Transcendentalism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about Transcendentalism in nineteenth-century America. For other uses, see transcendence. Transcendentalism was a group of new ideas in literature, religion, culture, and philosophy that emerged in the New England region of the United States of America in the early-to mid-19th century. It is sometimes called American Transcendentalism to distinguish it from other uses of the word transcendental. Transcendentalism began as a protest against the general state of culture and society at the time, and in particular, the state of intellectualism at Harvard and the doctrine of the Unitarian church which was taught at Harvard Divinity School. Among their core beliefs was an ideal spiritual state that 'transcends' the physical and empirical and is only realized through the individual's intuition, rather than through the doctrines of established religions or governments. Prominent Transcendentalists included Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau, Margaret Fuller, as well as Bronson Alcott, Orestes Brownson, William Ellery Channing, Frederick Henry Hedge, Theodore Parker, George Putnam, and Sophia Peabody, the wife of Nathaniel Hawthorne. For a time, Peabody and Hawthorne lived at the Brook Farm Transcendentalist utopian commune. Later Hawthorne became an anti-trascendentalist. Contents [hide] 1 History 2 Origins 3 Other meanings of transcendentalism o 3.1 Transcendental idealism o 3.2 Transcendental theology 4 See also 5 External links [edit] History The publication of Emerson's 1836 essay "Nature" is usually taken to be the watershed moment at which Transcendentalism became a major cultural movement. Emerson wrote in his essay "The American Scholar": "We will walk on our own feet; we will work with our own hands; we will speak our own


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TranscendentalismFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, searchThis article is about Transcendentalism in nineteenth-century America. For other uses, see transcendence. Transcendentalism was a group of new ideas in literature, religion, culture, and philosophy that emerged in the New England region of the United States of America in the early-to mid-19th century. It is sometimes called American Transcendentalism to distinguish it from other uses of the word transcendental.ranscendentalism !egan as a protest against the general state of culture and society at the time, and in particular, the state of intellectualism at "ar#ard and the doctrine of the Unitarian church which was taught at "ar#ard $i#inity School. Among their core !eliefs was an ideal spiritual state that %transcends% the physical and empirical and is onlyreali&ed through the indi#idual%s intuition, rather than through the doctrines of esta!lished religions or go#ernments.'rominent ranscendentalists included (alph )aldo Emerson, "enry $a#id horeau, *argaret +uller, as well as ,ronson Alcott, -restes ,rownson, )illiam Ellery .hanning, +rederic/ "enry "edge, heodore 'ar/er, 0eorge 'utnam, and Sophia 'ea!ody, the wife of Nathaniel "awthorne. +or a time, 'ea!ody and "awthorne li#ed at the ,roo/ +arm ranscendentalist utopian commune. 1ater "awthorne !ecame an anti-trascendentalist.Contents[hide] 1 History 2 Origins 3 Other meanings of transcendentalism o 3.1 ranscendental idealism o 3.2 ranscendental theology ! "ee also # $%ternal lin&s [edit] Historyhe pu!lication of Emerson%s 1234 essay 5Nature5 is usually ta/en to !e the watershed moment at which ranscendentalism !ecame a ma6or cultural mo#ement. Emerson wrote in his essay 5he American Scholar57 5)e will wal/ on our own feet8 we will wor/ with our own hands8 we will spea/ our own minds ... A nation of men will for the first time e9ist, !ecause each !elie#es himself inspired !y the $i#ine Soul which also inspires all men.5 Emerson closed the essay !y calling for a re#olution in human consciousness to emerge from the new idealist philosophy7"o shall 'e come to loo& at the 'orld 'ith ne' eyes. (t shall ans'er the endless in)uiry of the intellect, * +hat is truth, and of the affections, * +hat is good, -y yielding itself passive to the educated +ill. ... .uild, therefore, your o'n 'orld. /s fast as you conform your life to the pure idea in your mind, that 'ill unfold its great proportions. / correspondent revolution in things 'ill attend the influ% of the spirit. In the same year, ranscendentalism !ecame a coherent mo#ement with the founding of the ranscendental .lu! in .am!ridge, *assachusetts, on Septem!er 2, 1234, !y prominent New England intellectuals including 0eorge 'utnam, (alph )aldo Emerson, and +rederic/ "enry "edge. +rom 12:;, the group pu!lished fre, while others found it an e9clusi#ely indi#idual and idealist pro6ect. Emerson !elie#ed the latter. In his 12:? lecture 5he ranscendentalist5, Emerson suggested that the goal of a purely ranscendental outloo/ on life was impossi!le to attain in practice70ou 'ill see -y this s&etch that there is no such thing as a ranscendental party1 that there is no pure ranscendentalist1 that 'e &no' of no one -ut prophets and heralds of such a philosophy1 that all 'ho -y strong -ias of nature have leaned to the spiritual side in doctrine, have stopped short of their goal. +e have had many har-ingers and forerunners1 -ut of a purely spiritual life, history has afforded no e%ample. ( mean, 'e have yet no man 'ho has leaned entirely on his character, and eaten angels2 food1 'ho,trusting to his sentiments, found life made of miracles1 'ho, 'or&ing for universal aims, found himself fed, he &ne' not ho'1 clothed, sheltered, and 'eaponed, he &ne' not ho', and yet it 'as done -y his o'n hands. ... "hall 'e say, then, that ranscendentalism is the "aturnalia or e%cess of 3aith1 the presentiment of a faith proper to man in his integrity, e%cessive only 'hen his imperfect o-edience hinders the satisfaction of his 'ish. Nathaniel "awthorne wrote a no#el, The Blithedale Romance, satiri&ing the mo#ement, and !ased it on his e9periences at ,roo/ +arm, a short-li#ed utopian community founded on ranscendental principles.[edit] Originsranscendentalism was rooted in the transcendental philosophy of Immanuel @ant =and of 0erman Idealism more generally>, which the New England intellectuals of the early 19th century em!raced as an alternati#e to the 1oc/ean 5sensualism5 of their fathers and of the Unitarian church, finding this alternati#e in Aedic thought, 0erman idealism, and English (omanticism.he ranscendentalists desired to ground their religion and philosophy in transcendental principles7 principles not !ased on, or falsifia!le !y, sensuous e9perience, !ut deri#ing from the inner, spiritual or mental essence of the human. @ant had called 5all/nowledge transcendental which is concerned not with o!6ects !ut with our mode of /nowing o!6ects.5 he ranscendentalists were largely unacu8e, ale ste8n; ta& 8e vytvC. O@leFit? -yl ta&B 8eho d@ra= na 8edince a 8eho samostatnost a ne=i&lav?ch p>C&lad@: PRidB, &te>C dosCmn?ch chvClCch vFdyc&y pro=p;vovali: ,Me = n. Ca/o &dro6e po&nJnI /om!ino#al horeau po celM Fi#ot pEImD po&oro#JnI pEIrody se studiem pEIrodo#HdnMch /nih. ouha psJt o tom, co #idHl a Fil a o Gem pEemMLlel, #La/ #ychJ&ela ne6en & oso!nIch &/uLenostI s pEIrodou, ale tDF s literaturou. A letech har#ards/Dho studia 6e6 hlu!oce &au6ali /lasiGtI autoEi EeGtI a EImLtI, a to 6a/o umHlci i myslitelD. Ca/o a!sol#ent mohl po nJ#ratu do .oncordu GIst # originJle ne6en dIla6e6ich, ale i literaturu pra/tic/y #Lech modernIch e#rops/Mch nJrodK. "enry $a#id horeau se #lastnH nade#Le cItil !Mt a pro nJs pEede#LIm &KstJ#J literJtem Q psanI pro nH6 !ylo tIm ne6#yLLIm /onJnIm, formou pot#r&enI a po#&nesenI FitD s/uteGnosti. Ceho dIlo pEedsta#u6e pEi!liFnH tEicet s#a&/K, & nichF pr#nI EJd/y a strJn/y &Jpis/K si &aGal #DstuF 6a/o student. 'sal i nH/oli/ hodin dennH, 6a/o !y se potEe!o#al propsat / se!eu#HdomHnI, / po&nJnI a pochopenI s#Hta a #esmIru. 'ohled na ru/opis )aldenu na&naGu6e, Fe difiniti#nI #er&i pEedchJ&I sedm po/usK8 6e6I #Mra&o#J do/onalost #La/ nenI 6en #Msled/em formJlnIho, ale i logic/Dho, myLlen/o#Dho tEI!enI. horeauK# styl 6e di/to#Jn pEede#LIm hledJnIm Nne6pEImH6LI cesty / pra#dHO. Autor 6a&y/o#H #ychJ&I #HtLinou & /on/rDtnIho, mnohdy pEImo oso!nIho proFit/u Gi postEehu, ta/Fe ani a!stra/tnI pasJFe ne&trJce6I na pEehlednosti a pEes#HdGi#osti8 GerpJ sIlu & idiomu pEiro&enD no#oanglic/D EeGi i &e &Jli!nDho lJdnutI rDtori/y antic/Mch mistrK, & !i!lic/Mch rytmK a formulacI a & o!ra&nD argumentace #MchodnIch myslitelK. Na#Ic mJ )alden 6a/o cele/ promyLlenou a procItHnou /ompo&ici, 6IF 6e podpoEeno dynamic/D #nImJni /nihy 6a/o re&onance mMtic/Dho procesu indi#iduJlnIho pro!ou&enI # rJmci roGnIho cy/lu, /terM se od#I6I od starDho lDta / no#Dmu 6aru. 'rJ#H & onoho dK#odu, a!y dosJhl smysluplnD se#Eenosti, stJhl autor # /ni&e &JFit/y s#Mch s/uteGnMch d#ou let u )aldens/Dho ry!nI/a do ro/u 6edinDho. Sym!olic/J 6istH mHla !Mt a !yla #ol!a:. Ger#ence, tedy $ne nJrodnI ne&J#islosti, 6a/o momentu, /dy se autor ro&hodu6e os#o!odit se od concords/D a #K!ec americ/D spoleGnosti, /terou stJle citelnH6i po&namenJ#alo Npro/letI trhuO. R#olil 6a/o Ndruha ne6druFnH6LIhoO samotu, a!y mohl NFIt chlaps/y a spartJns/yO a a!y Ndo/J&al odmrLtit #Lechno, co nenI Fi#otemO. $nes #Ime, Fe /niha, /terJ #yLla pod nJem )alden ane! Si#ot # lesIch =)alden, or 1ife in the )oods> ro/u 12T:, tedy celMch sedm let po horeauo#H nJ#ratu & osamHlD chat/y u ry!nI/a, nenI ani &dale/a pouhMm &J&namem autoro#y &/uLenosti8 6e &a6Ima#ouducho#nI !iografiI a /ontemplacI nad #&tahem Glo#H/a a pEIrody, nad smyslem Fi#ota a e9istence. *odernI americ/M /riti/ Alfred @a&in naal toto dIlo NpeGli#H #y!udo#anMm oltJEemO, GImF ocenil ne6en 6eho estetic/ou pKso!i#ost, ale i rituJlo#ou fun/Gnost. UtenJEipragmatiGtI Gtou )alden 6ina/ neF filo&ofo#D, / e/ologKm mKFe promlou#at 6ina/ neF / e/onomKm, ale o 6eho a/tuJlnosti mlu#I stJle no#J a no#J #ydJnI # angliGtinH i # pEe/ladech po celDm s#HtH. =Ues/M pEe/lad RdeV/a +ranty & ro/u 19;? !yl Gaso#H pEedstiFen snad 6en # NHmec/u, ale i #er&e *iloLe Seiferta & ro/u 19?: patEila 6eLtH / ranH6LI pEe/lado#D #lnH.> horeau sJm naal )alden s#Mm N&a/o/rhJnIm s#HtuO. UF # 6eho do!H mHla !Mt /niha #aro#JnIm pEed rostoucImi materiJlnImi &J6my lidI, pEed hon!ou &a penH&i, pEed ochu&o#JnIm ducha, pEed ne!e&peGIm, Fe shJnHnI Fi#otnIch prostEed/K !ude &amHnHno &a Fi#otnI cIl a Fe &dJnI mohou lidD mylnH po#aFo#at &a s/uteGnost. Autor #y&M#al / pEiro&enosti a prostotH, protoFe #HEil, Fe Nnad!yteGnD !ohatst#I mKFe si /oupit 6en #Hci nad!yteGnDO. *arnost horeauo#a #olJnI !olI s#Ht dnes moFnJ #Ice, neF tomu mohlo !Mt # polo#inH pEedminulDho stoletI. RdJ se, Fe lJLtH nalDha#Dho posou&enI si #yFadu6I 6ehomyLlen/y tM/a6IcI se #olnDho Gasu, /terM na ro&dIl od s#Mch souGasnI/K nepo#aFo#al &a &ahJl/u, nM!rF &a s/uteGnD naplnHnI lids/Dho Fi#ota. Ce pEiro&enD, Fe #e spoleGnosti EI&enD principem protestants/D praco#nI morJl/y, 6a/o !yla ta 6eho, Gi #e spoleGnosti, /terJ 6e hnJna touhou po materiJlnIch statcIch, 6a/o 6e ta naLe, nemHla podo!nJ myLlen/a moc nadH6e na o!ecnD pochopenI Gi pEi6etI. ,ylo horeauo#ou pEiro&enostI, Fe nepochopenI a ne&J6em /omento#al mnohdy po#MLenH. Ceho #Mra&nM indi#idualismus mu nH/dy !rJnil plnH pochopit pro!lDmy spoleGens/Dho Fi#ota i cesty, /terD 6inI na#rho#ali / 6e6ich EeLenI. A ta/ se nel&e di#it, Fe se mu # .oncordu ni/dy nedostalo ocenHnI. -!ec 6e6 #HtLinou po#aFo#ala &a podi#Ina. UF 6a/o chlapec na concords/D stEednI L/ole se natoli/ liLil od ostatnIch, Fe mu spoluFJci dalipEe&dI#/u NsoudceO. @dyF se po studiIch #rJtil domK, mHl uGit # mIstnI L/ole, ale po nH/oli/a dnech & nI odeLel, 6eli/oF ne!yl ochoten dHti fy&ic/y trestat, 6a/ se tehdy #yFado#alo. 'raco#al nH6a/M Gas # otco#H tuF/aEs/D dIlnH, &a#edl do #Mro!y efe/ti#nI &lepLo#acI nJ#rh, ale !r&y &tratil o tuto podni/atels/ou Ginnost &J6em. WspHLnM, ale /rJt/odo!M !yl 6eho po/us o &aloFenI sou/romD L/oly8 celM pro6e/t s/onGil s onemocnHnIm !ratra Cohna, /terM mu pomJhal s #yuGo#JnIm. Si#ot # .oncordu !yl pro horeaua neleh/M, o#Lem Fi#ot mimo rodnou o!ec !yl pro nH6 pra/tic/y nemoFnM. Ne6lDpe se cItil na s#Mch pochK&/Jch po o/olnIch polIch a lesIch, /de &nal /aFdou ste&/u, /aFdM /out. AHdHl, Fe na ro&dIl od lidI 6e6 ptJci a /#Htiny me&i se!e pEi6ali8 no#oanglic/J pEIroda pro nH6 !yla nJdhernMm domo#em, la!oratoEI, studo#nou i chrJmem. Ni/dy se neoFenil a nemHl mnoho !lI&/Mch pEJtel, ale ani pro ty, /teEI mu !lI&cI !yli, ne!ylo 6ednoduchD #&J6emnM #&tah udrFo#at. Ce &Ee6mD, Fe &pKso! horeauo#a Fi#ota !y ne!yl receptem pro /aFdDho, coF o#Lem ne&namenJ, Fe !y s nIm sJm horeau ne!yl spo/o6en a Fe !y si & nH6 s/oro /aFdM nemohl nHco pro se!e #&It. CedinJ s/upina lidI, /terJ !yla pro horeaua /romH 6eho #lastnI rodiny &a6Ima#J, !yli Gleno#D ranscendentJlnIho /lu!u # .oncordu, # 6ehoF Gele stJl u&nJ#anM /riti/, ese6ista a !JsnI/ (alph )aldo Emerson, /terM 6e o!ecnH po#aFo#Jn tDF &a horeauo#a mentora. *yLlen/y transcendentalismu #&eLly &e stEetnutI ide6I no#oanglic/Dho puritanismu a e#rops/Dho romantismu a &namenaly #lastnH pr#nI #HdomM po/us o /ulturnI se!eurGenI AmeriGanK 6a/o nJroda8 /lIGo#ou Xlohu # tomto procesu mHlo mIt chJpJnI pEIrody 6a/o #Mra&u ducho#na, 6a/o prostEedI, # nHmF 6e moFno reali&o#at ro&ho#or s ,ohem i #lastnI duLI, /de 6e moFno po&nat i sama se!e. Emersono#a /nIFeG/a 'EIroda, /terJ #yLla # roce 1234, !yla pr#nIm impulsem no#Dmu /ulturnImu hnutI a horeau # nI naLel pot#r&enI toho, co sJm cItil, ale nedo#edl &atIm formulo#at. Emerson, #y&M#a6IcI Ameri/u i /aFdDho 6edince / myLlen/o#D s#D!ytnosti, mHl u horeaua a!solutnI XspHch. SJ/, inspiro#anM s#Mm o GtrnJct let starLIm uGitelem, #y/roGil na&naGenMm smHrem a !r&y &cela samostatnH &Jsady transcendentalismu pra/tic/y reali&o#al. S#D pr#nI #erLe a pEIrodnI ese6e u#eEe6nil #e s/upino#Dm Gasopise SluneGnI hodiny =$ial>, na popud EmersonK# &aGal psJt s#K6 celoFi#otnI denI/. (o/u 1239 s6el horeau se s#Mm !ratrem Cohnem d#H no#oanglic/D Ee/y na Glunu, /terM sami #yro!ili, a po&nJm/y & tDto cesty pouFil "enry &a po&dH6LIho po!ytu u )aldenu / napsJnI s#D pr#nI /nihy Mden na Ee/Jch .oncordu a *errimac/u =A )ee/ on the .oncord and *errimac/ (i#ers, 12:9>8 #yLla aF GtyEi ro/y po dopsJnI, a to # nJ/ladu 6ednoho tisIce #Mtis/K, & nichF #Ice neF d#H tEetiny poslal na/ladatel &a GtyEi dalLI ro/y autoro#i domK 6a/o neprode6nD, a ten tehdy s trp/Mm humorem /onstato#al, Fe 6e ma6itelem /niho#ny o de#Iti sto#/Jch s#a&/K, & nichF sedm set napsal sJm. Ste6nH 6a/o ostatnI #M&namnI transcendentalistD, #GetnH Nathaniela "awthorna a "ermana *el#illa, stJl horeau # prK!Hhu s#D autors/D /ariDry ne6ednou pEed dilematem, 6a/ se #yhnout populJrnH6LImu &pKso!u psanI a pEitom se ne#&dat touhyoslo#it a o#li#nit po/ud moFno co ne6#HtLI pu!li/um. ,Mt romantic/y s#K6 a souGasnH chtIt!Mt spoleGens/y Gi do/once /omerGnH XspHLnM ne!ylo &dale/a snadnD, a to ani # do!H horeauo#H. Emerson proto s#Dmu mladLImu pEIteli pos/yto#al ne6en ducho#nI inspiraci, ale # do!HmateriJlnI nou&e ta/D praco#nI pEIleFitosti a stEechu nad hla#ou. horeau se staral o domJcnost a dHlal spoleGnost tDF panI domu, o nIF mlu#il 6a/o o starLI sestEe. U dHtI Emersono#a !ratra na Staten Islandu mHl horeau dHlat uGitele, ale # New Yor/u se necItil do!Ee a !r&y se #rJtil opHt do .oncordu. Emersono#i patEila ta/D lesnI parcela u )aldens/Dho ry!nI/a, /de si horeau posta#il sru!, # nHmF proFil ony ne6pamJtnH6LI d#a ro/y s#Dho Fi#ota =:. P. 12:TQ4. 9. 12:P>. U EmersonK mHl moFnost set/at se s Eadou oso!nostI tehde6LIho literJrnIho a /ulturnIho Fi#ota, me&i nimiF !yl /romH "awthorna ta/D li!erJlnI ducho#nI =&a/ladatel unitJEs/D cIr/#e> a a!olicionista )illiam Ellery .hanning, Xda6nH horeauK# ne6!liFLI pEItel, /terM 6e6 dopro#J&el na nH/terMch dlouhMch pHLIch tXrJch. - #Lech si horeau #edl podro!nD &Jpisy, ale po )aldenu mu uF FJdnJ & /nih do 6eho smrti ne#yLla. RemEel na tu!er/ulZ&u 4. /#Htna 124? a 6eho poslednI slo#a !yla NlosO a NIndiJnO. 'rJ#H o pK#odnIch o!y#atelIch Ameri/y chtHl horeau napsat #el/ou/nihu, ale i /dyF materiJl / nI s!Iral po mnoho let, ni/dy 6i nedo/onGil. 'DGI autoro#Mch pEJtel !yly pu!li/o#Jny tituly 1esy # *ainu =he *aine )oods, 124:>, AMlety =E9cursions,1243>, *ys tres/y =.ape .od, 124T>, Yan/ee # @anadH =Yan/ee in .anada, 1244> a po&dH6i 6eLtH Eada dalLIch. i, /do se &a!M#a6I historiI pEIrodnIho ese6e 6a/o modernIho FJnru, se shodu6I # tom, Fe 6eho poGJte/ 6e nero&luGnH spo6en se 6mDnem horeauo#Mm. UF 6eho pr#nI ese6 'EIrodnI dH6iny *assachusetts =A Natural "istory of *assachusetts>, otiLtHnM # Gasopise SluneGnI hodiny ro/u 12:?, u/J&al na moFnosti, 6a/D tato forma mJ, /dyF sta#I na pra#di#H &o!ra&enDm #Hdec/Dm fa/tu a oso!nH #idHnDm a cItHnDm po&nat/u Gi proFit/u 6a/o #MchodiscIch / filo&ofic/Dmu uchopenI lids/D &/uLenosti. S/uteGnost, Fe horeau #e s#Mch pEIrodnIch prZ&Jch pEe/onal tehdy stJle 6eLtH e9istu6IcI puritJns/D #idHnI pEIrody a ci#ili&ace 6a/o d#ou antagonistic/Mch po6mK a ro&ehnal pEedsta#y di#oGiny 6a/o nHGeho temnDho a &lo#olnDho, protoFe nepo&nanDho, ote#Eela no#D pohledy na pEIrodu a Mra&nila #M&nam 6e6I celist#osti, /terJ &ahrnu6e i Glo#H/a a 6eho spoleGnost. horeau spolu s Cohnem *uirem, Cohnem ,urroughsem a dalLImi pEIrodnImi ese6isty de#atenJctDho stoletI silnH o#li#nili americ/D smMLlenI o pEIrodH a &cela 6istH pomohli formulo#at i /on/rDtnI posto6e a cho#JnI / nI. ,yl to ostatnH horeau, /do spolu s #HhlasnMm malIEem americ/Mch IndiJnK 0eorgem .atlinem, pEiLel ro/u 12T2 s ideou #y!ranJ pEIrodnI teritoria chrJnit a &acho#at 6a/o nJrodnI re&er#ace. Ca/ se posuno#alo Nci#ili&aGnI pome&IO smHrem na RJpad, doLlo 6istH na X&emI Spo6enMch stJtK i / necitli#Dmu a pEImo nelItostnDmu dranco#JnI pEIrody, souGasnH 6e #La/ tEe!a si pEipomenout, Fe historic/y #K!ec pr#nI nJrodnI par/y !yly ty americ/D. Yellowstons/M !yl&aloFen 6iF # roce 12P?. Ce pEiro&enD, Fe se pEIrodnI ese6isti/a od horeauo#Mch do! uF # mnohDm promHnila8 narKsta6I poFada#/y na #Hdec/ou erudici Gi alespoV od!ornou pEIpra#u autorK, &amHEenI te9tK se #y#I6I / #HtLI specifiGnosti a &mHny # o!ecnD situaci o#li#Vu6I i #Mslednou atmosfDru. a/ tEe!a Coseph )ood @rutch, /terM sJm napsal ro/u 19:2 &a6Ima#ou horeauo#u !iografii, !yl #e s#Mch #lastnIch te9tech o mnoho pesimistiGtH6LI neF autor )aldenu. CinI autoEi, 6a/o (achel .arsono#J, )endell ,erry ne!o (alph Nader, nasadili ta/ ostrM /ritic/M tZn #KGi silJm nepEJtels/Mm pEIrodH a Glo#H/u =napE. uFI#JnI pesticid>, Fe 6e6ich /nihy pEechJ&e6I do /ategorie politic/Mch polemi/. ,arry 1ope&, autor renomo#anMch Ar/tic/Mch snK =Arctic $reams> & ro/u 1924, 6e pEes#HdGen, Fe e/ologic/y &amHEenJ literatura mJ #el/ou pEIleFitost &Is/at na #M&namu ne6en 6a/o literatura, nM!rF i6a/o myLlen/o#J sIla schopnJ o#li#nit a formo#at politic/D myLlenI AmeriGanK. A ta/ nepEe/#apu6e, Fe 6eden souGasnM, e/ologic/y u#aFu6IcI politi/ dochJ&I / nJ&oru, Fe opra#do#J demo/racie musI dJ#at hlaso#acI prJ#o ne6en #Lem o!GanKm, ale i stromKm, ptJ/Km, !rou/Km a Ger#Km, prostH #Lemu Fi#Dmu. A nenI pochy!, Fe !y mHl horeauo#uplnou podporu. @aliforns/M !JsnI/ a ese6ista 0ary Snyder thoreauo#s/ou myLlen/u o sIle nadH6e, 6iF 6emoFno #/lJdat do pEIrodnI Ndi#o/D mysliO, o!ohacu6e o dimen&e etic/D a estetic/D. R 6ehopEedsta# o Nno#D pEIrodnI poeticeO #ychJ&I !JseV 6a/o Ne/ologic/M nJ#od / &acho#JnI Fi#otaO. Snyder /e s#Dmu chJpJnI poe&ie a /e s#Mm #aro#JnIm a doporuGenIm adreso#anMm naLI ci#ili&aci doLel studiem filo&ofiI -rientu a Nprimiti#nIchO /ultur pK#odnIch o!y#atel americ/Dho /ontinentu. Ste6nH 6a/o horeau posIlil s#D meditace dHlnMm Fi#otem # di#oGinH. A ta/ se nel&e di#it, /dyF recen&enti 6eho ese6istic/D sou!ory 'ra9e di#oGiny =he 'ractice of the )ild, 199?> a *Isto # prostoru =A 'lace in Space, 199T> #Itali i 6a/o no#odo!D refle9e )aldenu. -#Lem horeauK# od/a& Fil a Fi6e i # ry&e spoleGens/o-politic/Dm /onte9tu, a to &Jsluhou pamfletu -!Gans/J neposluLnost =.i#il $iso!edience, 12:9>. Ca/ #Ime & )aldenu, o!Gan horeau !yl # Ger#enci 12:4 na 6ednu noc #sa&en do concords/Dho #H&enI, protoFe odmItl platit danH na protest proti tomu, Fe 6eho #lJda #edla #Jl/u # *e9i/u a dJle podporo#ala LIEenI otro/JEs/Dho systDmu na americ/Dm Cihu. *yLlen/a, Felids/D s#HdomI 6e instituce nad &J/on Gi ro&hodnutI stJtnI moci, ne!yla 6en &J/ladem autoro#a morJlnH moti#o#anDho ne/onformismu, ale puto#ala 6a/o 6asnM plamIne/ s 6ehopamfletem do #Lech /outK s#Hta. (adi/Jlo#D # Anglii i 6inde, a 6a/ se naLe stoletI pro!ou&elo, i # samotnMch Spo6enMch stJtech, po#aFo#ali horeaua &a 6ednoho &e s#Mch #&orK a hrdinK. ,rits/M reformista "enry Salt napsal 6iF ro/u 129; 6eho !iografii a po celD&emi se &a/lJdaly waldens/D /lu!y8 -!Gans/J neposluLnost se Getla me&i fa!iJny i ranMmi Gleny 1a!our 'arty. horeaua si pEi#lastVo#ali tDF anarchistD od @ropot/ina pEes 0oldmano#ou / 'roudhono#i, i /dyF on sJm !y 6istH !yl pln pode&EenI / 6e6ich programu, a to uF proto, Fe !yl s/eptic/M #lastnH /e /aFdD organi&o#anD politic/D platformH Gi organi&aci. Nemlu#H o tom, Fe !y stHFI souhlasil s uFitIm nJsilI8 # tom udHlal snad 6edinou#M6im/u, /dyF #ystoupil na o!ranu Cohna ,rowna po 6eho neXspHLnD re#oltH proti otroct#Ia neXspHLnDm Xto/u na "arpers +erry. 'rJ#H horeauo#y ide6e nenJsilnDho, ale re&olutnIho protestu &dK#odnHnDho mra#nImi, tedy #yLLImi neF politic/Mmi a spoleGens/Mmi moti#y, &apKso!ily na Eadu os!nostI i hnutI #e s#HtH. Indic/M nJrodnI #Kdce *ahJtmJ 0JndhI a americ/M GernM a/ti#ista a !o6o#nI/ &a lids/J a o!Gans/J prJ#a *artin 1uther @ing se # minulDm stoletI sami prohlJsili &a horeauo#y nJsledo#nI/y, i /dyF on sJm !y # so!H asi stHFI naLel #Kli aochotu &totoFnit se Gi spo6it s#K6 osud a protest s osudem a protestem #el/Mch spoleGens/Mch s/upin ne!o do/once celMch nJrodK. ,rJnil !y mu # tom 6eho indi#idualismus i 6eho neochota pEIliL ro&liLo#at me&i #lJdou a spoleGnostI8 a !yl tu 6eLtH fa/t, na nH6F upo&ornil /romH 6inMch i heodore $reiser, Fe horeau #lastnH NGlo#H/a &a spoleGens/M organismus ani &a GJst spoleGens/Dho organismu nepo#aFo#alO. 1idD si !rali a &Ee6mH !udou !rJt &e horeauo#Mch slo#, co sami potEe!u6I8 hleda6I # 6eho prZ&e, /rJsnH #y6JdEeno, co se # nich samMch tepr#e ne6asnH formu6e. CistH si ni/dy nemohl u#Hdomit, &a /oli/ lidI promlou#J, /dyF mlu#il &a se!e a / so!H. Na hnutI mladMch AmeriGanK # LedesJtMch letech naLeho stoletI &apKso!il s#Mm Fi#otnIm stylem a slo#y o prJ#u /aFdDho 6edince /rJGet # tomto s#HtH podle rytmu #lastnIho N!u!enI/aO. *y!ychom mHli lJLtH po &/uLenostech & pore#oluGnI transformace horeauo#i naslouchat, /dyF EI/J, Fe 6en reformy #nitEnI 6sou opra#do#D a Fe s/uteGnD a hlu!o/D &mHny #e #&ta&Ich me&i lidmi mohou #yplynout 6en &e &mHn # lidech samMch. Ne6uFiteGnH6LI &Jsadou pEi Get!H horeaua o#Lem !ude EIdit se 6eho #lastnI radou, Fe N/nihy 6e nutno GIst se ste6nMm ro&myslem a odstupem, 6a/ !yly psJnyO. Ale hla#nH, Fe 6e tEe!a ta/o#D /nihy nepEestat GIst.9an Ho-e:"m#n$ %h&'eUmte si pedstavit den, ve kterm byste neprochodili nejmn tyi hodiny? Autor aldenu a !bansk neposlu"nosti, paci#ista, odp$rce dan a kritik modernity %enry &avid Thoreau, si takov' pedstavit nedovedl( )ad jeho po*dnesej +h$*e se *am'"l peda,o, a pekladatel -an %oke"( N'rochJ&et se s nIm !ylo potHLenIm a poctou. @ra6inu &nal 6a/o liL/a ne!o ptJ/ a ste6nH 6a/o oni 6I prochJ&el #olnH s#Mmi #lastnImi ste&/ami... a/o#Dmu prK#odci se musel Glo#H/ posluLnH podEIdit a odmHna &a to !yla o!ro#s/J.O ato slo#a napsal o "enrym $a#idu horeauo#i 6eho pEItel a mentor (alph )aldo Emerson #e s#D pohEe!nI EeGi #ydanD po&dH6i pod nJem horeau.horeau !yl s/uteGnH nJruFi#Mm chodcem a podle s#Mch #lastnIch slo# si nedo/J&al pEedsta#it den, /dy !y nestrJ#il ne6mDnH GtyEi hodiny chK&I. Na s#Mch #Mletech se Gasto set/J#al s rK&nMmi formami di#o/osti, a[ uF se 6ednalo o indiJny =a o nH mHl #el/M &J6em a stM/al se s nimi>, di#o/J 6a!l/a, trJ#y, ondatry, s#iLtH ne!o 6inD rostlinnD Gi Fi#oGiLnD formy di#oGiny, 6a/ sJm EI/al. Ca/ 6e patrnD & 6eho denI/K & /once ro/u 12T; a &aGJt/u ro/u 12T1, ona di#oGina ho fascino#ala. ato fascinace pa/ logic/y #yXstila # pEednJL/u $i#oGina =po&dH6i $i#oGina ane! .hK&e>, /terou popr#D u#edl # du!nu 12T1. A prK!Hhu nJsledu6IcIch let se & nI #y#inula ese6 .hK&e =angl. )al/ing>, do/onGenJ # /#Htnu 124? \tedy 6en /rJtce pEed 6eho smrtI..ytsk' /d +hodc$Ce-li )alden po#aFo#Jn &a horeauo#u XstEednI /nihu, pa/ .hK&i l&e po/lJdat &a 6ednu & 6eho XstEednIch ese6I. "ned # 6e6Im X#odu se doGteme, Fe horeau nepo#aFu6e Glo#H/a ani ta/ &a t#ora spoleGens/Dho, &a Glena spoleGnosti, 6a/o spILe &a souGJst pEIrody. Ays#Htlu6e, co pro nH6 &namenJ !Mt chodcem a poro&umHt NumHnI .hK&eO. a pronHho nenI pouhMm pohy!em ne!o tHlesnMm c#iGenIm, ale spILe druhem psychic/D Ginnosti. 'o/ud si s se!ou do lesK a lu/ odnJLIte s#D starosti a &J#a&/y & mHsta, pa/ ne6ste pro chK&i patEiGnH #y!a#eni a nemKFete se 6I plnH oddat, a #stoupit ta/ do ne6starLIho rytIEs/Dho EJdu .hodcK, /terM 6e 6a/Mmsi NGt#rtMm sta#em mimo cIr/e#, stJt a lidO. @apitJlem # tomto umHnI 6e #olnM Gas, s#o!oda a ne&J#islost, /terD #Jm nemKFe &a6istit FJdnD !ohatst#I. N.hodcem se Glo#H/ rodI, ne stJ#J,O u#JdI horeau, a #yt#JEI ta/do6em urGitD #MluGnosti, /terJ & EJdu dHlJ spILe cosi 6a/o /astu. 'ra#dHpodo!nH nemJ na mysli s/uteGnou pEedurGenost, ale chce 6eLtH #Ice &dKra&nit, Fe s#o!odu potEe!nou / tomuto po#olJnI nel&e &Is/at se&enIm # o!chodech a /ancelJEIch, / nHmuF 6e odsou&ena spousta 6eho spoluo!GanK. ,ohatst#I sice mKFe Glo#H/u &a6istit prostEed/y / #lastnict#I /ra6iny, # nIF se l&e prochJ&et podle li!osti, ale pEesnH to #idI horeau 6a/o chy!u7 NHLit se & nH6a/D #Hci #MluGnH o!#y/le &namenJ pEipra#it sJm se!e o s/uteGnD potHLenI & nI.O 'och#alu6e si, Fe # 6eho o/olI se #ys/ytu6e stJle dostate/ /ra6iny, /terJ nenI # sou/romMch ru/ou, a tudIF mKFe !Mt #olnH uFI#Jna / chK&i. RJro#eV se #La/ dI#J do !udoucnosti a pEedpo#IdJ den, /dy !ude tato &emH ro&dHlena na /ous/y, & nichF !udou mIt radost 6en 6e6ich ma6itelD. i &esIlI s#D ploty a #y#inou ochrannD prostEed/y, /terD chodce donutI ome&it se na #eEe6nD cesty, a cho&enI po &emi !ude &namenat neoprJ#nHnD #ni/nutI na ci&I po&eme/. i, /do se snaFI #ytyGit hranice s#Mch po&em/K, se podle horeaua propada6I do moGJlK Ee/y Sty9 a 6e6ich &emHmHEiGem nenI ni/do 6inM neF Satan.&ejte mi divokost.hodec musI Gasto Ginit neleh/D ro&hodnutI, /am a /terou cestou se #ydat. NAHEIm, Fe # 'EIrodH 6e nepatrnM magnetismus, /terM nJs, po/ud se mu mimo#olnH podEIdIme, na#ede tIm sprJ#nMm smHrem,O mInI horeau a dodJ#J, Fe ste&/a, /terou /rJGIme, 6e sym!olem cesty, po nIF se rJdi prochJ&Ime #e s#Dm #nitEnIm s#HtH. .oF 6e myLlen/a od#o&enJ od Emersono#y &J/ladnI transcendentalistic/D te&e, Fe NurGitD pEIrodnI s/uteGnosti 6sou sym!oly urGitMch duLe#nIch s/uteGnostIO. Cehlu horeauo#a /ompasu s mIrnMmi odchyl/ami pEitaho#al 6eden smHr \ &Jpad. Na opaGnou s#Hto#ou stranu se #ydJ#al 6en /#Kli tomu, a!y studo#al umHnI, literaturu a filo&ofii, ale na &JpadH #idHl nadH6i a !udoucnost. RJpad, /terM mHl na mysli, !yl totiF synonymem pro 6iF &mInHnou di#oGinu. A &de autor pEi#JdI GtenJEe na myLlen/u, Fe N# di#o/osti 6e &Jchrana s#HtaO. 'oFadu6e7 N$e6te mi di#o/ost, 6e6IF letmM pohled ne#ydrFI FJdnJ ci#ili&ace.O ento &pKso! u#aFo#JnI !yl dKleFitM pro po&dH6LI ochranJEs/D hnutI # USA, 6ehoF otec &a/ladatel Cohn *uir & horeaua Gerpal. NCa/ !lI&/D do!rDmu 6e to, co 6e di#o/D]O parafrJ&u6e horeau alF!Htins/Dho !JsnI/a a dramati/a ,ena Consona a po/raGu6e prohlJLenIm, Fe !udoucnost ne#idI #e mHstech, pHstHnMch trJ#nIcIch a /ulti#o#anMch polIch, ale # nepEIstupnMch !aFinJch7 N@dy!y mi nH/do na!Idl, a!ych !ydlel #edle ne6/rJsnH6LI &ahrady, 6a/ou /dy #yt#oEila lids/J &ruGnost, ne!o #edle !e&XtHLnD !aFiny, ro&hodnH !ychsi #y!ral tu !aFinu.O Na #Lechna lids/J #ylepLo#JnI nahlIFI 6a/o na deformace /ra6iny snaFIcI se o 6e6I &/rocenI. 'odo!nH se dI#J i na /rocenI a ochoGo#JnI IEat. (adu6e se & hra#osti a do#JdHnI do!yt/a a & toho, Fe /onH a #oli musI !Mt ne6pr#e &lomeni, neF &aGnou slouFit Glo#H/u. I # Glo#H/u &KstJ#a6I podle horeaua &!yt/y di#o/osti, dI/y nimF se nestJ#J podda6nMm Glenem spoleGnosti ta/ snadno. o, Fe #HtLina lidI, ste6nH 6a/o mnohD IEecI druhy, podlDhJ ci#ili&aci, ne&namenJ, Fe i ostatnI !y se mHli snIFit na ste6nou Xro#eV. Rde se pro6e#u6e horeauK# smysl pro parado9 \ &a #yLLI Xro#eV po#aFu6e Glo#H/a di#o/Dho, ni/oli# #Leo!ecnH #y&d#iho#anDho Glo#H/a &uLlechtHnDho ci#ili&acI. A # &JpHtI #olJ po &acho#JnI di#o/osti ostatnIch Fi#oGiLnMch druhK, u nichF si do/JFe pEedsta#it 6e6ich lepLI #yuFitI neF staho#JnI a #ydHlJ#JnI 6e6ich /KFI na #Mro!u !ot. ehdy !yl o#Lem po6em prJ#a IEat, ste6nH 6a/o en#ironmentalismus, &cela ne&nJmM.Americk/ obloha vy"" evropsk'Ee/#api#H se horeau # .hK&i pro6e#u6e 6a/o patriot. NepHl samo&Ee6mH Zdy na politic/ou elitu &emH. Naopa/ se tHLil & toho, 6a/ mJlo mIsta # /ra6inH &au6Ima6I &JleFitosticIr/#e, stJtu, o!chodu a politi/y, /terJ pro nH6 ne&namenJ nic #Ic neF /ouE & doutnI/u, tedy nHco mi&i#Dho. Ceho patriotismus se #&tahu6e na rostliny a IEata, s nimiF se na s#Mch toul/Jch set/J#J, a ohra&u6e se proti po#MLenDmu posto6i pEIrodo#Hdce ,uffona #KGi americ/D pEIrodH. AHEI, Fe # Americe se o!loha 6e#I #yLLI neFli # E#ropH a Fe tHchto #MLin 6ednou dosJhne i filo&ofie, nJ!oFenst#I a literatura 6e6Ich o!y#atel..o se poslednH 6meno#anDho tMGe, horeau si stHFu6e, Fe ne#I o FJdnD poe&ii, /terJ !y dostateGnH #y6JdEila Ntouhu po $i#oGinHO a nechala mlu#it pEIrodu. HF/o EIci, &da tyto snahy ne#idHl #e StD!lech trJ#y s#Dho #rste#nI/a )alta )hitmana, s nImF se oso!nH set/al. A pEedmlu#H /e s#D s!Irce & ro/u 12TT )hitman pILe7 NRemH a moEe, IEata, ry!y a ptJci, ne!es/J /len!a a 6e6I Xt#ary ne6sou malMmi nJmHty ...O @nihy o 6ednad#acetlet mladLIho Cohna *uira si horeau !ohuFel uF pEeGIst nemohl a !JsnIci di#oGiny, 6a/o 0ary Snyder =po&n. red.7 #i& S0 1^?;;T #Hno#anJ di#oGinH> a Nanao Sa/a/i Gi Ges/M poutnI/ /arpats/ou pEIrodou *ilosla# Ne#rlM, pEiLli na scDnu o nH6a/Mch sto let po&dH6i.horeau touto ese6I /aFdopJdnH nasadil #yso/ou la[/u &e6mDna pro !udoucI autory hleda6IcI hlu!LI #&tahy Glo#H/a a pEIrody \ #Lichni & nH6 alespoV GJsteGnH #ychJ&e6I. AMra&nH a # 6istDm smyslu radi/JlnH #y&d#ihl dIlo di#o/D pEIrody nad dIlo lids/Mch ru/ou a pou/J&al na nesmIrnou hodnotu di#oGiny i pro ci#ili&o#anDho Glo#H/a. oto poselst#I platI o to #Ice # dneLnI do!H, /dy s/uteGnD di#oGiny pEIliL ne&!M#J a 6en mJlo di#o/Dho &KstJ#J ne&/roceno. Henry David Thoreau: Walking. Bedford, Massachusetts: Ale!ood Books "##$% &esk' vyd(n) *h+,e. Brno: -vl(.tn) vyd(n) "##/.000 aldensk' rybnk dnes 000I /dyF i # horeauo#H do!H mHl )alden dale/o /e s/uteGnD di#oGinH, dnes !y se asi sla#nM rodJ/ & .oncordu #e stJtH *assachusetts nestaGil di#it. AHtLina nJ#LtH#nI/K sem pEi6IFdI samo&Ee6mH automo!ily, 6imF 6e #yhra&eno &hru!a tisIc mIst. .elM ry!nI/, /terM !yl #yhlJLen &a stJtnI re&er#aci a nJrodnI historic/ou pamJt/u, 6e o!ehnJn plotem. @oupJnI 6e po#oleno pou&e na oficiJlnIch plJFIch na opaGnD stranH, neF stJ#ala horeauo#a chat/a. Ce6I &J/lady o!6e#il # roce 19:T archeolog (oland (o!!ins a 6sou o&naGeny 6a/Mmisi patnI/y s EetH&y, #edle nichF 6e hromada /amenK od poutnI/K & celDhos#Hta. Na &J/ladH /res!y horeauo#y sestry pa/ !yla posta#ena repli/a chaty \ o#Lem 6inde, neF pK#odnH stJl originJl. @romH /oupJnI, ry!aEenI Gi 6eFdHnI na lo_/Jch &de mKFete a!sol#o#at napEI/lad #&dHlJ#acI prochJ&/u s prK#odcem. - souGasnD popularitH horeaua a 6eho pEI!yt/u s#HdGI i interneto#J strJn/a7 http7^^www.fiddlersgreen.net^!uildings^new-england^thoreau^ca!in.htm. What is !ranscendentalismJReaders ha#e as'ed this 0estion often" 3ere;s my ans/er, too/ in Ralp# Waldomerson"mily'ic$inson"!oarders and wor/ed as a maid. hey often had not enough to eat. )aldo and his !rother.harles had only one o#ercoat !etween them. aunting schoolfellows as/ed, 5)hose turn is it to wear the great-coat today`5 Aunt *ary *oody Emerson, his father%s unmarried sister, was the dominant influence of Emerson%s childhood and youth. )ithout formal education, she was possessed of a richly fertile mind. She read widely and /new well the thin/ers of the day. A moderate 5.hanning Unitarian,5 steeped in the piety of New England and the history of its churchesand theology, she taught )aldo many of the aphorisms he in turn taught his own children7 51ift your aims.5 5Always do what you are afraid to do.5 5$espise trifles.5 5urn up your nose at glory, honor and money.5 And 5-h, !lessed, !lessed po#erty.5 She first introduced Emerson to "indu scriptures and Neoplatonism. She anticipated, especially in her openess to natural religion, the ranscendentalist sensi!ility. Emerson%s distincti#e #iews first !egan to emerge in his letters to 5namurya,5 an anagram of 5Aunt *ary,5 during the 12?;s. 'oor as they were, their family history and social position assured that the Emerson !oys would !e well educated. )aldo entered "ar#ard at 1:. "e !egan then to /eep a 6ournal, a practice he continued for the rest of his life, later calling its #olumes\all long since pu!lished\his 5sa#ings !an/.5 "e considered #arious professions, most in#ol#ing oratory or rhetoric in one way or another. +rom "ar#ard he once wrote Aunt *ary, 5In mydaydreams I do often hunger and thirst to !e a painter.5 "is early 6ournals, poems, and other writings were la#ishly illustrated with his drawings. "e also painted with water colors. "is early writings contain much poetry, !ut he /new he could not earn a li#ing as a poet. -ne aspiration ne#er left him. "e told 'rof. Cames ,. hayer in 12P3 that there ne#er was a time that he would not ha#e accepted a professorship of rhetoric at "ar#ard.After graduation from the .ollege in 12?1, at the age of 12, Emerson taught school for his uncle, the (e#. Samuel (ipley, in )altham and later opened a finishing school for girls, !ut he did not en6oy school teaching. "is older !rother )illiam had studied for the ministry, !ut a!andoned it to study law. Aunt *ary stressed that there always had !een,and always must !e, a (e#erend *r. Emerson in ,oston. hough he and the ranscendentalist .lu!, the group met off and on for a!out four years. (egarded !y manyof the older ministers as 5radicals,5 these young men spread their own and Emerson%s ideas in sermons, other forms of pu!lic address and pu!lished articles. Emerson was widely seen as their leader. "is stirring 'hi ,eta @appa oration at "ar#ard in 123P, 5he American Scholar,5 was #ery well recei#ed. In it he challenged his audience to cease imitating Europe and to ground their ideas in American resources, sincerity and realism. It has !een called 5America%s Intellectual $eclaration of Independence.5 ,y custom the seniors of "ar#ard $i#inity School selected a spea/er to address their class and guests in the spring of their final year at the school. In 1232 the eight graduating seniors as/ed Emerson to address them. "e spo/e in protest against a stale, inherited .hristianity and called for fresh religious inspiration. 5,e a man,5 he said. 5)here#er a man comes, there comes re#olution. he old is for sla#es. . . (efuse the good models. . . .ast conformity !ehind you, and ac