I ; ) ) 1 1 t ) I i j } '. J l , .. t j 1 f 1 ; I , ) ) \ 1 ) ) ! ;- I ) t i .) j ) f I I 1 i t I J I ) t .. j , 1 I \ 1 I ! t _-l f I 1 1 J .. , j l ) I t '1 ) ) t i ,t I J t ; I , , 1 ) i } , I f ; ) 1 J ) , .. , Max. Min. fEMPERATURES O:C. 4..._.69 33' Dec, . 3(' Dec. 6..:_.67 ..28 " Dec. 7 68 30' Dec. ,8 32' Dec. 9 65· 29 Dec. 10_.70 32 - \' . iFriday! .,December12. 1958 WACOl\1 PRESENTS CHECK TO UNITED Johnson\Va 4 , , C01\l, president, presents a Thrift Shop-earned $500 check to Capt. C. Ii. PhlUlps, United Fund treasurer, as Thrift Shop Chairman· Virginia .. l\IiIler (left) and Thrift Shop Co-Chairman· Irene ,Pedersen (right), obsen-e the ,transaction. youi used toys to the Thrift Shop•. s .. By , One of the traditions . of the Christmas " season _. tIle Judy Campbell, Carson,' Char- uM . h" b ' ,., ,', .... ' lotte Colony" Alice' Floyd, ' Emma eSSIa : y George Handel, Jane .Graves, Elizabeth-M. Hoover, will'be -presented ·to . the-In .:- Mary -Mock, dian'WellsValley by a '53:' Dorothy Plain, - ' '.J . --- '. "'." ene ,Sch«;>ll, Sally-Skeels" and Shlr- VOICe com meu commumty ley Wheat.' chorus on Sunday, 'December . Altos are: Austill, Lolll 14 1 at 8' p.rn: in 'the Carr, Pauline'DeYoung, Ann Dunn," Chap' el "', Lynn, English, Lillian Fojt; Holly, . Foster, Nancy George, Beth Hun. .. George Carson, the ter, Janet Long, Rebecca' :Mader, Me.sslah be sung as the Andra McGuire, Margaret Maxfield, Christmas gift to. the community Susan Rich, Marie Sims Sharon from, the choral group., . . ' , . from' the Episcopal and (Contmue,d on Page 4) Community Methodist Churches in Ridgecrest; from the All-Faith I Chapel and from the Trona Com- Church will be accompanied' by organist Marguerite Ledder, and pianist Jane Birch. .,' ., Soloists, will be Elizabeth M. Hoover, Sally' A. Skeels, lloprano; Hildegard H. Weinhardt, contralto; Albert'T. Camp, tenor and Eldon Dunn, bass. : . ' The Christmas· portion- 'of . the . 1Va.s presented in Trona /1 last Sunday by: the chorus" '," Soprano members' of the' com- , ', . I tin'do Shea .. Ai foreign' . . Linda She a, Burroughs High School junior,- has been' to Egger represent' her school in a foreign '. , ., '. ne:r. t Sec'urity ·.OHloc'e·.' r .. American Field SerVIce program.--- - '... ,_., .'. was through the spons'orshipof Re v"-e' thIS group that Lynda 'Elder trav- , '.,., !, .. c.;, . eled to Sweden last lCdr that .Hans Von Durckhelm is now 0 0 0 - attending Burroughs: ., LCdr: Victor.'A.. -Egger, .USN, re- Linda was 0I1e finalists ports to NOTS to, relieve· LCdI'. chosen by the local Field Service LeonG. ·Lewis, - 9 ff !cer. : committee. ,Other candidates were who will retire from military· ser- 'Anna Gey and Sue Cotner, who both vice January 1, 1959.' ' . ranked high in scholarship, school Reporting from the USS Skagit, and community service and as stu_ AKA- 105 ,where he 'served ,as' Op- dents capable of representing Amer- erations Officer, LCdr. Egger' alsO! in another country.· served a two-year duty as Security American Field Service Commit- Officer at the Naval Research'Lab tee members who chose Linda in- in Washington, D.C., from 1954 to cluded K. W. Westcott, vice-princi- 1956. pal of the high school; Anne Woolf- During his 19-year, career"witlt end en, California Scholarship Fed-' the NavY, LCdr. Egger has served eration sponsor; June Nelson local on the USS Philadelphia, ,the JJSs! AFSC treasur-er; Art Bissell, Appling, the' USS 'George, Clymer, senting the community;' Alien Rob- and was on board the USS·Hornet. inson, Burroughs student and Linda CY-8, during World War II, When. Elder, last year's foreign it was sunk in the battle of Santa. student. . 0' Cruz in the, Solomon Islands.. He . Now that Linda has been" chosen participated in 11 battle to represent Burroughs, the next ments during the war years. step will be to obtain approval from Other', tours· of duty during his the national offices of the .AFSC, Naval career have been on the where a "foster", family will be staffs of the. Governor of Guam;: chosen for her. This family will the Commander, Naval Forces, Far have similar tastes· and interests East; and the. Commander . in: to those of her own parents, Mr. Chief, Far East and United Na- and Mrs.' Paul Shea, 54-A Randolph, tiOriS Command. '. who Linda states, are as thrilled as Accompanying LCdr. Egger to she is about her prospective, visit NOTS are his wife,· Elmer Ruth,· to a foreign land during next sum- and their two children, ""Cathy," mer's 'vacation. . ten, and "Chip," three. ' --- - .. :: Rosen,' Director oi tli.e Twelfth Civil Service Region,' and Sidney Tarbox, Deputy Regional Director, will visit the Naval Ord- nance Test Station next Monday and Tuesday, December 15 and 16. . During their visit,they will be guests of the China Lake Chapter of the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) at their dinner meeting Monday at 7 p.m. . Before his, present assignment, Mr. Rosen directed, the Federal ,Government's ,Incentive A wa I' ds Prog-ram at the central office of the 'Civil ServiCe 'Commission.- He will speak to .the group on the topic Work for the Fed- ,'eral Government?" ' In addition' to Rosen's talk, the ASPA group will eleel new of- ficers.The .meeting is open to all interested persons. ; . . for the dinner should be made Witl($tanley Winard, Code 6533, Ext. 71648.'" CS Region Official -To Speakto'ASPA' -.., ( " Uo So .Naval Ordnance Test Station, 'China ,Lake,California - , A mouse c a'n drink no more tha'n his fill al,the wid. river, nor can a bird in the great- est forest stand up- cn more than -one ,branch at a' lime. (NA,VNEWS):"::'A. · test sled, /leven tons; ,will · move 1,700 miles per hour-faster. than a bullet fired from a rifle. · Christian 'Science lecturer Due Here' .COMMUNITY COUNCIL of !he Community Council were installed at their annual banquet on De- );,-- ·cember 2 in the Hidea\vay. (I. to r.) are:_ Don l\loore,- l\Iargaret Egbert, Recording Secretary; Austin Ross, Executive Secre- . :tary; Dorothy Fetter, Vice-President; and Jack Kirby, Treasurer.- Local County officials attending the installation were: Judge-elect .Robert Pruett; County Ve.ra Gibson;' Assemblywoman Dorothy .Donahoe; and State Senator \Valter Stiern. '. . ,. .' I . .' EntriesA"ailab'e Now for Ch'ristmas' Decoration"'Cbntest " China Lake residents will be elig- ible to enter the Christmas home decorating contest sponsored by the Ridgecrest Chamber of Commerce through arrangements made. by Harry Porter, Precinct No. 1 tor of-the 'CommunitrCouncil.--,. First, second" and third, prizes will be given for the best door win- dow, and outdoor, displays, a' number of consolation priz'es, ac-, cording to Mr. Porter. '.C_' ',>- , ,In addition, the China Lake Pho-' tographic Society"will present a 5' by '7 inch color print 'of .his display to the 'ruimers-up' in each category. '_ - ,'. _, __ ' , :'iHEY.ALSO'SERVE:.:-You';re nev- ., Judging will beheld on December ei<too' old.'or'·too young:to help a 22 in-this area by a committee of good cause. The:pictorial interest ,Trona Business' and -Professional in this 'year's United Fund Drive Women's Club members. " - was' supplied :by, 7-month 'old Sha- .' In turn, a committee of the local roll. 1uld i Gerry n,Iay- Kern 'Desert· BPW 'members' will den; It was a fannly affair as their . the Trcma -Christmas decor- mother; 'dienmi, oof . the' Rocketeer _ ,aUon contest. Winners wili be 'an- staff, 'wrote all of the publicity for Weste ' rn Art' Exh 0 1 bOlt notincedon the following day. Dead- the 1958 Campaign., .,, line !or. entries will be next Friday, :SlatedHere Sunda'y up unod" 'Dr' IOV"e" , 'Eugene . "Buck" Luff, not ed at .the. HouEliljg, Qffice, Station- Li- 'Southern: 'California painter ofbrary, Commissary,. or NavY Ex- ,N' ets ','83%-,0 o"f Go'a'-'I :western scenes, will hold'a'one-man change' and should be mailed .01' exhibit of his' works iIi' the Arichor- takem to Mrs.· Naomi ,van: Meter, Close, but -just not close enough age next :'Sunday, December' 14, 107. NadeaJ,1 St., Ridgecrest. 'Tele- -the final tabulation of contribu- from 2 t05 p.m. Sponsored by the phone "entries· will' a 1so' be ,'ac- tions to the United Fund show that Desert Art ,League, the exhibit is cepted 'by' Mrs'-' Van'Metei';-Ext: 'only 83,4% of'thegoal, or $26,900, opEm to the public and an informal 718-84331. -.. ' ," was collected. Only 78% of Station reception will be held in his honor ! .• , - -... 'employees: "participated .in the · during the show. Repod 'Contagipn to ,'.- drive.: . · Numerous . exhibits of, Luff's' " . 'works 'have been-held in art galler- Public, Health : Office' '. for. R!diecrest ies in . Southern California,includ- Residents 'are requested to iepoi't .and. n?t ing' Palm, Springs, Laguna : Beach, all contagious diseases; whether available,. smce. campal g ?, III Los Angeles, and Long Beach. . der doctor;s care or not. to the Pub- handled III a : ,Luff; a 33-year-old veteran oftha lie'Health'Office, Ext. 71683, .ac- SNhogThtslr' 'dlffe.rent· manner from •• NlJ,vy; is' aquadraplegic.Hfshandi- cording' to Doris 'PubIc . ... ;. cap is t,he' result of a' diving acci- Health Nurse:, . ".'- " 'Although-: the Drive ,officially dent which accurred 10 years ago.: '-If in doubt about contagion, cases cl,!sed 30, mop- : During' his, convalescence, he. found should b'e reported 'for verification. ping-up, ope,rations will continue his aptitude for, art and developed. ' " - until those' individuals 'or a technique which closely follows tions ',riot contacted during the ac- cthe pattern of" another' famoui In ,Tournament·Torriorrow .' . tual campaign have been given the :and: sculptor,- Charles, N. All Junior Archers 'mayCcompete opportunity 'to '= contribute, stated ·.Russell. His western ranch scenes in an' archery,- tournament to -be EV'Long, Campaign Manager. done in oils and' held tomorrow, December' 13 . at , ,-, _ -,,"y- m.e,. dias,' . .', ",,' . their archery hut 'at 57-B'Rowe' ac- .'- .•- E" -to ," 'H' IOd ,-- . !-- ; , c?rding to instnictor JOe Stone:', .. ..:.." X r.a., 0 I. ay .. ' ,c 'The tournament.wiIl'be 'conduet.- and its :' .' " ,Plaia :Sale ,Permits ediri two phases. All Junior "field service\"iIl be" closed to . , , . 'Permission for fiolding miscel-: ers'wilL shoot in the-morning 'business Christmas Day,Decem- laneoussales in th'e,Bennington' a:m.'and again 'at 2 p.m. The 'scores' ber 25,'and also the-day follow- Plaza area must be obtained from' of both shoots. will determine the ing Christmas, December 26. '. '.th, e Co.' inmunity·· l\Ianager,- . Ext. ,. .' . All employees except those re- winners., .: . '. , 71310. - ..--- ' " Duplicate prizes will. be awarded' quired for maintenance, security both age groups. First prizes will 'or other essential duties will be trophies; :secolld p}a(:e prizes will' excused from work and the ex- , plaques;' and medals' wiU be cusecl time Iiball be considered awarded to third place' winners. holidaYIi for leaye pay pur- Parents' are invited.' poses; ,----------...! •• Two Ordnancemeri llnlured in Mishap Two ordnancemen of the try Division, 'Research were injured by a flash explosl01i which occurred, while they were; mixing igniter composition at 10:3Q p.m. on December 4 in Michelson, , Laboratory. Charles D. Stanifer,- one of the ordnancemen, sustained the mosl: serious injuries with third, degree burns on the face, hands and lower arms, with involvement' of bothj corneas of the' eyes. The extent of, his injuries required his transferral ", to theU. S. Naval Hospital in San Diego' where he is presently under.. :' ,How understanding suprem- going treatment.. "acy 'of God's power meets and solves Duane M. Pearl, the second -0 i- of everyday· living' will e anceman, suffered second and third ,.:J, -the topic of a free, public'lectur degree burns on hands and ;1,< '. Christian Science to be given at Following treatment at the Statioll., 'China· Lake next' Sunday,' Decem- Hospital, he has since returned to' . ber 14, at 4 p.m. by' W. Norman work. . ' ..' 1" - . Cooper of Los Angeles. - ,- . Safety Division officials A member of the Christi.an Sci- ducting an investigation to <\ r !nce - of Mr. mine the cause of the ... .Cooper Will speak III the Chapel An- nex, east of the Anchorage, under the auspices of the Christian Sci- ·.ence Society, China Lake. His sub- jed will ,be "Meeting and Solving Your Problems Through Christian Science." 'A native of Winnipeg; Mr. Cooper' served' in the' United States Army'during-World War 11. - Since that time,' h'e has devoted his full time to the public practice of Christian Science healing: He be- came an authorized teacher of Christian Science in 1952'-' (Contin'<leQ 1'r'o<n Page 1> Steele, Dorothy Viellenave, Barbara Walker, Joanne Washmuth, and Virgina Wiseman•. Tenor and bass choristers in 4 elude: Marvin Backman"Albert T. Camp, Jim Chote,' Murray English, Herb Foster, Perry Stone, Warren Stump, James Wiseman: Bass: Boli ,Chapman, John Daniels, Eldon Dunn, Ernie George, Ronald Hise. William Ledder, George C. Y. Lee. Robert McCullough, Adam· Marsh, Daniel P. Scholl and Dean Skeels. Handel's 'Messiah •. ,Friday,. December 12, 1958' Regarding travel assistance ill case of an emergency occurring af- ter the close of business,' the trav- eler should contact the Officer of the Day, _who will then, in turn, contact the proper authorities in giving assistance in travel itiner- aries. . 'It was learned that in order to avoid being charged for damage to Wherry Housing done by an earlier tenant, each incoming tenant" is now given a check list by the Hous- ing Division. 'The new rentor, is al?ked to check his unit thoroughly and, to note on the check list those items which ,need repair' or main- tenance. 'Upon checking the tenant out; the list is taken to the unit by the ,Wherry manager and. items listed are not charged against the ,outgoing If a-person faiis to turn in the check:"list as instructed he may be liable for all 'evident in the rental: Keep Dogs Leashed .- The Station regulations on ing dogs on leash are enforced. by one full-tim'e man assigned to -Ani- mal Control during the day. There js no patrol at night, but complaints. are answered. Around the first of the year a Kern County animal con-, trol officer will assist in the round- up. of unlicensed dogs on the the Station. The County will conduct an animal clinic in Ridgecrest· in the near future where licenses and in- oculations may be obtained at a special rate. After clinic's closing owners of dogs without rabies tags will be cited and will be required to report to Bakersfield. Station l\Iovies .. In answer to recent queries about the and obtaining of mo- vies shown at the Station Theatre Council members were informed that all NavY shore activities ex- hibiting entertainment motion pic- ture films must participate in the NavY-Marine Corps Motion Picture Plan, governed by regulation, and through which films are procured from commercial exchanges. It is not possible for employees to parti- cipate in the choice of films. Also noted was the fact that Sta- tion m 0 vie s have not started promptly in the past because of movie-goers' late . arrival at the theater; however, it was stated that henceforth, ,m 0 vie s .will begin promptly at the scheduled time. Rumors Scotched ' Answering Jhe rumor that the National Aeronautical and Space Agency (NASA) is going to take over NOTS, management reported that" they know of no basis in fact for the rumor. ,This story could have arisen through the publicity EMCO Reports. DEC. IS DEC. 13 * FIRST SHOW "RELUCTANT DEBUTANTE" (96 Min.) Rex Harrison, Kay Kendall' - *. TH,S. ROCKETEER MATINEE, , "THREE MUSKETEERS" (126 Min.) .- -- . Gena Kelly SHORTS: "Just Ducky" (7 Min.)' "Captain Video" Chapter No. 11 (16 Min.Y. MON. SUN. DEC. 14 "RELUCTANT DEBUTANTE" (96 Min.) , Rex Harrison, Kay' Kendall A comedy from giggles to slopstick when london banker's wife forces deb daughter into the society "season" and she goes for an American Snappy dialogue a'nd laughs galore. ' . '"SHORTS: "The Dog Hou'se"'(7 Min.,) "Down the Magdalena" (9 Min.) ", THURS.·FRI. DEC: 18·19 BIG COUNTRY" (IS6 Min.) . Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Burl Ive. Super western in CinemaScope-Color filmad in Red Rock Canyon. Superior drama of a former sea captain, fiance of cattle baron's daughter, enters feud over water rights. He navigates the huge domain, loves the school· marm, and the toughs. A sure emy Awcird winnerl Don't miss this onel SECOND SHOW ' "THE SPORTSMEN", on stoge in person plus' . ' "THE BLUE ANGELS" (16 Min. Film) TUES.·WED.', _ DEC. 16·17 "SENIOR PROM" (82 Min.) Jill Corey, louis Prima, Keely Smith Bob Crosby, Ed Suilivan Musica'i. No synopsis available. SHORTS: "Love Comes to Magoo" (7 Min.) , No. 556" (19 Min.) EVENING "ROONEY" (88 Min.) , Barry Fitzgerald, Muriel Pavlow A "sleeperl" Story of a garbage collector who is a star athlete on weekends. He has to move from quarters constantly to dodga matrimonial,minded landladies and retain de· sired bachelorhood. SHORT, "Andy Plays Hockey." (18 Min.) MATINEE Saturday and Sunday - 1 p.m. " EVENING ,6 and 8 p:in. dally TODAY' DEC. 12 - i'THE MAN 'INSIDE" (89 Min.) .Jack Palance, Anita' Ekberg , Detective follows trail of a fabulous stolen diamond to lisbon,' Madrid,- don.. lovely gal also hunts. the as they race around the continent, ISHORTS: "There They Go,o,o" (7 Min.) "Jungle Monarch" (8 Min.) Kids Under 18 Require Work Permits to Work By California law, anyone under 18, whether going to school or not, is required to hold' a' work permit before being employed on any job. These' permits may. be obtained only from Darwin B'- Howe, attend- ance officer at 'Burroughs High School. ., --- nity Church' are invited to take part in the Christmas program to be held Tuesday, December 16 at 8 p.m. in the Parish House. Chap- lain and Mrs. Robert "Q" Jones will meet with the general Guild. ,The special project will be the bringng of canned food to be included in Christmas baskets. ARTIST OF THE lUONTH-Lela supplies the art interest in the Station Library this month with a display of eight watercolors, her fav- ,orite media. Portraits are her specialty. One of her works, "Child Sleep- ing," won a district award at the local County Art Festival last spring and an honorable mention in the county exhibit in Bakersfield. Babe ,Ruth League Benefit A Bake Sale will be held near the .commissary today from 10 a.m. to ·6 p.m. to raise funds for Babe Rutlt uniforms mid 'NAF News Notes i By Lt. (jg) Bruce l\Iudge - .NOT,S !Ski Club - - -0 Next Tuesday, December 16 at Two NAFmen shipped over, this .8:15 p.m. in 'the Community Cen- morning, with Captain G. 'J. ter, NOTS Ski Club members willson 'administering the reenlistment :hold a. brief business meeting' and oaths in' his office. ,Roland von Huene will show col- P. A. Liggett, AQ1, is a fire con- .ored slides taken while he was in trolman in AWAB (All Weather :Austria last year. A Christmas par- Attach Branch). Enlisting in 1944, ty will follow;." '. he reported to ,NOTS in' March, 1958, and lives in Wherry with hi3 wife and 'three children. ' W. O. Nash, AQ2, enlisted in 1950, and came to NAF in January, 1958.' He is presently working for AOD4, Development Group of Projects In- spection. . . Both men spent several years in. civilian jobs before joining, the, Navy. Basketball Our congratulations are extended, to the NAF Basketball Team which has already played two outstanding games. The starting team, compos- ed of W:C. Richardson, ATAN, and Coach R. 'R. Olson, AN, forwards; V. S.McDonald, center; S. H. Wheeler, AMSAN, and M. R. Heb- berd, ,AMSAN, guards, present a. formidable squad. The first victor- ious game of the season brought in' a '69-34 score against the Marine Corps' Guided Missile Test Unit, last Thursday. C. Mallett, ATC, guard, played an excellent all- around game. Last Tuesday's game with NOTS netted an NAFvictory of 84-29. This score set a record for points scored in a single basketball game in the Station gym. V. S. McDonald, with 25 points, was high sco'rer. . The next game will be with GMU-- 61-25, Tuesday, December 16, at 8 p.m. in gym.' ,Desert ,Dancers - A Scandinavian theme will pre- 'vail at the Desert Dancers potluck :supper an<;l dance, 7 p.m. Thursday, 18 at the Anchorag·e., N.ROC·11·1 Lt. R. G. Blackwood, USN, Ord- nanceOfficer at NAF, will speak on "All Weather Bomb Directing ,Systems," ,at n ext Wednesday's meeting of NROC-11-1, at 7:30 p.m., in 'Room 1001, Michelson Labora- ,. tory. ' . .:-, !.Unitarians' "An, Introduction to. the 'Mes- "siah'" will be given by Opal Norris · to the IWV Unitarian Fellowship, .. Sunday. December 14 at 7:15 p.m. at _the Anchorage. Following Mrs. N or- · ris'talk members will attend the · "Messiah" at the All-Faith Chapel. . :Women'sGuild ' All members and friends' of the Women's Guild of NOTS Commu- . .... /" ,:Photo :Club . Discussion of m0re 'adequate facilities to be set up in 'the new Hobby Shop and the show- 'ing of slides will compose the meet- . ing of the Photo Club, Wednesday, 'December 17, at 8 p.m. in the Photo 'Hut. . Test Station' . "- NAF ,ChcirfNo;l of Organization Manual- , T'" , .. ,_. '. . ' ' ' , •. ., I WI e IS n ue to hIm at the recent personnel __ . , Jater for insertion in the Station Organization Manu.e!, BuOrd Report 5201-1. ' , .

EMCO Reports. - chinalakealumni.orgchinalakealumni.org/Downloads/Rocketeer/1958/Rktr12.12.1958.pdf · ... Marie Sims Sharon from,the choral ... Hildegard H. Weinhardt, contralto;

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)! ;­I)



















Max. Min.


O:C. 4..._.69 33'Dec, S.'::'~68 . 3('Dec. 6..:_.67 ..28 "Dec. 7 68 30'Dec. ,8 ~4 32'Dec. 9 65· 29Dec. 10_•.70 32

- \' .iFriday! .,December12. 1958


C01\l, president, presents a Thrift Shop-earned $500 check to Capt. C. Ii.PhlUlps, United Fund treasurer, as Thrift Shop Chairman· Virginia ..l\IiIler (left) and Thrift Shop Co-Chairman· Irene ,Pedersen (right),obsen-e the ,transaction. ~h-e youi used toys to the Thrift Shop•.

Ha_ri9~rs..:Messi~h~JOc be'·~~uOg:'ISiJ.ndayBy~,C;~,mpp.~it.e·~ryolr 3}J···AII.·FQith~.~,h.qpel., One of the traditions . of binedch.~rus'll:i:eJ;Bai:bara.·Auld,

the Christmas " season _. tIle Judy Campbell, ~e~ Carson,' Char­uM . h" b ' ,., ,', ....' lotte Colony" Alice' Floyd, ' Emma

eSSIa : y George Handel, Jane .Graves, Elizabeth-M. Hoover,will'be -presented ·to .the-In.:- Mary -McCullough,-.J~anit~-Mock,dian'WellsValley by a '53:' Dorothy OusleY;'Felic~.Plain, r.o.~-

• ~. - ~b' ' '.J . --- '. "'." ene ,Sch«;>ll, Sally-Skeels" and Shlr­VOICe com meu commumty ley Wheat.'chorus on Sunday, 'December . Altos are: 'Priscilla~Austill, Lolll14

1at 8' p.rn: in 'the All~F<iiih Carr, Pauline'DeYoung, Ann Dunn,"

Chap'el "', Lynn, English, Lillian Fojt; Holly,. • Foster, Nancy George, Beth Hun.

.. DI_re.cte,~, b~ George Carson, the ter, Janet Long, Rebecca' :Mader,Me.sslah ~Ill be sung as the Andra McGuire, Margaret Maxfield,

Christmas gift to. the community Susan Rich, Marie Sims Sharonfrom, the choral group., . . ' ,. Vocal~sts from' the Episcopal and (Contmue,d on Page 4)

Community Methodist Churches inRidgecrest; from the All-Faith IChapel and from the Trona Com­mu~ityChurch will be accompanied'by organist Marguerite Ledder, andpianist Jane Birch. .,' . ,

Soloists, will be Elizabeth M.Hoover, Sally' A. Skeels, lloprano;Hildegard H. Weinhardt, contralto;Albert'T. Camp, tenor and EldonDunn, bass. : . '

The Christmas· portion- 'of . the.'~Messiah'; 1Va.s presented in Trona /1

last Sunday by: the chorus" ',"Soprano members' of the' com-, ', . I

tin'do Shea c:hose~'.. Ai 19~9 foreign' ..'~x~ha~ge'StudentLinda She a, Burroughs High

School junior,- has been' cho~en to Eggerrepresent' her school in a foreign '. , . , '.count~ ne:r.t 'sum~erunderthe Sec'urity ·.OHloc'e·.'r..American Field SerVIce program.--- ~o- - '... ,_., .'. ~,'"-'

~ ~t was through the spons'orshipof Re~p·'6rfs."to':R~e·lie" v"-e'thIS group that Lynda 'Elder trav- , '.,., !, .. c.;, .

eled to Sweden last sl:l~mer, an~ lCdr L· G· lewlos·~.;'.that .Hans Von Durckhelm is now 0 0 0 -

attending Burroughs: ., LCdr: Victor.'A.. -Egger, .USN, re-Linda was 0I1e ofthr~e finalists ports to NOTS to, relieve· LCdI'.

chosen by the local Field Service LeonG. ·Lewis, - Se~urity: 9ff!cer. :committee. ,Other candidates were who will retire from military· ser-'Anna Gey and Sue Cotner, who both vice January 1, 1959.' ' .ranked high in scholarship, school Reporting from the USS Skagit,and community service and as stu_ AKA-105,where he 'served ,as' Op­dents capable of representing Amer- erations Officer, LCdr. Egger' alsO!i~a in another country.· ~. served a two-year duty as Security

American Field Service Commit- Officer at the Naval Research'Labtee members who chose Linda in- in Washington, D.C., from 1954 tocluded K. W. Westcott, vice-princi- 1956.pal of the high school; Anne Woolf- During his 19-year, career"witltenden, California Scholarship Fed-' the NavY, LCdr. Egger has servederation sponsor; June Nelson local on the USS Philadelphia, ,the JJSs!AFSC treasur-er; Art Bissell, ~epre- Appling, the' USS 'George, Clymer,senting the community;' Alien Rob- and was on board the USS·Hornet.inson, Burroughs student and Linda CY-8, during World War II, When.Elder, last year's foreign e~change it was sunk in the battle of Santa.student. . 0' Cruz in the, Solomon Islands.. He. Now that Linda has been" chosen participated in 11 battle engag~'~to represent Burroughs, the next ments during the war years.step will be to obtain approval from Other', tours· of duty during histhe national offices of the .AFSC, Naval career have been on thewhere a "foster", family will be staffs of the. Governor of Guam;:chosen for her. This family will the Commander, Naval Forces, Farhave similar tastes· and interests East; and the. Commander .in:to those of her own parents, Mr. Chief, Far East and United Na­and Mrs.' Paul Shea, 54-A Randolph, tiOriS Command. ' .who Linda states, are as thrilled as Accompanying LCdr. Egger toshe is about her prospective, visit NOTS are his wife,· Elmer Ruth,·to a foreign land during next sum- and their two children, ""Cathy,"mer's 'vacation. . ten, and "Chip," three. '

--- - .. ::

Be~nard Rosen,' Director oi tli.eTwelfth Civil Service Region,' andSidney Tarbox, Deputy RegionalDirector, will visit the Naval Ord­nance Test Station next Mondayand Tuesday, December 15 and 16.

. During their visit,they will beguests of the China Lake Chapterof the American Society for PublicAdministration (ASPA) at theirdinner meeting Monday at 7 p.m.

. Before his, present assignment,Mr. Rosen directed, the Federal,Government's ,Incentive A wa I' d sProg-ram at the central office of the

'Civil ServiCe 'Commission.- He willspeak to .the 10paL~P~ group onthe topic ~'Why Work for the Fed-

,'eral Government?" '

In addition' to M~. Rosen's talk,the ASPA group will eleel new of­ficers.The .meeting is open to allinterested persons. ; .

. Reservatio~s for the dinner shouldbe made Witl($tanley Winard, Code6533, Ext. 71648.'"

CS Region Official-To Speakto'ASPA'

-..,( "

Uo So .Naval Ordnance Test Station, 'China ,Lake,California

- ,

A mouse c a'ndrink no more tha'nhis fill al,the wid.~st river, nor cana bird in the great­est forest stand up­cn more than -one

,branch at a' lime.

(NA,VNEWS):"::'A. 'roc~et.powered· test sled, weighin~ /leven tons; ,will· move 1,700 miles per hour-faster.than a bullet fired from a rifle.

·Christian 'Sciencelecturer Due Here'

.COMMUNITY COUNCIL OFFICERS-Ne~ly-elooted1958~59 offi~e~s of!he Community Council were installed at their annual banquet on De­

);,-- ·cember 2 in the Hidea\vay. S~own (I. to r.) are:_ Don l\loore,- President~l\Iargaret Egbert, Recording Secretary; Austin Ross, Executive Secre-

. :tary; Dorothy Fetter, Vice-President; and Jack Kirby, Treasurer.- Locala,!~!iern County officials attending the installation were: Judge-elect

.Robert Pruett; County Cler~ Ve.ra Gibson;' Assemblywoman Dorothy

.Donahoe; and State Senator \Valter Stiern. '. . ,. .'


. .'EntriesA"ailab'eNow for Ch'ristmas'Decoration"'Cbntest" China Lake residents will be elig­ible to enter the Christmas homedecorating contest sponsored by theRidgecrest Chamber of Commercethrough arrangements made. byHarry Porter, Precinct No. 1 direc~

tor of-the 'CommunitrCouncil.--,.First, second" and third, prizes

will be given for the best door win­dow, and outdoor, displays, ~ith a 'number of consolation priz'es, ac-,cording to Mr. Porter. '.C_' ',>- .~ ,,In addition, the China Lake Pho-'

tographic Society"will present a 5 'by '7 inch color print 'of .his displayto the wi~ner'an~ 'ruimers-up' ineach category. '_ - ,'. _, __ ' , :'iHEY.ALSO'SERVE:.:-You';re nev-., Judging will beheld on December ei<too' old.'or'·too young:to help a22 in-this area by a committee of good cause. The:pictorial interest,Trona Business' and -Professional in this 'year's United Fund DriveWomen's Club members. " - ~.' was' supplied :by, 7-month 'old Sha­.' In turn, a committee of the local roll. 1uld i 1~-year-old Gerry n,Iay­Kern 'Desert· BPW 'members' will den; It was a fannly affair as theirjut;Ii~ . the Trcma-Christmas decor- mother; 'dienmi, oof . the' Rocketeer

_ ,aUon contest. Winners wili be 'an- staff, 'wrote all of the publicity for

Weste' rn Art' Exh 0

1bOlt notincedon the following day. Dead- the 1958 Campaign., . , ,

line !or. entries will be next Friday,

:SlatedHere Sunda'y D~~~~e~l~~~: m~y,\e;i~~ed up -U'-·n·-'~lt'~e,·I'dro'F'unod" 'Dr'IOV"e", 'Eugene . "Buck" Luff, not e d at .the.HouEliljg, Qffice, Station- Li-'Southern: 'California painter ofbrary, Commissary,. or NavY Ex- ,N'ets ','83%-,0 o"f Go'a'-'I:western scenes, will hold'a'one-man change' and should be mailed .01'

exhibit of his' works iIi' the Arichor- takem to Mrs.· Naomi ,van: Meter, Close, but -just not close enoughage next :'Sunday, December' 14, 107. NadeaJ,1 St., Ridgecrest. 'Tele- -the final tabulation of contribu­from 2 t05 p.m. Sponsored by the phone "entries· will' a 1so' be ,'ac- tions to the United Fund show thatDesert Art ,League, the exhibit is cepted 'by' Mrs'-' Van'Metei';-Ext: 'only 83,4% of'thegoal, or $26,900,opEm to the public and an informal 718-84331. -.. ' ," was collected. Only 78% of Stationreception will be held in his honor ! .• , - -... 'employees: "participated .in the

· during the show. Repod 'Contagipn to ,'.- drive.: .~' .· Numerous . exhibits of, Luff's' " .'works 'have been-held in art galler- Public, Health :Office' '. ,Perc.enfag.e.figur~s. for. R!diecresties in . Southern California,includ- Residents 'are requested to iepoi't .and. Inyoke~n ~artlclpabon ~re n?ting' Palm, Springs, Laguna :Beach, all contagious diseases; whether un~ available,. smce. ~ th~ campal

g?, III

Los Angeles, and Long Beach. . der doctor;s care or not. to the Pub- t~ose, tow~s, ~w:as handled III a: ,Luff; a 33-year-old veteran oftha lie'Health'Office, Ext. 71683, .ac- SNhogThtslr' 'dlffe.rent· manner from

•• NlJ,vy; is' aquadraplegic.Hfshandi- cording' to Doris ~Whitley, 'PubIc . ... 'e~~palg-~' ;.cap is t,he' result of a' diving acci- Health Nurse:, . ".'- " 'Although-: the Drive ,officiallydent which accurred 10 years ago.: '-If in doubt about contagion, cases cl,!sed Sun~ay,No~ember 30, mop-

::..~ :During'his, convalescence, he. found should b'e reported 'for verification. ping-up, ope,rations will continuehis aptitude for, art and developed. ' " - until those' individuals 'or organiza~a technique which closely follows Junior,A~che,rs C~mp'ete' tions ',riot contacted during the ac­cthe pattern of" another' famoui In ,Tournament·Torriorrow .' .tual campaign have been given thep~inter :and: sculptor,- Charles, N. All Junior Archers 'mayCcompete opportunity 'to '= contribute, stated

·.Russell. His western ranch scenes in an' archery,- tournament to -be EV'Long, Campaign Manager.~re done in oils and' watercolor~, held tomorrow, December' 13 . at ~ ,

,~~ :~.~,._-,,-,_-,,"y-"~,"-,,·.;rf,av,or.tte, m.e,.dias,' . .', ",,' . their archery hut 'at 57-B'Rowe' ac- .~ .'- .•- E" -to ," 'H' IOd ,-- .!-- ; ~ , c?rding to instnictor JOe Stone:', .. ..:.." X r.a., 0 I .ay .. ' ,c

'The tournament.wiIl'be 'conduet.- '.Th~·,Navy.Departmentand its:' .' " ,Plaia :Sale ,Permits ediri two phases. All Junior Arch~ "field service\"iIl be" closed to

. , , . 'Permission for fiolding miscel-: ers'wilL shoot in the-morning at~9 'business Christmas Day,Decem-laneoussales in th'e,Bennington' a:m.'and again 'at 2 p.m. The 'scores' ber 25,'and also the-day follow­Plaza area must be obtained from' of both shoots.will determine the ing Christmas, December 26. '.'.th,e Co.'inmunity·· l\Ianager,- . Ext. ,. . ' . All employees except those re-winners., .: . '. ,71310. - ..--- ' " Duplicate prizes will. be awarded' quired for maintenance, security

both age groups. First prizes will 'or other essential duties will beb~ trophies; :secolld p}a(:e prizes will' excused from work and the ex­b~ , plaques;' and medals' wiU be cusecl time Iiball be consideredawarded to third place' winners. holidaYIi for leaye ~nd pay pur-Parents' are invited.' poses;,----------...!

• •

Two Ordnancemerillnlured in Mishap t,~,

Two ordnancemen of the Chemis~

try Division, 'Research Departm~nhwere injured by a flash explosl01iwhich occurred, while they were;mixing igniter composition at 10:3Qp.m. on December 4 in Michelson, ,Laboratory.

Charles D. Stanifer,- one of theordnancemen, sustained the mosl:serious injuries with third, degreeburns on the face, hands and lowerarms, with involvement' of bothjcorneas of the' eyes. The extent of,his injuries required his transferral ~ ", <~

to theU. S. Naval Hospital in SanDiego' where he is presently under.. :' ,How understanding th~ suprem-going treatment.. "acy'of God's power meets and solves

Duane M. Pearl, the second ordn~ -0 i - ~ pro~lems of everyday· living' will eanceman, suffered second and third ,.:J, -the topic of a free, public'lecturdegree burns on hands and arms~ ;1,< ' . Christian Science to be given atFollowing treatment at the Statioll., 'China· Lake next' Sunday,' Decem-Hospital, he has since returned to' .ber 14, at 4 p.m. by' W. Normanwork. . ' ..' 1"- . Cooper of Los Angeles. ~~, - ,-. Safety Division officials a~~' ~ ~ A member of the Christi.an Sci­

ducting an investigation to <\ r !nce Bo~rd - of ~ectureshIP, Mr.mine the cause of the explosion~~ ...~ .Cooper Will speak III the Chapel An-

nex, east of the Anchorage, underthe auspices of the Christian Sci­

·.ence Society, China Lake. His sub­jed will ,be "Meeting and SolvingYour Problems Through ChristianScience."'A native of Winnipeg; Ca:nad~,

Mr. Cooper' served' in the' UnitedStates Army'during-World War 11.

- Since that time,' h'e has devoted hisfull time to the public practice ofChristian Science healing: He be­came an authorized teacher ofChristian Science in 1952'-'

(Contin'<leQ 1'r'o<n Page 1>Steele, Dorothy Viellenave, BarbaraWalker, Joanne Washmuth, andVirgina Wiseman•.

Tenor and bass choristers in4

elude: Marvin Backman"Albert T.Camp, Jim Chote,'Murray English,Herb Foster, Perry Stone, WarrenStump, James Wiseman: Bass: Boli,Chapman, John Daniels, EldonDunn, Ernie George, Ronald Hise.William Ledder, George C. Y. Lee.Robert McCullough, Adam· Marsh,Daniel P. Scholl and Dean Skeels.

Handel's 'Messiah•. ~

,Friday,. December 12, 1958'

Regarding travel assistance illcase of an emergency occurring af­ter the close of business,' the trav­eler should contact the Officer ofthe Day, _who will then, in turn,contact the proper authorities ingiving assistance in travel itiner-aries. .

'It was learned that in order toavoid being charged for damage toWherry Housing done by an earliertenant, each incoming tenant" isnow given a check list by the Hous­ing Division. 'The new rentor, isal?ked to check his unit thoroughlyand, to note on the check list thoseitems which ,need repair' or main­tenance. 'Upon checking the tenantout; the list is taken to the unit bythe ,Wherry manager and. itemslisted are not charged against the,outgoing tenant.~If a-person faiis toturn in the check:"list as instructedhe may be liable for all damag~'evident in the rental:

Keep Dogs Leashed .-The Station regulations on keep~

ing dogs on leash are enforced. byone full-tim'e man assigned to-Ani­mal Control during the day. Therejs no patrol at night, butcomplaints.are answered. Around the first ofthe year a Kern County animal con-,trol officer will assist in the round­up. of unlicensed dogs on the theStation. The County will conduct ananimal clinic in Ridgecrest· in thenear future where licenses and in­oculations may be obtained at aspecial rate. After clinic's closingowners of dogs without rabies tagswill be cited and will be requiredto report to Bakersfield.

Station l\Iovies ..In answer to recent queries about

the selec~ion and obtaining of mo­vies shown at the Station TheatreCouncil members were informedthat all NavY shore activities ex­hibiting entertainment motion pic­ture films must participate in theNavY-Marine Corps Motion PicturePlan, governed by regulation, andthrough which films are procuredfrom commercial exchanges. It isnot possible for employees to parti­cipate in the choice of films.

Also noted was the fact that Sta­tion m 0 vie s have not startedpromptly in the past because ofmovie-goers' late .arrival at thetheater; however, it was stated thathenceforth, ,m 0 vie s .will beginpromptly at the scheduled time.

Rumors Scotched 'Answering Jhe rumor that the

National Aeronautical and SpaceAgency (NASA) is going to takeover NOTS, management reportedthat" they know of no basis in factfor the rumor. ,This story couldhave arisen through the publicity

EMCO Reports.


DEC. 13



Rex Harrison, Kay Kendall' -* .



. - -- . Gena KellySHORTS: "Just Ducky" (7 Min.)'

"Captain Video" Chapter No. 11 (16 Min.Y.



, Rex Harrison, Kay' KendallA comedy from giggles to slopstick when

london banker's wife forces deb daughterinto the society "season" and she goes foran American drumme~. Snappy dialogue a'ndlaughs galore. '

. '"SHORTS: "The Dog Hou'se"'(7 Min.,)"Down the Magdalena" (9 Min.) ",


. Gregory Peck, Jean Simmons, Burl Ive.Super western in CinemaScope-Color filmad

in Red Rock Canyon. Superior drama of aformer sea captain, fiance of cattle baron'sdaughter, enters feud over water rights. Henavigates the huge domain, loves the school·marm, and ~uffles the toughs. A sure Acad~emy Awcird winnerl Don't miss this onel

SECOND SHOW '"THE SPORTSMEN", on stoge in person

• plus' . '"THE BLUE ANGELS" (16 Min. Film)

TUES.·WED.', _ DEC. 16·17"SENIOR PROM" (82 Min.)

Jill Corey, louis Prima, Keely SmithBob Crosby, Ed Suilivan

Musica'i. No synopsis available.SHORTS: "Love Comes to Magoo" (7 Min.)

, ~'AFSM No. 556" (19 Min.)


Barry Fitzgerald, Muriel PavlowA "sleeperl" Story of a garbage collector

who is a star athlete on weekends. He hasto move from quarters constantly to dodgamatrimonial,minded landladies and retain de·sired bachelorhood.

SHORT, "Andy Plays Hockey." (18 Min.)

MATINEESaturday and Sunday - 1 p.m.

" EVENING, 6 and 8 p:in. dally

TODAY' DEC. 12- i'THE MAN 'INSIDE" (89 Min.)

.Jack Palance, Anita' Ekberg, Detective follows trail of a fabulous stolen

diamond to lisbon,' Madrid,- P~ris,'a~d l~n'don.. lovely gal also hunts. the tr~asure asthey race around the continent,

ISHORTS: "There They Go,o,o" (7 Min.)"Jungle Monarch" (8 Min.)

Kids Under 18 RequireWork Permits to Work

By California law, anyone under18, whether going to school or not,is required to hold' a' work permitbefore being employed on any job.These' permits may. be obtainedonly from Darwin B'- Howe, attend­ance officer at 'Burroughs HighSchool. .,


nity Church' are invited to takepart in the Christmas program tobe held Tuesday, December 16 at8 p.m. in the Parish House. Chap­lain and Mrs. Robert "Q" Jones willmeet with the general Guild. ,Thespecial project will be the bringngof canned food to be included inChristmas baskets.

ARTIST OF THE lUONTH-Lela War~ supplies the art interest in theStation Library this month with a display of eight watercolors, her fav­,orite media. Portraits are her specialty. One of her works, "Child Sleep­ing," won a district award at the local County Art Festival last springand an honorable mention in the county exhibit in Bakersfield.

Babe ,Ruth League BenefitA Bake Sale will be held near the

.commissary today from 10 a.m. to·6 p.m. to raise funds for Babe RutltI,------~------.....:-:

~~~~en~aseball uniforms mid 'NAF News Notesi ~ By Lt. (jg) Bruce l\Iudge

-.NOT,S !Ski Club - - -0

Next Tuesday, December 16 at Two NAFmen shipped over, this.8:15 p.m. in 'the Community Cen- morning, with Captain G. 'J. Ander~ter, NOTS Ski Club members willson 'administering the reenlistment

:hold a.brief business meeting'and oaths in' his office.,Roland von Huene will show col- P. A. Liggett, AQ1, is a fire con­.ored slides taken while he was in trolman in AWAB (All Weather:Austria last year. A Christmas par- Attach Branch). Enlisting in 1944,ty will follow;." ' . he reported to ,NOTS in' March,

1958, and lives in Wherry with hi3wife and 'three children. '

W. O. Nash, AQ2, enlisted in 1950,and came to NAF in January, 1958.'He is presently working for AOD4,Development Group of Projects In-spection. . .

Both men spent several years in.civilian jobs before joining, the,Navy.

BasketballOur congratulations are extended,

to the NAF Basketball Team whichhas already played two outstandinggames. The starting team, compos­ed of W:C. Richardson, ATAN, andCoach R. 'R. Olson, AN, forwards;V. S.McDonald, center; S. H.Wheeler, AMSAN, and M. R. Heb­berd, ,AMSAN, guards, present a.formidable squad. The first victor­ious game of the season brought in'a '69-34 score against the MarineCorps' Guided Missile Test Unit,last Thursday. C. Mallett, ATC,guard, played an excellent all­around game.

Last Tuesday's game with NOTSnetted an NAFvictory of 84-29.This score set a record for pointsscored in a single basketball gamein the Station gym. V. S. McDonald,with 25 points, was high sco'rer.

. The next game will be with GMU-­61-25, Tuesday, December 16, at 8p.m. in t~e gym.'

,Desert ,Dancers -A Scandinavian theme will pre­

'vail at the Desert Dancers potluck:supper an<;l dance, 7 p.m. Thursday,~December 18 at the Anchorag·e.,

N.ROC·11·1Lt. R. G. Blackwood, USN, Ord-

~ nanceOfficer at NAF, will speakon "All Weather Bomb Directing,Systems," ,at n ext Wednesday'smeeting of NROC-11-1, at 7:30 p.m.,in 'Room 1001, Michelson Labora-

, .tory. '

. .:-,

!.Unitarians'"An, Introduction to. the 'Mes­

"siah'" will be given by Opal Norris· to the IWV Unitarian Fellowship,

. . Sunday. December 14 at 7:15 p.m. at_the Anchorage. Following Mrs. N or-· ris'talk members will attend the· "Messiah" at the All-Faith Chapel.

. :Women'sGuild 'All members and friends' of the

Women's Guild of NOTS Commu-

. ..../"

,:Photo :Club. Discussion of m 0 r e 'adequate~darkroom facilities to be set up in'the new Hobby Shop and the show­'ing of slides will compose the meet-

. ing of the Photo Club, Wednesday,'December 17, at 8 p.m. in the Photo'Hut.

. ,U~S~'NavcdOrdnance Test Station' .?~ "--c"::'N~TiriAl\i\vINs'TlioPHy..2:c~;t:-G::i.Amie:s\jn;NAF b~~~~'iidi~gf ,ChcirfNo;l of Organization Manual- ~

~:~~5~~p~dije~c'~3~1~IS9~5:7~c'~0~p're9s~~1~11b~d~~t;bJ~td~~, • T'" , ,~ .. ,_. '. . ' • ' ' , • . ., • I WI e IS n u e

to hIm at the recent N~F personnel all-hands'inspection.--::·~__ . , Jater for insertion in the Station Organization Manu.e!, BuOrd Report 5201-1. '

, .

















J,,~•\ ,;•)}






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, ))



. iJ







'L).,~ r,,


Page Three

Cpngressmen'VisitIsland Test Range

Visiting operations at San Cle-,mente Island test ranges on De­cember 3 were members 'of DefenseSubcommittee, ' House, Appropria­tions Committee. The,visit w~smade in conjunction with a ten­day tour of west· coast facilities.-- In the visiting party were' Con­gressman George W. Andrews (D),Alabama; Charles - A.. Boyle (D),

Illinois; Errett· P. ,Scrivner (R),Kansas; and Gerald D.~,Ford'(R);Michigan.

Ralph J. Jones

Planning to retire from. govern­ment service. at the end of thismonth is Ralph J. Jones, an experi.mental machfnist in the Under~

water Ordnance Department.An employee of NOTS Pasadena.

for the past eleven years, he wasborn in Harpers Ferry, West Vir·ginia, on Christmas Day, 1888.. For 37 years, he lived in Wash-<

ington, D.C. It was here' that hemarried Bernice R. Jones, alsaemployed at NOTS,' in ·P809. Dur­ing the first World War, he "\yorkedfor the Navy Gun Factory. After.wards, he was with the LocomobileCompany of America where hewas in charge of the service de··-partment.· ,

In 1932, .and .for ten years there.after, he owned and, operated a.hydraulic equipment maintenancebusiness in Washington, D.C. Hemoved to. Tampa, Florida, in· 1942working for the MacDill Air ForceBase until' 1947 when 'he transfer-red here. .. - i

A musician, .Jones plays the eel'"10. 'During the 1930'S, when he wasin Washington, he played with-theCivic Symphony.

With no firm plans yet for tIie'future, Jones says, he will' firstlcatch up on some work about thehouse and then 'do some tinkeringin his ·workshop. At some ·time inthe future, he'd like to build a·boa~.

Mr. and Mrs. Jones live, at 3015,Santa Rosa Avenue, Altadena.

* *' *

JPL~~ngitieer To,"Present ·lecture'.OnRussia~s :P~og~ress .'_ Presenting a summary'of import~

ant· scientific experiments' being'Welcome Aboard to Thaddeus M. carried out, in :the Russian IGYl

Alexander joining UOD's Propul- rocket and satellite programs, Dr.-.. 'sion Division' and 'to.-Gayle . Lake Henry L. 'Richter, Jr.;c Jet 'Propul-:""who joins the 'Administration Divi~ sion' Laboratory', Staff, .Engineer, .sian, Pasadena. ,0__ will speak' today at 1:30 p.m. in the'"

. *,' *. * . Building-7 conference room. - ~ 5:.

P.einember 'the' ESO~sponsored·'Hewilt' incltldein -his talk some! - ,.-,Christmas Plllty~it's next F;riday, impressions of the Russian people5-7 p.m., at EI Dorado. and culture in Moscow. "

* * * The unclassified ,leCture is pre-The NOTS'Basketball.Team. won sfmted ,by the Employee Develop­

its second .straight game ,of the ment'Committee.,sea:".0J?,onpecin:bEir'4,.b~ating,JfL~., "'" --~,Il - ,cby a. stagg~ring,71-47..The. n,ext ..rNAVNEWS) - H q w s you r: .gam'e'wl11'bE?:r l1lnst'Sfuart COITfp.! maUt? Ti-Y'~this!p¥bbl~ni.;gp'l 'I'''' '~,.any-'i;f{'ne'~tHil.~er"1g,1: ~()l "PJ&1 at' o"'ihe"1l.uhrb~'tHof)1hlt1'ts-1:11at,'.eotrie'-,: .red' gYM.fUhhilrgo'(out1li'fiU4l:fVE)I lk6In "aUtO hohIl¢In.Jl[utl'afficl jam'",,:our hard-hitting team a cheering is equal to the sum ,of squares atsection! . . the wheels.

Briefly Sped ki ng'Andy Juhasz reports that there is

an extreme'shortage of reading rna:terial at San Clemente Island. Heasks' that persons having booksor magazines which they'ye. finish­ed to please deposit them in a mark-­ed box at the Foothill main gateentrance:, ,

_, -J. """,--- ._.~

Name Missile SubsIFor Noted.Americans .:\Vashington (AFPS) - The

Navy \lill turn from traditional.denizens' of the deep. to)lIustri­ous 'Americans: in . naming' itsfirst Polaris' missile-firing' sub-'marines. ',' "c~. ' .-::~ : '~ '.', .': ';

;, The : tluee ;5,6oo-ton <; atomic·"'p(l\\;ered fleet' ballistic"'-missile

~. _ " '"' ~ L- "" -

.~~~::'?io,y~_u~~er .,CO?s!I'uc~ionl'deStgnated'lIiPSSB (N} ';598t~599-

·~P.lJ,~M·i~\;~e,~l\l}~~V~n·~W:gptl .\Vashington; PatriCK Henry andTheodore Roosevelt. . .

Final! Total GivenFor .Fund Drive

Final fund drive figures show atotal contribution of $3,799.29, al­most a thousand dollars more than,last year, reports Ken Sherman,chairman of the drive. ,

Of this amount, $3,153.09 goes tothe Community Chest agencies and,$646.20 to Operation Santa Claus:

Travel'Club HoldsSaturdaY' Meeti.ng "

·Discussion' of . plans for theircharter flight to Europe will be themain topic at a meeting of theNOTS Overseas Club tomorrow af­ternoon, 1-2:30 p.m. at the Pasa­dena Public Library, lecture hall,Leonard Semeyn, chairman, '. has'announced. ~

Members of the travel club planto charte~ a Super Constellationtype aircraft carrying about 80passengers for their flight to Eu­rope, leaving Los Angeles the end,of May 1959 and returning the endof June. .

At tomorrow's meeting, Mr.Semeyn will show 35mm coloredslides taken on a trip with th,e Clu\}three years ago. ' ~

Guests are welcome at the meet­ing.

Eleven Families To Receive Aid- -' -

In 1958, Operation Santa Claus" Can you spare one hour of your'time during thenext

ten days. Many helpers will be needed to prepare Christmaspackages for 'distribution"to our eleven needy families.There's' c1<jthing ,to be'sort~d, packages to be'w~apped, and,foodoto be.. boxed~ To schedule an hour of your time, ,callFian--Johnson, \>rl ~xtensio!1: 44. . . ' , .

Since'inauguration of the project the mind and the need for a smil£'in 1949,. it is estimated that about in. a grey life.'a thousand persons, mostly child- Listed below" by number, areren, have been helped-not only at some of the ,families which NOTSChristmas, but at various .times ,Pasadenans ~have offered to 'hell}throughout the year, too. A small this Christmas season. Gifts mayamount' of funds are carried over be deposited in containers provid­each year for this purpose. ed at the main Foothill entrances.

Each -, year, 'NOTS employees If gifts are wrapped, label pack­themselves submit the names of ages as to sex and age. Deadlinefamilies who are desperately in for bringing these gifts in is 4:30need of .help. To these families, this p.m. next Friday, December 19. 'food and clothing are' essential· to Case 1: An elderly woman, livinglife and health. But there is ,a need alone with no one to care for her,for books and toys, too, to satisfY; needs warm clothing for the winter

D1onths. '

Carolers ,Readyel'ng Case 2: A family of five childrenranging in age from nine months

For Christmas Week ~~O;hr:;rs desperately needs warm

Rehearsals of the NOTS Christ- Case 3: The father is having a.mas Choir indicate that Pasadena hard time finding steady work towill have a real treat in the Christ- feed and clothe his wife and boys,mas music arranged for t~em this ages 2, 4, 6, and 9.year. Case 4: The father died in a men-

Under the direction of Merton, tal.hospital after' a year of illness.Welch, the carolers will on Decem. The mother and three children areber 22 sing at Morris Dam an'd 'at on State Aid, barely making' endsthe Long Be'ach Veterans Hospital, D1eet.and on December 24 at Foothill. Case 5: 'Their farm wiped out in

Members of the carolling group a sand storm in Arkansas, the fam­are: Orrin Albert, Agnes Anderson, ily came to California for a newDorothy Argue, Fred Bellomy, start. The father has obtained.workGlenn Bowlus, Sue Burg, Ida Davis, as a produce man but is having aStella: Dirksen; 'Dave Elliott, John difficult time on his small 'salaryGannon, Mary Hendrickson, James providing for his family of four:Jennison,- Marie .Lascor, Mabel children,. two of whom are physi­Mann, Marion McCrady, Tom, Mc- cally handicapped.Kinney, Morton 'Metersky, Jim, Case 6: Since the' death of theMills, Arnold Moline and Gerald father in May,. the mother is theMosteller. 'sale support of three children, agesJennie~Oshiro: FiorEmce Pincus, '9, 10, and 11. .. - " '

Lucy· ,Rawe, MarY Ray" Doreen . Case 7: The mother supports theReddick, ·Linda 'Robinson, Nadine family 'of three 'children since theRobinson, Margery Ross, John father died eight 'years ago. TheSandy, 'Dorothy Smith, Jay Steg- children are badly in need of shoes.man, Erma Brown, Elizabeth Toth, Case 8: A widow does day workMerton Welch, and Octavia Wha. to support her two children.- Theylen. need food and' clothing. '

, Case 9: A young mother of 'fourchildren is trying desperately' tokeep her family together. The fath­er has provided no support sincedeserting them a year ago. Themother works and has' to pay a.sizeable amount for baby sittersfor the children ranging in agefrom 15 months to 8 years.

Case 10: The father deserted hiswife and five .children who are nowon State Aid .but need further help.

'Case 11: The father makes asmall salary and is having a diffi­cult time providing for a house­hold of 10. The children, rangingin ages from 7 months to 13 years,need clothing.· .

Persons wishing to contribute toone or. more of, these ,families mayobtain ages of the members of eachifamily' from a recently distributednotice, copies of which are' on allbulletinboards~ .

Ralph Jones PlansLife. of Retirement



Christmas Parties

, 'What's Wrong With .This Picture?

'0 The .Christmas· tree should not be placed against curtains' ordrapes.

o ~ever use candles for ·tree Hghts, and take care that othercandles are not placed where the flame may set something on fire.

Listed b~low are the most frequent violations of fire safety in thehome during the holiday season. Can you find them in the picture andmatch them numerically with the description?

o ~ 0 . Car~less h~ndling of cigarettes, matches and lighte;s near thetree or anywhere in the house could lead to disaster.

.0 Don't be a firebug; don't overload wiring circuits, and c!0n't'set'up.electric trains or spirit-fueled toys under or near the tree.

Friday, December :12,- 1958 ..,4 _ _ _ _ ~ __

, ' .0 Fray~d. wires, broken sockets or loose conuections .on the light.s'are mighty dangerous. Check )'ours, and if replacements are necessary,buy only UL (Underwriter's 'Laboratories) approved sets.

_ -0 ,A dry Christmas tree is a great fire hazard; keep the trunk of~')'ours in water at all times, '

If you do not receive a Christmas card from an old or close friend-;- -from' this community' this year, do not assume that your friendship

.has ,been severed. 'They' may be participating in the "Baskets-Not

.Cards" program which is being 'initiated locally this year., .. The idea is to contribute the' money which would be spent for

·postage and cards between friends in the community to a fund to pro­'vide Christmas baskets for underprivileged children in this area.. . Originally suggested by Eldon Williams' of Weapons Development-Department and officially approved as a within department policy, ,theplan is intended to operate on a voluntary basis. ., Considerable interest in the plan was evidenced at a meeting ofthe Departmental Staff Assistants Council on December 5. 'CaptainH. B. Hahn, Executive Officer, and H. G. Wilson, Associate TechnicalDirector have both expressed favorable interest indicating the necessityfor making it an informal and voluntary matter. ~.!

Several departments are now in the process of designating collec­tion points. The funds will be submitted to Sara Chedester, Code 1702,Room 201, Administration Building. Collections will then be given toDr. Max Dubin to be distributed to the Christmas Basket committeesof the Desert Family Service Agency, and the Desert Area EmergencyRelief Agency. _ .

,The pl:l;n has additional advantages: it will lighten the workloadat the local post office, expediting the delivery of off-Station mail, andwill relieve the burden'of the footsore and heavily-laden mailman.

,Q 0 G~ft \\Tappings are combustible; ~ckages should not be placedtoo near electric lights and uSlCd wrappings s.hould be discarded imme­diately. Some toys too, as well as clothing, may catch fire.


There will.beoutstanding entertainmen't for everyon'~- '{.aboard the Station this weekend as the famous CtSportsmen"quartet will be making many appearances. Tonight 'andtomorow night, Friday and Saturday, all CPO Club 'mem~bers will be entertained by this famous quartet at the Club·dances. . '. - ' ;;~~~

The Steak House at the Commu- tact Mel Cohn, AN, extension 8351:;,:;.1 ~

nity Center will be the setting for (office) or 72701 (barracks). par,;.J·the "Sportsmen", on Sunday the ticularly needed are brass, reed and "14th from 6-7 p.m. Their next ap- piano instrumentalists. 'pearance that evening will be at Junior Rose Bowl Gamethe RAFT Club. On Decembe'r 13, two of the na.

The quartet will appear in place tion's leading Junior, College teams,of the regular 8 p.m. movie on Mon- Santa Monica and Nortneast Okla·day the 15th at the Station Theatre. homa, will vie iii Pasadena's famed!"The Blue Angels," film'of the fa- Rose Bowl·for the national Junior,'mous flying team, will also be fea- College championship.tured on that program. No admis­sion will be charged but StationTheatre passes will be required.

The "Sportsmen" will highlightthe EM Club dance Monday eve­ning. Dancing will be from 8-12p.m. and music will be provided bythe "Constellations." All 1st and2nd Class Petty Officers and theIrguests are invited.

Children's Christmas PartyThe annual Christmas party for

Station children will be-held at theTheatre on Saturday, December 20,at 2 p.m. All Station children under12 years old are invited. There willbe . Christmas caroling, cartoons,and, we understand, Santa and hishelpers will be there with gifts foreveryone.

Station Theatre HoursStarting immediately, the movies'

will,begin promptly at 6 p.m. and8 p.m. as advertised. In the past,the theatre manager sometimes de­layed the starting time due to lateand .noisy patrons: Please allowenough time to purchase your tick­ets, refreshments and be seated bystarting times. The'box office opensat 5:30 p.m'. for ticket sales.

'lUusicians Wanted'Military personnel interested hi

forming a dance band, please con-:

Supervisory ,Physicist (General) GS-14, PO28720, Code 3031. . Plans and develops elec­tronic equipment used in processing of fielddota for finol computotion on the 704 col­culator. Position will be-yocant in !leor. f~-

.s..pervisory Prinling & Publicati';n OfficerGS-lI. PO 29Q23-A. Code 7-'12. :Branch head;supervision, ;administration end coordinationof branch activities; consultotion with tech.nical and management personnel in outsidedepartments and with personnel in the Pres­entations Division on typography, graphicarts and photography, discovery, adaptationand detailed application of new techniques intypography, book design, and graphic arts.Dead Une-Dec. 18. 1958,. Digital "Computer 'rogrammer GS-11 , PO18502, Code'. 1764. Analyzing existing ac-.counting and -management analysis - and re...porting processes to justify digital computerapplication. Assists i" the training of newcomputer operators and explaining digitalcomputer princip1esI-- etc.,.. to Accounting Div.personnel•. Deadline-Dec. 18, 1958.

File applications for above positions withMildred Beck, Rm. 26, Ext. 72723... '

Up·to·date 'P'orm. :rn sTlould be submittedto the Personnel Dept. when applying for thefollowing positions:

Clerk·Typist, GS-3, PO 13721, 'Code 55.Types personner actions, official and semi·offldal correspondence. DeCldline-Dec. 19,19~8.•

General Supply Clent, GS-5, PD 13385, Code5515. Obtains, ~ssues equipment, maintainsrecords and 'operates the Sto'ndards Lab, in­strument storeroom. Must be able to Uft upto·« rbs.;.should !lave· knowledge" of elec­tronic.. instruments... Deadline-Dec. _19, 1958.~ Clerk' (DMT) GS·4, PO 13916, Code 5522.'Performs typical' secretarial alnd clerical du­·ties.:' Deadline-Dec. 19, 1958.' , .- .. File Clerk '05·3, PO 13585, Code 5551.Mi~cellaneous filing. Deadline-Dec. 19, 1958.

Electronic Engineers, GS·ll, PDs 13888-1and 13889·1, Code 5522. Concerned with de­velopment and production engineering phasesof various electronic guidance and fire con..trol systems. Deadline-Dec. 26, 1958.

flectronic Engineer GS-9, PO 13917, Code5522. Concerned with development and pro­du~tion engineering phase. of various elec­tronic guidance and fire· control systems.Deadline-Dec. 26~ 1958.

Engineering Draftsman, GS-6, PO 15298,Code 7036. Primari Iy concerned with theMaster Plan Document. Deadline-Dec. 19,1958.

Two Nurses, GS-5, PO Nos. '18115 Aml-l,18115 AMI·3. Code 88. WAE (While ActuallyEmployed) types of 'appointments for approx­imately 32 hours a month. Treatment of pa­tients for minor injuries, applying mild rerne..dies a~d adm-j'nistering standard medicines.Applications accepted until further notice.

Supervisory Stock Control Clerk, GS-5, PDNo. 14509. Code 2551. Auditing stock cards,conducting paper investigations and calcu­rating and posting money values. Deadline­Dec, 19, 1958.

Stock Control Clerk (Typing), GS-4r PD.No.14646. Code 2594. Maintains all records con­trolling receipt" issue,. excessing clnd replan..ishment of 011 materials for the Transporta­tion Shop Store. Must be qualified typist.Male applicants only, Deadline-Dec. 19, 1958.

Carpenter, Code 7043. New constructioncarpentry work; makes necessory chonges orrepairs to existing structures. Deadline-Dec.19, 1958.

Electrical Engineer, GS·ll, PO No. 15086·1.Code 7032. Performs technical duties in thefield of electric,,1 engineering. design ondconstruction. Deadline-Dec. 19, 1958.

file applications for above· positions withAnn Carter;1loom 31. Ext. 71648.


'.'~ 'Promotion- '

. Oppo'-'tunitie~.....................~

Col. \Villiam L. Curry, USAF

~...~~~§~m.~Athletic Director

In the intra-mural basketballleague play last we'ek Jim Smith'sPilot Plant team scored the firstupset of the season when theybeat.the Marine Barracks five by a score 'of 54...46. Bob Berry was high point ..man scoring 20 points for the Pilot r~

Plant team.. In other games played last .wee):l:

the GMU-61-25 team led by ChuckForbes, who scored 12 pofnts, beatthe AOD squad' 29-22. -. Thursdaynight the powerful NAF team beata good Marine Corps Guided MiS.sile Unit team 69-34. Walt Richard.son with 21 points led his team tothe win. In the'second game Thurs.day' night, the VX-5 "A" team scored9 points in the last quarter to downNOTS 45-36. Gordon Gibson" scored14 _points for the winning team. '

_The schedule for the coming weekfinds the ,AOD team ,playing ,theVX-5 "B" team at 6 p.m. on Tues.day, and at 8 p.m. the Marine Bar.racks takes on NAF. On .ThursdayVX~5,meets GMU 61-25.and in the . 0 Tree trimmin"gs; ho~se or office dec~rations, if not metal, as-second· 'half of .the .doubleheader . bestos, glass, etc., should be flameproofed. 'NOTS plays ·.the Marine Corps ~'>_ ~ - ,., •• • .' ,

. , , Guided Missile Test Unit five. There _-- 1-.......... ,For y~ur protection, FIle Department _Chief A. C. \VrIght suggeststure; repracement 1'lopec1 for early enough to' .~ ·",.....i II 't b k t 'I d th t d'l ·1 bl t ' Ibecome familiar with (or to 'join) the Brandi is· no ad~ission charge for theY - '~T !. eXI.s; e. ep. c ear an a a rea • y aval a e wa er supp ybefore 'present incumbent leaves so as 10 games and everybody is welcomeJ _ d be handy in case a fire starts, but if you, have a'fire during themake the change as smooth as possible. Ap-. .' Bowling ~. ,,>-~' ,-~- ~6Iida)'s, call the Fire Department, Ext. 7.1333, immediately. . , .plications acceRted until further notice. . American League Standings': ., - ,

Test-Aange Tracker, Code 3063. Set up "nd TEAM WON LOSToperate optical data instrumentation; some Medics '27 '9"

knowledge of electronic components required. M - .'0 ,

Deadline-Dec. 19, 19~8. ' . CGMTU ------•.:.---:. 21 ·11GMU-61 ..:__..._••~••. 20 ·12. Test Range Tracker, Code 3053. Assist in GMU·25 ...._ ......~- .20 20

set up and operation of, range instrumenta- Commissary Store _':__:._ 19 21 'tion under responsibre technidan. Deadline- NAF fireballs •__ 18 '22Dec:. 19, 1958. NAF Tigers •.._ .• . •...; 18 ' 22Electronics, Mechanic; Code 3063. Requires Marine Barracks _~__._.__._..__ 16 20 'some background of radar experience and Ancients __.. 15 25.knowledge of fire-control type radar opera- Aviation Supply __._.. 14 26tion maintenance. Deadline-Dec. 19, 1958. '. Last \Veek's High Scorers

Clerk·Typist G5·3, PO No. 28039, Code 3083. High individual game-Bill Stegenga, 208.Part·time: 7:30·11 :30 a.m. weekdays. Type High indi;idual 3 games-MacMurray. 514.reports, statistics, technical data and -corre~ High team 3 games-Fireballs, 2334.spondence; maintains technical files and rec- High team single-MCGMTU, 88-4.ords. Deadline-Dec. 19, 19~8.

Machinist (Experimental) Code 3072. Ma- National League Standingschining,. fitting, and assembling parts in the TEAM - WON LOSTd~velopment and fabrication of track test Woodhaulers --_ --_.-- 26 10vehicles at Supersonic Track's Baker-4 Shop, EM Club - _ - ..:- 26 10

. Scouting activ- Deadline-Dec. 19, 1958. Commissary _ - .•.---..- ••- 23V2 12V2. ity. never ceases. ,File applications for above positions with GMU·25 - ----- 23112 12V2, As 'their numbers Fawn Haycock, Rm. 34, Ext. 71471. Lofters - -=-- 22 1a

• ". ' Electrons _ _ _ 20 16g r 0 ur, SO' grOws .. ~ - - . h I GMU-61 - :.... - 15 21

·rtFe.nied./or .adJ~ -Station'C ap ain/s Nitpickers _ : _ 14 20:ed .troops,', 1110rr 'Ch' '.' --' ,. 'B k NAF Fighters - _ _ -- - 14 22,

J . ' nstmas as et Towerflowers - 10 26" leaders' ,ana.· nec,; MCGMTU : _ 6 26

es'sari sitppli~i· Pro·lect- A'ld Ne'eded Last \Veek's High Scorers. BrOWnie. T roop. High Individual Game-George Wargo, 253.366 is just on£:- As, in the past, the Chaplain's of- High individual 3 games-George Wargo.

of the 111 any -.:.. fice is preparing Christmas baskets. 58~i9h team 3 games-EM Club, 2484.. . .Names and ,addresses of needy

,g' 0 0 d, ,t h·, n g s families to whom a Christmas bas- High team single game-EM Club, 924.

h 1 f Armed Forces \Viyes League- w .ic') come r0111 ket should go may be given to TEAM . WON LOST'contributions t a Chaplain Robert "Q" Jones or Mon- Marinettes _ .._ __.._ _._._. 24 9the United Fund. signor John F. C. 'Ryan, Ext. EM. Club _ _ : _ 21 12

,The campaign is 72247. Firebees - ..- : -- - 19 14over but the need Any organization, or individual Sidewinders - ..-- _ - 18 15 ~~

,'S n;t-if Y'01t'Ve who would like to donate a.Christ- Alley Cots ..:_ :..: ~..- i7V2 15112

b k t t d f I Hotshots ..- ..-._ _.-.-.-.-.._- 13 20 ,A list of department Christmas parties has been com--made n'o contri~ mas as e ? a .nee y ami y may Misfits _._ __ _: :_.._._._ 10 23.

b'utions yet, why ~~e s~ht;Pl:i~~:e~~~~et~~rb~~:t~~b;l~ Chiefettes - _ _ _ ..- 9112 23V2 piled by the Rocketeer staff for the convenience of Sta-I Last \Veek's High Scorers tion employees. '

'not 111 i1 i .. your tion. Baskets will be distributed High individual game-Shirley Vaughn, 200. •• . •check to. UNIT- on December 22. ' High individual 3 games-Shirley Vaughn. ,All will" be dmner-dance or buffet-dance affalrs ex-'ED FUND, P. O. _~Sunday School youngsters. have 4H~4h' t - '3 M' • Ott 1973 ~ ", ;- ,r--.lt a dance-midnight-breakfast event sponsored by theB 0 i 04t, .China been asked to bring cans of' food Ig eam games- arlne es, • ~-" "-.- J '7 1 . ' 1 - .'

High team single game-Morinettes,'676~ -\ ~:'-;- --I ~~apons ·Deve opment Department. . . ,"Lake California. to their classes. These will be in- Cd' T h Le - --- d h h' d d

• ~ .. ' cluded in the baskets, along withi omman er s rop y ague. - - '- ,Departments an t eir C ristmas party ate' time anBROWNIE SCOUTS-Ten girls were investitured into ',Brownie Scout TEAM WON LOST I'" l' d b 1 'other holiday delicacies. NOTS -" 20' P ace are lste e ow'Troop 366 recently, and at th-e s'arne time, g'old star year pins were .. ,-.- - -_..---._- '... '.It is felt., that other Station· em- NAF ...__ _._~__.:..._.__.._ 11, 5 'Veapons Development __Dec. 12-8:30 p.m.._. Elks Hall (Ridgecrest)awarded for completion of the first year of Scouting activity to five ployees might like to participate,in VX-5 ."_._. .........-.•_.•_.-:- 11,"'~ 9 Public Works·(Eng. Div.> _.Dec. 12-8 p.m, :__.._:_~ Village (Ridgecrest>girls. Members of ,Troop 366' (s~own,l.,:to' :';')" ~re.: First· ro,~-~renda, '. this proj~~~by aidir.tg t?~tne ,Ch!!st- ,GM~.25.-~.:.....:-7";..-,...:..-.,.:-:.:_ 11 .- : . 9 ~ Propulsion. Development _.,..Dec~13-;-7 p:m~ ......;,. Elks Hall (:Ridgecr¥st)

. Hardin, ,l\Iargaret Gatewood, .•Tamera 'Osborn.. and ~ndrea England. " mas Basket Fund at the Chaplam's ~;::~':;1Barracks -.-.--..- ...::-;~.;:- ; ~ ". '''; ~~ ~ 'J Cential Shiff aid . -- '., "-, '. ::, ,-,' ;,,1':; '.f' '. :';':1:.' 't L":~": -'

""i",,,i ''";,-,~'''~C~~~'o:;i.:p~!.\t'~~..,.:.!~;;!>a.,;;:i~)tillji:'i1~., p~":~ ;lfi~':J'!""",u,,, ., .H', .- .....•.., . M'GM"iL:;;;;~c;..-;;1;;""~·;,,,,, om,o o"th. c•.,;.,and,,:::n.':,i'~; I'm._~ ""=,,nity Co"..;. trieil'k C~Ad~fi.:d.l'htrd:<.rO;w::nTI.~e.J,~.l0ok~~~l!Ble~t~g;~f.e'IJJRFnWuGl!esln; "1 ..; " "_: __,~ . ' , T ~et r~laJ~J j; m<!e'"a"·). ut'e- .!iJb·~t ()a~'" ~.i:. '.La-st .1Veel!'ll.HiglJ. .s.c.QJ'q~ultle't ')'1 ,Personncll'l..!l:Y-:..d~!U_i:::?J.:>.:tJL1_DeC. 19....;.7430 .D•.m."..:.",,~ COlli!mqn,HfnC~riter.. .:l .. ,l\~'-O'J.I.' q ..·ft h"-:;''(1''~ 9Q~ Hl b l'~I~\':lHl rrti I...~~ g ar I:JXIiI m ,U ..H-i b ".-rPI 0 °d I ,Kpn V II t?1.A ..... ~ "' \,,, J b- Lr,.' I' ':..-L Ii..; m·~~h~_ ~f - ~ ~.'l/u~", ~1j.J,.Suiali COSlenada,r-.Patrida Lyles."Diane-.Btewa.rt,;and,Patricia, Ha.rn~Sh&wn at 'exueri1l;Lfll;Iif'ls_llle, Drm.mt< lijr'1~~i-.fo"'r"'''' Iljltih~m"...lei '·con'U'l..rs· -tlL:l!·j~"r~.':'~_~, g.':'~e~=i:ll'l, rw l!!lHf'llA A\'ialion ~Ordnance-"'.:'.':::~~_~::!~uecH9-'i'.p4lh ~.Han.ahdgecl'e~t>:-.., ....•t d ld t hi h '. . ttl' .d . _.Ill e u u r .....m High ,nd,v,dual 3 games-Ken V"lfmerl, 617.· ' . . •

\Vlshmg \\elI"There, the ,guls pick uP. theu Im'esh ure an go s ~rs w c were gnen 0 roop' ea ers, enough rUbber.to manufacture 100 High team 3 games-VX.5, 2570. Supply ._._._.. .__lJec•. 19-8:30 p.m. --.... Commumty CenterDdean Chase and Harriet Freese, to be pinned on the Brownies' uniforms, automobile tires. High team single game-NOTS, 947. Engineering _: .__._..- Dec. 20-7 p.m•.--__._. .. Community Center


Page.Two ,__ •

. , ""bUshed Every friday at th~


Comman-JeT .lb. R~keteer'-al\ authorIzed NaVv publlcatlol\ Is prInted weekly by Hubbard PrIntIng, RIdge:crest, Calif•• wIth approprl"ted funds and)n compliance with NAVEXOS P-35. Rev. November1945~ The· Rocketeer receIves Armed.. Forces Press _ServIce material. All, photographs ~[e

.officIal U., S: N"vy· photos' unless otherwise specified. Deadlines. News stories, Tuesday.4.30 p.m•• photographs. Tuasday;J 1.30 a.m•. ' _ ~ ,_ __ _ _ '-. ~ " • .. .'

, 'IUDD GQTT . ~. PHILLYS )'IAIR.., •• GLENNA MA!OEN, . edItor, ~ •.~ " c, Associate Editor' - r Staff Writer

C.,' , _ -:. , M !ly IllustratIon GrolJP, Technicallllformatlon.Departmenr • , _ ,.-· • ~._ :Ph.otog(aphll by Ro~kereer Photo Staff ~ I\andy L. Lyles, fH3, Jon Fulkerson, PHA."....;· f

• ,.' , --Office Building 3". Top Deck - Telepllone1l354.72118z.; 71~55, ':' ~ -. J

.! " -' c '" :,. ·PASADENA. .' ..-, __ .. : ',-"" ,• . • Nova Semeyn, Correspondent.{F!,othllJ;phone Ext•.35). ,:: ~:- : ".' Photographers for the.' Pasadena columns arll7Shc1v Monsen. ~:E.- BlOck, and O. Sanchez•. ' "

. "

.Nellis-AfB,:Command"er Lauds~NOTS-:PE3rs'~nn'eLfor Support' .· A letter ~f appreCiation, Jirected to' Capt.W. \v..Jfollister, from.Colonel William L. Curry, USAF, Commander, 474tb Tactical Fighter'\Ving~ Cannon AFB, 'Clot'is, New Mexico, is quoteJ" in its entirety,·belaw. "G4R-.8':, is~t~e ~ir .Force's terminology for Sidewinder.

"':Ct.!n August 1958, the 474th Tactical Fighter \VingwaS' tactically ,deployed to Nellis Air Force Base for quali­fication arid live firing, of the GAR-8 air to air missileShortly after our arrival at that station, the mis'sile train:'ing items were withdrawn. An unofficial request for as­sistance from this \Ving to the Naval Ordnance Test Sta­tion, China Lake, California, resulted in the immediate offerof eight captive missiles for the duration of the program", "A transport aircraft was dispatched immediately toChina Lake, California, NOTS, arriving late in the eve­ning, anticipating departure the:following day:' ,Navalpersonnel, including Dr. W. F. Cartwright, Director Airto Air Weapons Branch, met the aircraft upon arrival andworking late into the night,-completing the Missile 'and,Guidance Control Unit assembFes, cradle packing and air-draft loading of the eight Sidewinder missiles. ,- ,L "This' outstanding contributiqn, made ~ py Dr. Cart­wright and other Naval personnel from the China LakeTest Station, was. directly responsible for the expeditious

- and successful completion of ,the required training, andsinc~iely'appr~ciated-oy 'the undersigned. .

~ «Followmg~is-i list ofih~ Naval personnel whoso uti-,selfishly, ,c'onfributecr their 1ime~efforts.~nd_skills, it?- sup':..port of a mission for which they had no responsibility andno chance for 'personal gain or benefit: _

-'Dr. W. F..Cartwright, Head, Air-to-Air We~ponsDi­vision, Code 405; L. E. Lakin, Jr;, ·Head, Sidewinder Branch,~Code 3011; Kenneth J. Hein, Interceptor-Missile ,Branch,Code 405i; -].H. Thomas, GFC, Guided MissileUnit Sixty­One, Code 9561; C. H. Rogers, YN2,.Guided Missile Unit,Sixty-One, Code 9561; R. J; Boatwright; GF1,. Guided 'Mis­-sile UiiitSixty-'One,Code9561; D~R:~eonard,GF3"Gui4:-ed Missile Unit Sixty-One, Code-9-561; G.'\V; Creed, A03,Guided Missile Unit Sixty-One,~Code9561. .. '_ :'-:-' , <~The above-listed persorinel 'are to 'be congratulated for'an outstanding example of inter-service cooperation andI would like to add my personal thanks for a <Job Well

'Done.' "