Emmanuel’s Epistle 1 January 2013 From the Pastor THE LORD BE WITH YOU Perhaps it is the scent of a new year in the air that is making me think of my pet peeves today. Like surely all of you, I too have a few of those and hope I will not come across them all too often in 2013. For starters, I truly dislike being called ‘Honey’ or ‘Sweetie’ by complete strangers; I get incensed when perfectly able-bodied persons park in spots that are marked for handicapped folks; I am quite tired of the perennial “Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays” controversy and I get thoroughly offended at people who do not greet me - or anyone else for that matter. Yes, you read that correctly: the lack of proper greeting etiquette will cause me to get angry. A few years ago, a delivery man got the brunt of my anger when he walked into my office without knocking. He shoved his famous hand- held computer devise in my face and said grumpily: “Here, you need to sign this.” As I wrote my name in the designated box I noticed anger creeping into my heart. I handed back the computer and the delivery man turned around and walked out without a word. That did it I took a deep breath and called after him, “Sir, at the very least you could say ‘hello’ and ‘good-bye’ when you enter and leave my office.” The man turned around and by the look on his face I could very easily tell that he felt like punching me out. I can only imagine the words he had on his tongue…but he muttered a short and sharp “bye” before he swung around and left. To which I responded with a sugary: “Good bye, and have a nice day.” (… and you thought I am a nice person!?) Okay, I will admit that thru my European upbringing the described ‘offense’ is judged harsher by me than perhaps on this continent. For me to walk into someone’s office, step up to a counter at the store and not acknowledge the person present is simply confirmation that one was raised by wolves. Even during my wildest teenage days I cannot recall any occasion on which I did not greet my parents, teachers, neighbors or anyone whom I encountered under any circumstances. Such just was not done, period. It did not matter whether one was well educated or not, young or old, rich or poor…. Please note, I am not advocating for lengthy, in-depth, personal revelations or conversations… no, a simple, quick, brief, genuine greeting is all I am speaking of. Such, in my opinion, acknowledges the presence and basic humanity of the other person, it opens the door to potential future conversations and it frankly seems to be a very rudimentary, foundational ingredient of human interaction. Let me be clear, I am not offended because people break one of ‘my rules’. We all break rules all the time! I am bothered by the described lack of courtesy because the underlying goal of our social encounters is to recognize the humanity, the value, the importance, of the person across from us. When we greet someone we essentially lift them up, conveying to them our awareness of their basic human worth. If they fail to respond to our effort of recognition, we are in turn affected by this as our self-understanding is, to a certain degree, dependent on the respect we receive from others. It is indeed a cycle we cannot easily escape. You might be aware that biblical letters have extensive greetings. Likewise, it probably has not escaped your attention that angelic messengers shared a greeting before proclaiming divine actions. Saint Paul reminds us, in Philippians, Chapter 2, to regard ‘others in humility better than ourselves’ and I wonder if a genuine word of greeting cannot be a first step toward that admonishment?! EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Grafton, Iowa January 2013 THIS ISSUE Page From the Pastor .................. 1 Bible Study Alert ................. 2 Stewardship Musings ............ 3 Thank You - Stewards ........... 3 Christmas Program Thanks ..... 4 Thank You Emmanuel ......... 4 Live Nativity ...................... 5 Council Minutes .................. 6 Women’s Gathering ............. 7 Did You Know ..................... 7 Lutheran Retirement Home ... 8 Treasury Report.................. 8 Jot’s & Tittle’s ................... 9 Schedule ........................... 9 Deadlines .......................... 9 Calendar .......................... 10 Community Notes ............... 11 New Member Reception ....... 12 Annual Meeting.................. 12

EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

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Page 1: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 1 January 2013

From the Pastor

THE LORD BE WITH YOU Perhaps it is the scent of a new year in the air that is making me think

of my pet peeves today. Like surely all of you, I too have a few of those and hope I will not come across them all too often in 2013.

For starters, I truly dislike being called ‘Honey’ or ‘Sweetie’ by complete strangers; I get incensed when perfectly able-bodied persons park in spots that are marked for handicapped folks; I am quite tired of the perennial “Merry Christmas vs. Happy Holidays” controversy and I get thoroughly offended at people who do not greet me - or anyone else for that matter. Yes, you read that correctly: the lack of proper greeting etiquette will cause me to get angry.

A few years ago, a delivery man got the brunt of my anger when he walked into my office without knocking. He shoved his famous hand-held computer devise in my face and said grumpily: “Here, you need to sign this.” As I wrote my name in the designated box I noticed anger creeping into my heart. I handed back the computer and the delivery man turned around and walked out – without a word. That did it I took a deep breath and called after him, “Sir, at the very least you could say ‘hello’ and ‘good-bye’ when you enter and leave my office.” The man turned around and by the look on his face I could very easily tell that he felt like punching me out. I can only imagine the words he had on his tongue…but he muttered a short and sharp “bye” before he swung around and left. To which I responded with a sugary: “Good bye, and have a nice day.” (… and you thought I am a nice person!?)

Okay, I will admit that thru my European upbringing the described ‘offense’ is judged harsher by me than perhaps on this continent. For me to walk into someone’s office, step up to a counter at the store and not acknowledge the person present is simply confirmation that one was raised by wolves. Even during my wildest teenage days I cannot recall any occasion on which I did not greet my parents, teachers, neighbors or anyone whom I encountered under any circumstances. Such just was not done, period. It did not matter whether one was well educated or not, young or old, rich or poor…. Please note, I am not advocating for lengthy, in-depth, personal

revelations or conversations… no, a simple, quick, brief, genuine greeting is all I am speaking of. Such, in my opinion, acknowledges the presence and basic humanity of the other person, it opens the door to potential future conversations and it frankly seems to be a very rudimentary, foundational ingredient of human interaction.

Let me be clear, I am not offended because people break one of ‘my rules’. We all break rules all the time! I am bothered by the described lack of courtesy because the underlying goal of our social encounters is to recognize the humanity, the value, the importance, of the person across from us. When we greet someone we essentially lift them up, conveying to them our awareness of their basic human worth. If they fail to respond to our effort of recognition, we are in turn affected by this as our self-understanding is, to a certain degree, dependent on the respect we receive from others. It is indeed a cycle we cannot easily escape.

You might be aware that biblical letters have extensive greetings. Likewise, it probably has not escaped your attention that angelic messengers shared a greeting before proclaiming divine actions. Saint Paul reminds us, in Philippians, Chapter 2, to regard ‘others in humility better than ourselves’ and I wonder if a genuine word of greeting cannot be a first step toward that admonishment?!


Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Grafton, Iowa January 2013



From the Pastor .................. 1

Bible Study Alert ................. 2

Stewardship Musings ............ 3

Thank You - Stewards ........... 3

Christmas Program Thanks ..... 4

Thank You – Emmanuel ......... 4

Live Nativity ...................... 5

Council Minutes .................. 6

Women’s Gathering ............. 7

Did You Know ..................... 7

Lutheran Retirement Home ... 8

Treasury Report .................. 8

Jot’s & Tittle’s ................... 9

Schedule ........................... 9

Deadlines .......................... 9

Calendar .......................... 10

Community Notes ............... 11

New Member Reception ....... 12

Annual Meeting .................. 12

Authentic Discipleship ......... 12

Page 2: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 2 January 2013

When we gather for worship, we greet each other. Often we say the so-called “Apostolic

Greeting” invoking the name of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (while in some churches, the reference to the Spirit is omitted).

No doubt, those of you who have been around me for the last four months have heard me say many times the little phrase: THE LORD BE WITH YOU. I even taught the children the proper response: AND ALSO WITH YOU (another option is: and with your spirit). THE LORD BE WITH YOU comes from the Latin Dominus vobiscum and is an ancient salutation and blessing traditionally used in the Roman Catholic Mass as well as in liturgies of several Western denominations, including us Lutherans. The salutation is taken from Ruth 2:4 and 2 Chronicles 15:2 but is found also in 1 Samuel 17:37 as well as in the conclusion of Paul’s second letter to the people at Thessalonica – and in various combinations in other passages. I have found the phrase to be a wonderful beginning and/or ending for a gathering of just about any sort. Not only does it indeed acknowledge the other person/s in the room but it conveys a wish, a hope and a confidence that goes beyond the ubiquitous ‘Have a nice day’ we are so familiar with (and which is much better than ignoring people!!!). With the phrase THE LORD BE WITH YOU we place the other person under the guidance of Almighty God – not only do we hope for ‘good luck’ and a garden variety of ‘nice things to come’ but we are saying in essence that with the Lord indeed all will be well. We also recognize with this greeting that we all are made in the image of God, that the care God has for me is the same care the Lord shows to you and that the promises given to any stranger are promises for me too.

As we enter a new year of grace, I am glad that you are present in my life and that I get to share your journey.

You are important to me and I know that together we are very important to our gracious God who made us, saves us and sustains us. I also am aware that there will be many times in the next twelve months when I will not be as attentive as I ought or seek to be and for that I already ask your forgiveness. But I do promise that I will not simply and rudely ignore you (and I pray the Lord gives me the strength to keep this pledge) even if we will find ourselves in disagreement or simply make mistakes or be victims of unfortunate oversight. Therefore, I want to end 2012 and begin 2013 with this simple phrase:


BIBLE STUDY ALERT Acts of the Apostles - As we are bringing to

completion our study on the Ten Commandments on Thursday, January 3rd we will ‘move on’ to take a close look at the Acts of the Apostles starting on Thursday, January 10th at 10 am. In Acts the ascended Jesus pours out the Holy Spirit to gather believers and to send them on mission throughout the world.

The Book of Exodus - Our evening study on Discipleship will conclude on Thursday, January 17th and one week later we will dive into the Book of Exodus which tells the story of Israel’s journey from oppressive slavery in Egypt to freedom via God’s gracious provision. The evening sessions always begin at 6:30 pm.

Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel. Both of these studies are six-week courses.

We want to express our thanks for your many cards, gifts and signs of fellowship in the Lord which we received at Christmas (including the Christmas gift thru the Council). All signs of kindness were met with thankful hearts and we enjoyed them all. Our holidays were quiet and we were pleased to spend them with you here in Grafton. Thank you and God bless you and your loved ones. Pastor Z and Michael

Page 3: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 3 January 2013

Stewardship Musings In one of the congregations I served Stewardship

Sunday was not only identical with Pledge Sunday but my proclamation for the day used to be announced as “Pastor’s $ 500,000 Sermon” – which was the annual budget of the congregation at the time. Talk about pressure. Well, to avoid such misunderstanding, my first point in the sermon was that Stewardship has very little to do with the creating, meeting, exceeding or falling short of a budget. It would be a bit like saying marriage is all about making dinner. Well… not really right, even though it will be lovely if somebody makes dinner!

If membership means that there are members, and leadership means there are leaders, then stewardship should mean that there are stewards. Frankly, stewardship is a word not commonly used in our daily vocabulary (as one of our sons once said to a friend, “You’ve gotta be a Lutheran to get that!”).

According to all biblical evidence, a steward is a servant whom the householder trusts enough to place in charge of what belongs to him. A steward then is given authority to act on behalf of the householder, God. Perhaps we all can agree that we are entrusted with precious gifts from God and expected to take care of them in ways which honor the giver and uplift the promise of abundant life for all people. The problem usually comes in when we are asked to put our very selves into this endeavor, when our lifestyle becomes an ‘issue’, when we are reminded that being a steward means ‘me’ as much as it means ‘you’. Stewardship has little to do with the abundance or lack of riches we have, but with our trust and faith in God.

Stewards are called to live with ‘reckless abandon’ in confidence that God will provide. Of course, that does not equate to irresponsible actions or frivolous spending but most of us can hardly be accused of being too generous with our time, money or talents toward others!

Stewards are slaves with authority, if you will. We make decisions and take charge on behalf of the householder, the owner of all things. Stewards are not renters who pay what is asked of them and look (perhaps rightfully) for their own gain; neither are stewards day-laborers who come, do their job, get paid more or less appropriately, and go home. Stewards rather look out for the well-being of the owner at all times and under all circumstances; they make sure things are not simply the same but even better by the time the owner returns. Stewards then are a strange breed: they do not possess and yet they are so much more than just bystanders. Stewards invite others into the blessing they have for the sake of allowing all to see the goodness of the householder/owner/God. Stewards then share because they know that nothing belongs to them ultimately and permanently.

With that, Stewardship is not a ‘churchy’ buzzword but a way of life; it is Jesus’ call to share God’s grace. Stewardship is so way beyond meeting a budget, and so beyond fund-raising that it is not even funny! Stewardship is about faithful life, in and through the power and mercy of a loving God who has made us and continues to provide for us – and our important response to blessings beyond measure as we carefully manage what the householder/owner/God has entrusted to us. More next month! PZ+

Thank You – Stewards … for the beautiful Christmas decorations – to Steve Dalluge, Mike Momberg, John Bork & Darren Marsh for putting up the trees, to the Altar Guild members who helped decorate, to everyone who donated poinsettias, to Gene & Rose Marie Nack for the wreaths on the front doors, to the workers who put up the outdoor Nativity scene. … to Clarice Bartz & Gene Nack for putting together the kids Christmas treat bags. … to Candi Feldt for getting the wreath for the Advent candle stand. … to Virl Deal for stuffing, sealing & stamping envelopes with the LWF vote information. … for all the help and the delicious treats for our Sunday morning fellowships. … to Darren and Cody Marsh for various jobs done at Emmanuel this month, including some needed painting in the narthex, basement and the ‘fixing’ of the stalls in the men’s restroom. Thanks much! ... to Nicole Cole for taking responsibility for the Sunday School Christmas Program. Your efforts are well appreciated. ... to everyone who participated in gathering toys which were shared with the Worth County program. We collected hundreds of dollars of toys and the good folks who picked them up had to come twice to accomplish the task. ... to all of our musicians, vocal and instrumental: thank you for all the hard work and many hours of practice you gave in order to help us celebrate the birth of Christ. It was very much enjoyed! ... to all who help us count, record and disburse our finances, especially Linda Kroneman, Orland Bartz, Connie and Marlin Rosenberg, Gene and Rose Marie Nack, Mark Borchardt and Clarice Bartz. Thank you!

Called to share God’s grace

Page 4: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 4 January 2013

Thank You - Emmanuel

Dear Friends at Emmanuel, the kind and generous Christmas gift you sent overwhelmed me ! Thank you ! It was a privilege and joy to be in ministry with you early this year before you called Pastor Z. I rejoice with you in finding such a fine pastor and pray that you and she will be greatly blessed in your ministry together ! Thank you again – and peace be with you ! Pastor Barbara Wills

Thank you to the congregation of Emmanuel for the Christmas gift I received. I also appreciate your support during the year. I am always striving to do a better job on the organ, so I appreciate your input concerning anything that would help me in this regard. Charlotte Cole

Emmanuel Lutheran Church - Thank you for the Christmas gift. It was greatly appreciated ! Connie Rosenberg

On behalf of the Board of Directors for the Mitchell County Food Bank we wish to ‘THANK YOU’ for your donation of $ 447.87 to the Food Bank. We are very grateful to have the community support working with us to ‘Make a Difference’ in the lives of so many especially at this time of need and demand on our food bank and services. Those who are served by the Food Bank also greatly appreciate your support. Leo Chisholm

On behalf of North Iowa Community Action Organization (NICAO), thank you for your contribution in the amount of $ 300. We appreciate your thoughtfulness. Your donation will help NICAO with its mission of assisting as many families as possible within our nine county service area. Dick Goerdt, Executive Director

Thank you so much for your donation to our Mentor Program. We run totally with volunteers and donations. We are proud of the difference our program makes in the lives of many. We so appreciate your support. God Bless, Sarah Bruce, Coordinator, Worth Joining Generations

On behalf of Manna of Worth County, we would like to thank you very much for your donation. We appreciate it very much. Teri Scully

Many thanks to the congregation for the Christmas gift. Mari Momberg

Thank You for the Christmas gift, I am enjoying working here! Linda Koschmeder

Thank you for your continued support of Public Health functions. Your support keeps programs going. Sarah Bruce

On behalf of the children of Francis Lauer Youth Services, I wish to thank you for your donation of $ 300 for our Little Wishes Holiday Program. Your gift will help greatly to meet the daily needs and holiday wishes of many children in Emergency Services/Shelter, Boy’s Day Program and Community Services. Your gift will be used to support the important work of Francis Lauer Youth Services and its Mission: Excellence in protecting, serving and healing children. We Value: Respect, Dignity, Accountability, Compassion, and Self-Worth. Jean McAleer

Dear Friends, on behalf of our patients and their families, thank you for your generous donation of $ 500 to Hospice of North Iowa. Your friendship extended through your contribution has been and continues to be important. It offers hope to patients facing a life-limiting illness to live each day to the fullest…as pain-free as possible…at home, whenever possible…surrounded by family and friends. Your gift will make a difference. We count on caring friends like you who help make our efforts possible. Thank you for your generosity. Connie Bleile, Director

Christmas Program Thanks To: All the children, teachers and parents for their time, support and hard work during the past months. Marena Bartz for sharing her talents and dedication to the Children’s Choir and program. Jody Hackbart, Kara Walk and Nicole Cole for their help with ideas, program coordination, filling in during

practices, props and sharing their time. Bill and Tammy Borchardt for being Education Board members, supporting the

Sunday School children and coordinating things to keep us up and running every week! Pastor Z for her support, guidance and keeping us warm for the practices! Orland Bartz for running the sound system so that everyone can hear this

wonderful story. Charlotte Cole for playing the organ and getting us into the holiday spirit. Jason Hackbart for his help with props and lighting along with Michael Cole.

And a BIG thanks to ALL who donated toys to our toy drive!! A special thanks to Emmanuel’s Womens Group for their gift of $ 100 worth of toys! There will be MANY more happy children this year in our local area due

to your generous gifts. Thank you from the whole Sunday School group! Be sure to check out the Sunday School bullentin board in the upcoming weeks for some new pictures!

Page 5: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 5 January 2013

Thank You Live Nativity Participants The Cast and Crew

The Narrator: Ken Fredrickson Soloist: Sheila Lundon Mary and Joseph: Bridget Badker and

William Braun The Angel Gabriel: Lori Marsh The Multitude of Angels: Belinda

Borchardt, Sheila Lundon, Jane Dalluge, Linda Schotanus, Val Bork, Mary Jo Urbatsch

The Soldiers: Phil Hackbart, Orland Bartz, Ken Kroneman

The Magi: Darren Marsh, Gregg Urbatsch, Curt Schaub

The Camel: Gracie Urbatsch Inn Keepers: Virl and Bonnie Deal The Tax Collector: Michael Zamzow The Townspeople: Charlotte Cole,

Mari Momberg, Dick Bork, Carol Koschmeder, Laurie Nack Bublitz, Bill Borchardt, Bonnie Durnin, Virginia Walk, , Clarice Bartz, Betty Rosenberg, Doris Ralph, Judy Trenhaile

The Shepherds: Linda Kroneman, Teresa Braun, Duane Dierks, Albert Ralph, Pat and Harmony Clark

Set Design and Construction: Michael Zamzow, Darren Marsh, Mike Momberg

Artistic Creations: Mavis and Alan Stevens, Suzanne Walk, Bonnie Durnin, Bill Borchardt, Michael Zamzow, Mari Momberg, Mark Fredrickson, Myra Dierks, Phil Hackbart, Gene Nack

Costume Design/Seamstress: Myra Dierks, Clarice Bartz, Betty Rosenberg

Set-up: Darren Marsh, Dick Bork, Gene Nack, Phil Hackbart, Michael Zamzow

Reception Stewards: Clarice Bartz, Laurie Nack Bublitz Thank you to all who contributed in any way before,

during and after the presentation with time, efforts or possessions. We also thank those who graciously allowed us to use items for decorations and those who baked for our fellowship hour.

When Stones Can Fly There surely was initial skepticism

when Pastor Solveig Zamzow pro-

posed a Live Nativity Scene to her

congregation, Emmanuel Lutheran in

Grafton, IA. Still, in spite of lingering hesitation folks went to work and de-signed, constructed and painted a ‘Bethlehem scene’ which covered the

entire chancel of the huge sanctuary at

Emmanuel. Costumes were sewn, soldiers received appropriate weapons, a donkey was secured, a market place was set up with everything from lemons to lanterns, and invitations

were mailed out. The scene was writ-

ten two decades ago by Pastor

Zamzow and together the forty par-ticipants made needed adjustments to fit their circumstances.

When over 150 people came to walk

thru the market place (witnessing the arrest of a thief by angry soldiers!), verified in front of a tax collector

that they indeed had paid their proper dues to the emperor and finally were allowed to be seated to

watch the giving of God’s greatest gift unfold, deep joy and amazement was in the eyes and hearts of the assembly as well as participants. Afterwards a gentle-

man walked up to Pastor Zamzow and ‘confessed’ the

following: “When we left after the rehearsal yesterday I said to one of my friends that if this Nativity Scene truly comes together, then stones can fly. Well,

Pastor, I want you to know: stones can fly.” The mutual work and fellowship generated by this

effort and the positive reception of the event within the wider Grafton community encouraged the congre-gation to make even bigger plans for next Christmas. by PZ+ (published in the Iowa Mission District Newsletter)

Live Nativity Videos

Mari Momberg recorded and made DVD’s of the Live Nativity program. Check them out at the office to view and return, OR purchase a copy from Mari for $ 15.

Page 6: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 6 January 2013

Congregational Council Minutes November 13, 2012

The meeting was called to order by Mark Borchardt. All council members were present.

Devotions were given by Mark. Review of agenda – additional business – Garver Estate,

land rental question, Randy will review the lease. Minutes were approved with

a spelling correction to Tom Sculley’s name.

Treasurer report accepted. Board Reports: Christian Education –

Sunday School program practices are continuing.

Property – *Yard clean up was November 10th, with 6 workers. *Some insulation in the parsonage basement will be added. *Darren will work on the cracks in the churches wooden front door.

Youth – *Met with youth and discussed a point system for activities and rewards. *Planning a roller-skating party and pizza.

Evangelism – *Eight cards were sent out to those not feeling well. *Two visitor cards were sent out. *Good turnout at the new member reception, 67 attended.

Lay Ministry – *Still need ushers and P.A. workers. *A motion was made and passed to have communion on Easter, Christmas and Reformation Sunday.

Stewardship – *Thanksgiving offering to go to world hunger. *Christmas Eve/Day offering to be split three ways between current expenses, choir, and Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Rochester, MN, an NALC start-up. *Mission Sunday turned out well, $ 63 was collected at the fellowship and given to the Scully’s for the Worth County food bank in addition to the offering.

Pastor Report – *Live Nativity request for expenses, if needed. Motion made and passed to allow up to $ 250. *Discussed trip to NALC Renewal Conference in Ohio. Motion made and passed to pay Pastor $ 200 for fuel and expenses. *Pastor would like to offer a presentation on ‘authentic discipleship’ from information gathered at the meeting. *Pastor plans to determine who inactive members are and contact them with a letter to help establish how and whether she can minister to and with them. *Thanks to new employees Linda Koschmeder and Linda Kroneman for the good job they are doing. *Thank you presented to Connie Rosenberg for her years of work was a gift certificate to a Bed & Breakfast in Winona and a gas card. *Pastor requested an in depth review of finances to gain a better clarity and understanding,

and if possible, to simplify the number of accounts. A four member review team was recommended to gain clarification and then to determine what could be more efficient. *Discussion to hand out financial papers one week before the annual meeting to give

the congregation an opportunity for review. *Pastor and Michael would like to offer a 4-session course on Lutheran Theology in the spring. Surrounding Lutheran congregations would be invited. *Pastor is pleased to be here and encouraged at the ‘positive life’ she is observing. Membership Review – Motion to accept new members and release transfers accepted and passed. New members - Pastor Z and Nicole Schotanus. Transfers out - Ron Bollinger, Sherry & Mark Decker, John Dierks.

Review of bills for payment.

Unfinished business: Discussion of newsletter and cost. Could email to those

who would prefer. Get college kids addresses or emails to send to them.

New business: Nominating Committee will be Albert Ralph, Lisa Bartz,

Clarice Bartz. Wedding policy will be reviewed at the next meeting. Church credit card discussed for purchases by the

secretary and Pastor. The secretary and treasurer positions are separate, so the secretary can no longer write checks. A motion was made and approved to apply for a card with a $2,500 limit.

Phone system update – still waiting for installation. Lutheran World Federation vote was discussed. Further

discussion is needed. We have received a donation of LP gas from a

parishioner. Evangelism looked at signs on Hwy 9 (wood) & Hwy 65

(metal), they are faded. Renee Kroneman will do some designs to present for approval. The shop she works in has offered to donate a vinyl wrap for the metal sign.

Grinnell Mutual policy notices received. Rental fees – review and discuss at next meeting. Membership database to be discussed at next meeting.

Linda Koschmeder will provide Council some information prior to the meeting.

Randy will give devotions at the next meeting. The next Council Meeting will be held Tuesday,

December 11, at 7 pm. Meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

Linda Koschmeder, Secretary

Page 7: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 7 January 2013

Women’s Gathering December 12, 2012 Charlotte called the business meeting to order by sharing a devotion entitled,

“His Birth and our New Birth.” A shortened meeting was held to determine how to distribute funds for the end of the year. It was decided to send 25% of our general offering to the Women of the NALC (WNALC). In the past, 100% of general offering went to the WELCA; however, the WNALC suggests that a portion is given. Next year our percentage may increase, but this year we will give 25%.

World Hunger has also, in the past, been sent to the WELCA. This year, we voted to send it to Lutheran World Relief (LWR) for their hunger program. We have some remaining funds from our soup supper profit. Some was used for altar flowers for Pastor Z’s installation. We have designated a set amount for Pastor Z to use for office furniture, as she would like to purchase a couple of chairs and a small table she can use while counseling.

ThankOffering money has been designated to the local homeless shelters and will be mailed to them to be used for each of the five shelters in Mason City, as needed. Storybook monies that are collected each month will be mailed to the Visiting Nurse Services in Des Moines for the Storybook Project. Our birthday bank monies will go to the ELC choir. Other donations and gifts have been considered and it was decided to use the monies divided equally between the following: 1) Salvation Army, 2) Opportunity village, 3) Red Cross, 4) Globe Gazette Cheer Fund, 5) Erna Pagel Grant scholarship fund, 6) Francis Lauer Youth Services, 7) Four Oaks of Iowa (previously known as Gerards), 8) Pastor Didi Panzo, missionary of the NALC in Ecuador, 9) Local family in need. Motion was made and passed for adjournment.

The executive board has met once to discuss new yearbooks for the women of the church. They have gathered information about the WNALC and have a sample constitution to follow when making them. We will meet again after the first of the year, to review and put new yearbooks together. Sharon will send in the form required to identify us as new members of the WNALC. We needed to discuss what we wish to call ourselves as a group and we have decided to refer to ourselves as the Emmanuel NALCW (Emmanuel North American Lutheran Church Women). At the board meeting, it was also approved that Charlotte purchase $ 100 worth of toys to be donated to the Toys for Tots program that the Sunday school was collecting.

Following the business meeting, a time for fellowship and food was held for women attending and a few husbands. Pastor Z then led the Bible Study, “Treasured”, Lesson 2. We began with a review of last month’s study. In Roman’s 5:8, it says that we are priceless in the eyes of God. We are also “works in progress.” There are three things needed to help us transform. First, we need time to accomplish our transformation. Secondly, we need pressure. It takes constant pressure for mature coal to become a diamond. And thirdly, exposure to intense heat is needed. Do we have scorched spots in our heart? We may need to focus on our God time, through personal devotion time, worship time, fellowship time and prayer time.

Psalm 37:7 tells us to “be still for the Lord and wait patiently for him.” Our Bible Study will continue at our next gathering, which will be on Wed, January 9th, business meeting at 5:30 pm, Bible Study at 6:30. Secretary, Sharon Hulshizer

DID YOU KNOW … that Pastor Z made 83 home/hospital/nursing home visits between Sept. 1st and Dec. 31st?

… that we have four students in Confirma-tion class who all have attended with 100% regularity since the first day of class? WOW!

… that our ANNUAL MEETING is scheduled for Sunday, February 3, 2013?

… that all students in grade 5 and older who have not yet partici-pated in First Com-munion classes do so in March? Watch for announcements!

… that for the first time there will be three Buddhists, a Hindu and a person who described her religious preference as “none” in the new Congress? The 113th Congress, with that, reflects the growing religious diversity of the United States.

Protestants, with 56%, still will compose the majority; Jewish believers are at 6% and Mormons at 3 %. Roman Catholics comprise 29% of con-gressional members.

… that charitable giving in 2011 increased by $ 8 billion, which is almost 4% from 2010?

Individuals gave $ 217 billion to charitable causes in 2011, and giving in 2012 seems to be at about the same level according to the Center of Philanthropy.

Attention Ladies We will be having our January Women's Gathering on Wednesday, January 9th in the church basement. The business portion will begin at 5:30 pm, followed by Bible Study, led by Pastor Z at 6:30. Join us in learning more about being, "Treasured".

Please come if you are able.

Page 8: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 8 January 2013

… that the Ordination of Women has been in the news lately? The General

Synod of the Church of England were stunned when the House of Laity could not garner the 2/3 majority in favor of women bishops after the vote passed easily by bishops and clergy in November. The discussion will be ‘restarted’ next summer.

Roy Bourgeois was dismissed from the priesthood and the order to which he belonged after partici-pating in the unauthorized ordination of a female candidate in Kentucky. He was laicized by the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican’s office overseeing orthodoxy (normative teaching).

… that Lent begins early, on February 13th this year. Please watch for information regarding our Lenten services.

… that the Joint Commission on Theology and Doctrine of our church has issued a Word of Counsel to the Church on the Sanctity of Nascent Life? You can find a copy of the message on the bulletin board next to Pastor’s office or on the web by going to www.thenalc.org and click on ‘Newsletters’ and then go to the ‘December 2012’ edition.

Please be sure to understand that this is NOT a Social Statement as the NALC does not issue such, nor is this a Teaching Statement but a Word of Counsel, ‘breathing a deeply biblical spirit’, relying on what we confess and believe.

Says Pastor Z: “I encourage you to read this Word of Counsel carefully as it not only speaks to timely discussions in the church and our society but gives you a clear paradigm of where this church body, the NALC, places its value and hope. If you have questions, I will be glad to discuss them with you.”

TREASURY REPORT – November 2012


BALANCE ON HAND 11-01-12 $ 53,254.70 Sunday offerings 8,013.40 Thanksgiving offering 600.00 Pastor’s salary offering 120.00 Total receipts 8,733.40

Total expenditures 10,638.75 BALANCE ON HAND 12-01-12 $ 51,349.35


BALANCE ON HAND 11-01-12 $ 1,490.00 Sunday Offerings 1,102.00 Hurricane Sandy 270.00 NALC 470.00 Food Banks 895.75 World Hunger 3,003.00 LSI 100.00 ELC Current 600.00 Total Receipts 6,440.75

Mitchell Co Food Bank 447.87 Worth Co. Food Bank 447.88 Transfer to ELC Current 600.00 Total Expenditures 1,495.75 BALANCE ON HAND 12-01-12 $ 6,435.00


BALANCE ON HAND 11-01-12 $ 1,025.94 Sunday Offerings 53.00 Total Receipts 53.00

Total Expenditures 00.00 BALANCE ON HAND 12-01-12 $ 1,078.94

Lutheran Retirement Home From the Auxiliary Annual Report – I would like to introduce the Auxiliary Board: Donna Hagen and Jean Michaelis from Grace, Hanlontown; Aggie Anderson and Marilyn Dolloff from Elk Creek, Kensett; Ann Hendrickson from Deer Creek, Carpenter; Judy Trenhaile from Emmanuel, Grafton; Maynis Aamodt from First Lutheran, Northwood; Jean Nelson from SilverLake, Northwood; Dianne Cooper from Bethany, Kensett; Gloria Hagen from Sion, Lake Mills; and Stacy Davidson and Sandy Trainer from Deer Creek Valley, Glenville; and our Historian, Lois Hogan.

The Fall Harvest Festival is still the biggest fund raiser of the year, bringing in well over $ 800 this year. This would not be possible without the help and cooperation of everyone from the Auxiliary and the Churches they represent. We thank you all for making our Festival a success. At Christmas time the Auxiliary brings in ‘Goodies’ to be shared at the Residents Christmas Party. Pie Day is always fun, seems each year the pies get better and better, hard to choose which one to try; pie day also includes the Pines and Maple Court residents as well as the staff.

The Memorials along with the income from the Festival were used to purchase a coffee pot for the employee’s break room, a TV for the Breen Center, fall decorations, Crowns for the Valentine Royalty, and St. Patrick’s Day decorations, also purchased music CDs and Travel DVDs, as well as the Aviary Care that is in the Breen Center. We supplied towels to make clothing protectors, and we bring goodies for lunch after the Annual Meeting.

We appreciate the memorials and thank everyone who supports us in any way.

Sandy Trainer

Page 9: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 9 January 2013

January 2013 Schedule Greeters Jan 6 Lowell & Virginia Walk Jan 13 Nancy Walk Jan 20 Suzanne Walk Jan 27 Jay & Jeannie White

Altar Guild Val Bork, Judy Trenhaile

PA Mike Cole & Corrie Kuntz

Ushers Head Usher John Bork

John Bork, Kevin Bruesewitz, Steve Dalluge, Zach Dalluge, Dustin Dalluge, Sawyer Dalluge

Acolytes Jan 6 Kayleigh Trettin, Brianna Bork Jan 13 Bridget Badker Jan 20 Gabe & Lily Walk Jan 27 Harmony Clark

Lay Readers Please sign up on our sign-up sheets at the kiosk.

Jot’s & Tittle’s (important little things)

Offering Envelopes are available to pick up in the new entryway near the coat racks. If there is anyone who would like to have offering envelopes and did not receive them, please contact the church office.

Winter Weather – Pastor Z says we will always have church service, whatever the weather. For confirma-tion or Bible studies, PZ will notify attendees if cancelled. Always use your best judgment with winter travel.

Addresses – Please provide us with your college student’s mailing or email address so we can keep them updated with our monthly newsletters. Also, if you have names and addresses of others who would enjoy keeping up with Emmanuel’s news, let us know.

Bulletin Box name labels are due to be refreshed soon. If you do not have a box, please notify the church office.

New Phone System – We have a new phone system at the church. Be sure to dial 9 to get out on any line. The hall and kitchen phones are for local calls only. Long distance is available in the offices. If no one answers when you call our regular number OR the fax/kitchen number, you will reach our voicemail and hear: Press 1 to leave a general message. Press 2 to leave a message for Pastor Z. Press 3 for phone numbers, office hours and church services. Press 4 for special announcements. Press 5 to reach the kitchen/fellowship hall. If you know the number you want (such as 5 for the kitchen), press it after the message starts.

We have also gotten longer cords for the office and kitchen phones, and a cordless phone that is in Pastor Z’s office. If you are in the kitchen and start hearing voices, just talk back. It could be the intercom on the phone. From either office phone, we can use the intercom to speak through the kitchen phone while the handset is still hanging up; and you can answer back.

Help requested – Our key box needs a little more organization. Are you up to the challenge of identifying what keys go with what rooms? With new people in the office, we could use a bit of help understanding all the various locks throughout the church.

Help with newsletters and or bulletins – Do you have time to help with our monthly newsletters – proofreading, printing, folding, sealing and stamping for mailing. Our weekly bulletins also need printing, folding and stuffing. It would be nice to organize a ‘prayer folding team’ to pray over the recipient of each bulletin and newsletter while we are folding, etc. If you enjoy computer work and would like to make a more challenging service commitment to Emmanuel, the newsletter or bulletin layout involves quite a bit of responsibility and would be a good project for someone wanting to share their skills, or desiring to expand their computer experience.

Help with computer data entry – Would you be able to help enter membership information such as birth date, baptism, marriage, etc.? We now have mailing addresses and phone typed in. Other information is on index cards.


Sunday Bulletin deadline is 2:00

Wednesday afternoon

February Newsletter deadline is

Thursday, January 24



January 2013


PO Box 282 308 4th Avenue

Grafton, Iowa 50440

Pastor Solveig A.H. Zamzow

Office Secretary Linda Koschmeder

Church 641-748-2736

Fax 641-748-2989

Parsonage 641-748-2050

Email [email protected]

[email protected]

Website emmanuelgrafton.


Office Hours Tuesday – Thursday

9 am – 2 pm

Page 10: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

January 2013 Emmanuel Lutheran Church - Grafton, Iowa


30 31 1 2 3 4 5

New Years Day 10:00 Bible Study

- 10 Commandments

PZ's day off

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Epiphany of Our Lord

9:30 am Worship

10:30 Sunday School

Fellowship DEADLINE - Annual Reports

7:00 pm Special Council


4:30 Confirmation


- Women’s Gathering

7:30 Choir

10:00 Bible Study

- Acts

6:30 Bible Study

- Discipleship

PZ's day off

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Baptism of Our Lord

9:30 am Worship

10:30 Sunday School


2 pm or 7 pm

Authentic Discipleship

6:00 pm Education Board

7:00 pm Council

4:30 Confirmation

7:30 Choir

10:00 Bible Study

- Acts

6:30 Bible Study

- Discipleship

PZ's day off

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

2nd Sunday after Epiphany

9:30 am Worship

10:30 Sunday School


Inauguration Day

Martin Luther King Day

4:30 Confirmation

7:30 Choir

10:00 Bible Study

- Acts

6:30 Bible Study

- Exodus - DEADLINE -

February Newsletter

PZ's day off

27 28 29 30 31 February 1 2

3rd Sunday after Epiphany

9:30 am Worship

10:30 Sunday School


4:30 Confirmation

7:30 Choir

10:00 Bible Study

- Acts

6:30 Bible Study

- Exodus

PZ's day off

- Reminder -

Sunday, Feb 3

Annual Meeting

followed by a

potluck luncheon

Page 11: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 11 January 2013

Community Notes Riverside Lutheran Bible Camp in Story City has several upcoming retreats; a Marriage Retreat March 1-3; a one-day event for grades 3-6 on April 6; a one-day event for grades 7-12 on April 13. Find out more about these events and others, at www.Riverside LBC.org, or stop by the office for a flyer.

Iowa State Scholarship for Lutheran men attending in the Fall of 2013. Apply online at http://epsilon.betasigmapsi. org/recruitment/scholarship or call 515-259-0302.

Understanding Grief and Loss is a support group sponsored by Hospice of North Iowa. It is open to any adult who is experiencing the death of a family member or friend. Learn how grief impacts your life and ways to cope with grief after the death of a loved one.

The next scheduled group is seven Tuesdays, January 8 – February 19, 10 am–noon, at West Campus of Mercy Medical Center – North Iowa Room # 6, lower level, Mason City.

There is no cost to attend. Materials provided. Space is limited. To register please call Hospice of North Iowa at 1-800-297-4719 or 641-428-6208.

Lutheran Services in Iowa would like to wish your congregation and its members a very happy New Year. Your support is a blessing to LSI and the children, families and individuals we serve.

The New Year is a time for resolutions and second chances. Many of the people we serve rely on LSI to assist them as they seek a better life and find a renewal of their hope.

As 2013 begins, we thank God for the New Year and all the blessings we have in our lives. LSI is blessed to have dedicated and compassionate partners like you. Your congregation is part of our mission of responding to Christ’s love through service.

LSI asks you to please keep the children and families we serve in your prayers as they reach for their dreams in 2013 and work toward a life of self-sufficiency filled with hope and happiness.

Poverty too often a reality for many Iowa families - There are people in poverty across Iowa. These people are in your community struggling to get by day-to-day. You may not know who they are, but they are our brothers and sisters in Christ. Over 12 percent of Iowans are living in poverty, and as the economic uncertainty and job growth struggles continue, this will undoubtedly continue to rise.

January is National Poverty Awareness Month: a time to remember families and children affected by poverty. Throughout Iowa communities, Lutheran Services in Iowa (LSI) assists people through services that provide education and set goals that can lead to a more self-sufficient life. By bringing hope to families, LSI can help break the cycle of poverty, leading to healthier, happier families and stronger communities.

Northern Lights Alliance for the Homeless sent Season’s

Greetings. During 2012 they have sheltered hundreds of men,

women and children. Trinity House of Hope has provided shelter, food and

clothing for women and children. The Emergency Shelter, Courage Hall for Veterans and Gerrit House for disabled men, provide shelter and service for homeless men. There are families and school age children found sleeping in cars, abandoned houses or unacceptable places.

The alliance has an excellent reputation for helping people turn their lives around. If you would like to donate, send your checks to: Northern Lights Alliance for the Homeless, 307 North Monroe Avenue, Mason City, IA 50401. Joey Van Zomeren, Director

Grafton News The Grafton City Council met on December 18,

2012 and the following items were discussed and acted upon.

Chris Kruger reported that he has the new salt/sand spreader and is ready for snow. Concern was expressed about the snow fence on the west side of town. Chris acknowledged he had noticed that it had partially fallen down and he will soon be repairing it.

Bruce White was thanked for helping to distribute the CFL light bulbs that are given annually as part of our Energy Efficiency program.

Council reviewed the Service Repair Contract with Osage Municipal Utilities. There are no changes in costs from last year and the council voted to accept the contract.

It was mentioned that it was time for the yearly review of the contract with the Community Center cleaner and it was decided, in doing so to extend him a $ 25 a month raise.

It was brought to the attention of the council that a very informative program called “Liquid Assets,” dealing with water and sewage treatment issues, is available on a DVD and they were encouraged to view it.

Council needed to decide on a design for a statue representing Grafton by January 1st. The design chosen was “a fanned out turkey.”

A bid was reviewed for a warning alarm for the water tower when the water has become too low. This will be investigated further.

It was reported that the application for the Housing Rehab Project will be submitted by December 11th and then the city has to wait until March to see if we receive the grant.

Page 12: EMMANUEL’S EPISTLE · Come and choose one or both of these opportunities to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord and in appreciation of your brothers and sisters at Emmanuel

Emmanuel’s Epistle 12 January 2013

Emmanuel Lutheran Church Pastor Solveig A.H. Zamzow


308 4th Avenue PO Box 282 Grafton, Iowa 50440

Address Service Requested

A Discussion on – Authentic Discipleship Come and engage in discussions around a new 30 minute DVD in which our Bishop discusses discipleship, the power of the Holy Spirit and personal responsibility as people of God. NALC Bishop Bradosky shares several interesting observations from his time in Ethiopia on the DVD and you will find it delightful - I promise! We want to discuss what brings us to and keeps us in THIS place. What are the joys that we find HERE and what do we envision for the future of OUR congregation!? I pray this discussion will help us focus on the days to come with recognition of the past and encouragement for today.

This information comes from the NALC Renewal Conference I attended in November. The purpose of the conference was to invigorate ministry at the frontlines!

If you read this and you are NOT actively involved at Emmanuel Lutheran Church right now, this may be a wonderful opportunity for you to help us all explore what we need to pay attention to. My invitation is sincere and my hope for fruitful discussion and exchanges, genuine!

There will be two 90-minute gatherings. Monday, Jan. 14 - 2 pm and 7 pm.

Please attend one of those! In case of weather challenges, we will meet one week later, January 21. PZ+


WILL TAKE PLACE ON February 17, 2013

Please visit with Pastor Zamzow if you plan on joining

our community of faith Welcome!

Official Notice: The 2013 Annual Meeting

of Emmanuel Lutheran Church is Sunday, February 3rd following the 9:30 am Worship Service. Please be sure to attend and help us make decisions regarding our life together. Voting Members are all confirmed members of this congregation. Please know that your leadership seeks to inform you and receive your input in all matters. The meeting will be followed by a potluck luncheon.