Emanuel’s Lutheran Church 206 North Travis Street Seguin, Texas 78155 Get in touch with us! Phone: (830) 379-5046 Fax: (830) 379-7518 E-mail: [email protected] Catch us on the Web! www.emanuels-seguin.org Emanuel’s Mission Statement To proclaim God’s grace through Word and Sacrament, and to bear witness to God’s Kingdom in our daily lives. NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Permit No. 80 Seguin, Texas 78156-1049 Staff Pastor……………………………………….The Rev. Paul J. Zwarich Hospital Visitation Pastor in San Antonio………………………….The Rev. Darwin Huartson Director of Music……………………………………....Thomas Engler Administrative Assistant……..………………….…Bonnie Cheatham Coordinator of Children & Family Ministries………..….Alex Norden Day School Administrator ………………………………Deb Haug Wedding Facilitator ……………………………......... Dee Dee Burns Congregation Council Deborah Almquist Joyce Even (Secretary) Dennis Sagebiel (President) Steve Tschoepe Gene Vivroux Karen Weinstein Susan Yeatts (Treasurer) Worship Services & Events Congregational Leadership January 4 09.00 am 10.15 am 11’15am 06.00 pm Worship: 2 nd Sunday of Christmas/Holy Communion/Heritage Bible Class Sings/ Hunger Sunday Christian Education First Communion Instruction Reformation 365 January 6 The Feast of Epiphany January 11 09.00 am 10.15 am 11’15am 06.00 pm Baptism of our Lord/Holy Communion/ Senior High Gathering Christian Education/ Altar Guild First Communion Instruction Reformation 365 January 15 NEWSLETTER DEADLINE! January 18 09.00 am 10.15 am 11.15am 05.00pm 06.00 pm 2 nd Sunday after Epiphany/ Holy Communion/ First Communion Received Christian Education Volunteer Meeting for Valentine’s Dinner ELCA Gathering Meeting Reformation 365 January 25 09.00am 10.15am 12.00pm 3 rd Sunday after Epiphany/Holy Communion Christian Education Singles Fun, Food, & Fellowship (WMR)

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Emanuel’s Lutheran Church 206 North Travis Street

Seguin, Texas 78155

Get in touch with us! Phone:

(830) 379-5046 Fax:

(830) 379-7518 E-mail:

[email protected] Catch us on the Web!


Emanuel’s Mission


To proclaim God’s grace

through Word and

Sacrament, and to bear

witness to God’s Kingdom

in our daily lives.


PAID Permit No. 80 Seguin, Texas 78156-1049


Pastor……………………………………….The Rev. Paul J. Zwarich Hospital Visitation Pastor in San Antonio………………………….The Rev. Darwin Huartson Director of Music……………………………………....Thomas Engler Administrative Assistant……..………………….…Bonnie Cheatham Coordinator of Children & Family Ministries………..….Alex Norden Day School Administrator ………………………………Deb Haug Wedding Facilitator ……………………………......... Dee Dee Burns

Congregation Council

Deborah Almquist Joyce Even (Secretary) Dennis Sagebiel (President) Steve Tschoepe Gene Vivroux Karen Weinstein Susan Yeatts (Treasurer)

Worship Services & Events Congregational Leadership

January 4

09.00 am 10.15 am 11’15am 06.00 pm

Worship: 2nd Sunday of Christmas/Holy Communion/Heritage Bible Class Sings/ Hunger Sunday Christian Education First Communion Instruction Reformation 365

January 6 The Feast of Epiphany

January 11 09.00 am 10.15 am 11’15am 06.00 pm

Baptism of our Lord/Holy Communion/ Senior High Gathering Christian Education/ Altar Guild First Communion Instruction Reformation 365


January 18 09.00 am 10.15 am 11.15am 05.00pm 06.00 pm

2nd Sunday after Epiphany/ Holy Communion/ First Communion Received Christian Education Volunteer Meeting for Valentine’s Dinner ELCA Gathering Meeting Reformation 365

January 25 09.00am 10.15am 12.00pm

3rd Sunday after Epiphany/Holy Communion Christian Education Singles Fun, Food, & Fellowship (WMR)

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Lectionary for January 2015


Jan. 4 Jeremiah 31.7-14 Psalm 147.12-20 Ephesians 1.3-14 John 1.[1-9] 10-18

Jan. 6 Isaiah 60.1-6 Psalm 72.1-7, 10-14 Ephesians 3.1-12 Matthew 2.1-12

Jan. 11 Genesis 1.1-5 Psalm 29 Acts 19.1-7 Mark 1.4-11

Jan. 18 1 Samuel 3.1-10 [11-20] Psalm 139.1-6, 13-18 1 Corinthians 6.12-20 John 1.43-51

Jan 25 Jonah 3.1-5,10 Psalm 62.5-12 1 Corinthians 7.29-31 Mark 1.14-20

From the Pastor 4But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5in order to redeem

those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children. Galatians 4:4-5 “What time is it?” How often have you heard that request? Time is very important, especially on New Year’s Eve so one can ring in the New Year at the right time. I love to watch the people at Times Square count down the final seconds before midnight and then watch the celebrations and excitement the crowd has for the New Year. Did you know that the Bible has a number of Greek words that are translated as “time?” Two of these words (“chronos” and “kairos”) are very wonderful and instructive, especially as we begin a new calendar year. The word “chronos” is where we get the word “chronology,” and this word speaks about clock or calendar time. When we say that it is 12 o'clock midnight we are talking about “chronos” time. This is the time that we are most familiar with in our culture. With Moses we pray, “Teach us to number our days aright that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12 This is created time “evening and morning, the first day.” Genesis 1:5 The word ‘kairos” refers to God’s time zone. If “chronos” is thought of as clock/calendar time, then “kairos” can be thought of as “kingdom time.” Times when God enters our world outside of clock time to fulfill His divine plans. Examples of this “kingdom time” are Christmas (God becoming man) Good Friday and Easter (total darkness noon – 3 pm and the resurrection on Sunday) as well as the miracles and “kairos” time for us – Baptism and Christ’s presence in the Lord’s Supper. When Jesus began His public ministry, He stated, “The time (kairos) is fulfilled and the Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the Good news.” Mark 1:15 Just before His Ascension, the disciples asked, “Lord, are You at this time (chronos) going to restore the kingdom to Israel? Jesus said to them, ‘It is not for you to know the time (chronos) or seasons (kairos) the Father has set by His own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses…’” Acts1:6-7 When the Holy Spirit works in us, we are living in “Kingdom” time. We Christians live in two time zones, the temporal (chronos – clock time) and the eternal (kairos – kingdom) time. God’s Word tells us, “Do this, understanding the present time (kairos/kingdom time). The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed.” Romans 13:11 As we begin a new calendar year (chronos time) God continues to call us to live as His Sons and daughters in His kingdom – different from the world, according to His will (in faith, ready and waiting for the Last Day), living and sharing the Gospel with those yet outside His Kingdom, knowing that the “fullness of time” – the end of “chronos/calendar” time is very near. Paul wrote to the believers in Corinth, “Behold, now is the acceptable time (kairos/kingdom); behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2 When someone asks us “What time is it” we can respond either in “chronos time” and state it is 12 o clock midnight; or we can respond in “kairos” time and boldly state: “19Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation.” Psalm 68:19 Have a Blessed and Wonderful New Year

Pastor Paul


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A note of Thanks: Dear Friends of Emanuel’s: Thank you for the combined December gifts of $200.00 in support of the Lutheran Advantage Scholarship. Your commitment makes it possible for TLU to maintain its commitment to student success, faculty excellence, and strong academic programs . In the past year, TLU has award its first Master’s degrees in accounting, approved a new Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing, was named by the Chronicle of Higher Education as a “Great College to Work For, “ and has been recognized by U.S. News and World Report as a “Best Value among Western regional colleges.” Without the support of donors like you these impressive achievements would not have been possible. To see more about the exciting happenings on campus, don’t forget to visit http://www.tlu.edu or connect with us on Facebook (TLU Alumni) or Twitter (@tlualumni). You can learn more about the Lutheran Advantage Scholarship at tlu.edu/church. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, The Rev. Stanley J. Meyer, D. Min. Director of Church Relations.

Emanuel’s Prayer Chain Ann Erxleben is the contact person. Please call Ann at

830-379-5259 with your prayer request.


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Congregation Council

January 14 5.15pm Executive Committee 6.15pm Congregation Council




The Church Staff meets on Tuesday from 3:00 pm until 4:00 pm. The phone will be set so that you can leave us a voice message, and we can respond when we are done.

DEADLINES Information must be in the office by 8:00 am Tuesday mornings for bulletins.

Newsletter Information must be in the office by the 15th of each month.

OFFICE HOURS Monday thru Thursday

8:00 am -12:00 pm and 1:00 pm-4:00pm Fridays

8:00 am –12:00 pm and 1:00pm –2:00 pm

Tuesday Morning Bible Study Emanuel’s Lutheran Church holds Bible Study each Tuesday morning, 7:30-8:30am, led by Pastor Paul Zwarich. The Bible Study is open to the public and is located on the 3rd floor of the church next to the elevator at the Mountain Street entrance. Come join us.

Pray for Other Congregations!

Each congregation in our Cibolo Creek Conference is being asked to remember other congregations in prayer through the year. We will remember these congregations in our prayers each Sunday, and you are asked to keep them in prayer through the week as well.

St. Mark, Adkins St. John, Marion Peace, New Braunfels Beitel Memorial, SA Good News, SA Lord of Life, SA St. John’s, Stockdale

Prince of Peace, SA Triumphant, Garden Ridge Christ, Elm Creek Christ The King, Universal City Grace, Lockhart St. Andrew, Canyon Lake

Ebenezer, Maxwell Trinity, Luling First, San Marcos Christ Chapel, TSU, San Marcos Emanuel’s, Seguin Spirit of Joy, Seguin

Dear friends of Emanuel’s, Cross Trails Ministries extends its thanks for the gift of $150.00 dated November 25, 2014 in support of our many ministries. Sincerely, Deanna Christensen, Executive Director

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A Stewardship Minute


Parish Publishing, LLC (888) 320-5576 www.parishpublishing.org

A Stewardship Minute is available to subscribers of Stewardship at www.parishpublishing.org. Simply click on the “Parish Resource Center” and log in using with your account number (Username) and zip code (Password), both of which can be found on the invoice or mailing label.


“In looking to the coming year, remember that rooted deeply and firmly within

scripture and our Christian tradition is the vision that we are expected to be

faithful stewards of all we are and all we have.”

Those last few words are from the January issue of Stewardship: We are expected to

be faithful stewards of all we are and all we have. Now that is a challenge, isn’t it? The

newsletter reminds us that since we are starting a New Year, some Christians will be

making resolutions. And since it quotes one Christian who is making some vows to

strengthen his spiritual life, it surely will help us all to know those vows.

One vow is to spend time with the Lord daily. It is spiritually helpful to spend time in

prayer, vowing to keep in touch with our Creator. Many Christians read portions of the

Bible daily. That holy Word offers great wisdom for living a fruitful and meaningful life.

Another resolution is to serve God by using one’s talent and time. Let God lead you to the

needy people in your community. Did you know that the Salvation Army, Goodwill

Industries, St. Vincent Depaul’s charity work, and Habitat for Humanity were all started

by Christian groups? The point is that Christians are intended to work in the hurting

places of the world. God uses people to be Christ’s servants; people like us who will dare

to be good stewards of our time, our talents, and our resources wherever there is a need.

Let’s get to work!

Prayer: Dear Lord, our blessings are many and our challenges are often many, as

well. Guide us and enable us to have the wisdom and strength to serve you in this

wonderful world you have given us. In Christ's name. Amen

Inspiring a deeper understanding of true giving An introduction of Stewardship to the congregation

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Midweek Advent Services

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

12:05-12:35 p.m. Noontime

Advent Service followed by lunch

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

12:05-12:35 p.m. Noontime

Advent Service followed by lunch

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

12:05-12:35 p.m. Noontime

Advent Service followed by lunch

Christmas Services

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

2:30 p.m. Worship Service with Holy Communion

Light refreshments to follow

7:00 p.m. Family Christmas Service

and Candlelighting

11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Service of

Holy Communion with Candlelighting

Thursday, December 25, 2014

9:30 a.m. Christmas Day Service with

Holy Communion

Sunday Services

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The First Sunday of Advent

9:00 a.m.

Worship Service with Holy Communion

Gifts for the King Sunday

Blessing the Greens

9:15 a.m. Make an Advent Wreath for your home!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Second Sunday of Advent

9:00 A.M.

Worship Service with Holy Communion

Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Third Sunday of Advent

9:00 a.m.

Worship Service with Holy Communion

3:00 p.m. Caroling and Refreshments

Sunday, December 21, 2014

The Fourth Sunday of Advent

9:00 a.m.

Worship Service with Holy Communion

After Service: Decking the Halls Fellowship

6:00 p.m. Christmas Pageant

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The First Sunday after Christmas

Nine Readings & Carols

9:00 a.m.

Worship Service with Holy Communion



Dear Friends at Emanuel’s, Thank you for your donation of $200.00 on Dec. 18, 2014. It is through support such as your s that we are able to continue our fight against hunger. Sincerely, The Christian Cupboard

December 2014

To all of you at Emanuel’s: Thank you

so much for the wonderful plate of food

that you brought to my door. Not only

did it feed my body, but it fed my soul

with warmth and good will from my

fellow parishioners. It is good to know

that someone truly cares.

Thank you very much.

Your Sister-In-Christ,

Ann W. Beicker

Thanks to all of you for you help. Patricia Mozley

Christa Nichols sends her greeting to all here at

Emanuel’s and she appreciates all the cards and letters

that have come to her.

Just a note of sincere thanks from your

grateful Organist and Choir Director to all

of you singers, ringers and

instrumentalists who worked very hard and

who performed your music so beautifully

during the Advent/Christmas season. You

just can’t imagine the admiration and love

that I feel for all of you.

Tom Engler, your director for the past 36


Welcome our newest baptized


Evan Taylor Schultz

Son of Austin Schultz and

LeAnn Lopez

December 7, 2014

Theresa Annette Carey

Daughter of Mark and Jessica


December 14, 2014

Dear Holiday Meal Providers of Emanuel’s Lutheran Church: This morning, my parents and I were delivered 3 holiday meals that I want to thank you for. It’s been 10 years since my stroke, and I still have no use of my left hand so I am unable to cook, which I used to love to do, Thus, my mother brings me 3 delicious meals each day, but the holiday meals from our wonderful church give her a much-needed break, especially because the portions are such that they give us more than one meal You will never find more appreciative people than us here at the Roecker’s house. God bless you all. Charlene Roecker Green

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Ladies’ Aid Report By Ann Erxleben

Seventy-five members and guests attended the Ladies Aid Christmas luncheon on December 3, 2014 in the Fellowship Hall. Pastor Paul opened the luncheon with a prayer and those seated at the head table were recognized. Emanuel’s Day School class and their teachers sang several Christmas songs accompanied by Tom Engler. The children sang the blessing for the mea l that followed. In appreciation, a monetary gift was given to the Day School. Program Chairman Beulah Reiley introduced Denver Lackhorn and Ollie Booker. They entertained the group with Christmas songs. A donation to the Honduras Education Fund was made in their honor. Special guests were recognized including the staff, custodian, property stewards, Welca president and co-presidents of Altar Guild. All the ladies who helped bake coffee cakes and prepare sandwiches for the bazaar were recognized and thanked. The drawing for the beautiful queen sized quilt that was quilted by the Ladies Aid Quilters was held. The winner was Janice Weinman, D.D.S. of Seguin. A beautiful podium , crafted by Jim Johnson, was used for the first time. This will be placed in the Women’s Ministry Room and is in honor of deceased friends and members of the Ladies Aid. It will be dedicated later in the year. After the group sang “Silent Night, Holy Night,” pastor Paul offered the closing prayer. Everyone was thanked for attending, and was wished a very blessed Christmas.

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Emanuel’s Lutheran Day School News

January 2015

The Day School had a very busy and exciting December. Hopefully January will usher in a return to a calmer more 'normal" state. We have reached the "wait list" stage for the toddler (2 year-old) room and continue to have calls for infants and toddlers, which we must turn away due to lack of available room. We are one student away from capacity in the Pre-K4 room, but have three spaces available in Pre-K3 room. Again, it is important to note that usually each infant and/or toddler we turn down, we are also losing an older sibling because parents want to keep all of their children in the same center. The need for quality, faith-based daycare and education is definitely present in the community. Our availability to accommodate that need is not. By far our most exciting news this past month was our December 7 Bake Sale which netted $1300 toward the purchase of new playground equipment. We are all very grateful to the Emanuel's congregation which so generously donated to our cause, and our parents who took precious time during a busy season to bake and contribute delicious homemade goodies. Your kind and generous support of the Day School speaks volumes to all of us. It is indeed a privilege to serve in this vital Emanuel's outreach ministry with such a supportive group of brothers and sisters in Christ. We had a presentation from the parent of a Jewish student who taught us about Hannukah on "Letter H" day. Thank you, Mr. Ackerman, for sharing your story with us. We are fortunate that the flu has not ravaged our school as it has many of the public school buildings..yet! Consistent hand-washing and a vigilent staff have been the key to minimizing our exposure. We are seeking a part-time afternoon position starting in mid-Janaury. Our TLU student, Angelynn, has had a change in class schedule for the spring semester and will be in class each afternoon. Anyone interested in working with us from 3pm-5:30 or 6pm each afternoon please contact Deb at 830-372-0332. We must have someone on board by January 19. Experience is preferred, but not necessary. New staff will receive an orientation and we (and the children) will train you...very quickly! Our students, as well as the community and the Christian Cupboard, continue to benefit from The Garden of Eatin'. Our Pre-K4 class picks broccoli and cauliflower for their afternoon snacks and has been enjoying lettuce, beans, tomatoes, okra and beets over the course of the year. Through the Garden, Ms. Janz teaches colors, vocabulary, shapes, measuring and counting and, most important, good nutrition by offering fresh produce for snacks rather than processed foods from the grocery store. Thank you to all of the members of our congregation, as well as Wesley Haper United Methodist Church and JaBon Farms, for their contributions of time and energy, knowledge and skill, funds and enthusiasm to the magical Garden of Eatin'. Thank you for supporting Emanuel's Day School ministry. Deb Haug, Administrator


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WELCA NEWS By Jeanne Palmer, President

WELCA represents all the women of the church. Our projects are all the projects of the Circles, Alter Guild, Ladies Aide, Mission Action, Mission Community and Quilters of Lutheran World Relief. We invite all women to come join one or more of our organizations. Jan. 7 Ladies Aid

Jan 8 , 9:30, Joy Circle; Marie Jo Billnitzer hostess Jan 9, 5:30 Planning meeting for WELCA Coordinating Council Jan 14 – 12:00, WELCA General meeting lunch sponsored by Joy Circle Jan 20, 7:00, Faith Circle; Cathy Anderson, hostess; Beverly Seidenschwartz, Study

LWR quilting continues every Monday morning. We are up to 165 quilts. I think we will be breaking the record once again! It is a great fun- No skills required! No long-term commitments! Just laughs and fellowship! Monday Morning, 9 (or whenever you would like to arrive) until noon. We encourage you to bring parts to help us build at least 25 Personal Care Kits. We tie 1 toothbrush, 1 nail clipper, 2 soaps and 1 comb in a large (20 x 40 up to 27 x 52) bath towel, bind it with yarn or ribbon. This month we would like everyone to bring a tooth brush. Just drop it in the box in the Narthex. Thank you for all your support.

UPCOMING ALOA SENIOR FEST--Another senior fest event is scheduled for Saturday, February 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., at Bethany Lutheran Church in Austin. Individuals from Emanuel's have attended some of these programs in the past and found them to be quite educational and enjoyable. The day's events consist of a worship service, a featured speaker, and a choice of several workshops throughout the day . . . and, of course, some good fellowship throughout. If you are interested in more details, please call Beverly or Walter Seidenschwarz at 379-2044. Information and registration forms are also available in the church office. A registration fee of $25 is required, or $30 after January 31. This is one of the unique programs co-sponsored by the ELCA and the Missouri-Synod.


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A Note about the Placement of Christmas At the time of the Winter Solstice


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Month: DECEMBER Year: 2014

Pastor Paul Zwarich Tom Engler

Gene Vivroux Kathleen Boeder Judy Campbell Johnana Clark Ann Erxleben

Hughlene Micheli Fran Vinyard

Velma Huebner Beulah Reiley Betty Fischer Beverly Jobe Charles Jobe

Beverly Funderburg Ervin Fischer

Estelle Illhardt Margie Dietert

Nelson Erxleben Walter Seidenschwarz Beverly Seidenschwarz

Rev. Walter Lentz

Leaders and Volunteers for Community Senior Ministries

Special Services Total Seguin Assisted Living 2nd Wed 2:00 pm 22

GVNC 2nd Thurs 10:00 am 24

Remarkable Health Care 4th Tues 10:30 am 18

Argent Court 3rd Wed 2:00 pm 21

Nesbit Nursing Home 3rd Thurs 10:30 am 21

Windsor Nursing Home 4th Wed 2:00 pm 21

Senior Service Thursday 11:30 am na

Hacienda Oaks 2nd Wed 10:00 am 15


Please let the Church Office

know of any changes to addresses, phone

numbers or email addresses. Thank You!

Emanuel’s Day School collects

Box Tops!!!

As you collect the box tops you may bring them to the church office.

Through Food, Fun & Fellowship

Singles Group Strengthening Our Faith

Strengthening our Faith through Food, Fun & Fellowship (FFF) is a support group of people who are widowed, divorced, separated, or single. FFF meets once a month for Sunday lunch at either a restaurant, the Family Life Room, or Women’s Ministry Room at Emanuel’s Lutheran Church, or in one of the members' homes. FFF's purpose is to support each other, pray for each other, and just have a good time being together once each month.” The next meeting will be on January 25th in the Women’s Ministry Room. For any further information, contact Donna Simmons at 830.372.3688.

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Emanuel’s Lutheran Day School is sponsoring a

Spaghetti Luncheon

March 30th after the 10:30 service. $7 per person

Tickets = Bonnie (Church office) 379-4046

Burlene(Day School) 372-0332

want to help the family of Zack Hunter, an

Emanuel’s student undergoing Cancer

treatment. Please help us to help him!

Our Congregation

Prayer Requests


Alexander Family, Diane Althiser, Helen Beicker, Ed Bowles, Jeannette Dietz, Linda Franklin, George Gerdes, Susan Gerth, Frank Giesber, Pearl Graham, Cindy and Robert Haecker, George Koepsel, Melba Lenz, Robert Markgraf, Ronald Naumann, Nora Naumann, Christa Nichols, Kathy Sagebiel, Clara Wittig, John and Oliver Vinyard.

Friends and family Edward Bargfrede, Dr. Mark Bennett, Dr. Barbara Davis, Romona Gauthier, Dwayne Handley, Ronnie Glenewinkel, Marsha Harrison, Clint Hoffer, Zack Hunter, Logan Longoria, Ronald Mercier, Rosanne Mills, Stan Patton, Salvador Ramon, Jr., Arlon Retzloff, Valerie Rojas, Camden Schoenert, Sean Schoenert, Louann Schoenvogel, Diane Smith, Sheryll Tovar, David Van Houten, Lillie May Wieding, Gladys Willard, Pattie Zimmerman.

…the families of

Russell Gold Sylvia Moltz Engler

Alice Van Horn Lynn Berggrens

Valentine Dinner February 12, 2012 at 11:30 am

Fellowship Hall More information to follow

Jarett Carroll, Elliott Briell, Alicia Jobe, Gordon Ehler,

Dustin Matula, Brent Stehling, Bill Bohnas, Landon Cheatham,

and Danny Edwards

Our Family and Friends

in the Military



A big “thank you” to everyone who in any way helped to make the Advent/Christmas cycle such an exciting, warm, and wonderful time! We wish you the best for 2015. Sincerely,

Emanuel’ Music Ministry Emanuel’s Altar Guild

Did you know you can access the monthly newsletter online?

www.emanuels-seguin.org; click on “newsletter” to view the calendar, articles and special events. Click on “Worship Leaders” for a full monthly schedule of who is participating in all of the services for the month – Assisting Minister, altar guild, communion assistants, ushers, acolytes, readers, and Council greeter. Suggestion: print out the worship leader schedule and post on your refrigerator or other visible place in your home. Help us save volunteer time and postage on notifications by marking this schedule and keeping it readily available to you and your family. Thank you for your help!