Employment, Unemployment and Nonfarm Payrolls in the USA

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  • 7/29/2019 Employment, Unemployment and Nonfarm Payrolls in the USA


    Employment, Unemployment and Nonfarm Payrolls in the USA

    by Eduardo Petazze

    Total nonfarm payroll employment rose by 192,000 in March 2014, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 6.!.

    The Bureau of Labor Statisticsof the United States, released the Employment Situation for March 2014 (pdf, 38 pages

    )The followin summary contains our estimate for the 2014!201"

    onthly SA data

    Annual and !aurterly SA data

    Also see#

    US Employment Situation in "ebruay #$%&

    US Employment Situation ' #$%&(#$%) *utloo+

    Labor "orce data, SA onthly $$$- onthly change $$$-.an(%& "eb(%& ar(%& Apr(%& ay(%& .un(%& .an(%& "eb(%& ar(%& Apr(%& ay(%& .un(%&

    /otal pri0ate %%),1$123 %%),8)2% %%4,$8423 %%4,33&23 %%4,)4124 %%4,13#2) %4)24 %8128 %%2# #&82$ #3323 %4&2

    Minin and loin $$$%2 $&0%$ $&'%$ $&(%2 $&(%2 $&'%& "%& 2%( '%0 )1%( )0%0 1%$

    *oin "4%+ "4%4 "(%0 "(%2 "(%+ "(%" 0%0 0%1 1%( 0%2 0%1 0%2

    Minin $++%& $+(%4 $41%$ $40%0 $+&%& $41%4 "%& 2%" "%4 )1%$ )0%1 1%"

    onstruction ",&2'%0 ",&4"%0 ",&(4%0 ",&$+%1 ",&&4%0 (,001%' "1%0 1$%0 1&%0 1&%1 10%& '%'

    Manufacturin 12,0(1%0 12,0$0%0 12,0'&%0 12,0$1%2 12,0$4%2 12,0$1%$ $%0 1&%0 )1%0 2%2 +%0 )2%4

    -ura.le oods ',"$2%0 ',"&$%0 ',(0(%0 ',(0$%2 ',(12%$ ',(14%" 1%0 1(%0 $%0 2%2 4%( 1%'

    /ondura.le oods 4,4'&%0 4,4$2%0 4,4'+%0 4,4'+%0 4,4'1%4 4,4('%4 '%0 +%0 )&%0 0%0 )1%( )4%1

    Trade, transportation, and utilities 2(,1('%1 2(,1'4%+ 2(,211%" 2(,22&%& 2(,2(1%2 2(,2&&%$ 10%' '%2 +'%2 1$%4 +1%+ +$%(

    holesale trade ",$1"%1 ",$2&%( ",$+(%' ",$++%1 ",$+'%( ",$42%( 1$%+ 14%" '%1 )+%( 4%" "%0

    etail trade 1",240%2 1",2+$%+ 1",2"&%( 1",2'&%2 1",+01%+ 1",++"%1 ) 21%" ) 1%& 21%+ 1&%( 22%1 ++%$

    Transportation and warehousin 4,"(2%1 4,""(%' 4,"(4%( 4,"((%( 4,"'0%( 4,"(&%' 1"%" )"%4 '%& 2%0 4%0 )0%&

    Utilities "4&%' "4&%' ""0%( ""1%1 ""1%' ""2%4 )1%( 0%0 0%& 0%" 0%( 0%'

    nformation 2,('1%0 2,((+%0 2,(("%0 2,(($%$ 2,('+%" 2,((&%1 ) +%0 )$%0 2%0 +%$ 4%' )4%+

    3inancial actiities ',&00%0 ',&0&%0 ',&10%0 ',&2(%2 ',&41%0 ',&"1%0 )1%0 &%0 1%0 1(%2 14%& 10%0

    5rofessional and .usiness serices 1$,$&1%0 1$,&'2%0 1&,02&%0 1&,101%( 1&,1'&%( 1&,22&%+ 4&%0 $1%0 "'%0 '2%( '$%0 4&%'

    Education and health serices 21,2"$%0 21,2$&%0 21,+2+%0 21,+'4%& 21,40$%' 21,4+(%4 1(%0 +1%0 +4%0 "1%& ++%$ 2'%$

    *eisure and hospitality 14,4(0%0 14,4$&%0 14,"1$%0 14,"$(%1 14,(+(%( 14,('2%2 2"%0 2&%0 2&%0 ($%1 "0%" +"%(

    6ther serices ",4$4%0 ",4$+%0 ",4$&%0 ",4$(%+ ",4&2%( ",4&+%2 4%0 )1%0 (%0 )2%' (%+ 0%(

    5o0ernment #%,83#2$ #%,8&%2$ #%,8&%2$ #%,8&%2) #%,8#82# #%,8%%21 (##2$ 2$ $2$ $2) (%323 (%42)

    /otal nonfarm %31,)323 %31,1342% %31,#123 %38,%1)2 %38,3)28 %38,)&&2# %&324 %428 %%2# #&824 ##$2$ % &823

    6ther in la.or force ',($4%' ',"2&%& ',$14%' ',&2&%+ $,124%' $,1''%+ 4&4%4 )1"4%$ 2$4%$ 114%( 1&"%4 "2%(

    Unemployed 10,2+(%0 10,4"&%0 10,4$(%0 10,21$%& 10,1"'%0 10,20'%" )11"%0 22+%0 2'%0 )2('%1 )(1%& "0%"

    /otal 6i0ilian Labor "orce %)),&4$2$ %)),1#)2$ %)4,##82$ %)4,3#&2% %)4,4112) %)4,#82 )#32$ #4)2$ )$32$ 42% 3)32& #)%2&

    Unemployment rate 6.58% 6.72% 6.71% 6.54% 6.48% 6.50% -0.10% 0.13% -0.00% -0.17% -0.05% 0.02%

    *ast data

    6wn estimate

    Labor "orce data, SA Annual A0erage $$$- YY !uarter le0el $$$- !uarterly change

    #$%# #$%3 #$%& #$%) 2012 2013 2014 2015 #$%3!& #$%&!% #$%&!# #$%3!& #$%&!% #$%&!#

    /otal pri0ate %%#,%121 %%&,)$&2) %%4,8%#28 %%,%# 2.21% 2.07% 2 .02% 1.!!% %%),3323 %%),842# %%4,)&&28 4%23 )$#2 4&824

    Minin and loin $4'%" $('%' &01%$ &+"%( ."# ! 2.# $! # .9# ! #." ! $$1%' $&2%+ $&(%$ 10%' 10%( 4%"

    *oin "0%$ "2%" "(%+ "&%& 4.0# ! #.4 6! .1" ! 6.44 ! "4%2 "4%& "(%+ 1%& 0%' 1%4

    Minin '&(%' $1"%1 $4"%" $'"%' .6 ! 2.# 1! # .2 ! #." ! $2'%4 $+'%4 $40%4 $%$ &%& +%1

    onstruction ",(4"%2 ",$2&%+ (,000%( (,1'4%4 2.0" ! #.2 6! 2 .94 ! 2.90 ! ",$'$%' ",&4"%+ ",&&+%0 40%+ ((%' 4'%(Manufacturin 11,&2(%' 12,004%" 12,0$+%+ 12,1(0%4 1.1 ! 0.6 "! 0 .66 ! 0.64 ! 12,0+(%' 12,0'+%+ 12,0$2%4 4$%+ +(%' &%1

    -ura.le oods ',4(&%$ ',"42%4 ',(1"%1 ',($'%& 2.1 ! 0.9 ! 0 .96 ! 0.96 ! ',"'4%' ',"&"%+ ',(11%$ +(%+ 20%' 1(%"

    /ondura.le oods 4,4"(%& 4,4(2%1 4,4($%2 4,4'2%" 0.0$ ! 0.1 2! 0 .14 ! 0.10 ! 4,4(2%0 4,4'$%0 4,4'0%( 12%0 1(%0 )'%4

    Trade, transportation, and utilities 2",4'1%2 2",$(+%$ 2(,+"'%1 2(,$"0%& 1.61 ! 1." 4! 1 .91 ! 1.$ ! 2(,0$$%0 2 (,1$4%+ 2(,2(+%( 1'2%( &(%+ '&%+

    holesale trade ",(('%0 " ,'4'%$ " ,$"+%" " ,&"'%& 2.24 ! 1.4 #! 1 .$4 ! 1.$ ! ",'$+%& ",$2'%1 ",$+'%$ 24%1 4+%+ 10%(

    etail trade 14,$+(%1 1",0'1%$ 1",+'0%4 1",('0%$ 1.14 ! 1." 9! 1 .9$ ! 1.9" ! 1",21&%( 1 ",24(%0 1",+0"%2 102%1 2(%4 "&%1

    Transportation and warehousin 4,41"%2 4,4&2%+ 4,"$2%4 4,('2%4 2.61 ! 1. "! 2 .01 ! 1.96 ! 4,"+2%$ 4,"(1%1 4,"(&%0 4(%' 2$%+ '%&

    Utilities ""2%& ""2%0 ""0%& "4&%$ 0.0"! % 0. 1! % 0. 20! % 0. 19! ""1%' ""0%0 ""1%' )0%+ )1%' 1%'

    nformation 2,('(%0 2,($4%$ 2,(((%4 2,("0%0 0. 0$! 0.##! % 0. 6$! % 0. 62! 2,($+%' 2,(((%+ 2,('0%4 1%0 )1'%+ 4%1

    3inancial actiities ','$2%' ' ,$'&%+ ' ,&4'%( $ ,01'%" 1.12 ! 1.2 4! 0 .$ ! 0.$$ ! ',&01%0 ',&0(%+ ',&+&%4 +%0 "%+ ++%1

    5rofessional and .usiness serices 1',&++%2 1$,"("%( 1&,2+$%( 1&,&1(%4 #.4$ ! #." #! # .62 ! #."2 ! 1$,$0'%0 1$,&(4 %0 1&,1'0%2 14"%' 1"'%0 20(%2

    Education and health serices 20,(&(%2 21,100%+ 21,44$%2 21,'&'%" 2.#0 ! 1.9 "! 1 .6" ! 1.6# ! 21,2+0%+ 2 1,2&0%0 21,40(%' '(%' "&%' 11(%'

    *eisure and hospita lity 1+,''1%( 14,244%( 14,('+%( 1",112%" #.1" ! #.4 #! # .01 ! 2.99 ! 14,410%' 14,4$& %0 14,(+1%( 11+%0 '$ %+ 142%(

    6ther serices ",42&%( ",4(4%' ",4&"%( ","2'%1 1.29 ! 0.6 "! 0 ." ! 0." ! ",4'"%' ",4$"%+ ",4&0%' $%0 &%' "%4

    5o0ernment #%,%823 #%,8)823 #%,8#32# #%,18324 -0.7!% -0.27% -0.16% -0.18% #%,8)&21 #%,838 2$ #%,8#12% ) 23 (%421 (%$2

    /otal nonfarm %3&,$82% %34,34#28 %38,4342$ %&$,#)28 1.71% 1.6!% 1 .67% 1.65% %31,#&82$ %31,13&2# %38,31#2$ 4#&24 &8423 43121

    6ther in la.or force $,+('%( ',"('%1 $,02&%( $,"0(%( 4.20! %9."! 6 .1 1! " .9 4! (,&2+%4 ',('(%4 $,0''%1 )(&'%& '"+%1 400%(

    Unemployed 12,4&"%( 11,44$%& &,&(4%2 $,4$(%( %9.0#! %$.#$! %12.9! %14.$#! 10,'''%+ 10,+&+%' 10,1&4%" )"11%' )+$+%' )1&&%2

    /otal 6i0ilian Labor "orce %)&,4%2) %)),31828 %)4,4#2) %)1,%2$ 0.88% 0.27% 0 .80% 0.82% %)&,&821 %)),8$&23 %)4,4&32) ()8)2$ 8))21 832#

    Unemployment rate 8.06% 7.37% 6.36% 5.37% -0.88% -0.70% -1.01% -0.!!% 6.!6% 6.67% 6.51% -0.30% -0.28% -0.16%

    *ast data

    6wn estimate
