Kenai Christian Church John 11:25 April 24, 2013 Vol. 4 No.13 Our Services Sunday Sunday School 9:45 AM Worship 11:00 AM Evening 6:30 PM Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM Ministers Robert DeVolld Phone: 907-262-2822 -Home Email: [email protected] Bryan Copenhaver Phone: 907-260-4771 -Home Email: [email protected] Youth Minister Adam Meyers 907-953-0102 Email: [email protected] Women's Ministry Leslie Daniel Phone: 907-283-4559 Email: [email protected] KCC News is published monthly by Kenai Christian Church 104 McKinley Street, Kenai AK 99611 Phone: 907-283-4559 FAX: 907-283-4560 Email: [email protected] WEB: www.kenaichristianchurch.org Layout Annie Job Editor Annie Peek Women’s News Layout Susan Lee Editor Annie Job Publishing Jean Widmayer, Chrystle Henderson Joy Winston, Louann Peery Joyce Tugan, Angie Miller Mothers Day is Sunday, May 12th Evening Services will be dismissed Memorial Day is Monday, May 27th Services will be dismissed on Sunday Evening May 26th Graduation Sunday is May 19th

enai C hristian hurch John 11:25 - Razor Planetmedia1.razorplanet.com/share/510607-6884/siteDocs/AprilNL13.pdf · sive “spring cleaning” of your humble abode this year, I would

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Page 1: enai C hristian hurch John 11:25 - Razor Planetmedia1.razorplanet.com/share/510607-6884/siteDocs/AprilNL13.pdf · sive “spring cleaning” of your humble abode this year, I would

Kenai Christian Church John 11:25 April 24, 2013 Vol. 4 No.13

Our Services Sunday

Sunday School 9:45 AM

Worship 11:00 AM

Evening 6:30 PM

Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 PM

Ministers Robert DeVolld

Phone: 907-262-2822 -Home

Email: [email protected]

Bryan Copenhaver

Phone: 907-260-4771 -Home

Email: [email protected]

Youth Minister Adam Meyers


Email: [email protected]

Women's Ministry Leslie Daniel

Phone: 907-283-4559

Email: [email protected]

KCC News is published monthly by

Kenai Christian Church

104 McKinley Street, Kenai AK 99611

Phone: 907-283-4559

FAX: 907-283-4560

Email: [email protected]

WEB: www.kenaichristianchurch.org


Annie Job


Annie Peek

Women’s News Layout

Susan Lee


Annie Job


Jean Widmayer, Chrystle Henderson

Joy Winston, Louann Peery

Joyce Tugan, Angie Miller

Mothers Day is Sunday, May 12th Evening Services will be dismissed

Memorial Day is

Monday, May 27th

Services will be dismissed on Sunday Evening May 26th

Graduation Sunday


May 19th

Page 2: enai C hristian hurch John 11:25 - Razor Planetmedia1.razorplanet.com/share/510607-6884/siteDocs/AprilNL13.pdf · sive “spring cleaning” of your humble abode this year, I would

Encouragement Corner

Spring Cleaning Each year we participate in holidays that in one way

or another are linked to Scripture. For example, how bor-

ing would the month of December be if we didn’t celebrate

the birth of our Savior on the 25th (even if most scholars

believe that Jesus was born sometime during the summer

months)? Or what would the month of March / April be

like if we didn’t acknowledge his resurrection?

But, did you know that even many of the simple

rituals / traditions that we participate in each year have

Scriptural roots as well? Take for instance, “spring clean-

ing.” Where did this concept come from? Well, believe it

or not, it’s been around for thousands of years.

Two weeks prior to Passover, Jewish families will

begin to clean away anything in their house that may con-

tain yeast in one form or another. Anything that is com-

prised of “chametz” (wheat, barley, rye, spelt or oats with

leaven in it) must go! The goal is to eliminate all yeast

from the house. As you can imagine, this can prove to be

quite an undertaking (and you thought that washing your

windows each spring was difficult).

In Jewish kitchens, the floors and countertops must

be thoroughly cleaned, to the point that some families even

have a replacement countertop for this time of year. In or-

der to kill any remaining yeast, the sinks are scrubbed with

harsh chemicals and all pots, pans and silverware are puri-

fied with boiling water. This can prove to be a day long

process if done correctly.

But it’s not just the kitchen that must be sterilized,

the closets and the medicine cabinet have to be cleaned as

well. It just so happens that many inks, glues, medicines

and cosmetics contain chemicals derived from chametz as


In fact, if you watch closely you can find a limited

supply of common products that are custom made for this

time of year. For example, Pepsi produces a special cola

for Passover. Instead of using corn syrup to sweeten their

products, they actually make a “Kosher for Passover” ver-

sion of Pepsi that contains real sugar. If Robert were a

Rabbi, he’d have a fridge full of this stuff.

So, if you’re considering undertaking such a mas-

sive “spring cleaning” of your humble abode this year, I

would caution you to remember this one thing. Professor

Yona Amitai, senior toxicologist at Hadassah University

Hospital in Jerusalem, notes that studies show that the ac-

cidental poisoning of Jewish children from cleaning fluids

triples during the two or three weeks prior to Passover.

So, the moral of the story here- “Spring cleaning is

bad for your health. Avoid it at all cost…especially if you

have young children at home!”

You can thank me later, Bryan

Missions Moment

“See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and

empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the

elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.”

~Colossians 2:8

Tommy Thompson recently gave a Sunday school

lesson from Colossians chapter 2 where the church in Co-

lossae is warned to be on guard against false doctrines, and

as I sat in the back row of the Chapel straining to hear his

low voice, I did some reflecting. Do we still have false doc-

trines coming out of the Church and if so, do I recognize

them? How do you guard against false teachings/teachers?

Am I guilty of being a false teacher—do I add my own hu-

man traditions to the gospel I proclaim to others? As I

mulled over these thoughts I was struck by the simplicity of

the answers…YES and YES. False doctrines are alive and

well in the Church at large today and, albeit unintentionally,

I add terms and conditions to Christ’s free grace. A little

disheartened by the reality of those answers, I turned my

thoughts to the “how” of the question and again found an-

other answer simple enough for a child to understand.

FALSE anything is combated with TRUTH.

Just as Paul’s admonishment to the Colossians to be

on guard applies to us today, so does his solution:

“Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so

walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in

the faith.” (Colossians 2:6) In order to recognize what is

false I must have a firm grasp on what is true. Jesus said in

John 8:31, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disci-

ples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you

free.” It’s imperative that I really know for myself what

scripture says if I am to guard myself from plausible argu-

ments coming from both the world and people who identify

themselves with the Church and if I desire to be an effective

witness for Christ. “I know the Bible says something kind

of like this, let me Google/Biblegateway it” has been my

crutch for not having a working knowledge of scripture in

the past, and as I sat pondering in the back of Sunday school

I was convicted of the statement that makes regarding my

attitude about God’s Holy Word. My head is full of song

lyrics, dates, and old conversations that I can recall with

minimal effort—shouldn’t God’s Word command more

storage space than these? The conclusion of all these mus-

ings led me to this realization: I need to know what God

actually says in his Word, not what I think he says.

Challenged as I was by these back-row reflections

and no longer to be satisfied with a partial grasp on the

Truth, I set out looking for a good place to begin commit-

ting his Word to memory.

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Con’t... Some may be familiar with this particular selection of

verses from the book of Romans, often referred to as the

Romans Road, which may be used to explain the basics of a

saving faith.

Romans 3:23 (Who needs salvation?)

Romans 6:23 (Why we need salvation?)

Romans 5:8 (How God provides salvation?)

Romans 10:9-10, 6:3-4 (What we must do for


Romans 12:1-2 (Now what do I do?)

I would like to challenge you to join me in committing these

verses to memory, if you haven’t already, and be prepared

to show an inquiring unbeliever chapter and verse what

God’s Word really says they must do to be saved. Abiding

in his Word is critical for us to grow and mature in our faith

and scripture memorization is a valuable tool we can utilize

to help recognize and eliminate false teachings and can help

keep us from adding our own do’s and don’ts to the gospel.


Callie Saltzgiver was baptized on March 31, 2013

Ithaca Bergholtz was baptized on

April 7, 2013 Ithaca is the daughter of Mike and Chris

and sister to Alexandria

Welcome to the KCC family!

Therefore we have been buried with him though baptism into death, in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead

through the glory of the Father, so we too may live a new life.

Romans 6:4

Help Wanted

We are looking for individuals to help with mowing the church lawn during the summer months. There soon

will be a sign up sheet in the foyer for anyone interested.

If you have questions please call Randy 398.4563

to all 2013 Graduates

Mikailynn Lee

Ben Mills

Becca Elliott

Josette Renken

Andrew Hamilton

Ariana Tieaskie

Mahlon Troyer

Charlie McGahan

Graden Mendenhall

Brad Smithwick

Matthew Aho

Commencement Dates:

Cook Inlet Academy, May 12th

Nikiski High May 20th, 7 pm

Kenai Central May 21st, 6:30 pm, KCHS

SoHi Graduation May 21st, 7 pm,

Sports Center

Graduation Sunday

May 19th

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I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.

Please join us for a Special Presentation from

Salonique Adolphe


Living Water

Wednesday, May 8th

7.00—8.00 pm in the Chapel

Page 5: enai C hristian hurch John 11:25 - Razor Planetmedia1.razorplanet.com/share/510607-6884/siteDocs/AprilNL13.pdf · sive “spring cleaning” of your humble abode this year, I would

Make one of the best investments in your children: Send them to Summer Camp!!

•Dates: July 21st-July 26th

•Cost: Paid in full or $40 deposit

•Early Bird (Due by July 7th): $165

•Regular (After July 7th): $195

•Family Discount: 1st camper pays regular price, 2nd camper pays $15 less, 3rd camper pays $25 less, 4th camper pays $35 less!

•Checks Payable to Greatland Christian Camp

•Where: Little Beaver Campground, Wasilla, AK

•Mission: Turkish World Outreach

•Plan now and make this a priority in your summer schedule!

Summer Camp Info:

PROM DINNER: 10 youth took advantage of the annual Prom Dinner at the Meyers’ home and saved some serious moola. Missed it? Plan ahead for next year!!

DODGE DYNASTY: What a better way to spend a Saturday than to play some crazy dodgeball. Here’s the #1 team from the tournament. Recognize anyone?!

DRESS FOR SUMMER: Summer is just around the corner. Do you have your Alien Youth t-shirt ready to rep? There are still some available for $10 each!



1 Peter 2:11

Summer CampIt is never too early to talk about summer camp! This year, we will be headed back to Little Beaver Campground near Big Lake in Wasilla. Our dates for camp are July 21st-26th. We will be running both middle school and high school camp at the same facility during the same week just as last year. There are two separate deans: Lucas Lance for high school and Kaleb Rippy for middle school. The camps will share a main speaker and missionary, but will have their own age appropriate classes and themes for the week.

Why go to camp?

I personally believe that camp is where youth grow in their faith and truly become followers of Jesus Christ. Why is camp so effective? Youth get out of their “normal” environment and put aside their regular distractions such as cell phones, xboxes, and music to engage God on a level that is not possible throughout the rest of the year. Many decisions to follow Jesus Christ come straight from camp as well as a decision to attend Bible college or go into full time ministry. What could possibly be a better thing for them to attend this summer?

-A former camper: Adam