EMERGENCY AND ICU PROCEDURES Emergency room and intensive care patient procedures * Abdominal radiograph, how to read an * Acid-base balance * Airway Suction * Ankle Block * Anorectal examination, how to do an * Anterior Sciatic Nerve Block Parafemoral Technique * Arterial Lines * Assessment of anesthetic risk * Axillary Brachial Plexus Block * Axillary Nerve Block * Bleeding per rectum * Bleeding, lower gastrointestinal tract * Bleeding, post-op * Bleeding, upper gastrointestinal tract * Blood transfusion * Breech Birth * Calcium * Calcium, hypercalcemia

Emergency and ICU Procedures

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Page 1: Emergency and ICU Procedures


Emergency room and intensive care patient procedures

* Abdominal radiograph, how to read an

* Acid-base balance

* Airway Suction

* Ankle Block

* Anorectal examination, how to do an

* Anterior Sciatic Nerve Block Parafemoral Technique

* Arterial Lines

* Assessment of anesthetic risk

* Axillary Brachial Plexus Block

* Axillary Nerve Block

* Bleeding per rectum

* Bleeding, lower gastrointestinal tract

* Bleeding, post-op

* Bleeding, upper gastrointestinal tract

* Blood transfusion

* Breech Birth

* Calcium

* Calcium, hypercalcemia

* Calcium, hypocalcemia

* Cardiovascular Overview

Page 2: Emergency and ICU Procedures

* Cardioversion

* Carpal Tunnel Repair

* Central IV Access

* Central Lines

* Central line, how to insert a

* Central Venous Catheter Line Change

* Central Venous Catheter Port Designation

* Central Venous Catheter Site Dressing

* Cesarean Section

* Chest Pain

* Chest Tube

* Chest Tube Insertion

* Chest-Tubes

* Cleaning Of Electrical Equipment Contaminated With Body Products

* Combined Lumbar Plexus - Sciatic Blocks

* Combined Spinal-Epidural Anesthesia

* Conscious Sedation - Help guide for Interns

* Continuous Femoral Nerve Block

* Continuous Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block

* Continuous Interscalene Brachial Plexus Block

* Continuous Popliteal Nerve Block: Intertendinous Approach

* Continuous Popliteal Nerve Block: Lateral Approach

* Continuous Sciatic Block

Page 3: Emergency and ICU Procedures

* Continuous Sciatic Block - Posterior Approach

* Cooling Of Patients

* CPAP Face Masks

* Cricothyroidotomy

* Cricothyrotomy

* Cricothyrotomy, Needle with Jet Insufflation


* Deep Cervical Plexus Block

* Defibrillation

* Dental Nerve Blocks - Toothache remedies for the acute-care setting.

* Digital Nerve Block

* Digital Nerve Block

* Digital Nerve Block - Digital nerve blockade is simple and easy to perform and provides useful analgesia for a variety of minor surgical procedures. The technique is essentially the same for fingers and toes.

* Drawing ABG's/Analysis

* Drawing Blood Cultures

* Drawing Blood from a Central Line

* Drawing Blood from a Central Venous Catheter

* Drawing Blood Samples from a Radial / Femoral Arterial Lines on Adult Patients

* Dressing Changes To Radial / Femoral Arterial Lines

* ECP Accreditation

* Electricity In ICU/CCU

* Emergency Defibrillation

Page 4: Emergency and ICU Procedures

* Emergency Defibrillation

* Emergency Intubation

* Emergency Medicine Mnemonics

* Enteral Feeding

* Epidural Anesthesia

* Episiotomy

* Esophageal Tracheal Intubation

* Examine a lump, how to

* Examine an ulcer, how to

* Femoral Nerve Block

* Femoral Nerve Block

* Fluids, IV

* Genitofemoral Block

* Hand Splint

* Head Injury Principles

* Head Tilt-Chin Lift

* Heparin Lock For Central Venous Catheter Lines

* High Oxygen Delivery

* Humidification - Aerosol and Nebulizers

* Hypercalcemia

* Hyperkalemia

* Hypernatremia

* Hypocalcemia

Page 5: Emergency and ICU Procedures

* Hypodermoclysis

* Hypodermoclysis Technique

* Hypokalemia

* Hyponatremia

* IABP Review

* Ineffective Oxygen Delivery

* Infraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block

* Insertion Of An Arterial Line

* Insertion Of Nasogastric Tube

* Internal Jugular Vein Canulation

* Interscalene Block

* Intra-Abdominal Pressure Monitoring

* Intraosseous Access

* Intraosseous Access

* Intravenous Access

* Intravenous Fluids

* Intravenous Regional Nlock (Bier block)

* Intubation, Nasotracheal

* Intubation: Stomal

* Intubations

* IV Access

* Jaw Thrust

* LBH Clinical Practice Manual

Page 6: Emergency and ICU Procedures

* Low Oxygen Delivery

* Low urine output, how to manage a

* Lumbar Plexus Block

* Lumbar Puncture

* Maintenance Of The Bed Area

* Mandibular Nerve Block - A new local anesthetic block technique to anaesthetize the inferior alveolar nerve (V3), a branch of the mandibular division of the Trigeminal or 5th. cranial nerve, is described.

* Maxillary Nerve Block: The Pterygopalitine Canal Approach - Journal of the California Dental Association

* Median Nerve Block

* Medication Administration, MARK I Nerve Agent Antidote Kit

* Medication Administration, Midazolam

* Medication Administration, Rectal Valium

* Metacarpal Nerve Block

* Moderate Oxygen Delivery

* Monitoring Alarm Parameters

* Monitoring Alarms - ICU/CCU

* Nasogastric tube, how to insert a

* Nasopharyngeal Airway

* NCCLS Procedure for One Touch II Data Dock Blood Glucose Monitoring System

* Needle Thoracentesis

* Nursing Management: Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Oxygen Therapy (CPAP).

* Obturator Block

Page 7: Emergency and ICU Procedures

* Oropharyngeal Airway

* Orotracheal Intubation

* Oxygen Delivery

* Pacemakers

* PA-Lines

* Patient Receiving Ventilatory Assistance

* Peripheral IV Access

* PICC Line

* Plasmapheresis

* Popliteal Block: Intertendinous (Posterior) Approach

* Popliteal Block: Lateral Approach

* Popliteal Block: Lithotomy (supine) Approach

* Positive Pressure Ventilation

* Potassium, hyperkalemia

* Potassium, hypokalemia

* Procedure - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 1

* Procedure - Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm 2

* Pulmonary Capillary Wedge Pressure Measure

* Pulmonary embolus

* Pulse Oximetry

* Radial Artery Puncture

* Radial Nerve Block

* Removal of Arterial Line

Page 8: Emergency and ICU Procedures

* Removal of Central Venous Line

* Saphenous Block

* Sciatic Nerve Block: Anterior Approach

* Sciatic Nerve Block: Posterior Approach

* Securing and Care of Endotracheal Tubes (ETT's)

* Sedation and Paralysis

* Sedation of Patients in Intensive Care Unit Anesthesiology - Med students of The Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

* Sengstaken-Blakemore Tube

* Sepsis

* Setup and Insertion of Central Venous Catheter

* Setup and Insertion of Pulmonary Artery Catheter

* Sewing a Wound Closed

* Signs and Symptoms Web Resources Page: Bibliography for several emergency medicine signs and symptoms

* Snakebite Treatment

* Sodium, hypernatremia

* Sodium, hyponatremia

* Spinal Anesthesia

* Streptokinase

* Suctioning A Patient With A Tracheostomy Tube

* Suctioning A Patient With An Endotracheal Tube (ETT)

* Superficial Cervical Plexus Block

* Supraclavicular Interscalene Block

Page 9: Emergency and ICU Procedures

* Thoracic Paravertebral Block

* Thoracic Paravertebral Block: Continuous

* Thoraco-Lumbar Paravertebral Block

* Total Parenteral Nutrition

* Tracheostomy Dressing

* Transcutaneous Cardiac Pacing

* Transfer of Patients to Other Ward Areas

* Transfusion reactions

* Transfusion, blood

* Transfusion, massive

* Ulnar Nerve Block

* Umbilical Artery Catheter

* Umbilical Vein Catheter

* Underwater Seal Drainage

* Vaginal Birth

* Ventilator Circuit Setups and Assembly

* Ventilator Emergency

* Vents and ABG's

* Wrist Block