Emma Stathers Working in a Coal Mine

Emma Stathers. THE OLD DAYS (map) Map Of Britain, and its mines

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Emma Stathers

Working in a Coal Mine



Map Of Britain, and its mines

The purpose of coal was for energy, such as: Trains, heat and electricity. Electricity made from coal would have been used to power factories, and heating.

What was the Purpose of Coal?

Who Worked in Coal Mines?Children, women and men worked in the mines. Children worked well because they could fit into the small tunnels that were dug underground, two jobs that that they did was “coal trappers” in which they opened to doors to let the ones hauling it through. And “Thrusters” this was a team of small children pushing carts full of coal everyday.

What if one of the workers was injured or killed during a mining shift? Would the company cover it?

Yes back in the 1900’s the company would give time off, with pay until the worker is good enough to come back and work, if he is a valuable employee.

If that person was killed in a mining shift the company would pay the wife/or family while he was off work.

All though, if a worker got a “minor Injury” such as losing a finger, the company did not really care. They would have to go back to work the same day or week. When a women gave birth, they would most likely have to go back the same day/ or week.

What Happened When a Worker was injured or Died?That’s Dangerous!

Today- 21st century

I’ve chosen to do research Nickel in Australia.

Materials Mined from Around the world

Russia is one of the top producing places of Nickel. Norilsk Nickel, is a nickel and palladium company located in Russia.

The Price of Nickel today: Nickel Price 7.80 USD/lb (17,190 USD/t | 12,937 EUR/t) 15 Jan 2013 - 52 Week Low 6.89 USD/lb 52 Week High 9.83 USD/lb

Nickel can be used to make lots of items such as: coins, jewelry, keys, cutlery and kitchen utensils, batteries, zippers, pens and much more. Some food can even contain nickel, which is certainly not a good thing. Things like chocolate,

beans and fish. Plus some others.

Nickel Production in Australia

Norilsk does not employ children, but men and women are encouraged to come work for them. They are also encouraging indigenous people to come work at Norilsk. Though this does depend on merit.

Who does the company employ?

Norilsk Mines in Australia

Most workers do belong to a union or an organization. Belonging to a union gives good benefits like:

Higher pay

Better working conditions

Heath Benefits

Better Work hours

A union is an organization or a group of people wanting to get better work conditions. Under the US law everyone has to right to join a union.

Do Most of the Miners belong to a union/organization?

If the miners go on strike for any reason, not getting enough money, bad working conditions, etc.. The company would lock them out and would replace them with other people, these people are called “scabs”. These people were not actually employees, they were just there to fill in while the actual works were on strike.

What If They Go On Strike ?

What is the Underground Raven Coal Project? A local Project producing coal for energy, metals and heat.

The Raven Underground Coal Project, this will take place in Comox Valley, Vancouver Island. The company owner is John Tapics ( the CEO) of the project.

Today-Vancouver Island

The Raven Underground Coal Project, is located in Comox Valley, Vancouver island. This is place is close to home, it is good for our economy. About 350 transport, transportation and mine jobs will be created. And there will be hundreds of indirect jobs created also. These jobs are expected to run about 17 years. The Raven project has already contributed 8 million dollars to the local economies.

Why would someone want to work there?

There is a mining company located in Campbell River, since they also produce coal there will be competition between the two. The Mining company located in Campbell River is called “Myra Falls”. This company also produces zinc, copper, lead, gold and silver.

What company is affected by this project?

Many materials are needed to make steel. These materials come from underground mines. Materials that are needed to make steel are: Coal, iron ore, limestone, recycled steel and carbon. Depending on the type of steel there are other materials that are added to such as: Nickel and manganese. If I owned The Raven Mine, I would build another mine to mine more materials, to make steel.

What is Essential for Making Steel?

The Raven Coal mine is located near Fanny Bay. If the coal gets into the bay, nearby it could harm the shellfish, salmon and other aquatic species living there. Though it is designed not to harm aquatic life, it is so close what if something goes wrong? The fishing industry is very important to BC’S economy.

The Raven Coal Mine-Map

Roberta Stevenson belongs to the BC Shell fish grower’s association. She is worried about the new Raven coal mine being put in near Fanny Bay. If the new mine is allowed, it could be the end of thriving shell fish for BC. This is a big concern because the country’s biggest shell fish farm is 5km away for where the new Raven Coal Mine is set to be put.

Roberta Stevenson, her concerns

In my opinion, I believe either way they should put in the Raven Underground Mine, it is really good for the economy of BC and provides hundreds of employment opportunities. It has good pay and good working conditions. On the other hand I don’t believe because what if some thing does go wrong? It could kill the fishing industry because it is so close to the waters. Plus its not good for the environment, at all. Nothing can be guaranteed.

My Opinion