EMH Corporate Finance

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  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    Hailey College of Bankingand Finance

    Instructor: Abdul Qadeer

    [email protected]!"""#$%&'&$


  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    “Investors, as a group, can do no better

    than the market, because collectively

    they are the market. Most investors trailthe market because they are burdenedby commissions and fund expenses.” (

     )onathan Cleents* the Wall Street Journal, )une +&* +,,&

     )ust Cro-ed

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    An ecient ca/ital arket is a arket that is

    ecient in /rocessing inforation.

    0e are talking about an 1inforationally ecient2arket* In other -ords* -e ean that the arketquickly and correctly ad3usts to ne- inforation.

    In an inforationally ecient arket* the /rices ofsecurities observed at any tie are based on

    1correct2 evaluation of all inforation available atthat tie.  4herefore* in an ecient arket* /rices

    iediately and fully re5ect available inforation.

    6cient Ca/ital 7arket

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    "In an efcient market, competition among the many

    intelligent participants leads to a situation where, atany point in time, actual prices o individual securitiesalready reect the eects o inormation ased oth onevents that have already occurred and on eventswhich, as o now, the market e!pects to take place inthe uture In other words, in an efcient market at any

     point in time the actual price o a security will e a

    good estimate o its intrinsic value#

    Faa* 6ugene* 89ando 0alks in tock 7arket ;rices*2

    $inancial %nalysts Journal * +,#

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    Conce/t that tock /rice oveents follo-

    =Bro-nian 7otion > and are thus = 9ando 0alk >

    -as /resented in 1!! by "ouis #achillier in his;h? 4hesis at orbonne >: = &h'orie de laSpeculation >.

    In +,!< Albert 6instien* = INTRODUCED > the

    Bro-nian 7otion in as ;articles.

    In +,!#* arl ;earson* argued that = STOCK PRICES


  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


     4he 6cient 7arkets Hy/othesis 67H is

    ade u/ of three /rogressively stronger

    fors: 0eak For

    eiDstrong For

    trong For

    67H and Ca/ital 7arkets

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


     4he 0eak For

     4he -eak for of the 67H says that /ast /rices* volue* andother arket statistics /rovide no inforation that can beused to /redict future /rices.

    If stock /rice changes are rando* then /ast /rices cannot beused to forecast future /rices.

    ;rice changes should be rando because it is inforation thatdrives these changes* and inforation arrives randoly.

    ;rices should change very quickly and to the correct level-hen ne- inforation arrives see neEt slide.

     4his for of the 67H* if correct* re/udiates technical analysis. 7ost research su//orts the notion that the arkets are -eak

    for ecient.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


     4echnical Analysis using /rices and volue inforation

    to /redict future /rice changes

     4A assues /rices use /redictable trend

    the trend line is there because Grs invest in ;/ro3ects on average

    If the markets are e$cient, %ill technical analysisbe able to consistently predict price changes&

     4echnical Analysis

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    ;rice Ad3ustent -ith e-


     At 10AM EST, the U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal

    from MSFT regarding its anti-trust case. The stoc immediatel!

    dropped. This e"ample, one of hundreds a#aila$le e#er! da!,

    illustrates that prices ad%ust e"tremel! rapidl! to ne& information.

    'ut, did the price ad%ust correctl!( )nl! time &ill tell, $ut it does

    seem that o#er the ne"t hour the maret is searching for the correct


    *otes+ Each $ar represents high, lo&, and close for one-minute. Each solid gridline represents the top of an hour, and each

    dotted gridline represents a half-hour.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


     4he eiDstrong For of 67H

    and Ca/ita 7arkets

     4he seiDstrong for says that /rices fully re5ect all/ublicly available inforation and eE/ectationsabout the future.

     4his suggests that /rices ad3ust very ra/idly to ne-inforation* and that old inforation cannot beused to earn su/erior returns.

     4he seiDstrong for* if correct* re/udiatesfundaental analysis.

    7ost studies Gnd that the arkets are reasonablyecient in this sense* but the evidence is soe-hatiEed.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    Fundaental Analysis using econoic and

    accounting inforation to /redict stock /rice

    changes 'ill fundamental analysis be able to

    consistently predict price changes&

    Fundaental Analysis

    If the markets are only %eak form e$cient&

    (undamental )nalysis *)+ predict price changes

    If the markets are semistrong or strong form e$cient&

    (undamental )nalysis *)++- predict price changes

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    (undamental analysis assumes that

    stock prices should be equal to the

    discounted value ; of the eE/ected future cash 5o-s the stock is eE/ected to /rovide toinvestors.

    (undamental analysis is thus the 1art2 ofidentifying overD and undervalued securitiesbased on an analysis of the GrJs future/ros/ects.

    Fundaental Analysis

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance



    )nalysis(undamental analysis varies intechnique but generally focuses onforecasting the GrJs future dividendsor earnings* discounting those futurecash 5o-s by the required rate of

    return usually obtained fro theCA;7* and co/aring the resultingestiated /rice -ith the current stock/rice.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    If Intrinsic alue is less than arket value

    If Intrinsic alue is greater than arket value


    Kndervalued L Mvervalued

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


     4he 67H

    ra/hically In this diagra* the

    circles re/resent theaount of inforation

    that each for of the67H includes.

    ote that the -eak forcovers the least aountof inforation* and thestrong for covers allinforation.

    Also note that eachsuccessive for includesthe /revious ones.All inforation* /ublic and


    All /ublic inforation

    All historical /rices andreturns

    Strong Form


    Weak Form

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance




    This chart from the all Street ournal, sho&s that &hen anal!sts issue

    sell recommendations, those stocs freuentl! outperform those &ith

    $u! or hold ratings. /f the professionals cant get it right, &ho can(

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


     4he trong For

     4he strong for says that /rices fully re5ectall inforation* -hether /ublicly available or

    not. 6ven the kno-ledge of aterial* nonD/ublic

    inforation cannot be used to earn su/eriorresults.

    7ost studies have found that the arkets arenot ecient in this sense.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    Informational /$ciency

    Are /rice changes consistently /redictable 6ciency centers on the idea that stock /rices al-ays re5ect


    6cient arkets hel/ investors to feel conGdent about the

    accuracy of stock /rices* and that stocks are fairly /rices.

    0o security prices accurately reectinformation&

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    0hy are /rice changes randoO

    In very co/etitive arkets /rices should react

    to only 60 inforation

    Flo- of  60 inforation is rando

     4herefore* /rice changes are rando

    Idea that stock /rices follo- a 19ando 0alk2

    9ando ;rice Changes

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance



    ?eviation fro the -hat is said as standard oreE/ected

    Anoalies are uneE/lained e/irical resultsthat contradict the 67H:

     4he iPe eect.

     4he 1Incredible2 )anuary 6ect. ?ay of the 0eek 7onday 6ect.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


     4he iPe 6ect

    Beginning in the early +,%!Ns a nuber ofstudies found that the stocks of sall Grs

    ty/ically out/erfor on a riskDad3usted basisthe stocks of large Grs.

     4his is even true aong the largeDca/italiPation stocks -ithin the R;

    saller but still large stocks tend toout/erfor the really large ones.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


     4he 1Incredible2

     )anuary 6ect tock returns a//ear to be higher in )anuary

    than in other onths of the year.

     4his ay be related to the siPe eect since itis ostly sall Grs that out/erfor in


    It ay also be related to end of year taE


    4h ? f h

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


     4he ?ay of the0eek 6ect Based on daily stock /rices fro +,#" to +,%< ei

    found that returns are higher on Fridays and lo-eron 7ondays than should be eE/ected.

     4his is /artly due to the fact that 7onday returnsactually re5ect the entire Friday close to 7ondayclose tie /eriod -eekend /lus 7onday* ratherthan 3ust one day.

    7oreover* after the stock arket crash in +,%&* this

    eect disa//eared co/letely and 7onday becaethe best /erforing day of the -eek bet-een +,%,and +,,%.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    uary of 4ests of

    the 67H 0eak for is su//orted* so technical analysis

    cannot consistently out/erfor the arket. eiDstrong for is ostly su//orted * so

    fundaental analysis cannot consistentlyout/erfor the arket.

    trong for is generally not su//orted. If you havesecret 1insider2 inforation* you CA use it toearn eEcess returns on a consistent basis.

    Kltiately* ost believe that the arket is veryecient* though not /erfectly ecient. It isunlikely that any syste of analysis couldconsistently and signiGcantly beat the arketad3usted for costs and risk over the long run.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    )ctive Management



    2assive Management


    )ctive or 2assiveManagement

    Assues ineciency*use technical andLorfundaental analysisto /ick securitiesecurity analysis

     4iing strategiesInvestent e-sletters

    Buy and Hold /ortfolios

    Consistent -ith


  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    3elected Mini *ases

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    7ini Case +

    #I (arkets are efcient, what should e thecorrelation coefcient etween stock returns or two

    non overlapping time periods) 

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    Sero* other-ise returnsfro the /rior /eriod

    could be used to /redictreturns in the subsequent


  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    7ini Case '

    1A successful Gr like TintelN has consistentlygenerated large /roGts for years. Is this aviolations of the 67HO

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    o. 0hyO7aybe due to a higher

    riskO7aybe due to constantsur/rises beyondeE/ected sur/riseearnings.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    7ini Case "

    1;rices of tock before stock s/lits sho- onaverage consistently /ositive abnoral returns. Is

    this a violation of the 67HO

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    ot necessarily* 0hyO

    It could indicate inforation leakage UVa violation of 67H or it could indicate thats/lits occur during /rice runu/s UV stillconsistent of 67H.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    7ini Case $

    1If the business cycle is /redictable* and a stockhas a /ositive beta* the stockNs returns also ust

    be /redictable.2 9es/ond

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    o* 0hyO

     Wou -onNt get abnoral returns if the econoiccycle is /redictable* the ne-s -ill already beincor/orated in the stockNs /rice.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    7ini Case <

    1Wou kno- that Gr XWS is very /oorly run. Mn aanageent scale of + -orst to +! best* you-ould give it a score of ". 4he arket consensusevaluation is that the anageent score is only

    '. hould you buy or sell the stockO

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    o* 0hyO

     Wou -onNt get abnoral returns if the econoiccycle is /redictable* the ne-s -ill already beincor/orated in the stockNs /rice.

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    Interediate Investents F"!< "&

    Is the 7arket 9ationalO

     4he Behavioralists vie- the arket bubble of

    the ,!Ns as /roof that investors are notrational

    har/e* a 9ationalist su//orter* could noteE/lain the arket crash of +,%&. He

    described it as 1unusual2. His other later toldhi* 1Fifteen years of education* threeadvanced degrees and all you can say is TItNsunusualNO2

    CMCYKIMO 6ven behavioralists assue the arkets are ecient-hen calculating cost of ca/ital

    6ven 67H su//orters adit they need /eo/le to tryto beat the arkets to kee/ the ecient

    o* buy and hold* diversify and control your costsZ

  • 8/17/2019 EMH Corporate Finance


    Interediate Investents F"!< "%

    Anoalies in 4echnical andFundaental Investing

     4echnical hortDter /ositive correlations

    YongDter negative correlations

    all Firs in )anuary eect


    Investing for value v. gro-th ishny and Yalinshock

    Faa and French