Emotional Mastery E-Book

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  • 7/30/2019 Emotional Mastery E-Book


    I would like to tell you: there is no hell and no heaven. So don't be afraid of hell and don't be greedy

    from heaven. All that exists is this moment. You can make this moment a hell or a heaven--that certainly

    is possible--but there is no heaven or hell somewhere else.

    Hell is when you are all tense, and heaven is when you are all relaxed. Total relaxation is paradise.~




  • 7/30/2019 Emotional Mastery E-Book


    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    Emotional Mastery

    What Is Emotional Mastery?

    Emotional mastery is the ability to consciously choose your emotional state, in any

    circumstance, in all moments.

    It is the skill offeeling goodall the time. I am here to teach you this skill and show you that emotional

    mastery is an entirely possible and achievable goal. In fact, your brain is designedto have this level of

    control, and your entire being is naturally inclined to support you at all levels in this movement.

    One of the greatest keys to achieving emotional mastery is the ability to transform a negative emotion

    into a positive one. More specifically, it is about being able to catch yourself while reacting in a negative

    way, having the understanding of what has led you to have this negative reaction, knowing that you are

    the one in control, and using your intention, willpower, and the techniques provided to lead yourself

    back into a state of feeling good. Once you have learned to do this, and practice on a consistent basis,

    your brain begins to hard-wire itself into a new pattern of operation, leading you to feel better regularly,

    and to be less inclined to negatively react at all in the first place.

    The Power of Your Emotional State:

    With all the different methods and teachings available to help you live a life of success, why would I be

    telling you to start first with your emotions?

    Before delving deep into the process of manifestation and goal achievement, it is first important to note

    that emotions play a large role in your physical health. Numerous studies have shown that the neuro-

    chemicals released from your body during a negative emotional state can literally block the receptors in

    your cells that absorb nutrition, proteins, and vitamins from your food. It has also been proven that

    stress, anger, and depression greatly increase the acidity of your body, which has also been connected as

    a large cause for illness, weakened immune functioning, weight gain, and even larger and more

    threatening health concerns and degenerative diseases. In a nutshell, negative emotions are generally

    unhealthy for you in a multitude of ways, and by learning to overcome them, you can literally cure the

    following conditions:

    - Anxiety- Depression- Weight gain- Hormonal imbalances

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    - Diabetes- High blood pressure- Premature aging

    And many others.

    Therefore, on the flip side of the coin, gratitude, joy, and relaxation have the opposite effect on your

    whole being, releasing beneficial endorphins into your body that aid digestion, strengthen the immune

    system, and support the brain in functioning optimally. Positive emotions are VERY healthy for your


    But aside from just your physical health, your emotions play the most dominant role in your ability to

    manifest a joyful and abundant life. I personally feel that so many law of attraction teachings focus

    much too heavily on visualization, goal setting, and affirmations, and not nearly enough on emotion.

    Your most persistent emotional states are much like a magnet, attracting the material components and

    situations to you that resonate with that state.

    For example: if you are happy all the time, you are just going to be attracting more and more things into

    your life that make you happy. Once you have learned to do this, THEN it would be time to start getting

    specific with the goals, visualizations, etc. to fine-tune your creation of life. If you are unhappy on a

    regular basis, with feelings on loneliness, stress, anger, etc. you are going to be attracting more

    situations in your life to perpetuate these states. It would not matter how much you were visualizing the

    things you want, or how often you were writing down your goals. YOU HAVE TO FEEL GOOD FIRST!

    I often think of emotional mastery as an easier route than visualization and goal setting. If you are

    feeling good all the time, you will naturally be resonating at a level that effortlessly manifests monetary

    abundance, success in your relationships and love life, and physical health and energy, whether you have

    goals or not.

    Another important point to make here is that EVERYONE WANTS TO FEEL GOOD, AND THE MOST


    rule is one of the greatest keys to having what it takes to land that promotion at work, attract that

    perfect lover into your life, and succeed in any goal involving other people.

    I promise you that the techniques in this book will greatly enhance your ability to consciously choose

    your emotional state, and thus manifest RESULTS in your life, through the achievement of your goals.

    You will start to notice that you have more physical energy, and a greater feeling of bodily health. More

    positive people will come into your life, and you will feel yourself exuding a positive, confident, and

    attractive vibe into the world that captivates people and makes them want to be around you, support

    you, and help you succeed. You will notice that everything becomes easier, and success is NATURAL,

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    rather than something you need to struggle for.

    This is where your life begins to take on that magical feel, and coincidences and miracles begin to

    happen. That certain person appears in your life right at the moment of need, opportunities for money-

    making pop into your awareness, and the universe almost seems to mold itself around you to support

    your desires.

    I want to personally acknowledge you for taking this large step towards your own personal success.

    Always remember that every step you take towards living a positive, peaceful, and loving life is one of

    the greatest gifts you can offer towards everyone surrounding you in your own life, and the rest of

    humanity as a whole. We're all in this together, and every kind gesture adds up. The more joy and

    happiness you are able to bring into someone else's life, the better. Being emotionally free gives you a

    much greater openness to those around you, and helps you become more available to offer compassion,empathy, and positive energy to the world around you.

    How To Use This Book

    Contained in this short book are several simple, yet powerful practices that can be used on a regular

    basis to obtain an increased level of emotional control. I would recommend picking at least 2-3 that

    really resonate with you, and using them diligently and consistently for at least 30 days. This is roughly

    the amount of time it takes for your brain to form a new neural pathway in relation to this new action

    you are taking. Once you have integrated these practices into your life, you can then move on to the

    next, and begin experimenting again.

    It is not recommended that you use ALL of these practices during the same amounting of time. This

    would be counterproductive. Make sure that you are having fun with these tools, rather than trying too

    hard. It takes patience, and diligence, but ultimately our goal here is to be happy and enjoy life.

    Important to Know

    Before we delve into the practices, there are a few general concepts that are important to be aware of in

    relation to our emotional states, and how they work out in your brain. Understanding these conceptshelps one feel less at the whim of their emotions, and gives greater patience, detachment, and faith in

    their ability to become emotionally free.

    Emotional Reactions are Habitual:

    It is of supreme importance to understand that emotional reactions are habits. Granted, many of our

    emotional reactions have been happening our whole lives, making them very deeply-rooted habits. It

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    can be hard to imagine something being a different way when it has been happening one way your

    entire life. Not to mention that many of our emotional reactions are greatly perpetuated by society, the

    media, and the people surrounding us, supplying us with the illusion that they are normal, natural, and

    not to be questioned.

    Though many of your emotional reactions may seem to be happening automatically, once you grow a

    greater self-awareness, combined with the intention to use these practices and obtain emotional

    control, you will see that there is always a tiny moment preceeding these reactions where the brain

    makes the "decision" to react. You may be suprised to find that there is even a "hidden unconscious

    intention" to react in a negative way. The good news is that once you become aware of this, you are

    more than half of the way to breaking the habit, and replacing it with a different, more conscious


    So while you are embarking on this journey, be patient, and realize that what you are doing is breaking


    Origins of Negative Emotions:

    We have truly reached a time in history where negative emotions are no longer necessary for survival. In

    fact, they are hindering our ability to fully succeed. It didn't always used to be this way however.

    In our early, humble beginnings as a human race, negative emotions were of great value to us. We had

    not yet fully developed our brain's frontal cortex, and the other areas that pertain to long-term benefits

    from short-term sacrifices, compassion, self-awareness, and the idea of acting now to obtain a futurepayoff. We were much more simple, and in a much more threatening environment. Survival was our

    main motive.

    In our early beginnings of hunting, cave-dwelling, and gathering, we needed these negative emotions to

    survive. We needed fear to motivate us to run from saber-toothed tigers and keep from running to close

    to the edges of cliffs. We needed fear of rejection, as being alienated from the tribe in those days was

    truly threatening to survival.

    In a more primitive world, negative emotions were relied upon as a guidance system for survival.

    However, in the modern world, our fight or flight responses and fear are no longer needed to keep us

    alive, and are now doing us more harm than good. Obviously there are still times when this can be

    useful, but in thousands of cases daily our brain is now confusing many non-threatening situations as

    threats to survival, and thus causing unnecessary emotional reaction.

    The point being that we are evolving. We are of a lucky generation of human beings that get to pave the

    way for re-formatting the brain to drop its old habits of survival from a primitive world, and re-develop a

    beneficial way of operating in a world where we create prosperity, peace, and harmony with our

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    thoughts and emotion.

    Understanding that you are working with an inherited operating system helps you be more patient and

    compassionate towards yourself. You're just working with what you've got!

    Neuro-Plasticity and the Forming of Neural Pathways:

    It is important to keep in mind that every thought you think, every emotional reaction you have, and

    every activity that you do is constantly shaping and molding your brain through the formation of neural

    pathways. A neural pathway, or a group of neural pathways in your brain is formed through repetition,

    and becomes further reinforced through repetition.

    When you have an emotional reaction towards something, electrical signals are firing off in the pattern

    of a specifically formed neural pathway. The more often you are having this reaction, and the longer this

    reaction has been occurring in your life, the stronger and more persistent this neural pathway (and its

    associated reaction) will be. This ties in to the idea that thought patterns and emotional reactions are


    The great news is that any time you choose to do something new, any time you decide to learn a new

    skill, or take a different approach to a situation in which you want to change your emotional reaction,

    you begin to form a new neural pathway in the brain, which is then further strengthened and reinforced

    the more it is repeated. Eventually this new approach or emotional reaction becomes second nature.

    At the same time, any time you choose NOT to indulge in a pessimistic thought pattern, or negative

    emotional reaction, or any time that you use one of the following techniques to gain emotional mastery,

    the old less-than-helpful neural pathways become less strong, as the electrical signals cease to fire

    through them. Eventually these pathways will cease to exist as they are replaced with more consciously

    formed and selected ones.

    This concept is one of the most empowering and exciting scientific discoveries to date! It can be applied

    to almost anything you do. Learning a new skill, getting better at a new means of making money, and

    training and programming your mind for success now have a scientific basis that proves that ANYONE

    has the ability to achieve their goals and become whoever and whatever they want to become. All it

    takes is patience, dedication, and consistency.

    Emotions Can Be Addicting:

    Has it ever almost amazed you at how hard someone may seem to be trying to find reasons to be

    unhappy? Have you ever been almost bewildered at how often someone you know seems to be

    wallowing in self-pity, or getting upset with other people, or crying and throwing temper tantrums about


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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    Many of our "drama queens" in life are literally addicted to their negative emotions. Every time we have

    a strong emotion (either positive or negative) our brains are releasing certain neural peptides and

    chemicals that then circulate through our bloodstream and affect our bodies. Once a negative emotional

    reaction is repeated over a certain course of time, the body can then begin to grow a habitual addiction

    to these neuro chemicals.

    Our subconscious mind is an amazing thing. If your body needs an emotional reaction to get its fix, rest

    assured that your subconscious will be able to help you interpret a situation, if not completely create

    one, to ensure that you feel bad enough to react.

    This is what is happening to a lot of people that have persistent drama in their life. The thing about this

    is that it is played out (mostly) on the non-conscious level. People don't know they are addicted to

    neural chemicals that come from them being severely upset. I dare you to try to tell someone with thisproblem that this is what they are doing!

    It is important to understand also, that many of the neuro chemicals and peptides released during a

    negative reaction are also very unhealthy for the body, and literally block and interfere with the

    receptors of your cells that collect proteins and nutrition. Yet another reason why being constantly

    unhappy can make you physically unhealthy.

    The Practices

    The information above is useful to know and understand, as it gives you a sense of understanding, and

    can contribute to a certain sense of detachment to your emotional reactions. YOUR EMOTIONS ARE

    NOT YOU. Nor are they automatic and beyond your control. Your intention, your consciousness, and

    your awareness are forces that precede and dictate what emotions you have. Take control and make the

    choice to feel good all the time! Many of the law of attraction techniques and secrets to success become

    unnecessary if you can simply learn to feel really good all the time. The abundance, positivity, and

    success simply follow.

    Keep in mind as well that though your hair-trigger reactions may seem to be happening completely

    outside of your decision, at some point, and on some level, a subconscious choice is being made. Beingwilling to admit this to yourself during a hard time helps to put the ball back in your court. I promise you

    that if you dedicate yourself to one or two of your favorite practices outlined in this book, you will

    significantly improve your ability to master your emotions within just a few months. Daily dedication will

    yield you tangible results in just one month.

    Be relentless. Be consistent and dedicated. But also, more importantly, have fun and feel good!

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    Emotions ALWAYS Follow Thought:

    One never feels awful while thinking about something that makes them happy. Right? Whatever

    emotion you are feeling right now, whether it be depression or joy, is directly related to what you are

    thinking about, or have been thinking about during the past few minutes, or throughout your day.

    If you are feeling bad, it is a signal that you are not thinking thoughts that will help you manifest a life

    that you want to live. Any time you are feeling bad, take the time to STOP and pay attention to what you

    are thinking about. After you have seen the connection between what you are thinking about and how

    you are feeling, you can then make a decision to direct your thoughts elsewhere with your intention to

    feel good.

    One thing to keep in mind, in terms of the law of attraction, is that thoughts of a certain quality attract

    more thoughts of the same nature. If you can hold even one simple thought in your head for 17 seconds,

    you will find another similar thought coming your way, and then another, and another. Keep in mind

    that if you can hold your intention and a positive thought for 17 seconds, you are paving your way to

    feeling better.

    Techniques For Changing Your Thoughts, and Thus Changing Your Emotional State:

    What If?

    One of the best ways to direct yourself into a desired mode of thinking or emotional state is to ask

    yourself questions. Any time you ask yourself a question, whether you are aware of it or not, your

    subconscious mind begins to find answers. You can easily improve your emotional state by asking

    yourself a series of "what if ________ (something positive)?" questions. For example:

    "What if this problem ends up solving itself?"

    "What if Charles decides to loan me that money I need?"

    What if I never had to never deal with a bad relationship again?

    "What if my boss decided to give me a raise today?"

    "What if I come home to find my girlfriend/boyfriend in a great mood tonight?"

    "What if I were to double check my finances and schedule to find that I could take a vacation this


    "What if I end up meeting my soulmate within a day?"

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    "What if I take a nap and wake up feeling 100% better?"

    Obviously these are just a few examples that came from my own head, but the possibilities are


    Writing it How You Want it To Be:

    If you feel stuck on a particular situation in your life, whatever it may be, this exercise works wonders.

    If you are feeling bad about a specific situation in your life, whatever it may be, you are obviously

    thinking about what you DON'T want. Though the thing you don't want may actually be happening right

    now, thinking about it and dwelling upon it is not going to help you. In fact, it may even be perpetuating

    the situation further.

    Take a blank piece of paper and pen out. You have been thinking all about this situation that you do not

    want, now take the time to think about what you DO want. What would it be like if this situation were

    exactly how you wanted it instead? What would you be doing, thinking, feeling? How would other

    people be acting? What would you have? What would it be like? Paint the picture of the ideal perfect

    situation if everything were going your way, and you could have exactly what you wanted if you were

    able to just think it up.

    Say your car is broken down on the side of the freeway, you don't have the money to fix it, and you

    aren't sure if you can find transportation in the meantime to get you to where you need to go. You could

    start with this:

    "I have a new car that runs perfectly, and doesn't give me any trouble while I drive it. Not too mention

    its a lot more comfortable and luxurious than the last one. In fact, that last one was a beater, and I

    actually think this one looks kind of cool. Accelarates faster and handles a lot better too. I'm so

    fortunate to have the friends and family that I do, that were willing to help set me up to purchase this,

    and drive me around for a few days until I got it all figured out. Now I've got this great vehicle, and feel

    like I can rely a lot more on being able to get from point A to point B."

    Usually once you get going with this it starts to be fun, and you can write at least a page down.

    Another great way to use this exercise is if you are beating up on yourself for some reason. Write a pagedown telling the story about how you are exactly the person that you want to be. Describe your great

    sense of humor, your powerful charisma, the way you can cheer everyone up and make others feel

    great, the way (wo)men feel weak at the knees every time you walk by, etc.

    The great side effect of this exercise is that it gets the power of manifestation into play, and not only do

    you feel better, but also usually end up manifesting a solution to your problem.

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com



    Emotions are energy. Negative emotions are energy being blocked. In the grande scheme of existence,

    there really is no such thing as "wrongness" or "badness". We are not all enlightened beings, however,

    and our means of perception within our own mind is what causes us to perceive things as unwanted,

    undesired, threatening, or "bad".

    Here is a very simple equation for you to keep in mind in relation to your emotions (and life in general):


    Any time you resist ANYTHING you are blocking energy from flowing. Any time to accept something, you

    are enabling energy to flow. The ability to consciously accept is paramount to emotional mastery, and

    success in achieving one's goals.

    For one, our negative emotions are first born out of our resistance to whatever is happening in our

    experience, whether it be what we are thinking about, or what is actually occurring. The second we

    resist something by perceiving it as unwanted, or as threatening to our ideals, we experience negative


    Secondly, we are also prone to resist the negative emotion itself. This can be a common entrapment in

    the self-development game when one is working to overcome negative emotion or seeking

    enlightenment, as it can lead one into perceiving their negative emotions as a loss of control, or

    something that they do not want to associate with themselves. Negative emotion can become out ofalignment with one's higher ideals.

    It is important to be unconditionally accepting of oneself and one's emotions, and it is of paramount

    importance, when intending to shift from a negative state to a positive state, to first ACCEPT the

    emotion that you are experiencing. Once you have accepted the emotion that you are experiencing, it is

    also very useful to accept the situation or thought that preceded the emotion.

    Exercises For Accepting:

    The Acceptance Scale:

    First, become aware of what you are resisting (and you are ALWAYS resisting SOMETHING if you are

    experiencing negative emotion). It could be a thought, a situation, a feeling, a person, etc.

    Once you have identified what you are resisting, ask yourself: "On a scale of 1-10, how much am I

    accepting ___________ ?"

    Give yourself an honest number.

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    Now ask yourself: "How would it feel if my level of acceptance were to increase?" You can give a specific

    number if you'd like (ie: if it were to increase to 7, or 10?)

    Repeat the first question, then the second question until you begin to feel better, and your level of

    acceptance increases.

    *Keep in mind that you may be resisting resistance, and can use this process on the resistance itself.

    Feeling the Feeling:

    When you are feeling a strong emotion, sit down and close your eyes if possible. Take a few deep

    breaths in and bring your awareness to how your body feels. There will be a physical sensation related

    to the emotion. Hone in on it. Pay as close of attention to it as you can, and begin to ask yourself these


    What shape is the feeling?

    How dense is the feeling?

    What color is it?

    How does it feel around the edges?

    How much water could it hold?

    How fast is it vibrating?

    Repeat all or any of these questions that appeal to you until you are completely aware and conscious of

    this feeling. Then bring the thought into your mind that this feeling is nothing but energy, not good or

    bad, simply energy. Not only is this energy, but it is YOUR energy-your power. Give this power of yours

    some appreciation. Once you have appreciated the feeling, and given it space to be neither good nor

    bad, you can decide to label it whatever you choose. This last step is not necessary, but once you feel

    comfortable with the exercise, play around with re-labeling the physical sensations you experience. You

    may change the tightening in your chest and racing in your heart when you get upset or frightened to a

    sensation of warmth or gratitude in your chest.

    The point of this exercise is that once your combine your full awareness with the conscious decision to

    accept your energy, you allow it to flow, and put yourself back in a position of power to direct your own


    Physical Techniques for Especially Strong Emotions:

    It can sometimes be very hard to overcome a strongly charged, or deeply habitual emotional reaction.

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    The following exercises are more physical in nature, and can be used at times when it is challenging to

    bring your full mental control into play. Some of these exercises have been quite effective in treating

    Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Clinical Anxiety, and other persistent emotional disorders. (*This statement

    has not been evaluated or approved by the FDA and is not meant to substitute any sort of medical advice or treatment.)

    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT):

    The emotional freedom technique is an incredibly effective tool for shifting one's emotional state, and

    overcoming persistent negative emotional reaction. It is especially useful for emotional reactions that

    relate to painful memories, and associations that your mind has made. As it is mostly a physical exercise,

    it can be very helpful when one is feeling very overpowered by emotion, and is having a hard time at

    using mental discipline.

    You will want to Youtube this one, as the best way to learn is to see it done, but the technique is

    incredibly simple and easy to do. Basically one taps themselves along a few certain meridian points in a

    certain sequence while feeling what they are feeling, or remembering something that causes them

    distress. This is very similar to acupuncture, but without having to use needles.

    When you are experiencing a painful emotion or memory, your energy system is flowing through a

    certain energetic pattern. When you tap on the meridians, it disrupts this pattern and takes the

    "energetic charge" out of the reaction. Often times doing this only a few times for a certain issue is

    dramatically effective, and committing to doing this on a regular basis will work wonders in a short

    amount of time.

    Exploding the Diaphragm:

    This exercise is not only useful, but also kind of funny, which only helps to improve your mood. Don't be

    afraid to laugh at yourself while doing this one. Very simply, take a deep breath in, and explode it out of

    your diaphragm, while simultaneously moving your arms in a large dramatic motion. Pretend you're

    doing a karate punch with both arms, making sure to start with your hands all the way at your sides and

    extend them all the way out. You can also have your arms spread completely apart when you start and

    cross them across your torso in a dramatic motion. When you exhale, make sure that you are pushing

    the air firmly out of your diaphragm. You should be making some sort of "Hoooot!" or "Pffffff!!!" noise.

    Combining these two elements sends a signal to your brain to release positive endorphins. If you do this

    only a few times you may notice a bit of a buzz. Again this is a great exercise to do when the reaction is

    strong and you do not feel in control enough to use your mental discipline.

    Thump the Thymus:

    The thymus gland plays a key role in our energy system, as well as our immune system. Using either a

    closed fist or all four of your finger tips, firmly tap or thump on the area in the dead-center of your

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    breast-bone (between the divet in your collar bone and the top of your solar plexus). Thump in

    sequences of three at a time, while simultaneously making a "Ha! Ha! Ha!" noise every time your fist

    connects with your chest. (It also helps to smile while doing this. Really.)

    Doing this exercise will give you a surge of energy, and strengthen your energy body, leaving you more in

    a place of power to process your own emotions, and make a conscious choice to feel better. It will also

    help to improve your health when done on a regular basis.

    This exercise can be particularly useful as a pick me up, in more of a preventative way when you are

    feeling sluggish or low on energy or enthusiasm. Often times we are more susceptible to negativity or

    unhappy emotions when we are feeling tired, drained, or unenthusiastic. I like to do this exercise if I am

    being exposed to non-integrous media (radio, music, TV, advertising, etc.) or after spending too much

    time near computers, fluorescent lights, microwaves, or other energy draining electrical gear.

    Basic and Overlooked Techniques

    If you end up reading through this section to find that you are not doing these things at least on a semi-

    regular basis, start with them. These are not only fundamental practices to feeling good, but living a

    happy and successful life. Do not let the simplicity of these basic practices fool you into thinking they are

    not important or vital.

    Physical Exercise:

    Physical exercise is good for your mood in thousands of different ways. It releases endorphins into yourbody, it helps you sleep, it helps you feel attractive and good about your body, it cleanses your lymphatic

    system, and helps to keep your energy body clean.

    If you are not at least going on a short walk a few times a week, or doing a few push-ups, sit-ups, bicep

    curls- whatever on a regular basis, START WITH THIS FIRST! You really don't have to do that much to

    reap the benefits of exercise. Even just a walk around the block, some jumping jacks, a quick jog, or a

    few push-ups go a long way.

    Recent studies have found that building and toning muscle is a lot easier than drinking creatine and

    protein shakes and going to the gym until you are exhausted every other day. Try just doing one set of

    reps until you max out with each muscle, then wait at least three days and repeat. You may be suprised

    how much of a difference it can make in your muscle tone.

    Keep Things Clean:

    I'm not your mom. I'm just going to tell you that keeping your house, car, room, and office clean will

    improve your mood. Having things dirty and cluttered is a constant source of subconscious stress,

    because at least a part of your mind will be constantly aware that there is a task (cleaning) that needs to

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    be done, preventing your mind from fully relaxing.

    Also, clutter, dust, and unused stuff is a major block to the energy flow of a space, and will make the

    space feel more "heavy" and uncomfortable, rather than light and relaxing.

    Talk Nice About Yourself and Others:

    I cringe every time I hear someone casually say "I'm an idiot." or something to that effect. I strongly

    recommend reading the book The Hidden Message of Water by Dr. Emoto, as it shows just how powerful

    positive or negative words can be. Constantly repeating negative words about yourself, even if it is in a

    lighthearted and joking manner, can begin to weave neural pathways of belief about yourself, that

    program your subconscious and can later begin to manifest unhappiness, low-self esteem, and

    unpleasant life-circumstances.

    Saying negative things about other people can be even worse, for a more esoteric reason. Deep down in

    you subconscious mind, you KNOW that the so-called "other" people in your life are one with you, in

    fact, they ARE you. In essence, whether you notice it consciously or not, every time you say something

    negative about another person, you are really saying something bad about yourself, and affirming that

    any judgment you have made towards them can be made about yourself by someone else. One thing

    you will ALWAYS notice about genuinely happy and successful people is that they avoid saying negative

    things about other people.

    More Advanced Methods for Emotional Mastery

    These methods are not called "advanced" necessarily because they are hard, but because they do

    require a bit more of a personal investment than the above techniques. They are more of a lifestyle than

    just things you can do. However, becoming a true master of your own emotional state is a lifestyle

    choice, not just a decision to play around with practices and techniques (though this certainly won't hurt

    you at all.)

    Rebirthing Breathwork/Energy Breathing:

    Learning to consciously purify your energy body is one of the most powerful things you can do to achieve

    emotional mastery, and live a life of joy on a consistent basis. Rebirthing Breathwork is an incredibly

    powerful breathing technique that releases deep-seated negative emotional energy and tension from

    your body and your energy system, and replaces it with fresh, clean, life-force energy. Rebirthing

    Breathwork is most responsibly taught and learned through 10 personal sessions with a trained

    Breathworker. Once one learns the practice, they are able to do it as needed to keep themselves

    emotionally balanced. Though this skill requires a substantial initial investment of personal energy-and

    money to pay a Rebirther, the investment pays itself off a thousand-fold.

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    You can google rebirthing breathwork (also known as energy breathing) to get a better idea of what it is

    all about. One can find a trained breathworker in nearly any area. I am available for sessions in the state

    of Utah. Feel free to contact me [email protected] more information.


    Meditation is truly the key to success in nearly any area of your life. Regular meditation has been found

    to greatly enhance the areas in the brain that relate to emotional control, self-awareness, self-discipline,

    and deep relaxation. It literally has been shown to improve the communication between your more

    primitive brain (the part that reacts, causes fight or flight responses, and is in charge of impulses) and

    your newer, more sophisticated brain (the part in charge of self-control, long-term decision making, and

    restraint of impulses) An effective meditative practice greatly enhances your conscious access to the

    subconscious mind. The benefits of meditation are innumerable, and have been proven through

    centuries of documented personal experience, and, more recently, through scientific research. One can

    find some great resources for scientific research on meditation by looking at Wikipedia's "research on

    meditation" article.

    Regardless of your goals or endeavor, I would recommend regular meditation.

    Meditating with Brainwave Entrainment:

    When you first begin learning to meditate, much patience is required. Do not be hard on yourself and

    pick a simple practice, like counting your breaths. Slowly the benefits and pleasure of your meditative

    practice will increase.

    But truthfully, learning to meditate can be trying. It takes much discipline and consistency to achieve the

    long-term results.

    Fortunately we have brainwave entrainment technology available to make meditation powerful and

    effortless. When researchers plugged lifelong zen monks into an electroencephelograph and had them

    meditate, they found that their brainwaves slowly decreased from beta, all the way down through alpha,

    then theta, and stopped in deep delta. By using the "frequency following response", brainwave

    entrainment audios will literally guide your brain into these deep alpha, theta, and delta states without

    you needing to do more than sit comfortably and close your eyes.

    There are a few other added benefits of using brainwave entrainment for emotional control. As side

    effects, this technology will support your brain in increasing the release of several positive and healthy

    neuro-chemicals (seratonin, melatonin, HGH, etc.) that help make you happy, and will allow your right

    and left hemispheres to communicate in whole-brain functioning. If you are really serious about gaining

    emotional mastery, and want results fast, this is the best solution I can recommend to you. If your are

    not familiar with the concept or have concerns about its safety, please feel free to browse

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    Copyright 2012 Brainwavelove.com


    www.brainwavelove.comfor all the necessary resources, scientific research, information, and personal

    experiences I have shared on brainwave entrainment.


    This is a longer list of practices and techniques than is actually necessary for one to achieve control over

    their emotional state, and there are several more out there if you look. The point of listing all of these is

    to give you options in which one works the best for you, and fits into your life. I could not stress enough

    that living a life of emotional freedom is not just a decision to use these techniques, it is a LIFESTYLE

    choice. It requires a strong desire and commitment, and the willingness to be consistent.

    There are three qualities that are necessary to cultivate within yourself to fully succeed in this endeavor:

    You first need the WILLINGNESS TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY for your own emotions and for your life as

    a whole. You are the one in control! Until you are ready to accept this, you will not be able to assume

    this control.

    Secondly, you must cultivate SELF-AWARENESS . Being aware of yourself is one of the most powerful

    abilities in the universe. When you can be fully aware of yourself-what you are thinking, how you are

    feeling, and how you are reacting to your external environment, you will have more of an ability to catch

    yourself in time to make a conscious decision about how you want to feel. Self-awareness will also give

    you many insights into why you do emotionally react the way you do, which will give you further control,

    abstraction, and knowledge of your own ability to direct and control your emotional state. Again, one of

    the best ways to cultivate self-awareness is to meditate deeply.

    The third quality to strengthen in yourself is INTENTION. This intention will come from the commitment

    you have made to yourself to live a life of freedom and control over your emotional state. When you are

    having a strong emotional reaction, you need to draw upon that strong commitment to yourself in order

    to make the choice to diffuse the energetic reaction, and redirect yourself to a happier state.

    Remember, in these situations, you are dealing with possible emotional addictions, very deeply rooted

    habits, and even human instinct. One of the best ways to cultivate intention is to reflect on the positive

    benefits that will come into your life with your new-found emotional mastery!

    I wish you much luck in this endeavor, and have complete and total confidence in your ability to bring

    yourself to a whole new level of emotional mastery. I am always more than happy to offer any

    assistance that I can to you. To get in touch with me, and for more information please visit


    With Love,

