Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics

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  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


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    630 Third Ave. 15 th Fl.

    New York, NY 10017212-644-1310

    30 Ramland Rd. Suite 201

    Orangeburg, NY 10962845-589-9300

    Methods for PreventingEmployee Theft & Embezzlement

    in the Digital Age Presented by:

    Joel J. Greenwald, Esq.

    June 12, 2012

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Non-Compete IssuesMore Prevalent

    Employee turnover Voluntary and involuntary much more likely now

    Especially with sales personnel

    Legal trends Restrictive covenants are more prevalent

    especially for salespeople (depends on state law)

    Enforceability, however, often depends oncustomization and how narrow


    Theft is as easy as push of button2

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    Non-Compete Agreements and Other Restrictive Covenants

    Non-compete agreements Reasonable in geography, duration, scope Must be in writing and protect legitimate business

    interest Should only be in writing and signed by key employees

    Non-solicitation agreements (employees andclients) More enforceable prevents most harm Should only be provided to and signed by key


    Confidentiality agreements Should be signed by all employees Defines proprietary information (trade secrets)

    3 * Boilerplate vs. specifically tailored agreements

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    What is the Remedy?

    Injunction TRO

    Money damages Hard to quantify

    Lost business

    Lost profits


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Additional Causes of Action Available to Employer

    Examples of other causes of action againstemployee

    Misappropriation of Trade Secrets Common Law Duty of Loyalty Legal right to Protect Against Unfair Competition Protect Against Conversion of Property Protect Against Outright Theft


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Computer Protection

    Have a snapshot taken incertain circumstances asemployee leaves


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Monitoring Your Employees

    I can read any email my employeesends or receives

    True or False


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    Why Do Employers Implement Electronic Monitoring and Workplace

    Surveillance Systems? To prevent theft

    To improve productivity


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    How Does Employees Legal Right To Privacy Interact With An Employers Right

    To Monitor Workplace Activity? Courts balance the employees expectation of privacy against the employers need for control and

    operation in the workplace

    Courts often distinguish between the employeeswork-related activities (less privacy), andemployees private and personal activities in theworkplace (greater right to privacy)


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    How Much Privacy Does An EmployeeHave A Legal Right To Expect In

    Electronic Communications on the Computer?

    Under federal and most state law,employer can monitor:

    Activity on Company-owned equipment (URLs/ e-mail addresses contacted, times spent) for allcommunication

    Content of business-related e-mail on Company-owned equipment


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    Email/Internet Policy

    What an email/internet policy should contain: Email procedures

    All email is property of employer no expectation of privacy

    Employer has right to monitor (get consent) Offensive, harassing emails are prohibited

    Passwords shall not be made available to others

    Internet procedures Not for personal use Careful about postings Offensive or harassing messages are prohibited


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    What Are The Legal Limitations On Employers Use Of Video Cameras For Surveillance In The

    Workplace? Under many state laws, it is illegal (without a courtorder) to make any video recording in any restroom,locker room, or other area that has been designatedby the employer for changing clothes

    Dont record audio!

    Selective surveillance e.g., positioning a hiddencamera over the desk of one individual employee may be discriminatory


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    Can An Employer Monitor The Movement Of Mobile Employees Via Global Positioning

    Systems (GPS)? Generally is OK however, should beadvised through policies and get consent!!

    (some states require)GPS monitoring should probably not beused to track employees during off-dutyhours

    Use only on company equipment it at all

    Consult legal counsel before attempting touse any info collected via GPS


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Independent Background Checks

    Consent and initial notice required (FCRA)

    Notice of reason for adverse decision

    Taking action requires care


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    Getting References

    Another source of background information

    Get them? Give them? Defamation concerns?


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Preventing And Preparing For Theft

    Electronic monitoring, GPS andvideo surveillance

    Avoid concentrating too muchauthority in one individual particularly in accounting,bookkeeping, purchasing, andreceiving areas

    Hope for the best but plan for the worst purchaseinsurance

    Hire smart use background checks, interviews and testingto screen out dishonest applicants


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Investigation Concerns

    Investigation report: Be thorough, detailed, factual;include documents, photos, interview notes, everypage marked confidential (perhaps get outsideagency)

    Be careful about your threats to thief! - Extortion


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Taking Action

    Internal discipline/termination;Cooperate with law enforcement/press criminalcharges;

    File civil lawsuit;

    Seek restraining order to prevent use of stolen

    information/trade secrets

    Do Not withhold wages!!!


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics



    The foregoing is a summary of the laws discussed abovefor the purpose of providing a general overview of theselaws. These materials are not meant, nor should theybe construed, to provide information that is specific toany law(s). The above is not legal advice and youshould consult with counsel concerning the applicabilityof any law to your particular situation.

    MMXII Greenwald Doherty LLP

    All rights reserved. These materials may not bereproduced without permission.


  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Visit us online at RVMINC.com

    For more information

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics



    Gregory M. CancillaPresented by

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Digital Forensics - The application of science to the identification,collection, examination, and analysis of data [Electronically StoredInformation (ESI)] while preserving the integrity of the information andmaintaining a strict chain of custody for the data.

    SOURCE: Special Publication (SP) 800 series (SP 800-86)

    Forensic Specialist- A professional who locates, identifies, collects,analyzes, and examines data while preserving the integrity andmaintaining a strict chain of custody of information discovered.

    SOURCE: Special Publication (SP) 800 Series (SP 800-72)

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    Information created, manipulated, communicated, stored,and best utilized in digital form, requiring the use ofcomputer hardware and software.

    - Kenneth J. Withers, Managing Director, The Sedona Conference NORTHWESTERN JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY

    Spring 2006

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Computers Custodian local & home drives


    Network shares Collaboration software & tools Cloud


    Mobile devices e.g., iPad, Android, Blackberry,


    Back up tapesUSB drives

    Memory cards PDAs Smart phones Digital cameras

    Any storage device

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Email servers Microsoft Exchange GroupWise Lotus Notes Web hosted email

    Gmail Hotmail

    Email archives Symantec Enterprise Vault FrontBridge

    Zantaz EAS

    Files downloaded/uploaded Audio and video files Digital images Cloud


    Internet History Websites visited Social media communication

    Facebook posts Twitter tweets

    Any other type of electronic files .doc, .xls, .pdf, .jpg, .cad

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    Mobile devices are ubiquitous wellsprings of ESI including:

    Emails Text messages Contacts Calendars Pictures

    Taken or stored Videos Call Logs

    Websites visitedDownloadsSocial networking posts

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Take a snapshot in certain

    circumstances as employeeleaves

    Should the computer be usedafter incident occurs?

    What is a forensic copy?

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    Self Collection (i.e., IT personnel) Lets let the IT staff do it

    Why invest in a forensic expert over IT personnel for data

    collections? Verifies complete, defensible data collection

    Preserves metadata

    Maintains chain of custody Neutral third party

    Least invasive and disruptive to business operations

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Self-Collection Pitfalls-Data that is not properly handled can

    result in:

    Inadvertent evidence corruption (spoliation )

    Lack of proper chain of custody

    Improper judgment call by custodian as to what is responsive

    Going too broad or narrow with data collection

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    Why choose a forensic expert over IT personnel for data


    Ghost Image Preservation of metadata Maintaining chain of custody Logging

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    Meet and Confer Consultation

    Forensic Harvesting(on-site, off-site, or remote)

    Preservation of metadata Maintenance of chain of custody

    Handheld Forensics

    Targeted Collection

    Forensic Analysis Filters, Boolean, Keywords Date range File specific Data Reconstruction Event Recreation

    Expert Witness Testimony

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics



    EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE) AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE) Safe Harbor Certification

    Software Open Source vs. Closed Source

    Training Experience Tips for retaining a forensic expert

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Covering all the Bases

    A forensic expert can properly evaluate clients current practices for storing,archiving, and accessing digital data in light of evidentiary rules and bestpractices

    Engaging a forensic expert ensures clients data collections are conducted in aforensically sound manner

    A forensic expert can formulate a collection plan which would consider clientse-Discovery workflow, budget and time constraints

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    forensic experts use cutting-edge technology and follow strictprocedural guidelines to ensure the accuracy of the preservation ofevidence

    Some of the key forensic tools experts use and are certified in

    include: Guidance Softwares EnCase AccessDatas Forensic Toolkit (FTK) Parabens Network Email Examiner Kroll Ontracks Power Controls Cellebrites Universal Forensics Extraction Device(UFED)

  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Forensic experts can assist clients in responding to litigation via:

    Consulting clients counsel on Meet and Conferappointments

    Preemptively preparing forensically sound data collection Developing models for legal hold preservation

    Bolstering defensibility Satisfying best practices standards and legal

    requirements Devising practices and implement technology for

    communication and enforcing legal hold compliance Assisting client counsel in preparation for depositions Serving as an expert witness

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    Commercial litigation Product Liability Corporate and transactional

    Regulatory SEC

    Mergers & AcquisitionsSecond Requests

    Intellectual property Trademark infringement Theft of intellectual property Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) Permanent Injunction

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  • 7/31/2019 Employee Theft Prevention and Digital Forensics


    Greg Cancilla, EnCE, ACE is a Certified Computer Forensic Engineer and theDirector of Forensics at RVM. He is experienced in the preservation, identification,extraction, documentation and interpretation of computer data. Greg hascompleted computer forensics training programs from renowned industry outfits,such as New Technologies, Access Data, and Guidance Software (thedevelopers of Encase Forensics Software) among others. As a certified forensicengineer, he has performed countless computer forensics investigations since

    entering the field in 2003. Additionally, Greg has offered testimony in numerouscases, including presenting a key piece of evidence in Ronald Luri vs. RepublicServices, Inc., et al. , which rendered the largest verdict in the State of Ohios history. Greg holds a Bachelors Degree in Business Administration and Computer Science from the University of Toledo.

    Certifications: EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE) AccessData Certified Examiner (ACE) Oregon State University Computer Forensics Training

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    RVM New York (Headquarters) [email protected] 80 Pine Street, 10 th Floor New York, NY 10005 RVM Chicago

    RVM Cleveland 212.693.1525


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