677JI. J . W. Mc- )owell. Sec.

HELEN KEMJ-:h la •'DBLIVEIl- iNCH,, Keb. S7. MeUiodlst chorcli, 8 i'clock.____________________________


n the D istr ic t Court of tbe E lercnth . JudlelaJ Illntrict of Uie Stale of Idaho fn and to r Trrln Kalis Coanty.

lome Lumber & Coal Company, a cor­poration, Plaintiff, ’

i.. n . .E errliiu ,J ie lca U. PerrJoo. bis wife, and C, IL ro rrloe , D efendanu.NoUco la hereby Rlrea Ibal on Kob-

uary J4tb, 19:'3, n w rit of otUchmeni CAH. iHHUMl uC Ihe alKtve c ou rt la ho abovo cntllled action, auachlnR bv properly n t ibo nhove named de- rndaiil for ibe num of |I0t6,1)8.

In Wliiiera Whor.-of, I bave hepoun- 0 nrl my hand und tho seal of tbla 'nurt tblB :;cih Uay of Kobruary, -ISIJ.UEAL)

C. C. SIGOINB.Clerk of ilie Dlnlrlct Court,

n v C, L. IlOWBN, •Deputy,

lolbwnll & Cbapman. iliornryH for pinlntlff, rwln l-'uHn. Idajio.

So Come Early3 T O N IT E

N A T IO N ”) rc r Ihe IVorld E L S-10

c i A « G . m i i i o c

i i n o >B E N O T W E O N tf


T ^ E E M I H O w ith a c tio n , t a -

d la n t w ith b e a ttiy , xcd-

i k n t w ith tb o w o rm f la v o r o f

om anco — h e re 's th o m ost-

a lk e d a b o u t p lc tn re error


T h e > e n c h a n tin g s to r y o f &

n o d c ap p r in c e ss a n d h e r d&r-'

n g lo v e r.

W B 'T O Q E Y O U I P •CO M E C lfr ' K I t t - r] , -

‘I T ’S A L O N O Ib H O W

, - S E E S C H E D U L E .

=* P A T H S N E W S

O . A. SiUiMOK SlTltiS

“If Love Were A i r

■ .T IJE SD X T , F E D n iJ A U T 2 7 ,1 3 2 3 .

T I M E SY o u r c l a s s i f i e d a d

m o t e p e r s o M t h a n

e r n I d a h o . S w o i

p r o x i m a t e l y 2 0 , 0 0 0 r e

p l a c e y o u r “ W a n t ” a n d

f i e d c o l u m n .

H e l p W a n t e d _____________

WANTKD—YoutiK Klrl' to luniliM Hi Iiounework. Ptionu :!K9W. l>oii<— I ■ ----- Phiii

W A N TK D -airt fo r Rcncrnl jK iuitn------- ............w flrl^'F ranJc Orecm '/SW Sccciiid oaKt. TO

• --------------------- r.iifiJW AN TED -M atcrally cnnen byuu rio oml

BpecIftllxlDg In Oi). I’bono 30G. uvurWANTEl>-Qlrl to r r.oncrnl liouno- v\

^ow fk . Plioiiu lOOlJ.______________ _ ii|iaiW ANTED-M nrrlca mon oti riiiic^. l-','!'.

cxjierfunce.1 In fimiilni: nnd huicU. — L I'lioiin COr.JI, T( ’ WANTED-Iloutiokopimr l.y widow-

or wllh clilldrpn. cm rimuli. W rllo JIiik 7<. llan»(in. Idnho._________________ _

S i t u a t i o n W a n t e d £

CompiiCnot (ady u-nntfi iioiliUin an — hOliBCkcoiier. objocllou Ki chll- nilroH. 11. 0 .. cnro 'nmcii.___________ _ lam

- ‘ — ItCull

WANTED—Job for nmn nml — wire, yeur rouiiiI>vKx|ierli!iici-d, I'l

- callable. Ih“>i ot rof?i;rnctii. W. 7 in ■W. McMiirruy. »ui>crCS«U!ho, 3V&

^ P

.Wantefi-MiscenaneouB —WANTEf>—Koril tn r , conpo prcfor- of, ■

rcU. Ueouilful bi-<lr<>om HUltc nn<l > '■. cnMh tlltfcranrn palil. Hox 22C, City. p -

WANTED—lloartlcm for liri-nkfaHt nnd flvenlnn dinner. 01n;io in. 315 „ Sccoad uv«niie north. L _

' WANTED TO DUY—Sccoail ImDU F ’furniture. Cnll 1S2 :!nd nvemic soutli. cd iI’booe caiW._______________________ lo»

WAiJTED—Locol onU Iohb dlfltaneo F haulloK by (ruck. I’rlccs roasoimble. mel UoUoa & Kuakls. Phunc 1050 or CSl. bon

WA.NTED—Cloftn cotton rag#. T lmoi «« , office. -

WANTEl>-10.000 Ibg. frelgbt lo j“ baul by truck to Dolio o r retu rn . Bol- bm & KunklD. I’hone.lOCO a r CSl.

BAKER ilO O I^O A U ia 36e. « B In fon th Mala. ____________________^

Livestock and Poultry I—W ANTEI>-I'o.iUry fit a ll hlndn. J,

A. n ynn. 7CJt.____________________ __

RAl.B —1 ipom g ray tnnrcii. 4 ^ and B y tnm ohl. woll miitchvil. vfelglit , l&OO. onn team. C uml H yvuni iiUl. wriRiK 2i>0i) ciirb; nil cholco uturr, J . .r II. Houtiy, llollhitur, Idu.

’ rO R SAI.X—llcg lH lor^ bull, 2 com'- Ing 3 yeuni ol.l. Jobn Durtco, Mlor,•» t. 1, Phonn 7tS. Wlcr._____________ W

yA IJt AC'REH AUUU8Tf(H 1S»I7H<5 year old Jorsey Hull.) _

Prom »16.000 Blrcn—7<n lb. ilam. «; >V1I1 trade fcr onn o t eciual br«cdlne. (q. Clayton McOnll. Winona St<jck 1- irTn. I’hone 39113, Joromo, Idnbu. Comii and — iiee hid oftNprlng.

i-'OIl HALV;—ilaby chlckn iiDd set- —Unx eggu. KIngnbury. i

- , ini EOCS FX)I{ HATCHINC-TliorouRU-

brtd , cbolto dark rctl Ilhode Inlaad OalledB. T. N. Wbltnuy, E lltnbotli boul- — cTord.

- ----------------- :----------- lor o u SAMi^-IKgh grnilo ilamtiahlro ib:

BOM und glllH. lo farrow In March iptand April. Orooni &. McCoy. I'bnne plo20W._______________________________ •

POR 8A U >-Il. I. Red roontcm .olao oj? cgRD (or halchlnK. Phonu M2J1.

F t)n SALE—Kgga for ha tching trom “ Chodeo (lark red Khode iHland bcoa. lt.00 for IS. EUle Howurdow. Pbone ,55BR1_____________ ^

FXJR 8A U 3-200 ewon aad the ir 5°' larabi. Crosa bred. B. J . Malone.

.^ . I 'h o n e 67CJ2. «

BUU. Phpa> « l» l . _________

For Sale Real Estate twKOR SALE—Resldenco rooming —

>iQu«e. Phpne 1G2R. •>

POR SALB OR R E N T -1 2 acre tract. Cali 7S2H.

FVR SALE OR TRADE;—180 ocren Oklahoma land In oli field. L. R.. caro Times.

POR SAL&-Qee o t (ho beot 6-room ' modara homes la the eltjr. N lcelr 1(>*

cated: a t n bargain. Inqiilro a t Tbe■ Toggery. . . . . . . . , . . . ..

I t you w ant to se ll C. Bickford Room 3, Orpbenm Bldg.

■ On Ihe Berdsr Lin*.I t II ««aderful how a e a r conceit 1*

to lllunlcyl—lerrold.

Oo to 'th* Shodalr R ocm t tor e itaa . qoiet rooma a n d good b«U . PrlCM BOe, 7So, aod fL Bpoolal ratM b r tb a veeX or

. monllt. Phosa 63. Mra. J D.Hog ara, m aaa iv r. 0 » e r P a rro tt Optical Co.,-TarlA Fa lla , Idaho:

■ ■ A '" '.

W A N Ii d v e r t i s e m e n t i n T H E T l

a n t h r o u g h a n y o t h e r p u b

o m c i r c u l a t i o n 3 7 2 6 , a r

r e a d e r s e v e r y i s s u e . T h

a d “ F o r S a l e " a d s i n T H

FOR RENT FcI'-OIl 11K.VT—S it r.join inodvrn n

lomin. 22S Nlnili uvi'niiit norlli.’hiinu 7ftt . ' ' *■

TOR REST -M od.'rn >»1x rnom hmtn-\ — ;aruRi’, luivi'il su .'.n , num.- tiirnlliirc » md Tbor wiiHli.T to r nuio. £,17 Kourtti l^ 'l ivuniic cnni, I'liymt S73\V. ^

TOU IlK.ST—Pli'Hsuiil furnlHhcd 'W '' iiuirtmoni In miulvru boiim. Klcctrlc- I'nr lily ctiiilppml kltdK in.. K;iriiK<'. 34f, „

north. I’honi' liUJJ.___________

TO UKNT on fuvurnhlr lermji. .Vorth n'H' 3Ido mnch, 2H0 iicroM In iiililvntlon, , •Q rock. ro<k1 iioll. I.urKo Momy two- >tory dwollInK, larKo Ii.irn, hIk-iIh nml ,, )ibcrlmiirov.imi.ntii. IH-i'p w au-r woll. l if l I'or tcrnm Incjuln- n t W. A. Ili'lan. (,• llenl I'^lnlo nii'l l''urin l.o^inN, Jo r. .1,1,■me. Iduho._________________________ 1,,^

TOK IIKNT-Twciiiy uci>u in Hli;li- .yanil VIhw. Klnniibury.______________ „t

ROOM hXlR RK.NT—Aim) Itouril. rull 121 Sovvtith Norlli. rinmu 12:14. i.-

I'O ll RKNT-12"o'ncrM m l'sa lm on, r w llw from town. S.'o IS. J . DlUur.

nilkii uuinh of foundry. ^

J.Xm?ai':NT-8loi^li1nR roomn. fur- '' ' ' locu 'liM t. 222 Klfth uvcnuo omit.

TOR UKST-S<I ocrvn. :! nill.ni w u« av,. Df Edtn. il. C. Oi'ttcrt, l iu Muln N. *r: I’h. 223. ^ ------------ -

A. :Piirnlflhed bouaekecplng opart- —

nientB. Eloctrlo boat. Ucasonable F rates. Oanln Home. IIvi

FOR Rf:NT—Three room furnlab^Bd sportmeul, |1 5 por monlh. Bunga* low ApU.,.2tid OTonue, Clh u u e e t I*. _

POR R E N T -llou t'e kacpln* apart.meota, com platelj furnlabed fo r Ilghi , honaekaeplng, one, two and threerooma, close t s , asd low rates, by ,^0.wMic c« moslh. T hs Oxford. 436 Main (•.,!N. • • —r - - ■ ■ ■ I

- r O E R E N T -Near Twin Palln—160 ocro«, a ll Tlr

la huy. 4. room houno. barn for 8 ” bousi-n; alno wngon shed. W rllo ,J . U D-, core Tlmw,

— ■' ' ......... - . . *1To Trade

TO TiUDT—binn nlmocit now Iwd- A. room furnlturo for Kord, coup« p rc - | fc rrc l, cuBh Ixiluncc. Bo« 225, City. [ p,g

TO TILVDH—Oldnmobllo C, new palm, now toj). Jiint nvrrb.iulod, for 114 ton truck. J . A. i’alm.ir. ilolllt.- HI

IWILL TRADE—TonrlnR car o r truck l'‘“

to r C room modern house, i ’. O. Uoxm

TO TIUD E—Oooil oioaarn hounn jtor Okloboma land. Culi a t 2CS 4ih Priavenue ta»t.’' ' ..........! ' ' j

Miscenaneoua "SEE U8 FOR 8T 0R A 0E ~W o store tyj

inyiblog. Also rood No. 2 apples rm}heap. H annun > 'rult Company. E arl poiBallding. ________________ . —

XOff 18 THE TIMB II.lo get yonr dine nharponed. Wo c.tn onibarpen Ihem w lihout tnklnc iboni delip n rl n t 20c per blodo: alno Ret your —; plows onU other mnrhlnory rondy.

0 . H. 9ELK.2C0 Sccond avemm south. Ocnoral ^ 01.->cknmliblnK. Autn Hprlns Work. Acotylene WeldlnB and Woodwork.

ELHIIOIW CUEAMKRX CO. “ I'ocniello. wl

An Idalio concern. Why not sell _ hem your croitm. Station a t 334 Jouth Main. I’hiiDB IMH. Cream, ov »ouliry and egRS. CAas. UnderWoOd, cr AgenU '___________________________ - -

, CUBTAI.H8 Wosbed OT strctchod. Phoae 22t»J. —

D15*8 PLACB Kew' snd sccoad hand clothing

'xraght and aold. SOS Bouth Shoshoss Pa SU»st.__________, . pll



1 < T R V IN S T O B R E A K J8 ^ . i k ! ! ^ 1

, Y s o o j o ^

_ t w in FAI

t ADST I M E S i s r e a d b y

u b l i c a t i o n i n S o u l h -

a n d t h i s m e a n s a p -

rhick t h i s o v e r a n d

' H E T I M E S c l a s s i -

For Sale MiscellaneouaKOlt l-'ALi:-lli)n:.(> i.-nl, I'hon.- MO, n .'l tM T rilH I-'OR SAI.K ntid hiiu;.<‘

f.ir r.'iil, Harrlrinii.

lVlilin.-y liaby hiii:i!>’ for mil.- or will t^ .l.- fur jiurdi r a n . l i;: \\V.,t AililI'Ui,.,

I'fJii HAI.K-I)lnlnit lalil..-ninl four nauar.- i»ml rlialn .. JU'.f.o. Homier Furniture R:«.;h:inni.-.

I-1)K HAl.i'-(••irht. -.(•nmil and Ihlnl cuttlni; nlfalt:). I). K. (‘luir.'hlll, -I': mllcn oant nn Aildlnoii uV.-iiu,-.

KOU H.M.K- Ilrd njirlnK" uml n.nv miillnriti, iH.r.ii, M,,<,-ill.r Vuriiltnri' Kxc'hitni',1',

R lll SAI.K—Kh-.lrli- wn«hlm: nm- cliini', Rdixl Illl iK'w, ciiciiii. Am I.-av- lllK lown. Call ut not Thlr.l «.-i.t,

•i-YlR H AI.K-lliiy,' :",'i mlirn nnrtli of l-‘lv.' I’ninli* O roiciy und wctil.C. A. H.-I:irUli,

I-'OIl SA1.K-N.rw r.iiiml *2 lu. fi tl. tatdc Ullli fi nrw cliaira, jn.',. llooiili-r Kiirnllun- Kxih;iiii:i-.. K01l.tf.\l,K t)K UKN’r. c-lii-uji If ink- c-H ;it <in.-i-. l.i iicr.i n ru r \Vuiilillii;Uin hrlicml, iiriiall Wi-ll-liiill( bciu-i.-, iioini- tinll und l>i-rrli"i, Inijiilri- Mr, ruiirrli

raa .K A L K OR R!:XT-Ml^:k»lul7hnlinp wllli roiiUIvnru chrogi fur cii'ih. be cA. K. Ilowflll, Itur.iifi'on. Miihn.______ _—

TOR SA Lt>-H ol lir.l iinnh.. K. N. rar.Hcndcrtoo, I’hono f)lSJ2. Ro.kI

I-'OIl SAl,i->-l(urul ......1 pnl.-Itoca! K(PuRnud ivro field Iiwiicutlomi. II. J, mlijl Kni>(, Iluriui-n, Idaho. t-lum

7uil7,iTURKWlI'sAi7Kil-Chrairf.>r —-canh. 1 fumi-d oak .llnlnK room nri; Al1 l(-ntli.ir ilavrnport. rockiTii. inut- coii|itrciii, fhlffanlur. le t hox. ] h.sl, mal- eru.tresH nml nprlngH. 1 kitchen talil.i, nu«Cull K. Irttil S1i(.i.li«ni. SI. —

” f 0R-SA LB O R .T IlA nE -12-20 nil In f pull runway iructnr, nearly new. nino D. Ji S-bottom power lif t plow, Cnru of — Tlmcn. 100. . P<---------------------------- -------------------- OrU

l-'OR SAIJJ—Applcn 25c lo COt pcr -----box nt')lun i»m nn‘». .cunt of ihe rock " , crunher. Urlng boxen, Phocu aoCHC.

TOR SALE—lOCK'tonn alfnUa hoj — for nale. JC.CO por ton. (I mllen noulli ^ two eanl of founilry. W alor on pliice ‘pw A. H. Amlenion. It. No. 2.

f I-'OR SALB—I.1inlt.-d nninnul ofhuml Iplekcd yellow Uunl neo.l .-orn nl 3'.(, » rcntn por llr, . Uulk tent 99 p.-r cenl Ilnymond Tbomnn. 1 3--I mllc?i eiint o Kller on hlgbwny, ’

l-'OK aALB-W MI nuerUlce for canh, • pluno, ClrcaaHlon w alnui 4-plccn bed­room, nulto and refrlKeraloV, or will j.>,j take Kord c ar In cxchanKe. Phone 4C2,

PIANO TOR SALE n l rennoniiblo price. PhoBo 0S8M. ____________

. J-'RESH E a 0 3 delivered every Sat- . arday. Phoiik 7D0J.

■ - IbcTOR SAI.Ji—Remington Siundnrd will

I typewrltsr No. 10, gomi condlllon, 134 toui. rniih, or will null fnr $40: tC .lown. }C tlon, por iponth. Phono.77CJ.-tU6.2nd west. Inln

I ' , \L'I1.POR SALE—KIndllnR. 3 sncka for <j„ij

11.00. Plno logs anwud to flrnplnce I and ntoro lenRtb, 200 poundn-.for J1.25 p,.,i I delivered. Phone 1334 o r CCUJL

POR BALB—r a la t and kalaomtas lor palnUng and kalsom lnlsg..Pbono

I t. Moon's Shop. ___________ .

■ Wanted To Rent “WANTED—Modern tumlflhrij bonne

I wllb gnroge. Uox 40, caro ot Tlmon.

I WANTED TO RPX’<T -PInce wilh No. . everything furnlnbod for share In I crop. R. P. caro TImeii. No-

■ ------------------------------------- No.Lost and lound

- TOUND—IrlMh se tte r. Phono ftO0H4.

1 1X)8T—Imllon moccnalns. I ^ e e n I Pariah ball and (Ot Main e u t . n n d e r No.

phone 238. ______________ ^

: DUFFS---- ~

M l

m II’'H l l

" l A W e S i

A l T s p a i l ? THgE3


' m mr - . . i u / / « ! , 4 'Wmuh

IN -Y o u 'R e ^ - OUST lt\ T/ME J

I MARSHAL O TEY W A L K E R S : ; C A M E m F R O M S H A ftO N -C

, \ ^ E w D A Y S v j i 'n \ A u rr r s a

Tor Sale—AutomobilesWA.'CTKD-i--«n1 Inurim: .-ar. muat B

e chenp for canb. i 'bono I0:I9. I I

1-'{)R ;;a I.K Olt T IU D K -l 'o r IMrrt I ! ar. roii.lKii-r pn-r-.-rroil. n moiorcycle. noil (-(iiiilllloii. 1.1. (1.. c-;iro Tlni.-n,

KOR SAI.K—I.Ulii r. i)utrii-nt;rr c-ar. ilglit .oiiitlilcr lli:lil roailiil.T In rx- qj lianKO, ov "111 i:l 'i' I'-rinH. S rr Ijiu - wi.f, irnlirim nl Sinlih-l.aubrTibrlni Itraliy. ,.q ,;

“a CTOMOIULK KOU SALK-Kord ' ’’‘i"onpn. Rimil comllilnn, nlm.-k nlwnrh- , * ,ra. hcnier. olber rxlrun. :m "tb avo- ,.u.. north. Phnne noo.______________

I-'OR SALI-;—Rrn Irticlc nearly now, n flrni clan*, comllllon, cheap. John ). Jiolton. Pbnao 6KI.

Por "Pop" nto -Step." tbe Cylinder nnpi Jrlsdar,' 147 Second avenue north. htinl;

.— wnrIWANTKD—l-'ordn, open nnd cloned ni :

nnileln. I cnn m r nn unlimited imni- 9<(;.<)cr- C.nitr.il (iarago. ______ Ti

FOR SALB OK TRADB-Maxwell !['" louring car In good condlllon. good llrcs. Addroaa W. J. W., caro Tlmea.

22.1.<Sams C harscuriatlci. i.na

A stnry will Ik.IiI a CliiI.I by iho ear 4H.21 'or buur* ti-iicihor im.l nii-u uru but I’Unl :ro«v-u chlldrtii.—It, IVcll. WbcI__________________________________ Mny


l->ilnle ot l-'rnnk 0 . Clnrk. Dcccaned. jj^y Jul>

Nnllcit In horetiy given by Ihe under, ilgnrd Admlnhiirotor wUb tb.' Will Qaii ^nnexed.nf nm Kntiiln uf Krunk O. u a j 71ark. dtci-;i»cil. 10 ihn creilltorn of ju | j tnil nil peroonn biivlng clahnn ngDlnnt ;bc nahl .Icccancd. lo oxblbll tbom wllh thn ncci'imnry vnuchuri", wlibln lour nuinlhn nftcr Ib r firnt pulillcn* f | :lon ot Ihln ti.)tl.-e, (n (bn nald Aillnin- Inlrntnr. or hlii Alinra.-y, Anber R. | n A'llMon. nt thc offl<-o«f ii.ihl ntlorney, tiullo 2. K ln t .N'nllonni itunk Ilullillng.I’4ty of Twill Kallii. County of Twin , Palli, Slalo of liliibo. (hln belns th.- plnr.' fixed tn r Ihe truiiHiulion of the ljH»lnr:.n of nald .-ntnl.'. p,

Dalud l-\ibniary filh. 192S.DAVID K. CI.AnK.

Admlnlntrator. jf, r

M:W THAIX SCIIKDULK \ l l(City or .Mounlnin Tlmo.) n

Konihonnd nndNo, ICO............... - .... Dopnrt 7:00 n. m. mu.No. 8 4 ....................Drpjiri 0:10 p. m, 09 .

Wcntbouiid SNo. B 3........... ........ D epart 1:20 p. m, —No. ICC_____ ____D epart 4:20 p. m. ■“

KOGKKSOH lllLVK ni TRAINS c t 8onihbonnd

No. 3 3 9 .................... Doport l:SO p. m.Merthbonnd

No. 340 ................... .A trlve 4:DC; p. m._____________ I’lione 70._______________~



S S I S T E R ACiGIE JbS T > ,, T o S P E N D ASAR?AH P E A B O D Y .

M A R m si:Cilllntcn.l

(iilAIN PRICKS lIKiilKILCHICAGO, Kell. 27.-Or.-vln i»rl<-.'n j.I;,:

vt-r.' hlKhi-r ut tbc cloie ot tbo Ciil- iiiiikh;ngo Duard ot T iadc toiliiy a fle r a II.,julet sennlon. (i'20(

Deferred dellvorleii of w henl^led 7.SS;n lb.I n.lvnn.-u nn u reiinll .if 'un- Kliavorahio wojiiher reporln from th e 2Ccoutbwi-ni nnd .'iiomirnglnr n.iw/i from wrth iVusblnRlou rcRurdlng-.rurul .c ru d lu eRlnliitlon. T rud lns wan .Inll unlil ale In lha dny, when nomo covor-UK developed. Tho world'H vinlbla _ ;npply of v,-hnnl .U-crpniied 3.937.000ninbeln for the wenk. Thn toinl ^vnrld Htock nn hnnd wnn (utlm ated ttirK>1 200,r,0s .000 bunlielH flg:iln*i 170,- AmeHR.OUO bmibein Innl yenr. \ dllTc

Trudn in oaln- wun fcuiurolcBn and tbobn m arket .wnn hi'lil up In nympn- Tsrii hy wllh wbnnt, Somn rnmmlanion louHn tr.idInK wan r.-porl.-d. Thovorld'n vlnlblv iinpply decrenncd 1.- I t!2.t.n0U bu<beln to f Ihn we»k. T he ]dial world nimikn on h.md w-crn j),gt IH.2fiy,0fi() bunhein aRalnni 91,117,000 mnbeln lnm yenr.Whent— Opon, HlRh. I-ow. Clone ~liny ....... 117^ 118%i i n W l H i l i AVluly ....... IH '.i l i r .^ tlS-'Ji UOMiInpt. ....... 112'A 113% U 2 lia-K.i^orn— Open. HIkIi .Lnw. Clone.Mny ....... 73Ti 74U 73% "4UJuly ....... 74«4 7CU 74 ^ 7r>\4 Crea^opt........... 7C«i- 70T4 751.4 7B«i, BridOalH— Open, IllRh. Low. Clone. C«IeU a y _____ 4414 4 J H . - 4 4 ......... 4<>M. LattiJuly ....... 44 44»i 43%i 4 4 ^ BreaHept. 421 1 43S 42>4 43 Turk

-------- HemCIHCAtJO SIIKEIV Sprl;

CHICAG6 , Koh 27.—Sbeeji — Rc- Rouicelptn,' 10.000; marknt ntendy; Inmbs, Dac<ll3.C0ftf»:C0-. Inmb», cnll and com- Dawmon. tin«M3,50: yearling wethnrn, H*«'|9,7C01.T,76: owen. J«,2r.d>R.7f.; pitll Hawlo eommou ewen. |3/,0fffl.C0. Pork


PORTLAND, Ore,. Kcb. 27,-C .H tle —Market nomlnni in ntendy; choli-o ,® niceni. I7W7.50; fair to Rood nteej'ii, {r,.CU((f7: cholco COWH nnd beltcrn,I6,2f.05.76; annnrf. Il.s0®3.00; bulln wbe»W4.tiO: cnlven, »5OS.50, i , 0K'

llogn—Recoliitn 20S; m arket w-enU siee nnd lowor: prime mixed JDiJTD.SC? ^ow rnuBb honvlen, ^7^('K.7t;: plRH, J8.M) caiy 0 9 .CO.

Slieep-M nrKot nominal'.tn ntendy: 0 , 5,- Due


Coyoto skins nre higher. Seo iis , Hat bwtoro you hdII your catclL

Bd- V an u and Bess,Public Market . . ^

I I I i - i . i . » ^ Duti

Inight Callers

s / ^ e r e ’6 a) V tN THE k i t c h e n ! f4 [ - W 0 H D E R IP*I>IERE - ( I S 5 0 M E B O 0 V / 'r,—

V . IN T H E R E 'Ii,

Iffi' ^ ------ r . - - J s a PORT

88 , Bull


(V_____ . J Z U o y . . Hull

0 D | K l i,“

, W o,j'

/ELL COME ^ tITHE a o E ._ 'i.-a -v ,'Q 'CcR/vHONor I A s iaT?AC< UP TH' 1 . i ^ ' a lo t i : h e h FLD O R',-i=-^^ M = .

£ ^ \ v i \ '



m m If 42)1 H^ ;p W t.eV ' I bla

____________________ s e n. lor

.rim.i Iritnh-.. Jlll.MKi'H; fair U> nn - j>„lirrmri!::.r,Otfl'i;:.f.o: 'yV-liVirni--.,' J'*,W -—I l l l ; Wi-il..-ri<. JTi}|!i.f,0,

(I.HAIIA I,IVi:STO<'K. -----7SOCTII O.MAIIA. Nrb„ Keb, 27.—

ralllii — Ri-urllH:., MOO; miirkri ° ° ilrn.lv; y<-arllnt;ri, Jfi.I.IJi'ti.fiO; nli-rrn (7«;i,f:0; rown nml brlfrni. J2..;r,Pi'v2r,: Mockeni and fn-d.-m. ir.,t,Of>i ___J,l.'l; calvc-i. JO.Dufli:; biillii und . .i:ik:i, .I2.7MI S, *•_

H..rn-H e(cli.l-i. 10,MO; murket 10 fi'20i- lilRlier; bulk ot iialrn, ?7.705f .V 7.SS; lop, J7.5II, ^

Hhtep—Ro.;rliilit. ir.,000; mnrkel 2f,c b lrher; yenrllnr", »lI.nO«fl2,7C;ttTthern. JX.SOfffO.r.n; lumhM. tl2,7Cff- -----14.SS; owcn. JCGS.CO..............................CRC

----------------------- PlEarly Day t.abor Parades.

Tlie CTiitom of linvlne'labor purodei jy, on certain days existed for mnny cen. p] turlss, even beforo the dlieovcry ol — America. I t wns Ihe ciwlom fur tb t different guilds of craftsmen to parade tbe streets of Londos, Endnnd, on 13. . Tsrleos occsilons. Ai

Why B ts-F ivofs Btus.I t I* bellered that ibn bee’s t*»te _ _

for bluft flowers nrlnea from tho Tnrt lhat liluii Is the color o t tlie most advoneed (lowers.

----------------------- P

Twin Fains LocalProduct Markets odi


Cream cheese __________________ lOo J lBrick Chssss ------ ^Celury . ------------------------------7 ^ e lO oLaltuce, buach _ _ ..._ _ ,„ .» _ 4 JH ,0 1 5 ~Bread - ----------------------------------- lOe OE!T urkeys, d ra w n ......................._ _ _ 3 B c \\Hens ... ...... ........... c_____________22c ClSpringers ................................. _._,22cRound ateak - .... ......._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 20cBacoa „ — ________________»0o HA'Oacon, s l i c e d ___________________40o 11Horn .... ....... ...... ..................... ...........28c VHam, sliced ............... ...... _.36O40e —Pork c b o p a _________________ ic * 20oPork ro ast __ _____________ 18020cLamb chopa ......................... _.20O3Gc j

T-l>ono Meak __!!T_____ 22c HSirloin ntenk ................... ............... .-..20c

nO IR fO PRICES ,W beai, No. 1, por c w t.________ U.70Hogii ............. ..................................7 0 8 cSleers _ ____________________40SoCown ........ ... ..............._..._.2%©3Hc „Calves ............. ................................ 40Cc HTurkeys _ __________ __________JOc Ha o e a e -----------------------------------------l i e ^■ Ducks _ ............. c.' H e n s ------------------------------------------l lo w

Lambs ............................... - ............... >0PBODUCB ]

E g g s --------------------------------------- soeRancl\ bu tter.-per poond ____— 40c, •B uiiertot ...... .... ................... -88Q42c>^M

N ^ r S A V , A 6URS1________ - { BE E N T R V m Cll, u . B R E A K I N T O '

'' ^ H O U S E ,D O YJT

w M m W B

It •' OttE

w i i r n r - r ■ y i v K

B n i i n e s s D i r e c t o r y !

Attorneys_____)RTER & W m iA M , L aw yatl,Bulto 1. Hmltli & itlca Bldg.

lAD L. HOUOiN—A ltom ey-at-L av.Room e. Twin Kalla Uank & T n a l llulldlog. PUone 983.

J . no ilN m nO O K , Attorney a t Law.Room r,. Twin t'n lln Uank & lY n it llulldliig. Phone 983.______________

imea R. nolhw ell - - O rr Chapmaa UOTIIWELL & CHAPitfAN'' " -

oodn illdg. itooma C, S; 7. 8.' », I t

WEELI2Y £ BW EELBV -A ttom sy*. ,F irs t Nfttlunal Bonk Bldg._______ , '

9HER B. W ILSON -Offlca: B r a t ^ National Hnnk Bldg._______

U. DAVIS, LAWYER. New Ocpbsumn iJ r ._____________________________ I

Tailoring jAIIHKL, TIIR TAILOR. denlgnor.cuU [ter nnd mnkcr of Indies' and msn’s 1 hlr.h clann nulin, clc. Seo mo "OverPooih’H." I'bono 1C,2SW.__________ 1

Slice Repairing jlOYAL S lid -: RUPAIR s n o p - P .Mrj-ern, Prop. 130 Second St. B , iTwin j-'nllH, Idabo.

■yielding/ . N. SKINNKR-Oxyncetylonoweld-

lui;; nutu nprln{t:i mode to order; blacknmltblni;. INi. 42C. 230 Sad. N.

iIONEY TO LOAN on modera dwaU- IPC. A rthur L. Swim.

Bicycle Repair ShopICIIADE ItKPAlR SHOP—Blcrola.

lock ami key w orks; phonograph ro- paJrlnt: i»pi:c1n)iy..30ll Main Avjv So._______

HemstitchingilISS HI&80NNCTTB-22J M ala AT*

So. Phone OSJ.

• Insurance______IK W. AfcROUERTS—O essra l A gsat

Central AsBUraoco Society o t tha United Slates. Room 9. W m Na- Itlonal Uank Building. j

.Transfer !CROZIEJI TRANaFER_.COMrAHT— ______ ^

I'bone 348.________________________M-NICHOLS TRANSFER A BTOO- • ‘

AOB C 0 .-0 s r« a g e hanlsd daUr.Phone 200._________

ProfessionaU;H. II. r’o L'SE, .M. D. Wooda Bid*.,

A»ro«n from P. 0 . P h o ^ .U T W . V

MiscellaneousDR. BULA CX SAWTBR "nOsieopatblo Pbyalclaa - .'.7

SnIUs I and 2, Osm BnUdlas.Phono 164»-W. Raa. iMO-J.

ROaSB 'OBSTETRICAL NURflF! ipeclallgtag .; j

In m aU rnliy, m alsntriU oa aad Fad* . Isu-lc coses. J eaa W alker,'717 Sb»> :,V shone north. Phone. 900.'


Worlc o t olt klads gaarttBtaad. Photw 6S8 o r 120 Becond A ta. W. >a


H air goods any atyle for aala. M n . ' 1-Vnnlt SteTeoa. 1245 Slh EaaU ;

7 Pet. Farm l.oan i' |ABHroB L. STOM t CO.

. . ' . 'T hTwin Fall* - Bmw , |

Stage ' 'LeaTss ' Rocaraon a ad Partlla* , •

n o te ls a t 8:10 for FtU r. BvU, ' v- ^ Ilagerm ao. Bllia. Ooodlac, QHaaa . F o r r r . M onntala Home. .BuMns coDsecUona a t W ouatala B o m - j ^ w ith No. 19 to r P c r t iu d f S M t ^ ’.

Traak Bros. Stasfe^C^' . .1;Fkena B e M m t l e u

•Wa - B a 8 d ta - a m i» ^ ' '/^ ^ 'a m

u S -

rAOB ac. -----^ _______

L i t t l E D = 1_____ ' I 'T lns I'i

• . Iiuiiil.C ity AUo>n#y n n tU Jlukt^ Knllnj: oo' ‘ ;

(Jne.U0PI All tm r u , lln w rtr r . U, ,V cl.dy lH Jd.B j s a lu r .b r Et«ili»tri ''«■

• S2bA N f t o t OP n r fo r J .

■ Fllln*.-DiftT. take pliico na b io nrt "■*>' MgDiUr. Worclj 6 for tlie clly uUc- tion; BCCorUlD* lo a rullun of Clly AKoroor B. I). Di«»li> twloy. Wlillu, lio ilN ltrcd . Wortli 4 would oraiii- i»hrlJy, M lha lB»t <Jsy. kIiicb ihai date " ’num. f*ll on Bonilay, It wn» n»ce»*ary lo IiorimC'flltns the next day. In order fur i lillil

. tO' rTVo tho votorA iho alloted timoron im p ln tm l Uy Uic «ibiiiio. City St.i Ih

-C lork. Jnmod U OUio had urged ull ‘'f “ i>''i w ho 'bB d wlilidrawn pnpom lo fllo ; tho lr .cau d ld a lM by flalurdny w e- Z« Zlm

— niuR J n - o r d a r - ia koco.aarel>-. • wUU-. UuiL .orit In Iho proirl*lOnn o t.lh o In*. '* '

. . JlobcrU F i n t to File. / CommUiloDtr J . e . Itnbarla w in WIIIU

Ih t ( I r i t to IlJe-. Hl» txilltlon had urrci.tod . b o u clroulBlod by Dob Rvaim. It wan r.r miriii

atftlod ytalorday tliilt lilvnnii wiw u n 'l u Ihr >' •mploye ot iho U nd Aui» company. viit<'rr>l l i aliould havo nald form er omplnyo iiIuk li>'f

. of Ihat comimny. vnll. llNlirneri In rp llllon . Ilinliiary

f)l|D«r« 10 ' the IloberU peililon war# J . 0 . NokbIo. W. M, F hhcr, C. «n l Tl i-:. McClwalti, H urry Kiton. T. J . n l loihj K okW f.'J. W. Umtinnhnlm. , C. N. iliuiKhU'i U ubflnhclm . p . 13. KdwurdB, Lonior jiimi nl»> M. .Hlckllutf, H. rt. IlMln. II. K. In ilu- IlBUBrti,' M. O. nipltjy, 0 , O. Slack. ,Tom Mott. C. P. Orcen. C. A. filck- p.ipfrii. fardj'W ID Iam Dakar. II. 11. Ilnrnoii, >viin infn P . U -'Camoti. Kdwln A. nollovlllo, J. inum tr. t \ Donny. It. Dlnkolat ker. Ned II. frw <l»y> McCracVav; fl. C. Duwaun nnd fl. (I.J^nWna. • • , , , W ll I

T n r t» r . l » \inatrrWi-fl. IlurlpyW ayor T uckar aaii) luat ov»t)ln« iirudy. v

tliat'.ha-.'{ |lil. Tibt know wliulhor li<- mi. mitk woultl Aliow I|la namo lo so lieforo iniiniy l Ih'tv p*oplo o r not. » 'a frli-mU wi-rn ,:<iute 111 u r u i i^ l i lm to do ao. and lliiro vri ru and cot:

------acm*i-tWnfB 'wWch-.ho ahould-Jlkoito u n d e r '•a to (iDlnahed but ho wnn uhccrfalil Uuy iioi for a a a y ’fl* 'l» to . i ' lllojal

- ■ i M b l a c ,U at for Mayor. ••rlnnd. Nam oi. o a tho-palltton tiled by n. rlvvd fo

j : Fiocli for tho nomlnatlott ot Wil­liam t^m blnit fo r mayor are Thninan (Ijio .1 McBIwalii. J . .) l , Mc,NlchoU. F ^ W . xnld. lol Koba. Ur. If. 'Davla, Olon- Uamiml, riM II.- -W- Wilaon. D. U. - Alrord. 1.. I-:, ntmi k li flaltaiUjr.^A. •Il.~CfllwoH. J . Q. nrad- whi-ro li

‘ lo f j 'J . 'A .-K e a te r ,.A r th u r -J . I‘pa»ey. j'cn-i 11 W. J . Yoat»«. U a a r r J . WaJ), U . O. „Jrm b) niploy, 1!. R. a ra n l. J- K.. w hite . dClcfl no C. - H.-• Kr*n*at. O.. H. Self, J . C. prol.llilli

- tlaaucbam p, C. B. nowellffe, c . A. itm] it,( UDllea, A. J . IlockwlU, Kilwln If. muklrnt i •W^laoo and W. B. U w rencc. nf the hi

------------— S t lu a o a - " o n - A lw - ..................... ■T ha.iU naa-A D -the pottUon for c . (jood ;

ir ..8 llB ao n for commlaaloasr differ u iur<ft t tu ie tr e a thoao on tha UmblnK ,iuiry r)' partlloa. oxcept In Ihe order In K inr nr Whieh th ty aro placed. There la acorttar aomo difforenee, how erer. The nanieii i,roDn‘N»t on the SUaaob iM Iilon ore V^dwln A. un,i n ic W lUon. A. J . HockwlU. W. C. Hon- „uihnrlt Dffia. C. B. nowcllffe. J. C. IJeuu. „„railon cWrnp,' noaooe'fltovena. C. H. Krea- so l. J . E. W hile. A rthur J . I’fn»cy. „roWilln H. II. Q rant. lUnr»- J . W all. W. J.Youn*. J . A. Keofur, H. W. W ll.on, , ‘v hla J . 0 . Bradley. D. D. AI»ord, J . w . ' Laubenholm, U E. balladay, J. t'. Koaharek. Dr. H Davla^ K W. Kob*. „v.„inc Thomaa MeSlwaIn atid J . n . Mo*NIohola. i

• '8*v»r8l on Iho pallilona fullt;d to « elva pUcea of addreai .qnd (ew haro ,i- ._

r a c la le r^ In ihttyclty. Thrno defecU can bo. cured It I s l a l d lie- fore tlm o ' explroa. by rcclalerlnR „ ' and .fllllAf In. Re«l»tratlon booka ‘ I nre open and w ill ba un til llio Sal-

before e lw ilon. _________

OoAter Suit on iiMiilay

Milner LowUftD i r ^ o r . Ib O f f - 'J "

At 0 raeotinc of the autiWra o t Ihii r \ « « < Mlliwer Lowllti Irrigation dlNlrlct 8a«- urday U w nadcrlded lo withdraw th r P f oualer BUUII^InBt dlrcctom . Th<< fol­lowing formal matenient wuh liumlHl In the prvas lain y«nt«rOuy,

.X r«aototloii won uiioniiiuiiiiily panu* k SO? wl tarorln it ihf* wlihdrnwui of thp null n now pcnjllnit to ouhi the dlrrcto rs nl Ihe d latrici; The al1cror>-n liaro bem f , i nfillflcd to Ihln offccl anil Ihr mntl'-r (iiarucn wjll be dropped. Thl* now imvi-n iho wpy (or hartiiony on<i »-noiirrniloii on th ia 'tm c l; and ll' Ih Ix-llrn-il n l>rlr.lil (r. f ilW w U nhcttd .

Legislature ' i Killt Another Bill, "'i"Inu ’ 5 t a t e H o s p ita l

' ' - lll-ull 111/nOI5IF:. Foil. I'T—A ficr ii ihrllMiiR itiiillliil

___ ao(L Jicatcd. tliousU .ahori. d u la tc .ih u . I t u'l' aanale Monday udeniooii klllud Uiu I'lvriinl'

itiherculoala hoapltal hill, xundlnn he wn.i llAiley'a m eniure prnvldlnK fur onv thr lilti eOth InailluUoii to .Ihc prnvi'yanl hy nilii» <i tbe IndcIlQilu poalponomani rouio. it< l^ e mornlne the nuuv nftulm m m inii. [I'iunl lac broucht In two roporin on tim bill, iixluy- a R)aJorit>;'fnr klllltii; llm mc-iinurc nml liurnlni a mlnorliy In fa ro r of li* pmshkp. In m >'«i' Ihe atternom i Bennior K<ilnn fl. Clurk. luiirom iiloretl th a t. Ihc bill li« prln in l ami - Senator Thonwi, rtiiilrniiU) nf ihc ncii- U ^ l , nio a ttalrii commlilco inndp a miliati; td te ' nloilon; Ihat ihc hill—N'u. "O t- M JndeflrlJto'.v ■poalpotn-.l,-»li wan mi Itjta moKon th a t the dcbnlu luok plarv.

^ .](*re8i4ent Makes-' ■- ' j - Mi|ny Appointments

■ “ -WASHrN'OTON. Keb. *7—IVealileni ■''•''I"- U ard lnc toda>> named Ulclmrd M. To- bln o t CalUornla lo be mlnUicr m th.- Nethorumla.^The praaldeni nl»o ncimlnnird: iC bftrtea 11. Y crrtn ot Morylniid lo ‘*5

tw d irec tor o( the Unltrd siolc* t jn - ' flioyea'-CmiipenftaUon bureau, coW »H;M cK cn«o .Mo»» n t Jlowllnn Crccn. ' '“ i'* ’

Ky.. to be luoUtanl Nprrcinry of iliv ■1 ’* uoaiiury. - Imttcrl

LOCAl. B U E F I I [ j | | | |

pn rlcl Ibirk T/itlay—Mrs. Mi-r- n i K<>cli, whu h a / been vinltlnR. In I IF

Anjalea to r .ever.il week*. In c j - I I I ■d In today.

ud Time a t Ilnncr—There waa a crnwd a t ibo Rbrlnvr club dnnrn

)nrty nlvon liial^ilRbl n l the Ijiv- . in rllion (or Ihc boy iiroiila'

jU 3Ir«lliii( lon lK hl—TliiTe will ' ”j"rlp> bureau tiieetlni! of the Cliamlicr —suihcr

omtiicrec InnlBlil lo mako to Klfo r Iho ,c-lul> liitii'lii^un

_______________ TheiVr Tea—T hr I'nri-iil-TiiucliPni Ilailon o t llm Ulckel nchiKil will , A Silver Tea a t tho iirhool n.i.M- m. Wflilnenday. February 3?. nt |,nvi„;.

All Intorcalcd In hm liini:Iic» „( hlldrcu ore urwed to iitienrt. iiKulnnt

liud b(il|tfd th^ Zii /lni-<— Sometliinii „nmt<>| iii'ar riol took |ilar.o lanl nlKht the clef

I 11, nniiiber of hnyd ouihIiIh the f„iioa i Ini "«lilnit!nr‘ nomc inciiiljerH of u ,„ jiri iir«ttHlMUoii. . n rku iilu tla ii jual;' iUHinlBr» In imlit to havr tiMii lijc cuusc, a unw

— — — — , .lUltlltOIIU Uonnd l lie r -C rn o in \ViiI1h.tod on llin chnrKnof. IIIPKal pon- Viittnil on nc^coiint of ll<|uor found obtnlnlir yard ot tlio WiinlitiiKHin hnrn, H nt miOil II iilcu Ilf nm Biillty lam ovi-- lUmn Slii-fiiri- I'rohnlu Jiidsu 0. 1\- Ihi- riiiH of

III. Wll,I bnuiiil ovor lor u i>rc wbernary, liearlnK lomurrow. I'linH 1

■ ' — ' ’ wIiUii (I Third l■ rU ^-Wofcl wun rvi-elv- hu mri )chy by UiiUy f lay . H year .ihl lU-uvnrl: (Hit Ilf Ml-. Htlll Mr*. Irv (Uny. in r wai nliK liii'l born itwnrdL-d llilrd prize i>mia<iiL ll- nation wldn Crltmo tViIorlnii ilio unt put .Hilvi-rlliicil In many U-adliiK T hr rii. Hlio rwclvril a chi'*:Il and Ilolhwr iMtiiriiird, thm a WcnrcviT nlnni- tiy Ciij

tryliii: l>an woiifil u rrlrn In ii Aiinrni’ InyH.

----------------------- Tin- .II Ile Tried In Federal CoiirtH— ih» i-ux py • Jonklnnon nnd Cliarh'ti li-ntin t y. whu wprn ciiimhl. ll In I'harj;- ihit I tn oaklnn lliiiior ncnr llm Owylicii a»tnliiiii ly lln« nnd Jon Wvlr.rl, u rrrn trd tirfn^^lii

llmo ano nn lh» name rlinrKo '’nco ticonvictcd ot lllocal pomicnnlon •'hi-' lir »Ulo Inwn, w ere'nrri-i'lcd 'to- Tlnbrocliindcr u tcdoral w arrnni. (o r which i

ll m unutociurc. <lcorKi> Huth* actionid, united Staten m urihal a r- have ii

for thn prison tbln nficrnoon. 1HR re------------------------ im nail

0 .tdnilto nu lll—r . Tula, lh Inlold thn officer* todny Ihut Uc , — , ,Riilliy of inakiiiK houtc In tlio I 1 1 1 I( liuyoDil thu nuitnr fariory, I I I U I0 ho and f c r ll arnelim and J,1 Itainnuii wore nrrt'tilcd InHl ' m » i , by tUo (iiTi;iMt ot ;\io «UerWr» l l | l V I nad I<. F. Ilrnckcn of ihe trdera l l | n I ibillon aerriro . Tula dvulnroaIhe othern had no pnrt in the ' i t i

rnt of Iho liquor or Ihe ownership • U l |e mill. II Iw euld, ,_____________ ______f t |

Ml MfCtlnR a l HnnNca—There wnnrue niecilnK a l Ilannen on iho . . ,• (iiienllon yenlerday. 'n a rld J ■prenlded nnd Vanco .Saylor wna rtary, U wan roted to onier th» n itd aanoclallon. for niarkctini;.Bim Ituil.und W. 0. VWlory wero nrlMd 10 nIsn a rtic le , ot liicor- X , lion. The mroilnR ondorBctl tliu. ‘lore peuilinc In iho leslalalure . , ' I,line .(or Ihu proJilhlilop of i-ui- . ' creaai prlten In rn ru ln loualllle> ilK crtfiitncry Intcrosta.

.,ilM H.' s l ra 'b ln V l"M fcU -ljm iRC Ihe Itapilai fiiinday ' orhool , . , 3 lel mvi a l the bunicalow nnd a

atlondanco of teacborn and of- n wern prcnenl. Itev, W. IJ. Toi- M a r

dlicuaied the rtinulrrnirnix for . loc-il Hchool to bci'omo a Htiindard L, ol and > pracilcnlly a ll of ihpuoI provided^for. On motion of I '.v .Iver. Supcrlnii-ndont 1. 11, Mn«tenidenlirnutcd la lead tho tuuchnrn i,n s

ilu t..tlttaB -to r Ihc coinliiK . ,»K Hurbui(H ivhlch w ill.m ru l every Wed- been :iay .•vcniiii! iiu a purl of Iho proy- -wo ii<ifoilnR hour. Mrn. 1‘. I., T uckcr had iiini-'l nn nnrjciary ol ihe i-n^ilnpl ins on

Mlfin ‘Ixiln Sholwoll wan niiinod wmtpuier pluco, Conv

;ad Coal Operator '"S’ Return! to Answer ™ ii

Forgery Charges bm m■ — ni'i'oiiii

S0XVIU.1-'. Tenn'. I'VIi. ::T—(llonn iHi- tli luy.'!., (-ual opitrulor. wIiohii •’biiily" tiiirli-d hiTM u yoar «ko. roturin-dl Wil'-

> llip •■dood" liMlny iii nniiurr t o l 'o r n •Rofi of forKory.iiyi'ii wnn orrontpd u l I’owolltown. | ’■•” 1)-- V a, liy prl\n lp ilPlooflvm whoJ Irnlled him iilnrejlln " U n iy v.'(U> T lifId in llip oinbon. I.t n niounliiln '"'•'•"‘W n npur Tltu;i. Tonn. lln W;iii .-liiirK- ullh f*>rRory ot rhorkn ntnoimlliiK i nnn-thun »r.,0oo. . ' I'tiirnlnR lo Ko.ixvlllc' Mayo.i round; VVOlwifv hud hoon mnrrlod two duyn lo • •U l!roj;i:. Sho bnd nupiiOHi-a him A lII Him-.- nho follovn-d a I'liarn-d nml ^ Iliilpil lioily 111 11 ornii'H-ry hi-ro. -’ . u'u:i bcllcvjid lie hud unuiKonltcd iiinliliii'rii unil ulilhiirltli'H bvllt-voil l.OS icnn a victim ot riini rim nfrn wl-.on vice < hlflckuliPd body wan found In th r :il. ol i« <i{ the hut. »nnpl( ;>yvi iidiliUtiid lilu Idonllty aoil < on- l<i din pel III llm forr-.pric'. offli-luli nnld non. O’, llu .di'liird any pa rt In ihe nlubb* nine of tiio I'uliln nnd «n:i unahln knlfo pipU ln llio •■boily- tminil hIi.-.uI- nlKlit, lounly w-jih hln dlnappoarnni-p, undnr

---- —--------------- III ull'

olstein Cow Breaks . All Tester Records |J “'’ill monthly liuitorfai rcrordn of '-riinf]

1‘loncer Cow Tonllns An»oi'lntloil'c heon brokm hy iho purubrcd p c ii,,•lU'In t'ow. Snrrnnllo M cricdm I-ni. iniuxliiwnijil by I'L <1. Khlern nf Twin rnonl

l»- , deolnn tbe 2S dayit nf Frl.runry ••IjniHie" 0011111xUiccrt 2<Hl-2 pounds nnd Uitti Oo'mils ^it liilllorfnL Tho piovlnun w||,.j-'nrd waa Jnnt ornr PO pouiiiln fur hhu idiyn. In order lu onmpolo la itly mu,,h Ibn I'rcvlouB reroni Mr. Khlorn' [py v■■ nhould bc crnllleii w[lh twn more rjiiari■» which would nu k e hor rnoorrt m.n.S pniindi. of lollk and inn.R ponndn i),nlerfat. lorlal

----------- T W IN F i


COURIFORTRIllL :I .McIer AokH tnr Damaite fur In -! irle« wlien Auto O ie rtun icd i Aii>;Iher Cane DNHmlHHcd to r Knllurc!1 Kllr Finn Nnme. |

lie cuno of It, -A, Vnn Moicr | lunt lliu cliy for SMOO dainBECii I gud tu huve bcon nUHlalned In au 'Idoiii <ni ShiiHhimu nireei on ine ' ,irn Ihn court ililH iiiurnlait, fol-i Ini: dbiQiiiinnl. wiihoul prejuiilcu. .Ihe i-aKK of Pnilon brothern 1 .innt' J , j : Uurk. Whnn Ihe Jury ,

been ompiineilod • In the lum ;Itol Uirtlnii. ll wan' pointed out by 1 ,ilereiMlniii Ibnt ih« plulnilfr had |

od l» nmlio llio proper tlllnR nf j (Irpi iiuiiio, Tho plulniKf thnn 1' - .

ulnfM il-TflBinlnr-tho-rlfiht tn flln > - . nw millon udiir iho tornin of tbi*'UIU lihil Iiood i-ompUed wllh, {• The Vnu .Meier Clulni. ' 1 . nil .Muter clnlmn nii roaiinn for Iliilnir dRlnuRon frum thn clly. It one duy In I'll!) Iio wnn ilrlvhiK tn Shonhniio htrrnl ul un iirdimiry I of iipci'd nnd m in e to a point irii thuro wcru holon .-iiul iilmiruc- IH In lhi> way. ilu nayn . lhai t '111 drlrioR iiruund uuc of ihinio 1 ' < met a irurk, nnd thnl In on*

v’lirliii: to uvotd 11 collInlnM, hln •wan ovcriurncd. iivrliiun und por- 1

ii'Ut ilijurlcri worci luflli;led nndunlll wnn dniiinRod, -----------

h r pinlntlff ill repri'Bonted by hwell & (Miapmnn nml llii> olty City Ailnriii'y H. H, -narlti nnd iriioy llo m rr (*, Mllln

T n o .SuIlM Slrleken.Iik oiiuri iiiruok from iliu doekel

i-;'ino o t John T, Morne nRaiiiut in ti*-i>r»;i! ol ul and lbc rnnn of

Itrowii Ili'oUiorn^ Sl.... .. oiiiiipnnylunt f). R OiTivulior. Tho plain-i_^lii tlii'Ko ruiipii ankod oonilnn- ■»-0 til Hoturo ilepiiiiltionH nnd fu r- . '■ leutimony and._JudRe._3V.,_jU _____irock KlriK'k ihoin undnr n rule, cll permltn the court to lake nuvli on whoro Illl feelB that parileii ) 1c HOC nned due dillRencn In Ket>;1 ready. Thuy mny be reinstated - flnilnfiiciory sbowlnR later, | 4—

lAHO DfPARTM[NT JYS OUT BEHRMAN Will P M S A I EI dpal wnn cicincd ihln .I'let-iK'on | creby Ihc enllro iloek of iho Uehr- 1 n departm ent atoro hnn heeu pur- I ned by the Idaho Uoparttucni Htoro. I 7 Hlock luoludea a In 'r e Uknorlnicnt !Lno nllUn. woolomt nn i o ih rr y.oodi Ich nro now on lbc rlno nnd wh:oh. fun slated tiy JTrnldent II. C, lli'acll Ih r Idaho Mitpiiriinunt m ere. w:il nold below ihn (vhuicuulci •lrlt^^

0 niovoinem of Ruodn »tarlnd ut r and the Hlock will l:o innvf.l lulo ! I. I), banomi-lil, Tlip i.ali', will lie imiucod iin ftoiiu un Ilio i:i»i(In can ari-^mKeil.

;an Serving Two Life Term s Will

Face Third Charge,n9 AXOEI-KS. Cul.. I'Mi. 27,— rb u rt W lliou .. o u to - ia ld to -h av o •n :io cvunRollni nnd now' ncrvlnR1 loiilencen of llfo Imprlaomnulil.I u brief roKjilto ioda>' boforo ko- ; on tr ln l lo r nnnnnlt wllh n deadly upon.'onvlollon wouhl add another 14 irn 10 hlH auBnrlniunl of prlaon ma.rhe nnanult charRO acalnxt'W llnoii | n ti> huve boon bruuahl to triul forn Huperlor JudRu Hhonk loduy 1 nppolniinnnt wnn aunoiinced nn I ounl of oilier inallorn roi|iilrlnR |

' tliiip of Ihu court. A nrw irial K' will 111! not noon, ll wan nnld.A'iboU wan flrnl nentoniod tn llfn• ridiUorlon toltililliR Jl.nofi.poo.Ior ho wun Riven a nccond llfii II)—iiuL-flKiiarliy In run couaei-u-!Ply tn r kllllni: Merberi Cox. 'r i i r fodornl charKo ram e nn lbc iitU <iC n Ji\iUvrval; In ,ilch ho wnn ullt%od In iiavn InJuN f

H arry l'urrlur?S .nil Riiard.

/om an Charged with Aiding in Murder of

World W ar Veteran1,0 s ANGKLIZS, Foil, 2 T ,-0 n ad- co of couuiiol. .Mrn, I’uarl i t ’cdon.. of Columbun. ()., oharced wllh ;nplc|iin ot niurdor. Iinlay retuncd

dini iinn tho denth of l^ a n k John- m. world w-Jir vcioran. who wan T ubbuil nluo llnipn wllh u pocket k llto during a rjuurrcl horii Sundny I Kht, Anthony I.. Whltoley. o ltn f ndur arrom on Iho nuine charjte. i

ulloR"d by pollro to havn ndnillted I Icldlni: thu iinlfo, clalmluK nclfde- I nno, ■ IJohnnon U nahl by polire lo bnv^ A ■on d ra w n 'In lo the quarrel n ttc r I 1- Biid Koili IlDanldKou hud been f •limped" by Mrn. I’odcn ut nn nl- A ■rod boollpR nslahllnhmcnl. Mrn. ■ cdon In allcKed to have nnketl tho I iiuxlraioil mnn lo ’'rough up" hunlor Wncomnh, w ith'w hom nbn In polnred to havo come here trom olunihun n fow weelli bro,CiojiiR Io llio luiuKi o t Whilofcy,-Iiitc WuRoman wan nlnyhiR, John;

i»« lotunod lo e.i'nii' om. \inl WhVle- iy w-nn noon Involved In Iho tntal u a rrc l wlib Johnnon, pnlloc an- ,L'ri.Diinnldiioii Ir. he lnr liold an n mn-

irlttl wllneun. • J 5l^-«

: / ■


WflH Kiilm iilloil liy T h e O d d HukI T m I ilfi oil.y a iiilit.)

AVu cn licd f u r iiii a m li t iiinl l)i< niK Vpi'i’ Holcinii i t wdn nt tlip 'lii'nl,

Hill th a t publinliitiK I 'il l fi'ntii Tlto Wim HoinclliiiiR we d iil not i-ci|

J u s t vine flioKo Tw in.s nl luiglil-O-l I’lfiH S ix ty O n tn .

•IiiNl riliR th en i u p n l K iBlil-ti.F ive My frip jiil, d o n ’t lii;nitati‘,

T lii 'y iniy,- 'pxjiluiii llusir m ine iu v O r Ilie ir iiiptiinii of c()iii|iiil ini* Kpni' •liiHl lo nhow th n t y o u 'r e nlive.Call tliem iiji nl Kik'lit-O -Five.

Tlio_ ciiuiicil ‘nenlci'to ii -lo m eiitiou T ill llu! jiriiiliiiK wIih iiu ile 00

Till!. J ii iu lii .w il t . b(^..|iluye(l in-.l)in- Hi' Hiirn In I'cMcrvi* n ^nod ficiil

■Inst riliK tlioKc T w in s nl Kiulit-(1-I VhiH S ix ty Ci'iiix,

•lust ViiiK tlioni lip a l K itrht-O-i-'ivr .My f rien d , d o n ’t lic.silnte,

T hey Iiiiiy e x p la in tlie ir rn is r in r O r tlio ir m etim d o [ c o iii|n tliiiu i«[iai' •Insl lo Hliiiw Ih a t y«ni’r,j_- alive,Cllll tliem n |i a t KlKlit-0 -l''ivi>.


. -1- SPR lN aH A TS-F o r O h ild rea a n d M l u u . F i f ty s ty le s . ’ A ges 2 tb 16 y e a n . M ll lln c iy d e p n rtm cn t.

^ m ;An early

ti()n of new n

— S p o rt H ats

—Ne^S p o r t H a t j , wUh

$3.50 SValues tl

styles, mater There an

of Paris Spri

Misses Taffet12 and 14

It isn’t every day, : nor even every month, tain dresses like these taffeta. Coloi-s blue i 12 and 14 years. At of ........ ........................

Taffeta D ‘ ...............S9.7:

A limited number of ' Sizes 16 and 18. Spe

i.LOF$80S.60 Chau _ -Attr

TwT w in s f n r llio |iiili|iN liiii|; ofl■{ Craln':

Joo Kminndil- w an m nde, ;nlRuod aisrsi;ho H old jliHi T w in s iho UniA

-.Mr. Krai

•“•I'i" ! K “Sinioior ll

•j... wan tent« (Ohcntra.|orRanlralll r a te s I _ ,


ion liio pri.-e j i,.„„ r,ooinpleti-, , j I wun i

)in -d i«L riiiL -ro iirl,.---------------<eiil. * ■ Murray.

IS-nvey. ; uro: Da

• O .r iv i ' Jiloltfoni.Iinke. (1:

I nnrd .Mni■'ivr, I Murray.jdarcii. W,

Uvilhird11 ru le s 'w unl Du

■I.........'w arm Ml !.>r<hn Wl

;____ ______________ ^ J 1 . H r i l . r


TheStore ofStaadar


M i l l i n

I L L I >ly Spring presentation disi ' materials and rich colors.Its '

—New Shapes —Si lew Stylest h rovern ib le c ro w n .......................................


$4.95 $5.75 $6that surpass all Esthers a

;erials and trimmings.are smait copies and adap aring Styles.

2ta £)resses P4 years’, nor,, every week, h, that one can ob- se of good quality ! and brown. Ages n: At a modest priee a< ................... $10.50

Caresses75 ,..................................Gif Taffeta Dresses, pecial priee....$9.75



autauqua Platform' ' ttract. W ell Knovm Twin ,Falls Musician 13

' w . A... nlR Kraiiior, non o t .Mr. and Mr*. 1 ,1 ^ J K mraer, of Twin l-'alia. baa ju i t nnnv>d a eoniraut w ith the Cadman {mt io lUUriun .com pany, an aaxaphoiio '( . .m .r mV lniba nololnt and will tour jhroual

L’nilyd Staloa thia nummer. . ' w . n r0 ne^reat ho will conio to Twin1 dn'vhln itincm ry la I’licatello.K ramer. It will bo rewembored. ,ured- aucceuntuliy w lih nororol „ ‘ L

Jaw orcheatrM . RolnR la ter by r lo Topi-ku,- Kail,, whero h o l„ ,* featured wlih- thn SloluborR or-

ira. onu ot tho loaillnK danco . *' ' nlrnthinn ol lUat clly.

jmbej-ship Report- L of Troop Four of -

Boy Scouts Filed

ill report ot inomberalilp of Iroop un mudo public: toiiny. HIdney en in Kiionimitmer: l^ r lc t l Jen- C jim

fioiiloi* p2frij|~1eadof: Verufibn •ny. Clifford K Inr nnd A ribur ey. Junior pnlrol, Thn membera ! IO

David Alvord, (^lark Heolw, Knrl u . i ford, llonn Colo. Joo Dclnn. OiiorRe * ** \ (liu'itr I'luyd, Curl ItaUti. H«t- Mnriiii. Wi nley .Mentndi. Verunnn E ro r

rny. Ilulph Ormnby. Hniiior Ky- In h 1. W aller Wouvur. Qtoriso Winuler. 1 furiili iir.l KlihRii,. C'imor,l l i l c . i!,|.I Duke, Itobcri t-'lx. Eurnno O lf-i N Newell Hnll. Wllnon Juckcon ; I-or

pncii HliiK. UeoiRo i.ineoln. KIk. I A h Mellobcnu. Wallace Wilklnnnu. i

Wolfo. Hobiirt Andcrnon. fnu l d. rtulph llrown. quorBo Mon-^'— »


lard Quality


F or OU

l e r y

V E R Yiistinguished b y th e introc >rs.

—Dress I-Street Hats, .

—New Colors/


$6.50 $6.75 $7i and in tho - newest Sp:

aptations, real reproduct

Picturesque NeForetelling Springtime


Now is the time when most appealing, especia: adaptable to the mid-seas

■ in tlie height of fashion days arrive. .

Fashioned of Alltyme Grepcj-Flat (3repe and T

$19.75 to

'H U R L t.\nY 27, lO a i.

li. ■ e d w i a t 'Waltorii. Arthur roy, L u r tS I^ n K ltu .

DU.SCO .MBK AiltBBaTEIk 03 ANOBLSS.' CaU; Pib . M . - ,A. JohnaoDvanil W;ti. Burke, al- id baoM laan ' are uaiU r ■ n rrw t I today charxod with urand lar- r. TtiWy ar« aoouaad o t a tttm pl-,10 awindlo J. 1’. L onen . retired '

ner ot Marnuotto. .N«b..-ot *17.0(1(1 lufb btttihtf .OU'’ a l l i e d ' (nkfl^

?fOTi('Ehave purcbaacd W aller fi. Smilh'a i. of pu rtb red Whilb U « h o rn .U r - atralD. Will bave a«lttn« . e tn .

!• March 10. Roy U. WrlRlit. Ttoulo1. Twin ra lla . KoulU Idaho. «

wECT cornsk APJ?>/ o rer threat and «h«at «i

V I p l f

1 9 1 3 i l i l n B M f l l Prices | | | i D I | | nIrorythlOK IB B liC T il iB f '

h o u s o I ^ Q U U B ^ h K irnlih ln ica-Jb B B B S S H I B V ; ' *

Naw and U « d P i u i j S n i •'I ^ if n o n t K eaBi le iTA. H. V in c ^ t Co.botto^OS. <16 ShoiboBe 8t a - ...

R E SSY H A TS--------OMldres and Misoet. vnrltity. F tIcm $2.76 to ^

.•oduc-s ;

t Hats '

.... $4.05 ,


ictions V

- - V — —ew Frocks

. . . . . . .

ne Modes and■

in a nevv d re ss is iially w hen i t is 3ason a n d w ill be.>n w hen ' w ai-m er

le Crepe, Canton , ,Taffeta.----------- r - 7 ’----- ; ....

$42.50 ' , .