SPONSORSHIP BRIEF Embrace the benefits of Cloud Computing in Central Eastern Europe SLOVENIA // LJUBLJANA // 9 MAR 7

Embrace the benefits of Cloud Computing in Central …...With the advent of cloud computing, the delivery of ICT services is going through a fundamental change. In 2020 IDC’s baseline

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Page 1: Embrace the benefits of Cloud Computing in Central …...With the advent of cloud computing, the delivery of ICT services is going through a fundamental change. In 2020 IDC’s baseline


Embrace the benefits of Cloud Computing in Central Eastern Europe



Page 2: Embrace the benefits of Cloud Computing in Central …...With the advent of cloud computing, the delivery of ICT services is going through a fundamental change. In 2020 IDC’s baseline

Why Sponsor? 1. Addressahighlysenioraudiencedirectlyviakeynote/panelsessiontoconvey

yourorganization’svisionforsecuringCNI.2. A single, centralised exhibition hub ensures that the full audience takes all

coffeebreaksinthesamearea,rightbesidesponsorstands.Agreatplatformfor question-taking following a keynote, networking over coffee and overallbrandpresence.

3. Organization’svisibilitythroughoutCEEregion,whichhasanaveragegrowthrateofmorethan50%forthenextyears.

About the Summit:Building on success of previous CSA events in Slovenia, we are delighted to announce the 5th CSA Summit for CEE. The Summit will provide practical solutions for managing the transition to the cloud, and implementing security as a key component, rather than an afterthought, of this transition. It will provide insight into models and architectures, the controls and real ‘nuts and bolts’ of what must be done to secure cloud computing.

With the advent of cloud computing, the delivery of ICT services is going through a fundamental change. In 2020 IDC’s baseline scenario shows the total cloud market to be worth some €44.8bn (€32.7bn for the Public Cloud and €12.06bn for the Private). Use of cloud computing is increasing across all economic sectors. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Europe's economy. They represent 99% of all businesses in the EU. In the past five years, they have created around 85% of new jobs and provided two-thirds of the total private sector employment in the EU. The European Commission considers SMEs and entrepreneurship as key to ensuring economic growth, innovation, job creation, and social integration in the EU. The business value is rapidly gaining credit through the best practices provided by the increasing number of CEE implementations while traditional concerns around security and control are becoming less prevalent. CSA is delighted to help address the risks, benefits and challenges the CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and Security Architects are facing on the path of the transition to the cloud.

Audience Profile: ChiefInformationOfficers ChiefTechnologyOfficers ChiefInformationSecurityOfficers&HeadsofInformationSecurity Directors/HeadsofInformationRiskManagement InformationSecurityManagers ChiefandLeadArchitects SecurityArchitects SeniorInternalandITAuditors HeadsofIT DataPrivacyManagers

csa-cee-summit.eu www.csa.si

[email protected]

Page 3: Embrace the benefits of Cloud Computing in Central …...With the advent of cloud computing, the delivery of ICT services is going through a fundamental change. In 2020 IDC’s baseline

Sponsorship overviewSponsorship packages with speaking session

SPONSORSHIPS WITH SPEAKING SESSION PLATINUM GOLD SILVER BRONZESpeaking session on the plenary session (including questions) 30 min 25 min 20 min 15 min

Panellist speaker

One time use of full conference attendee list (full details subject to data protection opt outs)

Exclusive corporate roll up banner inside the summit room near the podium

Option to provide lanyard badge holders with your logo displayed (lanyard to be supplied by sponsor)

Advert in the delegate materials 2-page 2-page 1-page 1-page

Table top exhibition space

Logo on slides during breaks

Logo on web page

Logo on roll up banner of congress

Logo on advert

Logo on agenda

Logo on LCD screen in hotel

Client invitations 5 4 3 2

Places for personnel 3 3 3 2

Price 7.000,00 € 5.000,00 € 3.500,00 € 2.000,00 €

Networking sponsorship packages




Panellist speaker

Advert in the delegate materials 1-page 1-page 1-page

Introduce the lunch

Placards with your organisation’s logo on the tables

Make prize draw intro and announcements

Table top exhibition space

Logo on slides during breaks

Logo on web page

Logo on roll up banner of congress

Logo on advert

Logo on LCD screen in hotel

Client invitations 2 2 2

Places for personnel 2 2 2

Price 2.000,00 € 2.000,00 € 1.500,00 €


csa-cee-summit.eu www.csa.si

[email protected]

Page 4: Embrace the benefits of Cloud Computing in Central …...With the advent of cloud computing, the delivery of ICT services is going through a fundamental change. In 2020 IDC’s baseline

Create Your Own Bespoke PackageThere are a number of features in all sponsorship packages includingspeaking opportunities, hosting of networking events, one to onemeetings,exhibitionspace,placesforclientsandplacesforpersonnel.Wealsoprovideanumberofadditionalbrandingtouches(bags,lanyardsetc.)asperyourrequirements.Pleaseticktheboxesbelowandfilloutthenecessaryinformationtoindicateyourexactsponsorshiprequirements.

Once you have completed this, please phone Damir Savanović (Sponsorship Manager) on: +386 31 301 000,or email the completed form to: [email protected] for an individualised, unique quote:

SPEAKING SLOT yes noIfYES,howlongdoyourequire? ___________PanellistSPEAKER yes no

HOST A NETWORKING FUNCTION yes noIfYES,whichfunctionisdesired?LunchAfternoonRefreshmentBreak


PLACES FOR CLIENTS yes noIfYES,howmanydoyourequire? __________

PLACES FOR PERSONNEL yes noIfYES,howmanydoyourequire? ___________


[email protected]

Page 5: Embrace the benefits of Cloud Computing in Central …...With the advent of cloud computing, the delivery of ICT services is going through a fundamental change. In 2020 IDC’s baseline

ATTENdEE PROFILE 1. Customer .......................................................................................(61%)2. Vendor............................................................................................(30%)3. Governmental.................................................................................. (9%)




ATTENdEE PROFILE1. Network manager/System engineer/IT specialist/Consultant......(62%)2. Other.........................................................................................(12%)3. CIO, CISO, IT director, Deputy IT director....................................(10%)4. CEO/Board/MD/Country Manager..................................................(7%)5. Head of department, IT/IS manager...............................................(5%)6. Marketing/Sales manager/Finance managers/Project manager....(4%)2





ATTENdEE INdUSTRY1. Technology/Sofware.....................................................................(51%)2. Bank/Financial institution..............................................................(20%)3. Other.............................................................................................(10%)4. Governmental.................................................................................(8%) 5. Pharma/Healthcare.........................................................................(3%)6. Media..............................................................................................(3%)7. Telecom..........................................................................................(3%)8. Manufacturing/Engineering/Automotive/Agribusiness...................(2%)










About CSATheCloudSecurityAlliance(CSA)isanot-for-profitorganizationwithamissionto promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance withinCloudComputing,andtoprovideeducationontheusesofCloudComputingtohelpsecureallotherformsofcomputing.TheCloudSecurityAllianceisledbyabroadcoalitionofindustrypractitioners,corporations,associationsandotherkeystakeholders.https://cloudsecurityalliance.org/

About CSA Slovenia ChapterCSA Slovenia Chapter is the first chapter in the CEE region to carry out the mission of CSA in the region. So far it has worked closely with the Information Commissioner of Slovenia to publish the Privacy Guidance for Cloud Computing and delivered three Summer School project with international team of lecturers from the Germany, Norway, Netherlands, United Kingdom, France, Egypt, Italy and Slovenia. Now it is delighted to host the 5th CSA CEE Summit in Ljubljana.


[email protected]